The Uncommon Woman by Mike Murdock

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The book discusses characteristics of an uncommon woman and how she focuses on her future, is willing to go to new places, creates order and motivation, correctly assesses her emotions, and more.

The book discusses characteristics that define an uncommon woman and how she can achieve success and fulfill her dreams and goals.

Some of the characteristics described include focusing energy on the future, being willing to go to new places, creating an environment of order and motivation, correctly assessing emotions, and more.





Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken
from the King James Version of the Bible.
The Uncommon Woman/eB-146
ISBN 10: 1-56394-770-6 / ISBN 13: 978-1563947704
Copyright © 2010 by MIKE MURDOCK
Publisher/Editor: Deborah Murdock Johnson
Published by The Wisdom Center · 4051 Denton Hwy. · Ft.
Worth, Texas 76117 1-817-759-BOOK · 1-817-759-2665 · 1-817-
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All rights reserved under International Copyright Law.
Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in
part in any form without the express written consent of the

Passion Is Power.
You Will Only Have Significant Success With Something
That Is An Obsession. An Obsession is when something
consumes your thoughts and time. Passion Is Simply What
You Are Unwilling To Live Without.
You Will Only Be Remembered In Life For Your

Florence Nightingale is remembered as the Pioneer

of Modern Nursing.
Rosa Parks...The Mother of the Modern-Day Civil
Rights Movement.
Mother Teresa...Missionaries of Charity in
Calcutta, India.
Madame Curie...a Pioneer of Radioactivity, the
first person ever to win two Nobel Prizes.

You are NOT an ordinary woman. God made you the

EXTRAORDINARY Woman. You are The Uncommon Woman!
That is why I wrote this book.

Become A “Tomorrow Thinker.”

Make your Future so significant that Yesterday
Ruth created a Future different from her Past.
Who was Ruth? Ruth was a Moabite girl raised in
heathenism. To grasp the culture in which Ruth was reared,
Moab was the son of incest between Lot and his daughter.
Ruth married Boaz who, according to one writer, had come
through the loins of a temple prostitute by the name of Rahab.
God put them together...and ushered in the lineage of Jesus
Christ. (See Ruth 4:13-22.) Ruth and Boaz produced Obed.
Obed produced Jesse. Jesse produced David. David ushered in
the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Ruth was the great-grandmother of David, the greatest
warrior Israel has ever known. She was the great-great-
grandmother of Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever
lived on earth.
Through Ruth and Boaz came the precious Son of the
living God, Jesus of Nazareth.
God Never Consults Your Past To Decide Your Future.
Satan may remind you of Yesterday’s mistakes. Do not listen to
Your Past is over.
Act like it.
Talk like it.
Live like it.

The Uncommon Woman Will Always Focus Her Energy

Toward Her Future.

Dream Seeds (Book/B-11/106 pg) Seeds of Wisdom on Dreams
& Goals (Book/B-13/32 pg) Secrets of The Journey, Vol. 7
(Book/B-103/32 pg) You Will Love Our Website..!

Geography Makes A Difference.

It is possible you will need to change locations to unlock
the full potential of your success.
Pineapples grow well in Hawaii. However, they barely
survive in Alaska. Any Seed will grow in the appropriate
climate. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom
shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I;
send me,” (Isaiah 6:8).
You Are A Seed. Everything you have is a Seed... your
Business and Products are like Seeds.
Your Future Is A Harvest Produced By The Seed You Are
Willing To Sow.
Success Requires People. You will never succeed without
networking with people of varied interests.
They may not be easily accessible. You may have to leave
the comforts of your home to achieve extraordinary success.
Jesus was in constant movement, changing locations,
arising, departing and going to new places. He sought to be
around people of varied backgrounds. “When He was come
down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him,”
(Matthew 8:1). “And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum,
there came unto Him a centurion, beseeching Him,” (Matthew
8:5). “And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, He saw
his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever,” (Matthew 8:14).
Some people will not come where you are. You may have
to search for them in their home, town or their own
Jesus told His disciples to go to the Upper Room... a
different place. They were to tarry there until they received the
experience of The Holy Spirit. (See Luke 24:49.) He gave this
instruction to 500 of His followers. Even after they had
observed His resurrection and His miracle life, only 120 out of
the 500 actually followed and obeyed His instruction. (See
Acts 1:15.) Abraham, the Patriarch of the Israelites, had to
make geographical changes before his success was birthed.
(See Genesis 12:1-2.) Joseph found his incredible success in
another country...Egypt. (See Genesis 41:39-44.) The
Uncommon Woman Is Willing To Go Where She Has Never
Been Before.

7 Kinds of People Who Always Fail (CD/WCPL-06) 7
Relationship Secrets of Abraham (CD/WCPL-50) You Will
Love Our Website..!

Order Creates Comfort.

Take a small step toward order each day.
Order is placing an item where it belongs.
Order is placing clothing and shoes in the appropriate
place in your closet. Every tiny act of your life will increase
order or disorder around you.
Order Is Simply The Accurate Arrangement of Things.
The purpose of order is to increase productivity and
create comfort. This is done so that when you walk into an
orderly room, you have a desire to stay. Things just feel
“right.” You feel clean, energized and happy.
When you walk into a room dominated by clutter and
disorder, an unexplainable agitation begins. Perhaps you
cannot identify or understand, but you know it is there.
You were created for order...anything that slows you
down emotionally or mentally will become a distraction and
cause you to lose focus.
When you increase order, you will increase your
productivity. Filing cabinets, trays on the desk and special
places for folders make it easier to get your job done on time.
Have you ever shuffled paper after paper while searching
for a bill? Of course you have! By the time you finally locate
the bill, you have become agitated and angry.
Disorder influences your attitude more than you could
ever imagine. Everything you do affects the level of order in
your life.
Think for a moment. When you get up from the breakfast
table you will either leave your plate on the table, or you will
take it to the sink. The decision you make will either increase
o r decrease the order around you. (Leaving it on the table
increases your workload and creates disorder. Taking it to the
sink immediately promotes order.)
This happened to me last night. I took off my suit coat and
laid it over the chair. I did not really feel like taking it to the
closet to hang it up. However, realizing that I was going to
have to hang it up eventually, I walked over to the closet and
hung up my coat. I immediately increased order around me. I
like the feeling order creates.

Every Moment, You Are Increasing Order or

Creating Disorder In Your Life.
Small Actions Will Eventually Produce Desired
Every Person Around You Is Increasing Order or

Some people have an attitude of disorder. They almost

seem unhappy unless everything is in disarray. Others refuse
to work in such an environment...their productivity requires
Just 20 minutes a day to restore order can make a major
difference in your surroundings. Little hinges swing big doors.
You can get anywhere you want to go if you are willing to take
enough small steps.
The Uncommon Woman Creates An Environment of Order
And Motivation.

12 Ingredients of A Perfect Day, Vols. 1-2 (2 CDs/WCPL-56)
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Your Life Is Worth Every Investment.

The first thing I do every morning is to listen to the
Scriptures on my iPod.
I purchase candles of the fragrance I enjoy most, with the
strongest scent that last the longest. Placing candles around
my room helps to provide an incredible atmosphere of
reflection and warmth.
I need that.
My Heart and my Mind require it.
A few days ago, I spent over $100 on several CDs. Yet,
when I purchased them, I was not just purchasing some music
on compact discs. I was creating the atmosphere that benefits
Recreate this scenario for yourself.
After listening to the Bible on my iPod this morning, I
turned on the CD player. These 6 CDs contained the sounds of
birds, a sparkling flowing fountain and peaceful music. Within
seconds, I felt as though I was under the trees, tasting the
richness of God’s nature around me. Yet, I was in my bedroom!
I did not have to spend $2,000 to take a vacation to Honolulu. I
simply needed an investment in my atmosphere.
Each atmosphere produces a different emotion. An
interior decorator or the suggestions of a friend can help you
discover and design the atmosphere you prefer to work in, or
just relax.
Do Not Wait On Others To Initiate Changes In Your
Environment. Make any investment necessary to create the
environment that inspires you toward excellence and the
improvement of your life.
Your Investment In Interior Decorating Can Make A
Huge Difference In Your Productivity. A new rug, a picture on
the wall or a vase with a rose can increase the warmth of your
Invest And Experiment To Discover What You Really
Need Around You. It is exciting to explore variations in your
Your Atmosphere Can Often Determine Your
Productivity. Many businesses have discovered an increase in
unity and employee morale when music is played quietly
throughout their offices.
What You See Affects The Decisions You Make. It does
not cost a fortune to create a favorable atmosphere. Just
think...look and ask questions. Explore and Experiment.
Invest Whatever Is Necessary To Create The Atmosphere
You Want To Surround You.
The Uncommon Woman Correctly Assesses Her Emotions
To Create A Desired Future.

“No” Simply Means “Ask Again.”

All Men Fall, The Great Ones Get Back Up.
Stay persistent. “And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not,” (Galatians 6:9).
Rejection is not fatal. It is merely someone’s opinion.
Stop for a moment. Review your experiences. Maybe you
encountered rejection when you were a child. Nevertheless,
you have made it this far, which proves you are a survivor!
Jesus experienced more rejection than any human being
who ever lived on the earth. He was born in a
outcast in society.
Even today, the hosts of television talk shows belittle and
ridicule both He and His followers. He was rejected by His own
people. “He came unto His own, and His own received Him
not,” (John 1:11).
When Judas betrayed Him, did He allow Himself to
become demoralized? Did He quit? No.
Jesus knew that He did not have to close every sale to
become a success. Those He went to discerned His value. “But
as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become
the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name,” (John
Jesus knew His worth and what He had to offer to others.
Jesus knew His critics would die...but His plan was eternal. He
was willing to experience a Season of create an
Eternity of Gain. (See Hebrews 12:2.)
Your Goals and Dreams will last longer than any rejection
you may experience. Move beyond your scars. Not everyone
will celebrate or welcome your Future.
B u t someone needs what you have to offer. Your
contribution is an absolute necessity for their success.
Discern it.
The religious sect, called Sadducees, rejected Jesus, as
did the Pharisees. The religious leaders despised The Christ.
Those who should have recognized His worth, instead wanted
to destroy Him. (See Matthew 26:3-4.)
Jesus risked rejection to become The Golden Link
between man and God. (See Hebrews 12:2.)
Most great sales representatives know that 14 out of 15
people will say “no” to their sales pitch. They say this merely
inspires them to hurry and make their presentations to as many
as possible, to reach that one who will accept.
Jesus taught His disciples how to handle rejection. “And
whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when
ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your
feet,” (Matthew 10:14).
So, get up off your recliner.
Make that telephone call.
Write that letter.
Eventually you will succeed.
The Uncommon Woman Is Not Afraid To Fail En Route
To Success.

Develop Decisiveness.
Have you ever noticed the hesitation in drivers at a 4-way
stop? I have seen people sit for 30 seconds at a 4-way stop
waiting for everyone else to make the first move!
I have sat at restaurants with people who could not decide
in 20 minutes what food they wanted to eat! Some have even
asked the waitress what she thought they should eat!
Few people are decisive.
Think about what you want.
Invest the Seed of Time to become decisive.
Contemplate the value of your decisions.
Meditate upon the results of your decisions.

Questions Concerning Your Future

What Do You Want To Be Happening In Your Life

10 Years From Today?
What Are The Ideal Circumstances For Your
What Do You Dream of Becoming?
Do You Have A Personal List of Goals And
Have You Taken Time To Write The Details of
Your Goals?
Several years ago, a brilliant young lady suggested that I
take a tape recorder, walk into each room of my home and
describe clearly what I wished that room to look like.
Something wonderful happened! I described exactly how many
pens and pencils I wanted in the different areas. I recall even
going into such detail as to describe the kind of paper I wanted
beside my telephone.
I found the process to be elaborate, energizing and
exciting. Few people invest the time to discover what
motivates them.
Something interesting happened in my personal
meditation time some weeks ago. I had become concerned by
how frequently my interests seemed to change.
For example, the colors my decorator selected for my home
were exciting and pleasing to me. I felt I would never want to
change my mind about them for years to come. However, a few
weeks later, I discovered another combination of colors that
excited me even more.
Obviously, I did not feel comfortable about suddenly
altering everything that had just been changed in my home.
Nor, did I really have the finances to do so.
Another example was when I purchased a car. I loved
it...for about 3 weeks! Then, I became bored and wanted a
I felt impressed of The Holy Spirit to write down a list of
things that had never changed inside me over many years. It
was quite an interesting list of things. This helped to really put
my mind at ease that there was more stability within me than I
Many things within me have never changed whatsoever,
such as my love for information, my desire to collect books or
the excitement that comes along with receiving a rare, new coin
from a beloved friend.
Another thing that has remained constant is my continual
need to recreate my environment. Regardless of how beautiful
my bedroom or kitchen is...within 12 months or so, I lose
interest and want to redecorate. This has been consistent.
Some things will never change about you.
What are they? Put this book down for about 15 minutes.
Take a sheet of paper, and as quickly and thoroughly as
possible, begin to document the things about yourself that
have been fairly consistent over the years. Go ahead. Do it
After you have done this, you will have a more accurate
and specific photograph of certain things that you want to
experience in your daily life. You will also have an awareness of
the quality of life you need.
Some years ago, I asked a consultant to come into my
offices for several days. He was to discuss any complaints or
ideas with each of my staff. Then I wanted him to compile a
rep o rt , unbiased and unprejudiced, as to what he had
observed about our ministry organization.
He interrogated me for hours. He would take long walks
and rides with me in the car. Even when I was in crusades, we
would talk by telephone. His constant questioning served to
remarkably sharpen my focus. I have never forgotten this
The consultant was relentless in collecting data about my
personal needs, desires and appetites concerning life. Riveting
questions were hurled at me continually.
Listed below are 8 questions you can use in this
marvelous exercise.
It will change your life.
1. What Were The Happiest Moments of Your Lifetime?
2. What Are The 3 Biggest Problems You Think About
The Most During Every Day?
3. Who Are The People You Find Stressful To Be
4. Who Are The People In Whose Presence You Are The
Most Relaxed?
5. How Do You Want Others To Remember You?
6. What Do You Consider The Most Important Task You
Do Daily...Weekly...Monthly?
7. If You Had To Eliminate 50 Percent of Your Entire
Workload, What Would You Change?
8. If You Were To Have A Sudden Health Crisis, or Some
Other Medical Emergency, What Would You Change First
About Your Daily Lifestyle?
Slowly but surely, a remarkable understanding of what
you really want out of life will be developed. Ask one or two of
your closest friends who are skilled at analyzing your personal
situation to interrogate you for helpful information.
Let these friends extract information from you until you
have a complete photograph of the invisible Future you desire
to create and bring into reality.
Something is driving you...pushing you toward your
Future. What is the invisible Dream you are subconsciously
trying to birth within yourself?
Decisiveness Is Magnetic. Decisiveness is the catalyst
that helps create the aura that surrounds extraordinary and
unforgettable people.
These people know exactly what they want.
When you are sitting in a restaurant sometime, conduct
this test. Carefully observe the entry of customers. Notice
those who saunter in as if they are not quite certain they have
chosen the right restaurant. They slowly walk to their seats
wondering if they should even stay. Perhaps they wonder if
they should select a different table.
Then, observe carefully those who stride in confidently
and with a firm, clear voice, express to the hostess of the
restaurant, “Good evening! We need a table for 4—by the
window, if possible!” Notice how the hostess responds
quickly, with enthusiasm to communicate this request to the
other workers.
When ordering your own meal at a restaurant, speak up.
Speak firmly. Do not mumble.
Someone has said, “If you will raise your voice 10 percent
and walk 20 percent faster, you will generate remarkable new
energy. This activity will compel others to respond favorably
to you and raise the level of self-confidence in every single
person around you.”
James said it this way, “But let him ask in faith, nothing
wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven
with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he
shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is
unstable in all his ways,” (James 1:6-8).
What happens when you are indecisive about an issue?
There is a reason for your uncertainty. It may be lack of
sufficient information or absence of accurate information.
When this happens, simply declare with great decisiveness, “I
will wait 90 days until I receive additional information.”
This decisive attitude will help you to retain your climate
of confidence and decisiveness.
Make Decisions With Clarity.
Notice how Ruth stated quite clearly, “Whither thou
goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge,” (Ruth
Ruth knew what she wanted and boldly communicated
this wish to Naomi.
The Uncommon Woman Is Direct And Decisive.

The Proverbs 31 Woman (Book/B-49/70 pg)
The Making of A Champion (Book/B-59/128 pg)
The Mentor’s Manna On Achievement (Book/B-79/32 pg)
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Decide What You Really Want.

In 1952, a prominent university discovered that only 3 out
of 100 graduates had written down a clear list of goals.
Ten years later, their follow-up study showed that 3
percent of the graduating class had accomplished more
financially than the remaining 97 percent of the class combined.
You Will Never Leave Where You Are Until You Decide
Where You Would Rather Be.
The 3 percent that accomplished their goals were the
same graduates who had written down their goals. “Write the
vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
readeth it,” (Habakkuk 2:2).
When you decide exactly ‘What’ you want, the ‘How to
do it’ will emerge.
When Your Heart Decides The Destination, Your Mind
Will Design The Map To Reach It.
Jesus knew both His Purpose and Mission. “For the Son
of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost,” (Luke
Jesus knew the product He had to offer. “The thief
cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am
come that they might have life, and that they might have it
more abundantly,” (John 10:10).
Jesus had a sense of Destiny, knowing where He wanted
to go. Jesus knew where He was needed. (Read John 4:3.) “For
which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first,
and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”
(Luke 14:28).

4 Steps Toward Accomplishing Goals

Gather 4 sheets of paper.
1. On the first page write, “My Lifetime Dreams and
Goals.” List in detail what you would like to Become, Do or
Have during your Lifetime.
2. On the second page write, “My 12 Month Goals.” List
everything you plan to accomplish within the next 12 months.
3. On the third page write, “My 30 Day Goals.” List in
detail the things you would like to accomplish during the next
30 days.
4. On the fourth page write, “My Daily Routine.” Write
the 6 most important rituals you plan to perform daily.
The Secret of Your Future Is Hidden In Your Daily
As you set your goals keep in mind they will change
throughout your lifetime. Some day, you will look back at this
very moment and be amazed at the goals you presently have.
Things that were so vital to you at age 20 will change and
seem unimportant when you reach 30 years of age.
At the beginning of my ministry, I wanted very much to
minister in many different states and cities. The very idea of
travel thrilled me.
Times have changed.
Today, staying at home excites me. Knowing my books
are read in many parts of the world is much more satisfying to
me than traveling the globe.
The greatest goal of my life today is staying in my Secret
Place of prayer and writing what The Holy Spirit teaches me
through His Word and my daily experiences.
The Uncommon Woman Sets Goals And Updates Them

RECOMMENDED INVESTMENTS: Dream Seeds (Book/B-11/106 pg)

Seeds of Wisdom on Dreams & Goals (Book/B-13/32 pg)
Secrets of The Journey, Vol. 7 (Book/B-103/32 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

Dreams Are Given To Inspire.

Allow unexciting dreams to die. When you assess and
evaluate your goals, unnecessary activities will be revealed.

6 Strategies For The Uncommon Woman

Concerning Dreams And Goals
1. Invest One Hour In Writing Down Goals That Really
Matter To You Today. Keep these strategies confidential.
“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may
run that readeth it,” (Habakkuk 2:2).
2. Allow The Unexciting Dreams of Yesterday To Die.
Stop pursuing anything that does not have the ability to excite
you. Do not feel obligated to keep trying to obtain expired
goals...if you have entered a different season. (See Isaiah 43:18-
19.) 3. Do Not Expect Others To Understand Your Dreams And
Goals. Permit them their individuality, also. They have every
right to choose the things they love. Refuse to be intimidated
when acquaintances try to persuade you to go in a different
4. Never Make Permanent Decisions Because of
Temporary Feelings. One young lady was so excited about a
new friend that she dropped the lease on her own apartment
and moved into the residence of her new friend. Within a week,
she realized her mistake!
5. Avoid Intimate Relationships With Those Who Do Not
Respect Your Dreams. You will have to sever ties with wrong
people. They do not always leave your life voluntarily. Life is
too short to permit “discouragers” to live in close proximity to
you. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them,” (Ephesians 5:11).
6. Anticipate Changes In Your Goals. Your present
feelings and opinions are not permanent. New experiences and
different types of relationships are in your Future. Remain
conscious of this principle.
The Uncommon Woman Anticipates Changes In Her
Goals And Dreams.

Seeds of Wisdom on Dreams & Goals (Book/B-13/32 pg) You
Will Love Our Website..!

Emotions Dictate The World.

“The righteous are bold as a lion,” (Proverbs 28:1).
Boldness Decides Ruler-ship.
An angered world leader attacks another country.
Upset airline employees man a picket line at the airport.
A mother whose child is killed by a drunk driver launches
a national campaign.
Thousands are rallying to stop the abortion of millions of
Feelings Really Do Matter In Life.
Feelings are contagious. When a salesman is excited over
his product, the customer feels that enthusiasm, and is
influenced by that display of excitement.
Jesus was not afraid to express Himself. When He was
infuriated, others knew it. “And the Jews’ passover was at
hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, And found in the temple
those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of
money sitting: And when He had made a scourge of small
cords, He drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and
the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew
the tables,” (John 2:13-15).
He was deeply moved with compassion when He saw
multitudes wandering aimlessly without direction. “But when
He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on
them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as
sheep having no shepherd,” (Matthew 9:36).
The Bible even records that Jesus wept openly over the
needs of humanity. “And when He was come near, He beheld
the city, and wept over it,” (Luke 19:41).
Are you bold in expressing your opinions?
I am not speaking about an uncontrollable temper, nor am
I referring to someone who has an emotional breakdown every
time a problem occurs.
Rather, I am reminding you that Jesus did not bottle up
His emotions. He was not a robot.
He was enthusiastic when He saw a display of faith. He
wept when He saw unbelief.
Peter, His disciple, was affected by those expressions of
emotions. The Apostle Paul was set on fire by these reactions.
These two men changed the course of history.
Be bold, yet correct when expressing your opinions in
the proper manner. You will be an influence for good if you are
focused upon the things that really matter.
You will always be drawn to expressive people. Do not be
a spectator just viewing life. Get in the arena. Thousands
scream with excitement at rock concerts, football games and
World-Championship boxing matches.
Do not be afraid to display your true the
appropriate time and place.
Significant leaders build their daily agenda around their
Assignment. Their schedule and their plans are totally focused
upon the completion of their Assignment. Their library is filled
with books related to their Assignment. Leaders become best
friends with those who celebrate (rather than tolerate) their
When you hear the name, Thomas think
When you hear the name, Oral think
When you hear the name, Henry think
When you hear the name, Michael think
You Will Only Be Remembered For Your Obsession. It
maybe a good obsession or an evil obsession. Whether you
are Billy Graham or Adolph will be remembered for
what consumes your mind and your time.
Ruth did not pursue the normal path of dating others. She
built her lifestyle around the survival of her mother-in-law
Naomi. She never considered another option.
Your obsession may be your personal business. Or you
may be obsessed with the spiritual life of your children.
You will succeed with anything that has the ability to
capture your total focus.
Joshua called it, “not looking to the right or to the left.”
Others call it being “single-minded.” James said, “A double
minded man is unstable in all his ways,” (James 1:8).
Ruth refused to consider any alternatives to her
Assignment. She would not go back to her in-laws or return to
the village of her youth. Ruth had developed total focus on her
The Only Reason Men Fail Is Broken Focus. If you fail in
life, it will be because something was suggested to you as an
alternative option to what God told you to do with your life.
Consider Moses. The Bible says, “By faith Moses, when
he was come to years, refused to be called the son of
Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with
the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a
season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than
the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence
of the reward,” (Hebrews 11:24-26).
The Uncommon Woman will pursue her Future with
confidence that she has what it takes to succeed in life.
The Uncommon Woman Is Confident of Her Worth.

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Secrets of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived (Book/B-99/179
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There Is No “Plan B” For Your Life.

There is only one plan...The Master Plan of the Creator
Who made you.
Consider nothing else as an option.
This made Ruth The Uncommon Woman.
As Naomi walked with her two daughters-in-law, Orpah
and Ruth, she turned and said, “Go, return each to her mother’s
house: the Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the
dead, and with me. The Lord grant you that ye may find rest,
each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed
them; and they lifted up their voice, and wept,” (Ruth 1:8-9).
Naomi kissed both her daughters-in-law as they wept.
Both said, “We will return with thee unto thy people.”
However Naomi instructed, “Turn again, my daughters:
why will ye go with me? are there yet any more sons in my
womb, that they may be your husbands? Turn again, my
daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband.
If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also
to night, and should also bear sons,” (Ruth 1:11-12).
They lifted up their voice. They wept again.
Orpah left. Yet, Ruth cleaved unto her. Naomi rebuked
Ruth, “Behold, thy sister in law is gone back unto her people,
and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister in law,” (Ruth
Ruth was tenacious...bold and focused. Yes, her husband
and father-in-law were both dead. Her sister-in-law had
returned to her family. Her mother-in-law instructed her to
return to her home country.
There Was Not A Single Encourager or Spiritual
Cheerleader In Her Life.
Have you ever experienced unbearable loneliness?
Ruth was “alone.” She was the one with a desire to pursue
a different Future.

Her Past had no encouraging memories.

Her Present had no encouraging motivation.
Her Future was up to her alone.

The Uncommon Woman Motivates Herself When Others

Are Uncaring.

The Uncommon Leader (Book/B-106/144 pg)
The Law of Recognition (Book/B-114/248 pg)
Seeds of Wisdom on Decision-Making (Book/B-125/32 pg)
Seeds of Wisdom on Motivating Yourself (Book/B-171/32 pg)
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A Tenacious Spirit Is Admirable.

Tenacious means determined, persistent and able to
commit to a plan. What if there were no one in your life to
speak a word of encouragement?
Would you persist?
Would you stay focused?
Will you remain bold and tenacious in pursuit of your
goals and dreams...when absolutely no one really cares?
Ruth did.
Ruth had the tenacity that made her unforgettable and an
example of The Uncommon Woman.
Tenacity will also make You The Uncommon Woman.
Most of us appreciate expressions of
encouragement...daily...consistently. It is wonderful when your
mate is there to hold your hand through valleys of uncertainty.
It is a precious thing when your little girl says, “Mommy, you
can do anything!” But, what if you had no child to speak
words of encouragement?
Every woman knows Seasons of Loneliness.
Moses must have known Seasons of Insignificance when
he was in the desert.
David, the young shepherd boy, also felt disconnected
from the great climate his brothers were enjoying. They
experienced continual victories while serving in Saul’s army.
It is wonderful to have encouragers around you. However
if you are really going to produce significant must
learn the secret of motivating yourself.
Learn To Encourage Yourself By Accessing The Deepest
Currents Flowing Within Your Own Heart.
If you keep waiting for everyone else—you will never
move from where you are.

Stay enthusiastic.
Stay energized.
Stay motivated.

Practice The Daily Habit of Self-Talk.

Your Words Are Powerful. You can motivate yourself and
develop a consuming obsession for the specific Future you properly using your own words!

Stop complaining that your mate is not interested

in your personal dreams.
Stop whining when your children show no interest
in your personal goals.
Stop holding self-pity parties. Nobody attends
them anyway.

Embrace your Future. Do it with total abandonment, joy

and excitement.
Make the determination that Tomorrow will begin the
best season of your life.
The Uncommon Woman Is Willing To Invest Everything In
Her Excellence.

The Uncommon Woman Is Trustworthy.

The Biblical story of Ruth is fascinating.
Everyone knew about Ruth.
Boaz describes Ruth’s reputation this way, “And Boaz
answered and said unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all
that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of
thine husband: and how thou hast left thy father and thy
mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a
people which thou knewest not heretofore,” (Ruth 2:11).
Later he said, “Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter:
for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at
the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men,
whether poor or rich. And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do
to thee all that thou requirest: for all the city of my people doth
know that thou art a virtuous woman,” (Ruth 3:10-11).
People talk...good and bad...false accusations and true
You Will Only Be Remembered In Life For Two Things:
The Problems You Solve or The Ones You Create.
People spoke well of Ruth. Her sacrificial attitude and
dedication to preserve and maintain the life of her widowed
mother-in-law was a known fact in the community. She had not
even dated or bonded with any of the young men in the city—
poor or rich.
Ruth’s total focus was upon Naomi.
Character Is A Choice.
This truth had registered heavily upon the heart of Boaz
who did not hesitate to respond to Ruth’s pursuit of a
relationship with him.
Ruth was commendable.
Are others able to commend you? “Let another man praise
thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own
lips,” (Proverbs 27:2).
The Uncommon Woman Is Respected For Her Personal

Enjoying The Winning Life (Book/B-08/32 pg)
The Double Diamond Principle (Book/B-39/148 pg)
The Proverbs 31 Woman (Book/B-49/70 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

A Good Name Is Magnetic.

What do people think when they hear your name? “A
good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving
favour rather than silver and gold,” (Proverbs 22:1).
A good name is more magnetic than a strong fragrance.
“A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of
death than the day of one’s birth,” (Ecclesiastes 7:1).
Several years ago, I arrived at the home of a young lady to
take her to supper. As we were driving to the restaurant she
remarked, “I had another date planned tonight, but I told him I
had to visit a relative in the hospital.”
She had lied. It sickened me. I had been excited about
establishing a relationship with her only to find out within
minutes that falsehood came naturally and easily to her.
Obviously, if I continued in relationship with her, I would be
the next victim on her list. It was the first and last date I had
with her.
Develop integrity, whatever it takes. Carefully examine
each word that comes from your lips.
Refuse to brag on someone’s singing if it is not praise
worthy. Do not say things merely to encourage others.
“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in
the sight of all men,” (Romans 12:17).
Never say anything insincere.
The compassion of Ruth was known. Before considering a
relationship with a man, observe how he speaks to her mother.
Note how well this man treats his mother. Also consider how
he reacts to the struggle and heartaches of those less
Ruth’s purity and virtue were known even though many
false accusations were hurled about during those days.
Reputations of good people have been stained through the
words of vindictive and spiritually violent people.
Remember Potiphar’s wife? (See Genesis 39:7-20.) Joseph
is not the only one who has walked upright before the Lord,
only to have his reputation devastated after rejecting an
immoral individual.
The entire town of Bethlehem knew of Ruth’s obsession
to serve, as well as her constant acts of kindness to her
mother-in-law. It was said she treated her mother-in-law better
than 7 sons would treat a mother. That kind of reputation is
almost unheard of today.
Develop A Reputation of Kindness And Truth.
This does not mean you have to advertise your good
deeds. Nor is it important to announce to the world all your
acts of kindness and mercy.
God has a way of “letting your integrity be made known.”
What you are...will eventually be exposed.
Refuse To Be Discouraged When Others Misjudge Your
Motives. Everyone has been misjudged at some time in their
life. You will always have an adversary. “The words of the
wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright
shall deliver them,” (Proverbs 12:6).
When a minister speaks on prosperity, he risks many
accusations of greed. When he prays for the sick, he risks
others calling him a fraud.
Your own family may misjudge your motives.
Any person who carries out your instructions may
misinterpret your actions.
Your boss might misread you.
False Accusation Is The Last Stage Before Supernatural
Take the time to discuss your position with those who are
genuinely sincere. Do not waste your time and energy on
those who are merely stirring up conflict.
The ministry of Jesus was constantly misjudged by
others. “But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow
doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the
devils,” (Matthew 12:24).
Yo u r success is on the other side of scorn and false
The Uncommon Woman Is Aware Her Reputation Is More
Valuable Than Money.

Your Words Will Affect Your Success.

The Uncommon Woman places great importance upon
speaking wise words. Your daily words and inner self-talk
affect your success.
Dave Thomas, the beloved founder of the huge restaurant
chain, Wendy’s International, said, “Communication is the
heart of success.”

10 Incredible Ways Wise Words Can Affect

Your Daily Success Rituals
1. Wise Words Can Turn An Angry Person Into A
Friend. “A soft answer turneth away wrath,” (Proverbs 15:1).
2. Wise Words Will Breathe Energy And Life Into
Everything Around You. “A wholesome tongue is a tree of
life,” (Proverbs 15:4).
3. Wise Words Can Energize And Motivate Your Own
Life. “A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word
spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23).
4. Wise Words Decide Which Dreams Live And Which
Dreams Die. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof,” (Proverbs
5. Wise Words Are As Important As Silver And Gold.
“The tongue of the just is as choice silver,” (Proverbs 10:20).
6. Wise Words Can Get You Out of Trouble. “...but the
mouth of the upright shall deliver them,” (Proverbs 12:6).
7. Wise Words Can Bring Health And Healing. “...the
tongue of the wise is health,” (Proverbs 12:18).
8. Wise Words Can Open Doors To Powerful, Important
And Influential Leaders. “Righteous lips are the delight of
kings; and they love him that speaketh right,” (Proverbs 16:13).
9. Wise Words Can Cure Bitterness. “Pleasant words are
as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones,”
(Proverbs 16:24).
10. Wise Words Can Unlock A Financial Raise or
Promotion. “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of
his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled,”
(Proverbs 18:20).
The Uncommon Woman Knows The Impact of
Appropriate Words.

The Hidden Power of Right Words (CD/WCPL-27)
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The Uncommon Woman Is A Finisher.

Completion creates pleasure. “The desire accomplished is
sweet to the soul,” (Proverbs 13:19).
Creativity is fun. It is always exciting to give birth to new
ideas, think of new places to go or launch a new product. Real
leaders though, complete things.
Real leaders are “Follow Through” people.
Jesus was 30 years old when He started His ministry and
continued for three-and-one-half years. He touched many lives
and performed many miracles. Jesus electrified the world
through 12 men He trained. We know them as The Disciples.
Hidden in thousands of Scriptures is a Golden Principle
that reveals His power.
On Crucifixion Day Jesus was taunted by thousands.

A Spear pierced His side...

Spikes were driven into His hands...
Thorns 8 inches in length were crushed into His

That moment was when He uttered perhaps the greatest

sentence ever spoken on earth: “It is finished,” (John 19:30).
Jesus paid the price. He was the Lamb led to the slaughter. The
sin of man could be forgiven.
The Plan Was Completed.
Jesus was the Chief Cornerstone. “And are built upon the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself
being the chief corner stone,” (Ephesians 2:20).
The Prince of Peace had come. “For unto us a child is
born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon
His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The
Prince of Peace,” (Isaiah 9:6).
Our great High Priest, the Son of God, was our Golden
Link to the God of Heaven. (See Hebrews 4:14.)
Uncommon Women Are Finishers.
Jesus Was A Finisher. He finished what He started. The
bridge that linked man to God was complete. Man could now
approach God without fear or hesitation.
The Apostle Paul Was A Finisher. “I have fought a good
fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,” (2
Timothy 4:7).
Embrace The Spirit of A Finisher. “And ye shall be hated
of all men for My name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end
shall be saved,” (Matthew 10:22).
Start Completing Small Projects. Write that “thank you”
note to your friend. Make those telephone calls. Fight To Keep
The Spirit of A Finisher.
You are the offspring of a remarkable Creator.
Your gifts and talents have been placed within you by
The Holy Spirit. You have been given the Mind of Christ.
Discover and celebrate the gifts that lie within you.
Find ways to use your gifts to improve others and help
them to achieve their dreams and goals.
Go Where You Are Celebrated, Instead of Where You Are
Do not waste your energy trying to prove something to
somebody else.
Your worth must be discerned.
Jesus knew this. Satan tempted Him. “If thou be the Son
of God, command that these stones be made bread,” (Matthew
Jesus healed deaf ears...opened blind eyes...made the
lame to walk...raised the dead...sinners were changed.
Yet, the jeers of the doubters continued to scream into His
ears at His crucifixion, “And saying, Thou that destroyest the
temple, and buildest it in three days, save Thyself. If Thou be
the Son of God, come down from the cross,” (Matthew 27:40).
What was the reaction of Jesus?
He was confident of His worth and knew His purpose. He
refused to allow the taunts of ignorant men to change His
The Price God Was Willing To Pay Reveals The Worth of
The Product He Saw.
Your Assignment was decided before you were in your
mother’s womb. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee,
and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations,” (Jeremiah 1:5).
God created you. He has always known the invisible
purpose for which you were created.
Keep focused. You are not an accident waiting to happen.
“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right
well,” (Psalm 139:14).
The Uncommon Woman Has The Spirit of A Finisher.

The Making of A Champion (Book/B-59/128 pg)
Born To Taste The Grapes (Book/B-65/32 pg)
Wisdom - God’s Golden Key To Success (Book/B-71/78 pg)
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You Must Know Your Value.

You are not responsible for anything but an honest effort
to please God. Something incredible resides inside you.
Everything within you is known, treasured and intended to be
fully used by your Creator. “My substance was not hid from
Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the
lowest parts of the earth,” (Psalm 139:15).
Develop Confidence In Your Difference.
Your flaws do not necessarily prevent God from using
you. Flaws exist to motivate your pursuit of Him. “Thine eyes
did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all
my members were written, which in continuance were
fashioned, when as yet there was none of them,” (Psalm
Your Very Existence Excites God. “How precious also are
Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If
I should count them, they are more in number than the sand:
when I awake, I am still with Thee,” (Psalm 139:17-18).
Picture an author ecstatic over his book. The book exists.
The author created it. He is excited about it whether anyone
else is or not.
Imagine a composer, exhilarated over a completed song.
He knew its beginning and its end. Its very sound electrifies
Your Very Presence Energizes God. He saw your
beginning and His desired conclusion. “For Thou hast created
all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created,”
(Revelation 4:11).
God Is Looking At Something Within You That You Have
Never Seen. “For man looketh on the outward appearance, but
the Lord looketh on the heart,” (1 Samuel 16:7).
God Is Looking At Something You Contain That You
Have Not Yet Discovered. “For as the Heavens are higher than
the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My
thoughts than your thoughts,” (Isaiah 55:9).
God Will Tell You Secrets That Satan Will Never Hear.
God is looking at something inside you that even satan cannot
discern. (Read Job Chapters 1-3.)
The Uncommon Woman Is Confident In Her Difference.

You Are Moving Toward Excellence.

His mercies are not wasted on you. He has big plans. His
forgiveness is not futile. “For we are His workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus unto good works,” (Ephesians 2:10).

You May Be Looking At Your Beginning.

God Is Looking At Your End.
You May Be Obsessed With Your Flaws.
God Is Obsessed With Your Future.

You May Be Focusing On Your Enemies.

God Is Focusing On Your Eventuality. You Are A Trophy
of His Grace. God is not waiting for you to Become your
Assignment. He awaits your Discovery of it. Do not bond with
those who have not discovered the gift of God within you.
Their focus is different.
Their conclusions will be inaccurate.
Stay In The Presence of The One Who Created You.
You will always feel confident about yourself when you
stay in His presence. He is looking at something in you that is
remarkable. He planted something within you while you were
yet in your mother’s womb. (See Jeremiah 1:5.) David
understood this. King Saul and his brothers saw brashness;
The Holy Spirit saw boldness. David’s brothers saw anger;
God saw a sense of justice. (See 1 Samuel 17:26-31.) Joseph
understood this.
His brothers saw pride;
God saw thankfulness.
The brothers saw rivalry;
God saw a weapon. (See Genesis 37:4-11.) The opinions
and observations of others are not your foundation for
Greatness. God is looking at something inside you that they
cannot see, refuse to see and may never be able to see.

The brothers of Jesus did not grasp His Divinity.

(See Matthew 12:47-50.)
The brothers of Joseph misinterpreted him.
The brothers of David saw a shepherd boy.
The friends of Job could not discern the satanic
scenario before his crisis. (See Job 1:8-12.)
Haman could not even discern the nationality of
Esther! (See Esther 7:3-6.) Only a fool ignores the
desires of a king.

Few are ever accurate in their assessment of you. Your

flaws are fewer than they imagine. Your Greatness is greater
than they discern.
The Uncommon Woman Is A Trophy of The Grace of God.

Seeds of Wisdom on Overcoming, Vol. 5 (Book/B-17/32 pg)
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The Holy Spirit Satisfies.

The Holy Spirit is the only One Who has accurately
assessed your Future. He sees the desires of your heart to
become a Vessel of Honor. That is why He keeps reaching,
pursuing and developing you in the midst of every attack and

The Seeker...never gives up on you.

The Pursuer...never stops looking for you.
God never changes His plans toward you.
God never quits believing in your Future.

He has decided the conclusion and is only awaiting your

discovery of this truth.
God Sees Something In You That Others Do Not See. Stay
continuously aware of this truth.
God sees something within you that keeps Him excited
and involved. “Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed
him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came
upon David from that day forward,” (1 Samuel 16:13).
Those who know your value become qualified for access.
Those who do not ascribe proper value to your
Assignment are unqualified for admission into your world.
Do not open the door of your inner thought life to those
who are unable to appreciate what God has chosen to do with
your life and ministry.
Remember: God Is Quite Aware of The Hidden Greatness
Within You Others Do Not Yet Discern.
The Uncommon Woman Trusts The Holy Spirit To Be Her

The Holy Spirit Handbook (Book/B-100/153 pg) The 3 Most
Important Things In Your Life (Book/B-101/240 pg) You Will
Love Our Website..!

The Uncommon Woman Solves Problems.

Someone needs you. “Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15:13).
Successful People Are Simply Problem-Solvers.
Your success and happiness in life depends on your
willingness to help others solve their problems.

Attorneys solve legal problems.

Doctors solve medical problems.
Mechanics solve vehicle problems.

The Uncommon Woman Identifies What She Possesses

That Others Need.
Jesus is our perfect example.
Jesus was a Problem-Solver.
Thousands were burdened with guilt because of their
sins. Jesus offered forgiveness.
Thousands were spiritually starved. He said, “I am the
Bread of Life.”
Hundreds had bodies riddled with sickness and disease.
Jesus “went about doing good, and healing all that were
oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him,” (Acts 10:38).
Many were possessed with evil spirits.
Jesus had something others needed.
He solved their problems.
Jesus set them free. That is why thousands sat for days as
He taught them from the Laws of God and how to have
extraordinary relationships.
Consider The Products Jesus Has To Offer:

Eternal Life
Everlasting Joy
Inner Peace
Financial Freedom

Take an inventory of yourself.

What do you have to offer someone else?
What do you enjoy doing?
What would you attempt to do if you knew it was
impossible to fail?
Always Identify What You Possess That...Others Need.
The Uncommon Woman Is A Problem-Solver.

7 Rewards of Problem Solving (Book/B-118/32 pg)
7 Signposts To Your Assignment (Book/B-122/32 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

You Are Irreplaceable In Your Assignment.

Jonah revealed this when God used the wind and a huge
fish to motivate him. Nobody was chosen to “replace” him.
Everything God Makes Is A Solution To A Problem.
God wanted a love relationship...He created Adam.
Adam was lonely...God created Eve.
This is the Golden Thread that links creation.
Think of your contribution to another as an Assignment
from God.

A Lawyer is assigned to his client.

A Wife is assigned to her husband.
Parents are assigned to their children.
A Secretary is assigned to her boss.

Your Assignment Is Always To A Person or A People. For

example, Moses was assigned to the Israelites. Aaron was
assigned to Moses.
Your Assignment Will Always Solve A Problem. Your life
is a solution to someone in trouble. Find those who need you.
Discover what you have to offer and build your life around that
7 Qualities of The Uncommon Woman
1. The Uncommon Woman Sees What Others Do Not
2. The Uncommon Woman Is Not Afraid To Speak Truth.
3. The Uncommon Woman Thinks What Others Do Not
Take The Time To Think.
4. The Uncommon Woman Gives People What They Need
Instead of What They Want.
5. The Uncommon Woman Allows Time For Changes.
6. The Uncommon Woman Believes In People And Their
7. The Uncommon Woman Is Able To Focus On Real Life
The Uncommon Woman Is Irreplaceable.

The Law of Recognition (Book/B-114/247 pg)
The Wisdom Commentary, Vol. 1 (Book/B-136/256 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

Relationships Grow Weeds or Flowers.

Every friendship has an impact in your life.
Every relationship must be clearly defined and understood
by both parties.

25 Facts About Relationships

1. Your Choice of Friends Affects Your Future.
2. Every Relationship Feeds Your Weakness or Nurtures
Your Strength.
3. Every Friendship Is Comfortable With Your Present or
Compatible With Your Future.
4. Every Relationship Is A Current That Sweeps You
Toward Your Assignment or Moves You Away From It.
5. Some Relationships Can Cause You Irreparable
6. Some Relationships Multiply Your Wisdom.
7. The Purpose of Wisdom Is To Disconnect You From
Wrong People.
8. Your Future Is Determined By The People You Permit
Near You.
9. When Satan Wants To Destroy You, He Puts A Person
In Your Life.
10. When God Wants To Promote You, He Puts A Person
In Your Life.
11. Those Who Are Fighting Against God Will Fight
Against The God In You.
12. Those Who Despise Obedience To God Will Despise
Your Obedience To God.
13. Those Who Desire God Will Recognize The God In
14. Those Who Do Not Increase You Will Inevitably
Decrease You.
15. Those Who Do Not Make Deposits Into You Will
Eventually Make Withdrawals From You.
16. Each Relationship Will Abort or Advance Your
17. The Holy Spirit Alone Can Direct You To The Right
People Who Will Assist You In Completing Your Assignment.
18. No Relationship Is Insignificant.
19. Intimacy Should Be Earned, Not Freely Given.
20. Intimacy Should Be The Reward For Proven Loyalty.
21. True Friendship Is A Gift, Never A Demanded
22. When Wrong People Leave Your Life, Wrong Things
Stop Happening.
23. When Right People Enter Your Life, Right Things
Begin To Happen.
24. If You Fail To Guard Your Own Life, You Are Like A
City Without Walls.
25. Failure Occurs When The Wrong Person Gets Too
One of The Greatest Gifts God Can Give You Other Than
Himself Is A Friend.
Desire for Relationship is present from birth.
However, relationships bring challenges with them.
The Uncommon Woman is aware of the importance of
protecting her relationships.

A True Friend

A True Friend will remain consistent during times

of upheavals.
A True Friend is truthful...even when the truth
A True Friend is accessible during times of
loneliness and heartache.
A True Friend will increase your strength during
A True Friend will stay loyal during crisis.

A True Friendship begins as a Seed requiring constant

watering, nurturing and protection.
Much of modern communication is through email. Twitter
is a fun entry into the social networking environment.
Meaningful Conversation...births every significant change
in your life.
3 Insights To Quality Conversation
1. Be Concise When You Speak To Others. Your best
qualities will surface in the presence of quality people. Do not
ramble. Do not use 10 words when 5 will suffice.
2. Always Be Where You Are. When you are engaged in
conversation with someone, totally focus on that conversation.
Later you will not have to reflect back with regret about that
conversation. This type of sharpened focus during
conversation can prevent unnecessary cases of misjudgment
created by miscommunication.
3. Concentrate Upon Engaging In More Creative
Conversation. I was watching television news concerning the
awful oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Members of each political
party were putting forth their “talking points.” I was pleased by
the direct assessment offered by a fisherman affected by the
tragedy. He spoke with both eloquence and passion. These
factors made his speech memorable. Simply put, people are
much more likely to remember a well-spoken phrase.
Quality Relationships Must Be Treasured.
Success in life never arrives at the address of those who
have no dreams or goals. The attention of The Uncommon
Woman remains passionately focused upon her goals. Those
who stir her passion toward the desires of her heart are always
welcome in her life.
Treasure any relationship that generates energy and
enthusiasm toward achieving your dreams and goals.
The Uncommon Woman Protects And Nurtures Worthy

Appreciative Women Are Magnetic.

It is interesting to note the reaction of Ruth when Boaz
gave her permission to stay and glean barley from his fields.
She thanked him warmly. “Then she fell on her face, and
bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, Why have I
found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge
of me, seeing I am a stranger? And Boaz answered and said
unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done
unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and
how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of
thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest
not heretofore,” (Ruth 2:10-11).
Verse 13 reveals that Ruth spoke detailed words of
appreciation for the favor Boaz directed her way. “Then she
said, Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast
comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto
thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine
handmaidens,” (Ruth 2:13).
Ruth did not assume this unusual display of kindness was
owed to her. She did not ask for extra favor. She valued the
smallest crumb of barley left in her behalf.
Ruth was appreciative and attentive. Many relationships
are lost due to inattention and insensitivity.
The Uncommon Woman is attentive to and focused upon
the needs of friends. She is appreciative of the blessings others
release into her life.
One of the best character traits of the uncommon woman
is a thankful heart. She exudes gratitude continuously. The
word ‘appreciative’ means, “Showing appreciation of someone
or for something; to be grateful.”
Appreciative Women Have ‘Magnetism’.
Their amazing ability to value acts of kindness inspires
others and makes them want to perform accordingly.
Years ago, Jessica was a beautiful little 9 year-old girl in
Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was so articulate, expressive and
Every time I did something special for her, she looked up
with her big beautiful eyes and the biggest smile you could
imagine, and said, “Oh, thank you so very much!”
The beautiful expressions of appreciation that flowed
through Jessica made her magnetic!
It is this attitude of appreciation that makes children so
delightful and makes us want to produce for them.
Often it is said, that Christmas is for children. They
appreciate Christmas in a way that adults cannot seem to do.
Each year I find myself wondering, “Why do we not enjoy
Christmas as they do?”
Children appreciate.
They celebrate the great event of gift giving.
For many of us Christmas is almost just another day. After
receiving so many gifts and blessings over a long period of
time, our ability to appreciate seems to have deteriorated and
Place value on what you have in your personal
life...especially in your home. Do not take for granted that your
husband is “supposed to bring home the paycheck.” Do not
assume that it is “a woman’s place” to clean up the house and
prepare the meals.
Appreciation of those around you...will make you
unforgettable. Ask The Holy Spirit to help you find ways to
express your appreciation to others.
No Relationship Is Insignificant In Your Life.
Friendship with one wrong person can destroy you
forever. Worthy relationships will release intimacy and favor
into your life.

8 Ways To Express Appreciation

1. Do It Verbally. Speak kind words of appreciation.
2. Do It Privately. When no one else is around, be gentle
in expressing your true appreciation and gratefulness.
3. Do It Publicly. Others need to hear that you appreciate
how God has blessed you.
4. Do It Often. Not just once a year at a birthday or an
5. Do It Generously. Go the extra mile when buying a gift
for someone you love and appreciate.
6. Do It Thoughtfully. One of my closest friends in
Sarasota, Florida, sent me two books recently.
What types of books? The author that he knows I love to
read. He placed careful thought into the purchase of my gift.
7. Do It Quickly. If someone has blessed your life
significantly, do not wait several months or years to express it.
Develop the habit of responding to an act of kindness within
72 hours.
8. Do It Cheerfully. When you express appreciation, do
not do it grudgingly as if it is a painful effort.
Exude Gratitude Continuously.
The Uncommon Woman Exudes Gratitude.

Thirty-One Secrets of An Unforgettable Woman (Book/B-
57/140 pg)
The Wisdom Commentary, Vol. 3 (Book/B-228/222 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

Spontaneity Is A Valuable Character Trait.

Ruth willingly left her heathen family in Moab and went to
Bethlehem with Naomi, where she met and married Boaz, a
financial giant of the community. (See Ruth 1:16-19, 4:13.)
It is normal to move toward those who are easily
accessible. Sometimes, you have to go somewhere you have
never been before you taste the extraordinary success you
want to experience.
Yes, it is acceptable to ask The Holy Spirit to grant you
access to rare achievers. However, it is important to be willing
to start small.

Little Things Matter

Small hinges swing huge doors.
Small keys unlock vaults with millions of dollars.
A little steering determines the direction of a huge semi-
One small finger dialing the telephone can begin a
business transaction of one billion dollars.
Many will not become The Uncommon Woman because
they want their beginning to be spectacular.
Never despise small beginnings. “For who hath despised
the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10).
There is a fascinating story in the Bible of a man who was
a leper. His name was Naaman. He was the commanding
General of Syria. He went to the house of Elisha, the prophet to
ask for healing. Elisha sent him a simple instruction to go wash
in the Jordan River 7 times.
Naaman was infuriated. He had a different mental picture
of how his healing would occur. One of his servants made an
interesting statement, “My father, if the prophet had bid thee
do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how
much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?”
(2 Kings 5:13).
The Assignment from Elisha was simple, clear and direct.
“Naaman, Go! Wash in the Jordan River 7 times!”
When you are willing to do the simple, the Supernatural

Small Beginnings Often Have Great Endings

Jesus understood this principle.
He was born in a stable, in a small town of Bethlehem.
His beginning did not matter to Him.
He knew His Destiny.
He was aware of the greatness of His destination.
One of His greatest statements ever was, “He that is
faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he
that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much,” (Luke 16:10).
Attention To Details Produces Excellence
The difference between Extraordinary Champions and
Losers is the attention to detail.
Do not allow yourself to feel insignificant in what appears
to be small acts of obedience while giving birth to your
One of the great evangelists of our day began his ministry
duplicating tapes for his mentor. Hour after hour, day after day,
he sat and duplicated tapes. As he worked, he listened intently
to each tape as it recorded.
He assisted.
He listened.
He learned.
He ministered.
He served.
It was the beginning of a significant ministry.
Ruth began life as a Moabite heathen girl. Her attention to
the small details of her Assignment, (Naomi), positioned her as
the great-grandmother of David and ushered in the lineage of
Jesus. (See Ruth 4:13, 21-22.)
Abigail brought lunch to the starving man, David, and
later became his wife. (See 1 Samuel 25:10-42.)
When Jesus wanted to produce a great miracle, He always
gave a small instruction.
Little things mattered to Him.
Little things still matter to Him.
Notice the small, seemingly insignificant instructions that
Jesus gave. Looking back they almost seemed ridiculous. Some
might think these were instructions given to children, but they
were given to grown, mature adults.
Jesus spoke to the blind man, “And said unto him, Go,
wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.)
He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing,”
(John 9:7).
This small instruction produced a big miracle. Yes, a man
was healed from a lifetime of blindness.
Another example is when Jesus gave an instruction to a
group of weary fishermen, “Now when He had left speaking,
He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down
your nets for a draught,” (Luke 5:4).
Obedience to this simple command produced the greatest
catch of fish the disciples had ever gathered.
The first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding in
Cana, “Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water.
And they filled them up to the brim,” (John 2:7). It produced
the greatest wine anyone had ever tasted.
The Apostle Mark recorded the powerful story of a
healing that came about because of an obeyed instruction. “I
say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into
thine house,” (Mark 2:11).
What was the result? A paralyzed man immediately arose,
took up his bed and started walking. The result was that “many
glorified God.” This miracle was produced by obedience to a
simple instruction.
Remember the story of the lad and his lunch?
These words were spoken regarding the 5 loaves and 2
fishes, the lunch of a lad. “He said, Bring them hither to Me,”
(Matthew 14:18). What happened afterwards has been
preached around the world... thousands were fed.
Miraculously, each of the 12 disciples had a basketful of
leftovers to take home!
Great Miracles Do Not Require Great Instructions. Great
Miracles Require Obeyed Instructions.
A student in Bible college sits in chapel daily awaiting a
neon sign in the Heavens declaring, “Bob, go to Calcutta,
It never happens.
Why? Bob has not obeyed the first instruction. “Bob, go
to the prayer room at 7:00 a.m.”
Obedience Turns A Common Instruction Into An
Uncommon Miracle.
God does not give great instructions to great women. God
gives Uncommon Instructions to common women.
Greatness Is Birthed When A Spirit-Given Instruction Is
Obeyed. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of
the land,” (Isaiah 1:19).
Nothing you do today will be small in the eyes of God. Be
willing to go where you have never been before, and be willing
to start small.
The Uncommon Woman Is Spontaneous And Willing To

Relationships Do Not Last Forever.

Some relationships are seasonal. This is the reason it is
important to properly exit every door of friendship.
It is important you exit your present season correctly so
you can enter the next season of your life with joy.
Jesus finished His work on earth. He cried out from the
cross, “It is finished!” (See John 19:30.) Salvation was
complete. Redemption took place when Jesus paid the price for
the sins of man.
Three days later, the resurrection would take place. Jesus
returned to the Father where He is still making intercession for
you and me.
Jesus, The Example of All Examples, finished
properly...with the approval of the Father.
When Solomon finished the was an incredible
feat. The value of his temple today is over $500 billion. Because
he completed what he started, King Solomon was respected,
pursued and celebrated. (See 2 Chronicles 7:11.)
Greatness Is Simply Fulfilling God’s Expectations of You.
Paul fought a good fight, stayed on course and most
importantly...finished the race. Because of this Paul was a
success in the eyes of God. He made his exit from his earthly
ministry with dignity, grace and passion. (See 2 Timothy 4:7.)
Your Life is a collection of Beginnings.
Your Life is also a collection of Exits.
It is unlikely you will stay in your present job. Someday
you will leave your present position. Your supervisor today
could be another acquaintance in your life, next year. Close
Every Relationship With Dignity.

8 Keys To Remember When A Relationship Is

1. Close Every Door Gently. Do not slam doors. Do not
kick doors. They are doors through which you may need to
return in the Future. The attitude of your exit determines if you
can ever walk through that door again. “A soft answer turneth
away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger,” (Proverbs 15:1).
2. Close Doors With Forgiveness. Unforgiveness is like a
poisonous cancer that will destroy you from within. Permit God
to do the penalizing or correcting of others. Like Joseph,
recognize that the ultimate plan of God will bring promotion.
(See Romans 8:28.)
3. Close Doors With Kindness. If your fiancée leaves you
with cutting and bitter words, thank The Holy Spirit for
salvaging you. Perhaps he was not your Uncommon Man after
4. Close Every Door With Promises Fulfilled. Do not
leave your job until you have finished what you promised.
Complete every vow...whatever the cost. Integrity is easy to
test. Simply ask yourself, “Did I fulfill my promise?” (Read
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5.)
When people lose you in the forest of words, apply this
principle of vow fulfillment. Refuse to accuse, blame or
complain. This principle reveals everything you need to know
about a person’s integrity.
5. Close Every Door With Integrity. Few will do it. People
are rarely angry for the reason they tell you. The trap of
deception is deadly. It begins when you deceive yourself. Too
often those around you will walk through this same door of
deception. Always be honest to others about the reason for
the doors closing.
It is not necessary to give every detail. It is important the
details you give are accurate.
6. Close Every Door With Courage. It is not always easy
to close a door required by The Holy Spirit. Closing that door
may take uncommon courage in facing the Future without that
person. Remember The Precious Holy Spirit will never leave
you nor forsake you. (See John 14:16.) He both opens and
closes doors.
The Holy Spirit is The Bridge to every person in your
7. Close Every Door With Expectation of Promotion. “For
promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor
from the south. But God is the judge: He putteth down one,
and setteth up another,” (Psalm 75:6-7).
8. Close Every Door By The Timing of The Holy Spirit.
Do not close it in a fit of anger or because of a
misunderstanding. Do not close it because someone
recommends that you exit. Know the timing of God.
A young man sat in my kitchen a few weeks ago who
wanted a position in my ministry. I was quite concerned. I
asked him about his relationship with his previous boss, who
was a preacher friend of mine. He kept avoiding the issue. In
fact, I had to ask him the question several times before, I got a
partial answer.
At the end of the conversation, he explained he was in a
financial dilemma because he had left his last job before
securing another.
Patiently, I explained to him how foolish such an action
was. If God were moving the young man, He would also tell
him the place he was to go.
God always brings you out of a place to take you into
another place. Close every door with God’s timing.
Remember to close doors gently, news will travel... good
The Uncommon Woman Graciously Exits Relationships.

Seeds of Wisdom on Relationships (Book/B-14/32 pg)
Thirty-One Secrets of An Unforgettable Woman (Book/B-
57/140 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

Move Beyond The Scars of Yesterday.

We have all experienced pain and have yesterdays we
want to forget. Misfortune is a part of life. This may not sound
too spiritual but, “Over is over.” Part of choosing to move
forward with your life involves the decision to allow Yesterday
to die.

Stop Signs On Your Pathway To Victory

Stop talking about your limited education.

Stop complaining that your family is poor.
Stop repeating stories of your failures.
Stop pointing your finger at your boss.
Stop advertising your pain.
Stop meditating on your flaws.

Everyone has limitations. Each of us is handicapped in

some way... physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Your Work Should Produce Your Joy. “And also that
every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his
labour, it is the gift of God,” (Ecclesiastes 3:13).
Your Joy Is Determined By Doing What You Love. Jesus
associated with fishermen and talked to tax collectors. Doctors,
lawyers and religious leaders were in His life daily, but He
never wavered from His focus. The Bible says that “God
anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with
power: Who went about doing good, and healing all that were
oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him,” (Acts 10:38).
Jesus knew His mission.
Some people accept jobs because they are convenient or
close to their home. One man told me he had spent his entire
life working on a job that made him miserable.
I asked. “Why then have you worked there for 27 years?”
He replied. “It is only 10 minutes from my house, and in 3
years, I will receive a gold watch. I do not want to leave too
early and miss my gold watch.” What a high price to pay. Ask
yourself the following questions:

What do you love to do?

What do you love to talk about?
What would you rather hear about more than
anything else on earth?
What would you do with your life if money were
not a factor?
What do you do best of all?

Empty your Future of bad memories and concentrate on

recreating your Future.
Make the decision to rise above the stigma attached to
any questionable events in your Past.
Ruth did...she refused to become the living link between
the Past and her Future. She abandoned empty relationships of
her Past.
Ruth was a rare person who knew when she had
exhausted the benefits of her present season.
The Bible contains an illustration of the damage that can
be produced from unproductive relationships. This example is
drawn from the life of the great patriarch, Abraham, who
insisted on bringing Lot, his nephew, with him into the Future
God had prepared.
Some People Are Distractions.
Lot was a distraction. Most of Abraham’s continual
problems can be traced to the ongoing presence of Lot.
God told Abraham to leave his kinfolk and move to a
different territory.
However, Abraham insisted on bringing someone with
whom he was comfortable. He did so to the detriment of his
Yesterday People Will Rarely Enjoy Your God-Ordained
It is natural to want to bring those close to you into the
chapters of your Future success.
Hear this unpleasant truth...few will qualify.
Your Future must be is not guaranteed.
Bringing Yesterday people into the Future is like expecting
old wineskins to hold the new wine that is coming Tomorrow.
This simply will not work.
You have exhausted the benefits of Yesterday so prepare
to enter your Future without attempting to bring Yesterday
people along.
God will send the right associations to you.
You are not forfeiting loyalty.
He has scheduled outstanding Divine Connections
beyond your wildest dreams. Yesterday can be a reservoir of
Wisdom and information for you to draw upon.
You are not forgetting the precious lives God used
mightily for your continued survival and success.
You must disconnect from your pain-filled past . Refuse to
abort your Future joys and victories by replaying the
memories of Yesterday’s painful experiences.

Move Away From Yesterday.

Refuse To Waste Energy On The Restoration of
Your Past.
Rebuild By Focusing On Your Future.

Few made greater mistakes than Paul, yet he refused to

forfeit his Future by wallowing in the tears of his Past.
Many were cast into prison...Christians were
murdered...because of Paul.
The young lawyer held the coats of those who stoned the
great deacon, Stephen.
His mistakes were over.
His sins were behind him.
His name had been changed.
Eventually, you will need to make a major decision in your
life to totally abandon your memories, and pour your energy
into the palace of your Future. Look For Divinely Created
Every season in your life will contain advantages. Seek
The Holy Spirit’s direction concerning the Divine purposes of
God in every situation in your life.
Allow Him to reveal the blessing involved in each
relationship regardless of the length of time involved.
Discern the Divine purpose of God in every relationship.
Refuse to waste time on extended conversations with those to
whom you are not spiritually connected.
Think about it. Would you keep chewing the same
mouthful of food for 3 hours? No.
Would you keep reading the same page of a book for 3
days? No.
Would you leave a broken record on in the same groove
replaying the same note repeatedly for several hours? Of
course not!
When something is is finished.

Discern it.
Look for it.
Recognize it.

Consistently be intuitive and discerning when a specific

season in your life has concluded. Then, move quickly and
expectantly to the next season God has arranged for you.
The Uncommon Woman Permits Yesterday To Die.

Protect Your Passion At All Costs.

What you love is a clue to your calling and talent. Pour all
of yourself into your leadership role. “And whatsoever ye do,
do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men,” (Colossians
The Uncommon Woman Fights For One Focus.
Jesus focused on following the instructions of His Father.
He healed the sick. He came to make people successful, to
restore their lives to full fellowship with His Heavenly Father.
Jesus did all these things because He obeyed a single word
from His Father. “Go!”
Your Obsession Toward Becoming The Uncommon
Woman Will Cost You...Everything.
That Obsession took Jesus to the cross. It carried Him to
the crucifixion.
Jesus was obsessed with the salvation of humanity...and
He succeeded.
Do you dread going to work every morning?
Do you anxiously look at the clock toward closing time
each afternoon?
Do you find your mind wandering throughout the day?
Do your thoughts drift towards other places or things you
would rather be doing?
If so, you will probably not have success at what you are
presently doing.
Find something that consumes you, something that is
worthy of building your entire life around.
Empty yourself into something you love.
Focusing On Your Future Masters Your Past.

Do What You Do Best

Stay in the center of what you love most. “Brethren, I
count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth
unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for
the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,”
(Philippians 3:13-14).
Are you having self-doubts today?
Are your thoughts plagued by the seemingly restrictions
o f limited education...your father dying when you were alcoholic parent...guilt over a serious mistake you
made in your teenage years?
Such thoughts are common to all believers. You must
remember that your Past is over.
Protect Your Passion At All Costs.
One of the best ways of doing this is doing what God has
called you to do. It is only by focusing on your Assignment
that you can maintain the focus that is needed for the work at
The Uncommon Woman Stays In The Center of Her

Habit Is A Misunderstood Word.

For many, the word “habit” carries with it a negative
But, habit can be a good thing.
Basketball Superstar Larry Bird shot 100 free throws at the
conclusion of practice each day.
It was a Success Habit.
Cosmetics giant Mary Kay Ash habitually spent time
organizing her day.
Daily prayer is a habit that still sustains my 93 year old
father, the Rev. J. E. Murdock.
Developing New Habits Is A Challenge.
In order to develop a new series of success habits, you
simply must have an awakening within you of how great your
life can truly become.
However, getting to this zone of uncommon success will
require habits to develop and adapt. With
determination and tenacity, you can become The Uncommon

3 Truths About Habits

You cannot change your life until you change

your Habits.
You cannot change your Habits until you change
your Dream.
You will not change your Dream until you become
dissatisfied with your Present.

In California, a powerful spiritual leader awakens at 5:30

a.m. each day. He has followed this routine for years. He prays
from 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. This is his daily habit—The Success
Habit that has unlocked an unforgettable anointing for
teaching. He lives and breathes the atmosphere of success. Is it
a mystery? Not really.
Habit is the most misunderstood word in the English
language. When someone talks about habits, everyone thinks
about drugs, alcohol or smoking. They think habit is a word
connected to something evil, deteriorating or deadly.
Habit is a gift from God enabling us to succeed. Habit is a
good word, a God word.
Habit simply means that when you do something twice, it
becomes easier.
Personal Hygiene Habits increase your health, self-
confidence and social influence.
Conversation Habits strengthen integrity, relationships
and build self-confidence.
Financial Habits can create uncommon increase. Your
spending habits are creating a secure financial Future or
destroying it completely. A friend of mine told me that a simple
saving of $100 invested in mutual funds, every month...would
result in a baby becoming a millionaire at 20 years old. Habits
Create Paupers or Millionaires.
Health Habits define who you are today. Your habits
have created your present physical condition. Whether you are
overweight, unhealthy or uncommonly strong, what you keep
eating daily is creating the You-In-The-Future. What you eat is
increasing or decreasing your health.
Desires Birth Habits. Some who have smoked for 40 years
quit in a week when the doctor revealed that they were
standing at the door of death.
Discipline is different than habit. God did not create us to
be creatures of discipline but creatures of habit.
The Purpose of Discipline Is To Birth A Habit.
Psychologists say that when you perform an act for 21
consecutive days without fail, it will become a habit. Habits
create a Future you will love or hate.
Habit Is The Child of Purpose, Destiny And Desire.
Let me give you an example.
When Mohammed Ali, the great boxer, believed that
destiny and God had determined his Future, that he would be
the greatest boxer on earth, his habits changed. He arose
earlier and his workouts became more intense. His
conversation style changed, and yes, he even changed his
The Uncommon Woman Develops Success Habits.

Your Habits Decide Your Future.

Your habits are the result of what you believe you deserve
to have and possess.

Wisdom Keys For The Uncommon Woman To

Use In Her Daily Success Routine

You Do Not Decide Your Future, You Decide The

Habits That Determine Your Future.
What You Do Daily Is Deciding What You Are
Becoming Permanently.
Nothing Will Ever Dominate Your Life Unless It
Happens Daily.
You Cannot Change Your Life Until You Change
Something You Keep Doing...Daily.
You Can Trace The Failure of Every Woman To
Something She Permitted To Occur Daily In Her
Life, Body or Her Mind.
You Can Trace Uncommon Success To Habits
That Were Created...A Daily Success Routine.
Your Habits Are Creating Increase or Decrease.
Your Habits Are Being Strengthened or Changed
By The Friends You Permit Daily Close To You.
What You Keep Looking At Is Deciding Where
You Will Go.
Gaze Only Upon That Which You Desire In Your
You Will Always Move Toward The Dominant
Picture In Your Mind. That is why it is important
that you place pictures around you of the things
you desire to move toward.
A Failure Routine Can Be Changed Into A
Success Routine Within 21 Days.
What You Keep Doing Daily Is Creating The
Future You Have Always Wanted or The Future
You Dread.
Your Money Habits Are Making You A Pauper or
A Millionaire.

The Ancient Writings depict several photographs of

people who developed success habits and routines.
1) Jesus went regularly to the synagogue.
2) David prayed 7 times each day.
3) Daniel prayed 3 times each day.
4) Zacharias offered up sacrifices “ was his custom.”
It Is Almost Impossible To Fail When Your Daily Success
Routine Begins With The First Hour of Every Day In The
Presence of God.
One of the most famous businesswomen on earth lived
here in Dallas, Texas. She was worth over 300 million dollars
personally at the time of her death. The business she founded
is worth over two billion today.
The Great Lady Had A Daily Success Routine.
Since 1962, she would write her daily plan on a sheet of
paper. She listed 6 tasks for the day.
She worked on her list starting with the first and
continued until all 6 goals were completed.
She believed that one of The Master Keys to her
Uncommon Success was this constant and consistent daily
Planning was a big part of her daily routine.
A former Presidential Chief-of-Staff revealed part of his
Daily Success Routine. The first thing he did every morning
and the last thing he did every night was to plan the day of the
It was his habit.
One of the wealthiest athletes in history revealed a few
weeks ago that the morning after he won the heavyweight
championship of the world, he was back in his gym! He was
faithful to his Daily Success Routine...the morning after he had
earned millions of dollars within minutes.
He knew and had decided for his life, the daily habits
necessary to create the Future he loved.
One famous Hall of Fame baseball pitcher pitched his
seventh no-hitter. Afterwards, reporters found him in the locker
room doing what he always did—riding a stationary bike for
one hour and 15 minutes.
The man had just pitched a no-hitter! Did he race out and
do something exciting and different? No. He did not become a
champion by chasing after every thought fleeting through his
The gentleman became a champion through his Daily
Success Routine!

Create Your Own Daily Success Routine

1. Recognize What Is Worthy of Your Total Focus Today.
Everyone will have a different focus. Permit others to stay in
the center of their focus. You must target what you desire.
Everything does not have equal value nor deserve equal time.
2. Pinpoint The Top 3 Distractions That Occur
Habitually. The Only Reason Men Fail Is Broken Focus. Satan
cannot destroy you but he can distract you. You can trace any
failure to loss of focus. What breaks your focus daily off the
things you love the most? Who can help you protect your
3. Pray Continuously In The Holy Spirit. He has an
agenda. Doing so will help you discern His agenda, not yours.
4. Determine The Core Product of Your Life. What do
you want to do the most? What is the legacy you desire to
leave? What are you willing to walk away from to make it
5. Embrace Flexibility As An Opportunity. Hillary
Rodham Clinton once said, “I have never had a plan yet where
everything happened as I planned it.” You must be prepared
for the unexpected.
6. Recognize Those Around You Who Do Not Have A
Determined Focus or Goal. They want your attention and will
not hesitate to unwittingly break your focus.
7. Discern Those Who Are Oblivious And Blind Toward
Your Focus. I have been dictating books when “friends” would
burst into the room distracting me with trivia. Confront
8. Keep A Visual Picture of Your Desired Goal And
Dream Before You. Gym walls hold pictures of physical
champions who have won Mr. USA, Miss America, etc., upon
them for personal motivation.
Abraham had a picture of the stars...the sand of the sea as
a reminder of God’s promise to him of his generations of
Joseph had a picture of himself in authority. Jesus had a
picture of returning to the Father. Become Militant About
Keeping Your Daily Success
Routine. What You Keep Doing Daily Is Creating The
Future You Have Always Wanted or The Future You Dread.
The Uncommon Woman Develops Her Daily Success Routine.

Seeds of Wisdom on Habits, Vol. 6 (Book/B-18/32 pg)
Seeds of Wisdom on Motivating Yourself, Vol. 31 (Book/B-
171/32 pg)
You Will Love Our Website..!

Habits Create Greatness.

The Uncommon Woman Pursues Greatness. One of the
happiest seasons of my life was years ago when I birthed My
Personal Daily Success Routine:
I went to bed at 10:30 p.m. with a cup of hot chocolate. I
arose at 5:30 a.m. and walked 3 miles. I repeated this 3 mile walk
each night.
My joy was remarkable.
My peace was unexplainable.
After several weeks, a friend rushed into my hotel room
wanting my help on a special letter to his congregation and
Desiring to maintain my momentum, I told him about my
Daily Success Routine. It was late and I needed to sleep. He
laughed it off, kept talking and finally left at 1:00 a.m.
My entire rhythm was deeply affected.
I was unable to arise at 5:30 the next morning and pray, so
I decided I would pray at 8:00 a.m.
Every appointment the next day had to be changed.
Something was lost that I cannot explain. I was unable to
recapture the rhythm of that habit for many months.
A good habit is too powerful to treat lightly.
Become militant about keeping it.
What You Look At The Longest Will Become The
It will require total focus to create Your Daily Success
Routine. When you change your daily routine, you will unlock
the Promised Harvest for your family, and the work of God.

7 Daily Habits In The Life of The Uncommon

1. The Uncommon Woman Arises At The Same Time
Every Morning. John R. Rice, the famous Baptist evangelist of
many years ago, would often arrive home from his crusades at
3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. on Monday. But his staff declared,
“Regardless of when he arrived, he was at the office the same
time each morning!”
2. The Uncommon Woman Starts Her Work At The
Same Time Each Day. One of my close friends told me, “The
wealthiest man in our town backs out of his driveway at 7:55
every morning...without fail. Mike, I can set my clock by it.”
He has a Daily Success Routine.
Ernest Hemingway, the famed writer, wrote every night
from 12 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. and then he would sleep from 6:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Many prolific writers in America have a Daily Success
Routine, writing the same hours every day.
3. The Uncommon Woman Is Disciplined To Pray At The
Same Time Every Day. David did. “Early will I seek Thee.”
Daniel prayed 3 times a day.
Always establish a consistent appointment in The Secret
Place. Doing this will radically change your life. It may be for 5
minutes, but do it daily. Make it a part of your Daily Success
4. The Uncommon Woman Reads The Word of God Daily
As A Part of Her Success Routine. Reading 3 chapters a day
(and 5 on Sundays) will enable you to complete the Bible once
a year.
Do not wait until you “have time.” If you do, you will
never find time for Bible reading.
Your success routine in The Word will saturate your spirit
with the thoughts and presence of God. Nothing is more
important than your appointment in The Secret Place each day
reading The Word of God.
His Word will wash your mind, stimulate your faith and
put a picture of your Best Friend before you, The Holy Spirit.
5. The Uncommon Woman Habitually Speaks Words of
Hope, Confidence And Expectation of Excellence. Words create
your Future. Your words of faith and enthusiasm are the fuel
that unleashes the promised Harvest produced by your Daily
Success Routine.
6. The Uncommon Woman Has A Habit of Planning Her
Day. The late Mary Kay Ash, the famed multimillionaire,
planned every day with a simple list of 6 things to do.
Mark McCormack, owner of the sports agency IMG,
invests one hour every morning in planning the next 23 hours.
He plans his day for one solid hour before doing anything else.
7. The Uncommon Woman Exercises Every Day of Her
Life. President Harry Truman walked an hour every day until
he was almost 80 years of age. Mr. Truman had determined the
Daily Success Routine that helped create his Future.
Concluding Chapter Thoughts
Protect the Gift of Passion within you.
Guard your Focus every hour.
Be ruthless with distractions.
Feed the picture of your Goals continually.
You may start small or with very little. But when what you
love begins to consume your Mind, your Thoughts,
Conversation and will experience extraordinary
The Uncommon Woman Continually Reaches For

Seeds of Wisdom on Habits (Book/B-18/32 pg)
1 Minute Pocket Bible For Women (Book/B-61/134 pg)
The Mentor’s Manna On The Secret Place (Book/B-78/32 pg)
The Greatest Success Habit On Earth (Book/B-80/32 pg)
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Your Future Holds Great Expectations.

In order to reach your expected end you will have to deal
effectively with 3 types of people.
These types of folks are what I describe as Yesterday,
Today and Tomorrow people.
Those that God used Yesterday may not have a place in
your Future.
Do not be troubled by this. Instead, move quickly toward
the promises of God and prepare to enter your Future without
Yesterday people.
You do not have to repeat the same mistakes of
Yesterday. You have more knowledge today than you have
ever had in your entire lifetime.
You have learned from the pain.
You have learned from your losses.
You have watched carefully and documented what has
happened in the lives of others. Do not fear that Yesterday will
crawl behind you like a predator and choke you to death.
Continuously Look For The New. “Remember ye not the
former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will
do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I
will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the
desert,” (Isaiah 43:18-19).
Focus On Tomorrow. “Forgetting those things which are
behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God
in Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 3:13-14).
Know That Intolerance of Your Present Schedules Your
Future. As long as you can adapt to the Present... you really
do not have a Future.
I am fascinated that Ruth was willing to leave everything
comfortable to pursue her Future.
Sh e refused to let her religious background become the
noose around her neck that would have sabotaged her Future.
Ruth refused to let her Past rob her of the potential of
Tomorrow. (See Ruth 1:16-18.) She consistently refused to
build her Future around her Past.
Some of us continue to engage in mental replays of
painful experiences from Yesterday. Some have built our entire
lifestyle around one catastrophic experience.
Conversations are even consumed with negative
occurrences of 10 years ago. This is dangerous and
Words Impart Life.
When you discuss your Past, you perpetuate Past
experiences. If you repeatedly replay painful confrontations
and situations, you are giving them life and a Future.
When You Replay The Past, You Poison The Present.
The Uncommon Woman Will Encounter 3 Types of

The Holy Spirit Is A Person.

He is totally and completely...God. The Holy Spirit has
eternally existed alongside God The Father and Jesus The Son.
Sadly, much of Christianity knows very little about The Holy
Spirit. Some know the symbolic things used to describe Him.
He does move as freely as the wind.
But, He is not wind.
He is as graceful and gentle as a dove.
But, He is not a dove.
He cleanses and purifies like fire.
But, He is not fire.
He is all powerful.
He is both a Gift and a Giver of Gifts.
He is the One Who reveals Jesus.
He is the One Who baptizes believers into their salvation
experience with Jesus Christ.

4 Things The Holy Spirit Is To Believers

1. The Holy Spirit Is Your Enabler. “But ye shall receive
power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,” (Acts 1:8).
2. The Holy Spirit Is Your Comforter. “But when the
Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He
shall testify of Me,” (John 15:26).
3. The Holy Spirit Is Your Teacher. “He shall teach you
all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you,” (John 14:26).
4. The Holy Spirit Is The Revealer of Those Things,
Which Are To Come. “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is
come, He will guide you into all truth,” (John 16:13).
Become acquainted with The Holy Spirit. As you come to
know Him, truth will explode within your innermost being
changing everything around you.
As you become better acquainted with The Holy Spirit
you will realize:
Your best days are ahead of you.
Your worst days are behind you.
Life has a way of bogging us down.
Your relationship with The Holy Spirit will enable you to
focus your energy on our Future.
The Uncommon Woman Is Aware Her Strength Comes
From The Holy Spirit.

Will You Accept Jesus As Your Personal Savior Today?

The Bible says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth
the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath
raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved,” (Romans 10:9).
Pray this prayer from your heart today!
“Dear Jesus, I believe that You died for me and rose
again on the third day. I confess I am a sinner...I need Your
love and forgiveness...Come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I
receive Your eternal life. Confirm Your love by giving me
peace, joy and supernatural love for others. Amen.”

DR. MIKE MURDOCK is in tremendous demand as

one of the most dynamic speakers in America today.
More than 17,000 audiences in over 100 countries have
attended his Schools of Wisdom and conferences. Hundreds
of invitations come to him from churches, colleges and
business corporations. He is a noted author of over 250 books,
including the best sellers, The Leadership Secrets of Jesus and
Secrets of the Richest Man Who Ever Lived. Thousands view
his weekly television program, Wisdom Keys with Mike
Murdock. Many attend his Schools of Wisdom that he hosts
in many cities of America.

Yes, Mike!, I made a decision to accept Christ as my

personal Savior today. Please send me my free gift of
your book, 31 Keys to a New Beginning to help me
with my new life in Christ.

Mail to: The Wisdom Center · 4051 Denton Hwy. · Ft.

Worth, TX 76117 1-817-759-BOOK · 1-817-759-2665
· 1-817-759-0300
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1. Has embraced his Assignment to
Pursue...Proclaim...and Publish the Wisdom of God to
help people achieve their dreams and goals.
2. Preached his first public sermon at the age of 8.
3. Preached his first evangelistic crusade at the age of 15.
4. Began full-time evangelism at the age of 19, which has
continued since 1966.
5. Has traveled and spoken to more than 17,000 audiences
in over 100 countries, including East and West Africa,
Asia, Europe and South America.
6. Noted author of over 250 books, including best sellers,
Wisdom for Winning , Dream Seeds, The Double
Diamond Principle, The Law of Recognition and The
Holy Spirit Handbook.
7. Created the popular Topical Bible series for
Businessmen, Mothers, Fathers, Teenagers; The One-
Minute Pocket Bible series, and The Uncommon Life
8. The Creator of the Master 7 Mentorship System, an
Achievement Program for Believers.
9. Has composed thousands of songs such as “I Am
Blessed,” “You Can Make It,” “God Rides On Wings Of
Love” and “Jesus, Just The Mention Of Your Name,”
recorded by many gospel artists.
10. Is the Founder and Senior Pastor of The Wisdom
Center, in Fort Worth, Texas...a Church with
International Ministry around the world.
11. Host of Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock, a weekly TV
Program seen internationally.
12. Has appeared often on TBN, CBN, BET, Daystar,
Inspirational Network, LeSea Broadcasting and other
television network programs.
13. Has led over 3,000 to accept the call into full-time

1. Wisdom Books & Literature - Over 250 best-selling
Wisdom Books and 70 Teaching Tape Series.

2. Church Crusades - Multitudes are ministered to in

crusades and seminars throughout America in “The
Uncommon Wisdom Conferences.” Known as a man
who loves pastors, he has focused on church crusades
for over 45 years.

3. Music Ministry - Millions have been blessed by the

anointed songwriting and singing of Mike Murdock,
who has made over 15 music albums and CDs available.

4. Television - Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock, a

nationally-syndicated weekly television program.

5. The Wisdom Center - The Church and Ministry Offices

where Dr. Murdock speaks weekly on Wisdom for The
Uncommon Life.
6. Schools of The Holy Spirit - Mike Murdock hosts
Schools of The Holy Spirit in many churches to mentor
believers on the Person and Companionship of The
Holy Spirit.

7. Schools of Wisdom - In many major cities Mike

Murdock hosts Schools of Wisdom for those who want
personalized and advanced training for achieving “The
Uncommon Dream.”

8. Missions Outreach - Dr. Mike Murdock’s overseas

outreaches to over 100 countries have included
crusades in East and West Africa, Asia, Europe and
South America.

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