HAMS Finalised ( Mehdipatnam )
HAMS Finalised ( Mehdipatnam )
HAMS Finalised ( Mehdipatnam )
grateful to NASA for gifting this contest to the children of all over
Ramana Sir for his guidance and blessings. And he has imparted
Prasad Sir).
this marvelous platform that they have created which brings out
experience and that’s why we all are really thankful to NSS from
“Since, in the long run, every planetary civilization will be endangered by impacts
from space, every surviving civilization is obliged to become space faring--not because of
exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive...
If our long-term survival is at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to
venture to other worlds.” ― Carl Sagan
As we all know that the space on the earth is not sufficient for emerging growth
of the mankind. Since the population of the earth is day by day increasing and because of
the growing population earth is not at all a safest place to live for the humans. The new
era for the human habitation is already started and scientists are exploring the potential
sites in space such as Moons and Mars for the survival of human civilization in the event
of CATASTROPHES. The extension to this life on Moon and Mars the future is in the
development of space settlements (habitats in free floating bodies). In olden days the
travelling from one country to another country was almost mere to impossible. Hence
people were under the impression that the earth is only up to the area where they are
placed. Our scientists have changed our life style and the new dimensions have
transformed the long distances in to short. This gives the boost up for our planning to
stay in space. Hence the imagination of space settlement is not a story but prediction of
our future growth. This prediction is a backbone of our space settlement HAMS.
HAMS serve the humans as a habitat in the event of catastrophes.
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................................ 2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................11
LOCATION .............................................................................................................................................................13
TORUS ................................................................................................................................................................16
City ...................................................................................................................................................................21
TORUS A.............................................................................................................................................................24
Agriculture ...............................................................................................................................................................24
Industries ..................................................................................................................................................................25
MATERIALS ...........................................................................................................................................................26
FOOD ...................................................................................................................................................................31
HYDROPONICS:- ...............................................................................................................................................31
Advantages .......................................................................................................................................................32
Disadvantages ..................................................................................................................................................32
ENERGY:- ...........................................................................................................................................................32
Advantages:- ....................................................................................................................................................33
Disadvantages:- ................................................................................................................................................33
DIET ....................................................................................................................................................................35
POULTRY ...........................................................................................................................................................36
FISH .....................................................................................................................................................................37
Fish farming:-...................................................................................................................................................37
OXYGEN .............................................................................................................................................................37
WATER ...............................................................................................................................................................39
RECYCLING .......................................................................................................................................................41
GADGETS ...........................................................................................................................................................48
Mirrors .....................................................................................................................................................................49
Windows ..................................................................................................................................................................50
Tables .......................................................................................................................................................................50
Computers ................................................................................................................................................................50
Multifunctional glass…....................................................................................................................................50
TELESCOPE ...........................................................................................................................................................51
ROBOTS ..............................................................................................................................................................51
Medicine robots…....................................................................................................................................................53
INDUSTRY .........................................................................................................................................................54
Middle School...................................................................................................................................................60
High School.......................................................................................................................................................60
University .........................................................................................................................................................60
JOBS ....................................................................................................................................................................61
TRANSPORT ......................................................................................................................................................61
Laws:- ......................................................................................................................................................................63
MEDICINE ..........................................................................................................................................................65
CLIMATE ............................................................................................................................................................66
Entertainment ...........................................................................................................................................................71
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................................77
The inventive or creative thoughts of people and NASA organization along with NSS
trying to complete this work in less expenditure as the people are of three different
categories as RICH, MODARATE and POOR people. Poor people can’t bare the
expenses so; we should complete this project in less time and with less money.
We all know the fact that earth cannot bare more numerical value that someday in the
future the earth will blast. This is nothing, but of over population. The SPACE
SETTLEMENT will be the 2nd house or shelter of humans to live and also to more space
settlements to create a space colony.
H: - Human
A: - Aeronautical
M: - Mission for
S: - Space Settlement
India is known to the world as the land of worship of Gods. The name HAMS is
kept to our space settlement since to stimulate gravity which is the one of the major life
supporting things inside the space settlement we are attaching thrusters and boosters to
the space settlement to rotate it and because of this the space settlement was looks like a
vehicle. The god of knowledge and education in India was Saraswathi matha and her
vehicle is HAMSA. As an inspiration to that we kept the name of HAMS to our space
Location of HAMS
L1, and is a good position from which to monitor the Sun since the constant stream
of particles from the Sun, the solar wind, reaches L1 about an hour before reaching Earth.
L2 is located 1.5 million kilometres directly 'behind' the Earth as viewed from the
Sun. L2 is a great place from which to observe the larger Universe.
L3 lies behind the Sun, opposite Earth, just beyond our planet‘s orbit. Objects in
L3 cannot be seen from Earth. It offers the potential to observe the far side of the Sun. A
spacecraft at L1, L2, or L3 is meta-stable‘, like a ball sitting on top of a hill.
A little push or bump and it starts moving away, so a spacecraft must use frequent
rocket firings to stay in so-called 'halo orbits' around the Lagrangian point.
L4 and L5
As seen from the Sun, the L4 and L5 points lie at 60 degrees ahead of and behind
Earth, close to its orbit. Unlike the other Lagrange points, L4 and L5 are resistant to
gravitational perturbations. Because of this stability, objects such as dust and asteroids
tend to accumulate in these regions.
L4 and L5 are called Trojan points. Trojan points come from the Trojan asteroids at
the Sun–Jupiter L4 and L5 points.
The location of our settlement is in the L5 point in the Jupiter sun system.
Most researches done till date state that torus is an appropriate shape that could be
used to create a space settlement. This is because it provides us the most suitable
structure to live in comfortably however in our model we have the Torus - A for
population and Torus – B for agriculture and industries and another structure is in the
centre portion of the model that is a cylinder which is used for transportation by
providing elevators in the central cylinder.
Torus is the best suitable shape for an orbital space colony. It is also required less
material and construction time. The pseudo gravity is constant at the ends. The central
part where gravity is 0 can be used for heavy industry.
Population 15000
Major radius 750
Minor radius 70
Gravity (g) 1
Air pressure(atom) 0.5
Energy per person(KeV) 1
Step 2: A center torus should be built in this step, in this step some of our residence
builders will stay here. And some of the robots can be placed here.
Step 4: The boosters and Thrusters will be built in this step, because to provide gravity
we need to rotate the settlement.
Total time for comstruction of HAMS is 13 years. This can be slightly differ from 1to 2
The thrusters and boosters will be located on the top and bottom of HAMS.
Nitrogen is supplied to thrusters and boosters. When nitrogen burns it releases great
pressure and because of that pressure our settlement rotates and gravity can be
stimulated. We adjust the pressure to adjust the desired value of gravity to stimulate.
We can also stop the flow of nitrogen to the thrusters and boosters. They can be
adjusted with their direction also. If there is any harm with any meteorites then we can
change the direction of thrusters and boosters to change the direction of rotation. These
are beneficial to us in many ways.
The lower torus will be the torus in which all the inhabitances will live. This torus
consists of 3 parts they are:-
Country side
The city torus consists of shopping malls, schools, collages, educational centers,
clubs, entertainment zone, game zone, offices, security, libraries, parks, bars, pubs,
multiple cafes, restaurant, hospitals, and head office of HAMS.
In this component the persons can live who wanted to live in city side. There are
many schools and educational centers here. The students can study about the space and
the space technology. Here the main subjects will be MATHAMATICS, BIOLOGY,
The hospitals will be constructed with modern technology, here all specialists will
work. The robots will be helpful to preparation of medicines. All the medicines will be
prepared in the industrial torus and will be brought to the main torus.
The country side consists of fields, greenery, parks, theaters, ponds, peace and
harmony. Greenery is maintained everywhere in the county side component in our
settlement. Deforestation is abolished in our settlement. If anyone spoils the greenery
he will be punished severely.
Country side is maintained with a less population and there will be some birds. If
anyone harms them they will be punished strictly.
Hill side
The hill side consists of artificial hills, snow, skiing areas, ponds, hill station, and
The artificial hills are specially designed in our settlement; snow is also specially
designed in our settlement. Skiing areas are a part of entertainment.
Hill station is consists of beautiful sceneries and greenery in our settlement. Ponds
are specially designed with modern technology.
Cabins are made with special fibers to get heat inside. It is a good entertainment
spot for all the people in the settlement. It will be maintained with a moderate population.
In cabins there will be intelligent glasses (see 3.2 Gadgets) through which they can know
the news of HAM
1) agriculture
2) industrial
Agriculture department consist of plants, life stock, fish, and poultry, Plants will grow by
using hydroponics method in agriculture department. Life stock and poultry will be
maintained by robotic technology in Agriculture department
Industrial revolution is consisting of many industries like [robotic, computer,
chemical, food, health etc… (see Industries)
We are using these materials because they are radiation resistant and can be easily
found. As Europa does not have or contain any materials or minerals we have to extract
titanium and steel from the moon .Although the cost for transportation will be more but
we have to bear as there is no material available near to our settlement.
To decrease the cost of transportation we will should send only qualified persons
to build our space settlement
Qualified persons
Computer programmers 5
Communications 6
Managers 5
technicians 6
Doctors 4
Biologists 4
Mechanics 15
Nutrition specialists 5
Total 100
No one can live without gravity. In space, we can produce artificial gravity by
spinning the settlement, the centrifugal force which acts on the settlement will pull the
inhabitants outside, and by this process we can provide artificial gravity. As the torus
rotates in its orbit, centrifugal force is created and hence gravity is also created. The
rotation of the cylinder should not exceed more than 2 rpm. Our colony will rotate in
1rpm which is idle for the human life.
Human life cannot resist rotation more than 2 rpm. So, we choose the rotation rate as
1rpm which helps the human life. 0g is enjoyable for a limited period of time. For a long
period of time, staying in 0g will affect the body parts of human beings. That is the
reason a few astronauts become weak when they come back to earth from space. The
rotating cylinder and the torus below the cylinder will have 1g. The rotating cylinder will
also rotate the sphere, torus and the other torus to create 1g gravity. Hence you can enjoy
in the 0g and you can live a life similar to on earth.
The present agricultural practices are inefficient to meet the needs of growing
population. These agricultural practices require a lot of space to grow it requires larger
amounts of nutrients and fertile soil, for this crop growing in space can be as economical
as possible. This process need not to bring soil from the earth. So another system of
growing plants can be advised.
Food is a substance which provides nutritional support to the body of any living
being. It is usually of plant or animal origin. It contains of nutrients which is essential for
living like carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, proteins or minerals. Cereal grain is a staple food
which that provides more food energy than any other type of crop. Many plants or parts
of plants are eaten as food. Around 2,000 plant species are cultivated for food. Animals
are used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce. Meat is an
example of a direct product taken from an animal, which comes from muscle systems or
from organs.
So to provide sufficient food to the people we will grow the plants in our
settlement through hydroponics method. As bring it is difficult to bring soil from the
earth and this will also increase the cost for transportation. So to decrease the cost we
will grow the crop through hydroponics method.
With soil as a buffer, any failure to the hydroponic system leads to rapid plant
death. Other disadvantages include pathogens attacks such as damp-off due to
Verticillium wilt caused by the high moisture levels associated with Hydroponics and
over watering of soil based plant. Also, Hydroponics plants require different fertilizers
and containment systems.
Energy is the source which helps to do the work more easily and with more facilities.
To generate electricity we can use solar energy.
Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar
depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar
techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness
the energy.
Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials
with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that
naturally circulate air.
Solar energy is free although there is a cost in the building of ‘collectors’ and other
equipment required converting solar energy into electricity or hot water. Solar energy can
be used in remote areas where it is too expensive to extend the electricity power grid.
Many items such as calculators and other low power consuming devices can be
powered by solar energy effectively. It is estimated that the world’s oil reserves will last
for 30 to 40 years. On the other hand, solar energy is infinite (forever).
Solar energy can be used in remote areas where it is too expensive to extend the
electricity power grid. Solar collectors, panels and cells are relatively expensive to
manufacture although prices are falling rapidly.
Agriculture of rising domesticated animals and are known as live stock and food
and labor etc are setting to produce the commodities for the better usage. Poultry or
farmed fish does not involve in this discussion of the article even though these main
poultry, are commonly known for livestock.
Narrowly or broadly it is defined for the term livestock. On a border site, we can
see that it will be referring the population of animals and breeds kneepan by our humans
for a commercial purpose or for usage.
We can indicate some animals like domestic or captive wild or semi-domestic. But
semi-domesticated refer only the animals which are lightly domesticated or disputed
condition. Domestication is the process for this population only.
A balanced diet plays an important role in our life. An imbalanced diet leads to
health problems. So every person should take balanced diet, everyone should get
awareness of their health.
The kinds of food that a person or animal usually eats a limited range of food eaten
in order to lose weight or for medical reasons.
There is a chart showing the balanced diet in the settlement. Is given below:-
The poultry members are Galloanserae (fowl), especially the main order is
Galliformes and the family Acaridae in order Passeriformes, and it is commonly known
as "waterfowl" and the examples are domestic ducks and domestic geese .
The chick farming is used generally for describing the term poultry. As
the food which is supplied to the other than plants .But it should be based on the animal
products. There are poultry farms , which help us in space to farm where they provide a
nutritious food to the special breeds of birds which were kept in cages for a long time
and where huge protected areas .
The birds like pigeons or doves or birds which where killed for their
meat will be considered as a game for an example pheasants. There provides an egg
production which is stimulated for lighting. More than the vegan (A person who does not
eat or use animal products) food items is required to a healthy nutrition. And it is the one
most main and major activity for all us. And a major problem is transportation and
moving from space to earth is a costly affair for us. We should construct a farm in our
space settlement for decreasing transport and we can build the farm in upper torus of
HAMS for a better farming
A good source of high quality and proteins is provided by 'Fish' and which have
many vitamins and minerals. They are classified into three types i.e., white fish, oily fish
and shellfish. Whitefish have haddock and seer, contain very little fat but usually less
than 1% whereas oily fish have sardines, contain between 10-25% only. The shellfish, as
a consequence of its high fat content, contain a range of fat-soluble vitamin A, vitamin D,
vitamin E and vitamin K and important greasy acids, which are crucial for the vigorous
functioning of the body."
We can take species of various fishes from their category. And we can reproduce
them in our farm by constructing a pond or well. The farm is been constructed on the
agriculture torus.
Fish farming:-
An aquaculture is the form of fish farming, while added methods may fall under
mar culture. Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures,
mostly for food. A facility that leaves the juvenile fish into the wild for recreational
fishing otherwise to insert a new species like natural numbers is generally referred to
fish hatchery.
Oxygen is the important part of our life, without it we can’t live. Oxygen was first
produced on the earth by blue-green algae and plants. We can also supply the oxygen
produced from the plants in the agricultural part. But it is not sufficient to the inhabitants
who live in the settlement.
2H2O 2H2 + O2
The reactions above will give us oxygen. But the last one is convenient for us as it
is the decomposition of water and oxygen. The Hydrogen which is produced can send out
through threshers which are located on the bottom of our settlement. This will reduce the
use of nitrogen which will be supplied.
The first reaction is the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide which produces water
and oxygen. But we can’t find Hydrogen peroxide in Jupiter’s atmosphere. The second is
the decomposition of Calcium Hypochlorite which produces calcium chloride and
oxygen which is not present in the atmosphere of any planet. The third reaction is the
decomposition of
Each person breathes 7-8 liters per minute and 11,000 liters of air per day so for
15000 accommodates we should provide 165000000 liters of air per day. 100 kg of water
produce 88.8 kg of oxygen (approximately 89 kg). This can be provided to 11.125
residents per minute (approximately 11 residents per minute). For 15000 residences we
need 120000 kg of oxygen per minute. So we need approximately 134831 kg of water per
minute it means 485391600 kg of water per day only to produce oxygen.
And the pipes will be sending into the shafts of the torus B. These shafts will be
connected will the Torus A and Torus B. There will be holes in the pipes which allow
oxygen to travel into the torus.
The main problem is the carbon dioxide. ‘Where we should send the carbon
dioxide?’ this is the main question that everyone gets into mind. We will send the carbon
dioxide to the plant as it performs photosynthesis with the help of water carbon dioxide
and sunlight. But ‘how do we send the carbon dioxide to the crop?’ To send the carbon
dioxide to the crop there will be some sensors in the Torus.
These sensors will catch the carbon dioxide and will send to the plant. There will
be separate pipelines to send carbon dioxide. These will be connected to the torus A of
the agricultural part. The excess carbon dioxide can be released out with the help of
Water is the basic need of people. Without water living beings cannot live. Water
is a chemical compound with the chemical formula H2O. Water is also present in the
form of ice in earth and also in the space. Europa nearer to our settlement is full of ice.
So we will bring water from that moon. There will be a machine which will break the ice
We also have a specially designed EWCT {Europa’s water carrier tanker} ship
which will carry water from Europa to our settlement.
The process by which the changing of waste materials into a new products is called
recycling .And to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption
of fresh raw materials and water, energy and air reduce are also known as recycling and.
And also reducing the need of our conventional waste disposal, and also lower
greenhouse gas that emissions the plastic production also. This recycling can be done in
our space settlement on agriculture and animal husbandry torus of upper torus.
Water is essential for our life and so it is a secure treatment for the wastewater
.And it is also a key point our water cycle. There is a way to dispose the wastewater by
dipping into the nearest watercourse in space settlement. The watercourse is present in
agriculture and animal husbandry torus for our recycling of water in our space settlement.
Recycle water is known as reclaimed water also. It can be treated to eradicate the
solids and also assured as impurities and also used for unsustainable landscaping for our
irrigation also otherwise to revitalize groundwater aquifers.
The reason for these processes is sustainability as well as water conservation, more
willingly than discharging the treated water to the surface waters of our settlement such
as agriculture and animal husbandry.
The industrial activity is the activity which produces the waste is called industrial
waste .It includes many materials which are rendered for the outset of this industrial
revolution. The industrial waste is clean water tainted which is used as sewage treatment
also. The process of the factories, mills and mines are useless during this manufacturing.
The industrial wastes are industrial solid waste, chemical waste, toxic waste and
municipal solid waste also. And the industrial waste recycling can be done in agriculture
and animal husbandry torus of our space settlement.
The mechanisms and processes used to treat waste water have been contaminated
in such way that the anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its issue
into the environment or its re-use are known as industrial wastewater recycling. There is
a solution for treating this industrial waste water it is brine treatment. Where this process
will be done it is given in industry waste water.
Brine treatment:-
This treatment can half in recycling wastewater in our space settlement and it is
known as brine treatment. This treatment involves in destroying the dissolved salts from
the waste stream. Even though it involves in this similarities like seawater and brackish
water waste for this desalination existing also.
There are four types in this industrial water recycling they are:-
The water treatment is used to optimize mainly water based industries process for
an instance like heating, cooling, processing, cleaning, and rinsing and so as a result we
have manage the costs and risks because too high .
Stream boilers which will help us corroding the upper scale and depositing the
more fuel for the need of heating the same amount of water and it examples are
Legionnaires ‘disease , fatal consequence , semiconductors etc and products like
beverages, pharmaceuticals. Here domestic water can become unsafe to drink if proper
hygiene measures are neglected.
Cooling water treatment can be used as boiler water treatment also but in this process we
have to use corride for down scale and we have untreated the warm for this dirty water and they
can contain bacteria to grow and this process will be involved in the Legionnaires ‘and this
process is again used here also for this there is a water treatment which should be improving in
quality and quantity of water contacting and manufactured product also.
Cooling water treatment also have an another process called microbes but they increase to
warm the organic nutrients while the cooling towers are very resourceful for the air scrubbers and
there are called microbial soup for the collection of the different dust water like flies, grass and
fungal spores. This process also can be used in space but it is somewhat effective, so better to use
the first process in space settlement.
Sewage treatment can be dividing into two different occurs they are:-
Scaling occurs
Corrosion occurs
Scaling occurs
It will be in chemistry and temperature conditions are such that the dissolved
mineral salts in the water are caused to precipitate and form solid deposits are called
scaling occurs. There is fine silt and it can also build up inner layers on the metal surfaces
of these systems only. There is a problem for this scale like scale thickens which wastes
energy. It also narrows pipe widths and therefore increases the energy used in pumping
the water through the pipes.
Corrosion occurs:-
The parental metal oxidizes which occurs during the gradually the integrity of the
plant equipment is compromised are called corrosion occurs. And for this corrosion
products they cause so many similar problems for a scale but corrosion can also lead to
leaks and it will be pressurized in the system and Also lead to catastrophic failures.
If we see use of Physics then we will come under how the gravity level will maintain in
space. If we do research we can go under so many things, so keeping this all maters so
even research is also very important. We hope the concepts of this research will be very
helpful. The children will get more creative thing say doing this research. I we can make
so many discoveries. The research can lead to many new discoveries. We can provide
many laboratories and materials required to try or to invent new substances which are
very helpful for human life.
We all know that research is useful but there so many ways that we can get benefits even
in space. If we consider any subject like Biology then first we should see does the plant
got sufficient water or not.
In Europa we can find water sources. We can generate electricity this one of the
example to prove that the research is very helpful even in space. There are so many
advantages even now the elected bulb which was invented by THOMAS ALVA
EDISON is a live example. Even early mans also did inventions today the human
civilization is developed from the stage of early man. The scientific reasons say that there
used to be early mans after discovery of fossils of Dinosaurs. There are scientific reasons
for it. So in this way we can conclude that research is very usefully.
The gadgets are the most important things in our space settlement they cover wide
range of products of Technology
Intelligent glass
Multifunctional glass
Multifunctional phones
Multifunctional tablets
Electronic paper
Transport vehicles
Mirrors are used in our settlement in many ways they are:-
Windows are used to allow oxygen from outside to the house in the settlement and
to send carbon dioxide out.
Tables are made using the intelligent glasses because they can be used as tablets
because to do any work in the home by drinking coffee or tea.
Computers are used in several ways in our settlement they can be used to control
robots of agriculture, industries and home use and to control the atmosphere and the
rotational mechanism etc.
Multifunctional glass…
The size of glass will be 10 centimeters in height and 25 in width. The intelligent
glass have multitude of task we can send images sending message games internet
browsing phoning much more this glass is specially design for settlement we can directly
contact with earth. The intelligent glass will have owner’s information finger prints DNA
and much more.
There will be specialized telescope it will be on top of our settlement. We can
observe Jupiter and solar system. They will be specialized telescopes for inhabitants in
our settlement. They can also observe the universe with the help of those telescopes.
They will be available at the HAMS Science Library. And they are also situated in the
entertainment part of our settlement.
They are connected with HAMS telescope in the outer space which allows
observing the space.
The space settlement had to use the help of robots. Our settlement is depending on
robots directly or indirectly. Robots are the most important part of our settlement. They
are 5 types of robots in our settlement.
Transport robots
Agriculture robots
Industrial robots
Medicine robots
House holding and cleaning robots
Lunar mining robots
Transport robots
We have to move from one place to another in our settlement. So the vehicles are
operated by robots. Robots are used in many ways in our settlement.
Agriculture robots
The robots are use in agriculture fields. They will collect fruits and vegetables
from plants by using their robotic hands.
Medicine robots…
The medical robots are use full in surgery diabetes and many operations.
Operations will be done with the help of robots and surgeons. Even they will make
medicine in factories
These specialized robots are made for house holding and cleaning:-
House cleaning
Baby sitting
Cloth cleaning
Garbage disposal
House reparation
The industry is helpful in the protection of goods for sale application of human and
mechanical power. In our settlement industries will be working with the help of robotic
technology two make the work easier in our settlement.
Computer industries
Computer will play important role in our settlement the main system will storage
capacity it will be able to control everything in settlement. The computer industry will be
advance which will develop unique software in the industries.
Robotic industries
Robotic industries is very important in our settlement all humans will depend on
robots that’s why in industry there will be a head robot to control the industries the
humans will also control the industries. Robots are very important in our settlement that’s
why industries will produce advance technology robots.
Food industries
Without food no human being can’t live that’s why we are produce good and
hygienic food for people. We should make a delicious food for our people so the
intelligent robot will help to make a delicious food. Robots will make all dishes and serve
to the people in our settlement. There will be 70% of food factories and plans in
agriculture department
Chemical industries
The industries will convert raw materials into new products by using many
chemicals. The industries make new chemicals by using different types chemical Robots
will dictated by humans to do work in proper way
Communication is most important for human life. No human can live without
communication so we specially designed INTILIGENT TABLETS to connect people of
settlement with the people of earth. This will be used to communicate with the people in
HAMS. This will be useful for the inhabitants of HAMS.
With the help of intelligent tablets we can chat, share videos, video calls, browsing
and etc. These tablets can be used as the keys for the security locks. The owners of these
tablets will be connected by the ITSD (Intelligent tablets security device). If anyone
steals or loses the tablet they can find out their tablets by using this ITSD
Smart Phones
HAMS Computers
Smart phones
These phones are used everywhere in the in HAMS. Here the phones will be under
microchips. If the chips come contact with air, then they will become the touch screen on
the air and they can communicate with each other. These smart phones will be available
at the HAMS telecommunication shapes.
HAMS Computers
These computers can do any work such as, office work, home use, school
education. These computers are specially designed for the people in HAMS. They can
directly communicate with the people in the Earth.
The education is most important part of our life our space settlement is building
the next generation of space leaders and improving the overall quality of education
through teachers, students and community programmers that use space themes to
improve student’s interest and skills in space based sciences.
Here the students will learn specially about MATHAMATICS, PHYSICS AND
Elementary schools
There will be 6 subjects for elementary school students. Each student will study in
play school for 7 years.
Middle School
In middle school there will be 8 subjects. This middle school is for 4 years.
High School
In high school there will be 8 subjects. Each student has to study for 3 years
Almost the subjects of the high school are equal to the subjects of University.
Other educational institutions will be situated in the city composition. These will be
computer science educational system which will deal with the controlling of robots, in
this field there will be the following subjects.
This travels is organized by the HAMS head office, Here all vehicles re handled by
the people. The traffic rules are like the rules in the earth. The one who doesn’t follow
the rules will be punished severely.
There will be models of the transport vehicles. Our inhabitants can select any one of
the model s of the vehicles. There will be a HTP (HAMS Traffic Police) in every lane.
They will take care of all vehicles in HAMS.
Transport from one place to another place inside the space settlement
Transport outside the space settlement
Most of the vehicles will be made of modern technology and these vehicles will
cover more distance in less time.
As every country, state needs a political system. We are also introducing political
system in our settlement. We will have a prime minister who will be elected by the
people and the president will be selected by the members of parliament. This will help
people to maintain peace .every torus will have an in charge who will be in the control of
prime minister. If the people are not satisfied with any of the leader then they can replace
the leader.
If any one of the leaders does not follow the rules of HAMS they will be removed
from the post and will be placed by another leader. And the leader who will commit
mistake will be punished severely.
All the laws will be based on “What the people are lost by other person?” And to
keep the environment of HAMS safely
Beginning with the law regarding all aspects of people on settlement should be
given certain laws. All the people know that space is a better way of living as similar as
earth. So HAMS guides in a better to lead the live in space as similar as earth.
These are some of the general laws. To implement the rules of HAMS we have given
some rules the inhabitants in the settlement.
Note: - The last or 7th point is only an optional rule which people can follow or not.
A doctor represents a great society which helps a person to secure his life or cure
from injuries. So if we increase the medicinal robots then people can live in a peaceful
manner. The temperatures should be maintained as similar as earth. So that not only
young people but also the aged people can also live without any kind of pressure in the
case of temperature. Even the medicine plays a significant role.
The medicines which are invented should be crated according to the temperature, so
some of the medicines of earth can also be used in the settlement. The medicinal robots
should be placed in all the places and each robot should be placed in definite place. The
hospitality ability will be decreased. We all know that hospitals are frequently used for
any medicinal use. The robots (medicinal robots) can immediately cure the medicinal
problem. So HAMS can offer a better medicinal system.
This climate is maintained by sensors will be located at every part of our settlement.
But in Agricultural torus the climate is changed after every harvest to grow other types of
crops. The previous crop will be stored in the HAMS food stage place in the Agricultural
How the transition season is maintained? This is the most common question that
every person gets into his mind. The meaning of transition is ‘to change’. When the
seasons are changed from winter to summer or summer to winter the clime should change
slowly not suddenly. If it changes suddenly then the people will not face the same climate
as earth.
To change this climate slowly the sensors are programmed to change the
temperature slowly. But in the earth the temperatures are not same in all places they
differ from one place to another so we should also change the temperature of the different
parts of the main torus to different temperatures.
In Winter Season : -
In Transition season
Homes are specially designed for better comforts. The homes are designed in
robotic technology.
Ordinary houses
Luxury houses
Bed room
Wash room
Drawing room
Bed room
Wash room
Bed room
Wash room
Store room
The specially designed anti theft scanner is designed for best security
of our settlement house. Here is the specially designed anti theft scanner
Camera recoding
Voice frequency
Entertainment is important for everyone. Without entertainment life is boring. To
have entertainment in settlement we made an entertainment zone in our settlement. So
that people can enjoy in settlement. In entertainment zone there will be:-
7.4982258 x 107 m3
Central Cylinder 2.34872 x 107 m2
6.915030460000001 x 107 m3
Torus A 2127701.68 m2
TOTAL $ 20,211,600,000,000
TOTAL 16,225,000
All our Earth countries managed to receive the high amount of money we needed
to construct our HAMS. And we also consider that all costs for our HAMS will be worth
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