The Galaxy Awaits Larp Rules

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An Unofficial Star Wars Fan Club

Featuring live action role-play events in the Seattle area, our story begins in the year 23ABY, nineteen
years after Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi, following the events portrayed in the Extended
Universe (Legends) where there is a New Republic and a New Jedi Order with many enemies old and new.
Rules System by Natalya Haner, The Galaxy Awaits, LLC
Based on Star Wars RPG, revised core book, by Wizards of the Coast and Lucas Books
Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of
Lucasfilm Ltd. & Lucasfilm Ltd.
Find The Galaxy Awaits on Facebook and on the web.
This book is free to use, but it is not to be sold for any amount or reason due to copyright
January 2017

Thank you for your interest in The Galaxy Awaits! Our rulebook is designed to be a simple representation
of the main points of Star Wars (Legends) in a fair and balanced LARP system. This means that these rules
do not include every detail of Star Wars, and may make some changes that are not necessarily correct for
Star Wars canon. Our interest is game-play balance and simplicity first and foremost.

The Most Important Rules

You may see the page count of these rules and cringe. Understandable. There is a lot covered as far as
skills, equipment, the Force, and so on. However, you dont have to read it all! There are actually only 2
sections that you should read in full:
1. General Rules / Combat
This section covers all the basics that all players need to know to play the game. Everything in this
section, including Signature Calls, Combat, Theft, Health and Force Points, character death, and
an Item overview, are important for the flow of the game.
2. Character / Creation
You will need a character to play The Galaxy Awaits and this section covers how to create one as
well as character expectations at an event.
The Rest of the Rules
You only need to read about the specifics that pertain to you and your character. For example, if you chose
the Computer Skill, you need to know how to use that Skill. If you are not playing a Force-user, you dont
have to read the Force section at all. If you bought an Equipment or Augment, you need to read how those
During the course of an event, other players will use their Skills, Powers, and such on you and by
understanding how Signature Calls work from the General Rules section, you will have a good idea of how
to react. If you are not sure, you may always hold up the OOG hand signal, described herein, and ask the
player about the effect.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Staff at:

General Rules
Every person who participates in this game is expected to read the rules to ensure that everyone is on the
same level of safety and smooth game-play. You do not have to commit all these rules to memory, but
please learn the section below as well as the areas that pertain to your character.
Code of Conduct
The Galaxy Awaits has a Code of Conduct that all participants are expected to abide by. Please take a
moment to read the Code of Conduct on our website here.
Principle of the Rules
This book covers everything you can do as your character that cannot be represented by role-play, props,
make-up, costuming, and (safe) special effects. However, if you can enact something for real that is not
described in rules, yet puts you in an unsafe situation or an unfair advantage, then you cannot do it. For
example, there are no rules on climbing a tree, but you could do that for real. Yet, climbing a tree is not
allowed as being in a tree would protect you from combat in an unintended way and raise safety concerns
as you could fall out of the tree. Each situation will be evaluated, but use your best judgement.
The rules are meant to be used exactly how they are written. So if an effect description doesnt include a
function, then that effect cannot be used to do that function, whether it makes sense it should or not. Of

course, people can interpret a book in different ways, so if you have any questions, please post on our
Facebook group.
Game Boundary & Hours
Game hours are posted on our event listings. During game hours and within the game boundary, the game
is on and you are now acting like your character, playing the game, at ALL TIMES.
Stand Down: Pausing the Game
A Stand Down pauses the game, usually in cases of rules misunderstanding or possible injury, where all
persons stand still and quiet in place while the matter is attended to. Anyone can call a Stand Down
when there is an emergency situation and only that person can end it by calling out 3, 2, 1, Game on!
Fire & Flashlights
Fire in designated fireplaces and pits are permitted with someone watching it at all times. Contact Combat
is not allowed within 10 feet of an open fire, use Parlor Combat if needed. Real flame candles and lamps
are not allowed. Instead use battery/electric lighting sources producing any light color. You may replace
bulbs in cabins with your own during an event. Dim lighting is highly encouraged. Please refrain from
using white/bright flashlights, used only in emergencies, as they hurt night vision.
A fictional persona created by you to play the game represented by the costume you wear, and how you act
and talk during Game Hours of an event.
All participants must wear an appropriately Star Wars themed costume. Additional costume requirements
may apply depending on Staff requirements as well as the character you choose to play. Certain Skills and
effects require specific props, such as a weapons and bottles. If you have any questions or need ideas,
check here or ask Staff.
A term used to indicate an action between characters or an item in the Gameworld during an event.
Examples, 1) when you act as your character, you are In-Game (IG), 2) a business card is just a card in real
life, but IG that card might be money your character uses to buy things, and 3) asking a Staff member
where to park your car is an OOG conversation, while asking a character for the cantina location is IG.
During Game Hours, stay IG as much as possible to help create a believable atmosphere.
Out-of-Game (OOG) is a term to indicate that a player, item or area is not a part of the game while the
game is currently on. Players currently IG wont interact with you while you are OOG, which is indicated
by the OOG Hand Signal. Being OOG during Game Hours is permitted if you arrive late, ask a question
about the game, ask a player to explain an effect, your character was killed, Character Switching, remind a
player of proper rules use, are injured, sick or tending a personal issue.

OOG Areas: restrooms, the main parking lot, under bunks, Staff buildings, outside Game
Boundaries, and Logistics (while open).
OOG Hand Signal: hold up crossed fingers, or wear an orange headband, or hold a fist/weapon
above head.
Props are simply items that exist IG. Most props are decoration or belongings of a character, but Tagged
props are used to represent items with effects governed by the Rules herein. All props must fit within the
aesthetic of the game, and you must be okay with other players using your Tagged props during an event.
All player-provided props must be returned to their rightful owners at event end. Staff is not responsible
for lost or damaged props.
Also called a birdseed packet, these are small, soft bean bags used as a Delivery Method, specified as
Projectile (packet), for Damage and Status attacks in Contact Combat. Since packets are thrown at other
players, all packets must be made as described in Weapons.
A Tag is a small game-provided piece of paper indicating an effect. Tags must be attached to a single prop
to exist IG, any exceptions are described herein. Tags are also considered IG labels so any Player can read
a Tag and use the information IG. Before using a Tagged item, read the effects description as there may be
requirements. Tags cannot be removed from the prop unless the effect is used, or by other means
described herein. You take Tags home after an event keeping them for use at the next event.
Tag Replacement Policy: Staff is not responsible for lost and damaged Tags. Damaged Tags are
replaced on a case-by-case basis only if the original Tag is provided. Lost Tags are not replaced it is
your responsibility to keep track of them between events.
360 Degree Illusion
The 360 Degree illusion is a design ideal where the aim is to make the physical immersive
experience as complete as possible, i.e. 360 degrees around you. Nordic LARP game design
Also referred to as what you see is what you get, everything you see within the designated game area is to
be considered In-Game. For example, rather than someone describing a scene that you must pretend you
see, you can physically interact with the scene because it is happening in real time in a real place with real
items and real people. Even the fantastical elements described herein are represented by real items for
your interaction. While some imagination is needed to pretend a foam sword is a real sword, or a friend
wearing a costume mask is a real monster, props and costumes create a visual and physical simulation
that require as little imagination as possible to immerse you into the game world. Ultimately, the 360
Degree illusion means that if you cannot represent an end result using actions, props, decoration, or
costume, then you cannot do it. Any exceptions to the 360 Degree illusion are described herein.

Weapon Type


Base Damage

Melee Weapon

Sword, axe, Fist weapon, polearm

Projectile Weapon

Blaster, throwing weapon, arrow

Energy Weapon

Lightsaber, vibro-weapon, electro-weapon

Effect Use Order: Delivery Method > Sig Call > spend Force Points, or tear a Tag, as described
Health Points
Beginning Health Rating: 10. Health determines how much damage your character can take before being
Knocked Out and eventually Dead. All characters have a Health Rating that represents the maximum
number of Health Points (HP) you can have, which can be increased by Armor and other effects described
herein. As you lose HP, deduct the specified amount from your current amount of points. Health Points
are restored at the beginning of each event as well as during game via various means described herein, but
you cannot have more than your Health Rating.
Force Points
Beginning Force Rating: 10. The Force is used to activate effects as described herein. All characters have a
Force Rating (whether they can sense the Force or not) that represents the maximum number of Force
Points (FP) you can have, which is determined by your Mastery Level (see Character Creation). As you
spend FP, deduct the specified amount from your current amount of points. Force Points are restored at
the beginning of each event as well as during game via various means described herein, but you cannot
have more than your Force Rating.
Contact Combat
The language of the Rules assumes Contact Combat is being used. Contact combat is where Players use
Signature Calls (see below) and toys to shoot foam darts/arrows at each other, and foam swords to tap
each other hard enough to feel, but never hard enough to hurt. This form of combat resolution happens
quickly and best simulates real combat in real time.
Illegal Striking Areas
Damage and effects will not be counted against a character if the player is struck in the following areas:
head, hands, items held in hands other than a shield or weapon, feet, and groin. Intentionally using an
Illegal Striking Area to block/deflect a strike to avoid taking damage/effect is not permitted.
Counted Actions
Typically used in LARP to represent an act not covered in the rules, such as killing blow 1, killing blow 2,
killing blow 3. Counted actions are NOT used in this system for anything, DO NOT do this.
Delivery Methods
A Delivery Method, or simply Method, is a visual indicator to a player that you are inflicting an effect on
their character. The correct Method to use is indicated in the effect descriptions throughout. If more than
one Method is listed, you can use either one so long as the target knows they are your target.

Applied: represented by a Tagged Bottle or hypodermic needle prop, this Method is used for effects
meant for items only. Say the Sig Call and pretend to apply the contents for at least 3 seconds then
attach the Tag on the item.
Ingested: represented by a Tagged Bottle, hypodermic needle prop, bottom of a cup, or edge of a
plate. You may voluntarily drink from a Bottle, cup or plate, or inject yourself with the needle prop.
Or a player may mime at least 3 seconds pouring the contents of a Bottle into your mouth or injecting
you. You can resist the effect using an appropriate protective Effect based on the Sig Call.
Melee: (Contact Combat only) when using a foam weapon, each strike must be a full 45-degree swing
with a different striking area each attack. Never thrust the tip toward another Player. If you are hit by
a foam weapon anywhere on your person including clothing, except Illegal Striking Areas, you can A)
take the damage, B) ignore the damage using an appropriate protective Effect, or C) block the blow
with a foam weapon or shield. You can also avoid the hit altogether by physically dodging the weapon
Projectile: (Contact Combat only) when using an appropriate projectile weapon (foam darts, foam
knives, packet, etc), throw or shoot one at a time at your opponent. If you are hit by a Projectile
anywhere on your person including clothing, except Illegal Striking Areas, you can A) take the
damage, or B) ignore the damage using an appropriate protective Effect based on the Sig Call.
Projectiles cannot be deflected or blocked without the appropriate means described herein. You can
also avoid the hit altogether by physically dodging the projectile.
Touch: with an empty hand, touch the player on the shoulder, hand, forearm, foot, or shin then say
the effects Sig Call. As a safety precaution, do not use this Method on a player actively swinging or
shooting a weapon at you or other players else the target is not affected (likewise dont swing/shoot a
weapon as protection against Touch). If you are the target of this Method, you can A) act out the effect
for the duration determined by the Sig Call, or B) ignore the effect using an appropriate protective
Effect based on the Sig Call.
Gestures: used where specified as a Delivery Method, gestures are In-Game and used to help
indicate the type of effect youre using against another character without touching the Player. To use a
Gesture to initiate an effect, raise your empty hand, perform the gesture, say the effects Sig Call,
then lower your hand. The Focus Skill is required to maintain to continue holding the Gesture up to
control the effects duration.
Cure - hover both hands palm down over the recipients injured area such as
arm or leg.

Mental - with your fingers pressed together, wave your hand at eye level in
front of your targets face (think how Jedi use Mind Trick in the movies). If you
are using the Focus Skill, stop and hold your hand in front of your targets face.

Scan - hold your arm out toward at the target with two fingers up and apart,
like a peace sign.

Status - hold your arm out toward the target with your fingers spread apart as
if reaching out.

For use with Parlor Combat ONLY

Melee - (Parlor Combat Only) hold your arm out toward the target with a
flattened hand tilted vertically. You must call out the Damage, even if it base

Projectile - (Parlor Combat Only) point at the target with one finger.

Signature (Sig) Calls, aka Effects

A Sig Call is a statement you say aloud to convey the Effect you are using so players know how to react. Sig
Calls are accompanied by descriptors found in effect descriptions. You can inflict one Effect at time, unless
otherwise noted in the descriptions herein. Pause long enough between each Call to give the player time to
react. Sig Calls are OOG except where noted below:
You say:



Resisted by

A number,
Ex: 1,
2, or 4

Damage attack that deducts opponents HP. The

Sig Call is NOT required if inflicting base
damage, see above.


Boosted Reflexes
Reflect Damage


Melee weapon sparring w/o inflicting Damage.

The Sig Call is NOT required if sparring is
understood between opponents.




Represents an action that does not inflict an



See Status


Removes an active effect, or restores HP/FP.

Cures cannot be used on yourself unless
otherwise specified.




An effect that inflicts a Damage, Status, or

Mental effect every 10 minutes for an hour.

10 minutes

- based on type
Shard of Serpent


Deducts Health/FP from the target and restores

Health/FP for the attacker.


See Damage


Spoken In-Game. Inflict the mind to make the

target say and/or act a certain way. Only one
Mental effect can be active on a target at a time
where being inflicted by a new one replaces the
old one. You cannot use Mental on yourself
unless otherwise specified.

5 minutes

Center of Being
Impenetrable Mind
Psychic Augmentor


Ignore one attack of a specified effect type.




Discern information about a character to use IG.


- see Mental
Sensor Jammer


Inflict the body with an ailment without causing

damage. Only one Status effect can be active on a
target at a time where being inflicted by a new
one replaces the old one. You cannot use Status
on yourself unless otherwise specified.

60 seconds

Electrical Wiring
Protection Bubble
Shield Projector

Courtesy Calls
When engaging in Contact Combat in a low visibility situation, such as night time, use a Sig Call whether
or not the attack is normally accompanied by a Sig Call i.e. call out the damage each strike. Also, if the
effect you are using calls for contact method, such as a packet or touch, use those Delivery Methods
instead of a Gesture to ensure the player knows they are your target.
Indicator: YELLOW armband
Usually reserved for personal medical reasons, a Non-Combatant is a player who participates in all
aspects of the game, except Contact Combat, and is not to be hit or touched at any time. Non-Combatant
players must wear a yellow armband at all times and use Parlor Combat in any combat scenario.
Parlor Combat, Rules for Non-Combatants


Parlor Combat is where you use Gestures (in place of stated Delivery Methods) and Signature Calls to
indicate an attack instead of Contact Combat. Parlor Combat is used when you or your opponent is a
Non-Combatant or both are standing within 10 feet of an open fire. Nothing is used to hit anyone.
Combat occurs in turn-based rounds that is initiated as follows:
Move into range: about 3 feet for Melee and about 10 feet for Projectile.
Start of round: the attacker obtains the opponents attention, saying Initiating Parlor
Combat if needed, then uses the Gesture and says the Sig Call as described for weapons and effects
herein. Once the attack is announced, the opponent must stop and resolve the round. Other Players
cannot interrupt once the round starts.
Both the attacker and opponent holds up either 1 or 2 fingers at the same time.
Add the total number of fingers held up. Even means the attacker missed the opponent.
Odd means the attacker hits and the opponent may call Resist or be inflicted by the effect.
End of round. Other Players may join to attack either party. It is the opponents turn.
An attacker can attack only one opponent at a time, but an opponent can face multiple attackers at once
by going through steps 2 - 4 with each attacker one at a time during a single round.
Knock Out
If your characters Health Points reach zero, or is inflicted by a Knock Out effect, fall to the ground and
pretend to be unconscious for 10 minutes. You can do nothing except answer Scan inquiries with
Knocked out. Please be aware of your surroundings and move out of the way of active combat. If a
Health-restoring effect is not used on you by the end of 10 minutes, your character is Dead.

If your character is Knocked Out by an effect that does not cause any HP loss, your
character awakens after the 10-minute duration. This is like a coma.
When your Character dies, fall to the ground and pretend to be dead for at least 1 minute. You can do
nothing except answer status inquiries with Dead. Please be aware of your surroundings and move out of
the way of active combat. After 1 minute, you can remain playing dead for as long as you like. When you
choose to stop, go OOG to Character Switch or volunteer to play NPCs for the Story Coordinators. If a
Cure Death effect is not used before you go OOG, the character cannot be played again.
Carrying / Moving an Incapacitated Character
Sig Call: Action, Im picking you up
Any character can move an immobile character. Say the Sig Call and hold the players hand on your
shoulder while you lead him around. You cannot run or engage in Combat while carrying a character.
Physical Role-Play
Sig Call: Do you accept physical role-play?
As an option, you can forego the Sig Call of an action and perform an action for real. For example, instead
of saying the Sig Call to pick up an immobile character and pretending to carry someone, you can pick the
player up and carry them for real. However, you must ask that players permission before doing this.
The intent is not to injure or make the game unsafe, but to allow folks to rehearse a scene with trusted
friends for that added touch of realism. Such realism is nice, but please be safe!
Detaining a Character


Any character may detain another character while maintaining the safety of the Player. A Player's
movement OOG should never actually be impeded or restricted by a room, door, or binding.

Locked Room: if a person in a Locked room is left unguarded for 30 minutes, he may
leave the room assuming that there was a loose bar or open window. The presence of a guard negates
this form of free escape. Actually climbing out windows, breaking props, ignoring Locks (without the
IG means of doing so) and Character Switching/NPCing is not permitted.

Bindings: prevent a character from doing anything that requires hands by giving the
rope/cuffs/shackles to the Player to hold and pretend to be tied up. The bound Player can drop the
bindings after 5 minutes. The duration is reset if a character mimes retightening the rope, and actively
holding the bindings prevents escaping altogether.

Long Term Detention: If a character is to be detained for longer than four hours, then
escort the character to the Game Boundary where the player can Character Switch.
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Disease X
Diseases inflict an effect over an extended period of time until the disease runs its course or the victim is
cured, whichever comes first. Diseases have a duration of six 10-minute phases that inflict a portion of the
Diseases effect. A character can be inflicted with more than one Disease at once, and the Player can
choose to act the first phase of the Disease immediately, or wait 10 minutes. A phase of a Disease can be
resisted, but only that phase is resisted. To resist the entire Disease, each phase needs a resist. Resisting a
Disease uses the same means for the type i.e. Damage-resisting methods resist the Damage Disease.
Curing a Disease requires a specific effect described herein.

Atrophy: Sig Call: Status disease atrophy. Atrophy causes the victims body to wither
until full paralysis sets in. Each phase withers an area of the body every 10 minutes in this order: 1)
arm, 2) other arm, 3) leg, 4) other leg, 5) head, and finally 6) the torso. Items cannot be held in a
withered arm, a leg prevents running while both legs prevent walking, the head prevents speaking,
and the torso is full paralysis. Atrophy fully wears off 10 minutes after the final phase.

Dementia: Sig Call: Mental disease dementia. Dementia causes the victim to lose
memory until their mind is a blank slate with only the ability to speak. Each phase causes memory
loss every 10 minutes in this order: 1) cannot use Powers, 2) cannot use Techniques, 3) cannot use
Skills, 4) cannot use Items, 5) cannot remember friends and enemies, and finally 6) the victim cannot
remember his or her own identity. Dementia fully wears off 10 minutes after the final phase.

Rotting: Sig Call: Disease rotting 2. Rotting disease inflicts 2 Damage each phase every
10 minutes until the Disease runs its course, or the victims Health reaches zero and becomes
Knocked Out.
Diseases are infectious, so if anyone touches you or you touch them, say the Sig Call where X is the name
of the Disease that your character has.

This section refers to pretend theft. Real life theft of anything that does not belong to you, including food,
will not be tolerated. Now lets talk about how your Character can take items from other Characters.
In-Game Items


Only Tagged props, Credits and Credsticks, IG flags/banners, and books/papers containing IG
information such as maps, notes and journals, are open to be taken. You cannot take anything else,
including non-Tagged weapons and armor, unless you have explicit permission from the prop owner.
Handling Props
Using a Tagged prop that is not your own is your responsibility while you have it. Intentional damage to
props is expressly forbidden. You can move non-Tagged weapons and armor out of reach from a fallen foe
or carry the items with you if you are moving the prop owners Character elsewhere. All player provided
props taken during an event must be returned to the prop owner, who may allow your continued use,
before you leave the event.
Carrying / Storing Items
In-Game Items can be carried anywhere on your person. Secret compartments are not permitted in
clothing, but are allowed in bags and boxes. You must store In-Game Items stolen and for the character
you are actively playing in an In-Game area. In-Game Items for your other characters must be kept in an
OOG area.
Thieving from Characters and Areas
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, I am searching your person
Any character can search for In-Game Items. If an area, physically search the area. If a person, use the
Method and say the Sig Call. The player must reveal all In-Game Items carried on their person, including
in bags and boxes. Any Credstick or Tag can be taken, except Augments that require the appropriate Skill
to remove. Secret compartments in bags and boxes must be detected via means described herein.

Item Overview

Ammo is store-bought foam darts used in toy blasters. You may pick up ammo from the ground and reuse
it with no limitations. Please take home the same amount of ammo that you arrived with, or less to
account for loss and destruction. If you picked up more ammo than what you brought in, drop them off
with Staff at the end of the game. If you have special ammo you dont want other people to use, leave it at
home. These are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. See Weapons for allowed ammo types.
Any character can wear up to two different armor types at a time and the Health bonus from each is
added. FP penalties of the heaviest armor applies only. Each armor type is a separate piece. Armor can be
made of any material as long as the finished product looks real, see the examples below. Armor is not
Tagged and does not cost Credits to buy.
How Armor Works - Armor increases your Health Rating giving you more Health Points thus
allowing you to take more damage before Knock Out. These additional Health Points are healed with
Health-curing effects as normal. Adding Armor does not change your current HP, needing a Health
restorative to bring the points up to the new Rating. Removing Armor lowers your HP only if it is
currently higher than the new Health Rating after the Armor is removed.


Armor must cover your torso front and back, shoulder to hips. All other
pieces are costume unless otherwise granted Armor status by effects
described herein.

Bonus: Health Rating increases by 2
Restriction: none
A shirt made of leather or equivalent material that looks like leather such as
naugahyde, vinyl, leather fabric, or leather imprinted craft foam.
Thick heavy duty canvas is accepted in place of leather only in the form of
flight suits and tactical armor.
Bonus: Health Rating increases by 4
Restriction: using Force Powers, Rituals, and Relics costs +1 FP
Chain - A shirt with rings made of metal, plastic, or other equivalent
material that looks like metal, or could be made of metal. Colored and clear
plastic rings are allowed. Chain also includes scale mail.
Brigandine - Combination of leather shirt with small plate pieces either
sandwiched between the leather, or attached to the underside or outside. See
Light and Heavy for material descriptions.
Bonus: Health Rating increases by 6
Restriction: using Force Powers, Rituals, and Relics costs +2 FP
Plate armor consists of large plate pieces, either two large pieces or several
smaller ones, that cover the front and back by butting or overlapping so as
not to be confused for Brigandine or Scale mail. Plate must be made of metal
or other equivalent material that looks like metal such as stiff plastic,
hardened leather, EVA foam, thick hardened cardboard, or other similar stiff
or hardened materials.


Bonus: Health Rating increases by 2 bracers / 4 mantle / 6 combined
Restriction: none
The Force Armor Power increases your Health Rating while wearing a plate
mantle and/or plate arm bracers that are normally considered costume only.
Only one set of Force Armor can be worn at a time and are additions on top of
standard light, medium, or heavy armor.


While Armor is not designed for Droids, Droids can still wear it. Armor must
must follow the same rules described above and be worn over your Droid
costume as an additional separate removable piece.
Droid costumes do not count as Armor. For it to count as Armor, you must
be wearing a Droid costume looking like a mechanical person underneath the
Armor if it is removed from your person during game-play.

Any character can use an Augment that is installed or implanted via a Cyberneticist or Droid Mechanic,
respectively. There is no limit to the number of Augments you can wear on your person except that you
can wear only one Augment per area (head, hand, arm, chest, legs). These DO cost Credits. See Augments.
Blaster, Foam Dart
Method: Projectile
Only characters with the Blaster or Blaster Artillery Skills, or the appropriate Augment, can use a Blaster
to fire foam darts. Blasters are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. See Weapons.
Any character can use the contents of a Tagged Bottle or syringe. Use any container designed to hold
liquid as a prop for the appropriate Tag, or a fake syringe. Bottles must be 1.5 inches or larger. You can
attach one Tag, or multiple Tags of the same type, to one bottle, attaching the Tag(s) to the outside, or
stored inside, to be easily removed. Transfer Tags between bottles by pouring liquid.
Bow and Arrow
Method: Projectile
Only characters with the Archery Skill may use a bow to fire boffer safe arrows. Bows and arrows are not
Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. See Weapons.
Circles are created on the ground for use with certain Force Powers and Rituals as described in their
descriptions. The best material for a circle is rope as you can pick up and stuff it in a pouch for reuse. You
can use other environmentally friendly materials that are easily cleaned up leaving no trace behind.


Any character can use a walkie-talkie, smartphone, tablet, etc. to communicate with other characters as
well as access the Intergalactic Bank (IGB), Holonet News, and SliceWare websites built for In-Game use.
Additionally, information regarding Alien, Droid, and Human species as well as historical events pre23ABY from the Wookiepedia may be used In-Game. These not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy.

Datapad - a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

There are numerous forms of currency across the galaxy, but the Galactic Credit of the Republic is
recognized in the game. All characters have an Intergalactic Bank account beginning with 2,000 Credits
that are tracked and spent digitally via the IGB website linked in your character overview on the TGA
website. Credits are used for a variety of purchases of IG goods and services from other characters, the
SliceWare, and the Item Store (for characters with Tag-producing Skills).
Credstick - a Credstick is a Credit in physical form represented by TGAprovided business cards. Visit the IGB Bank Teller, an NPC character, during event to
withdraw or deposit Credsticks. The Bank Teller is the only means to deposit Credsticks
into your IGB account for Item Store use as Logistics does not accept Credsticks for Tags.
You may take Credsticks home, but TGA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged
Replacement Policy: Staff are not responsible for lost
and damaged Credsticks. Damaged Credsticks are replaced on a case-by-case
basis only if the original Credstick is provided. Lost Credsticks are not replaced
it is your responsibility to keep track of them between events.
Stipend - a salary of 500 Credits is paid to all characters registered for
an event. When you check in at Logistics and Logistics hits the Confirm button for your
registration, the Stipend is automatically deposited to your registered characters account.
You cannot spend the Stipend in the Item Store at the event you receive it, but you can
save it for that purpose after the event.
Any character can use Equipment items unless otherwise described in the items description. There is no
limit to the amount of Equipment you can carry on your person except the physical limitations of the
prop. These DO cost Credits to buy. See Equipment.
There are three types of Locks; the electronic Security Lock, the mechanical Padlock, and the Door Lock.
Each type of Lock is assigned a number, and any Keycard or Key with that number may be used to open
the Lock. Locks can be hacked, picked, or forced open via various means described herein. These DO
cost Credits to buy.

Security Lock: Use an appropriately themed Tagged box (sized 4 inches by 4 inches by
2 inches, or larger), such as this example, but with a light and on/off switch for the light, for the


Mount the prop on a door just above the handle to secure the door. The Locks
Keycard is required in order to pass through the door from the locked side, while a Keycard is not
required to pass through from the other side. You can lock only one side of the door.
Mount the prop on a wall at shoulder level next to doorframe with a Particle
Shield prop to secure the Particle Shield. Place a note on the outlet where the Particle Shield is
plugged in to inform Players that there is a Security Lock on the shield to disable.
Mount the prop above the outlet where a Ray Shield or Containment Field is
plugged in to secure the fields.
Mount the prop on an In-Game container to secure the container.
Use the appropriate Keycard to swipe it at the Lock prop to turn the Locks light on or off. While the
light is off, you can pass through the doorway, or open the container, or turn off shields.

Door lock: Place a Lock Tag above the door handle on the side you wish to lock. A
Tagged Key is required to pass through the door from the locked side, while a key is not required to
pass through from the other side. You can lock only one side of the door.

Padlock: Use an appropriately themed real/fake Tagged padlock to lock an IG box.

Embedded box locks can be Tagged as well. A Tagged Key is required to open a box and only one on a
box at a time.
Melee Weapon
Method: Melee
Only characters with the appropriate weapons Skill may use a melee weapon (Weapons) allowed by the
characters Skill. This is a catch-all for swords, knives, polearms, axes, battle hammers, Electro- and
Vibro- weapons, Lightsabers, and the like. These weapons are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy.
Pipe Foam
Method: Melee
Only characters with the Brawling Skill can use these foam pipe insulation pieces as a weapon
representing your Fists. These weapons are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. See Weapons.
Real Electronics
You can use any real electronics and gadgets that are not listed herein, such as alarms, motion detectors,
binoculars, and night vision goggles. Foam dart shooting robots are allowed, see Weapons. These
electronics do not require any Skills, just turn them on and off as they are designed. Strobe lights are not
permitted. These are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy.
Recharge Areas
A Recharge Area is a place where characters go to restore Force points. There are two Recharge Areas; the
Temple for Aliens and Humans, and the Charging Station for Droids. These areas cannot be moved,
altered, or stolen once set by Staff. Each Recharge Area will be in a designated building or area with a box
marked with the appropriate symbol below. To restore FP, put Currency, or any type of Tag (not props)
into the box and regain Force Points at the rate of 1 FP per 100 Credits. Tags are converted to Currency as
listed in Character i.e. a Security Lock restores 2 FP. Once Currency and Tags are put in the box, they are
OOG and cannot be recovered or used in any way during the game. Do not destroy Tags, as they can be
recycled into the game via Logistics/SCs when they empty the box at the end of the event.



Charging Station

Any character can use a Relic, a Force-imbued item, except where notated in the Relics description. There
is no limit to the number of Relics you can carry on your person except the physical limitations of the
prop. To use a Relic, the Tagged item must be worn appropriately or carried in your hand, then follow the
directions in the Relics description. Using a Relic costs 1 FP if you have the Force-sensitive Skill
(regardless of your Path), or 3 FP for non-Force users. These DO cost Credits to buy. Relic descriptions.
Throwing Weapon
Method: Projectile
Any character can use throwing weapons such as foam bricks, rocks, sticks, cups, and the like to inflict
Projectile damage. These weapons are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. See Weapons.
There are three IG websites, specially created for the game, that are used as IG tools for characters to use.
These websites are:

HoloNet News - this site is used by players and Story Coordinators alike to convey IG
information in the form of news, bounties, and classifieds.

InterGalactic Bank - also called IGB or banking site, this site is used to transfer Credits
to and from character accounts.

SliceWare - this is the hacking tool used by characters with the Computer Skill to
infiltrate character accounts and manipulate them by stealing Credits, altering the Security rating,
and more. White Hat slicers also use the SliceWare to protect accounts and discover who sliced an


All participants of the game must have a character. Creating a character is easy!



An alien is a humanocentric biological - and sometimes political - term to describe a sentient species other
than a Human. It is often used interchangeably with the term Non-Human. The term may have been


derived from the first impression of early Humans when they had their first contacts with species from
other planets. However, it seems to have remained prevalent, even in subsequent millennia.
Since Humans are the most prominent sentient species, they are often considered to be a standard or
average to which the biology, psychology, and culture of other species are compared. Thus species with a
body type roughly similar to Humans are often referred to as humanoid.
Aliens are sometimes victims of speciesism, being derided and avoided by Humans in certain societies.
Prejudice against aliens led many aliens and alien planets to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems
during the Clone Wars and Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, both times
hoping for freedom and safety from prejudice.
Playing an Alien: List of Allowed Aliens. Aliens must be portrayed with a realistic
mask and/or makeup that represents the alien as accurately as possible. Only humanoid aliens
with an average height of 5 to 7 feet (1.5 - 2.2 meters) can be played to keep with the 360 Degree
illusion aspect of the game, but Staff can make exceptions upon request.
Abilities: Some aliens are known to have special abilities that humans do not. Should an
alien you choose to play have an Ability listed on the above List of Allowed Aliens, you can buy it
for 3 Player Points without requiring any normally associated prerequisites, or counting toward
Skill/Technique/Power maximums. Some Abilities count as a prerequisite in place of its Skill
version as described in the online Character Manager. An Ability that requires Force Points to use
costs 1 Force Point per use, regardless of Skill/Technique/Power, then follow the description for
the effect.

Droids, short for androids, are mechanical beings often possessing artificial intelligence. They are used in
a variety of roles and environments, often those considered too menial or too dangerous for humans and
other species. Droids are also used in fields that require extensive specialization and knowledge, such as
medical droids, astromech droids, and battle droids.
Depending on the model and its corresponding purpose, droids are totally obedient, rugged, expandable,
capable of vast memory recall, and mathematically precise. These characteristics make them well suited
for many jobs, though the lack of independent thought in the cheaper, less advanced models limit their
capability. This lack of autonomy is simultaneously a vast asset and a glaring weakness - an asset in terms
of obedience and control, but a massive drawback in terms of effectiveness. Designers face a fundamental


paradox - make the droids overly intelligent, and they might rebel; yet make the droids not intelligent
enough and they would be ineffectual.
While many droids are subservient to an Alien or Human, some droids are completely independent, freethinking individuals who work in various fields alongside their organic counterparts. Customarily, droid
names are an arrangement of numbers and letters such as C3-PO or R2-D2, but independant droids may
take on more organic sounding nicknames.
Playing a Droid: Like aliens, there are many kinds of droid. Therefore, you can choose
any droid that you wish to portray with a realistic costume. As a general rule, only humanoid
droids can be played to keep with the 360 Degree illusion aspect of the game, but Staff can make
exceptions upon request. Complete List of Droids.
Abilities: Droids are usually built with a specific purpose and selecting the appropriate
Job covers most of this programing.
Droid Program: Visit the Item Store and choose one Program for free.
You can have up to two Programs installed for use. Installing Programs requires another
character with the Computer Skill. Click here for a list of Programs.
Mental Immunity: Without costing FP, say Resist to ignore the last
Mental attack that hit you. Mental Sig Calls modified with Droid (ex: Mental Droid
command) ignore this immunity and require the appropriate Effect to resist it.
Cure Immunity: Droids require Antivirus, Oil, Repair Kit, or a Droid
Mechanic to cure Damage, Status, and Mental effects. The Sig Call must include Droid
(ex: Cure droid status) to work.
Disease Immunity: Droids are not affected by Diseases. Without
costing FP, say Resist to ignore the last Disease attack that hit you.
Lightning Susceptibility: When struck by a Lightning effect as
denoted in the Sig Call such as 4 Lightning, Droids suffer wracking pain. While under
this effect, you can scream and speak during the 60-second duration, but can do nothing
else. Resisting Lightning requires a Damage-resisting effect and will cost FP.

Humans are the galaxy's most numerous and politically dominant sentient species with millions of major
and minor colonies galaxy-wide. Believed to have originated on the galactic capital of Coruscant, humans
can be found anywhere engaged in many different pursuits: spacers, mercenaries, smugglers, merchants,
soldiers, assassins, farmers, crime lords, laborers, slaves, slavers, and many others, including Jedi and


Sith. Since Humans are the most common sentient species, they are often considered to be a standard or
average to which the biology, psychology, and culture of other species are compared.
Playing a Human: Humans are the farthest spread throughout the galaxy and thus can
be a part of any walk of life.
Abilities: Humans do not possess any special abilities.

Generally speaking, a Job describes what your character does for a living. The Jobs listed below are the
broad descriptions for more specific related jobs, such as Jedi is a specific job under Force-user.
Restriction: Droids cannot choose this job. A Force-user is a Force Sensitive individual who is able to
sense the energy all around them as well as tap into the ways of the Force and its fantastical Powers. While
Jedi and Sith are the most well-known group of Force-users, there are many other Organized Force
traditions that are permitted in the game. A Force-user may even choose to be independant and use the
Force for their own means as they please, but often run into opposition from other Force-users who
belong to organizations that see such untrained use of the Force as dangerous.
Skills: Force-sensitive, Force Lore, Farsight, Empathy
Technique: any one Force Technique
The role of the Physician includes field medics, counselors, and surgeons as well as the darker side of
medicine that is used for torture and malice. Physicians may be high class plastic surgeons or backdoor
street hacks, using their knowledge in the medical field to genuinely help people or offer cheap fixes for a
quick credit.
Skills: Medic, Cosmetic Surgeon, Group Counseling, Empathy
Technique: Medical Surgeon
This Job includes those that live outside the law by their own, often amoral, set of rules, or fight against
the law outright. Smugglers, bounty hunters, thieves, assassins, pirates, scam artists, gamblers, criminals,
and the like fall into this Job. Scoundrels typically employ bravado, trickery or cunning to accomplish
tasks and many would not hesitate to lie, steal or cheat if the situation calls for it. They are known for their
unpredictability, skill, and underhandedness in combat as well as contacts for black markets and criminal
Skills: Blaster, Brawling, Sincerity, Escape
Technique: either Weapons Expert or Assassin
Socialite is a term that refers to individuals that serve as the dignitaries of the galaxy. Typically socialites
are members of the upper parts of galactic society, but socialites can also be individuals who control the
criminal underworld. Some socialites are born into the upper classes, while others work their way up the
social ladder via their political, diplomatic, military, commercial, artistic, media, or criminal careers.
Socialites often use intelligence or charisma rather than brute force and direct confrontation. They are
typically well-versed in the arts of rhetoric and negotiation and are highly socially skilled. Some socialites


are truly honest and honorable people, while others were sly and treacherous. Whether working in the
Senate, as a criminal overlord, or as an entertainer, socialites use their skills to influence their audience.
Skills: Empathy, Galactic Lore, Performance, Sincerity
Technique: either Academic or Body Language
Soldiers are individuals trained in a variety of martial skills and represent the core of any military force.
Many of these individuals volunteer to fight for their government, but some are drafted into service. Those
who fight for monetary payment are known as either mercenaries or bounty hunters and often work with
Scoundrels. Soldiers receive basic training in a range of weaponry and combat tactics, from hand-to-hand
combat to heavy weapons. Clone Troopers and Battle Droids are examples of well-known soldiers.
Skills: Blaster, Blaster Artillery, Defense, Shield
Technique: any one Combat Technique
Tech Specialist
Tech Specialists combine expert training with natural genius to reach the top of their chosen field. They
can be curious scientists, brilliant technicians, master cyberneticists, droid repairers, expert slicers
(hackers), or computer geniuses. Tech Specialists seek to help people or gain knowledge, to create
technical gadgets or develop new scientific theories. Some become adventurers for credits and glory. Other
see the field as the best place to test their skills and add to their knowledge.
Skills: Cyberneticist, Computer, Droid Mechanic, Manufacturing: Augments
Technique: Computer Specialist
The merchants of the galaxy, Traders make up the infrastructure of moving goods between cities and
planets. Traders are people who buy and sell various products. Although some do business legally, many
do business illegally. Traders can also be adept at constructing a number of goods, including weapons,
furniture, and droids. Traders who take part in constructing goods occasionally specialize in a specific
field, such as munitions, structures, domestic goods, or engineering. Traders set prices for goods based on
supply, demand, and regulations placed by Trade Federation or the local economy.
Skills: Commerce, Manufacturing: any two, Security
Technique: Wholesaler

A Faction offers you a group to become a member of, thus making it easier for you to become involved in
the game. Faction also determines your In-Game contact, called Faction Contact, and the type of missions
the Faction Contact will offer you. There are nine Factions to choose from, see Faction details.
Faction Contact - The Faction Contact is a character created by the Story Coordinators
that is played the entire duration of an event, like a PC. Information about your Faction Contact
including character name, player name, and a photo, will be available online in your character
Mission - A mission is a task tailored to a Faction with the primary goal of providing a
means of income beyond the Stipend as well as something for players to become involved with for
story, conflict, and intrigue. Written by the Story Coordinators for the Faction Contacts to provide
to their Faction members, any character can participate in a mission, but only a Faction member


can collect the payout of a successful mission. Distribution of the payout is up to the person who
received it.
Changing Faction - You can change your Faction anytime at a cost of 3 Player Points
per change.

Character Creation
All characters must fit the Star Wars universe of the current game year as well as some other restrictions
(see Creation), and be created online in the Character Manager. If the event venue does not have
internet/mobile access, you will be asked to make your character available either by downloading or
printing a card that must be carried on your person at all times while you play that character. Only Staff
may review your character information. All characters must be submitted online on our website, and is
required to register for an event.
Primary and Secondary
You are expected to play only one character at an event, not counting STCs and NPCs (see below), and this
character is called a Primary Character. Primary Characters are registered for events, receive Stipends,
have access to the IGB, and can buy Tags for the event in the Item Store.

Secondary Characters do not receive the above like a Primary. When you wish to play
your Secondary, use Edit Details in the Secondary to switch the Secondary to Primary. There are
deadlines in place on when you can do this. If your Primary Character has died during an event and
you want to play your Secondary, change the Secondary to Primary to gain access to the IGB and
SliceWare sites, but you will not get Tags from Logistics until the next event.
Though you are allowed up to two different characters, they cannot deliberately benefit
each other. Any attempts to circumvent this by using intermediary characters is considered
cheating. While it is possible for one of your characters to end up with an item from one of your
other characters through innocent interactions, it should be avoided if possible and must never be
Using the Jobs and Factions as a guide, decide what type of character you want to play. Your character
must be of your own creation and fit within the Star Wars universe. Characters cannot portray a real
person or published character (ex: Darth Vader or Mark Hamill), nor are time travel, other IPs (game
universes), or genres allowed. If you need help with a concept, please post on our Facebook group and ask
for our Character Guide.
Creation Points
Creation Points (CP) are awarded during character creation to be used to build that character. CP are nontransferable to any other character or player. If there are any remaining CP when you Finalize the
character, the points are still available for you to spend on that character or in the Item Store.
Player Points
Player Points (PP) are awarded to the player and may be spent on any character belonging to that player,
not just the one portrayed at the event where the Player Points were earned. Player Points spent on a
character are lost when that character dies, but unspent Player Points have no expiration.


STEP ONE - Submit Character

When you are ready to create a Character, visit our website > Login > Profile > Your Characters > Create
Character. The system will guide you through the Steps. Your progress will be recorded as go and you can
make all the changes you like in this phase without costing any Points. Once you hit the Finalize button in
the final Step, your Character is officially activated in the system locking in the stats. After this, current
stats are upgraded costing Points using the Edit and Buy links at the top of the View Character page. A full
rewrite can also be done, see Rewrite below.
Quick Reference Charts

Maximum # of

Maximum # of

Power Level

Max. # of












Combat Skills

Force Skills

Merchant Skills

Social Skills




Cosmetic Surgeon





Blaster Artillery



Galactic Lore






Force Lore

Droid Mechanic


Lightsaber Weapon


Fence Item


Striking Weapon

Group Counseling




Mind Trick



Combat Techniques

Force Techniques

Merchant & Social



Balance the Force


Dual Weapon

Channel the Force


Fumble Strike

Force Crafting

Body Language


Heavy Strike

Force Projection

Computer Specialist

Paralyze Strike

Force Rituals

Hall of Peace


Lightsaber Knight

Medical Surgeon

Warrior's Stance

One with the Force


Weapons Expert

Strong with the Force


STEP TWO - Item Store

When you hit the Finalize button, the system will take you to the Item Store. A deadline to make
purchases is posted in the Item Store. Once a Tag is purchased, it cannot be exchanged with Logistics. The
game provides Tags only, you are responsible for providing the appropriate prop.

New Character Mode you are able to purchase any Tag for base cost. You start with
2,000 Credits to spend. If you would like to spend any Creation or Player Points here, make those
purchases first. Then spend Credits. After you have spent Credits on starting gear for the first time,
the Item Store switches to Standard mode.

Standard Mode you are able to purchase Tags using Credits only and only if your
character has a Tag-producing Skill or Technique. Otherwise access to the Item Store is denied.

Currency Cost

PP Cost

1,000 Credits


100 Credits

5 for 1pp


500 Credits

Force Relic (includes Lightsaber)

1,500 Credits

Force Ritual

1,000 Credits


100 Credits

5 for 1pp

Lock/Key set

100 Credits

5 for 1pp

Security Lock

200 Credits


STEP THREE - Details

The following are optional details you can add to your Finalized character:

On the Overview screen, submit a character Concept here and earn 2 Player Points upon

On the Overview screen, view your Faction Contact shown under your characters stats.

In Edit Details, if you have a photo of you dressed as your character, you can upload it
Thats it! You are ready to register for the next event!


Attending an Event
Now that your character has been submitted, register for an event. When you arrive at the event, visit
Logistics. Registration is required as Logistics uses an online tool to manage your event payment,
character Tags, and other information for Logistics to check over. When Logistics confirms your

The Stipend is deposited into your registered Primary Characters IGB account.

Attendance Player Points is awarded.

Any Player Points purchased after the posted deadline is awarded.

Once Logistics has confirmed your registration, you are done in Logistics for that event... no Points can be
purchased, no Tags can be collected. Have fun at the event!

Upgrade Character
As you collect Player Points, you are able to buy new Skills, Techniques, and Powers using the Edit links
found at the top of the View Character page for your character. You can do this anytime, even during an
event allowing you instant use of the purchased stat! The online system will display any special
instructions and Point costs for additions and changes you wish to make.

If you purchase a Tag-producing Skill or Technique during an event, you can buy Tags in
the Item Store but you cant collect those Tags until the next event.






Job Skill

Job Technique

Mastery Level

Non-Job Skill

Non-Job Technique

500 Credits (Creation only)

Force Power

Change Force Path to Sith

Change Faction

Alien Ability, limit 1

Change Force Path to Jedi

Change Force Path to other

Rewrite Character
If this tool is available on the View Character screen, you can rewrite your character stats. The rewrite tool
totals the Points spent on the character into Creation Points, then allows you to add and remove stats as
you like. Once you hit the Finalize button, the stats are locked in and cannot be exchanged, altered, or
dropped. Note that the system treats rewritten stats as if they have always been there. Hence, the selection
of Tag-producing Skills and Techniques during rewrite will NOT grant you free Tags. You can choose to
buy Tag-producing Skills and Techniques after Finalize, which will grant you the free Tags.

Playing the Game

Now that you have a character, you can use that characters concept and goals to create intrigue and
action for other players to interact with. Your story idea does not need Staff approval, but Staff holds the
right to stop any story if it is destructive or does not fit in the game. Ideas not allowed:

Target a player you do not like personally.

Over target a character, based on player complaint.
Portray a real person or published character (ex: Darth Vader or Mark Hamill).
No time travel, or other IPs (game universes), or other genres.


Short Term Characters

A Short Term Character (STC) is a character created by you as part of your own storyline apart from
anything the SCs are doing. STCs and your stories do not require approval from Staff, but Staff reserves
the right to halt a story if it does not meet the theme or the Playing the Game standards detailed above. To
create an STC, use the above Character Creation steps with the following exceptions:
STCs are created under the Short Term Characters heading on your Profile.
You cannot spend Player Points on STCs.
STCs do not get an IGB account, or access to the Item Store for Tags. You may use Tags
and Credsticks from any of your other characters in order to offer loot or to use in general for the
Non-Player Characters
These characters are also called NPCs and are created by the Story Coordinators (SCs).
Character Switching
You must play a PC or STC for a minimum of one hour before switching to another character, unless the
character you are currently playing dies or is Long Term detained. You must remain IG until you reach an
OOG area to change costumes and switch characters. NPCs are played for a time given by the SCs.
Chance of Recourse
If your character commits a crime, other characters may want retribution. Give them the chance by
leaving stolen items in IG areas until the end of the event, or stay IG longer then you need to. Play the
villain later the same event, or at the next event, carrying any stolen items on your person. If your
character is alive and not being chased, go to Game Boundary (not SC Camp or other OOG area) then go
OOG. If chased, stay IG until no one is chasing you.


Skills and Techniques

Combat Skills
You can fight with only one weapon at a time with any exceptions described below. See Weapons for
construction/purchase details.
Archery (Weapon)
Method: Projectile (arrow)
You can use a Bow to fire a boffer safe Arrow and inflict Projectile Damage. You may fire only one arrow at
a time, as fast as you can safely pull and release. If an opponent is within 10-15 feet of you, you cannot use
your Bow against the opponent. Bows and Arrows cannot be used as Melee weapons. These weapons are
not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy.
Blaster (Weapon)
Method: Projectile (dart)
You can use a foam dart shooter to fire foam darts and inflict Projectile Damage. With this Skill, you are
limited to pump action pistol or crossbow style shooters loaded with no more than 12 darts either via
barrel or clip (magazine), not a drum or a chain. Blasters can be mounted on your arm, but are still
subject to being Fumbled and removed from your person. Blasters are not Tagged and do not cost Credits
to buy.
Blaster Artillery (Weapon)
Method: Projectile (dart)


Prerequisite: Blaster Skill

The same as the Blaster Skill but you can use any foam dart shooter to fire foam darts and inflict Projectile
Damage. With this Skill, you can use any rifle, gatling gun, or shotgun type shooters that can be loaded
with as many darts as the toy is designed to hold via barrel, clip (magazine), drum, or chain. Batteryoperated blasters may be used with this Skill. Blasters are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy.
Brawling (Weapon)
Method: Melee
This Skill allows you to fight with special melee weapons called Fist Weapons to inflict Melee Damage
with each strike. Fist Weapons cannot be Fumbled (say Resist). You may fight with one or two Fist
Weapons at a time. You can block a Melee strike with your forearm (wrist to elbow) in that hand holding a
Fist weapon and not take Damage. While holding a Fist weapon, that hand is a weapon and cannot be
used for any other Delivery Method than Melee. Carry Fist weapons in a pouch/pocket when not in use.
Defense against: Drain, Melee Damage
Sig Call: Resist
Your character is quick enough to dodge. Say the Sig Call and spend 1 FP to ignore the last Drain attack,
normal Damage attack (ex: 2), or modified Damage attack (ex: 4 Fire) from any melee weapon.
Damage combined with Mental or Status effects (ex: Status agonizing pain 2) cannot be resisted.
Lightsaber Weapon
Method: Melee
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
You can use a Lightsaber. When carrying the Lightsaber on your belt, you may use a full sheath to conceal
the blade portion, if you wish. Lightsabers are Tagged items that cost Credits to buy.
Defense against: Melee and Projectile Damage
You can use a shield to block normal (ex: 2) or modified (ex: 4 Fire) Damage from melee and
projectile weapons when the strike hits your shield. The strike must hit your shield to be blocked.
Damage combined with Mental or Status effects (ex: Status agonizing pain 2) cannot be blocked.
Shields can be Fumbled, but cannot be used as, or combined with, a weapon in any way. You can use
only one shield at a time. Shields are not Tagged and do not cost Credits to buy. Build specs.
Striking Weapon
Method: Melee
This is a catch-all Skill to use any standard melee weapons such as a knife, sword, club, axe, spear, staff,
and the like to inflict Melee Damage each strike. Striking weapons are not Tagged and do not cost Credits
to buy.

Force Skills



Defense against: Drain, Projectile Damage

Sig Call: Resist
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Your character is swift enough to deflect a projectile down in flight. Say the Sig Call and spend 1 FP to
ignore the last Drain attack, normal Damage attack (ex: 2), or modified Damage attack (ex: 4 Fire)
from any projectile weapon. Damage combined with Mental or Status effects (ex: Status agonizing pain
2) cannot be resisted.
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan, X
Force-user or not, your character is empathetic of the emotions and mental state of others. Use the
Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call where X is one of the following questions that the target Player
must answer immediately and truthfully OOG.

Scan, what emotion are you feeling?

Scan, are you afflicted by a Mental effect?

Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Any time during an event, you can ask the Story Coordinators a question regarding the plot of the game.
First, excuse yourself from the game by saying that you must meditate with the Force. Then go ask the
SCs your question. Come back into the game and convey to the other characters the answer you received
as you see fit. You can ask the SCs only once per event, and the SCs are not responsible if their answer
did not turn out to be correct as sometimes the Force is clouded.
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
When using a Mental or Status type Force Power on another character, say the Sig Call and visibly use the
appropriate Gesture toward the opponent that he/she can clearly see. If the Power is not resisted, the
Power will remain active on the character until you lower the Gesture thus overriding the normal duration
of the Power. You cannot do anything, including talking, while Focusing.
Ex: Darth Vader uses Force Choke on Luke by saying the Sig Call and holding up the Status Gesture.
Luke does not resist the attack and is now afflicted with Force Choke until Vader lowers his hand no
matter how long that may be.
Force Lore
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan, X
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Your character has an understanding of the Force to ascertain information about people. Use the Method,
spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call where X is one of the following questions that the target Player must
answer immediately and truthfully OOG.

Scan, are you Force Sensitive?

Scan, what is your Force Rating?

Scan, what are your current Force Points?


Restriction: Droids cannot choose this Skill.
As a Force-sensitive, your character can use Force Powers, Rituals, and Relics, with a Force Point cost per
use based on your chosen Affinity Path where applicable.
New - When you first buy this Skill, choose a Path below to define your Force alignments and
determine the FP amount you must spend when you use a Power or Ritual. Then choose one level 1
Power of your choice from your Affinity for free.
Edit - Changing a Path costs 1 Player Point to switch Affinity to Dark Side, 2 to switch Affinity to
Universal, or 3 to switch Affinity to Light Side.





Light Side


Dark Side

Dark Jedi

Light Side

Dark Side



Dark Side


Light Side

Light Sith

Dark Side

Light Side


Dark Adept


Dark Side

Light Side

Light Adept


Light Side

Dark Side

Group Counseling
Sig Call: Cure Force 2
The galaxy is not an easy place to live in. Hearing words of wisdom empowers people to continue on, thus
restoring Force Points for up to five participants. Have each participant sit in a group together either in a
circle or at a table. Start with the person on your left and recite at least one Moral to each participant.
Then, spend 1 FP per participant and say the Sig Call to restore 2 FP for each participant. Other Group
Counselors in your session will receive only 1 FP. List of Morals. You do not have to recite a Moral word
for word, and you can make up your own. You cannot use this on yourself.
Mind Trick
These are not the droids you are looking for. - Obi Wan Kenobi to a Stormtrooper
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental X
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill.
Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call where X is a ten-word command that the
inflicted character will believe and/or must obey immediately to the best of his ability. Commands cannot
be used to extract truth, information, result in the characters death, or take the place of other questionasking and Scan methods. You cannot use this on yourself.

Merchant Skills
All Tags are purchased online in the Item Store linked in your character Overview.


This Skill represents your characters ability to find goods, allowing you to buy any one Tagged item,
except Force Relics and Force Rituals, in the Item Store per event.
Your character knows how to use a computer for obtaining and protecting information.

SliceWare - Use your datapad (smartphone, laptop, tablet, computer) to access the
SliceWare website linked on your character Overview under the IGB account number link. The
SliceWare allows you to access another characters IGB account to manipulate the Security Rating,
liberate Credits, and more as explained on the SliceWare site.
Offline Slicing - If, and only if, there is no internet or cell signal at an event location, you may
visit Logistics, while open, and choose a target character. Pay 100 Credits and roll a 10-sided die.
The target number is 6. Rolling the target number or higher means you successfully hack into the
characters profile and can ask Logistics one of the following questions:

What is one of the characters Skills?

What is one of the characters Techniques?

Logistics will answer with information as listed on the target characters stats, and may be
random. The Credits are spent no matter what. The target number can be lowered by spending an
additional 100 Credits per number per roll.

Slice Security Lock - Use your datapad, plug in to the Security Lock. Mime typing on
the datapad for 60 seconds, and switch the Locks light on or off.

Install/Uninstall Program - Alter Programs installed on a Droid, or an Alien or

Human with the AJ^6 Cyborg Implant Augment. The recipient may be willing/unwilling, conscious or
Knocked Out, but not yourself. Administer one Vecuronium Consumable to the recipient. Use a
datapad to plug into the recipient (have the Player hold the cord), and type on the datapad for 60
seconds. Then:
Say Action, install program X where X is the name of the Program and give the
recipient the Program prop to wear as described under Program.
Or say Action, uninstall program X where X is the name of the Program the
recipient has installed and must give to you.
Your character knows how to operate on an Alien or Human patient to Install or Remove cybernetic
implants called Augments. Cyberneticist requires the use of your choice of the Conergin, Lidocaine, or
Vecuronium Consumables, as described in its description. This Skill works on Aliens and Humans only,
but not yourself.

Install: The recipient may be willing/unwilling, conscious or Knocked Out. Administer

one Consumable regardless of the recipients current status, then mime operating on the patient for
60 seconds to remove the body part in question and replace it with the Augment. Then give the
Player the Tagged Augment prop to wear and use immediately when consciousness is regained.

Remove: The patient may be willing/unwilling, conscious or Knocked Out. Administer

one Consumable regardless of the patients current status, then mime operating on the patient for 60
seconds to remove the Augment in question and replace it with a prosthetic. Then remove the
Tagged Augment prop. Regardless of your intent, it is assumed that you replaced the Augment with a
prosthetic, so the recipient can use her normal body part (unless the Player can visually represent the


Your character knows how to build, set-up, and disable traps. Traps use Explosive Consumables as well as
any Status effect Consumable. This Skill allows you to perform the following one at a time:

Disable Trap - Detecting a trap is done via role-play and your ability to spot it. To
disable it. spend 1 FP and mimic disabling the trap for 30 seconds, remove the Consumable Tag, and
leave all the props of the trap as is. If you take the Tag, you must provide your own appropriate prop
to use it.

Set Door Trap - put a pushpin above a door in line with the door handle and hang a
string with a Packet, and attached Consumable Tag, making sure the Packet is on level with the door
handle. When the door is opened, the Packet should swing around and hit the person. Include a small
Tag-sized piece of paper to the Packet that reads, If you are hit, tear Tag and take X where X is the
Sig Call of the Consumable you are using.

Set Land Mine Trap - use a 6 x 6 piece of bubble wrap and place it underneath
foliage, floor mat, under a pillow in a bunk, or any other appropriate cover. Attach a Consumable Tag
to a 3 x 5 card that reads, If bubble wrap pops, tear Tag and take X where X is the Sig Call of the
Consumable you are using. Tape the card to a corner of the bubble wrap facing up.
Droid Mechanic
Method: Touch
Your character knows how to work on Droids to repair them, or Install or Remove parts called Augments.
Droid Mechanic requires the use of the Restraining Bolt Equipment, as described in its description, on
Install and Remove. This Skill works on Droids only, but not yourself.

Install Augment: The recipient may be willing/unwilling, conscious or Knocked Out.

Attach the Restraining Bolt regardless of the recipients current status, then mime working on the
Droid for 60 seconds to remove the part in question and replace it with the Augment. Then give the
Player the Tagged Augment prop to wear and use immediately when the Restraining Bolt is removed
and/or consciousness is regained.

Remove Augment: The Droid may be willing/unwilling, conscious or Knocked Out.

Attach the Restraining Bolt regardless of the Droids current status, then mime working on the Droid
for 60 seconds to remove the Augment in question and replace it with a normal part. Then remove
the Tagged Augment prop. Regardless of your intent, it is assumed that you replaced the Augment
with a normal part, so the Droid can use her normal body part (unless the Player can visually
represent the dismemberment).

Repair Droid: Since Droids cant be cured by methods meant for living tissue, a Droid
Mechanic fills in as a medic for Droids.
Assess: Hold up the Scan Gesture and ask one of the following questions without
costing FP:

Scan, how many Health points do you have?

Scan, are you afflicted by a Status effect?

Scan, are you Knocked Out or Dead?

Cure Health: Using tools, mime repairing the Droid and after an uninterrupted
30 seconds, say Cure droid health 2 to restore HP without costing FP. If you administer a Repair
Kit, 5 HP is restored instead of the normal amount.
Fence Item
While Logistics is open but before you are checked in, trade in one Tag for its worth in Credits according


to the Item Chart in Character Creation. The Credits are added to your characters IGB account. You can
trade only one Tag per event with this Skill.
Your character is skilled at making products from a chosen Category. When you buy this Skill, choose one
Category: Augment, Consumable, or Equipment. Each Category costs a purchase of this Skill. To receive
Tags each event, visit the Item Store. Standard prices are 1000 Credits per Augment, 100 Credits per
Consumable, or 500 Credits per Equipment. You are limited to the number of Tags you can buy by the
amount of Credits you have to spend. Merchandise descriptions.
New - When you first buy this Skill, you will get 1 Augment, 10 Consumables, or 2 Equipment of your
choice based your chosen Category for free.



Adrenaline Implant


Augment Inhibitor

Advanced Combat Arm


Battle Armor

AJ^6 Cyborg Implant

Antivirus Software

Buzz Saw

Amplify Blaster Hand

Bacta Patch

Containment Field

Auto-Injector Hand



Bio-Scanner Hand


Droid Program

Boosted Reflexes

Death Stick


Crushing Hand

Energy Cell

Enviro Cloak

Electrical Wiring



Lifeforce Stealer Hand


Force Inhibitor

Magnetized Plating

Infectious Disease

Fusion Welder

Magnetized Hand


Ion Blaster

Psicom 1260 Interface


Medical Scanner

Repulsor Hand


Particle Shield Generator

Scomp Link Interface


Psychic Augmentor

Shatter Hand


Ray Shield Generator

Shock Hand

Repair Kit

Restraining Bolt

Stim Hand


Sensor Jammer

Strength Enhancement Arm


Shield Projector





Your character makes Locks. There are three types of Locks as described under Items; the electronic
Security Lock, the mechanical Door Lock, and the Padlock. To receive Tags, buy them in the online Item
Store. Standard prices are 200 Credits for a Security Lock, 100 Credits for a Keycard, or 100 Credits for
one Door/Pad Lock and Key set. Locks are assigned a number and any Key with that number can be used
to open the Lock. Keys will be numbered with a matching number on a Lock you present to Logistics.
New - When you first buy this Skill, visit the Item Store and select 1 Lock and 1 Key of your choice
for free.
To Pick a Lock: Door Locks and Padlocks can be picked with this Skill. Touch the Lock
Tag and use appropriate props (lock picks, hairpins, etc) to mime picking the Lock for 10
seconds. Then open the door/box. Security Locks cannot be picked with this Skill as you must be
hacked with the Computer Skill or the Scomp Link Augment instead.

Social Skills

Cosmetic Surgeon
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, polymorph
Your character can use surgery to alter the appearance of another Alien or Human character. Alterations
can be subtle or dramatic, such as removing horns or looking like another Species entirely. The patient
can be willing or unwilling, conscious or not. Administer a Conergin and mime operating on the patient
for 60 seconds to alter the body part in question. Then administer a Bacta Patch and say the Sig Call.
Work with the Player to best represent the feature with realistic makeup/mask/costuming. Only one
feature can be changed per use of this Skill: hair/tendrils, ears, horns, skin color, skull shape, hands,
wings, and tail. No character can begin an event with an altered appearance. You cannot use this on
yourself, and this does not work on Droids.
If you are Bound, you can drop the Bindings after an uninterrupted 30 second count. No Sig Call or Force
expenditure is needed. You cannot use this Skill on others, or to drop Augment Inhibitor or Force
Inhibitor bindings.
Galactic Lore
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan X
Your character has studied the following in depth, knowing enough to recognize what another character
is. Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call where X is a question below. The target player must
answer immediately and truthfully OOG.

Species - Scan, what Species are you?

Job - Scan, what is your Job? The Player must answer with one the Jobs listed in
Character Creation.

Droid - Scan, what type of Droid are you? The Players answer is based on an installed
Program, or Job if no Program is installed.


Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental provoke X
Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call where X is fear, or any emotion of your choice (fear, hate,
love, happiness, etc) that you want the character to feel. You cannot use this on yourself.
Your character is a field medic and can treat basic injuries of Aliens and Humans. You cannot use this Skill
on yourself nor does it work on Droids.

Assess - Hold up the Scan Gesture and ask one of the following questions without
costing FP:
Scan, how many Health points do you have?
Scan, are you afflicted by a Status effect?
Scan, are you Knocked Out or Dead?

Cure Health - wrap bandages around the arm of the Player and, after an uninterrupted
30 seconds, say Cure Health 2 to restore the patients Health points, without costing FP. If you use a
Cure Health Power or Tagged item along with the bandages, 5 HP is restored instead of 2.
Sig Call: Mental, I dedicate this performance to X
Your character can create performances that touch the hearts of others influencing them to grant you a
gift. Choose a performance you are willing to actually do (dance, instrument, song, etc.). Spend 1 FP and
say the Sig Call where X is the name of the character you wish to be affected, not yourself. The target
player must hear the Sig Call and witness your performance, which must last at least 60 uninterrupted
seconds. When your performance is done, tell the target character the item you want, that must be
fulfilled as soon as possible to the best of the characters ability.
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental, Sincerity X
Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call where X is the next sentence you speak that the
target character will believe is the truth. This cannot be used on yourself.
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Status agonizing pain
This Skill is used to inflict a wracking pain, often used to extract information. First, find an item that could
cause pain, such as an LED candle. Second, the victim must be Bound (this is a non-combat Skill). Finally,
use the Method with the item of pain, spend 1 FP and say the Sig Call to make the character writhe in
agony. He can scream and speak during the 60-second duration, but can do nothing else. You cannot use
this on yourself.

Combat Techniques
You can use only one weapon of any kind at a time. Any exceptions are described below.


Sig Call: activate Action Berserker, use Resist
Spend 1 FP and say the activate Sig Call. For the next 5 minutes, use your weapon and attack the nearest
person until he falls then immediately move on to the next, regardless of friend or foe. Additionally,
ignore all Mental attacks and Scans by saying Resist.
Dual Weapon
Prerequisite: a weapon Skill
You may fight with any two weapons, one in each hand, at the same time so long as you have the Skill(s)
for those weapon(s). This Technique is needed to fight with a Brawling Fist Weapon and another type of
weapon at the same time.
Fumble Strike
Method: Melee, or Projectile (based on weapon)
Sig Call: Action fumble
Prerequisite: a weapon Skill
Use the Method with any weapon, spend 1 FP and say the Sig Call to make the Player drop, or set down,
any items in his/her hands, except Fists and Packets. The item(s) must lay untouched, including any
straps, on the ground for 1 second before it can be picked back up. Damage is not dealt with this action.
Heavy Strike
Method: Melee, or Projectile (based on weapon)
Sig Call: X
Prerequisite: a weapon Skill
Use the Method with any weapon, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to increase your base damage by 4
where X is the new damage amount of your next strike. This can be added to other Damage-increasing
effects where allowed. Example: a Blaster shot (2) with Heavy Strike (+4) will inflict 6 Damage.
Paralyze Strike
Method: Melee, or Projectile (based on weapon)
Sig Call: Status paralyze
Prerequisite: a weapon Skill
Use the Method with any weapon, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call with the next strike to prevent the
character from moving. The character can speak and use effects that do not require movement. Damage is
not dealt with this action. This cannot be used on yourself.
If you are inflicted with any Status or Mental effect from any source, the duration is reduced to 10 seconds
for Status, 2 minutes for Mental, and 30 minutes for Diseases (ending after phase 3).
Weapons Expert
You can use ANY weapon without purchasing the weapon Skills separately. However, unless you have that
weapons Skill, you cannot increase the base damage of the weapon, or use any Technique, Power, or Item


with a weapon Skill prerequisite. This Technique only grants the ability to use a weapon. To use a
Lightsaber with this Technique, you must have the Force-sensitive Skill.
Warriors Stance
Method: Touch
Sig Call: activate Action Warrior Stance, use Resist
Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the activate Sig Call as you plant one foot to the ground where you
can attack and defend. For the next 5 minutes, say the use Sig Call to ignore Drain, normal (ex: 2) and
modified (ex: 4 fire) Damage, but not damage combined with a Mental or Status effect. After 5 minutes
or you move your foot, whichever comes first, your character is Knocked Out at zero HP.

Force Techniques
Balance the Force
Method: Touch, or Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: to activate Action, duel without interruption, to use Resist
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the activate Sig Call to ensure that you and your opponent can duel
without interruption. Both of you are immune to all attacks except from each other, but you must be
actively inflicting Mental, Status, or Damage attacks on each other until one of you is Knocked Out, or you
both stop fighting each other, whichever comes first.
Channel the Force
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill, or be a Droid
This does not grant the use of Equipment items that require a Skill to use, but when you use an
Equipment item that normally calls for an Energy Cell, you can channel the Force spending 1 FP per use
instead of the Energy Cell. Droids can buy this Technique to represent the use of their own energy to
power an Equipment.
Force Crafting
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
You can combine the Force and objects to create Force Relics. Visit the online Item Store where you can
buy 1 Relic Tag of your choice from your Affinity Path, or a Lightsaber, per event at a cost of 1,500 Credits.
New - When you first purchase this Technique, visit the Item Store and select one Relic Tag of your
choice from any Path for free.
Force Projection
Sig Call: X
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Your character can inflict any Mental or Status type Force Power through a media device on a single target
character. You must be speaking live with the target via a phone call, walkie talkie, or video chat. State the
targets character name, then the Sig Call of the Power. The Focus Skill cannot be used in this manner.


Force Rituals
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill and Mastery level 5
Your character is able to invoke the full power of the Force and perform Force Rituals. Additionally, you
may buy one Ritual Tag of your choice from your Affinity Path per event in the online Item Store for 1,000
New - When you first purchase this Technique, visit the Item Store and select one Ritual Tag of your
choice from any Path for free.
Prop - Ritual Scroll props are 8.5 x 11 sheets of black or parchment paper with at least one symbol or
design of your choice (as long as the design fits within the Star Wars aesthetic).
Lightsaber Knight
Method: Melee
Sig Call: X
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Weapon Skill
You can use a Lightsaber to deliver a single Mental or Status type Force Power instead of the Powers
normal delivery Methods. The Powers Sig Call is changed to add the weapons Damage amount at the end
(ex: Status agonizing pain 2). You can use this on yourself.
One with the Force
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Regain 2 additional Force Points when participating in Group Counseling. Additionally, reduce the cost of
any Force Power by 1 FP, but the cost can never be lower than 1. This can be used in addition to other
Force cost reducing effects, but for Powers only.
Strong with the Force
Prerequisite: Focus Skill
While using a Power with the Focus Skill, you may use a second Power on a second opponent and
implement the Focus Skill for the second Power as well.

Merchant & Social Techniques

Using the Scan Method via any Skill, Technique, Power, Item, or Ritual does not cost Force Points.
Method: Applied
Prerequisite: Striking Weapon Skill or Archery Skill
Take any one Ingested Method Consumable, and use the Applied Method on your weapon to add the
Consumables effect to your next attack. Attach the Consumable Tag to the handle of your weapon and you
can have only one Consumable Tag attached at a time. The Consumables Sig Call is modified to add the
weapons Damage amount at the end (ex: Status agonizing pain 2). Destroy the Consumable Tag each


Body Language
Your character has studied body language enough to know if a character resisted an effect. Thus when you
hear the Resist Sig Call, you can take that information In-Game as your characters knowledge.
Computer Specialist
Prerequisite: Computer Skill
When using the Computer Skill, this Technique offers the following alterations to the Skill:

SliceWare - Accessing an Account without an access code costs half the normal amount
of Credits.

Slice Security Lock - When using the Computer Skill to open a Security Lock, spend 30
seconds typing on the datapad instead of 60.

Install Program - Install one additional Program into a Droid, or Alien or Human with
the AJ^6 Cyborg Implant. Use the Computer Skill to install/remove the second Program as described.
No more than 2 Programs can be installed on a character at a time.
Hall of Peace
Sig Call: Action, hall of peace
Use a minimum 3x5 card, write Hall of Peace, no Action, Damage, or Status attacks inside until X where
X is the end time. This lasts for one hour per FP spent, up to 4. Say the Sig Call when you attach the card
to the middle of a door at eye level. Anyone can come and go from the room. This Technique is limited to a
room with a single access door only, not for large rooms with several doors.
Medical Surgeon
Prerequisite: Medic Skill
Restore an Alien or Human patients HP with the bandages after 15 seconds. If you use a Cure Health
Power or Tagged item along with the bandages, you will instantly restore 10 HP instead of the normal
amount. You can use the Scan Gesture and say, Scan, are you afflicted by a Mental effect? without
costing FP. You cannot use this on yourself, and this does not work on Droids.
Prerequisite: Manufacturing Skill
When used in conjunction with the Manufacturing Skill, Wholesaler reduces the cost of items by half
rounded down. This is reflected in the online Item Store.
Sig Call: Resist X
Prerequisite: Mind Trick Skill or Sincerity Skill
If a character uses the Galactic Lore, Mind Trick or Sincerity Skill on you, spend 1 FP and say the Sig Call
to resist the effect. If you have Mind Trick or Sincerity and it is the same as the Skill used on you, you may
choose to inflict the same Skill back on the attacker without costing additional FP. You must use Mind
Trick against Mind Trick, and Sincerity against Sincerity.


The Force
Force Powers
To use a Force Power, you must have the Power listed on your Character Card, or have an IG means of
using it. Then use the delivery Method (Contact Combat) or Gesture (Parlor Combat), say the Sig Call, and
spend an amount of Force points based on your Force Path alignments i.e. Affinity Powers cost 1 Force
Point each use, Deficiency Powers cost 3 FP, and all other Powers cost 2 FP.

For Cure, Mental and Status Powers, you can NOT use them on yourself
unless otherwise specified. You can also choose to use Gestures regardless of Combat styles
selected for the event. Say the Powers Sig Call and visibly use the appropriate Gesture toward the
opponent that he/she can clearly see.

The Projectile Method for Powers means that you must use a Packet, or Elemental
option (Weapons), ONLY to deliver the Power unless otherwise stated in the description.
You can buy and use Powers of your Mastery level or lower. Ex: if your Mastery level is 2, you can buy and
use level 1 and 2 Powers.

Light Side

Dark Side



Dream Walk

Force Fear

Force Punch

Force Healing

Force Grip

Force Push

Force Stop

Sap Strength

Fortify Armor

Detoxify Poison

Force Crush

Battle Meditation

Force Blindness

Force Rage

Droid Disable

Force Illusion



Cleanse Mind

Deadly Sight

Center of Being

Cure Disease

Force Choke

Force Armor

Force Stun

Force Lightning



Chain Lightning

Alter Damage

Breath Control

Force Drain

Circle of Fire

Protection Bubble

Force Plague

Force Paralyze
Reflect Damage

Force Light

Force Kill

Alter Form


Force Stealth

Force Body

Sever Force


Impenetrable Mind

Power Descriptions
Alter Damage
Method: Melee
Sig Call: X
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Skill. Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to increase your damage
by 2 where X is the new damage amount of your next strike with a Lightsaber. Damage can be added to
other damage increasing effects, where allowed. Example: a Lightsaber strike (2) with Heavy Strike (+4)
and Alter Damage (+2) will inflict 8 Damage.
Alter Form


Sig Call: activate Action, polymorph, use Resist

There are two versions of this Power as follows that you can use only on yourself:
Beast: Say the activate Sig Call, spend the appropriate FP, and put on a realistic creature
mask of your choice, but that does not resemble any intelligent Alien species. While wearing the
mask, you can use Fist weapons and resist Status attacks without costing additional FP.
Mist: Say the Sig Call, spend the appropriate FP, and cross your arms over your chest.
While your arms are crossed, you are immune to Damage, Drain, Status, and Action attacks
without costing additional FP, say Resist each strike. You can ONLY speak, walk, or use an
appropriate means to resist a Mental attack. Mist ends if you run, manipulate any physical object,
attack in any way, or spend any FP/Energy Cells for anything other than resisting a Mental attack.
Battle Meditation
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, take half damage
This Power requires the use of a timer, either something you hand out or on the recipients smartphone.
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to reduce by half, rounded down, the
amount of Damage from any source taken by the recipient for the 5 minutes. Set the timer to sound an
alarm when the duration is up. You cannot use this on yourself.
Sig Call: to activate Action, circle resist Damage, to use Resist
Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground, stand in the middle, spend the appropriate FP, and say
the activate Sig Call. You, and anyone standing in the circle with you, can resist Drain, normal (ex: 2),
and modified (ex: 4 fire) Damage attack during the next 5 minutes or until you step out of the circle,
whichever comes first.
Breath Control
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental, sleep
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to induce a sleep on the recipient, which
can be yourself, for 5 minutes or until you wish to awaken. Answer Dead to Scan inquiries on your
status. You can be attacked that does not break the Power. Effects used on Death will not work, but HP
and Force restoratives will.
Center of Being
Defense against: Scan, Mental
Sig Call: Resist
Say the Sig Call, spend 1 FP, to ignore the last normal (ex: Mental daze) or combined (ex: Mental daze
2) Mental attack, or Scan effect, that hits you.
Circle of Fire
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: to activate Action, circle of fire, to use 4 fire
Prerequisite: Pyrokinesis Power


Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground, stand in the middle, spend the appropriate FP, and say
the activate Sig Call. Then use the Pyrokinesis Power, without costing additional FP, up to 10 times while
standing in the circle. You can be attacked and you can defend, but if you leave the circle the Power ends.
Chain Lightning
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: to activate Action, circle of lightning, to use 4 lightning
Prerequisite: Force Lightning Power.
Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground, stand in the middle, spend the appropriate FP, and say
the activate Sig Call. Then use the Force Lightning Power, without costing additional FP, up to 10 times
while standing in the circle. You can be attacked and you can defend, but if you leave the circle the Power
Cleanse Mind
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure mental effect
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to remove any Mental effect currently
inflicting the recipient. You cannot use this on yourself.
Cure Disease
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure disease
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to remove all Diseases currently afflicting
the recipient. You cannot use this on yourself.
Deadly Sight
Method: Projectile (projectile)
Sig Call: Status, agonizing pain
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to make the character fall to the ground in
agony. He can speak, scream and defend against attacks, but is unable to do anything else. You cannot use
this on yourself.
Detoxify Poison
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure status effect
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to remove any Status effect currently
inflicting the recipient. You cannot use this on yourself.
Dream Walk
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, you may speak
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to enable a character currently in Knock
Out, Death, or Feign Death to hear and speak for as long as you maintain the Touch Method. The
character cannot see or move, but will remember the conversation if revived via any method.


Droid Disable
Sig Call: Mental, Droid X
Spend 1 additional Force point when you use any Disease or Mental type Power to add the Droid
descriptor to the Powers Sig Call to inflict those effects on Droids, who are normally immune. Ex: Mental
Droid feign death. If the target character is not a Droid, the Power still works and the Force points spent.
You cannot use this on yourself.
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental, forget the X 5 minutes
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is either the last or next 5
minutes you wish the character to permanently forget as if it never happened. You can use this on
Force Armor
Without costing Force points, if you wear a plate mantle, your Health Rating
increases by 4. If you wear a pair of plate bracers, your Health Rating increases by
2. Wearing both the mantle and bracers increases your Health Rating by 6. The
bonus can be combined with other means of adjusting the rating. Like Armor,
adding the mantle/bracers does not change your current HP (needing a cure
Health effect). Removing the mantle/bracers lowers your HP only if it is currently
higher than the new Health Rating after the mantle/bracers were removed. These
armor pieces must be separate and removable. Since they do not cover the torso,
these pieces do not count as Armor for purposes of stacking.
Force Blindness
Method: Touch, or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status blindness
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to prevent the character from seeing. The
Player is allowed to squint to see for safety reasons, but must otherwise act blind. You cannot use this on
Force Body
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, add 1 minute to the Knock Out count
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to extend the current Knock Out count for
yourself, or another character, by 1 minute. This Power can be used on yourself while Knocked Out.
Force Choke
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status choking silence


Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to prevent the character from speaking,
screaming, or saying Sig Calls, except when using an effect that can be used on their own person. You
cannot use this on yourself.
Force Crush
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, take double damage
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to make the recipient take double Damage
for the next 60 seconds. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Drain
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Drain force 1
Without costing FP, use the Method, say the Sig Call to take 1 FP from the character and instantly restore 1
FP to you. This cannot be used if the target has zero Force Points, or if your FP is full.
Force Fear
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental provoke X
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is fear, or any emotion of your
choice (hate, love, happiness, etc) that you want the other character to feel. You cannot use this on
Force Grip
Method: Touch, Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, your X is unusable
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is a single limb (arm, leg, finger,
hand, etc), including an Augmented limb and its associated effect. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Healing
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure Health 2
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to restore 2 Health Points for the
recipient. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Illusion
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental, illusion you see X
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is an illusion the recipient will
believe to be real. You can describe anything you wish such as a beautiful sunset or that everyone they see
are monsters. The recipient can attack and defend as normal, and the Player is free to act out the illusion
as she wishes. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Kill


Sig Call: X 2
When using Force Grip, Force Push, or Force Choke, spend 1 additional Force Point to add 2 Damage to
the Powers Sig Call (ex: Status choking silence 2). When used in conjunction with the Focus Skill, repeat
the Sig Call every 10 seconds costing 1 FP per Call to add the Damage to each.
Force Light
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, Phantom, I banish you back to the Force
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to force a Phantom to immediately
dissipate back into the Force, and the Phantom Player goes OOG.
Force Lightning
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: 4 Lightning
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to inflict 4 lightning Damage.
Force Paralyze
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status paralyze
Use a Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to prevent the character from moving. The
character can speak and use effects that do not require movement. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Plague
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Disease X
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is the name of the Disease you
wish to inflict.
Force Punch
Method: Melee
Without costing Force Points, you can use Fist weapons as described in the Brawling Skill. This Power
cannot be used to meet any prerequisites.
Force Push
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Action, knock back
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to make the opponent immediately take 3
steps back. If the Player was in mid-swing and strikes you anyway, ignore the hit. You cannot use this on
Force Rage
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental, Berserker


Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to inflict the Berserker Technique on an
opponent. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Stealth
Spend the appropriate FP to answer Force Lore questions with any answer you wish. However, this Power
is ineffective against the Sensory Amplification ritual where the Scan Sig Call is modified to include
Ritual (Ex: Scan ritual, are you Force sensitive?).
Force Stop
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status pin
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to make the character hold a foot of his
choice firmly on the ground. You cannot use this on yourself.
Force Stun
Method: Projectile (packet), or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental daze
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to inflict a trance-like state on a target
character. While unaware of her surroundings, the character is unable to speak or attack, but can defend.
You cannot use this on yourself.
Fortify Armor
Without costing Force Points, wearing Light Armor will increase your Health Rating by 4, instead of the
normal 2.
Impenetrable Mind
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Reflect X
Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to ignore the last normal (ex: Mental daze) or
combined (ex: Mental daze 2) Mental attack that hits you and reflect that Mental attack back to the
opponent where X in the Sig Call is the Sig Call of the Mental attack.
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, take 1 damage each step
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to inflict 1 Damage each time the target
character takes a step. If afflicted character stands still, no Damage will be inflicted. You cannot use this
on yourself.
Sig Call: Action, ritual summon phantom
Shape the Dark Side of the Force into a tangible being of pure shadow. This Power requires pre-game
preparation as you must find a Player willing to play the Phantom and acquire an appropriate costume.
During the event at a time and place determined by you and the Phantom Player, draw a 3 to 10 foot


diameter circle on the ground and have the Phantom Player wait nearby OOG. Spend 60 seconds
meditating or further preparing the circle as you wish i.e. adding candles, polished stones, and the like.
After 60 seconds of role-play, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call. The Phantom Player then
steps into the circle In-Game with full Health. Phantom statistics are described in Antagonists.
Protection Bubble
Defense against: Action, Status
Sig Call: to activate Action, circle resist Status, to use Resist
Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground, stand in the middle, spend the appropriate FP, and say
the activate Sig Call. You, and anyone standing in the circle with you, can resist Status and Action attacks
during the next 5 minutes or until you step out of the circle, whichever comes first.
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: 4 Fire
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to inflict 4 fire Damage.
Reflect Damage
Defense against: Projectile Damage
Method: Melee
Sig Call: Reflect X
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Weapon Skill
Use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to ignore the last normal (ex: 2) or modified (ex: 4
Fire) Damage attack from any projectile weapon and reflect that Damage back to the opponent. You must
have a Lightsaber in your hand to use this defense.
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure Force 1
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to restore 1 Force point to the recipient.
You cannot use this on yourself.
Sap Strength
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Drain health 2
Without costing FP, use the Method and say the Sig Call to inflict 2 Damage to the character. You instantly
restore 2 HP regardless of the actual amount of Damage the character takes. This cannot be used if the
target has zero Health Points, or if your HP is full.
Sever Force
Method: Touch, Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, you cannot use Force points
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to prevent the recipient from using Force
points, only if the recipient does not resist this Power. You cannot use this on yourself.


Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action shatter
Use the Method to touch or hold a Tagged item for at least 10 seconds. Then spend the appropriate FP and
say the Sig Call to remove the Tag from its prop and destroy the Tag.
Method: Projectile (packet), or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, X
This is a Power that can be used for three effects that cannot be used on yourself. Use the Method, spend
the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call where X is:
stay 10 feet away from me - to make the opponent stay approximately 10 feet from you
as allowed by obstacles such as walls and tables.
come here - to make the opponent come up to within 3 feet of you.
ignore lock - to ignore a Door Lock or Padlock on a door or box and open it.
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental telepathy
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to speak telepathically with up to two
characters where each of you holds up the Mental Gesture and speaks in a whisper until you lower the
Gesture. The conversation is OOG for everyone else.
Defense against: Action, Status
Sig Call: Resist
Say the Sig Call and spend 1 FP to ignore the last Action attack, or normal Status attack (ex: Status
agonizing pain), or combined Status attack (ex: Status agonizing pain 2), that struck you.

Force Rituals
Rituals are powerful abilities of the Force to accomplish feats beyond a normal Power. Only characters
with the Force Rituals Technique can buy and perform a Ritual.
Performing a Ritual
1. You must obtain the Ritual Scroll for the Ritual you wish to perform.
2. Collect the components listed in the Rituals description.
3. When you are ready to perform the Ritual, follow the instructions of the Ritual and
spend an amount of Force points based on your Affinity Alignment i.e. Affinity Rituals cost 4
Force Points, Deficiency Rituals cost 8 FP, and all other Rituals cost 6 FP.


Props described are bare minimums. Please feel free to elaborate on the Ritual set up.
Characters that these Rituals target can be willing or unwilling, conscious or Knocked


Light Side

Dark Side



Dark Illusion

Deep Meditation


Ghost Bind

Force Ghost

Healing Ritual

Midi-Chlorian Manipulation

Ritual of Invocation



Sensory Amplification

Components: Recharging Area (Temple), Currency or Tag, zero FP
The Alchaka meditations are a rigorous series of highly personal, highly repetitive exercises using both
physical and Force skills to focus the mind and attune the body to the strength of the Force. Consisting of
a high number of repetitions performed in complex positions and dizzying movements spaced between
the positions, completing the meditations correctly typically leaves the practitioner on the brink of
exhaustion. Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground either inside the Temple building or around
the Temple prop. Carry the Tagged Ritual scroll on your person and, without costing FP, spend 60
seconds performing a series of movements of your choice, alone or with observers. Then put an amount of
Credsticks, or any type of Tag (not props), into the Temple box and regain Force Points at the rate of 5 FP
per 100 Credits. Destroy the Ritual Tag. If you leave the circle before destroying the Ritual Tag, you will
have to redo the Ritual from the beginning.
Sig Call: activate Action, ritual collaboration, use X
Components: other Force-user Participant(s), 1 FP
This Ritual allows you to collaborate with other Force-users who assist you in channeling the Force to
amplify the use of a Force Skill, Technique, or Power. You must be the one to perform this Ritual as well
as have the Force Skill/Technique/Power in question listed on your character sheet. Draw a 3 to 10 foot
diameter circle on the ground and stand or sit in the middle holding the Tagged Ritual scroll in your hand.
If the target of the Force Skill/Technique/Power are character(s), have the them stand/sit/lay in the circle
with you. Then each Participant stands along the edge of the circle facing you and holding their palms out
toward you, they do not spend any FP. Spend 1 FP, say the activate Sig Call, and spend 60 seconds
focusing however you wish to role-play the scene. After 60 seconds, say the use Sig Call where X is the
Sig Call of the Skill/Technique/Power. Amplification is applied as follows:

Scan: on a single target, ask 1 additional question per Participant.

Mental: on a single target, increase the duration of the Mental effect by a rate of 5
minutes per additional Participant. Or, inflict a single effect on multiple targets at a rate of 1
additional target per Participant.

Status: on a single target, increase the duration of the Status effect by a rate of 60
seconds per additional Participant. Or, inflict a single effect on multiple targets at a rate of 1
additional target per Participant.

Cure: on a single target, multiply the Cure effect by the number of Participants
(Example: you and three Participants would turn Cure Health 2 into Cure Health 8) . Or, inflict a
single effect on multiple targets at a rate of 1 additional target per Participant.

Circle effect Powers: increase the number of uses by 5, or increase the duration by 5
minutes, per Participant.


Dark Illusion
Components: name of victim, the Force Lightning Power, Spice
This ancient Sith ritual allows you to manipulate the Force visions, via the Farsight Skill, of a selected
target to give a false vision, or sew the seeds of doubt in the Force or in ones self. While on-site but before
the event begins, visit the Story Coordinators and submit the Tagged Ritual scroll along with the number
of Spice Tags equal to what this Ritual would cost in Force points. Include a written description of the
vision you wish the target character to see when asking the SCs a question via the Farsight Skill. Instead
of answering the question, the SCs will give the Player your vision.
Deep Meditation
Sig Call: activate Action ritual deep meditation, use Cure Force 5
Components: participate in Group Counseling, zero FP
Deep Meditation is a ritual that allows a Force-user to center on the Force and either calm the mind or
charge the emotions. Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground and stand or sit in the middle
holding the Tagged Ritual scroll in your hand. Have up to 5 participants sit inside the circle with you, state
the activate Sig Call, then:

If you are using the Group Counseling Skill, start with the person on your left and recite
at least one Moral to each participant. Then, spend 1 FP per participant and say the use Sig Call to
restore 5 FP for each participant, not yourself. Other Group Counselors in your session will receive
only 1 FP. List of Morals. You do not have to recite a Moral word for word, and you can make up your

If you are participating in Group Counseling, after the Counselor states the Skills Sig Call,
you say the use Sig Call to increase the FP gained to 5 for non-Counselor participants.
Destroy the Ritual Tag. This can be used in conjunction with other bonus FP granting effects. The Ritual
does not cost FP to perform. Force Ghosts and Phantoms cannot use this Ritual.
Force Ghost
Components: your character Death, zero FP
While most Force-users lose their bodily envelope and become one with the totality of the Force upon
their death, some have learned this Ritual that allows them to retain their own identities separate from
the Force for a time. These individuals linger in the physical world in the form of 'Force Spirits', nonphysical entities that exhibit traits they had in life. Carry the Tagged Ritual scroll on your person and
when your character dies, you can continue to play the character as a Ghost anytime beginning the next
event, not during the same event. Visit Logistics while open at the next event and present the Tagged
Ritual Scroll. Your Character will be updated online with the information on Force Ghosts in Antagonists.
Force Ghosts and Phantoms cannot use this Ritual.
Ghost Bind
Sig Call: Mental ritual ghost bind
Components: container (described below), Force Ghost, appropriate FP
Using the Dark Side of the Force, you can bind a Force Ghost to a container. The Ghost can be willing or
not, conscious but not Knocked Out. Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground and stand or sit in
the middle holding the Tagged Ritual scroll in one hand and a container in other, open toward the Ghost.
Spend 60 seconds focusing however you wish to role-play the scene. Then spend the FP and say the Sig


Call. Write the name of the Ghost character and player on the Ritual Tag, and attach the Tag to the
container. Place a paper with releasing the ghost instructions inside the container.

Increase Force Rating: As long as you carry the container on your person, your Force
Rating is increased by double. Adding the container does not change your current Force Points.
Removing the container lowers your FP only if it is currently higher than the new Force Rating after
the container was removed. This does not work on Droids.

Releasing the Ghost: The Ghost trapped inside the container can be released by
opening the container and saying X, you are released where X is the name of the Ghost character.
You must arrange a time and place with the Ghost Player where he/she must place their hand on the
container when you say the Sig Call long enough to appear IG.
The container must be something with a lid, such as a box (including a Holocron), bottle, tea pot, jar, and
the like. The container must be 3 inches in length/height or larger, and only one Ghost per container.
Healing Ritual
Sig Call: activate Action ritual healing, use Cure all effect, restore HP to full
Components: recipient, appropriate FP
This is the ultimate form of healing another character of all currently active effects and restoring Health to
full. The recipient can be willing or unwilling, but must be conscious. Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle
on the ground and have the recipient lie down while you kneel or sit beside them. Say the activate Sig
Call and for the next 60 seconds, hover your hands over the recipient. You may embellish by waving your
hands, while humming or chanting, for example. At the end of 60 seconds, destroy the Ritual Tag, spend
the FP and say the use Sig Call to remove all effects from any source, including Ritual, and heal HP to full
on one recipient. You cannot use this on yourself or Droids.
Midi-chlorian Manipulation
Learn to know the Dark Side of the Force and you will be able to save your wife from certain
death. - Chancellor Palpatine to Anakin Skywalker.
Sig Call: activate Action ritual Midi-chlorian Manipulation, use X
Prerequisite: Dark Side Affinity. Manipulating the Force to control life and death is considered an affront
to the natural order by the Jedi. For the Sith, this is a highly sought after ritual for its display of ultimate
power that only the Dark Side can provide. The recipient can be willing or unwilling. Draw a 3 to 10 foot
diameter circle on the ground and have the recipient lie down while you kneel or sit beside them. Say the
activate Sig Call and for the next 60 seconds, hover your hands over the recipient. You may embellish by
waving your hands, while humming or chanting, for example. At the end of 60 seconds, destroy the Ritual
Tag, spend the FP and say the use Sig Call where X is described below:
Life: use Sig Call: Cure Death heal 1. Life must be used on a Dead character before the
Player goes OOG to bring the character back to life, awake and with 1 Health point.
Death: use Sig Call: Action, begin Death count. Death can be used on a character
conscious or Knocked Out to kill the character by skipping the Knock Out phase and immediately
beginning the Death count.
Ritual of Invocation
Sig Call: Action, ritual X
Components: holocron prop, appropriate FP


This Ritual allows a Force-user to create a Holocron, a device that records its makers memories and
power that can be used by a Force-user. First, create a Memory on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper, recording your
character name, a brief description of one of your characters memories, and the following: Bonus: + 5
Force Rating or Bonus: X where is X is the name of one Force Power of your choice listed on your
Character Card. Only one Bonus per Memory inside a single Holocron with a maximum of 5 Memories.
Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground, sit or stand in the middle, hold the Tagged Ritual scroll
in one hand and the Holocron prop in the other. Then:
Add Memory - Close your eyes in meditation. After 60 seconds, spend the appropriate
FP, and say the Sig Call where X is Add Memory as you attach the Ritual Tag to the Memory
paper and place it inside the Holocron prop.
Alter Memory - Close your eyes in meditation. After 60 seconds, spend the appropriate
FP, and say the Sig Call where X is Alter Memory as you remove a Memory and destroy the
attached Ritual Tag. You can replace the removed Memory by attaching your Ritual Tag to the new
Memory paper and place it inside the Holocron prop.
Use Holocron - See Holocron in Force Relics for details on how to use a Holocron.
Sig Call: Action, ritual sanctuary
Components: appropriate FP
On a minimum 3x5 card, write Ritual Sanctuary and the start date and time. Remove the Ritual Tag from
the scroll and attach it to the card, spend the FP, and say the Sig Call when you attach the card to a door in
the middle at eye level on both sides. For the next 12 hours, no character may walk through the door from
the carded side, but you and only you can give express permission for a character to enter. Destroy the
Tag when the duration is up.
Sensory Amplification
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan ritual X
Components: target character, a Scan Skill or Power, appropriate FP
This ritual allows a Force-user to channel the Force through the senses, both physical and metaphysical, to
detect the truth about a subject. The target character can be willing or not, conscious or Knocked Out.
Draw a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on the ground and have the target character lie/sit/stand in the middle
with you. Use the Method, spend the FP, destroy the Ritual Tag, and say the Sig Call where X is the
question you are asking the target Player. The question must come from a Scan Skill or Power that you
have listed on your Character Card. The target Player cannot use any means that allows lying to Scan
questions and must answer with the truth.
Additionally, if you use the Farsight Skill, give the SCs the Ritual Tag and ask them if
their answer is a Dark Illusion. The SCs may simply answer yes or no as you will not know who
placed the Dark Illusion on your character.
Sig Call: Action, ritual transformation
Components: recipient character, appropriate FP
Through the use of the Dark Side of the Force, a Force-user can alter another characters body to make
them physically stronger. The recipient can be willing or not, conscious or Knocked Out. Draw a 3 to 10


foot diameter circle on the ground and have the target character lie/sit/stand in the middle with you
standing or kneeling beside them. Close your eyes and for the next 60 seconds, hover your hands over the
recipient. You may embellish by waving your hands, while humming or chanting, for example. At the end
of 60 seconds, spend the FP and say the Sig Call to increase the recipients Health Rating by 5 and grant
the recipient the ability to carry two people at a time instead of one. Write your name and the Health
Rating bonus on the back of the Ritual Tag (Example: Health Rating +5). Then give the recipient Player
the Tag to carry on his/her person until removed via the Healing Ritual. The Health Rating bonus can be
increased in increments of 5 costing an additional 1 FP each for a maximum Health Rating increase of 15.
The recipient can have only one active Transformation Ritual Tag on his/her person at a time.

Force Relics
A Force Relic is an object imbued with the power of the Force. Some Relics require the Force-sensitive
Skill to use and will be notated, otherwise any character can use a Relic. Using a Relic costs 1 FP if you
have the Force-sensitive Skill regardless of the Path you chose, or costs 3 FP for non-Force users.
Light Side Relics

Dark Side Relics

Universal Relics

Belt of Bodo Baas

Cloak of Shadow

Artusian Crystal

Circlet of Saresh

Essence Stealer

Fell Star

Eye of the Sun

Kaiburr Crystal Shard

Force Detector

Healing Crystal

Sith Amulet


Shard of the Serpent

Sith Chalice

Ritual Robe

Void Stone Shard

Talisman of the Raven

Shard of Retaliation

Artusian Crystal
Sig Call: store Action store X, use X
The Artusian Crystal stores a Force Power indefinitely until the Power is used. To use a stored Power, hold
the Crystal in your hand, use the Powers Method, spend the appropriate FP for Relic use, and say the use
Sig Call where X is the Sig Call of the Power. To store a Power into the Crystal, you must have the Power
you wish to store on your Character Card. Hold the Crystal in your hand, spend 1 FP and say the store Sig
Call where X is the name of the Power being stored. Write the Powers name on the Relic Tag.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble Artusian Crystal 4 inches in length or larger.

Belt of Bodo Baas
Prerequisite: Striking Weapon Skill and Force-sensitive Skill
While you wear this belt and without costing FP, when you use a Force Power or Skill that is normally
used only with a Lightsaber, you can use any Striking Weapon in place of the Lightsaber.

Prop: Belt of Bodo Baas. Attach the Relic Tag to the underside next to the buckle.
Circlet of Saresh
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill


While you wear this circlet, reduce the cost to use a Force Power by 1 FP, but never lower than 1. This
reduction can be added to other FP reducing effects for Powers.

Prop: a gold metal or brown leather circlet that you can wear. Attach the Relic Tag to the
underside next to the clasp.
Cloak of Shadow
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
While you wear this cloak, you can use the Force Stealth Power without costing FP.

Prop: a black cloak (shoulder to below the knee). Attach the Relic Tag to the underside
near the clasp.
Essence Stealer
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Drain force 2
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
Hold the Essence Stealer in one hand and with the other hand, use the Method, spend 1 FP, and say the
Sig Call to take 2 FP from the victim that is stored in the Essence Stealer instead of restoring your FP.
Write the new total amount of FP, which can be no more than 10 points, on the Relic Tag. To use the
stored Force points, hold the Essence Stealer in one hand and say the Sig Call of the Power or Ritual you
are using, deducting the spent FP from the total on the Relic Tag. This does not work if the target
character does not have any Force Points to spend.

Prop: a clear, white, or green sphere 4 inches in diameter or larger.

Eye of the Sun
Method: Melee or Projectile (weapon)
Sig Call: 4 fire
Prerequisite: any weapon Skill
Attach the Eye of the Sun prop to a weapon to increase its base damage to 4 Fire each strike without
costing FP, say the Sig Call each strike. This base damage cannot be increased.

Prop: a silver stone (use foam/soft materials) 2 inches or larger with a yellow eye painted
on one side.
Fell Star
While you wear the Fell Star around your neck and without costing FP, your Force Rating increases by 5.
Putting on the Fell Star does not change your current Force Points. Removing the Fell Star lowers your FP
only if it is currently higher than the new Force Rating after the Fell Star was removed. This does not work
on Droids.

Prop: Fell Star pendant 3 inches in diameter or larger, attached to a necklace.

Force Detector
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan, do you have the Force-sensitive Skill?
Hold the prop in one hand, use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, then say the Sig Call that the
Player must answer immediately and truthfully OOG.

Prop: Force Detector, 4 inches square or larger


Healing Crystal
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure Health 5
Hold the Healing Crystal in one hand and use the Method with the other. Then spend the appropriate FP
and say the Sig Call to restore the recipients Health Points. You cannot use this on yourself or Droids.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble white or clear crystal 4 inches in length or larger.
Kaiburr Crystal Shard
Method: Melee or Projectile (weapon)
Sig Call: Status agonizing pain X
Prerequisite: any weapon Skill
Attach the Kaiburr Crystal prop to a weapon to be able to inflict pain with a single strike. Use the Method
with the weapon, spend the appropriate FP and say the Sig Call, where X is the Damage inflicted by the
weapon, to make the character fall to the ground in agony. He can speak, scream and defend against
attacks, but is unable to do anything else. This CAN be used on yourself.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble a shard of Kaiburr Crystal 2 inches in length or larger.
The weapon of choice for Force-users, Lightsabers are easily recognized for their cylindrical blades
of a single brilliant color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple). The color of a Lightsaber
often denoted ones Alignment in the Force out of preference of an organization, but any Force-user
with the Lightsaber Skill can use any Lightsaber. However, red, orange, and yellow are often
associated with the Dark Side of the Force, while green, blue and purple are associated with the
Light Side.
Method: Melee
Sig Call: X
Prerequisite: Lightsaber Weapon Skill
This Lightsaber is not a weaker training lightsaber, but one worthy enough for battle in the field. The base
damage of a Lightsaber is 2 as defined for Energy Weapons in Combat that does not cost FP or require a
Sig Call. Additionally, the Lightsaber allows you to spend 1 FP to increase your base damage by 2. Say the
Sig Call where X is the new damage amount of your next strike. Damage can be added to other damage
increasing effects, where allowed. Example: a standard Lightsaber strike (2) with the Lightsaber increase
(+2) and Alter Damage (+2) will inflict 6 Damage.

Prop: a foam melee weapon the looks like a Lightsaber as described in Weapons. Singlebladed sword-like lightsabers are the most common, but there are the less common variants like the
pike, tonfa, or staff like Darth Mauls.
Ritual Robe
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill
While wearing this robe, the FP cost to perform a Ritual is half the normal amount. This cannot be used
with any other FP cost reducing effect.

Prop: a robe in the style worn by the Old Jedi Order.

Shard of Retaliation


While you carry this Relic on your person, you can use the Reflect Damage Power costing 1 FP per use.
Droids cannot use this.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble a Shard of Retaliation 4 inches in length or larger.

Shard of the Serpent
Defense against: any Disease type
While you carry this Relic on your person, you are immune to Diseases, say Resist, without costing FP.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble a shard of Shard of the Serpent 4 inches in length or
Sith Amulet
While you wear the Sith Amulet, you can use Force Lightning costing the appropriate FP per use. Droids
cannot use this.

Prop: a medallion 4 inches in length or longer resembling this Sith Amulet. The prop
must be on a necklace.
Sith Chalice
If the Sith Chalice is present while you perform the Alchaka Ritual, or participate in Group Counseling,
you and any other character with Dark Side Affinity (inform the Players of the chalice) will regain double
the amount of Force points normally regained before any other FP regain altering effects are applied.
Droids cannot use this.

Prop: Sith Chalice or an equivalent vase that is 12 inches tall or larger.

Talisman of the Raven
A favorite Relic of the Nightsisters of Dothamir, this Relic allows you to shapeshift into any creature you
wish. Spend the appropriate FP and put on a realistic animal mask of your choice. While you are wearing
the mask, you are able to use one the following abilities based on animal type:

Avian: resist Damage attacks per the Defense Skill.

Mammal: use Fist weapons per the Brawling Skill.

Reptile: reduce Damage you take by half, but never lower than 1.
Removing the mask does not cost Force points, and you cannot use the abilities without wearing the
mask. Droids cannot use this.

Prop: Talisman of Transformation.

Void Stone Shard
Sig Call: Action void stone, only another character can remove it
While you wear this Shard, you cannot use Force points for anything. This Relic can be carried in your
hand to no effect, but once you wear it around your neck, it can only be removed by another character.
This does not work on Droids.

Prop: a prop crafted to resemble a Void Stone 4 inches in length or larger, and hanging on
a necklace.

Force Holocrons
Prerequisite: Force-sensitive Skill


While the Sith have been using holocrons for thousands of years before the Jedi, by the time of the Prequel
Era, both Orders were creating them. Sith holocrons are typically four-sided pyramids red in color, and
Jedi holocrons are typically cubes blue in color.
Create - Force Holocrons are created via the Ritual of Invocation.
Use - Remove the contents only to read the Memory and discern the Bonus, but keep the contents in
the box. As long as you carry the Holocron with the contents inside on your person, you can use the
Bonus(es). For Force Power Bonus(es), each use costs 1 FP regardless of Affinity.
Alter - The Bonus(es) of a Holocron can be altered via the Ritual of Invocation.

Prop: Jedi Holocron and Sith Holocron. The prop must be 3 inches in length or larger.


An Augment is a mechanical part implanted in an organic being, or installed on a Droid, to provide the
use of Skills, Techniques, and Powers without requiring any prerequisite Skill. Any character can use any
Augment, but the part must be implanted/installed via the Cyberneticist or Droid Mechanic Skill
respectively. Augments are removed only via the Cyberneticist or Droid Mechanic Skill respectively,
however you can remove the costuming for comfort while sleeping. Augments purchased via the Item
Store before the character has been played come installed in the character, should you choose, at no cost.
Not to be confused with synthflesh prosthetics designed to replace a lost limb and look normal, Augments
are bulky, metal, and obvious. Thus, costuming must appear mechanical and machined. Augment
costume/props must be appropriately Tagged, and worn on your person where it is visible, or easily made
visible, as described to gain the benefit. Costume requirement descriptions are the minimum, but you are
free to elaborate on your costume piece.
To use an Augment effect, you must wear the appropriate costuming Prop. Then use the stated
delivery Method, say the Sig Call, and spend 1 Force point each use.


Augments interfere with ones connection with the Force. Thus, each Augment piece installed will
increase the number of Force Points required to use a Force Power or Force Ritual by 1.
Augment Locations
You can wear only one Augment per Location:
Head - from the collarbone up
Chest collarbone to bottom of ribs
Waist bottom of ribs to hips
Arm shoulder to wrist. Each arm is a separate location.
Hand wrist to fingertip. Each hand is a separate location.
Leg knee to ankle. Both legs are counted as one location.
The Augment descriptions will further define the costume requirement and
where/how to wear it.

Adrenaline Implant
Method: Touch
SSig Call: Action, add 1 minute to the Knock Out count
Use the Method, spend the appropriate FP, and say the Sig Call to extend the current Knock Out count for
yourself, or another character, by 1 minute. You can use this on yourself while Knocked Out.

Costume requirement: A 4x4 inch minimum sized electrical or digital box or flat panel
with a RED electrical wave like a heart monitor painted on the front. The prop is then attached to the
Chest area, where it can easily be seen, either directly to your skin or on a layer of your costume.
Advanced Combat Arm
While this Augment is installed and without costing Force points, you can use the Weapon Expert
Technique. You must use the second weapon in the hand side this Augment is installed. Ex: if the Arm is
the right arm, use the right hand.

Costume requirement: A robotic Arm.

AJ^6 Cyborg Implant
Designed to be installed in organic beings, the AJ^6 allows you to use Programs that gives you the use of
additional Skills and Techniques. See Program in Equipment.

Costume requirement: A 2x2 inch minimum sized electrical or digital box or flat panel
with up to 2 slots that a Program USB can be plugged into. The Augment prop is then attached to the
lapel of the Chest area, or the Head area.
Amplify Blaster Hand
Method: Projectile (Blaster only)
Sig Call: X
This does not grant the use of a Blaster, but when you one in this Hand, it plugs into the Blasters power
cell allowing you to spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to increase your base damage by 4 where X is the new


damage amount of your next strike. This cannot be combined with Damage-increasing effects from other

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a 2 inch diameter SILVER craft foam circle
attached to the palm.
Auto-Injector Hand
Method: Touch
Sig Call: X
This Hand allows you to use an Ingested-method Consumable repeatedly by spending 1 Force Point per
use instead of destroying the Tag. Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call where X is the
Sig Call of the effect. The Consumables Tag must be attached to the Hand next to the Hands Tag. You can
change Consumables by removing and destroying the old Consumable Tag, and replacing it with a new
Consumable Tag.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a CLEAR tube or hose on each finger running
on top from fingertip to wrist. Optional soft needles may extend from the fingertips.
Bio-Scanner Eyes
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: Scan X
Use the Method and say the Sig Call where X is a question below that does not cost Force Points to ask.
o Species - Scan, what Species are you?
o Health - Scan, how many Health points do you have?
o Force - Scan, what is your Force Rating?

Costume requirement: A metallic disk the size of a quarter attached to either temple of
the Head. Using makeup, draw a black line from the disk to the outer corner of the eye, then another
black line across the bridge of your nose connecting the inside corners of both eyes. Optionally, you
may trade the black lines for cybernetic looking contacts, or you may wear electronic looking goggles
at all times instead of the disk and makeup.
Boosted Reflexes
Defense against: Drain, Damage
Sig Call: Resist
Spend 1 Force point and say the Sig Call to ignore the last Drain attack, or normal Damage attack (ex:
2), or modified Damage attack (ex: 4 Fire) from any melee or projectile weapon. Damage combined
with Mental or Status effects (ex: Status agonizing pain 2) cannot be resisted.

Costume requirement: A pair of robotic Legs.

Crushing Hand
Method: Touch, or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status, your X is unusable
Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call where X is a single limb (arm, leg, finger, hand,
etc). This will temporarily disable an Augmented limb preventing the use of its effect. You cannot use this
on yourself.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand.


Electrical Wiring
Defense against: Action, Status
Sig Call: Resist
Say the Sig Call and spend 1 FP to ignore the last Action attack, or normal Status attack (ex: Status
agonizing pain), or combined Status attack (ex: Status agonizing pain 2), that struck you.

Costume requirement: Exposed wiring running vertically around your Waist (use C3-PO
as an example).
Lifeforce Stealer Hand
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Drain health 2
Without costing FP, use the Method and say the Sig Call to inflict 2 Damage to the character. You instantly
restore 2 HP regardless of the actual amount of Damage the character takes. This does not work if the
target character does not have any remaining Health Points.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a pointed metallic fingertip on the index and
pointing fingers. The fingertips must be foam.
Magnetized Hand
Defense against: Fumble
Sig Call: Resist
While holding a single item in this Hand, spend 1 Force Point and say the Sig Call if struck by a Fumble
attack, or if a player attempts to remove the item from your hand.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a 2 inch diameter BLACK craft foam circle
attached to the palm.
Magnetized Plating
Defense against: Thieving
Sig Call: Resist
This Augment prevents any Tagged item carried in pouches on your belt from being stolen. Spend 1 Force
Point and say the Sig Call and do not reveal the Tagged item(s) when you are the target of Action, I am
searching your person. The Tagged item(s) can only be removed from the pouch by you. Loose Tags
without props and props without Tags are still subject for theft.

Costume requirement: Exposed metallic plating around your Waist. Pouches can be any
size, but must be worn on a belt around your waist over the Augment costuming.
Psicom 1260 Interface
Method: Touch, or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental telepathy or Mental Droid telepathy
Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call to speak telepathically with up to two
characters where each of you holds up the Mental Gesture and speaks in a whisper until you lower the
Gesture. The conversation is OOG for everyone else. You can also use this telepathy with a Droid by saying
the second Sig Call.


Costume requirement: A 2 x 2 inch electronic or digital box or flat panel with a cord,
wire, or hose attached. The prop is then attached to the back or side of the Head and the cord must be
held by your target(s) while communicating with this ability.
Repulsor Hand
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: Action, knock back
Use the Method, spend 1 Force Point, and say the Sig Call to make the opponent immediately take 3 steps
back. If the Player was in mid-swing and strikes you anyway, ignore the hit. You cannot use this on

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a 2 inch diameter WHITE craft foam circle
attached to the palm.
Scomp Link Implant
A Scomp Link allows you to plug into a Security Lock to control the lock and accompanying switches
without requiring a Keycard. Hold the end of the Scomp Link cord on the Security Lock for 10 seconds,
and then flip the switch on or off. Each operation of the switch requires a 10-second count.

Costume requirement: A 4x4 inch minimum sized electrical or digital box or flat panel
with a cord connecting to a prop that resembles a Scomp Link. The Augment prop is then attached to
the Chest area, where it can easily be seen, either directly to your skin or on a layer of your costume.
Shatter Hand
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action shatter
Use the Method to touch or hold a Tagged item for 10 seconds. Then spend 1 Force point and say the Sig
Call to remove the Tag from its prop and destroy the Tag.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand.

Shock Hand
Method: Touch, or Status Gesture
Sig Call: Status paralyze
Use the Method, spend 1 Force point and say the Sig Call to prevent the opponent from moving. The
character can speak and use effects that do not require movement. Additionally, you can choose to keep
the opponent paralyzed for as long as you wish by holding up the Status Gesture as per the Focus Skill.
You cannot use this on yourself.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a BLUE tube or el wire on each finger
running on top from fingertip to wrist.
Stim Hand
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure health 5
Use the Method, spend 1 Force point and say the Sig Call to restore the recipients Health points. You
cannot use this on yourself or Droids.

Costume requirement: A robotic Hand with a 2 x 2 white or red craft foam medicalstyled cross attached to the palm.


Strength Enhancement Implant

Method: Melee
Sig Call: X
This does not grant this use of a Lightsaber, Fist, or Striking weapon, but when you use one in this Hand,
this Arm allows you to spend 1 FP, and say the Sig Call to increase your base damage by 4 where X is the
new damage amount of your next strike. This cannot be combined with Damage-increasing effects from
other sources.

Costume requirement: A robotic Arm.

Defense against: Scan, Mental
Sig Call: Resist
Spend 1 Force point and say the Sig Call to ignore the last Mental attack, or Scan effect, that hits you.
Mental attacks combined with Damage (i.e. Mental Silence 2) can also be resisted. You can use this on
yourself only. This is used by Droids to resist Mental attacks with Droid in the Sig Call.

Costume requirement: a silver or black 1 inch diameter circle on your forehead above
each of eye. Use makeup/prosthetics to represent this.

Any character can use any Consumable items unless otherwise described. Each use requires the
destruction of the Tag. All Consumable effects CAN be used on yourself unless otherwise
Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Mental, forget the X 5 minutes
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call where X is either the last or next 5 minutes you
wish the character to permanently forget as if it never happened.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Cure status effect
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to remove any Status effects currently inflicting the
recipient. You can use this on yourself if your character is an Alien or Human. This does not work on

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Antivirus Software
Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Cure droid mental effect


Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to remove any Mental effect currently inflicting the
recipient. You can use this on yourself if your character is a Droid. This does not work on Aliens and

Prop: a inch by 2 inch minimum USB flash drive stick.

Bacta Patch
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure health 2
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to restore 2 Health Points for the recipient. You can
use this on yourself if your character is an Alien or Human. This does not work on Droids.

Prop: a padded bandage 4 x 4 inches in size or larger.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Mental, Berserker
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to inflict the Berserker Technique on an opponent.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Mental, sleep
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to induce a sleep on the recipient, which can be
yourself, for 5 minutes or until you wish to awaken. Answer Dead to Scan inquiries on your status. You
can be attacked that does not break the Power. Effects used on Death will not work, but HP and Force
restoratives will.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Death Stick
Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Mental daze 2
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to inflict a trance-like state on the character and
inflict 2 Damage. While unaware of her surroundings, the character is unable to speak or attack, but can
defend. Death Sticks are considered illegal in most of the galaxy because they are addictive and after one
use, your character will crave another dose until the end of the event.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Energy Cell
Energy Cells are required to power certain Equipment items and Lightsabers as described. Any character
can add or remove Energy Cells from the item it is powering.

Prop: a flat card or disk 2 x 3.5 inches that can be attached to the Equipment prop.
An explosive can be used on its own or with the Demolitions Skill. There are four types of explosives to
choose from:


Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, shatter
Attach the C4 Tagged prop to the target Tagged prop for at least 10 seconds. Then say the Sig Call
and destroy the C4 Tag to remove and destroy the Tag from the target prop, effectively destroying
the item.
Method: Projectile (see Prop below)
Sig Call: Action, knock back
Destroy the Tag, use the Method, and say the Sig Call to make the opponent immediately take 3
steps back. If the Player was in mid-swing and strikes you anyway, ignore the hit.
Flash Bomb
Method: Projectile (see Prop below)
Sig Call: Status blindness
Destroy the Tag, use the Method, and say the Sig Call to prevent the character from seeing. The
Player is allowed to squint to see for safety reasons, but must otherwise act blind.
Method: Projectile (see Prop below)
Sig Call: 4 Fire
Destroy the Tag, use the Method and say the Sig Call to inflict Fire Damage. The Grenade Tag can
be attached to a coreless Grenade boffer, but destroy the Tag before throwing the Grenade.

Prop: C4 - gray/brown foam block 4 x 4 x 1 inches legal for Throwing per Weapons.
Concussive, Flash, Grenade - foam grenade, or Nerf Elite Missile, legal for Throwing per Weapons.
Method: Ingested, then Touch or Mental Gesture
Sig Call: Mental telepathy
Use the Ingested Method on yourself or another, destroy the Tag, and within 10 seconds use the Touch
Method and say Sig Call to speak telepathically with up to two characters where each of you holds up the
Mental Gesture and speaks in a whisper until you lower the Gesture. The conversation is OOG for
everyone else. Glitterstim is considered illegal in most of the galaxy because it is addictive and after one
use, your character will crave another dose until the end of the event.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Infectious Disease
Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Disease X
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call where X is the type of Disease inflicted on the
recipient. The Tag will name the Disease you can inflict.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested


Sig Call: Cure Disease

Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to remove all Diseases currently afflicting the

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call where X is a single limb (arm, leg, finger, hand, etc),
including an Augmented limb and its associated effect.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Status agonizing pain
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to make the character fall to the ground in agony. He
can speak, scream and defend against attacks, but is unable to do anything else.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Cure droid status effect
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to remove any Status effect currently inflicting the
recipient. You can use this on yourself if your character is a Droid. This does not work on Aliens and

Prop: a Bottle or oil can.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Cure mental effect
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to remove any Mental effect currently inflicting the
recipient. You can use this on yourself if your character is an Alien or Human. This does not work on

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Repair Kit
Method: Touch, or Cure Gesture
Sig Call: Cure droid health 2
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to restore 2 Health Points for the recipient. You can
use this on yourself if your character is a Droid. This does not work on Aliens and Humans.

Prop: a small kit of tools and/or mechanical parts.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Mental, illusion you see X


Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call where X is an illusion the recipient will believe to be
real. You can describe anything you wish such as a beautiful sunset or that everyone they see are
monsters. The recipient can attack and defend as normal, and the Player is free to act out the illusion as
she wishes. You can use this on yourself and decide your own illusion. Additionally, Spice is considered
illegal in most of the galaxy because it is addictive and after one use, your character will crave another
dose until the end of the event.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: Status paralyze
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to prevent the character from moving. The character
can speak and use effects that do not require movement.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Method: Ingested
Sig Call: 10
Use the Method, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to inflict 10 normal Damage that cannot be modified
by any means.

Prop: a Bottle or a fake syringe, such as a novelty syringe pen.

Any character can use Equipment items unless otherwise described. All Equipment effects CAN be
used on yourself unless otherwise specified.
Augment Inhibitor
Method: Bindings as per Detaining a Character page 9
Sig Call: Action, cannot use Augment effects while worn
Without costing anything, these Bindings prevent the character from using the Escape Skill and any
Augment effects until the cuffs are removed or can be dropped.

Prop: a pair of fake handcuffs or shackles.

Battle Armor
Without costing anything, this Heavy Armor has been reinforced with an electrical field for
a greater density without the added weight. Battle Armor increases your Health Rating by
8, and otherwise follows the same rules as normal Heavy Armor, including increasing the
cost of using Force Powers.

Prop: Heavy Armor, as described in Armor, with a light-up panel on the

chest area.
Buzz Saw
Method: Melee
Requirement to use: Striking Weapon Skill


Hold the weapon in your hand, or carry it on your person, and the saw can cut through Bindings allowing
you drop them at any time without costing anything.

Prop: a circular or chain saw styled foam weapon 16 to 40 inches in overall length. Saw
blade example.
Containment Field
Sig Call: Status paralyze
The Geonosian containment field is the most effective method of containing a prisoner. With magnetic
cuffs generating an electrical field that tethers the prisoner in place, the containment field prevents the
use of any Binding removing methods and the use of Force Powers. While contained in the field, the
character is paralyzed, unable to do anything except speak. While the light is on, the field is active and no
Tags or FP is required to turn the light on or off.

Prop: a white solid 3-foot diameter circle of fabric, or similar material or illuminated
plastic, with the Tag attached underneath at the edge, a pair of unconnected wrist cuffs or bracers,
and a BLUE rope/el light that the Player can hold in their hands. Here is an Example of a
containment field.
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, knock out
Use the Method with the defib paddles, remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. Then say the
Sig Call to revive a Dead character currently within the 60 second Death count into the Knock Out phase
at the beginning of the 10-minute Knock Out count. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this
prop at a time.

Prop: a box minimum 4 x 4 inches with connected paddles, like a defibrillator.

Method: Melee
Sig Call: Status agonizing pain 2
Requirement to use: Striking Weapon Skill
An electro-weapon covers the Electrostaff and Shock Baton that are used to inflict pain. Use the Method
with the weapon, remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. Then say the Sig Call to make the
character fall to the ground in agony. He can speak, scream and defend against attacks, but is unable to do
anything else. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this prop at a time.

Prop: see Weapons for specs on foam melee weapons. Electrostaff and Shock Baton
examples. Purple or yellow coloration denotes electro-weapons, but is not required.
Enviro Cloak
Defense against: Action, Status
Sig Call: Resist
Fine, near invisible, electrical wiring is woven into fabric that is then made into outerwear clothing. The
garments generate a mild field that prevents air-borne ailments from affecting the wearer. Say the Sig Call
to ignore the last Action attack, or normal Status attack (ex: Status agonizing pain), or combined Status
attack (ex: Status agonizing pain 2), that struck you. Remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag.
No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this prop. You can use this on yourself only.


Prop: an article of outerwear clothing such as a cloak, poncho, jacket, or vest, that covers
your torso from shoulder to upper thigh minimum. Attach the Tag inside the garment near the edge
on the right at shoulder level.
Method: Projectile (packet)
Sig Call: to activate Action, flamethrower, to use 4 Fire
Stand in one spot, remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag, and say the activate Sig Call. Then
use the Pyrokinesis Power, without costing additional FP, up to 10 times while not moving your feet. You
can be attacked and you can defend, but if you move your feed before using all 10 packets, the
flamethrower turns off. Installation as an Augment, or the Melee Weapon Skill, is required to use this
weapon. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this prop at a time.

Prop: a toy gun that does not shoot anything.

Force Inhibitor
Method: Bindings as per Detaining a Character page 9
Sig Call: Action, cannot use Force Powers while worn
These Bindings prevent the character from using the Escape Skill and any Force Powers until the cuffs are
removed or can be dropped. Force Inhibitors allow the use of Force Relics, and any other effect that calls
for Force Points to use.

Prop: a pair of fake handcuffs or shackles.

Fusion Welder
Method: Touch
Sig Call: Action, shatter
The welder is a tool that cuts through destroys Tagged items. Use the Method to touch or hold a Tagged
item for at least 10 seconds. Then remove one Energy Cell prop, destroy the Tag, and say the Sig Call to
remove the target Tag from its prop and destroy the Tag. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to
this prop at a time.

Prop: a prop that resembles a real welding nozzle.

Ion Blaster
Method: Projectile (blaster)
Sig Call: Mental droid daze
Requirement to use: Blaster Skill
An Ion Blaster, or stun gun, can be used to inhibit Droids and organic creatures without inflicting damage.
Use the Method, remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. Then say the Sig Call to inflict a
trance-like state on the character. While unaware of her surroundings, the character is unable to speak or
attack, but can defend. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this prop at a time.

Prop: a pistol-style foam dart shooter as described in Weapons.

Medical Scanner
Method: Scan Gesture
Sig Call: X


Hold the prop in one hand, use the Method and say the Sig Call where X is a question below that the
Player must answer immediately and truthfully OOG:
Scan, how many Health points do you have?
Scan, are you afflicted by a Status effect?
Scan, are you Knocked Out or Dead?

Prop: any type of real-life meter

Particle Shield Generator
This shield is used at a door to prevent characters from walking through the doorway from either
direction. While the light is on, the shield is active. Attach the Tag to the prop at eye level on the right
hand side. Because this shield generator is plugged into the wall for electrical power, no Tags or FP is
required to turn the light on or off.

Prop: RED lighting around the frame of the door covering 3 sides (left, top, and right).
A Program is stored on a datacard and used to give a Droid a Skill, Technique, or Power to better perform
its assigned role or task. Aliens and Human with the AJ^6 Cyborg Implant Augment can also use
Programs. You can have up to two Programs installed, and installation is done via another character with
the Computer Skill. The Skill/Technique/Power will be written on the Tag, and is determined when
purchased in the Item Store. Program Skill/Technique/Powers do not require any prerequisites, however
some may need an item, such as a weapon, to be used. Programs purchased via the Item Store before the
character has been played come installed in the character, should you choose, at no cost.
Program Skills

Program Techniques

Program Powers



Cure Disease

Cosmetic Surgeon


Deadly Sight


Body Language

Detoxify Poison


Dual Weapon

Force Blindness

Droid Mechanic

Fumble Strike

Force Grip

Galactic Lore

Heavy Strike

Force Healing


Medical Surgeon

Force Lightning


Paralyze Strike

Force Push

Striking Weapon

Warriors Stance

Force Stun




Memory Wipe Program: This program completely erases a Droids memory of everything it had
witnessed up to the point this Program was installed. This works on Droids only.


Prop: a inch by 2 inch minimum USB flash drive stick. For Droids, the prop must be on
a necklace, or otherwise attach to costuming in the lapel area. For Aliens and Humans, the prop must
be installed in the AJ^6 Cyborg Implant.
Psychic Augmentor
Defense against: Scan, Mental
Sig Call: Resist
This rare device uses a special electrical current to amplify the Force found in all living beings. Say the Sig
Call to ignore the last normal (ex: Mental daze) or combined (ex: Mental daze 2) Mental attack, or
Scan effect, that struck you. Remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. No more than 5 Energy
Cells can be attached to this prop at a time. You can use this on yourself only.

Prop: a pair of goggles, or a 1 inch wide headband made of any material as long as it looks
Ray Shield Generator
This shield doubles as a protective shield to deflect projectiles, but can also be used to contain characters
within since no physical object can pass through it. Use the prop to create a 3 to 10 foot diameter circle on
the floor. While the light is on, the shield is active. Any character(s) inside the circle is immune to Damage
from any source, say Resist, but cannot use weapons against opponents outside the circle or leave the
circle until the light is turned off. Because this shield generator is plugged into the wall for electrical
power, no Tags or FP is required to turn the light on or off.

Prop: WHITE lighting around the frame of a door or in a circle on the floor. Example.
Restraining Bolt
Used on Droids only, a restraining bolt turns off a Droids motor functions, while not shutting down the
Droid completely. The Droid will not be able to move or attack unless commanded to do so, but can
defend and speak. Additionally, the restraining bolt forces the Droid to obey these simple commands
immediately: Attack, Stop, Come, Sit, Speak, and Silence. As soon as the bolt is worn by the Player, the
effect is active and remains so until the bolt is removed by another character.

Prop: a metallic cylindrical device minimum 2 inches in diameter and 1 inch thick.
Example. The prop must be on a necklace, or otherwise attach to costuming in the lapel area, so the
Player can wear it easily.
Sensor Jammer
Defense against: Scan
Sig Call: Resist
Say the Sig Call to ignore the last Scan question, except those of the Force, asked of you. Then remove one
Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to this prop. You can
use this on yourself only, and carry it on your person to use the effect.
Prop: a 4 x 4 minimum sized electronic box.
Shield Projector
Defense against: Action, Status
Sig Call: Resist


A common accessory for Destroyer Droids, a Shield Projector creates an energy field around you that
deflects projectiles. Say the Sig Call to ignore the last Action, or normal (ex: 2), modified (ex: 4 fire), or
combined Status (ex: Status agonizing pain 2) Damage attack from a projectile weapon that struck you.
Then remove one Energy Cell prop and destroy the Tag. No more than 5 Energy Cells can be attached to
this prop. You can use this on yourself only, and carry it on your person to use the effect.
Prop: a 4 x 4 minimum sized electronic box with at least one WHITE light.
Method: Melee
Sig Call: 2
Requirement to use: Striking Weapon Skill
A catch-all for knives, swords, glaives, and axes, these special melee weapons utilize high speed sonic
vibrations to make the weapons more deadly inflicting Energy Weapon damage.

Prop: foam melee weapons similar to these steampunk weapons.


Safety inspections are held by the Prop Safety team in the Logistics area while Logistics is open. Approved
weapons will be marked in some fashion, and any weapon without that mark cannot be used in the game.
All weapons and shields must be DRY during use at an event. Paint, adhesive, sealant, and lubricant
cannot be done at event as they can get on other players, specifically in the eyes and on costumes. Repairs
to weapons/shields may be allowed with approval by Prop Safety Staff both prior to and after the repair.
Combination Weapons - Attaching two Nerf blasters with their tactical rails as Hasbro designed is
allowed and counts as a single weapon. Otherwise, no two weapons can be combined. Thus, bayonets and
gun-blades are not allowed, and neither is taping two blasters together.
Loaned Weapons - The game will not be able to loan weapons to you. Learn how to make your own
weapons! Get started at Plastidip Artists Facebook group or How to Make a LARP-safe Lightsaber.


Any bow and/or arrow from Professional LARP weapon manufacturers Calimacil,
Palnatoke, Epic Armory, IDV, and Windlass are allowed.

Bows are any real straight bow, from any store, with a 26 pound pull or less.

Arrows must be made by a Professional LARP weapon manufacturer above.

As an alternative, NERF bow and arrows can be used instead of a real bow and boffer
Not Allowed:

Compound bows, real crossbows, and crossbows found on the LARP

equipment websites.

Homemade arrows.

Nerf, Air Zone, and Buzz Bee are the only brands allowed.

Blasters, including the Star Wars Nerf weapons, must be painted. Black or gray for the
simplest, but more decorative realistic paint work of any color scheme that fits the Star Wars theme is
highly encouraged. An orange tip is allowed, but not required.

Blasters must shoot one foam ammo per trigger reset regardless of how the toy works to
shoot the dart (flywheel, spring, battery operated, etc).

Functional parts must remain original and within the original toy shell (the parts cannot
be removed and placed in a custom shell). All blasters must be stock out-of-the-box operation only.

Decorative modifications are allowed. You can customize stocks, handles, and barrels as
well as add custom decorative pieces.

Light and audio modifications are allowed. Please ensure any lighting does not blind
Not Allowed:


BoomCo, Australian Nerf, and homemade blasters.

Unpainted blasters.
Blasters with any modifications to its original, stock out-of-the-box firing
Blasters that shoot more than one dart per trigger pull.


Nerf, Air Zone, and Buzz Bee are the only brands of ammo allowed.

Standard darts, mega darts, elite missiles (these are Grenades as described in the
rulebook), mega missiles, ballistic balls, and Nerf arrows are the only ammo types allowed.
Not Allowed:

Disks, Rival rounds, homemade ammo, and any other ammo not listed above.


Measurements: 10 inch minimum blade'. 12 - 80 inches overall length. Weapons with an

overall length of 50 inches or more must be made by a Professional LARP weapon manufacturer.

Any weapon from Professional LARP weapon manufacturers Calimacil, Palnatoke, Epic
Armory, and Windlass are allowed noting the Measurements above.


Lightsaber blade colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. White is designated
for light up lightsabers meaning the weapon is turned off. No other blade color is allowed.

Homemade weapons are allowed with the following specifications:

Realistic latex or plastidip style construction and coloration.
Core: Polycarbonate, fiberglass, or graphite, as found as kite spar or a graphite
golf club.
Foam: any closed-cell foam that is soft enough to cushion a strike, yet hard
enough as to not feel the core when squeezed. The foam must be at least a half inch thick around
the core, and extend at least two inches from the tip.
Pipe foam insulation with an open cell foam tip can be used for staff, hammer
and axe shafts, and non-light up lightsaber blades. Cover the entire blade length in a single layer
of two millimeter craft (fun) foam, paint with acrylic, and coat with Plastidip.
Crossguards must be coreless foam.
Handles and pommels can be plastic, metal, foam, leather, cloth, or sports grip
tape as long as the finished piece is firmly attached to the core, smooth, rounded, and does not
have any sharp or pointed edges.

Light-up weapons are allowed with the following specifications:

Professional LARP weapon manufacturer and homemade as described above.
External lighting is limited to the pommel, handle, and crossguard areas only.
Please ensure lighting is not blinding to other players.
Internal lighting for glowing blades is allowed needing a clear polycarbonate core
and a soft foam that allows the light through around the core coated in clear plastidip.
Lightsaber removable blades are allowed as designed by the store-bought
lightsaber hilt from SaberForge or UltraSaber.
Not Allowed:

Nerf melee weapons and Heros Edge weapons.

Homemade removable blade weapons.
Unrealistic weapons that do not fit the theme of the game.
Duct tape and/or cloth covered weapons.
Structurally modified Professional LARP weapon manufacturer weapons.


Measurements: 12 to 36 inch diameter, or 12 by 12 inch minimum and 24 by 36 inches


Any shield from Professional LARP shield manufacturers Calimacil, Palnatoke, Epic
Armory, and Windlass are allowed noting the Measurements above.

Homemade shields are allowed with the following specifications:

Realistic latex or plastidip style construction and coloration.
Core: thick corrugated cardboard, non-brittle clear acrylic sheet, foam board
(double layer), and plastic from storage bin lids and sleds.
Foam: all edges require a closed-cell foam trim extending at least one inch from
the edge of the core. Pipe foam insulation is not allowed unless it is an intended part of the
shields aesthetic look and design. The preferred trim is two half-inch thick closed-cell foam
strips, a minimum two inches wide, that sandwich the edge of the core leaving at least one inch of
foam width extending from the core edge.
Foam is not required on the shield face, EVA, blue camp mat foam, and craft
(fun) foam are the only types of foam allowed.


Lighting can be placed anywhere except along the edge. Please ensure lighting is
not blinding to other players.
Not Allowed:

Duct tape, packing tape, fun noodle, and cloth-covered shields.

Unrealistic shields that do not fit the theme of the game.
Structurally modified Professional LARP shield manufacturer weapons.


Measurements: 4 to 20 inches in overall length.

Any throwing weapon from Professional LARP throwing weapon manufacturers

Calimacil, Palnatoke, Epic Armory, and Windlass are allowed noting the Measurements above.

Nerf Elite Missile can be used to represent Grenades.

Homemade throwing weapons are allowed with the following specifications:

Realistic latex or plastidip style construction and coloration.
Core: Cannot have a core of any kind, but can be weighted with up to 10 pennies.
Foam: a soft closed-cell foam that allows a finger to be pressed into it, yet spring
back into shape.
Not Allowed:

Boffers aka duct tape, packing tape, fun noodle, and cloth-covered
weapons are not allowed.

Unrealistic weapons that do not fit the theme of the game.

Structurally modified Professional LARP throwing weapon manufacturer


Light and sound modifications.

A fist weapon is simply a 12 - 20 inch section of pipe foam insulation that must remain its normal dark
gray color. Therefore, paint, coverings, and decorations of any kind is not allowed.
A cloth filled with birdseed: Use a piece of cloth (roughly) 8 squared in size, a rubber band, and bird seed
that does not contain corn or sunflower seeds. Insert 1 or 2 tablespoons of birdseed into the center
of the fabric, lift the edges, and seal closed with a rubber band. The packet must be soft and pliable.

For Powers, you can use Elemental balls or custom made foam to suit the Power, such as
a lightning bolt. These must be made as Throwing Weapons and can be colored to match the Power.
You can use remote controlled; toy vehicles, non-sentient droids, droids that cannot be played by a player,
and foam dart shooting turrets. Drones can be mounted with foam dart shooters, cameras, night vision,
and distraction sounds, but not melee weapons or strobe lights. All drones must be ground vehicles, never
flying, and approved by Safety Staff before being used in the game.


Force Ghost
A Force Ghost is the spirit of a Force-sensitive who learned the Force Ghost Ritual
before they died. Both Dark and Light side Force-users can become a Ghost, yet do
so for different reasons. Light Side spirits tend to act as mentors to the future
generations, lingering to provide guidance in the Force as they have learned. Many
tend to assist their living children and grandchildren who have shown abilities in the
Force. Dark Side spirits are manifestations of their hate and anger fueled hotter by
their death. The only reason a Dark Sider becomes a ghost is to cheat death, and
thus always seeks for a way to return to the living and exist as they did in life. Dark
spirits can teach the ways of the Force if they wish or are otherwise coerced by an
ambitious Force-user. Read more.

Character Creation: a Force Ghost is created via the Force Ghost Ritual only. Logistics
will mark your character as a Force Ghost in the online Character Manager. This function freezes your
character preventing you from spending Player Points on the character, and removes without Point
refund Skills, Techniques, and Powers that your character cannot use. Force Ghosts can only use
Force Skills, Force Techniques, and Force Powers, that are NOT Action, Damage, Disease, or Status.

Abilities: as intangible spirits of the Force, Force Ghosts possess the following
Intangible - A) without costing FP, say "Resist" to ignore the last Status or
Damage, except Fire and Lightning, attack that hit you, B) without costing FP, ignore any Lock on
a door to open and close the door, C) you cannot carry or use Armor, weapons, and Tagged items,
and D) you cannot touch anything or anyone, including the use of the Touch Delivery Method.
No Death Count - after the 10-minute Knock Out duration, immediately go
OOG to character switch. The character cannot be played again.
Fire and Lightning Susceptibility - The Deflect Skill is REQUIRED to resist
Fire and Lightning Damage attacks as a Ghost costing 1 FP per strike as described in the Skill.

Costume Requirement: Force Ghosts may appear as they did when they died
including the wounds of how they were killed, or as they did before injury or illness. All Ghosts are
pale and gaunt, requiring makeup to represent this.
A Phantom is a creation from the Dark Side of the Force given solid form and
temporary life by its Dark Side master. Generally, a Phantom is created for a variety
of reasons from attacking opponents to simply delivering a message. When a
Phantom is created, it is free to act as it wishes, including attacking its creator,
unless issued verbal commands by its creator that must be obeyed (see Creator
Commands below). The continued existence of a Phantom is not tied with its
creator, thus Phantoms often strive for freedom from the only person who has
ultimate control over them. Phantoms develop their own personalities when they are
created, and possess a dark intelligence often used to further its own selfish, Dark
Side-aligned desires. With free will and a sense of self-preservation, Phantoms may choose to work with
or plot against their creator.


Character Creation: a Phantom is created via the Phantom Force Power only. A
Phantom is Mastery 5 with the same Skills, Techniques, Force Powers, and Ability as its creator with
the noted exceptions (see NOTE). These are recorded on paper, along with the event date and creator
character's name, for the Phantom player to carry on their person. NOTE: Phantoms cannot have the
Phantom Power, the Revitalize Power, and the Group Counseling Skill as Phantoms cannot create
other Phantoms or restore FP for others.

Creator Commands: a Phantom's creator can issue infinite open-ended commands

without costing FP that expire when completed or otherwise specified in the command. Any active
Mental effects on the Phantom overrides all creator commands for the duration of the Mental, with
any previous ongoing commands resuming thereafter. Creator commands may lead to the Phantoms
death, and are open to interpretation by the Phantom player (ex: with a simple command like Kill
that Jedi, the Phantom can choose how, when, where, and even snitch the impending murder
attempt, because those were not explicitly covered in the command).

Abilities: as solidified creatures of the Dark Side, Phantoms possess the following
Drain Immunity - without costing FP, say "Resist" to ignore the last Drain
effect that hit you. All Drain attacks must be resisted, you do not have the option to allow it to
work on you.
No Death Count - after the 10-minute Knock Out duration, immediately go
OOG to character switch. All Tagged items carried on your person are destroyed as the Phantom
violently returns to the Force. Either turn the Tags into SC Camp for reuse, or tear the Tags up
and throw them away.
Fire Susceptibility - when struck by a Fire effect, as denoted in the Sig Call
such as 4 Fire, that is not resisted, Phantoms suffer double the damage. Ex: if you are struck for
4 Fire and do not resist it, you take 8 Damage.
Limited Lifespan - a Phantom that survives until the end of the event it was
created, violently returns to the Force. All Tagged items carried on your person are destroyed.
Either turn the Tags into SC Camp for reuse, or tear the Tags up and throw them away.

Costume Requirement: a Phantom can form into any Alien or Human the creator
wishes, but the Phantom is devoid of color and appear as a pitch black shadow. Use the appropriate
makeup and costuming to represent this.
Yuuzhan Vong
*** placeholder ***


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