Conflict Theory Handouts
Conflict Theory Handouts
Conflict Theory Handouts
Conflict theory assumes that societies display structural power divisions and resource inequalities
It is based on the ideas of Karl Marx from the 19th century who believed that a society evolves through
a several stages. The most important of which were feudalism, capitalism and finally socialism.
A theory propounded by Karl Marx that claims society is in a state of perpetual conflict due to
and conformity.
According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible,
chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.
Education reinforces the cultural mechanisms for perpetrating oppression and exploitation of the poor
and other marginalized groups in the society (ex: indigenous people, the unschooled, and the women.)
Education promotes foreign worship instead of being an instrument to develop nationalism, identity and
School is a biased social institution favoring the elite (rich) with the curriculum reinforcing oppressive
structures of society.
School does not provide equal educational opportunities but perpetuates the existing inequality in the
School mirrors and reinforces the inequality and gender stereotyping in the society.
School is an arena of competition and struggle over scarce resources like money, power, position and
School is a punitive rather than a humanizing agency
School resembles the prison cell strictly enforcing policies on wearing uniforms and identification card,
cutting classes, attendance to school activities and the like.
Proponents of conflict theory assert that society is like a jungle where the principle of the survival of the
fittest applies.
Groups compete for the control of scarce resources such as wealth, occupations, positions in the
government, as well as power and prestige.
Conflict theorist assert that students go to school to arm them with credentials needed to obtain money
and compete to occupy various occupations and positions in the future.
Students who have the financial means are able to hurdle the challenges of schooling, while the poor
are more likely to fail.
Conflict theorist view conflict and change as natural and unavoidable.
Conflict is expected in the society as it is the engine of change and development. It should not be
viewed as disruptive to social systems and human interaction; rather, it is an important force for
Conflict theorist contend that poor students who go to school remain poor after graduation as their
credentials, knowledge and skills could not approximate the kind of education the rich or middle class
students who obtained it from costly, well-equipped, high standard and quality schools.
They assert that quality education is costly, which is only within the purchasing power of the rich.
The point is that the ruling group (elite)
Use schools to advance their interest and retain their power. Thus, what really happens in school is a
struggle on whose values and ideals will be taught to the young and whose children will obtain the most
prestigious jobs.
Conflict theorists believe that schools sort students into different categories according to their ability
and talent. This is evident in the schools practice such as sectioning, seating arrangement, admission
examinations and other screening processes. (middle and upper class students are assigned to higher
sections, academic classes; whereas , lower class and minority students are frequently assigned to
lower sections, multi-grade classes, and vocational study programs)
The rich and the middle class students are provided with the essential requisites to hurdle the selection
process of school, such as good food that nourishes their brains, ample school allowance, and
adequate investments for internet usage, books, encyclopedia, tutorial services, and other educational
opportunities which are not usually accessible for poor students.
The Schools job is to identify competing interests in the school system or in the society and determine
how those in power maintain their position. With this role, the teachers help the students determine the
instrumentalities used by the school system or the society, especially in teaching the dominant social,
Schools are responsible for preparing students to acquire skill to accept and resolve conflict.