Simple Guide To Formation Flying
Simple Guide To Formation Flying
Simple Guide To Formation Flying
1. Contents
2. responsibilities and Time Sharing
3. Two ship: Line Abreast (SPREAD)
4. Two ship: Wedge
5. Two ship: Fighting Wing
6. Two ship: Fingertips / Trail
7. Four Ship: Box / Fluid Four
8. Four Ship: Viper4 / Spread 4 / Echelon
9. Three Ship: Viper 3 / Vic
10. Tactical Turns
11. Hook turns / Cross turns
12. Delayed 90 turns / Delayed 45 turns
13. Blank, use for notes
Note :
6000 feet = 1 Nautical Mile
Use Air to AIR Tacan to gauge visual separation in the sim.
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
In Box, the 2 elements fly line abreast. The trailing element maintains a
spacing of 1.5 to 3 Nm. A slight offset might be used because the F-16 is hard
to see from behind. Use of Air to Air tacan and radar is advised
Pros: Box provides excellent mutual support and lookout. It is difficult to spot
the whole formation visually. Cons: Hard to fly in hi terrain or in poor weather.
Element leads fly line abreast with their wingman in wedge or in fighting wing
as briefed on the outside as the formation.
Pros: Good manoeuvrability, wingmen are kept close, concentration of force.
Cons: Easy to acquire the whole formation visually. Defensive action might
be a problem because of the proximity of aircraft.
F4 Formations
As with most of three ship formation, they are actually four ship with one
aircraft missing. In the case of Viper three, one wingman is amiss and #3
maintains Line abreast on #1 without a wingman.
It will be the same for Spread three, Fluid three,
F4 Formations
When flying spread formation (line abreast) manoeuvring needs to be
standardized and prebriefed. Flight members need to know the type of turn,
the parameters at which the turns will be made and the method these turns
are initiated. As such we have tactical turns contracts as part of SOP:
In case of no contract briefing by lead, use SOP contracts:
Under 10.000ft: all turns level made at BUSTER power 400kts.
Above FL100: all turns level at BUSTER power to maintain 0.8 Mach
In both cases, you pull G to maintain the contract speed
Turns are initiated on radio by lead, and must be acknowledged by wingman.
Radio silent manoeuvring must be prebriefed especially the cue for the turn
to start.
Tactical turns types are:
- HOOK turns / CROSS turns
- Delayed 90 Left or Right
- Delayed 45 Left or Right
Note :
It is extremely important that wingmen maintain good initial SPREAD
formation on leads. Any formation error before the turn will result in a
biggest error after the turn most of the time. An inexperienced
wingman SPREAD aft of leads before a cross turn into a CAP will end
up in SPREAD forward after the turn!!!
Wingmen should strive to get back to a perfect SPREAD formation
outside of the turns. DO NOT OVERCORRECT during the turns by
varying your speed. STAY on contract and alter formation in time
(when turn is initiated) or on straight legs
(v)Pilots should be aware of their final heading before initiating the
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations
F4 Formations