Sapiens 1626
Sapiens 1626
Sapiens 1626
Institut Veolia Environnement
dition lectronique
ISSN : 1993-3819
Rfrence lectronique
Claudia Bach, Sara Bouchon2, Alexander Fekete, Jrn Birkmann and Damien Serre, Adding value to
critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept , S.A.P.I.EN.S
[Online], 6.1 | 2013, Online since 15 July 2014, connection on 30 September 2016. URL : http://
Volume 6 issue 1
S . A . P. I . E N . S
Claudia Bach1, Sara Bouchon2, Alexander Fekete3, Jrn Birkmann1, Damien Serre4
1. United Nation University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113, Bonn and respectively.
2. Risk Governance Solutions S.r.l., Via Fratelli dItalia, 7, 21052 - Busto Arsizio (VA),
3. Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection,
Cologne University of Applied Sciences/Fachhochschule Koeln,
4. RESCUESolutions SAS, Bagneux, France
In recent years, resilience has become a key term in disaster risk management (DRM). Its potential
has been mainly discussed with respect to social-ecological systems as well as communities.
With respect to Critical Infrastructures (CIs) however, resilience and vulnerability are often used
without clear definition and reference to the DRM context. This paper aims to conceptualize
vulnerability and resilience for the CI context. Building on socio-ecological approaches, the paper
will outline the added value that a more stringent conceptualization of resilience offers for DRM of
CIs. After an introduction of CIs and their meaning in the context of DRM (Section 1), the distinct
features of the resilience concept and its application in different disciplines are presented (Section
2). Some of the governance challenges associated with the implementation of resilience strategies
are presented (Section 3) before conclusions are drawn (Section 4).
C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. From Critical Infrastructure Protection to Resilience
2.1 The resilience concept
2.2 Infrastructure protection: the added value of the
resilience concept
4. Conclusion
5. References
1. Introduction
The recognition of risk as a social construct became one basis
for the development of a certain stream of risk assessment
methodologies and DRM approaches (e.g. Blaikie et al., 1994;
Alexander, 2000; Birkmann, 2013). In this context, different
terminologies and concepts such as vulnerability (Birkmann,
2013), sensitivity (Fssel & Klein, 2006), resilience (Paton &
Johnston, 2000; Klein et al., 2003; Adger et al., 2005; Cutter et
al., 2008) or adaptation and adaptive capacity (Pelling, 2011; Smit
& Wandel, 2006) have been developed from related disciplines.
Discussions with respect to their delineation, overlap and
applicability are ongoing (Cutter et al., 2008; Cardona, 2011;
Birkmann, 2013).
Definition and translation of these theoretical concepts into
indicators and criteria form an important part of disaster
risk assessments and are a priority of the Hyogo Framework
for Action (UNISDR, 2007). In this respect, different spheres
of interest have been identified that encompass economic,
environmental and social dimensions (Cardona & Barbat, 2000;
Birkmann, 2013; Cardona, 2011). Defined as an asset or part
thereof which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social well-being
of people (EC, 2008: Article 2a), Critical Infrastructure (CI) can
be identified as a cross-cutting topic for all three spheres.
Bach et al | p2
to turbulent transformation. Learning, recovery and flexibility open eyes to novelty and
new worlds of opportunity. 1
Counter to this, the equilibrium approach to resilience played an
important role in many disciplines and has substantially shaped
natural resource and environmental management. Traditional
engineering resilience approaches often focus on maintaining
efficiency and the constancy of a system close to a single steady
state (see Holling, 1996 and Table 1). This aspect can also be
found in more recent engineering literature stressing the control
over the system in order to avoid failure. Vugrin et al., (2010), for
example, define CI resilience as:
Given the occurrence of a particular disruptive event (or set of events), the resilience of a
system to that event (or events) is the ability to
efficiently reduce both the magnitude and duration of the deviation from targeted system
performance levels (p.82).
According to them, CI resilience comprises two main measurable
components: athe system impact, defined as the difference
between general and actual (after event) performance; and bthe
recovery effort, encompassing the resources required to restore
the functioning to a pre-defined desirable performance level.
This engineering driven approach thus neglects the potential for
flexibility and change of the system. It relates resilience to the
capabilities of systems or networks, elements often expressed
in terms such as robustness, redundancy or others (Tierney &
Bruneau, 2007). In these approaches, resilience assessments
were and still are in many contexts addressing the physical
conditions of systems while neglecting different aspects and
phases of disaster management (see e.g. Hartong et al., 2008,
Svensson 2008, Bompard et al., 2009, Rich et al., 2009, Gheorghe
and Vamanu 2005 and 2008, Petit et al., 2011, Krger and Zio
2011, Li et al., 2012).
Table 1: Concepts of resilience in the socio-ecological context
Focus on
efficiency and
from actual
(often also
understood as
recovery effort.
to stable
and social
sustaining and
Adaptive capacity,
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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.
the objectives of the EPCIP [European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection] will be to continue to identify critical
infrastructure, analyse vulnerability and interdependence, and come forward with solutions to protect from, and prepare for, all
hazards. (EC, 2004: 8)
The protection was seen as the way to reduce, sometimes to
totally eliminate, the vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure
systems, mainly seen as the physical assets or components
of an infrastructure. In this context, the vulnerability
of CIs was defined as a weakness in the system of the
critical infrastructure in itself, which might be exploited,
unintentionally or intentionally (Bouchon, 2006: 80).
Nevertheless, during the last decade, CI disruption issues
became more integrated into DRM approaches (see Figure 1).
This increase in awareness on the importance of CI resilience,
triggered by a variety of events such as the 2003 Northeastern
blackout in the US and Canada, Hurricane Katrina in 2005,
the 2007 UK flooding as well as the overall awareness of
the potential effects of climate change (City of Cape Town,
2006; German Federal Government, 2008), was accompanied
by a shift from direct protection and prosecution to a more
systemic view of infrastructures in certain countries. It was
characterized by the insight that rather than focussing on
the protection of certain facilities, the safeguarding of the
provision of services should be the primary aim. In particular,
the Nordic countries focused on critical societal functions
(Norwegian CIP Commission, 2006) or functions vital to society
(Government of Finland, 2006).
Bach et al | p4
Wolrd Trade
Center Terrorist
Attack 1993
UK Flooding
Physical protection
of infrastructures
of the Presidents
Commission on
Critical Infrastructure
Protection 1996
Hurricane Sandy
Victoria Flooding
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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.
CI Resilience strategies
Government of
Canada Position
on a National
Strategy for
Protection 2004
Council Directive
Finnish Strategy
for Securing
the Functions Vital
to Society 2006
Government (2010):
Critical Infrastructure
Resilience Plan
U.S. Department of
Homeland Affairs (2009):
National Infrastructure
Protection Plan
UK Cabinet Office:
Sector Resilience Plan
for Critical
Infrastructure 2010
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C. Bach et al Adding value to critical infrastructure research and disaster risk management: the resilience concept.
In the case of Norway, CI resilience is achieved through measures implemented by responsible owners, taking into account
the needs defined by their customers, and on the basis of
goals, expectations and regulations defined by the responsible authorities, within a system of risk governance defined by
the government (Thomassen, 2012). However, adequate governance models to achieve CI resilience in different contexts
remain to be developed. The main challenges in this regard
include: the identification of the right number of stakeholders
(not too few, not too many); the types of collaboration process
to be developed (e.g. protocols, informal discussions, exercises, etc.); and the degree of formalization of this process (policies with a normative goal vs. processes based on a voluntary,
informal, or horizontal way of collaboration).
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4. Conclusion
The term resilience is increasingly used for CI-related DRM
strategies. However, it is applied in a variety of contexts and
scales, often without a clear and stringent definition. This
results in confusion around its meaning, so that it becomes
difficult to understand what is meant when a resilience
strategy is presented. This failure to clearly define the concept
may mean that the actions and activities deriving from it
fail to increase resilience. With respect to society and CIs,
resilience strategies need to integrate the potential failure
of infrastructure services instead of focussing only on their
robustness and reliability. Relating resilience to concepts
used in the DRM community and specifically to aspects of
socio-ecological resilience facilitates the interrelation of
technical systems while taking into account unexpected
eventsat least from a theoretical point of view. In order
to operationalize a resilience framework for CIs towards
natural hazards, further research is required . Although some
current research projects address the general question of
conceptualizing resilience in different contexts (e.g. the FP7
project EmBrace) and some valuable examples have been
presented, for instance by TISP (2006), the operationalization
potential for the CI context remains vague.
The implementation of resilience strategies by concrete
measures and monitoring activities remains a challenge. In
this regard, indicators of the efficiency of resilience strategies
would be needed to evaluate results and to benchmark
different approaches in order to generate arguments in favor
of appropriate action. Difficulties in collecting and updating
relevant data and information (Trucco et al., 2011, Robert
& Morabito, 2010) are an obstacle to progress in this area.
Technical solutions establishing a trustable and secure
environment to exchange data and other information among
different operators such as policy makers and operators can
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