Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear (Danst) : Transmissions
Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear (Danst) : Transmissions
Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear (Danst) : Transmissions
Fred B. Oswald
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio
Irebert R. Delgado
Vehicle Propulsion Directorate
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio
August 1996
Fred B. Oswald
NASA Lewle Research Center
Cleveland, Ohl¢ 44135
In)belt R. Delgado
Vehicle Propulsion Oimctormte
US Army Research Laboratory
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
DANST is a FORTRAN coa'rl_tcr program for static and dynamic analysis of spur gear systems. The program can
be used for para.ngu'ic studie_ to predict the static transmission error, dynamic load, tooth bending stress and otber
properties of spur gears as they age influenced by otmating speed, torque, stiffncss, damping, inertia, and tooth
DANST performs geometric modeling and dynamic analysis for }ow- of high-contact-ratio spur gears. DA,WST
can simulate gear systems with contact ratios ranging from one to three. It was designed to be easy to use and it _s
ext=n_ively documented in several previous reports _nd by comments in the source code. This report de_ribes
installing and using a .ew PC venion of DANST, covers input d_a requirements and pt'esonts examples.
Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear Transmissions (DANST) is a computer program for spur gear systen'n. The
pfosram calculates the properties of system components and substitutes them into the governing equations to solve
for dynarnh: tooth loads, tonth bending smesses and ocher engineering properties. DA,NST-PC runs on personaJ
computers with the following minimum requirengnts: 386 or later, 640 KU men_, co-prucessor, VGA graphics,
DOS operating system.
DANST is basedon a four-degree.of-freedom, lumped-mats model of t gear ttammission. The model includes
driving and driven gear_, connecting shafls, motor, and load. The equations of ruction were derived from basic
getr geometry and elementary vibration principles. "I_e dynamic mlution is found by integrating the equa*.i(lns of
motion. References 1.]4 describe the model, method of solution and parsme_c smdie,s performed using DAI_ST.
DANST provides the user with n_my options including: (1) Materials, _ic Ig_Lrgeogx_t_, and operating
coalitions; (2) Varies ctwnbinations of tooth profiles (including three standard form_ of tip relief or user.digiti2ed
_'oftle modificatiocu)_ (3) Stt_ti¢ and dynamic analysis; and (d) Various printed and plotted outputs.
The previons vmions (through DANST 2.0x) were for mainly.me corn_ten_. DANST-PC runs on persoc_
computers. DANST-PC improves modeling of tooth comact condif ons by c,onaidering that tooth de_ under
load extend._ the contact zone. (Contact extension can be _'es_l for compatibility with ptevions versions. See
the notes below for the input variable boin.) DANST-PC adds the ability to model nou-standard tooth proportions
and non-standard c_*t di_mce. For optional uk-r-difitized tooth profiles, an external preprocessor program is
no longer needed. The input data f¢,_'-m_has changed c_sider_ly for DANST-PC.
[N_t_! "DATA
"I',einpt_ data for DANST must be provided in an input aua file. This file should provide 50 lines of data
including nine "spacer '°lin_. The inlet data must be emered i, the order shown. Data iten_ can be sepurated by
one or mote spaces or by commas. All input dam is in Eaglith cestonmry units. In the table below, the data type is
indictted u C=cluua_e:. I=integer or R=retl. Gear I (pinion) i_ the input end Sear 2 is the output. Once the
program reads the inpu_ dam, the surerca, interacdvely change data item,. H a user-digitized profde _ chosen,
then a _'parate file is required to specify the [xofile data.
* DA.NST models hob cutters. [We may add shaper cutters as a future option.)
* :f =cut--0 then :he offset value will not be used. [You mus_ supply • dJ_ry
val-ue anyway.) Ar.y offset is used to cut the pinion. A positive value means
w.i=hdrawn hod which increases the pinion addend-.u_.. The gear offset is
calculated from. eqaatl.ons listed in Refs. 9 a:3d ii.
* DANST does not use NTc -- it is reserved for a fu--ure (shaper cu---er) option.
(You must supply a value anyway as a place he_def. )
* Ac is the no.-_alized (divided by DP) addend-,ur, for :.he cutters, Values dre
reqd. for beta pinion and gear. The tooth dedendum is --he cutter ,_ddendum
plus Ca"PP. (See Cs descriptxon b(,low.)
* RC-C re_ers to the rounded edge on the --ip of ".he (:utter. The ratio is the
radius of. the --ip dlvida4 by the ciam_trlal pi_ch. Z.% _he example in puu
files, RCEG=S.4 and DP=8, thus ".he cutter radius is C.05". The ac-ual tooth
fit:st radius may range from about 10O-17C _ercent of ".he cutter edge radius.
8 ISpacer) -==> Gear Geometry
9 NT ] Nu._/_ar o_ ?seth: P!nlon, Gear
i0 OD R Outside Dlame_er (_n}: Plnion, Gear
ii Cs R Tooth Clearance [_atio: Pinion, Gear
12 :-'W,BK R Face Width (An), Backlash !in)
* You can enter the cure, ida dla_.eter to control the _ear addendum., or enter zero
end DANST will calculate the OD for you per eqaations given in Ref. 9.
" Ca [s thi_ normalized (._:a[ltipl/.ed Dy DP) tooth clearance ratio. A typica.
value iz C.25
"-3 _Epac_r) ---_> Center ,_ist., Std. or spread on'r.
14 IDC I Can-or Diet Design Code (_-Standar4 :-Exter,ded)
15 CDd R C'_n=sr Distance Ex:onslon (in)
* CDd will be added _.o the ata_da:d center d_atance if -PC= t. -'f ZDC-O,
-her. C_d is not Jsed. {You must supply a val,_s am a _Isc,, holder anyway.)
" _he csn'.'_r diet. m_,d addenda are re_ated Dy eq_anions givel. _n Re_. 9.
16 (Spac:_r) -----;.Gear Materla:. Data
17 E R YOung'S Modulus (p_i) : Pinion, Gee:
18 Poi R Poisaon's Ra--io: Pinion, Gear
• I III I ill, -
19 (Spacer) ===) O_eratlng Parameters
2C AT R Input (pinion) _orque (ib-in)
21 rpml,rpm2 _ Pinion Starting Speed (rpm), Ending Speed (rpm)
22 rpml R S_eed Increment (rp_)
23 Ziube I L_bricat_on Code (1-Bucklngham, 2=_HD)
24 Id_p i Damping Code (0=No Damping, l=Dampinw '_ Friction)
25 ps!G R Gear .Mesh D_ing Coefficient [decimal fraction)
* If you run a single-speed ana]ysis, =hen rpml_rpx2 and rpml is nor used.
(You must supply a value anyway as a place holder.) The max. n'_ber of
increments is 200. This n%unber is: i-_rpm2-rpml)/rpmI.
* The authors generally specify the Buckingham iv2mricatien model for
hlgh-speed, _et lubricated gears. A typical dam_ing coeff, is _.05 to C.15
(5 to 15% of critical damping).
26 (Spacer) ===> inertia and Stiffness Data
27 zJ(1),z3(4) R Inertia (Ib-in-a^2): Xnput (motor) & _=put (Load)
28 zJ(2),z2(3) R Inertia (Ib-in-s^2): Gear-i and Gear-2
29 Ss_if R Torsional Sllffness (in-lb/rad): Znput & Output Shafts
30 (Spacer) .... > Solution & Modlf. Codes
31 Isc_in Z Solution Code (l=static,2_dyr_mic,negative=rigidl
32 Zmod Z Modification Code (-i to 4 conv,none,lin,paral/2,di_i)
33 P_.od R Modlfication Length (or S:&rt): Pinion, Gear
34 A_od R Amount of Modification (in): Pinion, Gear
* If Isoln--i, DANST-PC provides oDly a s=atic solution (natural _¢equencies and
static transmission error); 2 provides both static and dynamic solut]ong:
Negat_ve nt_.r (-I or -,2) suppresses mode._ing of contact extenslon due =o
:seth flexlbi_i:y. This it_ for consis=ency with older versions of DANST.
Con.ven:ional xodif_catio_ (Imod_-i) provides linear tip relief starling at
:he first :ransltion pozn: and ex:ending _o the too=h tip (is: 100% lengzh).
_he ar[ount of relief at =he _ip is e_ual :o the too=h ae[.ection. No modif.,
(:mod=0) means an involu:e profile. Other choices are Linear (imod=i);
Pars_)iic type-i (I;_od=2) in which the trace on a profile chart has zero
slope (tangent :o involu:e) a: the start of m0dlf.; _aramollc type-2 (I_od=3)
in which the trace has infinite slope [vertical) at tooth tip; or user
digitized (:mod=_) profile. =f _ser-digitLzed profile is chosen, _he
profile da:a _as: be enter.d in a _)epar&te file (see below). See Fig. 2 in
rsf. 13 for a comparison of modification types.
You may specify Pmod in either of _wo ways: (i) ss • percentage of =he
length from the firs= contac= transition point t:o the tip. (For iow-co:_:act
ratio gears, _ne fire: transition point is the high _olnt of single tooth
contact. For _igh contac:--ratio gears, it is the nighest point of double
tooth contact.) As an alternative, (2) you may enter the roll _ngle at uhe
start of rm:,dificetion (in de_rees). _£ option (2) is chosen, enter the value
as a h_GATIVE number.
35 (Spacer) ===> Plo= Con=tel Codes
36 :_od I Prc._iie Modification Chart
37 :2def I _oot_ Deflection Curves
38 :Pies I S_atic T_an_mlsslon Error
39 IPteD I Dynamic Trar.s_ission Error
40 IPldS I Szatic Tooth Load
41 _Pld.D X Dy=.a_.ic & Static Tooth Load
42 :_sfS I S:atic Tooth S=iffness
43 :_te?TS I FFT of Static Transmission Error
44 :PteFTD I FTT of Dynamic ?oot:n Load
4_ :Pco_ T Frlctlon Coe_ficlen:
46 :P_q_ T FrlctLon Torque
47 iPdyS I Ds, r,a_,_c S:re_$
48 !PSpd I Dyn&Tic Factor Speed Survey
:i_le :
* Wit.[-,,_ny plot code, C-no plo:, i-plot Lc} device (spool±Led _:low),
2-'pier" to ASC'I file, 3-_>lot :o beth device ar.o flio.
49 (Spacer) ---> Plot {>._tput Dev.ce Code
50 Tdevic¢ : P-o: O,_tput Device Code
* _d*_vlcc Sp_.cifi_ _he device for plots requested above C-VGA screen;
J-_'?._ON ?X-8" printer; _!-,'[? bJ printer; 3-?o-t ._cr_pt File 4-A.,to CAD F±_e
DANST-PC requires data representing any deviations from a perfect involute profile for e_h of 121 tooth contact
po,itions defining theToneoftoothcontact.Actually, theprogrmnrequires two _etsof suchdata:(I)for
undeformed teeth and (2) a,qer the teeth deflect trader the static loud _arrie, d by the gears. (Deflection changes the
contact points between the teeth.) Put'lunate]y, you do not need to lxovide all of d_tsdate. DANST will calculale
much of it for you.
If yon spe_ one of the pre-d.-,fined profiles (conventional, involute, linear, parabolic-l, or parabolic-H), all the
data required is in abe sumdard input f_ described shove. If your gears do noc fit any of the standard profiles
included in the program, you must enter profile data as "digitized" values from a _.parate ilk. You need not
pwvide the actual 121 va/ues needed by the program. You ctn provide a fdc giving only as many points needed to
identify the profile. DANST will calculate the points it needs, using Linear interpolation end exu'apolefion from
the data you provide.
As a very _imple example, ¢omider the pmf'de depicted below This represents an involute with a "high spot".
You can def'me th_ to DANST by providing data (roll angle and deviation) just for the six points marked "x".
DANST will calculate the poim it needs from this data by interpolating or, if needed, exlrapolating. You ca1 also
use a "scale factor" -- for example, in test case IIl below, the authors measured profile deviations from an involute
chartinm/llimeters and thendeterminedthe_trt scale,I0 nun eqmd_ 72.46E-6inches.
• , .X .......... .X X...oo,..,X.o,.
The profile modification data fdc must follow the format prescribed below. All roll anBles are in degrees.
* F'tnt Line: Scale factor for pinion (use 1.0 if dJtutis in inches)
* Next lines: Pinion profile (rain 2, max 121 lines, each containing all angle and deviation)
* Next lme: Indicator for end of pinion data (negative roll _ngie and "dummy" value)
* Next line: Scak factor for gear (sac 1.0 if data is in inches)
* Next lines: C,-earpt_efle (min 2, max 121 fine,, each containing all angle and deviation)
* Last line: Indicator for end of gear d_ta (negative roll angle and "dummy" value)
To demonstrate how to use DANST, we present three t_t cases. Each involves gem teated o_ the NASA gear
noise rig. The rig is powered by nn electric motor driving through a speed- increuing belt drive and a soft
conpIing. A dynamometer produces resisting torque. B_ause of the soft _pling. we end our model u the
c,mpling. Alto, because of the very high dynamometer inertia end compliance of connec_ng shaft=, we did not
h_clude the dynamometer in the model. Table 1 shows the mass and stiffness properties we used to model the
system. Typical lubrication and dttmping parsmetere were treed for this mudysis. Sample data files for the three
test cases tre provided with DANST-PC.
TABLE 1 - Geer Nolee Rig Parametem
Mass Inertia. Inl_ut 0.100 Ib-in-zmc*
Malw Jm_rlhl,Output 0.124 Ib-Jn-a_
Stiffness, ddvlng shaft 150,000 fO-lfl/ril_l/1
8tMn_ut, Ortvenahaft 150,000 Ib-in/radl_
Consider a _ of standard low-contact-rati(_ spur eest gem's with the parsmetaet shown in Table 2. For this
example, we applied a 0.006" cofre_on for the edge break at the tip of the teeth by specifying an outside d_an_tcr
0.012" less than the nominal value. The gears lutve linear tip relief starting at a roll angle of 24.5 degrees with a
total ax_unt (at the tooth tip) of 0.0010". (']3te kngth of modification representsabout 88% of the di._tancefrom
tooth tip to high point of single tooth coetact. We call this an "intermediate" relief zone.)
TABLE :! - Gear Data, Test Cue I
8acldalh 0.007 in
The input dam fii¢ for this example i_ shown below. Comments at the end of each [ine (set off by exclamation
l]larkJ) dclc_bc da_ILitems.
The gears of Test Case I have a very low (0.0003") peak to peak minsmission error at the apec_'_ed torque (700
in-lb). Graphical output for T_ -t Cue I includes one plot of static transmission enor, a,d one plot showirlg both
static and dynamic loads. Figures I and 2 show the plots as prodtx:ed by a laser printer.
_ATIC T'._AN3)/]_510N
Test C_N I. Int,m'l.e]imLe r_.:ef
- 7_,0 i2}-in
.... f ....... 1 F 1 r
'i._ tc,OC it,t'; 10, _iO ti,_ _I. Cl,_ _iClO _i.tC
We also performed I study on the gears of Test Case [ to show how the italic transmiisio, error varie_ with the
torque. The input f'de above was used with a few changes: l,oln=! (sic analysis) tnd the torque was varied.
(Torque or any other input data can be changed interm:tively after the program starts.) Wc "plotted" IO a / file
(by le.ttin
i controlc'od_ to 2). TI_ ides were combined and re.arrangedforan externalploaing program so we
could|slum, "families"of curves rcpn:_ent_nll
varioustorque levels.Resultsof thlsstudy areshown in F.tg.3 a.,t
Map". (Transmission enx_ increasesdownwards, t_e opposi:e of Fig. I.) This method of presenting
transmissionerroritreeonunended by Munro ¢ref15).
DANST-PC can simulnte the effect of getri with non-tumdard tooth propo_icns. Consider ilears with 20/36 teeth
cut with a h_)b shift such Oust the pinion mldendum it incremeed by 0.040" and the gem" addendum clecre_ed by the
same itmoun(. ('The equal and opposite ehanle allows the gem's to operate at the standard center distance.) Other
gear propoftionl are limill; to thoee for Test Case I except the modification amens wis reduced to 0.0008" and
therefore the deaiiln t_rquc was reduced to 500 in-lb. The calculated peak to peak transmission error it again quite
low (0.00005"). The plm of staticand dynamic load (similarto Fig.2 for te_tcase l)Isshown inFig. 4.
II I I l l ., ,,. ,
_¥'nIA_il(_ ,_.N_ _A,_C' TOOTH LOA_
T.- cmN 1, ",Lermc_a_e re_
_peed = _000+0rl_. Tc_ue - "_:.C Lb-L_
S "• _'
7 /
/ t
/ \
, °- _'-T
u 1" v
Rgure 2-Static _d dynamic tooth loads for the geam of rut cs3e !
_" 0.0004
?00 _
u 0_006
figure 3--"Hlrrls rasp" of ete_o trsnemleelon error for the gears o4 test _ I
riyal Toi'gl_x- _0.0 Lb-k-_
-: I T
o /
Diammrial pitch 8
Fa_ewidth 125 In
Band_h 0.0075 _n
Test Case I_ gears have pro/, "elief on bo_h the addendum and dexiendum ,rod therefore do not fear, y of the
standard profiles included in DA_$T-PC. This rneitms pro£!c diua must be entered as digiul values in • separate
input flit. Profile v_dues as estimaw0 from the involute charts are listed in Table 4. (']'he manufacturer's chart for
the pinion i_ reproduced in _ig 5.) The profile relief is very larle for the w_./ue specified, therefor_ the peak to
l_sk u'snsnussion error of 0.00014" is much larger slum in cues 1 and I1. The plotled output (Fig. 6) is s "speed
sweep" sho,,vin$ the normalized maximum dyrutmic load f_cu_r ove_ speeds of 3000 to 8000 rpm. In this figure,
the ordinal¢ Cl'-axis) is labeled "I/KV", This is the reciprocal of th© AG,_L_ dynamic factor K_ and is equal to the
maximum dynamic load divided by the maximum static load.
TABLE 4 - Modlfic04Jon Data for Test Case Ul (Ntimatod from profile chwts)
Plnior_Roll Pinion Pinion Roll Pinion Gear Roll Gear Gear Roll Gear
Angle, cleg Mod, in Angle, deg Mod., in Angle, deg Mod., in Angle, deg Mod., In
5 .00039 21 0,0 8 ,00055 24 .00004
6 .00037 2_ ,00001 9 .00051 25 .00007
7 .0O0'33 23 .0OOO3 10 .00046 26 .00000
8 .00028 24 ,00004 11 .00042 27 .00012
0 ,00022 25 ,00003 12 .00041 28 .00017
10 .00018 26 .O(X)03 13 .00036 29 .00020
11 .00016 27 0.0 14 ,00030 30 .00025
12 .00010 28 ,0o001 15 .00025 31 .00030
13 .(X)OO7 29 .00003 16 .00020 32 .00038
14 .00007 30 .00007 17 .00016 32.5 .00040
15 .00007 31 .00014 18 .00007
16 .(X)O06 32 .00024 19 .00001
17 .00005 33 .00029 20 0.0
18 .00005 34 .00032 20,85 0.0
20.85 O0 23 .00004
< t
_f".. _'q-i-:: : :_,_ _ :' _._," 't" .""._Ygr.' _U: ,; ._Jt,_, .,"._:'C _. r.,'l- • '.1 : " _"
TestC_e 3,ci_,i_ized
o 1 _ T T - T
i" I I J _ T T ! -
_.41 r..5l 0.[sl _. 72 O.e2 0._ I.
_EFf_M_NC_ _P[_.D
Figure 6--$pe_d surv W of dynmmlc load f_tor for the 9Nrm of tm_tmmm$ III
A study Io validate an earlier version of DANST (ver. 2.00) compm-ed analytical resul_ with experimental values
of tooth load and stress CRef. I?). In gereral, the predicu_d _ress is 10to 15 percent less than the measurc, d stress
although the predicted fo_c=s were geaendly within five i_e_nt of measured value. The differences between
analylical and e:tperin_-ntal stress values were atu'/_ to underestimating stress sensitivity.
Reference 13 repom a l'mite element investigation ;o examine differences between DANST stress predic_ons and
swain gage values. The DANST s'_ess values were about six percent leas than the FEM values, This indicates that
the DA_ST stm, sensitivity estimate is _ablc. However. the measured (stntm gage)so'=ssvalues arc
considerably higher than the FEM predictions. The diff..nee for The peak sn'e_ was eighteen percent.
At cerutinhighspeetLt '.he
DANST solution dynamic loads. You canse_son_ of thiseffect
may undercstitrmte in
Fig.2 (testcaseI).Itismuch more prominentata much higherspeedsuchas I00000 rpm (Fig7), However.at
the even higherspeeds of I_0 000 or 200 000 rpm this problem is less apparent. The dynamic load curve in Fig. 7
shows a small jump. This is an m'tifact of numerical error.
DANST can calculate the friction coefficient and frictional torque using either the Buckingham or Anderson and
Lowcnth_ {alsoknown asBenedictand Kelley)EI-rDlubrication models(seeRef,3),Recentexperimental efforts
tomeasuredynamicgeartoothfriction eu_e describedinRcfcrcncc16. We havenotyetattemptedtovalidate the
Teb: C_ !. I_t_m_et* .Llf
Fp.c - 10000.)._ 'fm'q'_e_: 7_.0 _-tn
• r
2 /. "r't
; °-
/ \
2 3¸
_ r,..--_ _,--_
6.() t,_._. :, IG.O0 L_.X ..%.O0 _._ _.,'_ N..(C
Figure 7-_(lmple of uncleretdlnm_sd dynamic Ioed for Teat Cue I gq.trs, 100 000 rpm. 700 In-lb
If you simply wish to use DANST-PC. the only files y(sJ will need are the executable (ESZ) file and perhaps the
"TEST-x.I_" files. 'Ne smggest you create a direcur:y on your disk drive and copy the fil.es [o it. Use s _xt editor
(such as EDIT, provided with DOS 5.0 or later) to prepare input data files. Unless you plan to use the source, code
fdes, you can ignore the rest of this section.
Those who wish to modify or customize the program will need the urar_e cod_. DANST was writ'ten in ANSI
FORTRAN 77 with a few extensions standard in FORTRAN 90. We produced the executable version using the
Micrmo_ FORTRAN compiler. ,_e, ion 5 linked to Plott88 graphics _broutines. We split the source, prt_ram into
three fdcs to avoid exceeding "sta_k" spe_e. The file DAN-PREP.BAT was u_e.,d to automate the compiling and
linking pmca_s. DANST-P_ has also been compiled su_c4_fully with _Iicro_ Power Station FORTRAN.
We expect DANST-PC will cempile succe_dully with most studard FORTRAN 77 or FORTRAN 90 mmpiders.
The graphical portions require commercially available PlotS8 _'aphics library routines: Plotwotks, Inc., 16440
F.agles Ct_Jt Road. Ramona. CA 92065, (619) 457-5090. Users without a_cess to Plot88 who wish to u_ the
analysi_ can delete the graphics portions of the program. DANST.P_ can generate files for s separate ploUing
The threa ".FOR" files contain the FORTRAN source code (about 4500 lines) for DANST-PC. Thcsc include a
mai, prc_am and _everal _ubroutine._. At the beginning of cub subroutine i_ a short desc_ption. The _urce
code must be copir, d to your computer _ystem, compiled and linked. Names for input, ou_ut and temporary data
files built into the program follow DOS naming conventions,
TES?-2. "_N -- Input file for Tee: case ii
T_S?-3. -N -- Input file for Tes: Case =II
TEST- 3.MOD -- Digitized profile cla:a for Tes: Ca_e III
DAN- ?R_. BA_. -- Used to compile and link
DANST- PC.FOR - - Source code No. 1
DA/_ST-2 .FOR -o Source code No. 2
DANST- 3 .FOR -- Source code No. 3
t Lee, C, Lie, H.H., Oswald" t'.B., and Townsend, D.P., 1991, "Influence of Linear Profile Modification and
Loadini; Conditions on the Dymunic Tooth Load and StrcsJ of High Contact Ratio Gears." J. of Mech. Design. Vol
113, No. 4, (NASA-TM- 103136).
2 Lin, H.H., and Huston, R.L., 1986, "Dynamic Loading ¢qnParallel Shaf_ C_.ar,," _ASA CR-179473
3 Lin, H.H., Huston, R.L., and Coy. JJ., 1988. "On Dynamic Loads in Parallel Shaft Transmissions: Part I -
Modeling and Analysis," AS.ME Trans., I. of Mechaaisms, Transm. and Automation in Design, Vol. 110, No. 2,
pp. 221-225 (NASA-TM-100IS0).
4 Lin, H.H., Huston, RL., and Coy, JJ., 1988, "On Dynamic Loads in Parallel Shaft Tntr_rniuio_: Part II -
Parameter Study," AS,ME Trans., J. of Mechanisms, T'tan_n. and Automation ia Design, Vol. 110, No. 2, pp.
226-229, (NASA-TM- 100181).
5 Lm, H.H., Townsend, D P., and Oswald, F.B., 1989, "Dynamic Loading of Spur Gears with Lineer or Parabolic
Tooth Prorde Modifications," Proc. of ASME 5th Int. Power Trans. and Gearing Conf., Chicago, IL, Vo]. l, pp.
409-419 ('NASA TM. 101444).
6 Lin, H.H., Oswald, F.B., and Towmend" D.P., 1988, "Profile Modification to Minimize Spur Gear Dynamic
Loading," NAS A-'T'M-8990 !
7 IAn, H.H., lee, C., Oswald, F.B., Townsend, D.P., 1993, "Computer-Aided Design of High-Contact-Ratio Gears
for Minimum Dynamic Load and Stress," J. of Mech. Design, _o1 _|5. No. 1, (NASA-TM- 103275).
8 Lin, H.H., Wang, J., Oswtld, F.B., Coy, .r.j., 1993, "Effect of Extended Tooth Contact on the Modeling of Spur
Gear Transnrussiost_", AIA.A PAPER 93-2148, (NASA-TM- 106174)
9 Lin, H.H., Oswald, F.B., Townsend, D.P., 1996, "Balancing Dynamic Strength of Spur C,eart Operated at
Extended Center Distance", to be presented at ASME 7th Int. Power Trans. and Gearing Conf., San Diego, CA,
(NASA.TM. 10"7222)
10 IAou, C-H., Lin, H.IL, Oswald, F.B., Townsend, D.P., 1992. "Effect of Con_cr Ratio on Spur Gear Dynamic
Load," Proc. of AS.ME 6th Inl. Pr_wer Trans. and Gearing Conf., Phoenix, AZ, VoI. 1, pp. 29-33 (NASA
TM- 105606).
I 1 Liou, C-H, Lin, H.H., Oswald, F.B., Townsend, D.P., 1993, "Using Hob Offset to Balance Dynamic Serength in
Spur Gears," AIAA PAPER 95-3046, (NASA-TM- 106934)
12 Oswald, F.B., Rebbecht, B.. Ztkrljsek, JJ., Townsend, D.P., and Lin, H.H., 1991. "Comparilon of Analysl_
and Experiment for Dyna,nrfict of Low-Contnct-Ratio Spur Gears," ASME 13th Bienni_d Conf. on Mechanical
Vibration and Noise, Miami, FL, (NASA TM- 103232).
13 Oswald,F.B.,l.ln,H.II.,
Liou,C-H.,and Valco,M.J.,1993,"Dynamic Analysisof SpurO_rs Using
Computer Program DANST," AIAA 93-2295,(NASA TM-I0621 l).
14 Oswald, F.B., Townsend, D.P.. Rcbhcchi, B.. and Lin. H.H.. ]996. "Dynamic Forcesin Spur
Oears..Me&_rement, Prediction, and Code Validation," to be presented at ASME 7th Int. Power Trans. and
Gearing Conf., San Diego, CA, (NASA TM-107223).
15 Munro, R.G., 1989, "The D.C. Component of Gear Transmission Error", Proc. of ASME 5th Int. Power Trans.
and Gearing Conf., Chicago, IL, Vol. 1, pp. 467-470
16 Rebbechi, B., Oswald, F.B., and Townsend, D.P., 1996, "Mea_rernent of Gear To_xh Dynamic Friction," to be
presented at AS.ME 7th Int. Power Trans. and Gearing Conf., Saa Diego, CA, (NASA TM. 107279).
1. _ u_lsONLY(Lm.,_ 2. REPoRIr DAI"! s. n_wr-rt_ mm OAV_ COV_._
August 1996 Technical Memorandum
4. 1111.E
i, ma_4om_ 1L162211A47A
m,e_kom_.o _w_um.m.'
NASA Lcwb Rematch Ccnte_
C_llml, Ohio 44135--3t91
vd_cle Propulsioe
U.S Armyaesem_hLat_me_
C_eveilm_. Ohio 44135-3191
11. IUPIq._M_NT_Id_f
Fred B. Cmvald, NASA Lewis Re._eatch Center: Hsiang HsJ l.in, Umversity of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee 38152; and
Ireben R. Delgado, Vehicle Propulsion Directorate, U.S. Army Re_asch I.a_boratory,Lewis Research Center. Responsible
person, Fred B. Oswald, organization code 2730, (216) 433-3957,
lla. DImlIUTK_AVAIAIIIJT'V IrrATll_l_ 12b. DW'fl_N COGE
Unclassified - Unlimited
Sub)cot Calzgory 37
"['hit pablJcttion is avtiltbk: from _c NASA C_t= for Aero,¢;p_c Information, (301) 621-03f_.
DANST is a FORTRAN computer pro&ramfor ttaUc t_d dynamic enaJysi$ of mpur gear systems, The prolFItm can be
used for ptrametric studies to predict the ,_tatic _'tnsmission error, dynamic load, tooth bending stress and other properties
of spur gean u they arc influenced by operating speed, torquc, _ffnesg, damping, inertia, and tooth profile. DANST
perfonm geomelri¢ modeling and dynamic malysis for low- or high-contact.r_o spur gears. DANST can nimulate gear
systems with co.tact r_os ranging from oae m three. It w_ designed to be easy to use and it i._extensively documented
inseveral previoas reports _md by comments inthesourcecode, Th/sreport describes installing
and usingm new PC
version of DANST, coven input data requirements and pretent_ exampl_.
m ,,