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Project Report


In partial fulfilment of requirement for the

Award of Degree of

Submitted by:
Roll No.714. Part- II, Semester- III.

Under the Guidance of:




Submitted to:

Studying in Part- II, Semester- III,, hereby
declare that I have completed this project on RESEARCH DESIGN
METHODOLOGY IN COMMERCE in the academic year 20162017. The Information and certificate submitted by me in the project
is true and original to the best of my Knowledge.


( Signature of student)
(, Part- II, semester- III )


Department of Commerce
This is to certify that, ANAGHA AJAY KOTEKAR Student of SMT.
Part-II, Semester-III,, has successfully completed the
the guidance of Prof. Mrs. VARSHA CHUGH. The information
submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge. In the
academic year 2016-2017.

Prof. Mrs. Varsha Chugh

Dr. Manju Lalwani Pathak

Prof. Gopi Shamnani


In this world that we are passing through, we sometimes forget to
say thank-you, so before this movement slips away, there is just
one thing I would like to say thanks a million, I think that its great,
for all you have done I appreciated !
I would like to thank my Project Guide, Prof. Mrs. VARSHA CHUGH
for guiding me in each and every step. I would also like to thank my Professors, my classmates and my family members who
kept on giving me relevant information in successful completion of
my project and encouragement at every step.
This acknowledgement would be incomplete without expressing
thanks to all the people who helped me for giving their valuable time
to provide me information.
To end with, I thanks the people who helped me directly or indirectly
but without their assistance this project would not have been


Provide theoretical and practical knowledge.
To develop a creative and logical thinking.
To provide a better understanding of the subject by
making at more interesting and theoretical oriented.
To improve analysis skill which help them in taking
correct decisions and to achieve the given target.
To provide guidelines to the Researcher.
To organising Resources.
To give Directions to the Research Staff.
It should be Time Saving.
To provide Detailed Information.
Motivation to Research Staff.
Quality of Research Work.

This project is prepared with the blend of theoretical knowledge and
a mix of advices and suggestion imparted by the guide of the
project and various other relevant people.

The project started with sorting all the raw data and arranging them
in perfect order. To add value to the project and to understand the
importance of Research Design And Sample Design.
Further, to understand the RESEARCH DESIGN AND SAMPLE
DESIGN, study of this secondary data has been studied to actually
understand the Research Design And Sample Design, in a better

Research is a systematic investigation to search for new facts in
any branch of knowledge. Research helps to arrive at new
conclusions. It enables to find solutions to certain problems.
Research is often referred to as Scientific inquiry for facts needs to

be undertaken systematically and not arbitrarily. The systematic

approach to research enables the research to research for facts in a
rational manner and to arrive at logical conclusions, whereas, the
arbitrary approach attempts to find solutions to problems based on
ones belief and imagination. This is also clearly says that
research methods used to conduct the study. A research
design is utilized to structure the research, to indicate that all the
major elements of the research have been designed to work
together. There are numerous types of research designs that one
may decide to use. A research design as a blueprint for performing
a study with maximum control over factors which could interfere
with the validity of the findings. It is a plan which explains how,
when and where data are to be collected and analyzed.
Sampling design is a means of selecting a subset of units from a
target population for the purpose of collecting information. This
information is used to draw inferences about the population as a
whole. The subset of units that are selected is called a sample. The
sample design encompasses all aspects of how to group units on
the frame, determine the sample size, allocate the sample to the
various classifications of frame units, and finally, select the sample.
Choices in sample design are influenced by many factors, including
the desired level of precision and detail of the information to be
produced, the availability of appropriate sampling frames, the
availability of suitable auxiliary variables for stratification and
sample selection, the estimation methods that will be used and the
available budget in terms of time and resources. There are also
various importance to research design and sample design and
sampling methods which are broadly explained in the project.






Introduction and
Characteristic of
Meaning of Research
Design and Sample
Significance of
Research design and
Sample Design.
Types of Research
Sampling Methods.
Information of
Samsung Company.
Research Design
and Sample DesignA Case Study of
Samsung Company.
Bibliography and











Research is a systematic investigation to search for new facts in

any branch of knowledge. Research helps to arrive at new
conclusions. It enables to find solutions to certain problems.
Research is often referred to as Scientific inquiry for facts needs to
be undertaken systematically and not arbitrarily. The systematic
approach to research enables the research to research for facts in a
rational manner and to arrive at logical conclusions, whereas, the
arbitrary approach attempts to find solutions to problems based on
ones belief and imagination. This is also clearly says that








researcher explains how the necessary data and information to

address the research objectives and questions wa s c o l l e c t e d ,
presented and analyzed. Reasons and justifications
f o r t h e r e s e a r c h d e s i g n , research instruments, data sources,
data collection techniques, data presentation techniques and
analytical techniques are used . The design of any research project
requires considerable attention to the research methods and the
proposed data analysis. Within this , we have attempted to provide
some information about how to produce a research design for a
study, a basic overview of the research methods portion of a
research proposal and then some data analysis templates for
different types of designs. The main goal is not to answer every
question, but provide a head start.

1] Scientific method:


Scientific research in any field of knowledge cannot be conducted in

a haphazard manner. Scientific research cannot be merely based
on ones beliefs and imagination. To get the best possible research
results, the researcher needs to adopt the scientific method of
inquiry or investigation.
2] Objective and Logical:
The scientific research is objective and logical in nature. Research
is based on valid procedures and principles. There is a need to
collect relevant, accurate and objective data to investigate into the
research problem. Wherever, the researcher also needs to
systematically verify the findings and conclusions.
3] Applied and Basic Research:
Applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the
modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledges
sake. The goal of applied research is to improve the human
condition. It is generally used to solve a particular problem.
4] Generalisation:
Research findings can be applied to larger population. A researcher
can conduct research on a sample of respondents that represent
the universe. The sample selection should be done systematically
so that it properly represents the whole population or the universe.
5] Development of Principles and Theories:
A systematic research helps to develop new principles and theories.
Such principles and theories can be useful to several organisations
to manage and deal with people and things in a better way. The
general laws or theories developed through research may enable
us to make reliable predictions of events, which have not yet

6] Multipurpose Activity:


Research is multipurpose activity. It helps to discover new facts or

verify old facts. It helps not only to predict future events, but also
may help to control such events. It establish causal relationship
between variables. It also helps to develop new scientific tools,
concepts and theories, which would facilitate reliable and valid
study of human behaviour and other aspects.
7] Manipulation of concepts:
The researcher tries to manipulate things, or concepts. The
manipulation or purposeful control of things, or concepts is done
with a definite purpose so as to arrive at statements of generality.
For instance, a researcher may manipulate the environmental in a
workplace such as lighting, or layout or seating arrangement to find
out its impact on the productivity of the employees.
8] Quantitative and Qualitative Research:
Research undertaken to measures quantity or amount is called as
quantitative research. For instance, research undertaken to find out
the number of unemployed graduates or the number of unemployed
in general. On the other hand, research, which is undertaken to find
out the quality of a particular situation or phenomenon, is called as
qualitative research. For instance, a research undertaken to find out
the reasons as to why employees remain absent from work, or why
people behave in certain manner.




Research Design:A research design is utilized to structure the research, to indicate

that all the major elements of the research have been designed to
work together. There are numerous types of research designs that
one may decide to use. A research design as a blueprint for
performing a study with maximum control over factors which could
interfere with the validity of the findings. It is a plan which explains
how, when and where data are to be collected and analyzed.
The researchers overall for answering the research question or
testing the research hypothesis. Thus the obligatory for a
researcher to undertake research design.
Research design which as follows:
(a) the sampling design that relates to the process of selecting
items to be observed for the provided research.
(b) the observational design that pertains to the conditions under
which the observations are to be made.
(c) the statistical design that concerns with the question of how
many items are to be observed and the way the information and
data collected should be analyzed.
(d) the operational design that is concerned with the techniques
through which the procedures given in the sampling, statistical and
observational designs can be executed.
The key features of a research design are:
(i)It is a plan which describes the sources and kinds of
information strongly related to the research problem.
(ii) It is a strategy indicating which method will be employed for
collecting and examining the data.
(iii) It also consists of the time and cost budgets because most
studies are done under these two limitations.


(iv)Research design is what makes the entire research project work

without it, youve just got a lot of material but absolutely no way of
using it correctly or putting it together.
Sample Design:Sampling design is a means of selecting a subset of units from a
target population for the purpose of collecting information. This
information is used to draw inferences about the population as a
whole. The subset of units that are selected is called a sample. The
sample design encompasses all aspects of how to group units on
the frame, determine the sample size, allocate the sample to the
various classifications of frame units, and finally, select the sample.
Choices in sample design are influenced by many factors, including
the desired level of precision and detail of the information to be
produced, the availability of appropriate sampling frames, the
availability of suitable auxiliary variables for stratification and
sample selection, the estimation methods that will be used and the
available budget in terms of time and resources. When determining
sample size, take into account the required levels of precision
needed for the survey estimates, the type of design (e.g., clustering,
stratification) and estimator to be used, the availability of auxiliary
and contact information, budgetary constraints, as well as other
factors, such as non response, presence of out-of-scope units,
attrition in longitudinal surveys, etc. For periodic surveys, take into
account expected births and deaths of units within the changing
survey population. It's worth noting that the precision of survey
estimates is usually influenced more by the total sample size than
by the sampling fraction (ratio of the sample size to the population
size). If samples are to be selected from two or more frames, care
must be taken in dealing with units that belong to more than one
frame. It is important that the frame membership of each unit can be
determined. The principle that the sample design should be simple
is especially important when multiple frames are used. Choose
sample designs that will simplify estimation procedures.




DESIGN:1] Guidelines to the Researcher:
Research design provides to the researcher in respect of:
When to start and when to complete the research work?
What data to be collected?
From where the data to be collected?
How the data to be collected?, etc.
2 Organizing Resources:
Research design facilitates organizing of resources for collecting
the data. The resources include:
Funds required for collecting the data.
The manpower to collect the data.
3] Directions to the Research Staff:
The research design provides necessary directions to the research
Sources of data.
Techniques for collecting data.
Resources to be utilised.
4] Selection of Techniques:
Research design helps to select appropriate techniques both for
data collection and data analysis. There are various methods of
data collection such as:
Survey or Interview.
5] Collection of Relevant Data:Research design helps to collect the relevant data and that too
within a certain time frame. For instance, the research design
The area of research.
Universe of research.

Sample size, etc.



6] Time Saving:
Sampling helps to save time in respect of collection and analysis of
data. For instance, if 1000 respondents are selected out of total
universe of 10 lack, then data collection can be done at a faster
rate, and also data analysis. Therefore, the researcher can get
quick research results, and accordingly can take time action.
7] Overcomes Complexities:
Sampling helps to reduce the complexities in research work. If a
limited sample is used, then, fewer respondents are required to
collect data. As a result, the researcher may require less time for
editing, coding, and interpretation of data.
8] Detailed Information:Due to sampling, the researcher can collect detailed information
from the sample respondents. For instance: in the case of
commercial research relating to the study of consumer behaviour,
the researcher can obtain detailed information in respect of;
What the consumer buy?
When the buy?
9] Economical:
Sampling generates economy in conducting research. For any
research, availability of funds is a constraint. A smaller sample
requires less funds not only for data collection but also for
processing and interpretation of data. Especially, in the case of
academic research money is a big problem. Therefore, the
researcher will select a limited sample size to conduct the research
10] Suitability:
The sampling technique is suitable in the case of commercial and
academic research. But the sampling technique is not suitable in
the case of census survey. This is because, in census survey,
relevant data must be collected from every household or every
element of the universe.



TYPES OF RESEARCH DESIGN:Types of research design can be broadly divided into two groups:
Types Of Research Design:(A)

Exploratory Research.
Conclusive Research.
1] Descriptive Research.
2] Diagnostic Research.

(A)Exploratory Research:Exploratory research is to guide the survey design and question

building process, your entire research goals may be heading in the
wrong direction. Lets say we are creating a restaurant feedback
survey with the end goal of identifying and improving upon our
restaurant`s weak points. We may decide to make respondents rate
their level of happiness with our restaurant`s customer service,
menu selection, and food quality. Though this list may seem
extensive to us, it is completely possible for a significant portion of
respondents to be most dissatisfied with ulterior issues like the
restaurants atmosphere or location. However, without any
preliminary exploratory research to identify this, our survey will miss
these issues. Used properly, exploratory research will provide rich
quality information that will help identify the main issues that should
be addressed in our surveys and significantly reduce a research
projects level of bias and there are also the different ways people
can use exploratory research in their projects.
The following Ways to Implement Exploratory Research into a
Research Plan:1] Focus Groups:
A focus group most commonly contains 8 to 12 people fitting the
description of the target sample group and asks them specific
questions on the issues and subjects being researched.
Sometimes, focus groups will also host interactive exercises during
the session and request feedback on what was given. This depends
on what is being researched, like a food sampling for a fast food
chain or maybe a presentation of potential advertisements for an



anti-smoking campaign. Focus groups continue to be one of the

most common uses of exploratory research, providing researchers
with a great foundation on where people stand on an issue. The
open and natural discussion format of a focus groups allows for a
wider variety of perspectives in a shorter period of time.
2] Secondary Research:
It is almost impossible to come up with a research topic that hasnt
been conducted before. Beyond this, when it comes to designing
your survey and research plan, it is usually not best to reinvent the
wheel. All research strategies can benefit from reviewing similar
studies taken and learning from their results. Consider your
organizations previous research as free direction on how you
should design your present research goals. For example, if you are
running your second annual customer feedback survey, look at the
questions that were provided the most useful information and reuse
them in your new survey. External secondary research can also
help you perfect your research design. Beyond reviewing other
organizations research projects, social media like blogs and forums
can give you a better sense of the issues, opinions and behaviours
that go along with your researchs subject matter.
3] Expert Surveys:
Expert surveys allow us to gain information from specialists in a
field that we are less qualified or knowledgeable in. For example, if I
was tasked with surveying the publics stance and awareness on
environmental issues, I could create a preliminary expert survey for
a selected group of environmental authorities. It would ask broad
open-ended questions that are designed to receive large amounts
of content, providing the freedom for the experts to demonstrate
their knowledge. With their input, I would be able to create a survey
covering all sides of the issues.
4] Open-Ended Questions:
All open-ended questions in your survey are exploratory in nature.
The mere fact that you allow respondents to provide any feedback
they please, gives you the opportunity to gain insights on topics you



havent previously thought of. Adding a few open-ended questions

in surveys with large amounts of respondents can be somewhat
difficult and time-consuming to sort through, but it can indicate
important trends and opinions for further research. For example,
lets say we own a news website and asked our visitors the openended question, What would you like to see improved most on our
website? After analyzing the responses, we identify the top three
discussed areas: 1) Navigation, 2) Quality of Information 3) Visual
Displays. We can then use these three topics as our main focus or
research objectives for a new survey that will look to statistically
quantify peoples issues with the website with closed-ended
(B)Conclusive Research:Conclusive research design, as the name implies, is applied to
generate findings that are practically useful in reaching conclusions
or decision-making. Conclusive research design usually involves
the application of quantitative methods of data collection and data
analysis. Moreover, conclusive studies tend to be deductive in
nature and research objectives in these types of studies are
achieved via testing hypotheses. It has to be noted that conclusive
research is more likely to use statistical tests, advanced analytical
techniques, and larger sample sizes, compared with exploratory
studies. Conclusive research is more likely to use quantitative,
rather than qualitative techniques.
Conclusive research design can be divided
categories: descriptive research and causal research:



(i)Descriptive research is used to describe some functions or

characteristics of phenomenon and can be further divided into the
following groups:
1]Case study.
2]Case series study.
3]Cross-sectional study.
4]Longitudinal study.



5] Retrospective study.
(ii)Causal research, on the other hand, is used to research cause
and affect relationships. Two popular research methods for causal
studies are experimental and quasi-experimental studies.



SAMPLING MATHODS:The methods of sampling can be broadly divided into two groups:
(A)Probability Methods.
(B)Non- probability Methods.
(A)Probability Methods:1] Simple Random Sampling.
2] Stratified sampling.
3] Opportunity sampling.
4] systematic Sampling.
(B)Non- probability Methods:1] convenience Sampling.
2] Accidental Sampling.
3] Judgement Sampling.
4] Quota Sampling.
(A)Probability Methods:A probability sampling method is any method of sampling that
utilizes some form of random selection. In order to have a random
selection method, you must set up some process or procedure that
assures that the different units in your population have equal
probabilities of being chosen. Humans have long practiced various
forms of random selection, such as picking a name out of a hat, or
choosing the short straw. These days, we tend to use computers as
the mechanism for generating random numbers as the basis for
random selection.
1] Random Sampling:
This is the most popular method which is commonly followed to
collect research data. Everyone in the entire target population has
an equal chance of being selected. This is similar to the national
lottery. If the population is everyone who has bought a lottery
ticket, then each person has an equal chance of winning the lottery
(assuming they all have one ticket each). Random samples require
a way of naming or numbering the target population and then using
some type of raffle method to choose those to make up the sample.



Random samples are the best method of selecting your sample

from the population of interest. The advantages are that your
sample should represent the target population and eliminate
sampling bias, but the disadvantage is that it is very difficult to
achieve (i.e. time, effort and money).
2] Stratified Sampling:
The population is divided into various strata or segments based on
income, occupation, age, religion, gender, etc. The researcher
identifies the different types of people that make up the target
population and works out the proportions needed for the sample to
be representative. A list is made of each variable which might have
an effect on the research. For example, if we are interested in the
money spent on books by undergraduates, then the main subject
studied may be an important variable. For example, students
studying English Literature may spend more money on books than
engineering students so if we use a very large percentage of
English students or engineering students then our results will not be
accurate. We have to work out the relative percentage of each
group at a university e.g. Engineering 10%, Social Sciences 15%,
English 20%, Sciences 25%, Languages 10%, Law 5%, Medicine
15% The sample must then contain all these groups in the same
proportion as in the target population (university students).
Gathering such a sample would be extremely time consuming and
difficult to do (disadvantage). This method is rarely used in
Psychology. However, the advantage is that the sample should be
highly representative of the target population and therefore we can
generalize from the results obtained.
3] Opportunity Sampling:
This method is used people from target population available at the
time and willing to take part. It is based on convenience. An
opportunity sample is obtained by asking members of the
population of interest if they would take part in your research. An
example would be selecting a sample of students from those
coming out of the library. This is a quick way and easy of choosing



participants (advantage), but may not provide a representative

sample, and could be biased (disadvantage).
4] Systematic Sampling:
It is a variation of simple random method. This technique is used to
chooses subjects in a systematic (i.e. orderly / logical) way from the
target population, like every nth participant on a list of names. To
take a systematic sample, you list all the members of the
population, and then decided upon a sample you would like. By
dividing the number of people in the population by the number of
people you want in your sample, you get a number we will call . If
you take every name, you will get a systematic sample of the
correct size. If, for example, you wanted to sample 150 children
from a school of 1,500, you would take every 10th name. The
advantage to this method is that is should provide a representative
sample, but the disadvantage is that it is very difficult to achieve
(i.e. time, effort and money).
(B)Non- probability Methods:The difference between non-probability and probability sampling is
that non-probability sampling does not involve random selection
and probability sampling does. Does that mean that non-probability
samples aren't representative of the population. Not necessarily.
But it does mean that non-probability samples cannot depend upon
the rationale of probability theory. At least with a probabilistic
sample, we know the odds or probability that we have represented
the population well. We are able to estimate confidence intervals for
the statistic. With non-probability samples, we may or may not
represent the population well, and it will often be hard for us to
know how well we've done so. In general, researchers prefer
probabilistic or random sampling methods over non-probabilistic
ones, and consider them to be more accurate and rigorous.
However, in applied social research there may be circumstances
where it is not feasible, practical or theoretically sensible to do
random sampling. Here, we consider a wide range of nonprobabilistic alternatives.



1] Convenience Sampling:
The sample is selected as per the convenience of the researcher.
Under this method, every element of the population does not get a
chance of being selected. For instance, the researcher researching
into the reading habits of students of Mumbai University may
select the sample respondents by visiting certain colleges as per his
convenience. The researcher may consider factors to select the
sample of respondents, such as his contracts with the college
authorities, convenient location of the colleges, and so on. He may
select the students from those colleges with whom he has good
contracts, or which are located at a convenient place.
2] Accidental Sampling:
Accidental sampling is a type of non-probability sampling that
involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population
that is close to hand. That is, a sample population selected because
it is readily available and convenient, as researchers are drawing on
relationships or networks to which they have easy access. The
researcher using such a sample cannot scientifically make
generalizations about the total population from this sample because
it would not be representative enough. For example, if the
interviewer was to conduct such a survey at a shopping center early
in the morning on a given day, the people that he/she could
interview would be limited to those given there at that given time,
which would not represent the views of other members of society in
such an area, if the survey was to be conducted at different times of
day and several times per week. This type of sampling is most
useful for pilot testing. Credibility of a researcher's results by
convenience sampling will depend on convincing the reader that the
sample chosen equates to a large degree of the population from
which they are drawn.
3] Judgement Sampling:
Judgmental sampling design is usually used when a limited number
of individuals possess the trait of interest. It is the only viable
sampling technique in obtaining information from a very specific
group of people. It is also possible to use judgmental sampling if the



researcher knows a reliable professional or authority that he thinks

is capable of assembling a representative sample.
4] Quota Sampling:
Quota sampling is a type of non-probability sampling that involves a
two-step process:
Step 1: Specify a list of relevant control categories or quotas such
as age, gender, income, or education. A quota is some specific
requirement or predefined category. The target population is first
segmented into mutually exclusive sub-groups, which means that
one individual can be a member of only one category or sub-group.
The researcher takes special care to obtain a sample that is similar
to the target population on some specified control category.
Step 2: Collect a sample that has the same properties as the target
population. To do this, the researcher must know the distribution of
these properties across that population. For example, let's look at a
target population of college students at a local college. Because the
researcher can access this data, he knows that in this given
population, 43% of the students are male and 57% are female. For
a sample size of 1,000, the researcher knows that 430 males and
570 females will need to be interviewed from that population.




Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company
headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous
subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under
the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean business
conglomerate. Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938
as a trading company. Over the next three decades, the group
diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance,
securities and retail. Samsung entered the electronics industry in
the late 1960s and the construction and shipbuilding industries in
the mid-1970s; these areas would drive its subsequent growth.
Following Lee's death in 1987. Samsung was separated into four
Group, Shinseki Group, CJ
Group and Han sol Group. Since 1990s, Samsung has increasingly
globalized its activities and electronics, particularly mobile phones
and semiconductors, have become its most important source of
Samsung is the world class company, from the beginnings as a
small trading company, Samsung has evolved to a world-class
corporation with businesses that span advance technology,
semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemical,
fashion, medicine, finance, hotels and more. The discoveries,
inventions and breakthrough products have allowed us to be a
leader in these fields, constantly pushing the industries forward.
Samsung Creates Possibilities, a corporation of discovery, the
purpose is simple: Its giving you the freedom to take journeys; to
discover new experiences; to take charge of your world. Its the
power to connect who you are today with who you want to be
tomorrow. In a changing world, they are changing faster. They are
relentless in there pursuit of discovery and innovation, creating
technologies and providing services that empower. Opening the
door to a world of possibility. Samsung becomes Bettering
Everyday Experiences, From the innovations in consumer
electronics to there developments in biopharmaceuticals, Samsung
shares impactful experiences each day with people around the



globe. Through there devotion to create superior products and

services across all areas of there business, They strive to enhance
the lives of people everywhere and bring positive change to the
world around them.
In 1938, Lee Byung-chull (19101987) of a large landowning family
moved to nearby city and founded Samsung Sang hoe . Samsung
started out as a small trading company with forty employees located
in Su-dong. It dealt in locally-grown groceries and made noodles.
The company prospered and Lee moved its head office to Seoul in
1947. When the Korean War broke out, he was forced to leave
Seoul. He started a sugar refinery. In 1954, Lee founded and built
the plant , of woollen mill. It was the largest woollen mill ever in the
country. Samsung diversified into many different areas. Lee sought
to establish Samsung as an industry leader in a wide range of
industries. Samsung moved into lines of business such as
insurance, securities and retail. President Park Chung Hee placed
great importance on industrialization. He focused his economic
development strategy on a handful of large domestic
conglomerates, protecting them from competition and assisting
them financially.
In first quarter of 2012, Samsung Electronics became the world's
largest mobile phone maker by unit sales, overtaking Nokia, which
had been the market leader. On September 4, 2012, Samsung
announced that it plans to examine all of its Chinese suppliers for
possible violations of labour policies. The company said it will carry
out audits of 250 Chinese companies that are its exclusive suppliers
to see if children under the age of 16 are being used in their
factories. Samsung plans to launch a new set of services beginning
early 2015. The goal of this new suite of business offerings, dubbed
Samsung 360 Services, is to become a help desk of sorts for
businesses IT departments. The customizable services range from
technical support to security solutions for having a Samsung
employee embedded in a client's business as an on-site support
manager or technology consultant.




In mobile phone industry, Samsung Corporation holds the number
one position and there time to time innovations have a huge impact
over getting the market leadership. On this basis, this study focus
on research of product design and innovations in sample design on
market share of Samsung mobile. The aim of this is to study
whether there is an impact of research on product design and
sample design innovations on market share of mobile phones
based on the case study of Samsung Mobile Phones. secondary
data was used for this case study .This study identified various
factors affecting the buying design and the market share of the
Samsung mobile phones and the main finding of this is that there is
a positive correlation between those two factors and therefore the
sample design innovation and research design of product affect the
purchasing decision of the customers and then lead to higher
market share. Several recommendations were given in this case
including improving the research design of product of the Samsung
mobile phones in terms of size and weight, targeting younger
generation and introducing more innovation, and improving
availability of the phones. Sample design Innovations and new
product design considered as the most crucial factors to achieve
competitive advantages in todays business environment, especially
for mobile phone manufacturing companies. Sample design
Innovations enable them to win consumers heart. In mobile phone
industry, Samsung Corporation holds the number one position and
there time to time innovations have a huge impact over getting the
market leadership. On this basis, this case study focus on research
the impact of research design on product and sample design
innovations on market share of Samsung mobiles.

Questions:1] How sample design innovations and research design on

product s impact on the Samsung mobile market share?
2] What are the factors influencing market share?



Answers of the given questions:1] Answer :Mobile manufactures are operating in highly complex and largely
competitive business context. Mobile headsets have been
developed through many generations starting from first generation
to fifth generation. All these generations are evolutes through many
technological advancements and sample design innovative
products and new product designs help organizations to maintain
their market share and enhance their profitability in long-term. Each
company is competing against others and gain many competitive
advantages through innovative product and features. They are able
to achieve these competitive advantages through creativity, sample
design innovations, product design innovations and effective use of
information. Over last decades, Customer of mobile communication
largely looked for new applications to match their demand for high
data range, complex applications and switch between complex
network solutions. Mobile phone manufacturers are highly investing
their money on research and development activities, human
knowledge and creativity and intellectual assets to develop sample
design innovative solutions to enhance consumers expectations
competitively. They have experienced that consumers always prefer
new product designs with innovative ideas. Therefore, investigation
of the impact of sample design innovations on the market share will
be a vital aspect of the organisation because this will enable them
to effective utilisation of their human resources, intellectual
properties, knowledge and technology. This will enable them to
understand consumers requirements and design their products
accordingly in a way that enables them to achieve competitive
advantages. Research design and sample design Innovations help
to enhance the efficiency of the production processes, enhance the
value-added services to the products and provide new product
designs which enhance customer satisfaction. Innovations also help
to keep a better relationship between market performance and new
product designs. In todays business environment, innovations
considered as critical success factor and core competency of the
firms to achieve competitive advantages. As a mobile manufacturer,
Samsung is always investing in brand new ideas and sample
design innovations to win their market share. As such this



investigation is very significant for Samsung to identify how they

can lead the market and increase their market share through
innovations and new product designs competitively. So in this
positive way research design and sample design innovations and
product designs impact on the Samsung mobile market share.
2] Answer:The factors which are influenced, the market share which are as
follows by 4ps of marketing the Samsung mobile phones.
(i)Product:Product is also an important dimension in the marketing mix which
affects the market share significantly. Many studies have been
carried out regarding the marketing strategy related to product and
the researchers have identified that the product design, research
design, sample design, warranty, brand mix, pre sales customer
service, after sales customer service, and product advantages are
the variables in the marketing strategy related to product the
product design adaptation strategy is related to positive firm
performance. Also there are some other researches suggesting that
when the product meets the requirements of the customers it will
lead to better performance of the company. For the company
performance the product quality and the services quality are
considered as some of the main determinants. The other
determinants identified are the brand image, product design,
sample design innovation and the product differentiation which is
also similar to the findings of the other researchers. The product
innovation and the product quality are main determinants of the of
the market share and those two determinants lead to higher
performance of the company. Regarding the export performance
and the opportunities of marketing, the product diversification is
very much important. The product quality, diversification of the
product, brand popularity, packaging, and the product volume or
amount are the main and effective factors that govern the higher
market share. So the product innovation, sample design innovation,
research design, is affecting positively for the companys economic



(ii) Price:Price is an important part of the marketing mix which is considered

as important aspect of changing the market share by many
researches. While the price is considered as a significant element in
the export market to compete with the competitors, in the
competitive market today, only focusing on the price
competitiveness and the cost reduction is not sufficient to success
in the export driven economy. price is not a dominant strategy in the
marketing activity of the companies. However most of the other
researchers suggest that the low cost advantage has a positive
influence on the market share. Also other researches regarding the
marketing strategy has also stated that when the prices are
adjusted to meet the market situation, the market share will be
increased and the proper pricing strategy also lead to increase in
market share. When the price adjusted according to the market
requirement it is known as the market based pricing and it will
change according to the consumer and competitive situation.
(iii) Place:In order to be successful in the market on time delivery is very
much important and therefore having proper distribution channel is
necessary to have a higher market share. In a highly competitive
environment where the companies provide equal products and
services, the good distribution channel and the place strategy can
be considered as a good differentiation strategy. In order to improve
the market share the international exposure is very much important
as if the company is becoming international the brand image of the
company will increase and the local market share will also increase
as a result of that, the relationship in the distribution channel has a
positive effect on the market share of the company. Also the dealer
support is very much important for having successful distribution
channel. The sufficient seaport, on time delivery, having the safety
stock, road condition for delivery and the transportation cost are the
main effective factors of the delivery performance of the company
which will affect the market share.



(iv) Promotion:Promotion is considered as a one important element in the

marketing mix where many researches trying to investigate the
relationship with the market share. They also try to find out the
connection between the promotion and the profit increase and the
sales increase as well. In order to effectively face the campaigns of
the competitors the effective promotion is very much necessary.
The promotion was the most research element out of the marketing
mix elements as the advertising also a part of the promotional
activities. By the advertising process the company has the ability to
introduce, inform, encourage and remind the customers and
therefore they can enhance the profit and generate more sales as
well. The companies use sound advertising programs has
experienced higher sales and this can show the importance of
advertising on the company performance. The companies who have
greater commitment towards their target market are using
advertising at higher level than the firms with less commitment to
the target market that use lower advertising level the commercial
branch is considered as one of the key element in the promotion
strategy. The variables related to promotion can be divided to the
sales promotion, advertising, individual selling, individual visit, trade
fairs and the promotion adaption. In the low income economies,
highly competitive markets and the markets with higher advertising
restrictions the promotional tools such as coupons, premiums, and
samples are used widely. If the cost of managing the sales
employees is low or if the country has higher advertising restrictions
the personal selling also used as a promotional tool.
Another method of improving the market share is the trade fairs as
by using the trade fairs the company can test the sales potential of
a specific market, can find a new company for distribution, can find
the collaboration in the markets in the foreign countries and finally it
can be used for the purpose of market research as well it improves
the experience regarding the opportunities and issues, increases
communication, personalizes the relationship with the customer and
receives and provides a timely response.



CONCLUSION:From the above project it is concluded that, research is the process

of systematically obtaining accurate answers to significant and
pertinent questions by the use of scientific method for gathering and
interpreting information. Research is a systematic investigation to
search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research helps to
arrive at new conclusions. It enables to find solutions to certain
problems. Research is often referred to as Scientific inquiry for
facts needs to be undertaken systematically and not arbitrarily. The
systematic approach to research enables the research to research
for facts in a rational manner and to arrive at logical conclusions,
whereas, the arbitrary approach attempts to find solutions to
problems based on ones belief and imagination.


BIBLIOGRAPHY AND WEBLIOGRAPHY: Books:Research Methodology in Commerce- Michael vaz.


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