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Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and

6.1 | 2013

Vol.6 / n1 - Resilient Cities

Adding value to critical infrastructure research

and disaster risk management: the resilience
Claudia Bach, Sara Bouchon2, Alexander Fekete, Jrn Birkmann et
Damien Serre
Eric Duchemin, Bruno Barroca et Damien Serre (d.)

Institut Veolia Environnement
dition lectronique
ISSN : 1993-3819
Rfrence lectronique
Claudia Bach, Sara Bouchon2, Alexander Fekete, Jrn Birkmann and Damien Serre, Adding value to
critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept , S.A.P.I.EN.S
[Online], 6.1 | 2013, Online since 15 July 2014, connection on 30 September 2016. URL : http://

Ce document est un fac-simil de l'dition imprime.

Licence Creative Commons

Adding value to critical

infrastructure research and
disaster risk management:
the resilience concept.

Volume 6 issue 1

S . A . P. I . E N . S


Claudia Bach1, Sara Bouchon2, Alexander Fekete3, Jrn Birkmann1, Damien Serre4
1. United Nation University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113, Bonn and respectively.
2. Risk Governance Solutions S.r.l., Via Fratelli dItalia, 7, 21052 - Busto Arsizio (VA),
3. Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection,
Cologne University of Applied Sciences/Fachhochschule Koeln,
4. RESCUESolutions SAS, Bagneux, France


In recent years, resilience has become a key term in disaster risk management (DRM). Its potential
has been mainly discussed with respect to social-ecological systems as well as communities.
With respect to Critical Infrastructures (CIs) however, resilience and vulnerability are often used
without clear definition and reference to the DRM context. This paper aims to conceptualize
vulnerability and resilience for the CI context. Building on socio-ecological approaches, the paper
will outline the added value that a more stringent conceptualization of resilience offers for DRM of
CIs. After an introduction of CIs and their meaning in the context of DRM (Section 1), the distinct
features of the resilience concept and its application in different disciplines are presented (Section
2). Some of the governance challenges associated with the implementation of resilience strategies
are presented (Section 3) before conclusions are drawn (Section 4).

Keywords: Resilience, Critical Infrastructure, Protection, Social-Ecology,

Engineering, Concepts, Application.

Published: 15 July 2014

This manuscript was published as part of a special issue on the subject of city resilience. Edited by: Eric Duchemin, Bruno Barroca and Damien Serre.
Reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. Author(s) 2014. This article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

increasing likelihood of cascading effects reaching beyond

geographical and functional borders (Boin & McConnell, 2007;
Hmond & Robert, 2012; Lhomme et al., 2013).

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. From Critical Infrastructure Protection to Resilience
2.1 The resilience concept
2.2 Infrastructure protection: the added value of the
resilience concept

2.2.1 CI/human interaction as part of the resilience


2.3 Development of Critical Infrastructure Resilience

3. Discussing Critical Infrastructure resilience
implementation challenges
3.1 Cooperation and communication among the
multiplicity of stakeholders

The strengthening of infrastructures has been identified as an

important field for disaster risk reduction (e.g. UNISDR, 2007).
However, CI and DRM terminologies and methodologies have
not fully been integrated, resulting in inconsistent labeling,
conceptualization and implementation of disaster risk-related
CI activities and governance approaches. Accordingly, it is the
aim of this paper to apply methodological discussions on DRM
conceptualizations to CIs, in order to underline the advantages
of the resilience concept for this specific context as well as to
discuss potential governance challenges.

2. From Critical Infrastructure

Protection to Resilience

3.2 Understanding system characteristics

3.3 Integration of citizens into resilience building

In the context of DRM, the resilience concept is variously

viewed as supplementary to (Gallopn, 2006), overlapping with
(Cutter et al., 2008) or the flip-side of (Folke et al., 2002) existing
concepts such as vulnerability. In the following, we will analyze
the specificities offered by the resilience concept as well as its
application in the development of strategies.

4. Conclusion
5. References

1. Introduction
The recognition of risk as a social construct became one basis
for the development of a certain stream of risk assessment
methodologies and DRM approaches (e.g. Blaikie et al., 1994;
Alexander, 2000; Birkmann, 2013). In this context, different
terminologies and concepts such as vulnerability (Birkmann,
2013), sensitivity (Fssel & Klein, 2006), resilience (Paton &
Johnston, 2000; Klein et al., 2003; Adger et al., 2005; Cutter et
al., 2008) or adaptation and adaptive capacity (Pelling, 2011; Smit
& Wandel, 2006) have been developed from related disciplines.
Discussions with respect to their delineation, overlap and
applicability are ongoing (Cutter et al., 2008; Cardona, 2011;
Birkmann, 2013).
Definition and translation of these theoretical concepts into
indicators and criteria form an important part of disaster
risk assessments and are a priority of the Hyogo Framework
for Action (UNISDR, 2007). In this respect, different spheres
of interest have been identified that encompass economic,
environmental and social dimensions (Cardona & Barbat, 2000;
Birkmann, 2013; Cardona, 2011). Defined as an asset or part
thereof which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social well-being
of people (EC, 2008: Article 2a), Critical Infrastructure (CI) can
be identified as a cross-cutting topic for all three spheres.

2.1 The resilience concept

The resilience approach was initially used in the fields of
psychology (e.g. Garmezy et al., 1984; Rutter, 1985) and ecology
(e.g. Holling, 1973), amongst others. In ecology, when considering
systemic interactions, the term resilience addresses the ability
of ecosystems to absorb fluctuations while persisting. This
was a departure from the traditional view that had equated the
optimum ecological state with stabilitya departure deemed
necessary in order to address the behavior of nonlinear systems
(Holling, 1973). Socio-ecological resilience research focuses
on the relevance of renewal, reorganization and development
(Holling, 2001; Gunderson & Holling, 2002; Berkes et al., 2008),
arguing that resilience increases the likelihood for desirable
pathways under changing and sometimes even unpredictable
conditions (Walker et al., 2004; Adger et al., 2005; Folke, 2006).
Accordingly, non-linear developments (which might also be
generated through infrastructure breakdowns) became part of
the analysis (Folke, 2006). The Resilience Alliance defined the
term as:

In parallel to these discourses in the DRM community, CIs

have gained political importance in the wake of terror attacks
in 2001 (World Trade Center), 2004 (Madrid) and 2005 (London)
(FMIG, 2009; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,
2009; HM Government, 2010). These events both shifted the
focus of DRM activities and reshaped the CI context, through
increasing awareness of the complexity and interrelatedness
of infrastructures as socio-technical systems (e.g. Rinaldi et
al., 2001; IRGC, 2006; Krger, 2008; Serre et al., 2013) and the

Bach et al | p2

The ability to absorb disturbances, to be

changed and then to re-organise and still have
the same identity (retain the same basic structure and ways of functioning). It includes the
ability to learn from the disturbance. A resilient system is forgiving of external shocks. As
resilience declines, the magnitude of a shock
from which it cannot recover gets smaller and
smaller. Resilience shifts attention from purely
growth and efficiency to needed recovery and
flexibility. Growth and efficiency alone can often lead ecological systems, businesses and
societies into fragile rigidities, exposing them

to turbulent transformation. Learning, recovery and flexibility open eyes to novelty and
new worlds of opportunity. 1
Counter to this, the equilibrium approach to resilience played an
important role in many disciplines and has substantially shaped
natural resource and environmental management. Traditional
engineering resilience approaches often focus on maintaining
efficiency and the constancy of a system close to a single steady
state (see Holling, 1996 and Table 1). This aspect can also be
found in more recent engineering literature stressing the control
over the system in order to avoid failure. Vugrin et al., (2010), for
example, define CI resilience as:
Given the occurrence of a particular disruptive event (or set of events), the resilience of a
system to that event (or events) is the ability to
efficiently reduce both the magnitude and duration of the deviation from targeted system
performance levels (p.82).
According to them, CI resilience comprises two main measurable
components: athe system impact, defined as the difference
between general and actual (after event) performance; and bthe
recovery effort, encompassing the resources required to restore
the functioning to a pre-defined desirable performance level.
This engineering driven approach thus neglects the potential for
flexibility and change of the system. It relates resilience to the
capabilities of systems or networks, elements often expressed
in terms such as robustness, redundancy or others (Tierney &
Bruneau, 2007). In these approaches, resilience assessments
were and still are in many contexts addressing the physical
conditions of systems while neglecting different aspects and
phases of disaster management (see e.g. Hartong et al., 2008,
Svensson 2008, Bompard et al., 2009, Rich et al., 2009, Gheorghe
and Vamanu 2005 and 2008, Petit et al., 2011, Krger and Zio
2011, Li et al., 2012).
Table 1: Concepts of resilience in the socio-ecological context


Focus on



efficiency and

from actual
(often also
understood as
recovery effort.

to stable

and social





sustaining and

Adaptive capacity,


Source: adapted from Folke (2006: 259).


As indicated in Table 1 the resilience concepts used in the

socio-ecological context allow for the consideration of
systemic feedbacks and cross-scale dynamic interactions as
well as (institutional) learning, which can also be transferred
to CIs.

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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

2.2 Infrastructure protection: the added value

of the resilience concept
Applying the concept of resilience as defined in the socioecological approach to CIs can be of great value. Shifting
the focus away from the maintenance and equilibrium of the
infrastructure system towards the delivery of system services
and its external relations permits a better consideration
of external effects and changes as well as interaction with
other systems, in this case society. Gallopn (2006) suggests
that the interaction of external and internal processes needs
to be considered since stress can be triggered by changes
in the system environment, by internal alterations, or both.
With respect to CIs, a variety of system challenges can be
identified. They include: the increasing (inter-)dependencies
of and between infrastructure systems (e.g. Rinaldi et al.,
2001); technological changes and the integration of smaller
into larger systems, thus increasing system complexity and
allowing for far-reaching disturbances (Krger, 2008: 1781);
the privatization of infrastructures (Gheorghe et al., 2006: xiv;
Krger, 2008: 178,); the liberalization of markets, leading to
an increasing number of actors (Gheorghe et al., 2006: xi ff);
and changes in demand patterns (Krger, 2008; IRGC, 2010).
Additionally, changes in system set-up and governance, and
global changes including the increasing use of renewable
energies, urbanization processes and demographic changes,
also shape CI resilience.
Besides these changes, the resilience concept also allows for
the consideration of unexpected events such as the 2004 boxing
day tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 or the 2011 Tohoku
earthquake and following tsunami. In some cases, unexpected
disruptions may occur due to miscalculations in design. The
Fukushima earthquake and tsunami for example were both
larger than had been anticipated in the design of Japanese
power plants (Bunn & Heinonen, 2011: 1580) representing a
mismatch of design structures and the spectrum of plausible
hazards. Incorporating the resilience concept in this case would
ideally have led to the integration of safe failure into the design
structures, and a higher degree of flexibility to account for a
diversity of hazards. In other cases, unexpected disruptions
may be the result of cascading effects caused by increasing
interdependencies and complexities (Rinaldi et al., 2001; IRGC,
2006; Boin & McConnell, 2007; Krger, 2008; Hmond & Robert
2012; Lhomme et al., 2013): in this example, the dependency
of tsunami height on the magnitude of the earthquake, and
the interdependencies of the cooling system with electricity
production, water pollution, back-up systems, blocked traffic
routes and fire-brigade services. A DRM strategy informed by
resilience would specifically design and implement measures
that take the interlinkages between different infrastructures into
account, as opposed to a DRM strategy that devises a separate
strategy or analysis for each system.

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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

Nevertheless, assessment methodologies and measures

to address CI disruptions still mainly build on the notion
of stability and robustness defined in specific scenarios
(e.g. Greenberg et al., 2007; EC, 2009; Reed et al., 2009)
while neglecting systemic changes and unexpected events.
Although many assessments do encompass multi-hazard
approaches, they are still creating blind spots and potential
new vulnerabilities by not integrating resilience aspects into
their assessments (Perelman, 2006). In this regard, resilience
strategies need to incorporate uncertainties (or the so-called
soft paradigm: Perelman, 2006). In its simplest form, this
would mean having a Plan B in the event of failure (Tierney
& Bruneau, 2007), or a range of options to be taken. Another
strategy is to design safe failure or graceful degradation
into systems, so that they continue to operate in the event of
failure in one or more components (Tyler & Moench, 2012).
Another approach is to openly encourage flexibility, for
instance, encouraging people to embrace uncertainty rather
than insisting on 100% certainty or even a predictable future
and security.

will differ and thus influence overall CI-human resilience.

2.3 Development of Critical Infrastructure Resilience strategies
Although the protection of strategically important facilities has
always been an important part of national defense strategies
(Hellstrm, 2007; Lauwe & Riegel, 2008), the beginning
of the 21st century saw a change in the nature of perceived
threats, with natural hazards and terrorism now the focus of
security debates (Lauwe & Riegel, 2008). The importance of CI
protection escalated through the 2001, 2004 and 2005 terror
attacks in New York, Washington, Madrid and London, as well
as in response to a number of disasters such as Hurricane
Katrina in 2005 or the UK flooding in 2007. Against this
changing landscape, societies have become highly vulnerable
towards a broad and diffuse spectrum of possible threats
(Brunner & Suter, 2008; Her Majesty the Queen in Right of
Canada, 2009: 4; HM Government, 2010).
The first generation of policies addressing CI disruptions in
this changed threat context was a set of Critical Infrastructure
Protection (CIP) strategies. The focus on protection was
mainly considered from an all-hazards perspective:

2.2.1 CI/human interaction as part of the resilience concept

Many approaches in the disaster risk reduction area are still
sector-specific, focussing on the vulnerability of a particular
type of system/CI (e.g. Hartong et al., 2008; Svensson, 2008;
Bompard et al., 2009; Rich et al., 2009; Gheorghe & Vamanu,
2005, 2008; Petit et al., 2011; Krger & Zio, 2011; Li et al.,
2012). Although the respective research is valuable in order
to learn more about the individual system characteristics and
potential disaster risk reduction measures, the implications
for society are often unclear. However, the operation of CIs
determines the functioning of many societies (e.g. FMIG,
2009; DHS, 2009; Cabinet Office, 2010); therefore, a broader
perspective is required, that addresses the societal effects.
The resilience concept offers the possibility to include societal
aspects by taking into account the ability to absorb external
shocks2. This is specifically relevant as the social effects

of an infrastructure breakdown are mainly determined

by the level of dependence on an uninterrupted
supply, or by the level of preparedness (Toubin et al.,
2014). Paradoxically, high levels of supply security
lead to complacency within the population and thus
an unpreparedness towards potential failures (FMIG,
2009; Reichenbach et al., 2008).

Taking electricity supply failure as an example, not all

households and facilities are equally affected. While a
shortfall of electricity supply can have life-threatening
effects in hospitals (where emergency power supply
might be insufficient) (Aghababian, 1994: 773; Klein et
al., 2005: 343) and geriatric homes with patients dependent

on artificial respiration, a household of middle-aged adults

might be relatively unaffected. Additionally, preparedness
levels, e.g. with respect to the availability of back-up facilities,

the objectives of the EPCIP [European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection] will be to continue to identify critical
infrastructure, analyse vulnerability and interdependence, and come forward with solutions to protect from, and prepare for, all
hazards. (EC, 2004: 8)
The protection was seen as the way to reduce, sometimes to
totally eliminate, the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure
systems, mainly seen as the physical assets or components
of an infrastructure. In this context, the vulnerability
of CIs was defined as a weakness in the system of the
critical infrastructure in itself, which might be exploited,
unintentionally or intentionally (Bouchon, 2006: 80).
Nevertheless, during the last decade, CI disruption issues
became more integrated into DRM approaches (see Figure 1).
This increase in awareness on the importance of CI resilience,
triggered by a variety of events such as the 2003 Northeastern
blackout in the US and Canada, Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
the 2007 UK flooding as well as the overall awareness of
the potential effects of climate change (City of Cape Town,
2006; German Federal Government, 2008), was accompanied
by a shift from direct protection and prosecution to a more
systemic view of infrastructures in certain countries. It was
characterized by the insight that rather than focussing on
the protection of certain facilities, the safeguarding of the
provision of services should be the primary aim. In particular,
the Nordic countries focused on critical societal functions
(Norwegian CIP Commission, 2006) or functions vital to society
(Government of Finland, 2006).

2 See the Resilience Alliance website:


Bach et al | p4




Wolrd Trade
Center Terrorist
Attack 1993



UK Flooding

Physical protection
of infrastructures

of the Presidents
Commission on
Critical Infrastructure
Protection 1996

Hurricane Sandy
Victoria Flooding

Shift towards all hazard

approaches and the
maintenance of services

White Paper 1998: The

Clinton Administrations
Policy on Critical
Infrastructure Protection:
Presidential Decision
Directive 63

The White House 2000:

Defending Americas Cyber
Space. National Plan for
Informations System


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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

CI Resilience strategies

Government of
Canada Position
on a National
Strategy for
Protection 2004

COM(2004) 702 final: Critical

Infrastructure Protection in
the fight against terrorism

(but no universal definition ;

unexpected events and interaction
with society recognized )

Council Directive
Finnish Strategy
for Securing
the Functions Vital
to Society 2006

Government (2010):
Critical Infrastructure
Resilience Plan

U.S. Department of
Homeland Affairs (2009):
National Infrastructure
Protection Plan

U.S. and Canada (2010):

Canada -United States
Action Plan for Critical

UK Cabinet Office:
Sector Resilience Plan
for Critical
Infrastructure 2010

Figure 1: Development of Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategies. Source: authors.

Some recent documents include resilience terminology in

strategic approaches (City of New York, 2013; Cabinet Office,
2010; Scottish Government, 2011; Australian Government,
2010; DHS & Public Safety Canada, 2009; Her Majesty the
Queen in Right of Canada, 2009; NIAC, 2009). However, in
others the resilience approach is not referred to (e.g. EC, 2008)
or is used in a misleading way in what should be referred to
as protection strategies (e.g. The White House, 2013). This
is astonishing not only since the scientific debate has been
well developed, but because resilience-based approaches
have been found to be substantially less expensive than
investments into structural updates (de Bruijne & van Eeten,
2007: 24). Although resilience aspects such as education
and training or specific response and recovery efforts are
integrated into some strategies (e.g. DHS, 2009), societal
resilience encompassing efforts and planning activities of
communities and businesses is frequently neglected (Boin
& McConnell, 2007: 54 ff; Pursiainen, 2007: 31 ff). Finally,
most CI DRM strategies still fail to integrate insecurities and
to explicitly address the potential unexpectedness of events.
In this respect, the development of more comprehensive and
integrated resilience approaches taking into account different
spatial and content-related levels (e.g. changes in sociotechnical landscapes, patchworks of standards and regimes
or action of individuals) are needed (Hellstrm, 2007).
Although some guidelines take these aspects into account
(e.g. TISP, 2006; TNO, 2011), a variety of challenges remain for
regional, national and local strategies (Balsells et al., 2013;
Toubin et al., 2014).

3. Discussing Critical Infrastructure

resilience implementation
Having looked into the development of CI resilience strategies,
the variety of nomenclature is striking and increases the
challenges in implementing resilience strategies such as
1cooperation and communication among the multiplicity of
stakeholders, 2understanding system characteristics, and
3the integration of citizens into resilience building.
3.1 Cooperation and communication among the
multiplicity of stakeholders
In the field of CI strategies, the main challenge raised by governance is related to the need to involve very different types
of stakeholders: the population, public authorities (from different jurisdictions), private operators, operators from different sectors, the media, etc.. This need has been articulated in
the concept of network governance proposed by Suter (2011).
Each group of stakeholders has its own interests, and hence
its own understanding of what it means to achieve resilience.
Potential conflicts may arise, for instance when business interests are not compatible with public security. The role of
the State with respect to CIs changes when liberalization or
privatization occurs: it can no longer directly influence the
setup and governance of the CI system, but rather has to focus on setting framework conditions for production processes

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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

and markets and subsequently organizing and moderating

negotiations between different stakeholders (Abbate, 1999;
de Bruijne & van Eeten, 2007; Monstadt, 2008; Toubin et al.,
2014). The provision of CI services is, however, mainly in the
hands of privately organized operators.

costly integrated platforms are not in line with the needs of

authorities and operators. On the contrary, technological
innovations should be directed to gain opportunities for
economy of scale and investment sustainability, thanks to
modular interoperable and reconfigurable solutions.

The collaboration between the different stakeholders

requires adequate collaboration schemes, where each group
of stakeholders feels that its own interests are taken into
account (win-win situations). The need for cooperation was
already identified by the Presidents Commission on Critical
Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) (1997). Such public-private
partnerships (PPPs) are already operational, for instance,
in Scotland, where the regional Critical Infrastructure
Strategy is based on a Critical Infrastructure Partnership
Framework between Government and those responsible for
the critical assets to minimise disruption to any part of that
infrastructure or to any of our communities living and working
across Scotland (Scottish Government, 2011: 27). In the case
where the interests of each group of stakeholders are not
taken on board, the strategy elaborated may compromise
the achievement of the expected results, as in the example
of the 2008 European Directive on European Critical
Infrastructure (ECI). The Directive defined security measures
to be implemented by the ECI operators; however, the
operators had little input on the accuracy of these measures,
whose implementation they had to pay for (Bouchon, 2011).
This was one of the main factors triggering a revision of the
Directive. Resilience measures should thus be the result of a
participative process to ensure better acceptance.

A key element of successful stakeholder collaborations is

communication between the stakeholders (IRGC, 2006).
Communication is principally a question of defining
responsibilities, roles, duties and obligations with respect
to specific procedures and crisis situations. The challenges
of CI governancealready substantial in business as
usual, scenarios against the background of liberalized
markets and the privatization of the provision of services
(Krger, 2008)are only intensified in times of crisis when
specific needs arise but responsibilities and cooperation
potential remain unclear. For example, Hurricane Katrina
showed that the disaster management mechanisms in place
were not sufficient, despite the fact that new strategies had
been implemented after 9/11 (Wise, 2006). Although the
unexpected breakdown of communications technology played
an important role in turning the natural hazard into a disaster
situation, confusion about responsibilities and the interaction
of departments and officials contributed significantly (ibid.:
304). Since communication always involves the exchange of
information, it is important to address the type of information
that can be exchanged (e.g. intelligence or commercially
sensitive information) and technical questions related to the
information exchange, such as protection measures, secure
information sharing platforms and their limitations in DRM.

In the case of Norway, CI resilience is achieved through measures implemented by responsible owners, taking into account
the needs defined by their customers, and on the basis of
goals, expectations and regulations defined by the responsible authorities, within a system of risk governance defined by
the government (Thomassen, 2012). However, adequate governance models to achieve CI resilience in different contexts
remain to be developed. The main challenges in this regard
include: the identification of the right number of stakeholders
(not too few, not too many); the types of collaboration process
to be developed (e.g. protocols, informal discussions, exercises, etc.); and the degree of formalization of this process (policies with a normative goal vs. processes based on a voluntary,
informal, or horizontal way of collaboration).

Finally, decision-making processes also pose a challenge to

resilience building. This encompasses decision-taking as well
as the financing, implementation and monitoring of decisions
taken. It is also necessary to determine how decisions can be
taken. For example, who should make decisions regarding
resilience levels and acceptable risks? Ensuring the delivery
of certain infrastructure services during times of crisis
necessarily implies the prioritization of available resources;
however, the criteria under which such prioritization
processes can be organized, and who should make such
decisions, remain unclear. Public discussion about possible
limits of protection and target levels of risk can contribute to
addressing this challenge and could serve as a stimulus for
multi-stakeholder communication about risks (Fekete et al.,
2012; Fekete, 2012).

If CIR stakeholder collaboration is to prove efficient in

addressing the resilience and protection issues (Bouchon &
Dimauro, 2012; Bouchon et al., 2012), it is fundamental that the
interest of participants be maintained by taking into account
their needs and perspectives, and also that the necessary
funding be generated. New synergies and innovative cofinancing strategies, involving the participation of both public
and private actors, need to be explored in this regard.
The adoption and the development of adequate technologies
and communication systems are particularly relevant to CI
Resilience collaboration processes: they are the key factors
to secure the exchange of information. Large, monolithic and

3.2 Understanding system characteristics

A second governance challenge that is closely related to
communication between stakeholders is related to the
collection of relevant information to characterize the CI
systems and their interdependencies. Stakeholders need to
understand their dependence on certain CI services as well
as their own role in the functioning of other infrastructure
services. Such system characteristics can be identified in a
hazard independent manner with the help of scenarios.
Some cases show that building PPPs, as mentioned above,

Bach et al | p6

creates a trusted environment for information exchange that

allows better understanding of the system characteristics.
Examples have been developed in the Netherlands (Luiijf et
al., 2003), Canada (Robert & Morabito, 2010), in Scotland, or
in Lombardy, Italy (Bouchon et al., 2012). In this last example,
transportation and energy operators, in collaboration with the
regional Civil Protection authorities, started working in 2009
to increase their knowledge of the existing interdependencies
characterizing the Transportation and Energy critical systems
for the Lombardy Region: on the basis of questionnaires,
direct interviews and process mapping, operators were
requested to provide information about critical infrastructures
nodes, accident and service disruption events, maintenance,
and crisis management internal processes and systems in
order to understand fallout effects. A simulation of functional
vulnerabilities and interdependencies has also been
developed to support the programme activities (Trucco et
al., 2011; Cagno et al., 2011). As a result of these cooperation
efforts, the Lombardy Region Authorities have developed
an emergency communication and information-sharing
framework. The operators contributed to the identification of
the relevant communication flows and channels under different
emergency conditions and type of events. For example, in the
scenario of heavy snowfall, the operators could state the kind
of information they needed (e.g. very precise meteorological
predictions), the information they could provide (particularly
information that could have an impact for the other operators)
and the role they expected the regional crisis management
centre to play (e.g. to communicate with the public).
3.3 Integration of citizens into resilience building
A third important point that needs to be considered in the
context of CI resilience building is the incorporation of civil
society. In this regard, citizens should be understood to
be consumers and tax-payers, and thus stakeholders. It is
therefore fundamental to communicate the CI decisions
to be taken, particularly those decisions that concern the
Since CI resilience should focus on maintaining the provision
of certain infrastructure services, it is important to have information about specific dependencies (with respect to citizens
but also regarding public facilities such as hospitals, transport
systems, etc.). At the same time, it is equally important to view
citizens as active contributors towards civil protection. For example, the principle underlying the Australian approach to CIR
is that communities are the heart of the resilience process
(Duckworth, 2012). For people to prepare for and respond to
emergencies, people must understand the risks they live with.
When they understand the risks, they need to be empowered
to take action to deal with them. Governments cannot make
people resilient, but they can help by providing information and
ongoing support (e.g. Cabinet Office, 2013). Building resilience
is a bottom-up process and governments as well as regional
authorities need to agree on a communication framework to
inform and engage people about risk. Although everyone must
take into account the possibility of deficiencies in deliveries
of services on which they are critically dependent, this is one

area in which the State should assume greater responsibility

(Duckworth, 2012). Accordingly, analysis of how top-down and
bottom-up approaches can be matched is required.

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Community resilience including the bottom-up approach is

not a new concept, and has in fact been widely applied in the
DRM community (Magis, 2010; Cutter et al., 2008; Paton &
Johnston, 2000, 2006; Tobin, 1999), for example with respect
to empowerment, education, access to institutions and
resources (Edwards, 2009). With respect to the failure of CIs,
however, the concept has only recently been applied.
Citizens can not only improve their own resilience by these
measures but also serve as a source of information for civil
protection agencies. People can provide relevant information
to allow first responders to identify what is happening, where
the priorities are, and what types of resources need to be mobilized. This may entail, for instance, analyzing information
circulating among social networks, although this raises the
question of validating and guaranteeing the accuracy of the information (e.g. Australian Emergency Management Institute,

4. Conclusion
The term resilience is increasingly used for CI-related DRM
strategies. However, it is applied in a variety of contexts and
scales, often without a clear and stringent definition. This
results in confusion around its meaning, so that it becomes
difficult to understand what is meant when a resilience
strategy is presented. This failure to clearly define the concept
may mean that the actions and activities deriving from it
fail to increase resilience. With respect to society and CIs,
resilience strategies need to integrate the potential failure
of infrastructure services instead of focussing only on their
robustness and reliability. Relating resilience to concepts
used in the DRM community and specifically to aspects of
socio-ecological resilience facilitates the interrelation of
technical systems while taking into account unexpected
eventsat least from a theoretical point of view. In order
to operationalize a resilience framework for CIs towards
natural hazards, further research is required . Although some
current research projects address the general question of
conceptualizing resilience in different contexts (e.g. the FP7
project EmBrace) and some valuable examples have been
presented, for instance by TISP (2006), the operationalization
potential for the CI context remains vague.
The implementation of resilience strategies by concrete
measures and monitoring activities remains a challenge. In
this regard, indicators of the efficiency of resilience strategies
would be needed to evaluate results and to benchmark
different approaches in order to generate arguments in favor
of appropriate action. Difficulties in collecting and updating
relevant data and information (Trucco et al., 2011, Robert
& Morabito, 2010) are an obstacle to progress in this area.
Technical solutions establishing a trustable and secure
environment to exchange data and other information among
different operators such as policy makers and operators can

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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.

thereby facilitate the implementation of resilience strategies.

Some first attempts have been made by Bruneau et al. (2003).
Finally, additional research with respect to bridging different
temporal and spatial scales in resilience strategies is
required. While operators consider operational business
timeframes, governments and political decision makers follow
a political and electoral timeframe. These timeframes differ
from the lifespan of infrastructure systems or the timeframe
of technical and technological changes. The superposition of
these timeframes requires further analysis, while different
fieldssuch as land use planning, emergency management
or infrastructure developmenttake place at different spatial
scales, which also have to be integrated.


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