King of Slimes
King of Slimes
King of Slimes
Published by
Sproutli Games
Written and Developed by
Patrick Lapienis
Layouting and Typesetting by
Patrick Lapienis
Cover Art by
Meryn Mercer
Interior Art by
Meryn Mercer
Play Testers
Robert Moore, Jainil Patel
Editing by
Jekka Bailey, Lorraine Kelleher, Chelsea Kuipers,
Renis Lapienis, Robert Moore, Jainil Patel
What do you need
Game Overview
King of Slimes is a party game where two or more players
take turns pulling handfuls of candy from a bowl, with the
goal of collecting the most candy before the bowl is empty.
Competition is encouraged through the games mechanics,
allowing players to Sabotage one another in hopes of forcing
their opponents to return a portion of their candy to the
bowl. With the games short duration it is common to play
multiple rounds one after another, each time adding a
different rule to the game.
Slimes are simple low level balls of gelatinous goo that are
often found roaming the fields and forests around small
villages. Coming in a variety of colors and sizes, Slimes have
grown to become the pinnacle of what a weak monster
should be. They are easy to kill, explode in a visceral display
of Gel, and even reward the killer with 5 experience points.
Contrary to popular belief, these Slimes dont exist solely to
be mowed down by Heroes with rusty daggers. They have
dreams and aspirations just like everybody else, and no
dream is grander than to be crowned the next King of Slimes,
the Boss Monster of the Slime Plains. Since this prestigious
title is only given to the largest Slime in the region, these
meek creatures spend their days scouring the plains
absorbing the Gel lost by other Slimes. This all must be done
while avoiding the wrath of Adventurers who are looking to
gain a few easy levels.
Each player will take on the role of one of these Slimes,
competing with each other in order to become the next King.
However, the road to the top is not one for the faint of heart,
as what starts as a simple candy collection game can quickly
spiral into an all-out war over who gets to control the Slime
While any candy can be used, the ones that are individually
wrapped and have similar shaping are recommended as
players will be grabbing candy at random and putting it
back in to the bowl.
In addition to a bowl of candy, each player will need a paper
sign with the word Vibrancy written on it. The purpose of
both of these items will be explained further.
Creating A sLIME
Within King of Slimes, each player takes on the role of a lowly
Slime, trying to gather Gel and be crowned the next King.
This Slime is represented by all the candy collected by the
player, the more candy a player has, the larger their Slime is.
This candy sits in front of the player organized into piles
based on color.
Prior to starting the game players should pull out 2 of each
candy color from the bowl, and place them into piles in front
of them.
The next step is to determine the color of each players Slime.
This is done by having each player pull a single candy at
random from the bowl. The color of the grabbed candy
determines what color the Slime is, and the Slimes favorite
flavor of Gel. Once chosen this candy is held onto by the
player and added to their candy hoard. Collected candy
of this color is referred to as Vibrancy.
Slime Decoy
In moments of dire need, Slimes have been known to use a
piece of themselves as a Decoy, allowing them to escape a
fight. When confronted with an Adventurer that cannot be
defeated, the player may take candy from their Vibrancy Pile
and add it to the current handful. If the player adds enough
candy to change the handfuls majority to match the Slimes
Vibrancy color then a Decoy will be spawned. This allows the
Slime to escape, at the cost of returning the current handful
and the added candy pieces back to the bowl. This is a
costly move, but it is often better than exploding.
Slime Sabotage
The road to the top isnt the easiest and may force a Slime to
play a little dirty. It is not unheard of for Slimes to use a Decoy
to lead high level Adventurers to other Slimes, in hopes of
taking out their competition.
When a player grabs their handful and reveals it to the group,
other players may add candy from their Vibrancy Pile to it. By
adding candy to the handful the color majority may be
increased or shifted, causing the Adventurer to level up or
change color. This can be used strategically to create a
unique challenge and Sabotage players.
Slimes of the same color are able to help each other instead
of Sabotage. This can be a very helpful process, but it is
important to remember that only one Slime may be crowned
King at the end of the game.
Royal Decrees
If multiple rounds are being played in a row, the player who
was crowned King in the previous round can add a new rule
to game in the form of a Royal Decree. These rules can vary
the game greatly depending on the type of ruler their Slime
Only one Royal Decree can be in place at a time, when a new
King is crowned, the previous rule is abolished and a new rule
is chosen from the list below:
No Royal Decrees
Good King
Mad King
Active Player: The player who is currently pulling candy from
the bowl.
Adventurer: A hero that hunts down Slimes in order to gain
experience points and level up. Within each handful, the color
and quantity of the majority candy determines the Color and
Level of the Adventurer encountered by the Slime.
Candy Hoard: All of the candy collected by an individual
player. Used to represent how much Gel your slime has
gathered, and how big they have grown.
Decoy: The ability for a Slime to leave a portion of its Gel
behind in order to confuse Adventurers.
Explode: The result of a Slime being defeated by an
Adventurer and can occur from an unlucky handful or from a
Sabotage. Players can prevent an explosion by using a Decoy.
Gel: The scattered remains of exploded Slimes and the
primary source of food for Slimes. Represented by candy, it is
the players goal to help their Slime gather as much Gel as
King of Slimes: A prestigious title given to the largest Slime in
the plains. If a player wants their slime to be crowned King,
then they must have gathered more candy in their hoard than
all of the other players.
Level: The measure of how strong an Adventurer is.
Determined by examining the quantity of same color candy in
a handful, and used assess whether a Slime can defeat an
Adventurer or not.