7 Performance Metrics To Release Better Software, Faster

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The key takeaways are that monitoring performance metrics throughout the development lifecycle can help catch issues early and enable continuous delivery of high quality software.

The 7 performance metrics discussed are response time, throughput, error rate, saturation, resource usage, trace duration and custom metrics.

Performance monitoring is integrated at each stage of the development lifecycle from unit testing, to CI/CD pipelines to production to provide visibility and feedback at each stage.

7 performance metrics

to release better
software, faster
With real-life examples of application failures and how to avoid them

Subtitle of Slide Story book goes here

2015 Dynatrace

Table of contents

DevOps: Building better

software, faster

The metrics:
I learning from others

The life of a metric

Page 5

Page 8

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

Page 13

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Todays hyper-connected mobile consumers are driving a

transformation across industries.
They have high expectations, and to compete you must provide a responsive,
superior digital experience. The DevOps best practices of Continuous Delivery make
this possible, but to do it right you will need a safety net. That is what metrics-driven
application performance management is about. It allows you to deploy faster without
failing faster with key architecture, scalability, and performance metrics giving you
full control over your software delivery pipeline.
In this eBook, we will tell you how to get started with performance metric
monitoring. We will share real-life examples of application failures and
how to avoid them by using 7 key metrics to find problems early on.
Then we will show you how stuff really works in the life of a metric
and how to integrate performance metrics into automation tools
throughout your application delivery chain.
Happy monitoring!

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

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Our authors:
Two guys that eat, drink, and breathe DevOps

Andreas Grabner
Performance Advocate,
Center of Excellence,
Blog: blog.dynatrace.com
Twitter: @grabnerandi

Andreas Grabner has 15+ years experience as an architect and developer in the
Java and .NET space and is an advocate for high performing applications. He is a
regular contributor to large performance communities and a frequent speaker at
technology conferences.

Brett Hofer
Senior Solution Architect,
Blog: blog.dynatrace.com
Twitter: @brett_solarch

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

Brett Hofer is passionate about DevOps and specializes in delivering complex

mission critical software. With more than twenty years of experiencefrom
product designer and solution architect to senior managementhe has a unique
360 perspective of IT.

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Section 1

DevOps: Building better

software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

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DevOps: Building better software, faster

A four-year-old with an iPad, the Chinese Uber, and a unicorn

What does a four-year-old with

an iPad, the Chinese Uber (a.k.a.
Didi Kuaidi), and a unicorn have in
common? They are forcing us to build
better software, faster.
There is a digital revolution happening across
industries, driven by todays hyper-connected mobile
consumers. They have high expectations they
want what they want, when they want it, and within
their context (based upon location, task at hand,
preferences, etc.).
Their mobile devices are responsible for more traffic and
revenue than ever before:
>> At Walmart on Cyber Monday 2014, 70% of traffic
was from Mobile.
>> Visa forecasts that half of all payments will be
mobile by 2020.

The unicorn in all this? Technology giants like Facebook,

Google, Etsy, and Pinterest. They are leading the way by
providing responsive and superior digital experiences.
These unicorns are also answering the consumer with
completely new business models. Uber, the worlds
largest taxi company, doesnt own a vehicle and
Facebook, the worlds most poplar media owner, creates
no content.
In Asia, this digital revolution is amplified. Uber
provides a very large number of taxi rides 1 million.
But the equivalent in China? It provides 5 million.2
How are you responding to these rapidly changing
markets, requirements, and user expectations? Do you
have the right processes and metrics in place
to support continuous delivery and
to build a better digital experience, faster all the
while keeping your customers happy?

The worlds
largest taxi
company owns
no vehicles.

The world
largest popular
media company
creates no

The most
retailer has
no inventory.

Worlds largest
provider owns
no real estate.


Something interesting is happening.

Tom Goodwin

>> In 2014, shopping apps sessions (iOS and Android)

grew 174% YOY.1
7 performance metrics to release better software, faster
2015 Dynatrace

1. flurrymobile.tumblr.com
2. KPCB, Uber. Date: May 2014 (Didi), Feb 2015 (Uber)

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DevOps: Building better software, faster

How to deploy faster and not fail faster
DevOps is about responding to
changing market dynamics to get ideas
to end customers as fast as possible,
minimizing feature cycle time. The
DevOps unicorns are not just Facebook
and Google though.
They are financial services organizations and
retailers too:3
>> CapitalOne makes 1 deployment per month for
each of their 200 applications.
>> IG says, Everyone can do continuous delivery.
>> Target, with 30 APIs and +500M monthly
visitors, has 80 deployments per week
and less than 10 incidents
per month.

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

You may be wondering about results beyond these

individual companies. Does DevOps really pay off? Well,
DevOps high performers are:4
>> More agile, with 30x more frequent deployments
and 8,000x faster lead times than their peers.
>> More reliable, with 2x the change success rate and
12x faster mean time to recover.

What do you need

to do DevOps like a unicorn?
You need a safety net. You need performance
monitoring with complete visibility and the
right metrics as quality gates throughout the
application development pipeline.
In the next pages, we will use three real-life
examples of application failures and the metrics
you need to find problems early on. Then we will
follow the life of a metric along the application
development pipeline from your developers
IDE through to production.

3. Velocity conference, 2015

4. PuppetLabs, 2013 (survey of 4,000 organizations)

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Section 2

Metrics: I learning from others

2015 Dynatrace

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Metrics: I learning from others

Dont push without a plan

If your applications arent prepared

and are slow to load (or they crash),
your smartest marketing campaign
is actually your worst marketing
1 Number of resources
2 Size of resources
3 Page size

Case Study 1
400 selfies

Case Study 2
The favicon that was 150x too big

Here is an example of a great marketing campaign

with poor implementation. One of the Superbowl
advertisers asked consumers to take selfies, and then
upload them to the mobile website. The plan was for
an ad to run during the Superbowl, driving traffic to the
site to see the last 400 selfies uploaded.

During another major sporting event, the largest

element on the organizers mobile website landing page
was a favicon the size of 370 kilobytes. This is the icon
that is typically in the top left of the browser window
and is usually 16x16 or 32x32 pixels.

Unfortunately, it was implemented as a 20x20 image

grid with individual image files served from the same
image domain. When we tested it with an iPhone, we
had to download a whopping
20 MB of content and 434 resources
completely ignoring web performance best

They had taken the large resolution logo and

had directly converted it into an icon and put it on
the website.

It should have been a couple

of bytes not 370 kilobytes.
Someone wasnt thinking.
These two instances required basic web performance
optimization and performance testing from the
developers machine throughout the development
pipeline prior to going live for big event.

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

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Metrics: I learning from others



Dont assume you know the environment

Your applications execute on the

edge of the Internet, across an array
of devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets,
browsers) across service provider
backbones and 3rd parties. There are
many points of potential failure so dont
assume you know the environment
without real user insight.
4 Number of functional errors
5 3rd party calls




300 miles/hour a world record!

Runtastic is a social mobile app that tracks your workout and allows you to put it on Facebook to brag to your
friends. In this case, somebody biked for an hour and the app told him that he biked 480 km. Thats 300 miles/hour
a world record!
When this happens, people are less likely to use your app and will go on Twitter, Facebook, or the app store and say,
This is s%#&! Your app doesnt work! Dont buy it!! The engineers in this case had a plan.
They knew they couldnt test all combinations of the Android OS on all devices so:
>> They developed a unit test to check the GPS distance calculation every time the deployed app starts.
>> Then, using real-user monitoring every single time the app ran on millions of installations, they found that the
problem occurs only on a certain Android hardware configuration.
>> A Google search told them that it was a well-known issue with the OS/hardware configuration, and out of
Runtastics control.
>> They told their users about the problem and suggested it was time to upgrade their Android version, using
channels such as Twitter or Facebook and a built-in news feed in the app.
Runtastic users also have problems sometimes uploading their results to Facebook and Twitter. By actively
monitoring, Runtastic points out the 3rd party source of the issue and tell users to try again later.

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace


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Metrics: I learning from others

Dont blindly (re) use components

Your engineering team is resourceful.

Even if they dont know how to do
something immediately they will figure
it out. This doesnt always work in
your favor, and that is why you need to
monitor closely before things get
to production.
6 Number of SQL executions
7 Number of same SQLs

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

Developers are always reusing existing components.

The next example actually happened to us at
Dynatrace. We needed a simple HTML report on our
free trial registrations. He didnt have much experience
in creating HTML pages or client-facing reports so he
did what developers do and Googled it. Our backend developer found the sample code on GitHub and
plugged it in. The report worked fine in the beginning
but then it slowed over a few months to a crawl
taking minutes to render.
We looked behind the scenes and found the sample he
re-used was based upon Hibernate a very popular
Object Relational (OR) Mapping Framework to access
data in the database. The code wasnt using any of the
advanced Hibernate optimization features for better
database access. In this case, Hibernate was executing
4K database statements to report three lines in the
output HTML report.

More metrics
These 7 metrics are just the beginning.
An easy way to get started is to track them
manually throughout your application
development pipeline. Once you have a handle on
what you need to know, its time to start looking
at how to automate performance monitoring. This
is the goal of continuous delivery: automate your
development pipeline with quality gates based upon
metrics in each stage.
Here are some more metrics to consider:
>> Time spent in API
>> Calls into API
>> # of domains
>> Total size
>> # of items per page
>> # AJAX per page
For more metrics check out our blog series on
software quality metrics.


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Section 3

The life of a metric

2015 Dynatrace

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The life of a metric

You may be wondering: Now, how does this actually work?

How and when do I collect these

performance metrics? To answer this
question, we will take you through the
life of a metric in this case, # of SQL
executions with a few steps in the
continuous delivery lifecycle.
1 Developers IDE/Eclipse: The developers
workstation is the most underused place for
performance monitoring. Its pretty simple. If your
developers are able to do the analysis before
checking in code, they can stop issues earlier in the
lifecycle and reduce overall costs.
In this example, performance monitoring tools will
be integrated into Eclipse. Maximums are set for
performance metrics, including our metric # of
SQL executions. Then, every time the developer
executes a SQL call, performance monitoring will be
tracking it.

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace










- Link builds to test

run monitoring
- Report build
health based on
metric evaluation

- Evaluate local
- Code Linking
- Architectural
evaluation prior
to check-ins

- Agent injections
to monitor and
record tests
- Monitor for metric


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The life of a metric

You may be wondering: Now, how does this actually work?

2 Unit test/JUnit: In the next step, the developer

authors the JUnit test case class. Performance
monitoring is configured to watch test cases and to
roll up each pre-defined metric per test case. This
is where the developer will evaluate the # of SQL
executions per test.
3 Build automation/Maven: The developer will
then run a MAVEN test with local code and uses
performance monitoring to evaluate the call stacks
and the # of SQL executions. At this point, the
architect can do a quick analysis of metrics and
architectural validation, instead of a long drawn
out code review. Then the developer decides
whether the code is ready to be promoted to the
configuration management system.

7 performance metrics to release better software, faster

2015 Dynatrace

4 CI build server/Jenkins: If all is good in the above

steps, the developer checks in the code. The
Jenkins build server brings down the change, and
runs the test cases. Performance monitoring alerts
may be fired. Jenkins goes to the performance
monitoring server and collects data about what
happened, including the # of SQL executions.
Deployment decisions are made Go or No go
with exception reporting.
5 The result? Functional and architectural confidence
prior to auto deployment.


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Your next steps

Webinar replays
>> 5 Key Metrics to Release Better
Software Faster
We know you are facing some serious changes in markets, requirements, and user
expectations. Your users want a responsive digital experience and they want it now.
Continuous delivery is the answer if you build in a performance safety net. We
hope these metrics give you a good starting point. Go forward to automate as much
as possible, and keep focusing on faster and better!
Below are our some additional resources that will help you on your journey.
DevOps tools we love
Here is a collection of tools that foster collaboration amongst Product
Management, Development, IT Operations, and Technical Support teams to allow
them you build more quality your their products, and support you in establishing
better feedback loops.
>> Change Controls JIRA Agile
>> Development Eclipse
>> Source Control Git/GitHub
>> Build Automation Ant and Maven
>> Configuration Management Ansible, Chef, and Puppet
>> Test Automation LoadRunner and Selenium
>> VM, Cloud and Container Technologies: Vagrant, Packer, VeeWee, Docker, and
Cloud Foundry
7 performance metrics to release better software, faster
2015 Dynatrace

>> DevOps: From Adoption to Performance

The blogroll
>> DevOps reactions
Enjoy some DevOps humor!
>> Dynatrace APM on DevOps
>> IT Revolutions DevOps
>> Software Quality Metrics for Your
Continuous Delivery
Recommended reading
>> Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and
David Farley


Learn more at dynatrace.com

Dynatrace is the innovator behind the industrys premier Digital Performance Platform, making real-time information about digital performance visible and actionable for everyone across business and IT. We help customers of all sizes see their
applications and digital channels through the lens of their end users. More than 7,500 organizations use these insights to master complexity, gain operational agility and grow revenue by delivering amazing customer experiences.
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