Structural Cultural Direct Violence Hand-Out PDF
Structural Cultural Direct Violence Hand-Out PDF
Structural Cultural Direct Violence Hand-Out PDF
Active Nonviolence
Structural/Cultural/Direct Violence
Cultural and structural violence cause direct violence. Direct violence
reinforces structural and cultural violence. Direct violence, physical and/or
verbal, is visible as behaviour. But this action does not come out of nowhere;
its roots are cultural and structural.
Direct Violence
Violence can take many forms. In its classic form, it involves the use of
physical force, like killing or torture, rape and sexual assault, and beatings.
Verbal violence, such as humiliation or put downs, is also becoming more
widely recognised as violence. Peace and conflict studies scholar Johan
Galtung describes direct violence as the 'avoidable impairment of
fundamental human needs or life which makes it impossible or difficult for
people to meet their needs or achieve their full potential. Threat to use force is
also recognised as violence.'
Cultural Violence
Cultural violence is the prevailing attitudes and beliefs that we have been
taught since childhood and that surround us in daily life about the power and
necessity of violence. Consider the telling of history which glorifies, records
and reports wars and military victories rather than people's nonviolent
rebellions or the triumphs of connections and collaboration. Nearly all cultures
recognise that killing a person is murder, but killing tens, hundreds or
thousands during a declared conflict is called 'war'.
Structural Violence
Structural violence exists when some groups, classes, genders, nationalities,
etc are assumed to have, and in fact do have, more access to goods,
resources, and opportunities than other groups, classes, genders,
nationalities, etc, and this unequal advantage is built into the very social,
political and economic systems that govern societies, states and the world.
These tendencies may be overt such as Aparthied or more subtle such as
traditions or tendency to award some groups privileges over another.
In sum, violence is any physical, emotional, verbal, institutional, structural or
spiritual behaviour, attitude, policy or condition that diminishes, dominates or
destroys ourselves and others.