Ejbrm Volume6 Issue2 Article193
Ejbrm Volume6 Issue2 Article193
Ejbrm Volume6 Issue2 Article193
1. Introduction
There are numerous challenges facing todays construction industry. These include economic swings, new
markets emerging in the global economy, increasing competition, the impact of technology, new and
increasing demands from clients, customers and society, and the requirement to maintain a highly skilled
workforce at all levels. The industry is recognised as being poor at learning on a consistent basis and
improving performance and is notoriously slow in adapting to progressive change. The project-based,
fragmented and unstable nature of the industry has led to significant knowledge loss compared with other
industries. Knowledge Management (KM) has been promoted as a means of harnessing and utilising
intellectual resources to address these challenges, as well as improving innovation, business performance
and client satisfaction. However there is uncertainty about how to devise and implement a viable and cost
effective KM initiative. KM has received significant attention from the construction management academic
community in recent years and this is evidenced in numerous recent publications and conferences (Walker,
2005). KM is considered to be in its infancy in the construction industry and is seen as a recent and evolving
practice for construction organisations (Robinson et al., 2005). The lack of a working definition of knowledge
within construction organisations and awareness of the importance and potential advantages of KM reflects
an informal approach. It also indicates the need for further exploration of knowledge and KM-related issues
(Robinson et al., 2005). There is a lack of empirical research and integrated KM models for construction,
resulting in the continuing need for the development and testing of such models (Walker and Wilson, 2004).
One such integrated KM model, the K-Adv model, was judged to be too difficult to implement by the
organisations involved. A draft industry guidance document was produced and tested as part of the
research. This was found to be conceptually too complex to understand, even by some KM specialists within
the contributing organisations. Participants in the research indicated that a less complicated and shorter
guidance document was preferable (Walker and Wilson 2004).
This paper reports upon an ongoing doctoral study the aim of which is to develop an integrated model of KM
for the leading Irish construction organisations through grounded theory. In considering a studys research
methodology, Schwandt (2001) highlights the need to discuss the philosophical stance of the research and
the methods adopted. A theoretical discussion on the philosophical nature of research and the grounded
theory methodology is presented, with a specific focus upon the challenges facing a novice researcher in
positioning this methodology within a constructivist paradigm. To fit with the emergent nature of grounded
theory, multiple data collection methods have been utilised including interviews, focus groups and
questionnaires and their adoption is presented and discussed. In concluding, the paper reflects upon the
rationale for the chosen methodology and how identified challenges have been overcome.
ISSN 1477-7029
Academic Conferences Ltd
Reference this paper as:
Graham, B. and Thomas, K. Building Knowledge Developing a Grounded Theory of Knowledge Management for
Construction. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Volume 6 Issue 2 2008, pp. 115 - 122, available
online at www.ejbrm.com
3. Grounded theory
The grounded theory methodology first appeared in the seminal text The Discovery of Grounded Theory
(Glaser and Strauss, 1967). Through a set of highly developed procedures, the main aim of grounded theory
is to produce formal, substantive theory about the behavioural patterns that shape social processes as
people interact together in groups (Schwandt, 2001, McCallin, 2003). The philosophy of grounded theory lies
in symbolic interactionism which posits that meaning is socially constructed, is negotiated and changes over
time through the reflexive interaction of individuals (Mansourian, 2006, Goulding, 2005, Loosemore, 1999).
With the passing of time the originators of grounded theory have adopted differing approaches to this
methodology, leading to an ensuing academic debate over the characteristics and definition of grounded
theory. The contrasts between and within the Glaserian and Straussian schools of grounded theory lie in
their methodological procedures for coding data and developing categories, memoing and sampling,
emergence, researcher distance and theory development (Jones and Noble, 2007; Mansourian, 2006). The
main features of grounded theory include: using empirical research as its starting point; an iterative process
of data collection and analysis; producing explanations that are recognisable to the subjects of the research;
being geared to modest localised explanations based on the immediate evidence; an emergent design and
being linked with qualitative research, exploratory investigations, small-scale studies and research focusing
on human interaction in specific settings (Denscombe, 2003).
In terms of organisational research, grounded theory can be particularly useful in examining in exploring a
wide range of issues about people, their behaviour, relationships and communications (Locke 2001,
Goulding 2002). The focus on remaining grounded can be useful when dealing with the concept of
knowledge management in organisations, particularly in conceptualising managers practices and opinions
(Sousa and Hendriks, 2006). The grounded theory approach is now proving popular within the construction
management research domain, with a number of recent research projects being undertaken in the area of
KM (Hunter et al., 2005).
ISSN 1477-7029
Based on his experience of Strauss and Corbins method, Allan (2003) found the micro analysis to be very
time consuming and confusing. However, he reports that confidence in the process of coding grew and
uncertainty subsided with experience of the method (Allan, 2003:3).
There has been much debate about the level of a priori knowledge with which the researcher enters the field
(Goulding 2002). While it is impossible to begin research with no preconceived ideas, Eisenhardt (1998)
highlights the importance of being as close as possible to having no theory under consideration or
hypotheses to test in order to reduce bias. However, it is accepted that some prior reading is required to
identify initial ideas and concepts, with the extant literature being incorporated into the emerging theory as
the research progresses (Denscombe 2003). The timing of the literature review in grounded theory can
prove problematic for novice researchers. An initial literature review was conducted by McCallin (2003) as a
base for comparison with emerging concepts. The identification of similarities between the grounded theory
and the literature can help to improve the transferability, validity, and generalisability of the theory
(Eisenhardt, 1989, Chiovitti and Piran, 2003). While conflicting literature can force the researcher into a
more creative, framebreaking mode of thinking than they might otherwise be able to achieve (Eisenhardt,
1989: 544). Apart from literature Goulding (2005) cites the researchers life experiences, research and
scholarship as knowledge which cannot be erased prior to conducting their research.
There are two general strategies for selecting participants (such as people, organisations, locations etc.) in
research; statistical or theoretical strategy. While a statistical strategy is concerned with sample sizes,
theoretical sampling should focus on samples which are large enough to provide meaningful data of depth
and quality (Leonard and McAdam, 2001, Birley and Moreland, 1998). With theoretical sampling it is
essential to establish the criteria upon which the selection of participants will be based (Schwandt. 2001;
Eisenhardt, 1989). In the case of grounded theory, Goulding (2005) suggests initially talking to informants
who are most likely to provide information which may lead to provisional concepts and direct the researcher
to further theoretically identified samples, locations, and forms of data. As concepts emerge from the initial
field research, further sites are selected based upon developing categories and emerging theories (Goulding
2002). The rationale being that the selected sites best support the development of the theoretical framework
(Locke 2001). In concluding the theory development, theoretical saturation should occur whereby additional
analysis no longer contributes to discovering anything new about a category and is vital if a theory of
substance is to be developed (Denscombe 2003, Locke 2001).
In writing grounded theory it is recommended that the style of presentation should move back and forward
between extensive theoretical presentations and illustrative live excerpts from the research setting (Locke
2001). The use of diagrams can also aid the illustration of points being made (Goulding 2002). Once written,
the proposed theory should be reviewed in terms of whether it is pragmatically useful and credible. To check
the credibility of the developing theory, the researcher should return to the original informants and obtain
their opinions (Goulding 2002).
4. Data collection
The chosen methodology, the scope of the study and type of information required will dictate the types of
methods used (Clough and Nutbrown, 2002, Birley and Moreland, 1998). While Loosemore (1999) places
emphasis upon developing grounded theory through qualitative data, Sousa and Hendriks (2006) view it as a
fundamental distortion to argue that grounded theory is a qualitative research method. Indeed, Eisenhardt
(1989) states that research focussed on theory building, will typically combine multiple data collection
methods. The mixing of qualitative and quantitative methods can be viewed as complementary, echoing the
call for methodological pluralism in construction management made by Dainty (2007). The use of multiple
methods allows for triangulation, the purpose of which is to confirm findings through convergence of different
perspectives, check the integrity of inferences drawn and ensure validity (Jack and Raturi, 2006; Schwandt,
2001). The following section provides an overview of the methods used for data collection in the research,
moving from an initial literature review through the various stages of theoretical sampling that have been
completed to-date. At all stages of the data collection and analysis, literature relevant to the emerging
concepts has been reviewed.
ISSN 1477-7029
and five non-construction organisations. The purpose of which was to explore the role of CPD, particularly
the Engineers Ireland scheme and how the KM criteria is being addressed. At the time of writing this paper,
these interviews are being transcribed and will be incorporated into the emerging theory.
5. Discussion
With a recognised need for empirical research and KM models that are relevant to construction
organisations, this paper has proposed the use of a constructivist approach to grounded theory. The
adoption of such an approach will ensure that the developed model is recognisable to the research
participants. Indeed, grounded theory has been shown to be useful for research focussed on interaction and
human behaviour in specific settings, particularly in organisational settings and KM research. A constructivist
approach to the research ensures that the research participants are actively involved in building the model at
all stages, resulting in consensus on KM in construction. This is particularly evident in the two case studies
where close collaboration and a sense of reciprocity are critical. From a novice researchers perspective,
using grounded theory can prove challenging and a poor understanding of its features can lead to a poorly
developed theory. By selecting Strauss and Corbins version and adhering to their guidelines on coding, prior
knowledge, use of literature and sampling, integrity and rigour can be achieved. In terms of data collection,
grounded theory transcends the debate surrounding positivism and interpretivism, allowing for the
incorporation of multiple methods. The use of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups with differing
participants such as senior managers, middle managers, engineers, quantity surveyors, CPD specialists and
IT managers should provide deeper insights into and understanding of KM in construction organisations.
Furthermore, the use of multiple methods facilitates triangulation, thus improving the integrity of research.
6. Conclusions
Having considered an on-going PhD study into KM within the leading Irish construction organisations, there
are a number of conclusions which can be drawn:
There is a gap between the theory and practice of KM in construction. While the adoption of KM is
strategically important for construction organisations, much uncertainty exists surrounding its
A constructivist approach to grounded theory can facilitate the development of a KM model for
construction that bridges the gap between theory and practice. A focus on building knowledge of the
novice researcher, participants and KM in construction can be achieved through the adoption of a
constructivist approach to grounded theory.
The selection of, and adherence to, a specific version of grounded theory is important in
ensuring rigour and integrity. By selecting a specific version of grounded theory, adhering to its guidelines
and being aware of the challenges involved, a well-developed theory can be achieved by a novice
Multiple data collection methods can contribute to a well-developed and credible grounded
theory. The use of multiple data collection methods within grounded theory facilitates triangulation and has
the potential to gain deeper insights into and understanding of KM than would be possible in a single method
Upon completion of Case Study 2 and analysis of the CPD specialist interviews, it is anticipated that there
will be a need to explore the technological aspect of KM. A number of IT managers from participating
organisations have agreed to participate in either interviews or a focus group. Dependent on theoretical
saturation being reached, further primary research may be required. Once the theory has been developed it
will form the basis of a training programme which will be piloted with a number of the research participants to
ensure that it is understandable and credible. The constructivist approach to developing a grounded theory
of KM for construction should lead to improved awareness, understanding and implementation of KM within
the leading Irish construction organisations, whilst contributing to the body of construction management
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