Combat Jiujitsu For MMA

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Jiu Jitsu Complete

@ 1958, by
Kiyose Nakae & Charles Yeager
All rights reserved including the
right to reproduce this book
or portions thereof in any form.



Queries regarding the rights and permissions

should be addressed to Lyle Stuart
225 Lafayette Street, New York 12, N. Y.

Designed by john Putnam

Typography by The Polyglot Press
Printed in the United States of America



I have known and admired Professor Kiyose N akae for many

years. He is considered the foremost instructor of authentic Jiu Jitsu
in the western world. His students come from all over the world to
New York City. To receive private lessons from him you have to put
yourself on a waiting list and his schedule is so crowded that you may
have to wait a year or two for your first lesson.
Professor Nakae has spent most of his life teaching Jiu Jitsu to
Americans. When he first arrived in this country some fifty years ago
he was hired to teach his skills to police departments in all parts of
the land.
Professor N akae knows thousands of tricks. From his boyhood he
was drilled in the methods of the old masters of the Jiu Jitsu art. In
nearly fifty years of teaching, he has boiled his system down to a compact group of tricks which comprise a complete method of self-defense
and which are the easiest and most practical to learn. The dubious
tricks that don't work-and which are found in so many of the books
that have appeared on the subject-are not in these pages. The tricks
in these pages work: each and everyone. This alone makes it a unique
It is one thing to teach Jiu Jitsu in private lessons. It is quite
another to teach it with a book. Only because of Nakae's deep understanding of his science and his unequalled teaching ability has such a
book become possible.
Books on the self-defense arts are usually illustrated with cartoons
or photographs. Professor Nakae and Charles Yeager examined these
and concluded they were of little value when it came to practical
A new method of showing the tricks had to be devised. Hundreds
of photographs were taken of two men in action. A skilled artist then
made line drawings from the photographs. I believe the result has more
than justified the time, effort and expense that was invested to make
such a perfect visual presentation.
My feelings were confirmed when the manuscript of this book was
submitted to B. Vedel of Chicago who is probably the authority on
books about Jiu Jitsu and Judo.
"The line drawings are a brilliant idea!" was the comment. "This
is the best thing I have ever seen on the subject, and as you know, I
regard books on the subject with a very jaundiced eye. This one is
almost as good as actually working in class!"
There has never been a book like this one. And perhaps there has
never been a time when this book was so badly needed. For in this
changing world, the streets of our cities often seem like paths in a dense
jungle fraught with peril.

A working knowledge of Jiu Jitsu offers the average man (or

woman) an ability to cope with and triumph over a physical attacker
-and to do so with ease. This, whether the opponent is larger, more
powerful, or armed with knife or gun.
Mastering Jiu Jitsu has the pleasant byproduct of giving one a
feeling of security in situations once packed with tensions and fears.
Interestingly enough, a study has shown that a person trained in Jiu
Jitsu is less likely to run into "trouble" than an untrained person. This
could be because of the air of self-confidence the Jiu Jitsu-trained
person possesses. Or it may be because he is less willing to become embroiled in physical violence because he knows that when he goes into
action, the other guy is going to be badly hurt. Theodore Roosevelt
said to "Speak softly and carry a big stick." The Jiu Jitsu student may
also speak softly because he knows that his skill is a very big and very
damaging stick.
The book you hold in your hands is not a plaything. Jiu Jitsu is
serious business and must be studied and practiced until the student
is skilled in the art.
I was tempted to say "in the almost lost art" for a lost art it has
almost become. Jiu Jitsu is no longer taught in Japan. It is no longer
passed from generation to generation, as it had been for hundreds of
years. And here I should explain that Jiu Jitsu is not Judo-and
two should not be confused.
Judo is a sport and a worthy one. Its popularity is very much on
the increase, and many believe the time will soon come when Judo is
an Olympics sport.
There is a surface similarity about some of the movements in Judo
and Jiu Jitsu-but
there the likeness ends. Judo, of course, derived
much from Jiu Jitsu.
However Jiu Jitsu is an art of self-defense which was developed
with skill and precision as the exclusive property of Japanese nobility.
Judo is played for points. Jiu Jitsu is played "for keeps." With
Jiu Jitsu you may, as you desire, punish, damage, or even kill your
With Jiu Jitsu, David may defeat Goliath. Thus the beaury of the
art is that it relies for success not upon brute strength but upon finesse
and the ability to win by seeming to yield.
One last note before you enter the portals of your Jiu Jitsu classroom. As the published, it was my original plan to price this book at
$6. Though the volume is small, its production costs were large and
would justify the $6 price. But then it was decided, for sentimental
reasons, to price the book at $5. For $5 is the cost of a single forty-five
minute lesson with Professor Nakae. And here is the course for the
price of a single lesson!

Lyle Stuart

the generations of men before us
whose lifetime devotion to the
art of ]iu ]itsu has made this
book possible.

Jiu Jitsu is a method of defense and offense without weapons in
personal encounter. For many centuries in Japan it was practiced as
a military art, together with fencing, archery and the use of the spear.
Jiu Jitsu is not a contest of muscular strength. Nor is its prime
purpose to maim or kill, but merely to incapacitate one's opponent
for the time being by means of simple tricks and holds.
Jiu Jitsu tricks and holds are very simple. A thorough knowledge
of them, gained only with constant practice, should develop in one a
feeling of strong self-confidence. This confidence causes the Jiu Jitsu
expert to react almost instinctively in the event of a sudden attack and
to maneuver any situation to his own advantage.
Professor K. Nakae is one of the few living masters of authentic
Jiu Jitsu. As Chief Instructor of New York's Dojo (Judo academy) I
have seen many books written on this subject. This book is unusually
good for the simple and clear illustrations and captions are readily
understood by the beginner. And they derive from genuine knowledge
and skill.

George G. Yoshida

1. The Beginning
You are about to take an intelligent and progressive step which
should provide mental and physical benefits for you not only in the
immediate future but for the rest of your life. You are about to begin
training in Jiu Jitsu.
Jiu Jitsu tends to wipe out the differences of size, weight, height
and reach. The possesser of the skill gains tremendous self-confidence
and the ability to walk without fear.
Skill and knowledge are in themselves sufficient to subdue any
aggressor no matter how strong or vicious. You are always ready for
action, unarmed, in any situation, regardless of the direction from
which the attack comes.
The first lesson you must learn is poise and assurance. You learn
to be mentally cool and alert in the face of danger, and you begin
to experience a self-restraint which comes only with supreme selfconfidence.
Jiu Jitsu Complete was written to fill the definite need at this
for a more practical, a more complete and more authoritative course
on the subject ,han has heretofore appeared.
Jiu Jitsu is a word which consists of two parts: jiu means "gentle,
pliable, virtuous, to submit" and jitsu means "art or science." In meaning and in fact, Jiu Jitsu depends not on brute strength but on psychology, knowledge of anatomy, and skill that comes from practice in
making certain movements with your body.
lots of it-is essential. To become an expert in the
complete art requires years of training. However a few simple tricks
which may be adapted to any emergency are enough to put mastery in
the hands of the average person who must defend himself against an
assailant who has superior strength or who may be armed.
Jiu Jitsu is not Judo. The tricks in this book are dangerous and
must be practiced with extreme care. In Judo, a modified derivation
rem Jiu Jitsu, friends can compete because real danger-tricks have
been removed and because certain rules and prohibitions are imposed
in order to avoid injury to the participants.
. Not so with Jiu Jitsu. Jiu Jitsu is dangerous
business and should
be used only in case of emergency where "anything goes" for the sake
of self-protection.
Strength is not a majqr factor in Jiu Jitsu. Rather, balance, leverage and speed are needed, for then available strength is applied to its
greatest advantage.


Women can become proficient in Jiu Jitsu. In many tricks, the

stature of a woman, the softness of her arms and the sharpness of her
heels are exceedingly potent weapons. Moreover, women need Jiu
Jitsu. Many a girl owes her life to a slight acquaintance with its tricks.
As sex is no barrier to learning, so age is no barrier. Newspapers
recently told of a 72-year-old frail man who, with Jiu Jitsu, disarmed
a youthful robber who was forty pounds heavier than he. The old man
held him with ease until the police arrived.
Even the police often have a need for Jiu Jitsu. In my lifetime I
have demonstrated and proven the superiority of this science to police
departments in Yonkers, Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Detroit,
Memphis, Syracuse, Toledo, Montreal and Indianapolis.
Many police officers have enrolled with me for private lessons.
I hope you will never be in a position where your life is endangered. But if it is, I am confident that what follows will prove of
value to you-if you learn it.
Good things take time. Do not hurry through this book. Practice
each trick diligently until you know it well.
As you learn new tricks, keep practicing the old ones. This review
and practice is important. Especially since I am going to give you the
most difficult tricks first. Only practice, practice and more practice will
give you proficiency in Jiu Jitsu.
Let us begin then by acquainting you with a classification of Jiu
Jitsu's tricks.
There are the exercises and the break-falls.
There are throws and holds and combination tricks. There are
breaking tricks. And there are practical applications of Jiu Jitsu such
as the defense against a knife or a club or a gurf or a blow with a fist.
For the complete list of the tricks we are going to learn, turn the
page. As you become good in the application of a trick, check it off.
You will be pleased to discover how quickly they come to you once
you have mastered the first few.
Now, with a minimum of further talk, we shall get to the exerCIses.
You will find that the instructions which accompany each illustration are brief and to the point. Read them carefully. No words have
been wasted-and every word is meaningful if you are to progress as
you should.

Although a gym (wrestling) mat is not essential-it is quite helpful. If the use of one is not available to you, a thick rug or any surface
softer than cement or hard earth would be helpful for learning and
practicing. In place of carpeted floors, a soft lawn or a sandy beach is
When practicing the tricks which follow, dress in old clothes or
shorts. Your clothing should be loose enough to permit free comfortable movement.


EXERCISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


. . . . . 16

a. Foot Technique

AnkleThrowNo.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

AnkleThrowNo.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

AnkleThrowNo.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35
Sweeping Calf

No.1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

The KneeWhirl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Scissor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Sweeping Calf No.2withShoulder
b. Hip Technique
Spring Hip Throw


Hip Throw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
c. Hand Technique
Over-Shoulder Throw

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

HandThrowNo.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
HandThrowNo.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 102
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104
Knee.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

a. Against the Joints

Shoulder Lock

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

ElbowLock(Down)No.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
ArmLockNo.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . 120
Elbow Lock (Up)

After Breaking;When Opponent Holds Arm

After Breaking, When Opponent Holds from Front (1)
After Breaking, When Opponent Holds from Front (2)

Bent-ArmWristLock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Straight-Arm Wrist Lock


b. Against Nerves
Pencil Holding Trick

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

FingerHoldingTrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
c. Neck Holds

StrangleHoldNo.1 (FromRear). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84

HoldNo.2(FromFront). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..




of foregoing


ElbowLock (Down)to SweepingCalf No.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 138

HandThrowNo.2to StrangleHold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136

HandThrowNo.1to HandThrowNo.4(AgainstKnee).. . . . . . . . . . . .136

ThrowNo.1toHipThrow.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .. .. .. 157

SpringHip Throwto Sweeping-Side

Hip Throw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74

ElbowLock(Up) to SweepingCalf No.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138

And many others


How to free yourself from strangle and other holds. . .
When Opponent Strangles from Rear (I)
When Opponent Strangles from Rear (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
When Opponent Strangles from Front (I)
When Opponent Strangles from Front (2)
When Opponent Strangles from Front (3)
When Opponent Holds from Front

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

When Opponent Holds from Rear

When Opponent Hugs Tightly


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

When Opponent Hugs from Rear, Over Arms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128

WhenOpponentHugsfromRear, UnderneathArms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90
Breaking Half-Nelson
Breaking Full-Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
When Opponent Holds Arms from Front (I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
When Opponent Holds Arms from Front (2)

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


WhenOpponentHoldsTwoHandsfromRear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


a. DefenseAgainst Blowwith Fist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Practical means of avoiding blows from any direction
and of throwing, and holding.

b. DefenseAgainst Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Practical means of protecting yourself against an
opponent armed with a knife, and of disarming,
throwing or holding.

c. Defenseagainst Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Practical means of protecting yourself against an

opponent armed with a club, and of disarming,
throwing or holding.
d. Defense Against Pistol

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Practical means of protecting yourself against an

opponent armed with a pistol (and within reach),
and of disarming, throwing or holding.


Resuscitation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

The lessons in this course are not furnished you in

exactly this order since it is frequently more interesting for the student to learn as he progresses,
how throws may be combined with blows, etc. However when you have learned all the lessons in this
book, you may wish to practice them in this order as
a logical system.





PURPOSE: To train the muscles to extend

and contract freely, and the joints to function smoothly in every part of the body.

A.-Lift arms, extend forward and pull

back in loose flowing motion, the fingers
opening and closing alternately. Do this 6
times. Then extend the arms over the head
and back to the shoulder in the same manner for 6 times.

B.-Extend arms forward, move them in

large circles, the right ann clockwise, the
left counter clockwise, do this 6 times then

C.-Place your left palm on your left hip,

with fingers pointing to the floor. Push
body forward and to the side, straighten
up and repeat with right hand. Alternate
6 times.


D.-Stand on left foot and move your right

foot in the air in circles. This exercises the
hip joint. Lift the right heel to the buttock
and down again, this exercises the knee
and ankle joints. Repeat with the left. This
is good practice for balancing on one foot,
which, as you shall see, is important.

E.-Half raise arms and lean back, then

lean forward, bending knees, and touch the
floor with your nands.

NOTES.-Remember, these exercises are for

flexibility and not for strength. They must

be done slowly, with body held loosely. The

muscles and joints must never be tightened.



BreakFall No.1





Raise both arms, cross at the wrist and

bring to shoulder height. (I)

NOTE;-As you roll back, pull your chin

to your chest and watch your belt. This
protects your head from hitting the mat
or ground. Falling back should be like
rolling a wheel, the feet raising automatically. The hands hit when shoulder blades

Roll backward, raise both feet together (2).

Hit mat with both hands (3).

touch the mat. Fingers held straight to

gether (lightly), hitting with the whole
arm. This BREAKS the fall. Kick up with
both legs at moment of hitting. This stops
you from rolling over.








Raise arms as in "B" (I). Raise heels and
bendle~s (2).

Kneel on mat, continue forward motion
of body and land on arms from fingertips
to elbows (3) arms extended in direction
of body.


Ireak Fall No. 3

Raise your arms as in "B" (1). Bend legs

at the knees (2).


Raise one leg (3).

Fall No. 4

) forward a little outside with right


(1) bent forward, place left hand on

md palm down (2).ahead of left foot.

right hand on ground pa-lm up (3)
veen left hand and left foot.

foot on
the low
(7), hit J
is kepti

Push your body forward,

throw up left leg, turn
body over as in "B."

Repeat A

lEAKFALL No.4. (C) After practising

while you will find that there are differt ways of finishing.
(1) One leg in the air
(2) Both legs in the air
(3) Halfway getting up
(4) Getting Up

fall "G," 1

leg lies 0

Finish as in "C."


Raise one leg (3).


Lower body near the ground (4).

Finish as in "E" by raising legs (5) and

hitting mat (6).


Repeat A B. C. D. and finish with one
foot on ground, raise the body to keep up
the lower back to avoid injury (kidney)
(7), hit mat with both hands (8) other f9Qt
is kept in air (9).

r body forward,

Other way

.p left leg, turn

IVer as in "B."

Repeat A. B. C. D. and finish with side
fall "G," hit mat with one hand (10). One
leg lies on mat (II) other arm and leg
remain free (12 and 13).

h as in "C."

Breaking - Opponent Strangles from Front

If opponent


hands from side


to strangle

with two

Swing your hands up between opponent's

arms (2).

Put your hands together (1).

In this situation, opponent's weak spot is

his elbow. The idea is to apply pressure

The impact of your arms against the inside

of his arms will break the hold.
with your arms against his elbows Now try
the next trick, which is just as easy.


Breaking-Opponent Strangles from Front

If opponent attempts to strangle you with

one hand back of your neck, one hand in
front of neck, and his head in close; or
both hands choking from side; or in any
case in which opponent holds you with his
face in close . .'.

This will put you in the position shown

above. Opponent will cry, temporarily
blinding himself. You will be free and able
to start almost any of the throws or finishing tricks to be described later.


Frequently, when an opponent attempts

to choke, or in any case when he holds
you from the front, a strong blow to the
nose with the base of the hand is all that
is needed to break the hold.

Smear his nose up and back

with either hand.

Remember that when you have finished

either this or the previous trick, you have
merely freed yourself. But this is not
enough. You must either hold opponent
in a helpless position or must apply punishment if you really mean to protect yourself.
Many different ways to hold- or punish
an opponent will be taught you in this
course. But because there are so many
tricks, you may be tempted to ask, "Why
are they all needed?" No matter how good
a medicine is, it is not good for every case.
Therefore, it is wise to have many kinds
of medicine available, so that if one does
not work, another may be tried.
Likewise, there are many different parts
of the body which can work together or
individually. The knowledge of many
tricks will enable you to protect yourself
even if both hands are incapacitated-by
using the feet. Or if your feet are held-by
using your hands. Or you may find yourself
seated when the attack comes.
When you have finished this course you
will be master of many tricks, and will be
able to protect yourself regardless of your
position when danger comes.

tSreaking-Opponent Hugs from Rear, Underneath Arms

If opponent

attempts to hug you tightly

from rear, underneath arms .

Drop hips, bend over and seize opponent's

right leg with both hands (3). Now lift his
right leg quickly (4) with your hands while
pressing down against his right leg with
the back side of your left thigh.
If your opponent holds you with one hand
underneath your arm, and the other hand
over your shoulder and mouth,. you can
free yourself by a blow from your elbow
to his neck.
If opponent holds as shown in "A," you
can also free yourself by a blow with elbow
to his chin. If blow is hard enough, it will

Take a long step to the right with your

right foot (1) so that opponent's right knee
is behind your left thigh. Bend forward
and prepare to seize opponent's right leg
(2). (If opponent holds very tightly, push
against his stomach sharply with your hips.)

This will force your opponent to fall.

knock opponent out.

Or if opponent
holds as in "A," you can
also free yourself by a sharp blow with the
back of your head to his chin. If opponent
is too short for a blow to his chin, the
same blow against his nose or forehead will
be equally effective.
Or you can free yourself by a back:kick
to opponent's


knee with the sole of your



Pencil Holding Trick


Hold a pencil or fountain pen between

your second and third fingers. With your
other hand (I), grasp opponent's wrist, and
lift up to about waist level (2). Slide pencil
between any two of his fingers.

Now close your fingers around opponent's

fingers, and squeeze (3).


of bodies at start of trick.

The pencil will cause severe pain and force

opponent to submit.


If you try a trick and it doesn't succeed,

don't wilfully attempt to force the trick ~o
work. Change to some other trick. Often
this strategy gives even better results because the first attempt has caused opponent
to assume an unbalanced position. At this
moment almost any trick will work with
great success, because you have led your
opponent into a position where his strength
and weight work to his disadvantage.
Assume your opponent attempts to push
you. Hesitate a moment. Then step back
suddenly, instead of pushing him back. He
will lose his. balance. At this moment try
some trick suitable to his position, and
you will find it easy to throw him. But
remember that no matter how good a trick
is, you will not be successful unless you
apply it while your opponent is in the
right position.

Intentionally act to excite your opponent, and watch for the moment when he
is off guard. Then apply your trick, or
combination of tricks. But this action
should be, mechanical, automatic-done
without thinking-the result of much pmctice. When you have achieved this 'proficiency, you can use your knowledge and
ability against an opponent in any position,
in any situation; against a group, or against
Do not try for too much speed at firs.t.
Practice every movement correctly step by
step. After you have gained the proper
understanding of the movement, you can
then increase your speed. Naturally, speed
is very important.
Again we remind you that it is essential
that you practice all movements with relaxed mind and body.


Whenever a trick is improperly used
against you, and is not effective, do not fall
for the sake of appearances. Otherwise your
partner will never learn. But remember,
do not try to resist and do not forcibly
move against the action, for you will either
be hurt or you will find yourself in a still
more vulnerable position. Also, you will
force your opponent to call on his reserve
strength which results in a serious possibility of sprain or fracture.


Los Angeles, Oct. 29 (A. P.).
-Mary Bischel, attractive 20-year-old telephone operator, told the police that she
was walking down the street when a man
clutched her from behind.
Quickly she leaned forward, grabbed his

ankle, reared back and planked him flat

on the pavement. Then she stomped on
his. face and fled.
"I don't remember where I learned that
stunt," she explained,
"but m~ybe
from the boys in my neighborhood."





POSTURE is important because the body

muSt have a strong foundation to impart
power to a trick.

An ordinary chair serves to demonstra.

the importance of breaking balance in Jii
Jitsu. The chair, solidly resting "flat on i~
feet," is -strong; difficult to overthrow.
you push it, it is likely to slide rather tha(
fall over.

This "A" shows a natural posture, comfortable, relaxed, well-balanced, with each foot
under its corresponding shoulder. This is
the best position for both defense and offense. Your hands are inside his arms resting
lightly above his elbows, and all your muscles and joints are relaxed and ready for
any move. This is a most convenient posture
from which to move in any direction.

It is essential to be relaxed because this

permits free, quick movement. Moreover,
relaxation petmits the use of full power
at the point of attack since there is no
waste of power at some other point.
You may practice any ttick, starting with
this posture.


Tilt the chair so that it rests on only haUl

its normal base. Now it requires
energy to make it fall.

much less,





If your 9pponent is standing erect, and

is not resisting, it is easy to break his
balance to the right or left, forward or
backward, by a light pull or push, or by
lifting or pressing. If opponent is resisting,
you can break his balance just as easily by
pushing or pulling in the direction in which
he is resisting, thereby using some of his
strength to accomplish your purpose.

The foundation principle of Jiu Jitsu is

balance and relaxation. This' must be
learned first.
Tilt the chair even further so that you
take away still more of its balance. Now
it requires very little energy to make it fall.


When relaxed, it is easier to maintain

balance, act quickly, change position suddenly. And you can bring power to the
spot where it is needed without wasting
any of it. You need all your power, so
waste none of it.

Suppose you face, instead of a chair, an

opponent who is 50% heavier and stronger
than you are. By matching your strength
against his strength, you will obviously
never overthrow him. His position is strong,
like that of the chair in "A."
But suppose he attempts to push you. If
instead of resisting, you yield by retreating
a little faster than he is advancing (at the
same time retaining a hold on him), he
will be forced to lea'n forward in an unbalanced position, similar to that of the
chair in "B." Because of his awkward position, he will have momentarily lost twothirds of his resisting strength, and your
strength (if you have kept your own balance) is now approximately twice as great
as his.
If, at this point, .you also break his
balance to the side, as with the chair in
"C," he will have lost so much of his resisting power that it will require very little
strength to make him fall to the ground.



Sweeping Calf No.1

With your left hand, grasp your opponent's

right arm behind his elbow (1). Place your
right hand behind his neck. Pull down
(2). Push your hip back and bend chest
forward (3).

Keep pulling down on his neck and step

forward with left foot to a point 10 or 12
inches outside of your opponent's right
toes. Left toes point a little to outside (4).
Keep balance on your left leg, and bend
left knee (5). Bend chest forward for bal.
ance and power. Your head almost rests
on opponent's right shoulder. Keep both
feet on ground; do not release your hold
on his neck. Hold this position momen.

Now try the following case


Opponent Holds
from Front
If -opponent holds your coat collar or shirt
front with one hand or both hands, and
pulls, or bends his elbow . . .


Place your right hand back of his neck

and pull (1), and at same time grasp his
elbow with your left hand (2). Step forward with your left foot in preparanon fOJ
Sweeping Calf No.1.

Now qUIcKlYsweep your right upper calf

up against opponent's right leg or to side
of the knee-joint (6). At same time your
right arm presses opponent's shoulder to
the direction of your left foot (7). As you
sweep with your calf, bring 'your foot
around in a circling motion and lift your
heel up high. Use only leg strength (from
knee-joint down). When opponent starts to
fall, release your right-hand hold. How.
ever, keep your grip on his right arm to
hold him afterwards and (in practice) to
keep opponent from falling too hard..

Now you can throw opponent with

Sweeping Calf No.1. Remember that after
you step forward with your left fOQt,there
is a momentary pause before sweeping
back with your right foot; the purpose of
this is to gain better balance and more
power for the sweep-back.


will fall.

You can also break this hold by a sharp

blow to the nose with the heel of your


Sweeping Calf No.2 with Shoulder Scissor

With your left hand, grasp

your opponent's right arm
just in back of elbow (1).


Alternative (calf sweeping), from "C" wrap

your right leg around his right leg from
the outside, holding contact with your
thigh, calf and heel. Tighten your leg grip
raising his leg with yours, hold his leg


Gently grasp his right wrist with your right

hand (12), using the hold shown; and free
your left hand (13). Or you can hold with

Step back a little with your right foot (2).

Pull his elbow toward your right (3), using
only hand power. Bend forward a little.
This puts your opponent in half-turned

tightly in your knee joint, to prevent his

releasing his leg. Pull his captured leg behind you with your leg, bending your left
knee slightly and bring him down with
leg power alone.

both hands. Place your right foot over his

left shoulder (14).


Turnyour body and both feet to left (4).

Placeyour right hand or arm on top of
opponent's right. shoulder or left shoulder
(5).Shift your balance to left leg, and bend
leftknee (6). Keep chest forward (7). At

be sure you are relaxed; other-

Now quickly sweep your right upper calf

up against opponent's right leg behind or
to side of the knee-joint '(B). Your right
hand or arm presses opponent's shoulder
around to the direction of your left foot
(9), and your left hand pulls opponent's

wiseyou cannot finish. Hold this position

I momentarily (as you would just before
strikinga golf ball, to be sure your balance
I isset).

Tip for beginners: Picture "E." Sweeping up

opponent leg first (8). Press his shoulder
next (9) then pull his arm until his fall
(10).Use your power against one point at
a time. .{his means your power will con-

centrate in one point. Practice any other

tricks the same way until you learn well.
After much practice all these movements
will come simultaneously.

Bend your left knee (15).

Fall naturally, straight to your left side.

Support balance with your left hand, palm
down (16). Retain your hold on his hand.

elbow as s
your calf,
circling mo
Keep your
Use only yc

our right upper calf

: right leg behind or
:>int'(B). Your right
opponent's shoulder
on of your left foot
nd pulls opponent's


nt. Practice any other

, until you learn well.
~ all these movements

ight to your left side.

:h your left hand, palm
rour hold on his hand.

elbow as shown (10). As you sweep with

your calf, bring your foot around in a
circling motion and lift your heel up high.
Keep your hip steady. Keep chest bent.
Use only your leg strength (from knee-joint

Opponent will fall heavily on his back. If

you are standing too far away after he
falls, step in closer, to be ready for the
next movement. Keep body bent forward

This is a double lock-simultaneous

lock and strangle hold (shoulder scissor).
It is an almost perfect hold, from which
escape is practically impossible. Use' pressure against neck only when necessary;
continuous pressure will cause unconsciousness. Be careful in practice. If opponent taps twice on your body or the

ground, this is signal he has had enough.

In this throw, and all other throws, several
finishing tricks can be used. Likewise, most
finishing tricks can be used with a wide
variety of throws. To save your time, and
to avoid confusion, most of the finishing
tricks have been grouped for separate study
in a subsequent session.

Extend your left leg under his neck and with your legs. Both hands must hold opright shoulder (Ii). Rise up on your left ponent's wrist above the wrist joint; or
elbow (18), and bring opponent's elbow you can hold your right wrist with your
against left leg with his palm up (19), and
left. R~ght
knee joint must be against oplock your feet as shown (20). Now press ponent
s neck.
his arm down while squeezing WI neck


A Reminder
Are you having difficulty learning the
tricks? Does it seem to you that you will
never learn correct balance?
Do not become discouraged. You are taking private lessons and so you cannot see
the other pupils are having the same difficulties. Nor should you forget that the
experts were once just as awkward as you
are now-maybe more sol
It takes time to overcome the tense habits of a lifetime. It takes time and much
effort to learn to relax your body. Jiu
Jitsu balance, however, is so natural that
your progress will be rapid.
In another few weeks you may wonder
how you ever could have been so stiff and
so clumsy. So remember again: the other
fellow, the one who performs Jiu Jitsu so
well, was once as rigid and as worried as
you are now.
Cheer up, Beginner!


"Spooning" Ankle Throw No. 1


Stop just far enough away to be able to

grasp opponent's arm firmly. With your
left hand, grasp his left arm just behind
elbow (1).

Pull opponent's elbow toward your left (2)

using for the most part hand power. Keep
your balance on your left foot. Bend your
left knee, and incline upper part of your
body forward (3).


Place your right hand on opponent's left

shoulder from behind (4). Place the instep
of your right foot against opponent's left
ankle (5). Point your right toes in a little,
pigeon-toe fashion.

Reminder: Your action should be against

one point at a time. Picture D (6) first (7)
next then (8) for finishing. Also may be
used following the next tricks: Spooning
Ankle Throws No.2 and No.3.

In any trick where you are on one leg and

ready to use the other leg, you must help
your balance by holding him with a good
grip of your hand or hands. Remember,
power comes from a strong foundation.

"Spoon"your right foot against opponent's

left ankle from behind in direction of his
toes (6). Not necessary to put all your
strengthin this. Your right hand pulls opponent's shoulder toward your right and
pressesdownward (7); and your left hand
pulls his elbow toward you (8).

Opponent will fall on his back. Keep your

grip on opponent's arm after he is down;
this will help in the holding trick you use
to keep him down (9).



"Spooning"Ankle Throw No.2

This shows "Spooning" Ankle Throw

when you grasp opponent's right arm instead of left (I). Pull opponent's elbow to
your right (2), using principally hand

Place your right hand on his right shoulder,

from fron,t (3). Place the instep of your
left foot against opponent's right ankle (4).

Point your right toes in a little, pigeon-toe

fashion. "Spoon" your left foot against opponent's right ankle from behind in direction of his toes (5). At same time your
left hand pulls opponent's elbow toward
your right (6), and your right hand presses
downward toward your left (7).

This trick illustrates the analogy between

Jiu Jitsu and fishing. When you drop the
hook in the water, it swings free and the
string is relaxed. When the fish bites, you
pull suddenly, a quick moment of power

Opponent will fall.

and you catch him. If the fish then runs

you give him more line. When he relaxes
you pull in. In the case above, the moment
of quick power comes when you "spoon"
with your foot and pull down WIth hand.


"Spooning" Ankle Throw No. 3

Step forward on your left foot (1) and make

your right foot free (2). Push back opponent's upper arm very lightly with your
left hand (3) to make him hold his weight
on his right foot (4).
Place the instep of your right foot against
opponent's left ankle from behind (5) and
spoon your right foot against oppt:ment's
left ankle from behind in direction of his
toes (6). Then your right hand pulls opponent's upper arm downward (7).



below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and should
not be taken too literally when practicing.

Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to apply them in combination. In fact, you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.


If opponent resists, or if you miss for any I). This shows the advantage of using leg
reason at this point in applying Spooning power from knee down in applying Spooning Ankle No.2; otherwise it would be
Ankle No. 2 (Session I) . . .
You. can transfer your weight to left foot difficult to shift from the one trick to the
and go into Sweeping Calf No.2 (Session other.

After you break opponent's strangle hold

as shown (See Breaking-Opponent
Strangles from Front, Session I) . . .

You can go into Sweeping Calf No.1.


From position "D" in Pencil Holding Trick

(Session I) . . .
You can go into Spooning Ankle No. 1
(Session 1). In this case change the position
of your left hand from his wrist to his


If you start to throw opponent with Sweeping Calf No. 1 (Session I), and opponent
steps back with his right foot instead of
coming to the position shown at left. . .

shoulder, catch his arm with your right

hand and ~poon with your left foot. (A
good point ~o remember in "spooning" is
to put all the power possible into your big


You can go into Spooning Ankle No. I

(Session 1) without even changing the position of your hands. But in this case, when
he steps back, take a step straight forward
with your left foot, before spooning with
your right foot, and you will have stronger
balance and greater power.


Session 2.
This session contains the following lessons:
Spring Hip Throw,
Breaking-When Opponent
Over-Shoulder Throw,
The Knee Whirl,
Defense Against Blow with
Breaking-When Opponent
Breaking-When Opponent

Strangles from

Strangles from
Strangles from

and a bonus trickBreaking-When


Before you start on this session, we again

want to emphasize the value of serious,
consistent practice-the importance of learning each trick so well you can do it
without thinking. Do a thorough job on
each trick before going to the next. Only
through practice can you gain the selfconfidence you need. Review Session I today.
Please go back and read the page on
Balance and Relaxation in Session 1. This

Holds Wrists.

is all-important. Jiu Jitsu, which means

gentle or soft art, naturally indicates a
relaxed mind, and body. Of course, the
principle of relaxation, and the technique
of breaking balance, cannot be learned
overnight. But there is no reason to feel
discouraged if they seem to come hard at
first. It merely takes time and patience.
The point is to keep them always in mind
when you practice this course.


Spring Hip Throw

With your left hand, grasp opponent's right
arm just behind elbow (1). Step with your
left foot to a point inside opponent's'left
foot (2). Push back your hips, and incline
your chest forward (3).

Bend your knees (7) so that your hips go

low as shown. Push hips back against opponent to strengthen your balance. While
you are turning into this position, your
right arm should encircle opponent's waist
and pull his chest and abdomen in as close
as possible against your back. Now your
40 hips can support his entire weight.


Now, shift your weight to your left leg (4).

Quickly spring your hips tip. And swing

forward with your right shoulder (8) as if
you were throwing a sack of potatoes over
your right shoulder.


Turn, spinning on the ball of your left

foot (5).

Go completely around, so that your hips

are full against opponent, and a little to
the right of him (6-next picture).

Opponent will fall on his back. K~ep your

hold on his elbow or arm (9). In practice,
keep your right hand around opponent's
waist and hold him up as much as possible
to keep him from falling too hard.

Breaking-Opponent Strangles from Front

If opponent attempts to strangle from front

as shown. . . .

Step in with your left foot to the front of

your right foot (I). Strike the inside of his
right elbow with your left forearm, forcing
it aside; and place your left hand on his
right arm (2).


This shows how action is

continued with
Spring Hip Throw.
Strike the inside of his left elbow UPWARD with your right forearm (3). This
brings you into position for any Hip
Throw, or Over-Shoulder Throw. (next
trick). NOTE: When breaking, do not
push opponent back, or you will not be
able to apply Hip Throw. This is why his
42 right arm is pushed UPWARD.

Opponent falling in
Spring Hip Throw.


The Knee Whirl


Stand,or step in to a point just far enough

fromopponent so that your hands COULD
restfirmly on

his arms. Now, step forward

withyour right foot to a point outside his

leftfoot (1). At same time grasp his arms

Your left hand now pulls in a wide outside

circle (5). Your right hand merely follows
through, pushing in the direction opponent
is falling (6). At same time swing your
shoulder and hip to right. Now quickly
stop his knee (7) by placing the sole of
your left foot against opponent's right leg
just below and to the outside of his knee.
Keep pulling. Follow through.
This action will cause opponent

to fall.

Shift weight to your right

leg. Bend your knee (3).
Drop hips slightly and twist
them to your right (4).

NOTE: Your left instep against opponent's

right leg keeps him from moving to recover his balance. Do not kick him in this
action, but merely place your foot FIRMLY agamst his leg. Important: The inside
of your left calf must face almost straight
up. In practice, occasionally try this trick
without using your right hand, to gain a
clear idea of the principles of balance involved.
Also practice trick against opponent's left
knee, reversing all foregoing instructions.
If opponent stands with one leg back
(either leg), you will get better re!ults by
applying your foot against knee which is

Over-Shoulder Throw

With your left hand, grasp opponent's

right arm just behind elbow (1). Step with
your left foot to a point inside opponent's
left foot (2).

This trick is the same as the Spring Hip

Throw except that instead of encircling
opponent's back with your right arm, you
slip your right arm under and around
opponent's right arm, and pull DOWN-

To finish, pull opponent up to position

shown. Place your right knee against his
back (12). Place your left hand LIGHTLY
on his shoulder (13), without pressing. In
this manner you can keep him from getting
away. But do not press heavily on his shoulder for this will allow him to escape.


Now, shift your weight to your left leg.

and turn (3) . . .

WARD with both hands. This trick is not

recommended when there is a considerable
difference in your height and that of opponent. It is most effective against a person
of approximately your height.

Rest your left knee on ground about 18

inches back of opponent (14). Place your
right arm over opponent's shoulder and
around his neck (15) so that your forearm
is against front of opponent's neck, and so
that the back of his head rests against the
muscle in the center of your upper arm.
With your left hand (on top of shoulder
as shown), grasp your right wrist (16). Place
the side of your head against opponent's
head just back of his ear.

Spinningon the ball of your left foot (4),

go completely around, so that your hips
1refull against opponent and a little to

,he,igh' of him ("e next pic'nre).

Pullopponent back a little and GRADUALLYsqueezehis neck on all sides, squeezingwith your arms and pushing with your
and shoulder. The push of the head
is more




than the pull of the

Bend your knees (5) so that your hips go

low. Push hips back against opponent to
strengthen your balance (6). While you are
turning into this position, slip your right
hand under and around opponent's right
T~j.o# fOur 011'.0Jeh wru,t I;:). Your
bad should be dose agai.osr oppo.oenr's
chest and abdomen, and your ,right upper
arm (not shoulder) underneath opponent's
right armpit (8).

ThIs trick must be practiced with care. It

is likely to make your opponent unconscious before he is aware that he is going.
It is not a punishing hold but a real strangle, cutting off the breath and applying
pressure against carotid arteries. Strangle
holds are ideal for women since. they do
not require a hard, strong arm. As a matter
of fact, a woman has a real advantage. The
softness of her arms means that more of
the flesh will be in contact with opponent's
neck, applying pressure more evenly (thus
more effectively) all around.

so that your hips go

against opponent to
lce (6). While you are
;ition, slip your right
und opponent's right
wn left wrist (7). Your
e against opponent's
md your right upper
nderneath opponent's

be practiced with care. It

ke your opponent uncon, is aware that he is going.
,hing hold but a real stranthe breath and applying
carotid arteries. Strangle
for women since. they do
rd, strong arm. As a matter
I has a real advantage. The
arms means that more of
in contact with opponent's
:>ressuremore evenly (thus
i all around.

Now, quickly spring your hips up and

back (9). At the same time, incline your
body forward and pull opponent's shoulder
downward with both hands (10). Opponent
will go over your shoulder as shown.

Opponent will fall on his back. Keep your

hold Qn his elbow (11). In practice, hold
opponent up as much as possible by means
of your grasp on his arm, to keep him
from falling too hard.

For another strangle finish when opponent

is seated, get in a position back of opponent with your left knee up (17) and your
right knee on the ground. Place your right
arm over his right shoulder and around his
neck as shown. Bend your right hand back
over opponent's left shoulder (18). With
your right hand, grasp your left ar:m (19)
(which should already be extended over
opponent's left shoulder) a little above
elbow (with your right palm down). Pull
opponent back a little. Place the palm of
your left hand against back of opponent's
head as shown. Now you can strangle by
pulling with your right arm whIle pushing
with your left. You will thus apply pressure against his throat in front and against
the carotid artery on the right side of neck.



There are two types of strangle holds:

1) Using coat collar. 2) Using arms or legs
around the neck.
This course shows only a few principles
involved in holds of the second classification. These holds are more practical and
may be used in any emergency.
Neck holds can be used alone or in combination with other tricks. They involve
pressing or squeezing against the throat
or carotid artery. The result is to stop
breathing or the blood supply to the head.
This makes opponent dizzy or unconscious,
puts an end to his resisting power, and
makes him temporarily hors de combat.
However, whenever it is necessary to use
a neck hold, be exceedingly careful. THE
Neck holds are usually applied when opponent starts to rise after the throw. It
is most important to act quickly before
opponent can fully recover himself.
There are several positions in which opponent might fall as the result of a throw,
hence the various neck holds shown in the
course start from various positions.
Neck holds are so simple that women, and
even children, can use them easily against
more powerful opponents.


Defense Against Blow With Fist


If you face an opponent from whom you

expect trouble, perhaps a blow with the
fist. . .




Move in closer to opponent with either

foot and block opponent's intended action
by throwing both hands inside and against
opponent's arms as shown (I), or to front
of opponent's shoulder, blocking his arms
with your elbows. The idea is to tie up his
arms so that for the moment he cannot
strike. Use just enough strength to stop
his action, but do not push him. If he
steps back, repeat the action to keep close
to him.

NOTE: If opponent attempts to strike low,

throw your arms DOWN to stop the action.
Then use any finish described.
If opponent attempts to strike at your head,
open your hands and throw them up, striking his arms with the back of your hands.
If he attempts to strike with only one hand,
use only one hand to block the action.
If opponent strikes high with one hand
and low with the other, block the first action by throwing one hand high, and the
second action by throwing the other hand

Now you can finish by The Knee Whirl (2).


Or by Spooning- Ankle Throw 01).

Breaking- Opponent Strangles from Rear

If opponent attempts to hold from rearusing strangle or other hold in which his
body is fairly close to you . . .

Lift your knee high (1) and .


Kick back with a good solid blow to the

knee-cap (2). Be careful in practice. The
knee-joint is easy to break.


It is also effective, particularly for women,

to kick inside of opponent's shins, or stamp

on his feet with the sharp heel. Either one

is a punishing blow.

'Breaking- Opponent Strangles from Rear

If opponent attempts to strangle from rear

as shown

.. .

Swing your body and elbow fast - all together, one motion - and strike opponent
in solar plexis or stomach with elbow (2).
Occasionally, opponent will hold so tightly
that there is no room to swing your elbow.
Then a sharp blow with the back of your

Bring left arm forward (1).

Close fist tightly.

head to his chin or nose will cause him to

loosen his hold long enough for you to get
in an elbow blow.
Or you can free self with a strong backkick to knee.


Breaking Wrist Hold

If opponent attempts to hold left wrist with

right hand. . . grasp your left fist with your
right as shown (I).

Keep left elbow low and close to body (2).

Bring up left fist, as shown, in direction of
left shoulder (3). Use the strength of left
fist. Right hand merely guides left. Opponent will not be able to hold.

If opponent holds both hands as shown. . .

Another method of breaking this hold from

position shown in "C":-Instead of pulling
up as in "B," press DOWN with the arm
which is on top (using only forearm power
and without moving shoulder), against op-

ponent's arm, forcing him to release hold.

At same time free your other arm by lifting
it up with a quick, short motion, and you
will be in an excellent position for a throwing trick.



If opponent holds your left arm with two

hands. . . extend your right hand between
his arms, and grasp your left fist (4). Now
lift up as in "B."


in closer. Hold elbows close to body.

up fists inside opponent's
arms. He
not be able to hold.
women it is sometimes easier to kick

lifting arms.
and lessens
If opponent

shin before breaking hold by

The kick disconcerts opponent
his resistance.
holds your arms at the elbow,

or any point higher than shown, the trick

is still easier.
This trick can be accomplished just as easily
by a woman if she will first bring her head
forward as if she intended to strike opponent's face or chest with top of her head.
This disconcerts opponent, and gives more
strength to the arms.


below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and should
not be taken too literally when practicing.

Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to ~pply them in combination. In fact, you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.



If you attempt the Over-Shoulder Throw

(Session 2), and opponent succeeds in getting a strangle hold on you as shown in
second picture above . . .

If opponent
holds so tight that a blow
with either elbow cannot be very effective,
start hitting at him with both elbows and
you will loosen his hold enough to permit
a good hard blow with one elbow.


You can break his hold and floor him by

a blow with your elbow to his solar plexus
as shown in Breaking-Opponent
from Rear (Session 2).




If opponent
attempts to strangle you as
shown (from Breaking-Opponent
from Front, Session I) . . .

You can reach up and grasp his arms and

go into The Knee Whirl (Session 2). In this
case it is not necessary for you to break his
strangle hold with your arms. He will automatically release his hold as he starts to


If you get opponent to point shown here

in Over-Shoulder Throw (Session 2), and
for some reason cannot finish . . .

You can immediately release your hold on

opponent, drop your hands and catch opponent's legs by reaching through your
legs as shown in Breaking-Opponent
from Rear, Underneath Arms (Session I)
and finish as described therein.


Session 3.
This chapter contains the following lessons:
Sweeping-Side Hip Throw
Opponent Hugs Tightly
Hand Throw No.4-Arm Pressure Against Knee
Shoulder Lock
Elbow Lock (Down) No.1
Bent-Arm Wrist Lock
Defense Against Blow with Fist (Four Lessons)
You will note that Hand Throw No.4
is given in this lesson, although the first
three hand throws have not yet been given.
This is to enable us to present more of the
popular lessons on Defense Against Fist in
this session.

Regarding Combinations of One or

More Tricks
By now you may be wondering what to
do when you start a trick and find that for
some reason you cannot finish it. At this
point your knowledge of combinations-or
changing from one trick to another-becomes important. By resisting your initial
action, your opponent will always provide
the opportunity for still another trick. Obviously, therefore, combination tricks are

more difficult to resist and are consequently more effective. More combinations than
you will ever need will be given to you in
Session 6, after you have learned enough
basic tricks to be able to make the most
intelligent study of such combinations.
Meanwhile, you will be able to work out
many combinations of your own through


Sweeping-Side HipThrow

With your left hand, grasp opponent's right
arm just back of elbow (I). Push your hips
back (2). Step with your left foot to a point
between opponent's feet as shown (3). (Note
direction in which left foot is pointedoutward to left.)


Now, hold tight with your left hand (9),

and powerfully slide the back of your right
thigh up and against the outer side of his
right thigh (10). At the same time, swing
your hips and shoulder to the right (11).

Now, shift weight to your left leg; make

a turn

to your left (4)


Opponent will fall.


Your right hip now comes in contact with,

and goes a little to the right of, the lower
right front of opponent's body (5). Keep
your left leg bent as it supports your entire
weight (6). Encircle his waist with your
right hand (7). Extend your right leg to

outside of opponent's right leg as shown

(B). Your body leans a little to the left.
Push your hips back a little. Pull opponent
in as close as possible to your body, and
bend forward a little. This effectively
breaks his balance.

Keep your hold on his right elbow (12) in

readiness for a finishing trick.

Breaking- Opponent Hugs Tightly

\ . ~...


If opponent hugs as shown. you can break

his hold by bringing your knee up sharply
to crotch.

If opponent hugs VERY TIGHTLY, push

both his knees (I), or just one knee, back
by flexing your knees forward, as shown,

keepingyourweighton theballsof your

feet.This wilI forceopponent to move back
which will then provide the opportunity to
bring your knee up sharply to crotch.

With Jiu Jitsu, David may defeat Goliath. Thus the beauty of the
art is that it relies for success not upon brute strength but upon finesse
and the ability to win by seeming to yield.


After you have flexed your knees as shown

in "B," you can throw opponent by circling
into the Sweeping-Side Hip Throw. In this
case your left hand holds opponent under
his waist with your right arm (2), and going
arm (3).

This shows continuation

Hip Throw.

of Sweeping-Side

Opponent will fall.


Hand Throw No.4-Arm Pressure Against Knee


Face opponent.

Extend your right hand, aiming fingers at

opponent's face (1). Move your face and
shoulders forward at same time. Do not
move too fast, however, for the intent is
merely to make oponent THINK you are
aiming for his EYES. This will make him
lean back as shown.

When you drop down to apply wrist

against knee, the action should be very
swift, without warning, a complete surprise
to opponent. It should be done before opponent has an opportunity to make another
This trick is dangerous.
There is a strong possibility of fracture or
dislocation. Once pressure is applied, your
opponent must fall or the knee will break.
So be careful in practice. Rehearse very
slowly at first.


Step forward a little with your right foot

(2). Simultaneously (with a little jump) step
back with your left foot (3) and drop down
as shown. (You can rest right knee on
ground, if you wish.) Bring your right arm
down so that the sharp edge of the outside
of your wrist crosses opponent's leg at right
angles just above the knee cap (4). (Always
remember to apply trick against leg which
is nearest you.) Your left hand grasps his
ankle with your fingers behind ankle (5).

This shows how opponent will fall.

Now push with your right arm, using only

forearm power, while holding firm with
your left hand. While doing this, the front
of your chest should be at right angles to
the direction opponent faces.
If, in position shown above, opponent
stands with knee stiffly bent forward, so that
you find it difficult to apply pressure downward, quickly rise to standing position and
apply Sweeping Calf Throw No. 1.

As a result of pressure against his knee,

opponent will not be able to support his
weight and must fall. But remember, it is.
the PUSH against the knee-and NOT the
pull on the ankle-which throws opponent
off balance.



Extend left hand inside opponent's arm as

shown (I). Extend right arm over his arm
and back of his upper arm (2). Keep left fist
closed for strength (3).

Step with left foot to front of opponent (4),

so that your foot points to opponent's left.
Bring his arm across your left shoulder (5).
This is easily done by lifting your left hand.
Bend your neck a little to left. Make his
elbow point skyward (6).

Elbow Lock (Down) No.1

As in "A" above, extend left hand inside

opponent's arm and extend right arm over
his arm and back of his upper arm. Now
wrap the fingers of your right hand back
of opponent's arm (1), just above the elbow.
Now pull with your right arm to your right
to the point shown above (2). Incline your
body forward to put your weight into this
motion. (In beginning this trick, your arm
64 joints must be relaxed and free.)

Continue pressing opponent down. Keep

your left arm near opponent's elbow to
lock his arm more securely (3). Place right
hand over left wrist and hold as shown (4).
Now step around so that you face at right
angles to opponent. Keep opponent's arm
parallel to ground. Do not press his arm
too far down and you can hold him in this
position indefinitely.

Now slide your left arm to the right until

your elbow comes to his arm (8), and grasp
your left wrist with your right (9). Shift
weight to left leg, bend left knee a little
(10), and bring left shoulder forward in the
direction to which your left foot points.

Press his elbow with your two arms (7).

This brings opponent to this position.


If opponent grabs your collar from behind

with his right hand (I). . .

Turn about a half turn to left. Swing your

left arm around and over his right as shown,
holding his wrist against your neck. (This
is same idea as in Shoulder Lock.) Now
hold opponent with Shoulder Lock as in


Bent-Arm Wrist Lock

With your right hand, grasp opponent's

right wrist gently as shown (1).


Step to his right side (2). Turn so that you

face in same direction as opponent. Raise
his arm as shown. Slip your left arm under
his elbow (3).

With your left hand, make opponent bend

elbow as shown (4).

Now place your left hand over your right

hand (5).

Press DOWN on his hand with both your

hands (6). Now you can easily hold him.
NOTE: Be sure that the back of opponent's upper arm rests against the crook of
your left elbow and that his elbow is close
to your left side, in order to hold him
tightly. Keep his hand high, near your chin,
and press DOWN-NOT toward your body. 67

Defense Against Blow With Fist

If opponent
attempts to strike high with
his right, move left foot to side, lean your
body to left, duck head a little to left, and
at same time make his blow glance off your
right forearm (I).

Hook your right arm over opponent's right

arm as shown (2).

A Reminder
Are you having difficulty learning the
tricks? Does it seem to you that you will
never learn correct balance?
Do not become discouraged. You are taking private lessons and so you cannot see
the other pupils are having the same difficulties. Nor should you forget that the
experts were once just as awkward as you
are now-maybe more so!
It takes time to overcome the tense hab-


its of a lifetime. It takes time and much

effort to learn to relax your body. Jiu
Jitsu balance, however, is so natural that
your progress will be rapid.
In another few weeks you may wonder
how you ever could have been so stiff and
so clumsy. So remember again: the other
fellow, the one who performs Jiu Jitsu so
well, was once as rigid and as worried as
you are now.
Cheer up, Beginner!

Step in front of opponent with your left

foot (3), and place left wrist against the
back of his upper arm (4).

Press against his arm with your left wrist

(5), with power and movement coming from
your left wrist.

This trick must be done very quickly, in

one continuous motion. In defense against
blow with fist, speed is of utmost importance. Otherwise opponent will withdraw
his arm before you can lock it. Therefore,
practice this trick until you can do it even
without thinking.

Continue pressing to position shown. Your

right hand grasps your left forearm, for
stronger pressure. Do not bend your waist,
but drop your left shoulder to apply your
weight against his arm (6).

Defense Against Blow With Fist

If opponent strikes high with right, block

as shown.


Hook your right arm over opponent's right

arm (1) and clamp his arm tightly in position shown above.

Step in front of opponent with left foot.

Place left wrist behind opponent's arm and

start pressing (2).

Continue pressing (3) to position shown.

Your right hand grasps your left forearm,
for stronger pressure. This is Elbow Lock
(Down) No.2 (not shown elsewhere).

u-angle Hold No.1 from Rear

/ ..
With your right hand,
grasp opponent's
right wrist (1).

Lift opponent's arm as high as your head

(2), and take a long step with your right
foot to his right side (3).

Turn your body (4)

so that your face in
same direction as

Defense Against Blow With Fist


If opponent attempts to strike with right

fist . . . move left foot to side (I), incline
your body to left, duck head a little to left,
and at same time make his blow glance off
your right forearm (2).

Grasp his right wrist (3) and step forward

with right foot as shown (4).

Place your left foot about 18 inches back

of opponent's left foot (5) and bring his
right hand down a little (6).

Bring your left arm OVER opponent's left

shoulder and around his neck so that the
back of your hand is against his throat, just
under chin (7). Place the top of your head
against back of opponent's ear (8) to stop
his movement temporarily.

Now place left foot behind opponent

spinning on the ball of your right foot into
this position, and prepare to get strangle


Get Strangle Hold No.1.

From position "C" you can finish with almost any of the arm locks shown in this
course. Or from position in "C" you can
with Spooning
Throw No.1. Or "C" is a good position for
a kidney punch with your fist.

m OVER opponent's left
und, his neck so that the
is against his throat, just
ace the top of your head
pponent's ear (8) to stop

u can finish with allocks shown in this
ion in "C" you can
1 Spooning Ankle
; a good position for
lr fist.

Move your head to back of opponent's neck

(9). Push your hips back for better balance
(10). Press with your left hand and your
head, and at same time pull opponent back
off balance and hold him there. This makes
him stand on his heels. But do not pull him
too much or he will fall; and do not stand
too close at this point, to guard against his
free elbows and feet.

In practice, to signal your partner to release a strangle hold, tap twice on some
part of his body or slap twice on the mat
or ground.
Remember that while the foregoing trick
has been explained step by step, the action
is really continuous without a stop. The
whole trick should require about one second.
Illustrations "A," "B," "C," "D" merely
show the best way to get behind your opponent from a facing position at start. This
phase of the trick is, of course, unnecessary
if you .happen to start from rear of opponent.
It is necessary to hdld opponent's right
hand until your left arm is around his neck,
as in "F." Up to this point his right might
be dangerous. However, after your right

Now free your right hand and with it

grasp. the fingers of your left hand (11).
You thus have opponent in a helpless position in which you can punish him severely.
The purpose of this hold is to subdue a

dangerous opponent, not to injure him.

Press just hard enough to accomplish aim.
Note in this picture that hands are applying pressure against bottom of chin, not
against the throat. And wrists press against
back of opponent's shoulders which prevents him from turning or using his arms.

hand has grasped your left wrist, he cannQt

use his elbows or feet against you. But keep
both arms over his shoulders to prevent his
using either hand effectively.
In case opponent attempts to protect his
neck by lowering his chin, press his nose
upward with your left wrist. This will give
you'cm...opportunity to drop your left arm
down against his neck. Or, if you prefer,
keep pressing' his nose.
If opponent happens to be standing with
back to wall (this will also work in any
case), grasp his wrist tightly. Then spin
quickly to your left, going underneath your
own arm. Keep a tighi .grip on his arm.
This will force opponent around to position shown in "D." Then proceed as directed in "E," "F," and "G."




Strangle HoldNo. 2-'rom Front

Face opponent.
Grasp opponent's right arm with your left
hand (I). Place your right hand back of
opponent's neck. Pull forward as shown.

Keep pulling his h'ead down toward your



Without pulling him forward, step back a
little and spread your feet slightly. This
makes your position still stronger.

Arms all the way around his neck.



Place your left forearm under opponent's

chin, against his neck (2), and keep the back
of his head against your stomach. Bring
your left arm around very quickly to block
any possibility of his reaching you with his
hands. But don't squeeze his neck at this

Place your right arm likewise under opponent's chin, and grasp your left wrist with
your right hand (3). Keep your back, neck
and head as stiff as a board. Press your chin
against his spine, and your stomach and
chest against his head. Hold steady. Do not
push down. Press against his throat with
both arms.

In "D," "E," and "F," if opponent tries

. to

reach you with his arms, you can stop his

arms by bringing your elbows forward.

For another, still stronger, strangle hold,
(starting from position in "B") wrap one
arm around opponent's neck as far as it will
go. Bring your other arm around and place
it over first arm. Then squeeze all around
with your arm and chest.
Also you can hold opponent's head on either side of your body (about waist height)
with the same finish.

If opponent attempts to drop to his knees,

follow him down as shown.


Breaking - Half-Nelson

If opponent attempts to hold with HalfNelson as shown. . .

This shows position in "D" viewed from

front. Place your left arm in front of his
abdomen (2). Bend knees and drop hips a
little. Keep your body bent forward, and
your chest down.


Bend forward. Push against his front with

the back of your hips. Using your strong
neck muscles, bring your head up sharply
(direction is against his wrist) while pressing his arm forward with strong shoulder
power. Put all the power you can into this.

Lift his right leg from behind with your

left knee (3), and at same time push back
with your left forearm. This will cause opponent to fall. Or, you can give him a sharp
blow to the solar plexus (or the chin) with
your elbow for a knockout.



will be unable to hold.

Place your left foot behind opponent to his

right leg (1).


Breaking- Full-Nelson

If opponent

attempts to hold with Full Nelson...

A Reminder
Are you having difficulty learning the
tricks? Does it seem to you that you will
never learn correct balance?
Do not become discouraged. You are taking private lessons and so you cannot see
the other pupils are having the same difficulties. Nor should you forget that the
expel'ts were once just as awkward as you
are now-maybe more sol
It takes time to overcome the tense habits of a lifetime. It takes time and much
effort to learn to relax your body. Jiu
Jitsu balance, however, is so natural that
your progress will be rapid.
In few weeks you may wonder
how you ever could have been so stiff and
so clumsy. So remember again: the other
fellow, the one who performs Jiu Jitsu so
well, was once 3J)rigid and as worried as
you are now.
Cheer up, Beginnerl



Lift both arms high and bend forward.

Bring your head up sharply and bring both
elbows straight down in a powerful, quick
movement; and at same time drop your hips
way down as shown. This entire action is

done simultaneously and quickly to capitalize on the element of surprise. Opponent

will be unable to hold. Keep bending forward for balance while dropping down.

Turn quickly to position shown and apply

Hand Throw No.4-Arm Pressure Against
Knee. Or finish by a blow with the elbow
to stomach.
Opponent will fall.

In any case in which opponent stands behind you, a strong kick to his knee-cap with
sole of foot (I)-or a kick to any part of leg
front with back of heel-will not only free
you, but will also cripple opponent at least
temporarily, and will probably floor him.



below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and should
not be taken too literally when practicing.
Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to apply them in combination. In fact) you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.

If you try Spooning Ankle No.2 (Session

I), and get to position shown here and
find you cannot finish . . .


If you try The Knee Whirl (Session 2) and

get opponent to point shown here, and for
some reason cannot finish . . .


You can change to Strangle Hold No.2

(Session 4) and finish as described therein.

You can change the position of your right

hand from his shoulder to his wrist and

go into Strangle Hold No. I (Session 4)

and finish as described therein.


After you have broken opponent's strangle

hold as shown in Breaking-Opponent
Strangles from Front (Session I) . . .


You can go into Strangle Hold No.2 (Session 4) -and finish as described therein.

Session 5.
Here in Session 5, are the following tricks:
Hand Throw No. I (including finishing
Hand Throw No. 2 (also I and 2 from
Sitting Position)
Hand Throw No.3-Spinner
(with finishing trick)
Defense Against Knife (finishing with Hand
Throws I and 2)
Defense Against Knife (high blow and
straight jab)
Defense Against Club
Opponent Holds from
Hand Throw No. I is the famous "fliptoss"-or" throw by pressure against wrist
joint. Hand Throw No.2 is especially useful in cramped quarters. It will pay you to
learn both these hand throws well, as
several knife and pistol tricks depend on
them for success.
Because this session also gives you an
effective defense against knife attack-highly practical knowledge these days-we urge
you to practice this session even more diligently than usual. Some day you'll doubtless be glad you did.

Tricks that Leave Opponent

to Retaliate
We would like to call your attention
again to the authenticity of this book.
There are no fake or made-up tricks herein.
This is immensely important to you. It is
sad but true that the average studentunless advanced-does not know whether
the trick he is so diligently studying is fake
or authentic.
The unhappy revelation comes when
someone hits him in the jaw as a result


of the vulnerable position caused by an

inefficient trick.
An authentic Jiu Jitsu trick, properly
executed, should end with opponent in
such a state that he will be unable to
counter-attack. You will find this true of
the tricks in this course. We have not
wasted your time on any of the hundreds
of so-called Jiu Jitsu tricks which leave you
wide open at the finish.

Hand Throw No.1

Stand just far enough away so that your

hand can grasp opponent's wrist. RELAX.
With your left hand turned so that the
palm is outward and the thumb pointing
down, reach for opponent's hand (1) on
the same side (as you face him).

This shows how to grasp and hold opponent's hand (lightly) with the thumb
against the back of his hand and with
your four fingers encircling the base of his

To finish, you can apply the Straight Arm

Wrist Lock to opponent even though he
is in a lying position. Without changing
hands, start walking around opponent's
head as shown.


Continue walking around opponent.


Imagine that his elbow is the hub of a

wheel. Start drawing his hand up and
around the rim of the wheel. At the same
time grasp opponent's hand with your right
hand (2) so that the heel of your hand is
a little above opponent's wrist joint. Bring
your right shoulder forward in the direction you are pressing (3) and bend body

shows position

of hands

in "C."

forward in the "defense" posture as shown

above. Carry his hand around to the point
where it normally stops. (In practice, relax
and repeat this movement several times.)
Hold opponent's hand lightly. Do not
squeeze or use power up to this point. Now
stop momentarily.

Press his hand back toward his elbow,

against the wrist joint (4). This will usually
hold him.


If he turns his body face downward, apply

more pressure. If he continues to move his
body, place your left foot on his hip.

11of hands in "C."

1se" posture as shown

I around to the point
ps. (In practice, relax
ement several times.)
md lightly. Do not
up to this point. Now

Now press his hand (with the heel of your

right thumb only; left hand merely holds)
toward a point just outside his right foot.
Use hand power only. Do not move shoulder. Do not bend your hips. Keep chest
bent forward a little. Keep elbow low; don't
stretch it out. (In practice, relax and repeat
this movement several times.)
Do not twist opponent's hand too much to
left or he may save himself by stepping

Continue pressing until opponent is forced

to ground.
Be sure to start this trick while standing
almost at arms-length from opponent's
shoulder. If standing too close, trick may
not be effective.
The directions given are for throwing opponent to your left side. To throw to right,
reverse all these instructions. Practice both


:>dyface downward, apply

he continues to move his
left foot on his hip.

Throwing or holding opponent by twisting, bending, or stretching his joints "the

wrong way," is a type of trick called
"against the joint," since it involves pressure against the natural movement. Application of this type of trick not only destroys
opponent's defensive power by putting him
in a helpless position, or by causing him
to lose his balance and to fall, but it also
is extremely painful.
The joints of the fingers, hands, arms,

legs, neck may all be attacked by this type

of trick.
Warning: This type of trick is dangerous. So be exceedingly careful in practice.
Jerking should not be used in applying
the trick or in resisting it. If jerking is
used, you may cause a dislocation or sprain;
and, in addition, you will not improve in
your efforts to master the trick. Furthermore, you lose the meaning of Jiu Jitsu,
which should be soft and gentle.



HandThrow No.2

This is a good trick in many emergencies,
especially in cramped quarters. Stand just.
far enough away so that your hand can
reach opponent's wrist. RELAX. With
your left hand, grasp opponent's wrist on
the same side and bring up directly in
front of you (I) with his fingers pointing
straight up. (Important: Do not raise opponent's elbow.)

This shows position

of hands

in "A."


Continue pressing.
This shows position

of hands

in "C."



Bend forward (2). Bend your knees to

"defense" posture (3). With your right
hand, grasp top of opponent's fist very
tightly (4). Press the heel of your right
hand against his knuckles to apply pressure against wrist joint; and continue to

press downward (5) using only the power

in your hand. Do not raise shoulder. Keep
his elbow low. Do not move your chest. Be
sure opponent's elbow is a few inches away
from his body, to avoid support against
his body.


You can throw opponent with either Hand
Throw No.1 or No.2 when you are seated
and opponent is standing. Before starting,
sit forward a little in your seat. Then grasp
opponent's hand as described in the instructions for these two throws. Then you
will find you can continue as easily as if
you were standing. If you use Hand Throw
No.1, you can stand up after opponent is

down, and finish as described. If you use

Hand Throw No.2, you can remain seated
and still hold opponent on his knees before
If you are standing and opponent is
seated, you can throw him out of his seat
and to the ground by using either of these
two throws. If using No.2, step back a
little with both feet after grasping his hand.

Opponent will go down in one of two ways.

He may fall to side as shown. Or he may
go down on one knee. In the latter case,
twist his hand a little to the left and this.
will force him over onto his back. Then
you can hold him. In close quarters-especially where there is no room for a throw
-hold opponent down on his knees.
NOTE: If, in "C," opponent resists by
pushing his fist upward, step back farther
and pull and press his wrist downward
with more power.
Practice this trick on the opposite .side,
reversing all instructions.

Hand Throw No. 3

- Spinner


In perfecting this trick, footwork and balance are so important that they should be
practiced first. To start, stand with each
foot directly underneath
shoulder. Now drop a coin (I), or other
marker, about 24 inches to the rear of your
feet as a guide for your foot position at
finish of spin.

Continue spin. As you turn, start pressing

opponent's hand down (12) with your left
palm (do not twist, but press down). Keep
knees bent a little (13). As your hands pass
over top of your head, keep them low
(otherwise opponent may be able to execute
a counter spin, in which case you will end
up again in poition uF.")


Place hands on your legs (2), bend your

knees (3), drop hips a little, and spin (4).
Turning on the ball of one foot (5), spin
a three-quarter turn (6). Try turning one
way and then the other. Now try it with
your hands off your knees. Spin several
times until you can do the turn with perfect balance. Now you are ready to learn
the handwork.



Extend your right arm with thumb up and
reach for opponent's wrist on the opposite
side (7). Your palm should face opponent's
palm. Your thumb goes around his wrist
joint. Now, without stopping
Push opponent's arm out about one foot as

shown (8). Do not grip his wrist too tightly.

Now quit:kly reach out with your other
hand (9) and place it on top of opponent's
hand so that his hand is flat between your
hands. Start your spin toward the right as
shown (10).

Practice this trick from opposite side, reversing all instructions.

Keep going. . .


To a three-quarter turn.

This shows how to grasp opponent's hand,

using index fingers and thumbs.

not grip his wrist too tightly.

reach out with your other
)lace it on top of opponent's
.is hand is flat between your
mr spin toward the right as

luarter turn.

Continue your spin, using the movement

you practiced in "A," "B," and "C." When
your hands swing over the top of your head
(II), tighten your grasp (but not too much)
on his hand.

By the time you finish your spin, opponent will be on the ground, if you have
executed the trick properly. This will bring
you to the position shown. (If opponent
is still standing after your spin, as in "J,"
continue pressing with left palm until he
falls.) Do not hold your hands too high
while he is falling; otherwise he may be
able to turn his body sidewise on the
ground. However, if he does twist to the
side, pull his arm toward you, forcing him
to lie flat on his back.

To hold him there, place your right foot

in his armpit, keep a tight grip on his
hand, and press his hand toward the ground
without more twisting.


If opponent attempts to stab you with a

knife from a low position as shown above

Again, if opponent attacks as in "A" . . .



You can block the blow as in "B" . . . and

grasp his hand with your left hand, with
thumb against back of his hand -(5).

Block the blow by crossing your arms (2).

At the same time spread your legs, in a
little jump, so that you assume position
shown. Then grasp his wrist quickly with

Now you can finish with Hand Throw

No. 1. Right hand grasps his hand as
~hown (6).


your left hand (3). Now you can fj.nish

with Hand Throw No.2, as shown in the
following illustrations.

Bring his hand up and around. Continue

until he is down and you can finish as
shown in Hand Throw No. 1.


Bring his arm up and around (4), and continue Hand Throw No.2.

Now you can hold him or disarm him.

If a person attacks you with a knife, it

always helps to throw something in his
small change, book,
hat, coat, (ladies can throw their shoes,
pocketbook, hat, or anything else handy)
- to blind or excite opponent temporarily.
Then you can effectively kick or strike
opponent in one of the vital spots.
Another effective defense: When opponent attempts to strike with knife, quickly
strike his fore-arm (the one with the knife)
with the side of your hand-a good, sharp
blow-and this will make him drop the





If opponent attempts to stab you with

knife, from position shown . . .


Proceed as described in Elbow Lock (Up).


Now you can hold him (provided you do

not pull him back so far that he falls).
Change the position of your right or left
hand (either one) to top of opponent's
hand (3), in order to clamp the knife tightly
and keep him from grabbing knife with
other hand. Or you can disable him with
a strong kick to the' shins.


Cross your arms and at same time step in

closer with either foot, and block blow as
shown (I). Quickly seize opponent's wrist
with your left hand (2). Now you are in
a position to finish with Elbow Lock (Up).

If opponent attempts to stab you by a

straight jab, you can defend yourself by a
kick to the shins. In almost any case, a
strong kick to the shins is good defense.
If you happen

to have a strong arm (don't

try this if you haven't), you can always

block opponent's blow by catching his
upper arm with your hand; then you can
go into any of the finishes described.




Breaking- Opponent Holds from Rear

If opponent attempts to hold your collar

or shoulder from rear . . .

Move behind opponent by 'placing your

left foot behind his left foot (I). Get your
hip under opponent's hip. Bend forward
as shown. At same time place your left
arm across his stomach, (2). Bend your

NOTE: This trick seems at first to need

considerable strength, but practice shows
that your hip acts as a fulcrum over which
you tilt opponent.
Another way to throw opponent from
position shown in "C": As you lift up with
right hand swing your upper body to left.
This will cause opponent to fall to your
If opponent attempts to choke or hold
from rear as in "A," you can free self by
a blow with your elbow to the solar plexus,
stomach, or short ribs.
Or, you can also free self by swinging
your shoulder around (in either direction),
striking his arm with the corner of the


Left hand encircles opponent's waist (3)

and pulls him in close to your side as
shown. Right hand now grasps opponent's
right leg from behind (4). Knees are still

Now, in one motion, suaighten up your

knees and your back; lift up with your
right hand and push back with your left
elbow. This will lift opponent with his
weight on your hip as shown. Drop him.

Defense Against

If you face a person who attempts to strike

you on the head with a club, you can break
the blow and finish exactly as described
in the knife-defense-finishing with Elbow
Lock (Up).
Also, if you face an opponent armed with
a club raised high . . .

You can dive against his knees as sho,,"n.

This will throw him as illustrated, and
most likely will disable his knee at the
same time.
Rise up quickly; this will force opponent
either to fall to his side, or smash his face
against ground, or do a somersault.


below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and shouldnot be taken too literally when practicing.

Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to apply them in combination. In fact) you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.


If you try Sweeping Calf No. 2 (Session I)

and opponent refuses to step into position
shown here, but steps back with his right
foot in order to resist . . .

Keep pulling with your left hand and

follow his movement by sliding your feet
forward and you will find yourself in the
right position to continue the tricks as if
he had not resisted.
Or, instead of following his movement, you
can release your left hand and apply Hand
Throw No. 4 (Session 3) against his left


If you attempt Sweeping Calf No. 2 (Session I) and opponent refuses to step into
position shown here, but steps back with
his right leg in order to resist .

You can go into Spring Hip Throw (Session 2), or Sweeping-Side Hip Throw (Session 3).


If you attempt Spooning

(Session I) and opponent
into position shown here
with his left. foot in order

Ankle No. I
refuses to step
but steps back
to resist . . .


Bring your right hand around and grasp

his left hand and go into Hand Throw
No. I (Session 5).


If you attempt The Knee Whirl (Session

2) and opponent succeeds in resisting at
this point. . .

You can resume your original position and

immediately start The Knee Whirl again.
But remember, when you come back to
original position, be sure your balance is
solid and strong before starting again. This
is one of the few tricks in Jiu Jitsu which
can be used in combination with itself
. . . one at which you can usually succeed
by repeating.

Session 6.
Arm Lock No. I
Holds Arms
Holds from Front
Holds Two Hands
from Rear
Holds Arms from
Hugs from Rear,
Over Arms
Holds Arms from
Hand Throw No.2 to Strangle Hold
Elbow Lock (Down) to Sweeping Calf
Hand Throw No. I to Hand Throw No.4
Hand Throw No. I to Sweeping Calf
Elbow Lock (Up) to Sweeping Calf


Arm Lock No.1


With your right hand, grasp opponent's
right hand (I) as shown (thumb on back
of opponent's hand, fingers inside palm).

Lift opponent's hand to point shown and

grasp his wrist in the "V" between thumb
and forefinger of your left hand (2), with
your fingers outside.

Breaking- Opponent Holds Arms


If opponent attempts to hold your left

hand with his right hand (I), or with his
two hands, grasp his right hand with your
right hand (2), with all five fingers over
top of his hand and with tips of your fingers wrapped around edge of opponent's
hand. Spread the thumb and fore-fingers of
120 your left hand to make a "V" as shown (3).


your left fingers up and catch his

in the "V" of your left hand and
his arm and bring it down to your
as shown (4). Note how your right
holds opponent's hand.



Step with your left foot to a point just in

front .of opponent's left foot (3). Let your
right foot turn naturally
to follow this
movement (4). At same time, turn opponent's arm until you have it in position
shown (5).

Keep holding his hand with your two

hands. Place your left forearm on top of
his elbow and press down (6).

Keep pressing with your elbow. Bend you

body toward his shoulder, and bend yo
left knee (7).

Breaking- Opponent Holds from

Swing your left foot over to a point just

in .front of opponent's
left foot (5). Continue as in "D" and "E" above. Now finish
as in "F."


If opponent attempts to strangle with two

hands from the side, grasp his right hand
with your right hand (I), with all five fingers over top of his hand, and grasp his
right wrist in the "V" of your left hand.

Swing your left foottotN

just in front of opponen
you turn his arm (using
and bring it down to y:
as in "F" above.
If opponent stranglesw
front .and right hand ba
or comes in very close,pu
the palm of your freehan
him back and put youin
as in "]."

Drop shoulder
from shoulder.
left leg.' Keep
and hold him.
let your right
ponent's hand

so that elbow power comes

Shift your weight to your
pressing against his elbow
To punish opponent more,
hand press the back of optoward his elbow.

KNOCK-OUT FINISH (if necessary): "F"

is a good position from which to start
knock-out blow to his ribs with your left

with your two

'earm on top of
1 (6).

The three breaking tricks below show practical applications of this arm lock.

Keep pressing with your elbow. Bend your

body toward his shoulder, and bend your
left knee (7).

Breaking- Opponent Holds from Front



,ttempts to strangle with two

le side, grasp his right hand
1t hand (I), with all five finof his hand, and grasp his
the "V" of your left hand.

Swing your left foot to the right to a point

just in front of opponent's left foot, while
you turn his arm (using only hand power)
and bring it down to your front. Finish
as in "F" above.
If opponent strangles with left hand in
front .and right hand back of your neck,
or comes in very close, push his nose with
the palm of your free hand. This will force
him back and put you in position to start
as in "J."

If opponent attempts to hold your coat or

shirt with his right arm straight out, grasp
his right hand with your right hand, with
all five fingers over top of his hand, and
hi~ right wrist with your left hand, exactly
as in "J." Continue as in "C," "D," "'E" and

The tricks on this page all use

basic movement, starting fFom
If any difficulty is encountered,
kick against opponent's shin will
get started.

the same
a strong
help you




Breaking- Opponent Holds Two Hands from Rear

If opponent attempts to hold both hands

from rear as shown . . .
Move your left foot to outside of his right
foot as shown (1), keeping your chest facing
original direction. Do not turn. Important

-don't try to break his hold at this point

or you will lose him. Keep right elbow
close to ribs (2).
Now break grip of his right hand by lifting your right fist up sharp}y (3).

Or from position shown in "D" you can

finish by a sharp blow with elbow to his
solar plexus or short ribs.
You can also free yourself from tl].is hold
(from position "A") by stepping back
closer to opponent and delivering a powerful kick to his knee with the sole of your
If opponent holds your arms higher than
shown in these pictures, the movements
described are even easier to do. .
Another break for position shown in
"A": Keep elbows close to body. Bend
forward. Now bring both fists up sharply.
Opponent will be unable to hold.
Remember that these illustrations show
slow motion action. Your movements, in
an emergency, must be done with flashing
speed. Practice again and again until you
achieve this speed.



Release your left hand by a twist of your

arm to the left (4).

Finish with Hand Throw

Pressure Against Knee.



Or from position shown in 'D," you can

finis~ by turning your body quickly to left
and applying Sweeping Calf.

This shows continuation

of Sweeping Calf.

This and following

with Hand Throw I'

md Throw



tinuation of Sweeping Calf.

This and following picture

with Hand Throw No.4.

show finish

Or from
finish by
ing your
as shown

position shown in 'D," you can

Spooning Ankle Throw, applyleft foot against his right ankle




---Breaking- Opponent Holds Arms from Front


If opponent attempts
to hold your left arm
with his left hand . .


Grasp opponent's left hand with your right

hand (1) so that your thumb and forefinger
circle his hand just below wrist joint.

Opponent Hugs from Rear,

Over Arms


If opponent attempts to hug tightly from

rear, over arms. . . Bend forward in "defense" posture. Press your hips closely
against his front. Keep this position
throughout this trick.


Spin to right, leading off with your left

foot (2), exactly as described in Strangle
Hold No. I (from Rear), and keep going


. . . in one continuous motion.


until this position is rc
grasp his left.hand with yom
leasing your right. You can
Strangle Hold No. I, or wit]
No. I, Shoulder Lock, or
(Down) No.1.


If opp
lock a
HB" al

.by a p
cap, a
chin. :
to his

Now hook your left foot behind opponent's


left ankle (1).

Now quickly kick opponent's ankle UP as

high as possible, putting as much power
as you can into your toes (2). Apply all
possible power against opponent's leg at
the point of contact with the top of your

.ion.. .

. . . until this position

grasp his left.hand with
leasing your right. You
Strangle Hold No.1, or
Shoulder Lock,
(Down) No.1.

is reached. Now
your left (3), recan finish with
with Arm Lock
or Elbow Lock

If opponent attempts
to hold your left
hand with both hands . . .

Grasp opponent's left hand with your right

hand as described in UB" and start spinning to right disregarding his right hand
which will lose its grasp automatically as
you turn.

If oppont:nt holds from rear with an arm
lock and steps back a little, you can free
yourself by moving back closer to opponent
which will put you in position to execute
"R" and "C."

You can also break the hold shown above

'by a powerful kickback to opponent's kneecap, or shin, with the sole of your fo~t.
You can also free yourself by a sharp
blow with the back of your head to his
chin. If opponent is too short for a blow
to his chin, the same blow to his nose or
forehead will be equally effective.

opponent's ankle UP as
putting as much pDwer
your toes (2). Apply all
~ainst opponent's leg at
3.ct with the top of your

Continue as in un" and "E."

Be sure to try every trick from opposite
side, reversing all directions.


Breaking- Opponent Holds Arms from Front




If opponent attempts to hold your two

arms with his two hands as shown. . .

Or if he attempts to hold your left wrist

with his right hand as shown . . .

At this point you can change, if you wish,

to Arm Lock No. I (in which case you can
press against his elbow joint with your left
elbow, OR with your left hand). Or you
can release your hold and go into Shoulder
Lock or Elbow Lock (Down) No.1.


Grasp his right wrist with your right han9(I), so that the palm of your hand is inside
his wrist and your thumb is at the back of
his hand just below wrist joint.

Lead off with your right foot (2) and, without stopping, turn to left and continue as
shown in Strangle Hold No. I-from Rear.
NOTE: In grasping his right wrist with
your right hand, it is preferable to start a
swinging motion, the impetus of which
carries straight through as you spin around.



I This and following two pictures show finish as in Strangle Hold No. I.


t foot (2) and, witheft and continue as

I No.1-from Rear.
is right wrist with
Ireferable to start a
impetus of which
as you spin around.

This and the next picture show continuation as in Strangle Hold No. l.

Arms all the way around neck.





Hand Throw No. 2 to Strangle Hold

If you succeed in getting opponent to position above, using Hand Throw No. 2-

Hand Throw No.1

to HandThrow No.4

If you apply Hand Throw No. I and
get opponent's hand to position shown

above.. . .

No matter whether he resists or not, you

can suddenly change to a Strangle Hold.
Place hand (the one which was on top in
previous picture) behind opponent's neck
and pull his head forward and down as

You can immediately go into Hand Throw

No.4 by dropping to your knees and ~pplying your left arm against opponent's
left knee, as explained in detail under
Hand Throw No.4.
Note that if you
apply Hand Throw No. I to opponent's
hand, you must apply Hand
Throw No. 4 to LEFT leg, and vice versa.

Regarding Combination Tricks

Combinations (or changes from one trick
to another) are important. You may occasionally start a trick and find that for some
reason you cannot finish it. By resisting
your initial action, your opponent will
always provide the opportunity for still
trick. Obviously, combination
tricks are more difficult to resist, and are
therefore more effective. Here are a few
examples of logical combinations. You will
be able to work out many other combinations with practice.

Now you can proceed with Strangle Hold

No.2, or with the hold shown above (a
slight variation) in which your arms encircleone of opponent's arms as well as his

Hand Throw

No.1 to
Sweeping Calf

1you apply Hand 'Throw No. I and opponent attempts to resist by grasping his
captured hand with his free hand (1), or
by pulling his hand back, or by any other
action, you can then proceed with Sweeping Calf.

Step forward with your left foot. Free your

right hand and place it against opponent's
left shoulder (2). At same time sweep opponent's right leg with your right leg
exactly as explained in Sweeping Calf.

Elbow Lock (Down) to Sweeping Calf



Ir changes from one trick

important. You may occa'ick and find that for some
lOt finish it. By resisting
ion, your opponent will
the opportunity for still
Obviously, combination
difficult to resist, and are
effective. Here are a few
:al combinations. You will
out many other combina:e.

If you start to apply Elbow Lock (Down)

and opponent resists by grasping his captured arm with his free hand, or by pulling
back, stop his action momentarily at the
point shown above (to strengthen your

Now you can defeat him by suddenly

changing to Sweeping Calf.

Elbow Lock (Up) to Sweeping Calf

with your left foot. Free your

d place it against opponent's
(2). At same time sweep opt .leg with your right leg
,lained in Sweeping Calf.

If you succeed in getting opponent's arm
to position shown above, using Elbow
Lock (Up). . . .

And if opponent resists by grasping his

c~ptured arm with his free hand, or by any
other method


you can still throw him

by suddenly changing to Sweeping Calf.

Session 7.

Yourself Against a Pistol



Defense Against Pistol No.1

If opponent points pistol at you from

directly in front, from front left side, or
from front right side, raise hands to HEAD
height. RELAX.
Using the hand on same side as gun (that
is, your left if opponent holds gun in his
right as above), go into the following action:


If opponent points pistol and threatens to

shoot, you can overcome him, defeat the
weapon, and remove yourself from danger
by one of the tricks on these pages.
Regardless of whether opponent points
pistol at you from front, side, or back, and
regardless of type of gun used, these tricks
are effective, so long as opponent or gun
is within reach.
But remember:
1. When a gun is pointed at you, put up
your hands, even if not told to do so. By
your willing submission, put opponent's
mind at ease.
2. Act with utmost discretion. Make no
move which is likely to excite opponent
or to suggest that you may be looking for
an opening.
3. Don't hurry. Patiently await your opportunity. He will probably step closer.
140 When he does, this is the time to act.


Quickly (with the same speed

you would employ to catch a
mosquito in flight) catch his
gun hand and shove it across
your front and down as shown
(I). Your grasp should be
tight so that his hand cannot
be jerked away. Slide right
foot back (2), holding weight
on left foot, in order to get
right leg out of line of fire.

By keeping your weight on your left foot,

you can move your right foot more quickly
out of line of fire, maintain better balance
and greater strength. Do not look directly
at gun before starting, as this may warn
him. Do not hit his hand too hard or he
may drop gun. And do not bend your
body too much (see above).



Now place your free hand against side of

gun as shown (3), in preparation for the
throw. Hand must hold gun and opponent's fingers at same time. In moving this
hand down into position, do not pass it
in front of gun.

This shows how hands hold opponent's

hand and gun in "C" (viewed from opposite side).

If opponent backs you against a wall and

orders either hands up or hands down, it
will be still easier to shove pistol aside
since you have greater strength (with the
wall re-inforcing your balance); and it is
unnecessary to step back with either foot.
PRACTICE THIS TRICK FROM OPPOSITE SIDE, reversing all instructions.
Some students find that the defense
against pistol can be executed even more
swiftly by using Hand Throw No.2, after
you have shoved gun aside as shown in
"B" and "C." Practice Hand Throw No.
2 in this way!
'It may happen that in shoving gun aside
you will accidentally catch opponent's gun
with your hand underneath his hand instead of above. While the position shown
in "C" is preferable, trick can be finished
with your hand in the under position if
your other hand is brought around very
quickly, since you cannot continue to hold
his gun hand very long otherwise.
Remember that cool and quick action is
In practice, arm opponent with toy gun.
You will see that your initial action is
always finished before opponent can pull
trigger. If opponent DOES pull the trigger,
it will be AFTER you. are out of the line
of fire.

Now throw opponent with Hand Throw

No. 1. After opponent is down, you can
finish by a hard kick to his lower side ribs
(striking with top part of foot rather than
with point of toe).
If opponent commands you to keep hands
down, this trick can be done just as easily
as with hands up. Shove gun quickly aside
by exactly the same movement as in "B"
and the trick can be finished as eXplained 141
in "E." Practice this!

...Defense Against Pistol No. 2

If opponent orders you to stand, HANDS

DOWN, and points pistol IN HIS LEFT
HAND at your RIGHT FRONT, close to
arms as shown (1) . ..

If opponent points pistol at your RIGHT

FRONT as shown in "A," but holds gun
IN HIS RIGHT HAND instead of his
left, follow the instruction given in Defense
Against Pistol No.1 (above), finishing with
Hand Throw No.1, throwing to your left.
Practice the foregoing from both the left
AND right front, with opponent holding
pistol alternately in left AND right hand.

Step in quickly with your right foot as

shown (2). At the same instant, turn your
body to left as shown and push opponent's
gun and hand away with your right forearm, and bring your left hand around and
catch opponent's gun and hand underneath
as shown (3). Special note: Do not push
against opponent too hard or he may step
back; use just enough power to move gunhand away.

SPECIAL NOTE: If opponent holds gun

IN HIS RIGHT HAND and points gun
your HANDS ARE DOWN . . .
Quickly raise your right hand high, and
at the same time bring your left hand across
and push his gun away and proceed exactly
as described in Defense Against Pistol No.
1 (above). Practice trick from both sides.



This shows close-up of position in "R."
Note how your left hand holds both gun
and hand at same time.

Now bring your right hand up and grasp

top of opponent's wrist as shown (4).

Now without stopping, finish with Hand

Throw No. 1.


Defense Against Pistol No. 3




1 opponent orders you to stand, HANDS

UP, and points pistol IN HIS RIGHT


Defense Against

Pistol No. 4


1 opponent orders you to stand, HANDS

UP, and points pistol IN HIS LEFT

Swing your left arm down and to rear as

shown (2), striking his gun hand with outside of your wrist (keep fist closed). At
same time, step directly in front of his left
foot (3) and swing your hips around and
back (4) so gun won't catch in clothes.
Bring your right hand around and grasp
his right wrist as shown (5). Practice these
movements many times, until all this can
be done in one simultaneous action.


Close-up of position in "B." Important:

Hold his hand and gun very close to your

Now your left hand grasps under-side or

opponent's right hand (6), as shown. (Be
sure to grasp both gun AND fingers at
same time.)

Swingyour left arm down and to rear,

shovinggun aside (2). At same time, step
forwardwith left foot as shown (3). Swing
your hips around and 'back. Bring right
5 armover and grasp opponent's wrist (4).

Close-up of position in "B." Be sure gun is

pointing away from body as shown.

Finish with Straight-Ar

Now your left hand gt

opponent's left hand (5

both gun AND fingers ~

ld grasps



Finish with Straight-Arm Wrist Lock.

and (6), as shown. (Be

I gun AND fingers at

in "B." Be sure gun is

body as shown.

Now your left hand grasps under-side of

opponent's left hand (5). Be sure to grasp
both gun AND fingers at the same time.

This shows finish with Straight-Arm Wrist

Lock. Step back with one or both feet and
turn opponent's wrist clockwise.
If opponent points gun IN HIS RIGHT
HAND at your RIGHT SIDE (inst..ead of
left as in the foregoing), follow the action
described in the trick below, finishing with
Hand Throw No.1.

Finish with Hand Throw No. 1.

If opponent points gun IN HIS LEFT
HAND at your RIGHT SIDE (instead of
left as in the foregoing), follow the action
described in the trick above, finishing with
Straight-Arm Wrist Lock.


Defense Against Pistol No. 5

If opponent holds pistol in coat pocket (1),

and orders hands up or hands down. . .

Seize top of his hand and gun (of course

while it is still in coat), and push his hand
and gun against his stomach (2). Step back
with your right leg, as shown, to keep it
out of possible line of fire.

"Professor Kiyose Nakae exhibited his skill
before the entire squad of policemen on
day duty who were bewildered at the speed
of Nakae.
"Using an unloaded. revolver, several of
the policemen attempted to pull the trigger of the gun before Nakae could either
twist it so that the bullet would be sent
in an opposite direction or wrest it from
theit hands."


"Professor Nakae demonstrated at the Police Station that a policeman, with a pistol
pointed at his vitals, could not pull the
trigger quickly enough, after he gave signs
of resistance, for the bullet, had there been
one, to enter his body. Always the gun
snapped after Nakae had pushed the weapon to one side, and before it could be
snapped again, the officer's hand wa3 being
twisted so painfully that he could not retain his grip on the weapon."

Now, without stopping, finish with Hand

Throw No. 1.

Or you can finish by a blow to a vital spot.

Illustration of finish by blow to side of

head with edge of hand.

Defense Against Pistol No.6

If opponent orders you to stand with

HANDS DOWN OR UP, and points pistol
IN HIS LEFT HAND at you from rear
(I) . . . (Before starting this trick, be sure
you feel gun in your back.)

You can turn either to left or right, but

if you desire to make a RIGHT turn, swing
your right hand down and around to rear,
shoving gun aside as shown (2). At same
time, step back with your right foot (3).
NOTE direction in which feet are now

Defense Against Pistol No. 7


If opponent orders you to stand with

HANDS DOWN OR UP, and points pistol
IN HIS RIGHT HAND at you from rear
(1) . . . (Again be sure you feel gun in your

You can turn either to right or left, but

if you desire to make a RIGHT turn,
swing your right hand to rear (2), shoving
gun aside as shown. At the same time, step
back with your right foot (3).

ickly bring your left hand around and

sp wrist of his gun hand (4).

If you desire to make a turn to tbe

LEFT, instead of to the right as in "B,"
you will find yourself in position to throw
opponent with Hand Throw No. I or No.
2, as also instructed in Defense Against

ckly bring your left hand around and

p wrist of his gun hand (4).
posite side.rea2s

Now your right hand grasps under-side of

opponent's left hand (5). Be sure to grasp
both gun AND fingers at same time.

Pistol No.7 (below).

If opponent stands at your rear, be very
sure that gun is close enough to your body
to be felt. Don't take chances. Opponent
must be near enough for you to be able

Close-up of position
posite side.from

Bring his hand up and an

finish with Arm Lock No. I
Arm Wrist Lock as instructe
Against Pistol No.3.

to grab the gun.

These descriptions assume that opponent
holds gun at your rear near your waist. If
he holds the gun higher, the trick is still
easier to execute.

"C;.' viewed from op-



I grasps under-side of
(5). Be sure to grasp
rs at same time.

Bring his hand up and around (6) and

finish with Arm Lock No. I, or StraightArm Wrist Lock as instructed in Defense
Against Pistol No.3.

This shows finish, using Arm Lock No. I.

to grab the gun.

your rear, be very

lough to your body
chances. Opponent
:or you to be able

These descriptions

assume that opponent

holds gun at your rear near your waist. If

he holds the gun higher, the trick is still
easier to execute.

This shows finish with Hand Throw No.2.

"C,': viewed from op-

Now your right hand grasps under-side of

opponent's gun hand (5). Be sure to grasp
both gun AND fingers at same time. Now
bring his hand up and around and finish
with Hand Throw No. I or No.2.

If you desire to make a turn to the LEFT,

instead of to the right as in "B," you will
find yourself in position to throw opponent
with Arm LOLk No. I, or Straight-Arm
Wrist Lock, as also instructed in Defense
Against Pistol No.6 (above).




below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and should
not be taken too literally when practicing.

Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to apply them in combination. In fact, you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.



After you have broken opponent's hold as

shown in Breaking Wrist Hold (Session
If you get opponent to position shown
here in Strangle Hold No. I (Session 4) . . .

You can change, if you wish, to Arm Lock

No. I (Session 6) or to almost any of the
arm locks shown in this course.



You can go into Strangle Hold No.2 (Session 4) and finish as described therein.



If you get opponent to position shown

here (finish of Defense Against Blow with
Fist, Session 3), and want to change to a
still stronger finish . . .


After you have broken opponent's hold as

shown in Breaking Wrist Hold (Session
2) . ..

You can change to Strangle Hold No. 2
(Session 4) and finish as described therein.
In this case, release your hand hold, and
step around to front of opponent quickly
before he can get his body into an erect

You can grasp opponent's right hand and

go into Hand Throw No.3-Spinner
(Session 5) and finish as described therein.



below show how to work out combinations
of tricks. Obviously all possible combinations cannot be illustrated. You can make
up many more. Drawings below are taken
directly from tricks referred to, and should
not be taken too literally when practicing.

Their purpose is merely to suggest the action. You are supposed to know the tricks
before trying to apply them in combination. In fact} you cannot understand these
instructions unless you have already practiced the tricks referred to.


If opponent
attempts to strike you with
club as shown (from Defense Against Club,
Session 5) . , , or with knife (as shown in
Defense Against Knife, Session 5) , , ,

Yo~ can block his arms with your hands,

and go into The Knee Whirl (Session 2)
or into Sweeping Calf No, I (Session I),




.I I

If you try Hand Throw No.3-Spinner

(Session 5) and get opponent to this position and find you cannot finish . . .

You can immediately change to Sweeping

Calf No. I (Session I) and finish as described therein.



If you start Hand


No. I or Hand

Throw No.2 (Session5) . . .

You can change (whether opponent resists

or not) to Spring Hip Throw (Session 2)
and finish as described therein.

Regarding Combination Tricks

Combinations (or changes from one trick
to another) are important. You may occasionally start a trick and find that for some
reason you cannot finish it. By resisting
your initial action, your opponent will
always provide the opportunity for still



If you get opponent to this position in

Arm Lock No. I (Session 6) . . .

Whether he resists or not, you can change

to Spooning Ankle Throw (Session I) . . .
or to Strangle Hold No.2-from
(Session 4).

trick. Obviously, combination
tricks are more difficult to resist, and are
therefore more effective. Here are a few
examples of logical combinations. You will
be able to work out many other combinations with practice.


If you get tQ this point in applying Strangle Hold No. I (the picture above is position "G" from Breaking-Opponent
Arms from Front, Session 6), and if opponent resists by pulling back .

You can change the position of your hands,
turn your body to opposite direction and
apply Sweeping Calf No.2 (Session I).




If you attempt Hand Throw No. 3-Spinner (Session 5) and get to this position and
find that for some reason you cannot
finish. . .

If opponent attempts to strike you with

fist and you block the blow by throwing
both hands inside and against opponent's
arms (from Defense Against Blow with
Fist, Session 2) . . .

You can immediately
change to Strangle
Hold No.1 (Session 4), reversing your direction and going ,-,nder opponent's
arms as
shown. Then you can finish with Strangle
Hold No.1 or Arm Lock No.1 (Session 6).

You can grasp opponent's

hand (must be
done very quickly) and go into Hand
(Session 5) and
finish as described therein.







For the FIRST METHOD of reviving a

person who is unconscious from strangulation, or from a blow to almost any part
of the body, or from a heavy fall. . . lift
patient to sitting position.

From position shown in "B," you can also

go into position shown above, for the
SECOND METHOD. Cross opponent's
arms in front of chest. Hold the top arm
as shown. Brace your knee against his spine.
Now press-or squeeze-his chest against
your knee, forcing the air out of his chest.
Then suddenly release the pressure to allow
chest to expand and draw in more air. Continue this pumping at the rate of normal
breathing. Stop as soon as patient starts
breathing. Then pound about ten times
between shoulder blades with heel of your
fist as shown in "F."
The principal difference between the first
and second methods described is this: The
first method helps to restore heart action
as well as breathing. The second method
is primarily to start breathing action.

Brace your right knee against his spine.

This shows how and where to pound

(easily) between shoulder blades-whether
in sitting or standing position-as described
in the foregoing.



Bring his left hand over and across his -chest

and under his right arm (I).

Hold his left shoulder lightly with your

left hand (2), and pull with your right
hand to force the air out of his chest. Then
suddenly release the pressure to allow chest
to expand and draw in more air. Continue
this pumping at the rate of normal breathing. Stop as soon as patient starts breathing.
it may require only one such
and release. Frequently
will do the trick. Or, if the person has been
"out" for some time, it may require as
many as thirty such movements. After patient starts breathing,
pound him about
ten. times between the shoulder blades with
the heel (softest part) of your half closed,
loosely-held fist. This stimulates nervous


Resuscitation means to bring back to life,

back to the senses, back to consciousness.
There are scores of resuscitation methods
for all types of emergencies. Only a few
are explained here, but they are simple and
are sufficient for most needs.
The three requirements for success in
this work are:
Proper treatment-which
comes from
Coolness-which comes from understanding proper treatment and knowing that
the method is correct.
Confidence-which comes from practice..

A few points to remember are:

Do not give patient water while unconscious; afterwards he can have all the water
he wants.

See Next Page



For the THIRD METHOD of reviving a

person knocked out by a blow, fall or
strangulation, stand behind patient, as
closely as possible. Clasp your hands in
front of patient, over his diaphragII?-, just
below his ribs. With a quick spring-like
motion, squeeze opponent's diaphragm
and then release pressure.
This helps to restore breathing, and
stimulates heart action. Keep up this motion until patient revives. Then pound as
in "F." This method is equally effective
from a sitting position.

For the FOURTH

of resuscitation, place opponent
flat on his back.
Place your hands, spread out as shown, just
below ribs. Stand as shown. Now with a
quick motion slide your hands up, to force
out the air; then quickly release the pressure to permit chest to expand and draw
in more air. Do not use to much strength;
only enough to force out the air Continue
this action at rate of normal breathing
until patient
starts breathing
Then sit patient upright and pound as in
"F." You can also kneel on one knee, if
this is more comfortable.



place patient
chest down with face to side. Stand as
shown. Place your hands against patient's
back, about half-way down. Now with a
quick spring-like
press straight
down, forcing out the air, and then suddenly release pressure allowing chest to
draw in more air. Continue this action at
rate of breathing
until natural
breathing starts. Then sit patient upright
and pound as in "F."
NQTE: The pressure in "H" is upward,
that is, forward toward the shoulders. In
"I," the pressure is exerted straig-ht down.

The following (SIXTH METHOD) is primarily for reviving a person who has been
knocked out by a blow to the head. Sit,
patient upright as shown in "B." Place the
four fingers of your right hand against
patient's right temple, and the fingers of
your left against his left temple. Place your
right thumb against the hollow space at
the back side of his neck just behind the
ear and just below the base of the skull.
Place your left thumb in similar position
at back left side of neck. Now, in a sort of
kneading action, massage his temples and
the back of his neck by revolving your
fingers and thumbs three times in a circular motion with medium pressure. Next,
lift up his head (with a little more pressure)
as if you were trying to lift his head off
his body. Then, suddenly take away all
pressure by removing your hands from his
head. Repeat a few times. When patient
revives, pound as in "F." If he does not
seem to respond, shift to one. of the other
methods described.

The SEVENTH METHOD is for reviving

a patient who has been knocked out or
injured by a blow to the testes. Sit patient
upright with his arm around your neck
for support. Your left arm also supports
patient from other side. Place your right
hand against his lower abdomen (on either
side but preferably in the center to make
sure that you work to relieve whichever
side is affected). Now quickly slide your
hand downward several times for the purpose of replacing the testes in their normal
position. Usually this will revive patient,
but if he remains unconscious, switch to
one of the other methods.
Another method of replacing testes if patient can be held up, is to pound several
times as in "F," but against lower part of
If you should be injured by a blow to
testes, and there is no one to assist you, it
will be necessary for you to jump up and
down, landing each time solidly on the
soles of your feet. Purpose is to jolt the
testes down into normal position. Since
you will be in intense pain, this requires
it is an effective remedy.


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