Master HH Crash Worthiness P 2
Master HH Crash Worthiness P 2
Master HH Crash Worthiness P 2
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 1
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 2
Fabian Duddeck
Displacement A typical force-displacement curve of a frontal side member crushed by a moving mass
Crashworthiness, 3
M&&i (t ) + FSi ( Si , Si +1 , d i , d i +1 , xi ) = 0 x
Displacement Sub-division of the force-displacement curve to define elasto-plastic collapse elements
Two different slopes characterize elasto-plastic behaviour with hardening or softening Higher order approximations avoid difficulties in identifying model parameters
June 2007
If the function has a positive slope, it represents an elastic behaviour for a structure. If the function has a negative slope, then it represents the collapse behaviour. Zero slope is interpreted as a perfect plastic behaviour.
Crashworthiness, 4
Fabian Duddeck
v0 ]
0 0 0
0 C1 C1 ; C = C C + C 0 1 2 1 0 0 M3
Free body diagram for the 3 DOF system with 6 resistance force elements
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 5
Fabian Duddeck
Origin of FEM
John Argyris
Ray Clough
Olgierd Zienkiewicz
The Finite Element Method (FEM) was developed by R. Clough, J. Argyris, and O. Zienkiewicz in the early 1960s.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 6
Fabian Duddeck
Finite element model for frontal impact analysis, Benson 1986. DYNA-3D LS-DYNA3D PAM-CRASH RADIOSS ABAQUS EXPLICIT
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 7
Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 10
Audi 1990
BMW 2005
2006 2001 CAE-driven design process Reduction of the number of prototypes 1996 Simulation for local analysis 1991 Simulation for global analysis First productive results 1986 First feasibility studies
BMW, 2006 June 2007 Crashworthiness, 13 Fabian Duddeck
u = u ( x) ak N k ( x) = Na
The coefficients correspond to nodal values either at the corners of the elements or at so-called Gaussian points in the interior where the integration is performed. For multi-dimensional problems, each component is approximated by shape functions, e.g.:
ui ( x, y ) aik N k ( x, y ); i = x, y
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 16
D d V
0 = uT b d T D d + uT t d
b is the vector of volume forces in the interior; t is the vector of tractions at the boundary.
aT N T t d
0 = f + Ka
K = BT DB d
f = NT b d NT t d
Lagrangian coordinates Updated Lagrangian formulation: Derivatives are taken with respect to the spatial (Eulerian) coordinates; Weak form involves integrals over the deformed configuration. Total Lagrangian formulation: Derivatives are taken with respect to the material (Lagrangian) coordinates; Weak form involves integrals over the initial configuration.
Crashworthiness, 19
Fabian Duddeck
( X ) J ( X ) = 0 ( X ) J 0 ( X ) = 0 ( X )
x, X = Eulerian, Lagrangian coord. t = time ( X , t ) = density J(X) = Jacobi matrix
Conservation of linear momentum
qi +s xi
Rate of deformation
ij = ji
1 vi v j Dij = + x 2 j xi
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 20
Fabian Duddeck
X iI
The motion is approximated by
xiI ( X, t ) N I ( X) xiI (t )
ui ( X, t ) = xi ( X, t ) X i = uiI (t ) N I ( X)
Velocity and acceleration fields
uiI (t ) = xiI (t ) X iI
June 2007
f iIintern = N I , j ji d
f iIextern = N I bi d N I ti d
i tj
ui ( X) U 0 ; U 0 = { ui | ui C 0 ( X), ui = 0 on ui }
Inertia forces
M ijIJ = ij N I N J d
I, j
ji d N I bi d
&& N I t i d + N I ui d = 0
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 22
Fabian Duddeck
Geometrical linear relation Cauchy stress Rate dependent constitutive equations Damping term not included Isoparametric approach
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 23
Fabian Duddeck
k (u )
c m
& c u (t )
f intern (u ) = k (u )u
&& m u (t )
u (t )
(t )
&& & mu (t ) + cu (t ) + ku (t ) = F (t )
f extern (t )
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 24
Fabian Duddeck
Mass matrix Damping matrix Internal nonlinear forces Displaceme nt vector Velocity vector Acceleration vector External forces (load)
c1 u1 (t ) m1
k1 (u1 )
f1 (t ) k 2 (u 2 ) m2 f 2 (t )
c2 u2 (t )
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 25
Fabian Duddeck
&& u(t)
&& un
& u(t)
&& un+1
All quantities are unknown, a direct solution is therefore not possible. From the physical point of view, this formulation is more correct than the explicit integration scheme, where equilibrium is not necessarily fulfilled. By applying a forward difference scheme, the following relations are obtained: & & u u && un +1 = n +1 n t u u & un +1 = n +1 n t
f n +1 + m / t 2 (2un un 1 ) un +1 = m / t 2 + k
& un
& un+1
tn1 tn
tn+1 t
This scheme works independently of the time step value; it is unconditionally stable. Disadvantage is that the stiffness matrix has to be inverted. Additionally, the contact cannot be easily controlled. Hence implicit methods are not used for crash simulations.
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 26
f (t )
& && u (t ), u (t ), u (t )
&& mu (t ) + ku (t ) = f (t ).
& u(t)
&& un1
&& mun = f n kun && un = m 1 ( f n kun ) & & && un +1/ 2 = un 1/ 2 + t nun , & un +1 = un + t n +1/ 2un +1/ 2
tn1 tn
tn+1/ 2 un+1
t t crit =
L = c
L E/
c = E/ ; = k/m
The size of the time step has to be adapted to the highest eigen form which is related to the size of the smallest element L and the wave velocity c of the material.
June 2007
QUESTION: What can be done, if the time step is getting smaller than the critical time step during a crash computation?
Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 27
Number of Time Steps Although unconditionally stable, implicit methods require many time steps in order to trace the physical phenomenon (e.g. contact) studied. For crash simulation, this exceeds the feasible amount. Explicit analysis requires a small time step. This leads to many steps which demand, due to their simplicity, few CPU time. Equations to be solved Implicit analysis requires matrix inversion. The solution of non-linear sets has to be done by iterative solution strategies. Explicit methods require no iteration and no matrix inversion.
Crashworthiness, 28
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 30
Fabian Duddeck
Volume Elements
Solid finite elements are used for discretization of bulk materials. The standard element is defined by 8 corner nodes while other types (degenerated elements) can be obtained by repeating nodes, i.e.
4-node element: 5-node element: 6-node element: n1, n2 , n3, n3 , n4, n4 , n4, n4 n1, n2 , n3, n4 , n5, n5 , n5, n5 n1, n2 , n3, n4 , n5, n5 , n6, n6
Normally, linear shape functions are chosen for the interpolation of the coordinates. To insure automatic satisfaction of convergence and completeness criteria, an isoparametric formulation is used, i.e. for geometry and for the displacements the same shape functions are used.
Definition of solid elements (8-nodes, 4-nodes, and 6-nodes) These elements are first order C0-solids, thus the displacement field is smooth inside the element and continuous across the element borders. The strains and stresses are in general discontinuous.
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 31
Volume Elements
The Galerkin version of the weak form is based on choosing as test and as trial functions the same functions. The unknown displacements are approximated by predefined shape functions and unknown coefficients: The shape functions for the 8 node solid element are: 1 N I ( , , ) = (1 + I )(1 + I )(1 + I ). 8 A formulation is called isoparametric if the same interpolation is used for the displacements as for the geometry:
~ ui ( x , t ) = N J ( x )uiJ (t ).
Inserted in the main equation in the weak form, the following expression is obtained:
~ u ( , , ) = N I ( , , )u I (t ), ~ & & u ( , , ) = N I ( , , )u I (t ), x( , , ) = N I ( , , ) ~I (t ). x
I =1 I =1 8 I =1 8
i, j
&& ij d + i ui d
= i bi d + b.c. + i.c.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 32
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 33
Fabian Duddeck
Volume Elements
First order elements are computationally efficient. They provide good results when localization problems arise (plasticity, shocks, etc.). In explicit calculations, where the time step is governed by stability conditions resulting in small elements, the C0-element is particular attractive. The elements are integrated numerically by a Gaussian quadrature rule either using a selective or a reduced integration scheme. An unmodified full eight point integration of the isoparametric solid formulation results in an exact evaluation of the nodal quantities.
June 2007
Scheme of C0-continuous elements (1D) Drawbacks The approximation in constrained media (e.g. incompressible or nearly incompressible materials and deviatoric plasticity) may be poor independent of the size of the mesh. To overcome this (and locking) a selective or reduced integration method is applied.
Crashworthiness, 34
Fabian Duddeck
Shear Locking
Full integration is often too Shear locking expensive; due to shear locking, the element reacts to stiff. Uniform reduced integration is less expensive, but spurious zero energy modes have to be treated (hourglass control). Therefore, different integration rules for deviatoric and volumetric properties in solid elements Fully integrated C0-elements show a (selective reduced integration) tendency to lock in bending caused are necessary. by shear resulting from the kinematic Fully integrated elements may be constraints. disadvantageous in cases of One drawback of the reduced incompressible media or for integration is the rank deficiency of bending when locking is occurring. the element. This results in zero For this, selective or reduced energy modes called hourglass integration is proposed, cf. the modes, which are non-physical. literature on finite element methods by for example Zienkiewicz, Bathe, Belytschko.
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 35 Fabian Duddeck
x-displacement y-displacement
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 37
Fabian Duddeck
Numerical Integration
The integrals in the FE discretization are integrated using a Gaussian quadrature rule; Exact integration of the highest degree monomials for the C0elements is achieved using an 8point integration rule for the solid elements with the volume element dx = J() d where J() is the Jacobian of the transformation from the x-domain to the -domain; The sum is formed at the discrete Gauss points with the weights wi. In the case of the 8 integration points, nint = 8, i = (1/sqrt 3) a where the i are the natural coordinates of the element. A reduced one point integration rule for the solid element, one order less than the 8 point rule, is given by:
f ( x ) d = f ( 0) J ( 0) w
f ( x) d =
1 1 1
nint i =1
1 1 1
f ( ) J ( ) d
= 8 f (0) J (0).
= f ( i ) J ( i )i
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 38 Fabian Duddeck
Shell Elements
Thin shell elements can be employed to discretize structures made of plates and shells. For elasticity problems the number of integration points across the element thickness is not important while for non-linear stress distributions due to plastifications, a numerical integration is required. Normally, 3 integration points are sufficient although for the sake of precision 5 points are commonly used. Restricting to one integration point would degenerate the shell element to a membrane element where only normal stresses are accounted for. Most of the elements have 5 degrees of freedom (DOF), i.e. two rotations and three displacements.
June 2007
All elements have C0-continuity. The element formulation is based on the shell theory of Mindlin, which means that plane sections remain plane but not necessarily perpendicular to the mid-surface.
Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 39
The coupling between curvature and translations is neglected, whereas all nodes have six degrees of freedom per node; at each node, six equations have to be solved. The BT-element is simple, cheap and robust but lacks for accuracy for coarser and warped elements.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 40
Fabian Duddeck
f d = f ( , ) J ( , ) d d
e 1 1 nint
1 1
= f ( l ,l ) J ( l ,l )Wl .
l =1
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 41
Fabian Duddeck
Ted Belytschko
The BW-element is under-integrated, thus a hourglass control is required. To overcome this, a fully integrated BW-element was also proposed. It requires about three times more CPU time but remains stable even if largely deformed elements occur.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 42
Fabian Duddeck
Kinematic Joints
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 43
Fabian Duddeck
Mesh Quality
To assure correct performance of shell elements, the following geometrical checks are normally included in the initial phase of the FE computation: 1. Check for bad aspect ratio: The aspect ratio AR : 2. Angle check: (4- and 3-lateral elements) The inner angles of a quadrilateral and a C0-trilateral shell element are checked to assure that the element is not highly distorted. Elements with ideal shapes are squares and equilateral triangles. Elements with highly distorted angles may lead to bad results, time step deterioration and divergence of the algorithm. The check verifies:
AR :=
L41 L12
min max .
For quadrilateral elements, the angle should lie between 40 and 140 and for trilateral elements it should remain between 30 and 100.
is ideally equal to 1, which means that the ideal element is a square. It is recommended that AR should not be higher than 4.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 44
Fabian Duddeck
Mesh Quality
3. Check for bad warping angle For quadrilateral shell elements, the warping angle is measured as the difference of the angle between the normal at a node and the corresponding diagonal (as sketched in the figure below) and 90:
4. Check for initial penetration and perforation: The mesh should be also checked for initial perforations and penetrations. The latter can cause severe stability problems and artificial deformation.
A warped element can lead to bad results in in certain cases to divergence of the algorithm. The maximal warping angle is 10. An example for a warped element is:
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 45
Fabian Duddeck
Contact Algorithm
The contact algorithm is crucial for the numerical effectiveness of the crash simulation; it often takes up to 1/3 of the total computation time; In general, a penalty approach is used for the contact; On the surfaces contact thicknesses t are defined (for shell elements in the range, but not necessarily identical of the physical thickness); The contact algorithm controls if the nodes of a second shell element are penetrating the contact surface; A penalty force F is generated, which is proportional to the distance d by which the second shell has penetrated the first element. Perforation occurs if the velocity of the approaching element is too high.
June 2007
At the start of a computation, initial penetrations must be avoided because they generate high contact forces, which lead to unrealistic deformations of the structure. These initial penetrations are often generated by automatic transfer of CAD data to FEM models. Kc represents the virtual spring, which is determined by the mass of the contact partners, the duration of the contact and the distance d
Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 46
Self contact
One-sided contact
Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 48
Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 49
Fabian Duddeck
Search Algorithms
In some codes, there are two search algorithms: 1. Node-to-node proximity search: Here, the algorithm searches for each slave node for the actual closest master node. Before, all nodes are sorted with respect to their distance according to a given search direction (e.g. the direction of the largest extension of the FE model) to facilitate the search. Alternatively, boxes can be defined in which the search is restricted. Normally the search is limited to a specific search radius around the slave node. 2. Node-to-segment correspondence search: Once the master node closest to the slave node within its contact sphere has been located, the corresponding segment has to be identified. Then the penetration check is performed. To prevent that in the case of a ridge, the algorithm fails, the contact surface is extended in direction of the mid-surface line by t/2. In case of a valley, the occurring ambiguity is less critical.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 50
Fabian Duddeck
One of the major uncertainties in FE modelling is the proper choice of the mesh density, that is the level of spatial discretization, needed to achieve a homogeneous solution accuracy over the analyzed domain; In regions where high gradients of the solution variables occur or where local effects (fracturing, localizations, plastifications, etc.) are generated, a finer mesh than in other regions is required; In standard crash analysis, the mesh is created initially (currently with a minimal element size of ca. 5 mm) and left unchanged over the simulation. Minimal element size is restricted by minimal time step and the related maximal feasible CPU time.
June 2007
Therefore, the mesh is only refined in zones previously known as critical areas; Fracturing, failing cannot be modelled; Subcycling is currently developed to enable finer meshes; Element splitting is still not realized.
Crashworthiness, 51
Fabian Duddeck
Mesh Size
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 52
Fabian Duddeck
Mesh Size
Check of the convergence by refining the mesh; The results should be independent on the choice of mesh
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 53
Fabian Duddeck
Model Check
The following topics should be checked: Number of elements: Does a refinement of the mesh change the results of the computations? Element type: Does a change of the type of element affect the results? Do I have shear locking or hourglass modes? Number of integration points: How many integration points should I select for the numerical integration (at least 5)? Hourglass coefficient: What is the effect of the hourglass control, i.e. the hourglass coefficient?
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 54
Fabian Duddeck
Model Check
Element size has the most important influence on the results; The actual mesh size used in crash models seems to be too large to get a mesh independent behaviour; All element types converge to slightly the same result if the mesh is fine enough; Results converge to same value with increasing number of elements for a given mesh formulation; The recommended element type (B.T./Stiffness HC using plastic modulus) shows the best convergence behaviour; For coarse meshes, 3 integration points are sufficient even if 5 integration points give a more accurate results. But if the mesh density becomes higher, 5 or even 7 integration points are strongly recommended. In current crash models, 5 integration points should be used.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 55
Fabian Duddeck
Adaptive Meshing
1. r-adaptivity: Relocation of existing nodes to refine near areas where high precision is needed; no increase of total number of nodes and elements; 2. p-adaptivity: Adaptation of degree of polynomial interpolation p to local requirements of precision; no change of mesh topology; 3. h-adaptivity: Adaptation of grid spacing h according to local precision requirements by subdivision of existing elements into smaller elements, and vice versa; increase of number of nodes and elements; 4. h-p-adaptivity: Combination of h- and p-adaptivity;
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 56 Fabian Duddeck
Adaptive Meshing
Advantages and disadvantages of adaptive FEM strategies: r-adaptivity is not effective; adaptation is restricted; The main problem in realizing an adaptivity strategy for crash analysis lies in the parallelization of the computations;
p-adaptivity is disadvantageous Criteria for model adaptation: because for explicit FE modelling the complex polynomial interpolation Detection of regions with large leads to difficulties in forming the gradients of membrane stresses or lumped mass matrices; energy; Regions with high discontinuous like Detection of regions with large plastic plastic hinges would require deformations (membrane and unpractical high polynomial degrees. bending); The generation of new nodes and Detection of regions with important elements has to be considered in the levels of hourglass energy; contact algorithm. After each model Detection of regions with large adaptation it is necessary to rechanges of the inter-elemental initialize the contact tables when angles, which is also an indicator of adapted elements form part of local buckling effects. contact interfaces
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 57 Fabian Duddeck
Adaptive Meshing
In early simulations, the computations were performed on a SMP platform, i.e. a shared memory parallelization was implemented. Currently, the crash simulations are performed on a cluster of processors with a DMP strategy (distributed memory parallelization). There, the fission of elements into smaller is not evident and therefore not realized. The computation time is highly depending on the amount of required communications between the processors; adaptation is rendering this infeasible. Nevertheless, for stamping simulation, which is also done by explicit finite element codes, adaptivity is used commonly.
June 2007
Right: Example of an adaptive stamping simulation; Left:: Example of an adaptive crash simulation of a box beam, ESI, Theory Manual for PAMcrash. Fabian Duddeck
Crashworthiness, 58
Parallel Computing
Since the beginning of the crash simulations, the numerical performance was one of the most important aspects for industrial applicability of the developments. In the mid of the 1980s vector computation was massively used in the automotive industry. The early FE models of up to 5,000 elements were then easily solved. Nevertheless the contemporary models had already sizes of about 60 to 90,000 elements, which required on a CRAY C90 about 20 to 25 hours. New element formulations, new material models for composites and foams were developed and the models became more sophisticated.
June 2007
Third node
Fourth node
Crashworthiness, 59
Parallel Computing
Natural limit of further developments of scalar or vectorial computers. Implementation of parallelized algorithms was the next step. First experiences were made for metal forming in the mid 1990s. Simulations with shared memory (SMP) and with distributed memory (DMP) were realized. One of the challenges is the organization of contact algorithms. 4 main sources of overhead that can degrade ideal parallel performance: non-optimal algorithm overhead system software overhead computational load imbalance communication overhead
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 60
Scatter of the results Round-off errors on parallel machines; Small changes of input parameter; Amplification of the input scatter by modelling and by FE-Code; Physics of the real vehicle.
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 61
Fabian Duddeck
a +b+c + d a +c +b+ d
By augmenting the numerical effort, the round-off errors can be reduced: the order of the operations is then pre-defined (option PIPE in PAMcrash). The round-off errors can lead to large differences in the results (cf. example at the right-hand side); Therefore, instable physical designs can be identified in some cases; Bad modelling and incorrect code performance may also result in round-off errors.
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 62 Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 63
Fabian Duddeck
CPU times [h]
Number of CPU
Elasto-plastic spotweld (Trefftz-FE) with Hencky plasticity June 2007 Crashworthiness, 66 Fabian Duddeck
Crack Propagation
Simulation of a cross member with failure option. Comparison of simulation to experimental results BMW, 1998
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 67 Fabian Duddeck
The rollover was first modelled by two-dimensional multi-body systems (MBS). Robbins simulated about 2 seconds of a vehicle with one dummy to study the hurling out of the dummy. The kinematics were sufficiently modelled while no structural deformations could be assessed.
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 68 Fabian Duddeck
3D-analysis were performed where a multi-body simulation was used for the phases without ground contact and a finite element simulation for the contact periods. They simulated 3 seconds of a rollover due to a test with 56 km/h. For such long simulation time, the fact that explicit time schemes are conditionally stable becomes remarkably important. It has to be assured that no artificial numerical energy is accumulated.
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 69 Fabian Duddeck
In 1990 when the study was published, a finite element simulation would have required 200 or 400 hours of computation time. The computation would have become instable. The total vehicle was modelled by rigid bodies and only some parts were switched to deformable finite elements when needed. This may occur several times during one single rollover.
June 2007 Crashworthiness, 70 Fabian Duddeck
June 2007
Crashworthiness, 71
Fabian Duddeck
Exploded representation of the finite element model of the BMW X5. The model is relatively small, it consists of ca. 250,000 finite elements in 300 parts. Today (i.e. 2005), the models have up to 1.5 Mio elements. Dummies, seats, interior parts have to be added. June 2007 Crashworthiness, 72 Fabian Duddeck