Parts of Information System
Parts of Information System
Parts of Information System
I.T Fundamentals
1. Explain the parts of an information system. What part do people play in this system?
-There are 6 parts of the Information System that plays their own significant roles. For example,
the first part is about the people that play as the user who is capable of doing and completing
tasks based on their own will. Procedures are the steps and/or guidelines every people need to
follow using software, and software is a program that consists of step-by-step instructions that
tell the computer how to do its work. Hardware is the equipment that processes data to create
information, and data is the unprocessed facts, including texts, numbers, images, and sounds.
And lastly, the most important one is that is responsible for connecting people around the world
without a hassle and gives a privilege to people to access 24/7 information.
2. What is system software? What kinds of programs are included in system software?
-System software enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware. The
system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications. The operating
system is the best-known example of system software.
5. What is connectivity? What is a computer network? What are the Internet and the web? What
is cloud computing, the wireless revolution, and IoT?
-Connectivity is the privilege of a user to have an interaction with one another, it also enables
the user to connect with different online sources from the internet. A computer network is the
structural connectivity of a computer from the ISP or the Internet Service Provider down to the
server and clients.
The Internet or also known as the Net is a vast network that connects all computers around the
world. With an Internet connection, people can interact and exchange information from
anywhere. The web or the World Wide Web is an information system that allows publications
and other online resources to be accessed over the Internet. Programs like web browsers may
access documents and other downloaded material that are made available to the network
through web servers.
An application-based software infrastructure called cloud computing stores data on remote
servers that may be accessed over the internet. The front-end and back-end of cloud computing
may be separated to better understand how it functions.
The wireless revolution is the era of wireless technologies that allow users to access the internet
without limitations due to wired tools that restrained us from accessing wireless cyberspace.
For me, the term "Internet of things" refers to actual physical things that have sensors,
computing power, software, and other technologies and can link to other systems and devices
via the Internet or other communication networks and exchange data with them.