Inter-Company Resource Related Billing
Inter-Company Resource Related Billing
Inter-Company Resource Related Billing
This wiki describes how the project expenditures (time and T&L) of employees from different
company codes can be invoiced to the leading company code of the project, using Intercompany Resource Related Billing and Inter-company invoicing functionalities.
A project is carried out by a leading company code, which is responsible for the project from the
customer perspective. The leading company code invoices the customer and follows the P&L of
the project. Employees from other company codes of the same group work on the same project
and post some T&L expenditures. The purpose of this scenario is to show how the expenditures
of these employees can be posted on the project, and invoiced to the leading (requesting)
company code, on the basis of actual costs.
Master data preparation
Create intra group customer for requesting company code in the supplying company code.
Create intra group vendor for supplying company code in the requesting company code.
Configure DIP profile
The purpose of the DIP (Dynamic Items Processor) profile, transaction code ODP1, is to create
a billing request, on the basis of planned or actual costs posted on the project. In our scenario,
the source has to be "Inter-company - Line items", in order to select only inter-company costs.
The usage is "1 Billing and result analysis".
In "Characteristics", the "Object Number of Original Object" has to be flagged.
Configure inter-company invoice
The purpose of this step is to create an inter-company invoice, on the sales organization of the
supplying company code. The bill-to is the internal customer number assigned to the requester
company code. The inter-company invoice is created with reference to the debit note request,
generated from DP93 transaction. The output type RD04 enables to create an INVOIC idoc
which will post automatically the invoice receipt in the books of the requester company code.
SD intercompany customizing (IMG /Sales & Distribution /Billing/Intercompany billing):
Define order type for intercompany billing
Assign organizational unit by plant
Define internal customer number by sales organization
Automatic posting to vendor account (SAP EDI)
FI configuration for posting of invoice receipt:
Transaction OBCA : assign requesting company code to vendor number of the supplying
company code, with partner type LI (vendor).
Transaction OBCB: enter the goods/service number. The character * can be entered by default.
Transaction OBCD : determine the tax rate and tax code for each combination vendor/tax
type/country (=country where the service is rendered).
Transaction OBCE: provide indicators for the transfer (such as posting keys, tax calculation...).
IDOC configuration (cf SAP note 31126)
Transaction code WE20
Create partner profile for vendor (supplying company code) with message type INVOIC,
message variant FI; define inbound parameters
Create partner profile for customer (requesting company code) with message type INVOIC,
message variant FI; message type INVOIC01, define outbound parameters; assign IDOC basic
An open intercompany sales order is needed as reference for further debit requests creation.
This intercompany sales order has to be created in the sales organization of the supplying
company code. The customer is internal customer number assigned to the requesting company
In the requirement class, the account assignment category has to be "E". Otherwise, you get the
error message "Sales and distribution document item is not account assigned to itself" (see SAP
note 1343813).
Launch resource related billing between company codes
Transaction code DP93. Enter the open intercompany sales order as a parameter.
Check costs and sales price determination
EK01 condition type needs to be assigned to the pricing procedure of the sales order in order to
collect actual costs. EK01 condition also needs to be assigned to the sales document type in
transaction ODP4.
The intercompany price can be calculated by applying a mark up on EK01, or can be
determined from pricing access sequence.
Create intercompany invoice
The intercompany debit note is created with reference to the debit note request.
Create internal invoice receipt
The internal invoice receipt is created by EDI, triggered from output type RD04 in the
intercompany invoice.