Lsdyna User Group
Lsdyna User Group
Lsdyna User Group
Cohesive in lsdyna
Some notes that may be of help:
For zero thickness cohesive elements in solid element modeling, you
would model the cohesive elements as if there were a thickness with the
nodes being shared (eight different nodes) with each part being joined.
You may need a contact definition between the two parts being joined to
address post-failure interaction.
If you are using shell element modeling, you want at least the shell
thickness gap representation for the cohesive element thickness.
8. Element type 20 is identical to element 19 but with offsets for use
with shells. The element is assumed to be centered between two layers
of shells on the cohesive element's lower (1-2-3-4) and upper (5-6-7-8)
surfaces. The offset distances for both shells are one half the initial
thicknesses of the nodal pairs (1-5, 2-6, 3-7, and 4-8) separating the
two shells. These offsets are used with the nodal forces to calculate
moments that are applied to the shells.
----------------------------------Davila, C.G., Camanho, P.P., and Turon, A., "Cohesive Elements for
Shells", NASA/TP-2007-214869, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, April, 2007.
Davila, C.G., Camanho, P.P., and Turon, A., "Effective Simulation
of Delamination in Aeronautical Structures Using Shells and Cohesive
Elements", Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 663-672, MarchApril, 2008.
Some comments from a previously posted, similar question:
-----------------------------------------------The simplest approach might be to renumber (rename) the d3plot files for
each process. For example, process #1, d3plot101 to d3plot121, process #2,
d3plot201 to d3plot221, process #3, d3plot301 to d3plot321, etc. Then put
all in one directory file for reading. LS-PrePost is not bothered with
missing numbers for d3plot121 to d3plot201, d3plot221 to d3plot301, etc.
-----------------------------------------------You might look at this tool:
-----------------------------------------------You might look at the "Model Chaining" option discussed in these LS-PrePost
--------------------------------------------"LS-PrePost Overview", 12th International LS-DYNA Users Conference,
Dearborn, Michigan, June, 2012.
--------------------------------------------Ho, P., "New Features in LS-PrePost and its Future Development", 11th
German LS-DYNA Forum, Ulm, Germany, October, 2012.\
--------------------------------------------Some additional notes on "Model Chaining":
Ho, P., "Current Features and Developments of LS-PrePost", 6th European
LS-DYNA Users Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, May, 2007.
Perhaps the following may be of some interest:
Seram, S.B., "Use of SPH and Lagrangian Meshing Technique to Assess Damage
Area in Bumper Shields Impacted by Hypervelocity Space Debris", Master's
Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University,
Wichita, Kansas, May, 2007.
When I move a part of the model to another Part ID,the nodes are
automatically merged. There is no option available to move without merging.
As such, are there any ways to "unmerge" the nodes?
Another amateurish question. Say for example I know the exact coordinates of
the nodes hidden inside the model, how do I get the corresponding nodal
To answer your question,
If you are just "moving" elements to a new part via EleTol->MovCpy, the nodes will not get merged automatically,
unless they were already merged before the operation movcpy. By doing "movcpy", just the "PID" column in
*ELEMENT_option will get the new intended PID assigned to it.
If you want to detach elements, then you could use EleTol->DetEle and select the elements that you want to get
detached from its neighboring elements and then hit "Apply". That should "unmerge" the nodes at the selection
I don't know of a way to find the node-id's using the coordinates as a search criteria, I am not sure if any other preprocessor can do that, even to search manually (graphically or via a text editor)
downloaded Tutor.chm and Documentation .chm files for LS- PREPOST 4.0 and installed them. I can access them
through the help menu and all the topics are listed. However, there is no content under the topics and it display the
message " Navigation to the webpage was cancelled".
Are there any suggestions to overcome this?
Ans- please click the document with right mouse->click"property"->unlock.
Cartesian to cyclindrical
i have simulated metal spinning process in ls-dyna....but in the d3plot the
stress are coming in cartesian form i.e in x,y and z directions...i want those stresses in cylindrical co-ordinates i.e
tangential,circumferential and radial directions, is there any method to convert cartesian coordinates into cylidrical
First define a cylindrical system under Post->Settings->Local Coord Sys->Cyl->Create. Now when you plot the x, y &
z-stresses in FCOMP, they correspond to r, phi and z-stresses.
----------how to highlight (find) nodes or elements within a specified range (e.g. from ND1 to ND2)?
I have tried to input "1:10" into the text field labeled "Nd/El/Part ID:" under "EleTol -> Find"
Please download the latest version of lsprepost, with new implementation of selection based on range. For your case,
you should try "ident node 1:10".
Some of the new features that work with "ID range",
1. color pid p1:p2 red green blue <- Set color for the parts with r g b values, r,g,b should be between 0.0 to 1.0
e.g. color pid 500000:550000 0.45 0.2 0.8
e.g. color pid 500000:550000 <- in the case when rgb values are omitted, it will use whatever set in the color box
in the color interface
2. m 500000:550000 display all the parts in this range
3. transp pid p1:p2 tfp <- set transparency for the range of parts with tfp value, tfp should be between 0.1 to 0.99
e.g. transp pid 500000:550000 0.75
4. grparts pid p1:p2 groupname <- create a group with parts in the range, groupname is the group name
e.g. grpart pid 500000:550000 mygroup1
apply pre-load to the bolt and then to perform transient dynamic analysis of the structure
A detailed vehicle rubber mount coupled with failure criteria and initial
bolt preloading (3D model) was investigated for impact loading:
Park, S.U., Koka, M.R., Thomson, K.R., and Robbins, J.L., "A FE Modeling
and Validation of Vehicle Rubber Mount Preloading and Impact Response", 8th
International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, May, 2004.
Two modeling techniques were developed: (1) a discrete-spring based clamping model with several rigid parts, and (2) a stress based clamping model
with deformable elements to account for bolt preload in studying the joint
slippage behavior:
Reid, J.D., and Hiser, N.R., "Detailed Modeling of Bolted Joints with Slippage", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 41, Issue 6, pp. 547-562,
March, 2005.
Five different methods of applying preload in the nonlinear finite element
analysis were evaluated. Those methods were "force on bolt and nut", "force
on bolt shank", "interference fit", "thermal gradient" and "initial stress
OToole, B., (Nakalswamy) Karpanan, K., and Feghhi, M., "Experimental and
Finite Element Analysis of Preloaded Bolted Joints Under Impact Loading",
AIAA 2006-1757, 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Materials Conference, Newport, Rhode Island, Vol. 3, pp. 2024-2032, May,
Three-point bending tests were conducted to evaluate different bolt
materials. Bolt preload or stress initialization was simulated using the
implicit solver for two separate analyses:
Lou, K.-A., and Perciballi, W., "Finite Element Modeling of Preloaded Bolt
Under Static Three-Point Bending Load", 10th International LS-DYNA Users
Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, June, 2008.
The transient behavior of structures with bolted joints subjected to
impact or shock loads using experimental methods and numerical analysis
was analyzed. Various factors that affect the response of the bolted joint
structures for shock loading were studied, such as damping, preload,
intensity of impact load and type of FE modeling:
Nakalswamy, K.K., "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Structures with
Bolted Joints Subjected to Impact Load", Ph.D. Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, May, 2010.\
"Preloads in LS-DYNA", LS-DYNA Aerospace Working Group, Livermore Software
Technology Corporation, Livermore, California.
nodal thickness values in ascii file format-write out the element data via (Output>ELEMENT/ELEMENT_THICKNESS->Write) 1. Firnge->Misc->shell thickness.
2. Go to "Output"->toggle "Nodal Results"->curr->Write.
you can output nodal displacements via several different ways (refer to *database_history_node_local).
Have you looked into this option?
You can also use LSPrePost to create a local system via Post->Setting->Local-Coord-System->Create>Apply and then plot the displacements from History->Nodal->Displacements in that local coordinate
system. And once you have the plot, you can write the xy-data to a ASCII file.
The kinetic energy quantities in the MATSUM and GLSTAT files may differ
slightly in values for several reasons. First, the energy associated with
added mass (from mass-scaling) is included in the GLSTAT calculation, but
is not included in MATSUM. Secondly, the energies are computed element by
element in MATSUM for the deformable materials and, consequently, nodes
which are merged with rigid bodies will also have their kinetic energy
included in the rigid body total. Furthermore, kinetic energy is computed
from nodal velocities in GLSTAT and from element midpoint velocities in
MATSUM. As for the global rigid body velocities (x,y,z-rbv) provided in 'glstat',
these values are made from the momentum equation (nodal values) of all
parts having a mass, no matter whether they have a velocity or not:
global x-rbv = sum(nodal mass * nodal x-vel)/sum(nodal mass)
Likewise for global y and z rigid body velocities.
The rigid body velocities in 'matsum' is similarly calculated as that
given in 'glstat' for the complete system of parts:
x-rbv = sum(nodal mass * nodal x-vel)/sum(nodal mass)
Likewise for y-rbv and z-rbv.
set sphere style for the EFG part. You do that under "Model and Part" - "Appearance" - "Sphere" and
select the part.
Element Generation feature which is under Mesh menu. Shells can be created on the outer surface of the solid
component or on every face of the solid element.
Mesh->ElGen->Shell->From Solid Surface (or) From Solid face->Pick elements->Apply->Accept->Done.