Khullar 197-215
Khullar 197-215
Khullar 197-215
Indian soils, as in other parts of the world, reflect a combination of factors which
have contributed to their formation. In Indian conditions, there is wide
diversity with respect to geographical conditions such as, physiography, climate and
vegetation. Consequently soils display a wide variety of physical and chemical
characteristics. In India, soil formation is mainly related to the parent rock material,
surface relief, climate and natural vegetation. Animals, insects and man also play an
important role in soil formation. Some of the important factors of soil formation are
mentioned below :
1. Parent Material. The material for soil formation is mainly derived from the rocks
and is termed as the parent material by soil scientists. The parent material
determines the colouration of the soil, its mineral composition and texture. India
possesses a
great variety of parent material which is generally categorised into following six
classes :
(i) Ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks (ii) Cuddapah and Vindhyan rocks (iii)
Gondwana rocks (iv) Deccan basalts
ary rocks of
. A. W M mum-r. Wu:
The surface rocks are exposed to the process of weathering and suffer decay and
decomposition. In this process, the rocks are converted into fine grains and provide
a base for the soil formation.lThe ancient crystalline and metamorphic rocks
constitute greater part of the peninsular region. These rocks are basically granites,
gniesses and schists which are rich in ferromagnesian materials. Such rocks give
rise to red soils on weathering. The red colour of these soils is largely due to the
presence of iron oxide. The Cuddapah and Vindhyan rocks have weathered to give
calcareous and argillaceous soils. These soils are native. The Gondwana rocks give
rise to comparatively less mature soils of more or less uniform character but of low
fertility. The Deccan traps are composed of basalt. Basalts are quite rich in titanium,
magnetite, aluminium and magnesium. Consequently the weathering of these rocks
has given rise to soils of darker colour. The soil derived from the Deccan trap is
fertile with high moisture holding capacity and is popularly known as regur or black
cotton soil. The Tertiary and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of extra peninsular India
have given rise to soils with high porosity. These soils are generally immature recent
and sub recent rocks, result in alluvial soils on weathering.
The soils of the Northern Plain of India have been largely derived from the
depositional work of the Himalayan rivers. This depositional work has been
continuing for thousands of years. These are alluvial fertile soils consisting of fine
silts and clay. These soils have little relation with the original rocks. On the other
hand, the soils of peninsular plateau are generally coarse-grained and are closely
related to the parent rocks. The peninsular soils are generally less
2. Relief. Relief influences the process of soil formation in many ways, the most
important being the slope of land. Steep slope encourages the swift flow of water
and hinders the process of soil formation. There may even be soil erosion in areas of
steep slope. Chambal ravines offer an important example of soil erosion. The areas
of low relief or gentle slope generally experience deposition and have deep soils.
Because of this reason, there are thick layers of fertile alluvial soils in the northern
plain of India whereas the soils are generally shallow 1n the plateau area. The
soil layers are sufficiently deep. The degree of slope also largely determines the
fertility of soil.
3. Climate. Climate is the single most important factor in soil formation. Most
important climatic factors affecting soil formation are the amount and seasonal
distribution of temperature and rainfall. Climate controls the type and effectiveness
of weathering of the parent material, the quantity of water seeping through the soil
and the type of microorganisms present therein. In areas of heavy rainfall and high
temperature, the soils are red or lateritic. Torrential rainfall during the rainy season
washes the upper soil and leaches the materials into deeper horizon. During the dry
summer season the evaporation exceeds precipitation and through capillary action
iron and aluminium sesquioxides are transported to the surface making the soil red.
In areas of alternate wet and dry climate, the leached material which goes deep
down in the horizon is brought up and the blazing sun bakes the top soil so hard
that it resembles a brick. Therefore, this soil is called lateritic which literally means
brick. In arid and semi-arid regions, evaporation always exceeds precipitation.
Under such circumstances, two main factors determine the nature and properties of
soils. Firstly there is very little vegetation and the soils badly lack humus content.
Hence the soils are invariably of light colour. Secondly, the excess of evaporation
makes soils lime accumulating. Thus they are bound to be pedocal in nature. Such
soils are widely spread in the extreme western part of the country. In cold climates
of the Himalayan region, the process of vegetation decay is very slow and the soils
formed under such circumstances are acidic in nature. When the climatic control
acts for a sufficiently long period, it reduces the differences in the parent materials.
Two different parent materials may develop the same soil in the same type of
climate. Similarly. the same parent material may produce two different types of soils
in two different types of climates. The crystalline granites produce laterite soil in
relatively moist parts of the monsoonal region and non-laterite soil in drier areas.
Hot summer and low rainfall develops black soil as is found in some parts of Tamil
Nadu irrespective of the parent rock. In Rajasthan, both granite and sandstone give
birth to sandy soil under arid climate. This soil is poor in organic matter.
4. Natural Vegetation. Natural vegetation reflects the combined effects of relief and
climate. The formation and development of soil is very much influenced by the
growth of vegetation. The decayed leaf material adds much needed humus to 5011
thereby increasing its fertility. The densely forested areas contain some of the best
soils in India. There is a close relationship between the vegetation types and goil
types in India.
During the British rule in India, a vast body of fascinating accounts had emerged in
district gazetteers and official reports. These accounts were generally directed
towards the assessment of differential soil fertility and land revenue collection, but
did not attempt classification of soil types in the Country. The earlier studies of
Indian soils were made by foreign scholars like Volckar (1893), Leather (1898),
Schokalskaya (1932), Champion (1936), etc. Indian scholars including Wadia
( 1935), Basu (1937), Vishwanath and Ukil (1944), Chatterjee, Krishnan, and
Roychaudhary (1954) made strenuous efforts to Classify soils of India. In 1957, The
National Atlas Organisation (Kolkata) published a soil map of India in which Indian
soils were classified into 6 major groups and 11 broad types. The Irrigation Atlas of
india (1972) and Spates India, Pakistan and Ceylon (1976) utilised the 7th
approximation soil tlassification developed by the US. Department of Agriculture
(USDA). The 7th approximation defines toil classes strictly in terms of their
morphology and tomposition as produced by a set of natural and human forces. The
classification is determined by
huantifiable criteria.
into two main types : (a) Soils of peninsular India and (b) Soils of extra-peninsular
The soils of Peninsular India are those which have been formed by the deomposition
of rocks in situ, i .e. directly from the underlying rocks. They are transported and
redeposited to a limited extent and are known as sedentary soils. On the other
hand, the soils of the Extra-Peninsula are formed due to the depositional work of
rivers and wind. They are mainly found in the river valleys and deltas. They are very
deep and constitute some of the most fertile tracts of the country. They are often
referred to as transported or azonal soils.
The Indian Council of Agricultaral Research (ICAR) set up an All India Soil Survey
Committee in 1953 which divided the Indian soils into eight major groups. They are
(1) Alluvial soils, (2) Black soils, (3) Red soils, (4) Laterite and Lateritic soils, (5)
Forest and Mountain soils, (6) Arid and Desert soils, (7) Saline and Alkaline soils and
(8) Peaty and Marshy soils (See Fig. 7.1). This is a very logical classification of Indian
soils and has gained wide acceptance. A brief account of these eight soils is given
as under :
1. Alluvial Soils! Alluvial soils are by far the largest and the most important soil
group of India. Covering about 15 lakh sq km or about 45.6 per cent of the total land
area of the country( ihese soilsl contribute the largest share of our agricultural
wealth and support the bulk of Indias population.)Most of the alluvial soils are
derived from the sediments deposited by rivers as in the Indo-Gangetic plain;a
although some alluvial soils in the coastal areas have been formed by the sea
waves.\71hus the parent material of these soils is all of transported originKThe
streams bring with them the products of weathering of l rocks from the mountains
and deposit them in the low-lying areas. The alluvial soils are yet immature and
have weak profiles. They differ in consistency from drift sand to rich loams and from
silts to stiff clays. A few occasional kankar beds are also present. However, ebbly,
stony or gravelly soils are rare in this group The chemical composition of the
alluvial: soils make this group of soils as one of the most fertile in the world. he
proportion of nitrogen is generally low, but potash, phosphoric acid and
mainly found on the summits of Western Ghats at 1000 to 1500 m above mean sea
level, Eastern Ghats, me Rajamahal Hills, Vindhyas, Satpuras and Malwa Plateau.
They also occur at lower levels and in valleys in several other parts of the country.
They are well developed in south Maharashtra, parts of Kamataka, Telangana,
Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Kerala, Jharkhand, Assam and Meghalaya.
capacity, typical laterite soils generally lack fertility and are of little use for crop
production. But when manured and irrigated, some laterites and lateritics are
suitable for growing plantation crops like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona, coconut,
arecanut, etc. In low lying areas paddy is also grown. Some of the laterite soils in
Kerala, Karnataka, Chota Nagpur region of Jharkhand, Odisha and Assam respond
well to the application of fertilizers like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In
some areas, these soils support grazing grounds and scrub forests.
Laterite and lateritic soils have a unique distinction of providing valuable building
material. These soils can be easily cut with a spade but hardens like iron when
exposed to air. Because it is the endproduct of weathering, it cannot be weatherd
much further and is indefinitely durable.
5. Forest and Mountain Soils. Such soils are mainly found on the hill slopes covered
by forests. These soils occupy about 2.85 lakh sq km which is about 8.67 per cent of
the total land area of India. The formation of these soils is mainly governed by the
Characteristic deposition of organic matter derived from forest growth. These soils
are heterogeneous in nature and their character changes with parent rocks, groundconfiguration and climate. Consequently, they differ greatly even if they occur in
close proximity to 011: another. In the Himalayan region, such soils are Inainly
found in valley basins, depressions, and less Steeply inclined slopes. Generally, it is
the north f1?ng slopes which support soil cover; the southern 810Pas being too
precipitous and exposed to denwation to be covered with soil. Apart from the
Himalayan region, the forest soils occur on Western {111 Eastern Ghats as well as
in some parts of the
eninsular plateau.
The forest soils are very rich in humus but are deficient in potash, phosphorus and
lime. Therefore,
they require good deal of fertilizers for high yields. They are especially suitable for
plantations of tea, coffee, spices and tropical fruits in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
Kerala and wheat, maize, barley and
6. Arid and Desert Soils. A large part of the arid and semi-arid region in Rajasthan
and adjoining areas of Punjab and Haryana lying between the Indus and the
Aravalis, covering an area of 1.42 lakh sq km (or 4.32% of total area) and receiving
less than 50 cm of annual rainfall, is affected by desert conditions. The Rann of
Kachchh in Gujarat is an extension of this desert. This area is covered by a mantle
of sand which inhibits soil growth. This sand has originated from the mechanical
disintegration of the ground rocks or is blown from the Indus basin and the coast by
the prevailing south-west monsoon winds. Barren sandy soils without clay factor are
also common in coastal regions of Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The desert soils
consist of aeolian sand (90 to 95 per cent) and clay (5 to 10 per cent). Some of
these soils contain high percentages of soluble salts, are alkaline with varying
degree of calcium carbonate and are poor in organic matter. Over large parts, the
calcium content increases downwards and in certain areas the subsoil has ten times
calcium as compared to that of the top soil. The phosphate content of these soils is
as high as in normal alluvial soils. Nitrogen is originally low but its deficiency is
made up to some extent by the availability of nitrogen in the form of nitrates. Thus.
the presence of phosphates and nitrates make them fertile soils wherever moisture
is available. There ts, therefore, great possibility of reclaiming these so: s t proper
irrigation facilities are ax ailable The changes in the cropping pattern in the Indira
Gandhi C Command Area is a living example of the ut ty of the desert soils.
However, in large areas of dew: soils, only the drought resistant and salt tote 1h.
tops such as barley, rape. cotton, wheat, millets. e pulses are grown. Consequently.
these so s support low density of population.
7. Saline and Alkaline Soils. These soils are found in Andhra Pradesh. Telangana and
kamatak In the drier parts of Bihar, Lttar Pradesh. Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and
Maharashtra, there are sat impregnated or alkaline soils occupying 68,900 sq km of
area. These soils are liable to saline and site are
effiorescences and are known by different names such as reh,kallar, usar, thatmaker, kart and chopan. There are many undeeomposed rock and mineral
fragments which on weathering liberate sodium. magnesium and calcium salts and
sulphurous acid. Some of the salts are transported in solution by the rivers, which
percolate in the sub-soils of the plains. In canal irrigated areas and in areas of high
sub-soil water table, the injurious salts are transferred from below to the top soil by
the capillary action as a result of evaporation in dry season. The accumulation of
these salts makes the soil infertile and renders it unfit for agriculture. It has been
estimated that about 1.25 million hectares of land in Uttar Pradesh and 1.21 million
hectares in Punjab has been affected by usar. In Gujarat, the area around the Gulf of
Khambhat is affected by the sea tides carrying salt-laden deposits. Vast areas
comprising the estuaries of the Narmada, the Tapi, the Mahi and the Sabarmati have
thus become infertile.
8. Peaty and Marshy Soils. Peaty soils originate in humid regions as a result of
accumulation of large amounts of organic matter in the soils. These soils contain
considerable amount of soluble salts and 1040 per cent of organic matter. Soils
belonging to this group are found in Kottayam and Alappuzha districts of Kerala
where it is called kari. Marshy soils with a high proportion of vegetable matter also
occur in the coastal areas of Odisha and Tamil Nadu, Sunderbans of West Bengal, in
Bihar and Almora district of Uttarakhand. The peaty soils are black, heavy and
highly acidic. They are deficient in potash and phosphate. Most of the peaty soils
are under water during the rainy season but as soon the rains cease, they are put
under paddy cultivation.
Characteristics of Indian Soils. Following are the chief characteristics of Indian soils :
l. The Indian soils have been formed under varied geographical conditions and differ
widely in their physical properties, chemical composition and fertility level.
peninsular plateau are much older than the soils of the great northern plain.
3. Indian soils are largely deficient in nitrogen, mineral salts, humus and other
organic materials.
um-VI V..."_W Wuy 4. Plains and valleys have thick layers of Sells while hilly and
plateau areas depict thin Sell
. fertile while some other soils such as lateme desert and alkaline soils lack in
fertility and do not yield good harvest.
6. Indian soils have been used for cultivation fm. hundreds of years and have lost
much of their
fertility. As such there is urgent need of giving scientific treatment to our soils.
7. Indian climate is characterised by seasoned rainfall and our soils need irrigation
8. Indian soils suffer from soil erosion and other allied problems.
Indian soils suffer from a number of problems, some of them taking a serious turn.
Some of the important problems faced by Indian soils are (i) soil erosion, (ii)
deficiency in fertility, (iii) desertification, (iv) waterlogging (v) salinity and alkalinity
(vi) wasteland, (viz) over exploitation of soils due to increase in population and rise
in living standards and (viii) encroachment of agricultural land due to urban and
transport development.
i301]... ERGSIGN r
Soil erosion is the removal of soil by the forces of nature, particularly wind and
water, more rapidly than the various soil forming processes can replace it. Soil
erosion is a serious menace which is adversely affecting our agricultural productivity
and the economy of the country as a whole. Although the process of soil erosion is
imperceptibly slow and it
9 scarcely be detected, the loss over periods of tit! 18 indeed very great.
Two natural agents i.e., water and Wind* are constantly at work causing soil erosion.
Grammy: can talk of two types of soil erosion viz-i waist erosion and wind erosion.
flattens out, a ravine is formed. The depth of a ravine may extend to 30 metres or
even more. When the entire top sheet of soil is carried away by water or by wind,
leaving behind barren rock, it is called sheet erosion. Sheet erosion is no less
harmful than gully erosion. This type of erosion is more prominent on relatively
steeper slopes, receiving heavy rainfall. Sheet erosion is particularly harmful
because it attacks the top soil relatively early and renders the land almost unfit for
cultivation. If one cubic metre of soil be lost from one hectare of land each week for
a period of 30 years, the loss would amount to 15 cm
It is not the total annual rainfall that is important, but rather how and when it
comes. A single heavy downpour continuing for a few hours may result in severe
soil erosion, while the same amount of rainfall fairly distributed over a longer period
may cause little erosion or even may be useful for protecting soil. The slope of the
land is a potent factor in determining the velocity of water and the consequent soil
erosion. )ther things being equal, the steeper the slope the more rapidly does water
run down resulting in more :oil erosion. Theoretically, if the rate of flow is ioubled,
the scouring capacity is increased four imes, the carrying capacity thirty two times
and the ize of the particles carried sixty four times.
In the coastal areas, tidal waves dash along the cast and cause heavy damage to
soil. This is called ea erosion. In the higher reaches of the Himalayan egion, soil
erosion on a large scale is caused by 'laciers. This is called glacial erosion (Fig. 7.2).
Wind Erosion. In arid and semi arid with little rainfall, the wind acts as a powerful of
soil erosion causing heavy loss to agricultural land Winds blowing at considerable
speed, remOVe th' fertile, arable, loose soils leaving behind a depressjoe devoid of
top soil. Wind erosion is accentuated Wile: the soil is dry, weakly aggregated, devoid
of vegetation cover along with over grazing and the winds are strong. Even modest
wind velocities can keep individual particles of humus, clay and silt in suspension.
Very fine, fine and medium sands are moved by wind in a succession of bounds and
leaps, known as saltation. Coarse sand is not usually airborne but rather is rolled
along the soil surface. This type of erosion is called surface creep. Very coarse sand
( 1.0-2.0 mm in diameter), gravels, peds and clods are too large to be rolled by
wind, so winderoded soils have surfaces covered with coarse fragments larger than
1.00 mm in diameter. This kind of arid soil surface is known as desert pavement.
lands agent
such as deforestation, overgrazing and faulty methods of agriculture have made soil
erosion a serious national problem. Besides diversion of natural drainage courses,
wrong orientation of roads and railways, embankments and bridges have also led to
sod erosion. Thus it is rightly said that soil erosion IS essentially a problem created
by man and also faced by man himself.
2. Overgrazing. Forests and grasslands provide much needed fodder for animals.
During the rainy season, there is plenty of growth and animals get enough fodder.
But during the long dry period, there is shortage of fodder and the grass is grazed to
the ground and torn out by the roots by animals. This leads to loose structure of the
soil and the soil is easily washed away by rains. Moreover, soil is pulverised by the
hoofs and teeth of animals, especially by sheep and goats and thus proves
detrimental to top soil when heavy showers fall on it. Soil erosion due to
overgrazing is a common site in the hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Jammu and Kashmir and in the dry areas of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
3. Faulty Methods of Agriculture. Much of the soil erosion in India is caused by faulty
methods of agriculture. The most outstanding are wrong ploughing, lack of crop
rotation and practice of shifting cultivation. If the fields are ploughed along the
slope, there is no obstruction to the flow of water and the water washes away the
top soil easily. In some parts of the country, the same crop is grown year after year
which spoils the chemical balance of the soil. This soil is exhausted and is easily
eroded by Wind or water.
3' Ni:
It has been estimated that an area of over 80 million hectares or about one-fourth of
our total area is exposed to wind and water erosion out of which 40 million hectares
of land has undergone serious erosion. Ironically the extent of soil erosion is
increasing inspite of our efforts to check soil erosion. Experts have estimated that
about 40,000 hectares of our land is permanently lost to cultivation and much larger
area is rendered less productive every year due to wind and water erosion. About 2]
million hectares are subject to severe wind erosion in Rajasthan and adjoining areas
of Punjab, Haryana, and Gujarat (Fig. 7.2).
Wind erosion is a serious problem in arid and semi-arid parts of north west India.
About 45 million hectares of land is subject to severe wind erosion in Rajasthan and
adjoining areas of Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Western Uttar Pradesh (Fig. 7.2). It
is estimated that 34 lakh tonnes of fertile soils is removed by wind every year in the
districts of Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Jaipur, Bharatpur, Kishangarh etc. in Rajasthan.
These areas receive scanty rainfall. They are devoid of vegetation cmer and have
sandy soil. As such these areas are exposed to wind erosion. Faulty farming
practices, failure to conserve moisture, lack of managing and over grazing make the
problem of wind erosion more complicated. According to the latest estimates about
8 million tonnes of soil has been removed from every square kilometre area in
desert during the last hundred years.
Water erosion is more active in wet areas receiving more rainfall. Steep slope, swift
flow of rivers and scarce vegetation cover lead to water erosion. According to
estimates by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the loss due to
water erosion is 53.34 million hectares annually. A Working group set up by the
Ministry of Home Affairs in 1971 estimated that there are 39.75 lakh hectare ravines
spread in 18 states, out of which 27.65 lakh hectares (or 69.55 per cent) are in the
states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat (Table 7.1). The
aerial survey carried out for Chambal Development Scheme has shown that the
area covered by ravines upto 4.5-6.0 metre depth is about 50,600 hectares. In
Madhya Pradesh about 4 to 8 lakh hectares are affected by deep gullies and ravines
along the banks of rivers Chambal and Kali Sindh. Out of this about 2.4 lakh
hectares are in the districts of Gwalior, Morena and Bhind. In Uttar Pradesh the
ravines are mostly along the banks of the Chambal, the Yamuna, the Gomati, Son
and their tributaries (Fig. 7.3). Agra, Etawah and Jalaun are the worst affected
districts. According to another estimate
of about 32 lakh hectares are the result of 1000 years of soil erosion wherein 0.25
tonnes of soil is being
In Timil Nadu, ravines are common in South Arcot, North Arcot, Kanniyakumari,
Timchchirapalli, Chingleput, Salem and Coimbatore districts. In West Bengal
numerous gullies and ravines exist in the upper catchment areas of the Kangsabati
river in Pumlia district. In Bihar, river courses of the Ganga, the Gandak, the Kosi
and the Son are affected by ravines.
The flood plains of the Ganga and its tributaries in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar also
suffer from the problem of soil erosion caused by water. These rivers are carving
deep furrows and removing fertile top soil. According to one estimate the Ganga
river is transporting about 30 million tonnes of eroded material per year from the
Ganga plain to the Bay Of Bengal. Similarly the Brahmaputra is transporting about
10 million tonnes annually from the Brahmaputra valley to the Bay of Bengal.
The Shiwalik range has also been badly affected by gully erosion. Rivers descending
from the Shiwalik hills and flowing into Punjab are locally
nus-W ,
called Chas. Erosion by chos is most marked in Hashim-put district of Punjab. In the
130 km of the shiwalik, nearly a hundred streams debouch onto the
less pronounced. It has been estimated that more than 15 lakh hectares of forest
land is cleared for shifting
agriculture every year. The total area affected by shifting cultivation is estimated to
be 45 lakh hectares. Some portion of this land is permanently lost to agriculture.
Shifting agriculture has caused maximum soil erosion in tribal areas of Assam,
In Tamil Nadu the bad effects of misuse of land are illustrated in the Nilgiri Hills
where potato is one of the main crops. Here potato cultivation is done on steep
slopes, sometimes exceeding 60 per cent. This has led to intense erosion of soil and
the yields of potato have gone down by about 50 per cent in spite of heavy
application of fertilisers. Land steeper than 1 in 4 should not be open for cultivation
but put under
caused by constant pounding of tidal waves and currents on the sea coast. Waves
and currents strike
the coast with great force and break the hanging cliff rocks. The broken material is
carried away by the retreating waves. Coastal erosion is quite pronounced in the
season of monsoon winds and during storms and cyclones. Several coastal areas in
Gujarat, Maharasthra, Kamataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha
have suffered heavily at the hands of sea erosion. 0f the 560 km long coast of
Kerala, about 32 km stretch consisting of sandy beaches is subject to severe sea
erosion. Erosion of beaches along the Kerala coast is evidenced by
Effects of Soil Erosion. The adverse effects of soil erosion are reflected in the
following pomts :
1. Top soil is eroded which leads to loss of. soil fertility and fall in agricultural
lands expand.
6. Rivers, canals and tanks are silted and their water holding capacity decreases.
Soil Salinity and Soil Alkalinity. Soil salinity and soil alkalinity are the results of over
irrigation in canal irrigated areas. In canal irrigated areas plenty of the water is
available and the farmers indulge in over irrigation of their fields. Under such
conditions, the ground water level rises and saline and alkaline efflorescences
consisting of salts of sodium, calcium and magnesium appear on the surface as a
layer of white salt through capillary action. Salinity means the predominance of
chlorides and sulphates of sodium, calcium and magnesium in the soils in sufficient
quantity to be able to seriously interfere with the growth of most plants. Alkalinity
implies the dominance of sodium salts, specially sodium carbonate. Although salts
of alkali are somewhat different in their chemical properties from the salts of saline
soils both soils occur in the same areas. Increasing salinity and alkalinity always
indicate extension of waterlogging salt encrustation (saline efflorescence) or thur
tendencies. Sandy soils are more prone to alkalinity and the loamy soils to salinityalkalinity. Salinity and alkalinity have adverse effect on soil and reduce soil fertility.
it is estimated that about 80 lakh hectares of land (2.43% of the countrys total
area) is affected by the problem of salinity and alkalinity. Vast tracts of canal
irrigated areas in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana; arid regions of Rajasthan,
semi-arid areas of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Kamataka
and coastal areas of Odisha, Gujarat and West Bengal are facing this problem (Table
7.2). The western part of Uttar Pradesh is one of the worst sufferers at the hands of
salinity and alkalinity. In some parts of Uttar
rendered useless by salinity and alkalinity. In Punjab about 6,000 to 8,000 hectares
of good land is
becoming barren every year due to salinisation. Although Indira Gandhi canal in
Rajasthan has turned the sandy desert into a granary, it has given birth to serious
problems of salinity and alkalinity. Alkali soils are met with almost all over the state
of Maharashtra. In Gujarat, the area around the Gulf of Khambhat is affected by sea
tides carrying silt-laden deposits. Nearly 173,530 sq km comprising estuaries of the
Narmada, the Tapi, the Mahi and the Sabarmati have been damaged in this way.
Portions of Dharwar districts and of Bijapur taluk are affected by what is locally
known a karl soils which are saline, alkali and fairly deep and clayey. Salt lands of
the Nira valley have developed due to excessive irrigation on deep black soils of the
Soil salinity and alkalinity has many adverse effects, some important effects are as
under :
(a) Soil fertility is reduced which results in crop failure. Cultivation is not possible on
(e) These cause floods due to infiltration, leading to crop dam adjoining areas.
ifficulties in
Following steps are necessary to treat salinity and alkalinity and restore the fertility
of soil.
1. Providing outlets for water to drain out excess water and lower water table.
Efforts should also be made to seal all points and strips of the leakage from canals,
tanks and ponds by lining them.
TABLE 7.3. Area under Arid and Semi-arid conditions in India (as per cent to the total
geographical area)
V States x And Semen RaJaSthan masks alum... \\ \\.>x skx 57.42 \ gig:'sg . " WW" Ws. . 47. _. GUJarat Wmaiasaaaaaszd sm%\ 33.1%.wes " i 77 :Har'yana aa 29.32. .~ ~ 59. .0, Maxis N..wg....s.. \ sk$wqwwng6s :
75.40 Punjab m . . _ . a. 24;. A? ' " 7 WIN .. W v W%\ 042 61.1Agsv Maharashtra
up . M, _, , m as. . ' . ~ 44 66 Andhra Pradesh and Telangana 718 . 72 60f .
Kamataka .. _. j , . ._ . is . a 622 .1 MW . 31.13 swam Mm? Iarnmu &~Kashnrj
j, j , :s .~.\ s f 21,734,, ,Uttar Pradeshw ." Madhya Pradesb , -. . M _ Tamil
Nadum j, wwwww 13 "V29.13 Wm. m... W. 3 2 1 _, , Totalayerage _, _awasl.
between the Indus and the Aravali range is affected by desert conditions. This area
is characterised by scanty rainfall, sparse vegetation cover and acute scarcity of
water. The Rajasthan desert is partly natural but largely man made and the fear is
often expressed, quite rightly too, that the desert is spreading and that conditions
within the desert are deteriorating. Desert soils suffer maximum erosion by wind.
The sand carried by wind is deposited on the adjoining fertile lands whose fertility
dwmdles and sometimes the fertile land merges Wlth the advancrng desert. It has
been estimated that the Thar Desert is advancing at an alarming rate of about 0.5.
lfm per 12.13 er cent of India 8 total
ear. Currently about P . y ' classed as arid and about 30 per cent area is :22; as
semi-arid. The highest concentration of and
' ' half of ' ' Ra asthan where more than . land 15 found m 'd.JGujarat has about
one-third of Its
hardly a
' ' ' ' '1 in large ' m1 and conditions prevar arid condltgn'sasflfan, Gujarat, Punjab,
Haryana, f Elgl'elangana, Andhra Pradesh. Karnatalsra:i htdalkashmir Uttar Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu an an ,
parts 0
growing population. Climate change have also contributed to the spread of deserts.
(ii) Shifting sand dunes in Bikaner, Banner. Churu, J aisalmer and Jhunjhunun
districts of Rajasthan cover an approximate area of 74 thousand sq km. Central Arid
Zone Researth Institute, Jodhpur has suggested mulching them with different plant
species. Mulches are put in small squares and serve as an effective physical barrier
to the movms 5
demand for fuelwood and save 31}; onward destruction hence checking
(iV) cs ShOUId be
(vi) Sandy and wastelands should be put to proper use by judicious planning.
Waterlogging. The flat or nearly level surfaces and saucer-like depressions make the
movement of Mac: water sluggish leading to accumulation of rain tar which in turn
results in waterlogging and [toggling of the soil. Waterlogged soils are soaked or
mated with water. Moreover seepage from unlined amnels or canal systems also
leads to waterlogging ill the contiguous arable lands. It has been estimated mat
extent of waterlogged soils is about 12 million hectares in India; half of which lies
along its coast M the other half in the inland area under existing or newly created
irrigation command areas (Fig. 7.5).
(a) Surface Drainage. Surface drainage involves th disposal of excess water over
ground surface magi! an open drainage system with an adequate outlet, Surface
drainage is helpful where (i) soils are deep with low infiltration rates, where (ii)
intensity of millfall is high. where (iii) terrain is level to nearly W61 and where (iv)
the water table is high.
(5) Vertical Drainage. Any bore or well from Which the underlying water is extracted
is defined as
WCl'lical drainage. The success of vertical drainage dcWinds upon the presence of
favourable aquifer and 8! table for lifting the ground water on sustainable basis
and the favourable quantity of water that could 5 f6~utilised for irrigation
purposes. Such conditions Pfcvail in the Indo-Gangetic plain. In the PunjabHafyana
plain the water-table has been successfully lowered through tubewell pumping. As a
consequence walttllogged saline lands could be reclaimed.
Soil conservation includes all those measures which llblp in protecting the soil from
erosion and mdictation. Soil erosion has been continuing over M a large part of India
for such a long time that it
has assumed alarming proportions. According to Prof, S.P. Chatterjee, Soil erosion
is the greatest single evil to Indian agriculture and animal husbandry. Soil is our
most precious asset and no other gift of nature is so essential to human life as soil.
Productive soil alone ensures prosperous agriculture, industrial development,
economic betterment and a higher standard of living. A healthy agriculture is bound
up with healthy soil. While emphasising the significance of conservation, G.T.
Renner has said that conservation is defined as the greatest good to the largest
number for the longest time. According to SJ. Kayastha, With soil conservation
people rise and with its destruction they fall. It has been estimated that about two
thirds of our arable land needs conservation measures. There is, therefore, an
urgent need to conserve soil for the sake of proSperity of our masses.
Unfortunately, it has not attracted tho attention that it deserves. Our peasantry is
not fully aware of many benefits of soil conservation and neglect of soil is like killing
the hen that lays the golden eggs. Following methods are normally
1. Afforestation. The best way to conserve soil is to increase area under forests.
Indiscriminate felling of trees should be stopped and efforts should be made to plant
trees in new areas. A minimum area of forest land for the whole country that is
considered healthy for soil and water conservation is between 20 to 25 per cent but
it was raised to 33 per cent in the second five year plan; the proportion being 20 per
cent for the plains and 60 per cent for hilly and mountainous regions.
3. Constructing Dams. Much of the soil erosion by river floods can be avoided by
constructing dams across the rivers. This checks the speed of water anq saves soil
from erosion.
4. Changing Agricultural Practices. We can save lot of our valuable soil by bringing
about certain