Take Home Exam
Take Home Exam
Take Home Exam
Problem 2.1
(Sequential continuity of probability Distributions and Borel Cantelli Lemma)
Let (.F , P) denote a probability space and {An }
n=1 be a sequence of events in F .
Show the following.
(a) If {An }
n=1 is a decreasing sequence then P(n=1 An ) = limn P(An ).
n=1 kn Ak is equivalent to belongs to an infinite number of An s. Moreover, if i=1 P(Ai ) <
then P(limn sup An ) = 0.
n=1 kn Ak is equivalent to belongs to all but a finite number of An s. Moreover, if i=1 P(Ai ) =
Problem 2.2
(Sequential continuity)
1. Suppose the collection of sets F is such that i) F , ii) A, B F then A B F . Show that F
is an algebra.
2. Let (, F , P) = (R, B(R), `R ), where R = (, ), `R is defined as the Lebesgue measure, that is,
`R ([a, b]) = b a, a b.
Determine the following (by justifying your answers)
[0, 1 + ]),
, 1])
where limn n = 0.
Problem 2.3
(RVs taking finite values, also called simple RVs)
Let ( = (0, 1], F = B((0, 1]), P((a, b] = b a), 0 a b 1 be a probability space, and A1 =
(0, 21 ], A2 = ( 12 , 43 ], A3 = ( 34 , 1] a partition of , {x j }3j=1 arbitary real numbers, and IAi the indicator of the
event Ai , that is, IAi () = 1 if Ai and IAi () = 0 if Ac . We define the RV
x j IA
: 7 (, ).
(a) the expected value E X ,
(b) the second moment E X 2 ,
(c) the variance X2 ,
(d) the characteristic function of X.
Problem 2.4
(Functions of two independent RVs)
Let X1 , X2 be real-valued RVs having joint-density given by
n 1
fx (x1 , x2 ) =
exp x12 + x22
Let Y = X12 + X22 . Find the conditional expectation E(X1 |Y ).
Hint: Introduce the RV. so that X1 = Y cos(), X2 = Y sin().
Problem 2.5
(Cramers theorem)
Let X, Y and Z be Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) nonnegative random variables with
X +Y + Z
) e3
Problem 2.6
(Sequence of independent RVs)
Let X,Y be real-valued independent and identically distributed RVs with E[|X|] < .
(i) Show that
E[X|X +Y ] = E[Y |X +Y ] =
X +Y
(ii) Suppose {Xi }i1 is a sequence of independent and identically distributed RVs. Using part (i) establish that
E[X1 |Sn ] =
, where Sn = Xi ;
Problem 2.7
(Mixed RVs)
Let X and Y be independent RVs with the following distributions:
1. X is N(0, 2 );
2. Y takes the value 1 with probability p and 1 with probability q = 1 p.
Z = X +Y ; W = XY.
Then do the following.
(a) Find the probability density of Z and its characteristic function.
(b) Find the conditional density of Z given Y .
(c) Show that W is Gaussian. Define U = W + X and show that U is not Gaussian. Find E[W ] and
Var(W ). Are W and X correlated? independent?
Problem 2.8
(Markov property of sequences of events)
Suppose {An }
n=1 is a sequence of Markovian events, that is, they satisfy
P(An |A1 , A2 , . . . , An1 ) = P(An |An1 ),
n = 1, 2, . . .
n = 1, 2, . . .
Problem 2.9
(Limits of sequences of RVs and measurability)
Let (, F , P) be a probability space and let Xn : 7 (, ), n = 1, 2, . . . , be a measurable sequence of RVs.
(a) Show that the following functions are measurable.
(i) supn Xn .
(ii) infn Xn .
(iii) limn sup Xn .
(iv) limn inf Xn .
(b) Let X = nj=1 j IA j : 7 (, ), where {A j }nj=1 is a partition of .
Show that X is F measurable.
Problem 2.10
(Moments of Gaussian RVs)
Let X : 7 (, ) be a Gaussian RV, N(, 2 ), 2 > 0.
Show the following.
(a) The mean E[X] satisfies
E[X] =
e 2 dx =
(x )2
e 2 dx = 2
Problem 2.11
(Characteristic function of RVs and proprties)
Given a continuous RV X : 7 (, ), the characteristic function is defined by
X (h) = E[eihX() ],
i2 = 1,
h (, ).
The above expression is the Fourier transform of the probability density function fX (x) of the RV X,
when it exits. Often, we work with the Laplace transform of the probability density function, called the
moment generating function defined by
MX (h) = E[ehX() ],
h (, ).
In addition, we also work with another related function called the cumulant generating function of the
RV X defined by
h (, )
(a) Show the functions M(h) and (h) are convex functions of h (, ).
(b) For a Gaussian RV X N(, 2 ) compute the functions M(h), (h), M(h).
(c) Give the analogs of the functions M(h), (h), M(h) for a discrete RV X taking only countable values.
Compute M(h), (h), M(h) for a Poisson RV X with parameter > 0.
Problem 2.12
(Functions of two RVs)
Let X and Y be two random variables with zero means, unit variances and correlation coefficient .
Show that
E[max(X,Y )] 1 + 1 2 .
Problem 2.13
(Mean Square Error Estimation (MSEE)) Let random variables X and Y have joint density
x + y, if x, y [0, 1],
f (x, y) =
Problem 2.14
(MSEE of Gaussian RV)
Repeat parts (a) through (e) of the previous problem for the case when Y is a N(0, 1) random variable
and X = |Y |.
Problem 2.15
(MSSE of Gaussian RVs)
Show that for jointly Gaussian random vectors ~X and ~Y , the linear MMSE estimate of ~X and the (possibly non-linear) MMSE estimate of ~X based on observations ~y are identical.
Problem 2.16
(MSSE of Gaussian RVs)
Consider a 3-dimensional Gaussian random vector ~x with zero mean and covariance matrix
2 1 1
= 1 2 0 .
1 0 2
(a) Find a matrix A such that ~x = A~z, where~z is another 3-dimensional Gaussian random vector, with
zero mean and covariance the identity matrix.
(b) Determine E[X1 |X2 , X3 ], where Xi is the i-th component of ~x.
Problem 2.17
(Additive noise communication channels)
Consider the following communication problem, in which a length-n vector~x of bits are to be transmitted
over a noisy channel to a receiver. The relationship between the transmitted data ~x and the received
~ , where H is a known m n matrix representing the effects of
length-m vector ~y is given by ~y = H~x +
~ is N(0, 2 I). Note that n need not equal m due
the LTI channel (i.e., it is a convolution matrix), and
to edge effects from the channel. The data is transmitted using BPSK, i.e., X1 , X2 , ..., Xn are i.i.d. and
P(xi = 1) = P(xi = 1) = 12 for i = 1, ...., n.
(a) Determine the joint density of ~x and ~y.
y) = A~y +~b, determine the values of matrix A and vector ~b, such
(b) For an estimator of the form ~x(~
minimizes the error = E[(~x ~x(~y)) ]. For this part of the problem (and this part only) assume
that x, y and H are scalars, i.e., m = n = 1.
(d) Determine an upper bound on from part (c).
Problem 2.18
(Vector of Gaussian RVs)
Let the random vector [X Y Z]T be a Gaussian random vector with mean [1 2 3]T and covariance matrix
4 1 1
= 1 2 0 .
1 0 1
(a) Suppose that X is estimated by an estimator of the form X = aY 2 + bY + c. Determine numerical
2 ) is minimized.
values of a, b and c such that = E((X X)
(b) Determine the resulting numerical value of the mean squared error from part (a).
(c) Suppose that X is estimated by an estimator of the form X = aY 2 . Determine the numerical value
2 ) is minimized.
of a such that = E((X X)
(Hint: The moment generating function of a Gaussian vector x with distribution N(m, K) is
(u) = exp( 12 uT Ku + juT m).)
Problem 2.19
(Statistics of random processes)
(a) Let X[n] be a discrete-time random process defined for n = 1, 2, 3, ... . Samples X[1], X[2], X[3],
..., are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables and have Pr(X[n] = 0) =
Problem 2.21
(Nonuniform Poisson process)
A nonuniform Poisson counting process N(t) with time varying rate (t) ( (t) 0 for all t 0) is
defined for t 0 as follows:
(i) N(0) = 0;
(ii) N(t) has independent increments;
(iii) For all t2 t1 ,
P[N(t2 ) N(t1 ) = k] =
Z t2
where u =
exp(u), for k 0 ,
Problem 2.22
(Random Telegraph signal)
A random telegraph signal is a random process X(t) defined for t 0 as follows: X(0) = +1 and X(t)
switches between +1 and 1 according to a Poisson random arrival sequence T [n], i.e.
0 t < T [1],
Assume that the rate parameter of the Poisson random arrival time sequence is known.
(a) Argue that X(t) is a Markov process and draw and label its state transition diagram.
(b) Find the steady-state probability that X(t) = +1 in terms of the rate parameter .