Scientificamerican08 - in Search of Alien Jupiters
Scientificamerican08 - in Search of Alien Jupiters
Scientificamerican08 - in Search of Alien Jupiters
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Two rival teams
of astronomers
are racing
to capture
images of giant
planets around
other stars.
What they find
could change
the future of
planet hunting
By Lee Billings
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These new instruments will help scientists learn how giant planets form
and how they sculpt their surroundings,
preparing the way for future facilities to
take pictures of alien Earths.
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or days to obtain rather than through months or years of painstaking analysis on arcane stellar data sets. Which is why, in this
race to take the first pictures of alien Jupiters, it is not a stretch
to say that every minute counts.
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Young star
Rocks collide and accumulate
into a solid core
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erly. In a race measured in minutes, GPI has a quarter-millionminute lead over SPHERE, which, by this same time, has only just
begun the commissioning process. That is small comfort to Macintosh, however, because SPHERE has a more capable suite of instruments and more guaranteed telescope time than GPI, which
should allow SPHERE to observe a greater number of stars in a
larger field of view at higher spectral resolutions across a wider
range of wavelengths. In other words, even though GPI is out front,
like the hare in Aesops famous fable, SPHERE could still come
from behind, tortoiselike, and find the sought-after planets first.
The twinkling of the stars comes from turbulence in the atmosphere, which has pushed the GPI team behind schedule. Waiting
for the wind to die down, Macintosh tells me stories from years
ago, when he, Beuzit, and other high-ranking members of the GPI
and SPHERE teams would carouse at astronomy conferences
around the world, their future conflict far from their minds.
Those times are long past. Wed get together,
drink heavily and trade stories, Macintosh
says. Even now, they arent really the enemythe clouds are the enemy. And the wind.
After half an hour, the winds have abated.
Okay, lets look at HD 95086, Macintosh
says, spinning in his chair to address the dozen or so team members in the room. They
spring to action, keying commands into the
computers controlling the telescope in the
dome next door. Within moments the telescope has slewed to the target, a bluish-white
dwarf star 300 light-years from Earth, in the
constellation Carina. HD 95086 is a young
star in astronomical termsonly about 17 million years oldand bears a giant planet five
times more massive than Jupiter, orbiting approximately twice as far out as Pluto. Earlier, less capable directimaging projects have seen this planet beforethe team will calibrate GPI by comparing its new images with the earlier results.
Like all the worlds that GPI seeks, this particular planet has
scarcely cooled at all since its formation. It glows brightly in infrared light. In terms of brightness, most planets are millions or
billions of times fainter than their stars, flecks of dust on the
cusps of thermonuclear fireballs. Young Jupiters are different.
They are more like red-hot embers cooling far from a campfire,
which is precisely why GPI or SPHERE has any hope of seeing
them and learning how exactly they formed and evolved.
any small, rocky planets out into the interstellar dark or down
into the fires of its star. Such giant worlds are too close to their
stars to be directly imaged with todays technology.
Like its much hotter exoplanetary cousins, Jupiter probably
also migrated early in its life, but for reasons unclear, its migration
was only temporary and did not bring the giant planet within spitting distance of the sun. Instead it perhaps ventured about as far
in as present-day Mars, before retreating back to the outer solar
system, where it has stayed ever since. And although the motions
of a giant planet can sabotage a planetary systems habitability, in
Jupiters case they seem to have made our solar system a more
hospitable place. At the least, Jupiters peregrinations are thought
to have flung water-rich comets and asteroids down to our already
formed planet, delivering life-giving oceans. At most, Jupiters
plunge into the inner solar system might have even cleared out
other preexisting planets, allowing Earth to form in the first place.
Among experts, it is an embarrassing open secret that no one really knows how the largest object orbiting our sun came to be.
But the experts desperately want to find out because Jupiter and
other giant planets are the architects of planetary systems,
shaping all that surrounds them.
Most of the known giant planets around other stars are not
really like Jupiter at all. Many exist in scorching half-week orbits alien to anything in our own solar system. The prevailing
theory is that these hellish worlds were born much farther out,
only to spiral down to hug their suns because of gravitational interactions with other planets or flows of gas. That migration
would be bad news for habitabilityalong the way, the gravitational field of an in-spiraling giant planet would most likely toss
Even so, what Jupiter gives, it could take away. Millions of years
from now, Jupiter may pummel our planet again with more giant
asteroids or comets, generating cataclysmic impacts that would
boil off our oceans and steam-cook our biosphere.
All these details, to some degree, can be traced to the nature
and timing of Jupiters mysterious formation. This much is certain: just more than four and a half billion years ago, a cold cloud
of gas and dust collapsed to form our sun. The remnants of the
cloud that did not fall into our nascent star spun out into a disk,
and from this material planets formed. Rocky worlds, being relatively small, are easy to assemble in a bottom-up process called
core accretion, where colliding rocks gradually glom together
over as much as 100 million years. Most researchers suspect Jupiter formed in the same way. But to do so, it would have had to
form far faster, building up Earth-sized cores in perhaps 10 million years, time enough to sweep up huge atmospheres before the
gassy feedstock is blown away by the intense light of a young star.
Another possibility exists. Giant planets could also form
much like stars do in a top-down process called disk instability.
In this scenario, something like Jupiter would achieve planethood through the direct, rapid collapse of a cold, overdense
clump of gas and dust in the outer region of a circumstellar disk.
It is almost impossible to distinguish between these two scenarios for Jupiter today because essentially all the evidence is literally buried below the giant planets dense, thick atmosphere.
Fortunately, there is another way to test whether giant planets
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form from the bottom up or the top down: you can take their tem- device, a coronagraph, that strips out most of the starlight: the
peratures. A top-down formation directly from a collapsing clump light encounters a series of masks that filter out 99 percent of the
of gas would happen so quickly that an enormous amount of heat photons. The ones that make it through are focused and aimed at
would be trapped within the planet. A bottom-up formation would a mirror with a central hole polished to atomic-scale smoothness.
instead produce giant planets that, though still initially red-hot, The stars light falls down the hole, Macintosh explains, wherewould be relatively cooler. As more and more gas falls onto a as a planets light will instead bounce off the mirror and go deeprocky core, its impeded by the gas below it, by the atmosphere er into the instrument, reaching a supercooled spectrograph that
forming around the core, says GPI collaborator Mark Marley, splits the light into its constituent wavelengths (or colors).
whom I speak to later, a planet-formation theorist at the nasa
The picture on-screen is now a lumpy halo of white light surAmes Research Center who helped to
rounding a deep, central shadow where
model the process. A shock develops as
HD 95086 should be. The lumps
the gas slows down, and most of the encalled specklesare formed from unergy of that infalling gas radiates out,
wanted starlight that leaks through the
which flash-cools the forming planet.
coronagraph. Speckles can obscure a
So when you stop dumping gas on, the
planet in GPIs images or even masplanet is much cooler than it wouldve
querade as one. To distinguish bebeen from a direct collapse.
tween speckles and planets, the team
Thus, a giant planets temperature
takes a sequence of exposures at variis effectively a memory of its birth. The
ous infrared wavelengths. The sepaolder the planet gets, the more it cools,
ration between a star and a speckle is
and the more its memory fades. Some
proportional to the wavelength of light
four and a half billion years old, Jupiin an image, says GPIs project scienter long ago forgot how it formed. But
tist James Graham, a professor at the
giant planets younger than a few hunUniversity of California, Berkeley, as
UNBLINKING EYE: Light from the star
dred million yearsthe very planets
we stare at the screen. At shorter, bluer
HR 4796A is filtered out in this SPHERE
GPI and SPHERE are trying to image
wavelengths, a speckle will appear closimage, revealing a faint ring of dust,
in the infraredshould still have their
er to a star; at longer, redder waveperhaps sculpted by an unseen planet.
thermal memories intact. Surveying
lengths, that same speckle will appear
hundreds of bright, youthful nearby
farther away, Graham explains. So
stars, both projects may probe the temwhen you see the whole [wavelength]
peratures and histories of dozens of giant planets, unraveling the sequence, the speckles will move. A planet wont.
secret of their formation and shedding light on how habitable
Macintosh scrolls back and forth through the stacked exposystems like our own came to be.
sures like frames in a movie, and the halo seems to breathe, expanding and contracting as all the lumps move in unison. All the
lumps, that is, save for one: a lone, fixed dot of planetary light
As the GPI team prepares to observe HD 95086, a monochrome fished from a sea of stellar speckles. In less than half an hour, we
circle materializes on one of Macintoshs screens. It seems to have gone from seeing only the wind to staring at a distant world
contain a heavily pixelated fluid, like a digitized close-up of a around another star. Further analysis of the planets spectrum
rushing river or an untuned television awash with static.
from GPI data hints that the planet is extremely red, perhaps the
Youre looking at the wind, Macintosh says. Thats starlight result of an excess of light-scattering dust in its upper atmoshining through atmospheric turbulence and falling on a detec- sphere. It is a small but thrilling detail to learn about a world
tor that drives our adaptive optics. Adaptive optics are comput- that is 300 light-years away.
er-controlled deformable mirrors that change their shape hunNot all targets are so difficult to see; closer, brighter stars can
dreds or even thousands of times a second to combat atmo- give up some of their secrets far more readily. Earlier, the GPI
spheric distortions, allowing astronomers to capture images of team had needed only a single 60-second exposure to capture an
celestial objects that rival those available from space telescopes. image of Beta Pictoris b, a hot, young giant planet 63 light-years
With a few keystrokes and verbal commands to his team, Macin- from Earth that orbits its star at almost twice the Jupiter-sun distosh powers up GPIs adaptive optics. Mounted underneath the tance. The ease of seeing that planet suggests that direct imageight-meter telescope, GPIs two deformable mirrorsan off-the- ing, at last, is becoming routine: a slightly older direct imager on
shelf glass woofer and a smaller, custom-built tweeter packed Gemini South had previously taken a similar image of Beta Pictowith more than 4,000 actuatorsare now rippling and curling ris b, although it required more than an hour of observation and
in synchrony, matching each transient light-smearing pocket extensive postprocessing. The new images allowed the GPI team
and flow of overlying air with a corresponding dip or spike in to estimate the orbit of Beta Pictoris b with higher precision than
their surfaces, sculpting the rays of starlight back to near perfec- ever before, revealing that in 2017 it might transit across the face
tion. The result seems magical: the turbulent circle on Macin- of its star as seen from Eartha rare alignment that would be a
toshs screen becomes smooth and placid, as if the atmosphere boon for scientists seeking to learn more about the distant giant.
overhead has suddenly disappeared. HD 95086 is now a brilliant
In the remaining hours before sunrise, the GPI team images
glare on-screen. There is no sign of a planet.
binary stars, faint debris disks, and even Saturns moon Titan,
To reveal the stars known planet, Macintosh engages another peering down through its thick, hazy, hydrocarbon-filled atmoSCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE Read more about the science and technology of planet imaging at
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sphere to its blotchy surface. Near dawn, when the glow of the
approaching sun begins filtering up from the horizon, Macintosh
leans far back in his chair and sighs, exhausted but satisfied.
On the final night of the six-day run, the GPI team finds its
first planet, orbiting a 20-million-year-old star at twice the Jupiter-sun distance. Macintosh is not the first to notice itRobert
de Rosa, a postdoctoral student at U.C. Berkeley, spies the flickering dot while looking over another teammates shoulder at some
otherwise unremarkable GPI images. Subsequent observations
show it to be between two and three times Jupiters mass, with a
methane-filled atmosphere hot enough to melt lead. The planet
is 100 light-years from Earth, but it is the closest thing to Jupiter
astronomers have ever seen.
This is the first planet anyone has ever found that looks like a
warm version of Jupiter rather than a very cool star, Macintosh
says. This planet may be young enough to still remember its formation process. With enough observations we could pin down its
mass and age and figure out whether it formed from the bottom
up, like we think Jupiter did, or from the top down, like a star.
When Macintosh tells me, he also vows me to secrecy until
the GPI team can write and submit a paper. SPHERE could very
easily see this, too, he says. We dont know if theyve looked yet
at the same star. We are all nervous well get scooped.
Searching for Life on Other Planets.J. Roger P. Angel and Neville J. Woolf; April 1996.
The Dawn of Distant Skies. M
ichael D. Lemonick; July 2013.
s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a z i n e /s a
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