E-Blended Learning Using Web Technology
E-Blended Learning Using Web Technology
E-Blended Learning Using Web Technology
Abstract-This paper discusses the programs design and structure, considers the programs impact on academic capacity in
Blended learning within the institution, and reflects on future directions for the program and emerging insights into blended
learning and participant engagement for both staff and students. E-blended learning is specifically to provide outstanding
learning environments and programs that lead to excellent outcomes for graduates, enabling them to work in and guide a
diverse and complex world characterized by increasing change.
Index Terms-Self paced learning, web browser, web museum thematic models.
Blended learning means different things
different people. This may appear to be an academic
point but in reality these definitions illustrate the
untapped potential of blended learning. The first
generation of e-learning or web learning programs
focused on presenting physical classroom based
instructional content over the Internet. Furthermore, first
generation E-learning programs tended to be a repetition
or compilation of online version of classroom-based
courses. The experience gained from the first generation
of E-learning. Often riddled with long sequences of
page turner content and point and click quizzes is
giving rise to the realization that a sufficient choices,
engagement Social contact, relevance and contact needed
to facilitate successful learning and performance.
In the second wave of E-learning, increasing
numbers of learning designers are experimenting myth
blended learning models that combine various delivery
A. Blended Learning
Learning requirements and preferences of each
learner tend to be different. Organizations must use a
blended of learning approaches in their strategies to get
the right content in the right format to the right people at
the right time. Blended learning combines multiple
delivery media that are designed to complement each
other and promote learning and application-learned
Ellis, R. A., & Goodyear, P. (2010). Students Experiences of Elearning in Higher Education: The Ecology of Sustainable
Innovation. New York and London: Routledge.
Ms.I.Sundari is a U.G. student in Electronics &
Communication Engineering of V.R.S.College of
Engineering and technology, Arasur, Villupuram
District. My area of interest is Signal Processing.