Covenant Coverage: Volume 40, Number 6, June, 2010
Covenant Coverage: Volume 40, Number 6, June, 2010
Covenant Coverage: Volume 40, Number 6, June, 2010
David Lee, Pastor
Wanda Vassey, Administrative Assistant
Elaine Potter, Director of Music
Juston Smith, Organist
Jill Honeycutt, Youth Director
Covenant United Methodist Church Web Site
Telephone Numbers: Pastor: (704) 692-9394 Church: (704) 392-3925 Fax: (704) 393-8900
• Church email: see above or • Office Hours: 9 AM - 1 PM, M–F
• Bulletin deadline: Wednesday by 12 Noon • June Newsletter Deadline: June 13, 2010
• To Schedule church facilities, vans, and all activities: Contact office in order to prevent conflicts.
• Bulletin Board near office: Check this board often as news and information is posted regularly.
• General UMC Information: • WNCC web site:
• Lake Norman District UMC Web Site:
• Lake Norman District address: 10115 Kincey Avenue, Ste 190, Huntersville, NC 28078-(704) 948-2307
Beginning June 30 at 6:00 PM, Pastor David will lead in a Spiritual Gift Study. Hope to see you there!
“In the dust of the Rabbi”- a study on the heart and life of a Christian disciple will be on summer break until Sept. 8
SPECIAL DATES Diversity Youth
June 5 – IMPACT Community - Conference wide
Diversity Youth will be holding the
June 10 – Spiritual Day Apart, Clyde 2nd Annual Spring Fling on Sat., June
June 11-13 WNC Conference, Lake Junaluska 12!
June 12 – Ordination of David Lee, Lake Junaluska The event will comprise many of the
June 18-19 – UMM Spiritual Growth Retreat, L. Junaluska events as last year: Car Show, Cake/Dessert Auction,
Hotdog Combo Lunch Sale, and Flea Market!
June, July, August – No Wonderful Wednesdays! Will
begin again September 8. There are many ways you can be involved! Here's
June, July, August – Choir continues Wed. night practice how:
except for the month of July Make a Dessert for the Auction
Kidz Klub – See calendar for meeting dates in June
Sign-up Your Automobile for the Car Show
Youth: June 12 Spring Fling, 10am-2pm
Youth Meetings: TBA Invited Your Friends & Neighbors, and
For all other activities: See Calendar
Show Your Presence!
Please let Wanda know of your events & changes (don’t
take for granted that the office is aware of all changes) The event will run from 10am- 2pm. If you would like
to enter your car in the show, or rent a table in the
flea market, grab an entry form off the bulletin board
in the narthex.
Car Show Fee- $15; Flea Market Rental- $10; Lunch
From the Choir Director Combo- $4
All Proceeds Benefit Diversity Youth's Annual Fall
Ask Juston Smith or Jill Honeycutt for more
There is an opportunity for YOU to sing and play Information and continue to visit: for
instruments this month. June 20th is a special day at more information on this Great Community Event!
Covenant. We are having a “Great Day Of Singing”
during the eleven o’clock worship service. You are See Ya There!!!
invited to participate by singing a solo, duet, trio, or C.A.R.E. Youth
with an ensemble. Please let me know by June 5th if (Caring And Remembering Each Other)
you would like to participate in the special music meets the 1st Sunday of each month from 5 – 7 PM
program. You are invited to play an instrumental solo if when a need is requested. If you know of someone
you would rather play than sing. We will have an old who needs love and support, please let Jill know.
fashioned hymn sing and we will sing hymn favorites Youth will be contacted for scheduled meetings.
from the hymnal. Thanks to you who have provided me
with your favorite hymn selections.
Kidz Klub
We just wrapped up our first year of music with the Kidz
Club Ringers. The children did a fantastic job of playing
the bells and singing. We will start our music program Kidz Klub has some exciting
for kids again in September. Many thanks to Sherry activities planned for this summer.
Smith and Linda Smeltzer for their help and support. We will not be meeting every Wednesday night but
We would not have a children’s choir without the help will meet on these nights, June 16, June 30, July 28.
from these two ladies and many other committed The week of July 11-15 is Vacation Bible School. We
volunteers who pick up the children and take them hope the children will be able to attend on the
home, feed them and encourage them to participate. Wednesdays as stated above for supper at 5:30 and
special activities at 6:00. Galactic Blast is our theme
The adult choir will take a break during the month of for Vacation Bible School this year and we know you
July. Please let me know if you would be willing to sing will enjoy our time learning about God’s creation.
a solo or be part of an ensemble during a worship Check out announcements concerning VBS in the
service in the month of July. It is a pleasure to give you bulletin and July’s newsletter. Hope to see all children
an opportunity to share your musical gifts and talents. on Wednesday, June 16.
July 11-15 2010
If you have someone in mind with a need (i.e.
transportation, food, or personal contact), please call
Billie Bass or David Lee. The brigade committee
members will be notified of the next meeting.
Join us on our starship Galactic Praise to see our Continue to bring your rinsed aluminum cans for Cub
Scout Pack 77. They collect these on Tuesday evenings in
awesome universe and our awesome God in a whole lieu of dues.
new way. The fun will begin each night with a light
supper at 6:00 at the Astro Bistro (fellowship hall Church Sign
kitchen) and continue with Bible study at the Good
News Galaxy, science activities at the Orbital See Ralph Percival to sign up to change the sign at the
Observatory, music at Moons and Tunes, crafts at front of the church.
Cosmic Crafts, and fun for all at our Mission Control
Center. Join us for this cosmic adventure.
Body and Soul Exercise Classes
June 14: No Exercise Class – Be at church at 9:00 AM
United Methodist Women to go cherry picking in Virginia! Body and Soul Senior
Fitness meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
UMW Community Outreach Project: Place “Tops for 10 AM. Class cost per month: $20.00 - call Kathy Joy:
Education,” “Campbell Soup” bar codes, and “Greeting 704-277-3267.
cards” in baskets under UMW bulletin board near office
Baby Shower
United Methodist Men
Join Us for a Baby Shower in honor of
The United Methodist Men will meet on the second Kim H and “Baby Girl”
Tuesday, June 8 at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you there for Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 3 PM - Fellowship Hall.
our meal and meeting. No meeting in July
We express our Christian Sympathy to Long Term Care
Ron Sills in the death of his mother
Alexander Place, Gastonia: Edward Smeltzer, brother
Lillian Jones Sills of Jim Smeltzer
on May 6
May God’s presence be comfort to this family. Alamance Rehabilitation: Danny Newman, son of
Evelyn Newman
Genesis Health Care, Salisbury: Harold Faggart,
brother of Hallie Rowe