Information Guide
Information Guide
Information Guide
4Membership Form
4The Legacy Plan
4Membership Gift Pak
4And Much More..!
Wednesday Schedule
Wisdom World-Life Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00p to 8:30p
*Spanish Translation Available For All Services
And Conferences.
The Wisdom Center 4051 Denton Highway Fort Worth, TX 76117 Ph: (817) 759-0300
Childrens World
Childrens Ministry Ages
Toddlers Church ages 1-2 yrs
Beginners Church Preschool/Kindergarten ages 3-5 yrs
Childrens Bible Church 1st - 5th grades - ages 6-11 yrs
Customized for the monthly theme/focus.
Many different resources are used including:
Childrens Topical Bible presented by Dr. Mike Murdock
Family Harvest Church
Gospel Light
Standard Publishing Co.
Childrens Worship Bulletins
Gospel Publishing House
Various Online Christian Websites
Watch The Wisdom Center LIVE every Sunday morning on the Internet!
Sunday: ManTalk/Women of Wisdom / Spanish Bible Study 9:00a / Praise & Worship 10:00a
Wednesday: Wisdom World-Life Groups 7:00p-8:25p
Daily TV programming / The actual services at The Wisdom Center Streaming Live on
Wisdom For Asia... Because of your faithfulness in sowing, together we funded the
building of a three-story dormitory in India for Wisdom For Asia Bible Collegeto house
young Timothys in training for the ministry. Through your faithful Seeds, we are
proclaiming the Wisdom of God by supporting the College and planting churches throughout
...If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for
them of My Father which is in Heaven, (Matthew 18:19).
Champions Know The Power of Prayer! That is why we are celebrating The Prayer
Centera 24 hour answer for the hurtingCommunication with God is the only pathway to true
peacethe pathway to daily strength. Prayer effects destiny. My fathers life has proven this.
We had a Family Prayer Altar twice a day... every morning and night...the 18 years I was at
home...My father lived a lifestylethat was my most powerful example of prayer. In 1954, Daddy
decided he could accomplish more by praying than he could in public ministry. I believe that
everything he did was giving birth to The Secret prayer.
Section 1
a. Name:
b. Home Phone:
c. Address:
e. City/State/Zip:
f. Birthday:
g. Email address:
[ ] Married
[ ] Single
[ ] Widowed
[ ] Divorced
[ ] Separated
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
Section 2
a. Spouses Name:
b. Home Number:
c. Employed By:
d. Work Number:
e. Present Position:
f. Birthday:
h. Email address:
i. Wedding Anniversary:
Section 3
a. Childs Name:
b. Birthday: (month/day/year)
c. Attends TWC?
d. Childs Name:
e. Birthday: (month/day/year)
f. Attends TWC?
g. Childs Name:
h. Birthday: (month/day/year)
i. Attends TWC?
j. Childs Name:
k. Birthday: (month/day/year)
l. Attends TWC?
Formulario De Membresa!
A. MIEMBRO DE LA IGLESIA: Para ser miembro de la iglesia la persona debe tener 18 aos cumplidos, haber
cubierto los requerimientos establecidos por la Clase de Membresa de TWC y asistir a la iglesia semanalmente.
B. ASISTENTE ACTIVO: Una persona que tiene 18 aos cumplidos y asiste a la iglesia de TWC consistentemente,
pero que no ha terminado el Proceso de la Clase de Membresa.
Seccin 1
Nombre y direccin (Favor de escribir claramente)
Telfono de Casa:
( )
Telfono del Trabajo:
( )
Otro medio de contacto:
Ciudad/Estado/Cdigo Postal
Correo Electrnico:
[ ] Casado/a
[ ] Separado/a
[ ] Viudo/a
[ ] Separado/a
[ ] Divorciado/a
[ ] Comprometido/a (fecha de casamiento:
[ ] Masculino
[ ] Femenino
Seccin 2
Informacin de tu cnyuge
Aniversario de Bodas:
Telfono del Trabajo:
Correo Electrnico:
Seccin 3
Informacin de tus hijos (Favor de enlistar a los que viven contigo)
[ ] Masculino
[ ] Femenino
[ ] Masculino
[ ] Femenino
[ ] Masculino
[ ] Femenino
2. In what areas of Ministry do you have the greatest interest? Please check () every one that applies to you.
a. Administrative
i. Telephone Ministry
ii. Pastoral Office
j. Ministry of Helps
i. Greeters
ii. Ushers
iii. The Welcome Center
iv. Guest Service Team
v. Guest Follow Up Team
k. Peace Keepers
l. Power Point
c. Childrens Ministry
i. Nursery (1-2 yrs)
ii. Preschool (3-5 yrs)
iii. Elementary (6-11 yrs)
m. Prayer Ministry
i. Altar Prayer Team
ii. Intercession
d. Congregational Care
i. Hospital Ministry
ii. Nursing Home Ministry
iii. New Believers Ministry
o. Seniors Ministry
e. Evangelism
p. Singles Ministry
n. Prison Ministry
g. Guest Events
h. Hispanic Ministry
i. Hospitality
i. Hosting
ii. Food Service
iii. Temple Keepers
3. What Days and Times are you presently available for sowing your time as a Volunteer here at
The Wisdom Center?
Employee or Volunteer
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
Sign Up
2. En qu reas del Ministerio tienes mayor inters? Por favor pon una marca () en las reas que te
gustara colaborar.
a. Administrativa
i. Ministerio de Telfono
ii. Oficina Pastoral
j. Ministerio De Ayuda
i. Saludador
ii. Ujier
iii. Centro de Bienvenida
iv. Equipo de Servicios para Invitados
v. Equipo de Seguimiento a los Invitados
b. Audio y Video
i. Departamento de Duplicacin Audio/Video
ii. Equipo de Medios-Sonido
iii. Equipo de Medios-Video
k. Guardas de Paz
l. Power Point
c. Ministerio de Nios
i. Cuna (hasta 2 aos)
ii. Preescolar (3-5 aos)
iii. Primaria (6-11 aos)
m. Ministerio de Oracin
i. Equipo de Oracin en el Altar
ii. Intercesin
d. Cuidado Congregacional
i. Ministerio de Hospital
ii. Ministerio de Hogar de Ancianos
iii. Ministerio de Nuevos Creyentes
e. Evangelismo
p. Ministerio de Solteros
q. Ministerio de Alimentos
n. Ministerio de Prisiones
3. Qu das y qu horario tienes disponible para sembrar tu tiempo como voluntario aqu en The
Wisdom Center?
Empleado o Voluntario
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
Bienvenido A
Nuestro Equipo De
Apntate Hoy!
The 3 Most
Important Things
In Your Life
The Law of
My Personal
Dream Book
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see
you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind
striving together for the faith of the gospel, (Philippians 1:27).
Discovering My Assignment At The Wisdom Center
God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him, (1 Corinthians 12:18).
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, (Romans 12:6).
Becoming An Active Member of The Volunteer Program
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them,
(Romans 12:6). NKJV
As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards
of the manifold grace of God, (1 Peter 4:10).
Faithful Support Through Sowing Tithes And Offerings
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the
LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD, (Leviticus 27:30).
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me
now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven, and pour you
out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it, (Malachi 3:10).
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth
bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him
give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all
grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every
good work, (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).
Signature of TWC Member
Signature of Founding Pastor
Dr. Mike Murdock
Signature of Associate Pastor
Dear Family,
You have made it possible for thousands to hear the Gospel around the
world through the multi-faceted outreaches of The Wisdom Center
Thank you!
In addition to saying thank you, we would like to share information with
you on how your generosity can have an ongoing effect now, and in the
years to come. Take a few minutes and review this crucial information
about how you can receive the maximum benefit from your Financial Gifts
(Seeds) to this Ministry.
It is your Faithful Gifts and Seeds that make it possible for us to Pursue
Proclaim and Publish the Wisdom of God throughout the world.
Your Faith Partner,
Pl ease
Name ____________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________
City _____________________________State______Zip_____________
Phone _____________________Email __________________________
Mail to:
The Wisdom Center / Legacy Program
4051 Denton Highway Fort Worth, TX 76117-2042
OFFICE: 1-817-759-0300 FAX: 1-817-759-0310
These Conferences... are some of the most exciting days of the year for our
Church Family... When our Partners fly in from around the world to see our
Team, Face-to-Face, and experience fellowship that is needed so much.
And Many
More Speakers..!
Go Online To See All Upcoming Events..!
Upon Holy Men of Old. Furthermore, We Believe That The Church Has No Authority To Establish Doctrine or Practice
Contrary To These Same Scriptures.
4We Believe That Man Was Made In The Image of God And Is The Crown of Creation. He Is, Prior To Salvation, Because
of The Fall, Spiritually Depraved And Alienated From His Creator.
4We Believe That Justification Is By Grace Through Faith In Our Lord, Jesus Christs Sacrifice On Calvary, And That No One
Is Justified By Simply Keeping The Law.
4We Believe In Water Baptism, Following Conversion As Commanded By Jesus Christ As A Symbolic Sign That The People
of God Are Buried And Resurrected With Christ.
4We Believe In The Priesthood of The Believer, That All People Committed To Jesus Christ Have Direct Access In Prayer To
4We Believe That The Baptism In The Holy Spirit Is An Enduement of Power Subsequent To Conversion, Given By God To
Anoint The Believer For Sanctification And Evangelism. It Is Our Understanding That The Supernatural Gifts of The Holy
Spirit Are Active Within The Body of Christ Until The Coming of The Lord. Furthermore, We Believe That The
Development of These Gifts Ought To Be Encouraged Under The Guidance of Local Church Authorities.
4We Believe That Divine Healing And Divine Health Are Provided To Every Believer Through The Shed Blood of Our Lord
Jesus Christ.
4We Believe That The Callings of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor And Teacher Are Functional Within The Body of
Christ Until The Lord's Return. Furthermore, These Ministries Are Gifts To The Church For The Purpose of Equipping
The Saints For The Work of Ministry, That The Body of Jesus Christ Be Edified.
4We Believe In The Literal Second Coming of Our Lord, The Literal Rule of Christ Upon The Earth, The Resurrection of
The Regenerated To Eternal Life And The Unregenerated To Eternal Damnation, And The Ultimate Victory of The Eternal
Kingdom of God.
Founder/Senior Pastor