Mma Manual

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Proponent: Office of the Army Provost Marshal

Issued: ____________________





Philippine Army Manual 1-10 (PAM 1-10) dated 21 May is promulgated

on authority of the Commanding General, Philippine Army


Commanding General, Philippine Army



1. Purpose

This Army Provost Marshal Manual sets forth the procedure and
guidance to all Commanders of the PA in the conduct of Provost Marshal

2. Scope and Applicability

This manual includes doctrines: Organization and functions of OAPM;

Delineation of functions of IGS, OESPA, PM, JAGS and MP in the AFP,
Investigation Procedure; Reports of Investigation; Handling and Disposition of
Persons Apprehended; Arrest and Confined; Disposition of AWOL Personnel;
Guidance on Firearms; Class E Allotment; Disciplinary Power of
Commanding Officer; and Miscellaneous (Primer on the Articles of War and
Major Steps in the Processing of a Criminal Case).

3. User Information

This manual is classified as RESTRICTED to insure its PA-wide

dissemination. The proponent of this manual is the Office of the Army Provost
Marshal through the Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army. Users
of this manual may submit comments and recommend changes to the
Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army, CampODonnel, Capas,

4. References

AFP Manual for Courts-Marshal, 1987.

AFP Military Justice System Handbook, 1993.
Fort Bonifacio Camp Rules and Regulations, 2004
Provost Marshal Investigators Handbook, 3rd Edition, 2000
Office of the Judge Advocate General, Selected References on Military
Affairs, 1997
Philippine Military Law Annotated by Claro G. Gloria
Philippine Army Personnel Management Manual, PAM 1-00
.Investigation Procedure FC 1 101, May 2005
HPA Personnel Directive Number 1 dated 12 June, 2008
OAPM Staff Memo Series of 2012
OAPM Staff Memo Series of 2012
U.S. FM 101-5

5. Rescission

All publications, manuals and directives inconsistent with this manual

are hereby rescinded.

6. Gender


Unless this publication states otherwise, masculine nouns and

pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.



Title Page i
Promulgation Note iii
Preface v
Contents vii

Section Title Page

1-1 Background 1-1
1-2 Mission 1-4


2-1 Organizational Chart 2-1

2-2 Responsibility 2-1
2-3 Basic Functions of the Deputy and Executive Office 2-2
2-4 Basic Functions of Chief, Administrative Branch 2-3
2-5 Basic Functions of Chief, Plans, 2-3
Operations and Training Branch
2-6 Basic Functions of Chief, Complaint and Investigation 2-4
2-7 Basic Functions of Chief, Legal, Research and 2-5
Statistic Branch
2-8 Relationship with other Investigative Agencies and 2-5
Concerned Units/ Offices
2-9 Relationship with the Military Police 2-6

2-10 Relationship with PA Major Subordinate Units 2-6

2-11 Logo/ Seal of Office of the Army Provost Marshal 2-6


3-1 Conduct of Investigation 3-1

3-2 Receiving Complaint 3-1
3-3 Walk-In Complaint 3-2
3-4 Screening of Letter Complaint/or 3-2
Cases/Complaint Referred for Investigation
3-5 Dispositions of Complaint 3-3
3-6 Submission of Reports 3-4



4-1 1Due Process 4-1

4-2 Administrative Due Process 4-1
4-3 Disposition of Administrative Case Against Civilian 4-3
4-4 Disciplinary Jurisdiction 4-3
4 -5 Preventive Suspension 4-4
4-6 Lifting of Preventive Suspension Pending 4-4
Administrative Investigation
4-7 Filing of Appeal 4-4
4-8 Grievance Machinery 4-4


5-1 Determination of Gravity of Offense 5-1

5-2 Minor offenses 5-1
5-3 Less Grave Offenses 5-2
5-4 Grave offenses 5-3


6-1 Appeals 6-1

6-2 Minor offenses 6-1
6-2 Grave and Less Grave Offenses 6-1


7-1 Disposition of Cases 7-1

7-2 Reporting System 7-1
7-3 Estoppel by Laches 7-1


8-1 Issuance of Clearance/Certification 8-1

8-2 Referral of Complaint to Major Subordinate Unit 8-1
8-3 Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist 8-1
8-4 General Provision 8-1


A Lineage of Commanders A1
B Sworn Statement B1
C Investigation Report C1


D Summons D1
E Sample Format Of Letter-Request For Submission Of E1
Evidence By Civilian Complainants
F Compliance with Summonses and Similar Directives F1
G Republic Act Nr 7055 G1
H Circular Number 17 H1
I AFP Regulations AFPRG 131-472 I1
J Administrative Order Nr 55 J1
K Circular number 14 K1
L Commanders Responsibility on Criminal and L1
Administrative Cases Involving Military Personnel
M Administrative Order Nr 40 M1
N Standard Operating Procedure Number, 02 N1
O Circular Number 16 O1
P Republic Act no. 9262 P1
Q SOP Nr 1 Q1
R Class E Allotment R1
S Republic Act no. 8294 S1
T Circular Number 8 T1
U Monogamy in the Philippine Army U1
V ACT NR 6968 W1
W RA NO. 9372 X1
X Circular 16





Section 1-1 Background

The Provost Marshal (pronounced "Provo") is the officer in the armed forces
who is in charge of the military police (sometimes called the provost). There may be
a Provost Marshal serving at many levels of the hierarchy and he may also be the
public safety officer of a military installation, responsible for the provision of fire, gate
security, and ambulance services as well as law enforcement. A Provost Marshal
may also be in charge of the execution of punishments.

Every country has its own set-up/term for Provost Marshal. In the British
Armed Forces, the Provost Marshal is the head of the military police of each service,
with the senior military police officers at lower levels being titled Deputy or Assistant
Provost Marshals. In many cases the provost marshal is in charge of discipline. The
Canadian Forces Provost Marshal (CFPM) is the Branch Advisor for the Canadian
Forces Military Police Branch, and also the Commander of the Canadian Forces
Military Police Group (CF MP Gp). The chief of the German Military Police
(Feldjger) is called General der Feldjgertruppe (equivalent to Provost Marshal
General). The German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) do not have a specific title for
military police officers so in most tactical units and especially in multinational
deployments, they will use the English term Provost Marshal. In the United States
Army and United States Marine Corps, the senior military police officer is the Provost
Marshal General (PMG) (Army) or Provost Marshal (USMC). The PMG was a post
that was reinstated in 2003, having been abolished for 29 years. The PMG is in
charge of the United States Army Military Police Corps, U.S. Army Criminal
Investigation Command (CID) and United States Army Corrections Command (ACC)
policy and procedures from an office in The Pentagon.

In the Philippines, Provost Marshal is basically patterned after U.S Army Field
Manual 101-5, Staff Organizations and Procedures. Chapter 4, of FM 101-5 states
that the provost marshal is the special staff officer responsible for coordinating
military police (MP) combat, combat support, and combat service support assets and
operations. The PM is the senior military police officer in the command. He is also
the commander of the MP unit supporting the force. The PM augments the staff with
an officer to represent him on the staff in his absence. APM is located at corps and
division levels.

The Philippine Army Provost Marshal goes as far back when the Philippine
Constabulary (PC) was transformed into a division of the Philippine Army (by virtue
of Commonwealth Act Number 1 dated 21 December 1935 (The National Defense
Act) The PC was then the Philippine Insular Force charged with the maintenance of
Peace and Order from as early as the American occupation in 1901. It is now the
Philippine National Police.

In 1936, MGEN JOSE DELOS REYES, AFP was designated as the first
Provost Marshal General. On account of Commonwealth Act Number 343 dated 23


June 1938, and upon the separation of the Constabulary from the Philippine Army
the title of the Provost Marshal General was conferred to BGEN FEDRICO OBOZA
AFP, who was then assigned at the Military Police Command (MPC) under the
United States Armed Forces of the Far East (USAFFE). The MPC was a post
liberation period of the Philippine Constabulary. Trained under Military Police
Programs, the primary mission of the MPC was akin to that of the pre-war PC, with
its key function of enforcing military law and order for the benefit of the civilian
populace. The deactivation of the Philippine Constabulary on 31 December 1947
terminated the designation of its head, BGEN OBOZA, as the Provost Marshal

On 13 Feb 1953, the Provost Marshal General Section (PGMS) was activated
through General Order (GO) Number 41. COLONEL FLORENTINO V CARDENAS
was designated as the Provost Martial General of the AFP, conceived as a special
staff, its main mission was to advise the Chief of Staff, AFP with regard to laws, rules
and regulations necessary to enforce order and discipline among all military
personnel in the AFP.

On 01 July 1957, the Headquarters Philippine Army was separated from

General Headquarters Armed Forces of the Philippines pursuant to section I,
General Orders Nr 362, Headquarters Armed Forces of the Philippines, dated 12
January 1957.

In view of the separation of the PA from GHQ, the Office of the Provost
Marshal Philippine Army was created and organized effective 01 July 1957 and
further amended and reorganized by AFP table of distribution 100-ISA. Pursuant to
SOP number 08 HPA dated 11 Feb 71, name, the Office of the Army Provost
Marshal General was changed to Army Provost Marshal Division.

On 02 October 1978, a GHQ letter directive was issued (Subject: Delineations

of Functions of the IGS and PM) specifying that in relation to the investigation aspect
of their primary functions the PM/MP is supposed to concentrate on offenses
involving individuals while the IGS to concentrate on offenses involving concentrate
units and commands.

In line with PA Reorganization Plan PAGBABAGO, HPA publish HPA

Memorandum Number 02 dtd 01 February 1987, incorporating significant changes
on the internal organizational structure of the various General and Special Staff
Offices of HPA to include the responsibility and functions. To date, the Army Provost
Marshal Division is organic of the Headquarters Philippine Army, the incumbent
Army Provost Marshal is COL BENEDICTO M JOSE MNSA, PA. He assumed as
Army Provost Marshal effective 15 Jan 09.



Section 2-1 Organizational Chart


a. Investigates complaints involving administrative offenses against

person and property, vehicular accidents, traffic violations, disturbance of peace and
public order, individual violations of laws and regulations and misbehavior/
misconduct of personnel;

b. Receives complaints and cause their investigation by subordinate

disciplinary authority;

c. Formulates and recommends directives and policies pertaining to

investigation procedures, proper disposition of cases and maintenance of order and
discipline among military personnel;

d. Conducts review of existing policies, rules and regulations and

recommends changes, revision of such policies and regulations to higher

e. Conducts research and study and formulate policies relative to the

improvement of the organization and functions of the MP units and Amy detention
facilities and handling of detainees;


f. When so designated, acts as Commander of a Military Police Unit in

addition to his staff duties;

g. Investigates Human Rights violations involving PA personnel;

h. Assists judicial authorities in the enforcement of warrants of arrest,

subpoena, and other court processes;

i. Encodes case records in the Discipline Law and Order Information

System (DLOIS);

a Consolidates the periodic reports submitted on PA Delinquency Report


j. Assists in the registration and insurance of PA vehicles;

k. Conducts seminar on Investigation Techniques, Procedures & IR


l. Issues alarms for the apprehension of Personnel declared AWOL, to

include escape military personnel;

b Effects the arrest and investigation of offenders/violators of PA rules

and regulations for appropriate disposition;

m. Reviews and evaluates investigation reports;

n. Consolidate reports on status of detainees;

o. Assist complainants in the accomplishment of their complaints;

p. Issues certification to personnel concerning status of their cases;

q. Maintains statistics of PM cases;

r. Maintains storage of case records;

c Endorses to PGAB all complaints relative to retirement benefits;

t. Performs other duties pursuant to GHQ, AFP Cir Nr 13 dtd 25 Jul 96 on
PM functions; and

u. Performs other task as directed by CG, PA.

Section 2-3 Basic Functions of the Deputy and Executive Officer

a. Assists The Army Provost Marshal in the execution of the functions of

the Office.


b. Performs the duties and responsibilities of APM in his absence.

c. Performs such other functions as the APM may direct.

Section 2-4 Basic Functions of Chief, Administrative Branch

a. Receives and records all messages and correspondence intended for

the APM.

b. Acts on all messages and correspondence and delivers outgoing

communication to offices/units concerned.

c. Insures that orders, correspondence and directives are acted on time

as required/directed.

d. Insures that all classified matters are handled and secured properly in
accordance with AFPR-G 200-012.

e. Compiles necessary statistic records of OAPM.

f. Enforces observance of office regulations and discipline among

enlisted personnel and civilian employees assigned at OAPM.

g. Procures and screens personnel for assignment to OAPM.

h. Process, maintain and issue appropriate office supplies and

equipment and other requirements necessary for effective and efficient
operations of the office.

i. Coordinates with appropriate AFP agencies for the moral and welfare
of both military and civilian personnel.

j. Performs such other functions as APM may direct.

Section 2-5 Basic Functions of Chief, Plans, Operations and Training Branch

a. Supervises the following Army Police Operations:

1) Confinement, care, and rehabilitation of military prisoners in

stockade, rehabilitation of training centers and hospital prison wards.

2) Control circulation of individuals and identification of

military personnel in coordination with other agencies and similar control
of civilian, if required.


3) Coordinates apprehension of military offenders/civilians

who commit offenses in areas under military jurisdiction.

4) Supervises traffic safety enforcement including preparation

and posting of temporary sign for proper route markings and traffic
control of temporary and permanent route.

5) Protection of government property including the prevention

of pilferage of military equipment and supplies in transit and in storage.

6) Measures for aid disturbance and disasters to include

coordination of those measures.

b. Prepares and submits OAPM Wide monthly report for TPMG while
close /terminated cases to OTAG, GHQ, AFP.

c. Formulates plans and policies for the training and operation of the
military police enforcement of laws, rules and regulations.

d. Plans, directs and supervises Army safety enforcement programs.

e. Recommends issuance of alarm for the apprehension of Army

personnel on AWOL, deserters and absentees in the Command.

f. Coordinates the apprehension of military offenders/civilians who

commit offenses in the area of military jurisdiction.

g. Carry out such other functions as APM may direct.

Section 2-6 Basic Functions of Chief, Complaint and Investigation Branch

a. Issues summons and investigate cases of military personnel involved

in offenses against person and properties, vehicular accidents, violation of
military laws, rules and regulations and submit findings and recommendations
pertinent thereto.

b. Formulates policies, plans and programs for crime prevention in the

PA to reduce incidence of violations of laws, rules and regulations.

c. Maintains a case record and status of current investigation conducted

as well as case logbook.

d. Periodically review pending cases and provide guidance

concerning such investigation and maintain case progress report of all investigations

e. Insures all evidence/s are processed, safeguarded and disposed in

accordance with investigation procedures.


f. Conducts background investigations and intelligence information and

evidence(s) as an aid to on-going investigation.

g. Maintains Liaison with OAJA and other law enforcement agencies in

order to obtain additional information / evidence/s with regards to on-going

h. Insures that investigators received professional training to enhance

their knowledge.

i. Directly responsible for the supervision and control on all personnel,

resources and activities in the Complaint and Investigation Branch.

j. Carry out such other functions as APM may direct.

Section 2-7 Basic Functions of Chief, Legal, Research and Statistic Branch

a. Keeps and maintains a complete, current and centralized records of

disciplinary cases of all military personnel of the PA and to render periodic reports to
CG, PA thru G1 PA regarding the status of such cases.

b. Compiles and monitor statistical and miscellaneous reference data and

trends on the PA Wide disciplinary cases and to conduct research and studies
of such cases and render assessment and analysis to include
recommendation/corrective action in order to minimize if not prevent the
commission of similar cases/offenses.

c. Conducts studies and researches of laws, rules and regulations,

policies, circulars, SOPs, directives and memoranda pertaining to discipline, law
and order to determine, assess its currency/applicability and to recommend
its amendments for revision and changes that may be deemed necessary.

d. Directly responsible for the supervisions and control of all personnel,

resources and activities in the Legal, Research and Statistic Branch.

e. Performs such other functions as APM may direct.

Section 2-8 Relationship with other Investigative Agencies and Concerned Units/

The Office of the Army Provost Marshal collaborates with and engages in
investigative activities to competent, assist, and help sustain investigations that are
being conducted by the following offices:

a. Office of the Inspector General (OTIG)

b. Office of the Ethical Standards and Public Accountability (OESPA) and,


c. Office of the Army judge Advocate

The Office of the Army Provost Marshal may render similar assistance to and
support the Army Judge Advocate in instances where a preliminary investigation or
pre-trial investigation is being conducted, and in the service of process and units of
the Trial Judge Advocate in court-martial proceedings, including processes of other
military courts, boards or tribunals.

Section 2-9 Relationship with the Military Police

The Provost Marshal and Military Police have concurrent jurisdiction to

enforce the laws, rules and regulations, as well as to prevent and suppress acts
inimical to the national defense of the Philippines, the security of military and public
facilities and the integrity of the Philippine Army and personnel.

Section 2-10 Relationship with PA Major Subordinate Units

The Army Provost Marshal is under the functional jurisdiction of G1. It

exercises technical supervision and coordinate activities of the Provost Marshals of
the PA Major Subordinate Units.

Section 2-11 Logo/ Seal of Office of the Army Provost Marshal

The OAPM LOGO with the following symbolism:

a. AFP Coat of Arms. - Represents the symbol of AFP wherein the Army
belongs as one of the Major Service.

b. Cross Revolver. - Symbolizes the police function inherent to the

Provost Marshal works. It is similar to a cross rifle for infantry insignia.


c. Bold letter of PROVOST MARSHAL ARMY around the boundary of

seal. - Shows the unit of a particular PM sporting the Seal/Patch Logo.

d. Black & White color. - Represents the decision made on case which is
white for acquittal and black for convictio




Investigation are normally conducted for the purpose of providing APM, G1 or

Commanders with complete and unbiased report respecting allegations against
active military personnel, civilian employees, and other staff under the jurisdiction of
the Philippine Army. Investigation is being done in an overt manner and treated the
complainant and respondent equitably. It is essential and necessary that the
investigator exercises good judgment, tact, and fair discretion in discharging his
investigation mission. Investigators under the supervision of OAPM conduct
investigation in the PA to include all its subordinate units.

Section 3-1 Conduct of Investigation

In an administrative investigation, the investigator may conduct the

investigation in the following manner:

a. All complaints shall be accompanied by sworn statements or affidavit of

the complainants and his witnesses as well as other supporting documents. The
sworn statements or affidavits of the complainant and his/her witnesses shall be
sworn to before the Investigating Office or notarized by a Notary Public. He shall
examine them and satisfy himself that their statements/affidavits were voluntarily
executed and understood by them.

b. In entertaining a walk-in complainant, the investigator should first

interview him/her to determine whether he/she has sufficient evidence to support
his/her complaint/charges. If he/she cannot produce the necessary evidence,
he/she should be advised accordingly. If he/she insists, the investigator should refer
the matter to the Chief of Investigation Branch. On the other hand, if the evidence
presented is sufficient to establish a prima facie case, the investigator shall prepare
the necessary complaint sheet and thereafter refer the case to the unit/s where the
respondent/s is/are assigned for appropriate action/investigation

c. Statements/Affidavits of the complainants/respondents/witnesses

which have been sworn to before a Notary Public or government officials duly
authorized to administer oath shall be subsequently sworn to before the Investigating
Officer or any Provost Marshal Officers in the place of investigation for affirmation
purposes. Whenever necessary, the Investigating Officer may summon either or
both parties or their witnesses and asks clarificatory questions.

d. The Investigating Officer shall help either or both the complainant and
the respondent and their witnesses in the preparation and execution of their
affidavits if requested to do so. He shall see to it that he has given the complainant/s
and respondent/s the opportunity to present evidence on his/her/their behalf.

e. The Investigating Officer shall see to it that a personal confrontation

between the complainant and respondent be made possible or set for a possible


amicable settlement and/or for the purpose of threshing out the problems or
stipulation of facts.

Section 3-2 Receiving Complaint

A complaint can be considered meritorious if supported by the following:

a. Accomplishment of Complaint Sheet

b. Sworn statement/Affidavit of the complainant(s)

c. Statement of witness(es)

d. Documentary evidence

Section 3-3 Walk-In Complaint

a. Conduct interview to elicit facts and circumstances of the case.

b. Complainant to accomplish complaint sheet by himself/herself and/or

with the assistance of the Complaint NCO/Investigator and sworn to before the
Investigating Officer or notarized by a Notary Public.

c. Complainant to support his/her complaint with sworn

statement/Affidavit and that of the SS or Affidavit(s) of his/her witness(es) duly
subscribed to before the Investigating Officer or notarized by a Notary Public.

d. Other documentary evidences relative to the complaint.

e. The NCOIC of Inves Branch will screen the complaint/s. If the

complaint is already substantiated, the NCOIC of the Inves Branch will refer the
same to the unit/s where the respondent/s is/are assigned for appropriate action
/investigation. If the complaint is not substantiated, the NCOIC will advice him/her
that he will not entertain his/her complaint.

(Note: If the complainant filed already his/her complaint before other investigating
agency within the AFP, said complaint should only be follow-up to avoid forum

Section 3-4 Screening of Letter Complaint and/or Cases/Complaint Referred

For Investigation

a. Determine if the complaint is meritorious and/or supported by Sworn

Statement and/or Affidavit of Complaint and that of his/her witness (es). If the


complaint is not substantiated, the complainant will be summoned to substantiate

his/her complaint by personally giving his/her Sworn Statement and/or send his duly
notarized affidavit and that of his/her witness(es) to include related documentary
evidence. If the complaint is already substantiated with evidence(s), same will be
referred to the unit/s where the respondent/s is/are assigned for appropriate
action/investigation and thereafter the complainant/s will be informed thru letter of
the action taken on his/her letter complaint(s).

b. If the letter complaint(s) is/are not substantiated with evidence, the

complainant(s) will be informed thru his/her/their given address(es), to submit the

required evidence(s), otherwise, will be considered dropped and closed for lack of

Section 3-5 Dispositions of Complaint

a. Complaints made verbally or in writing or ventilated through

newspapers or magazine/articles are the usual bases of administrative
investigations. Complainants shall be confronted and required to execute duly
notarized sworn statement to the effect that their charges are true, before any
further investigation is conducted.

b. Complaints and grievances of civilian employees to enhance

wholesome and desirable employee management relations shall be handled and
disposed in accordance with GHQ Circular No. 2 dated 11 January 1991, Subject:
Employee Grievances Machinery, AFP.

c. Anonymous complaints shall be handled and disposed in accordance

with SOP No. 1 GHQ AFP dated 26 March 1993, Subject: Disposition of
Anonymous Complaints/Reports and Ombudsman dated 29 May 1995 re
Anonymous or Fictitious Complaint in relation to Sec 12 of RA 3019 otherwise
known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

d. Complaints received from whatever sources shall be referred to the

unit or agency concerned and shall not be recorded as pending complaint of the
investigating officers who referred the same.

e. Information regarding any complaint i.e., action taken, status or final

disposition shall be relayed to parties concerned immediately after the resolution of
the issue with the approval of the Commander of the investigating unit.

f. Any report and/or complaint received by any of the above stated

investigative offices which do not fall under their investigative jurisdiction, shall
immediately forward same to the cognizant office. Moreover, in no case will an
office entertain any complaint not within his authority to investigate except as
directed by CG, PA or higher authority.


g. In case of doubt as to which investigating office or unit has jurisdiction

over a certain case, the same shall be resolved by referring it to the proper office
Personnel Officer (G1) for appropriate action.

h. If during investigation, a new offense(s) other than the specified

charge is/are discovered, this will be taken into account and included as a separate
offense even if the original offense is subsequently proven to be without basis. The
respondent shall be properly informed and requires to answer the same.

i. Cases originally filed and resolved in the lower units of either PM, TIG
or OESPA but were later refilled/revived by the complainant for reinvestigation shall
not be referred back to the lower units but shall be acted upon by the cognizant
higher agency accordingly.

j. Administrative investigation of a certain complaint shall proceed

independently and simultaneously from the civil and/or criminal proceeding pending
in the civil court even though both arose from one and the same complaint.

Section 3-6 Submission of Reports

Reports of investigation and its corresponding recommendation shallbe

submitted by PMconcerned to CG, PA thru G1 for approval or disapproval.



Section 4-1-Due Process

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of

law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.

Section 4-2 Administrative Due Process

The Command does not countenance the imposition of administrative

punishment to erring military personnel without due process of law. Nor it does not
abet the dismissal and dropping of cases against military personnel without giving
the complainant the chance to substantiate his/ her allegations. Copies of affidavits,
documentary evidence, investigation reports and the written notice of resolution
(except documents concerning internal communications between staffs/ commander
such as DFs, or documents concerning national security and public interest) shall be
furnished to the respondent and to the complainant by the Officer/ Unit investigating/
deciding the case. In no case shall any Unit or Officer concerned refuse to provide
the respondent/complainant any of the documents stated.

1. Complaints/ reports How initiated? The following condition shall trigger

the conduct of investigation/ s:

a. As directed by Higher Headquarters

b. As personally determined by the investigating Officer/ Authority; and

c. Upon the filing of a valid complaint by any party, (military or civilian,

natural or juridical).

Investigators: As a general rule, investigators shall be higher rank than the

personnel being investigated. Investigation teams should be headed by an Officer of
senior rank than that of the person under investigation. In no case shall an enlisted
personnel investigate an officer.

2. Jurisdiction: If a Unit Commanding Officer determines that he has no

authority to make a proper disposition of a case against military personnel under his
command, he shall refer the same, to include his findings and recommendation to a
superior commander in the chain of command for proper disposition. In no case shall
a Commanding Officer, dispose of a case which is not within his jurisdictional


3. Inapplicability of Double Jeopardy:

a. The imposition and enforcement of administrative punishment for any

act or omission under this directive shall not be a bar to trial by court martial or
before the civil court for as serious criminal offense arising out of the same act or
omission. (Example: Imposition of reprimand/ admonition shall not prevent the case
to be elevated for GCM or civil court proceedings.)

b. Although Double Jeopardy, as a procedure, does not lie in

administrative cases, the principal behind, if not observed, would be contrary to
equity and substantial justice if the respondent will be penalized for an act which he
has already answered for (De Vera vsLayague, Admin Matter No. RTJ-93-986).
However, upon review of the case on appeal, and substantial evidence shows that
the initial penalty imposed is not commensurate to the offense as charged,
imposition of the commensurate punishment shall be allowed.

c. Appreciation of Evidence: for arrest, action under A.W. 105 or

investigation to take place, a showing of probable cause is all that is needed, but
substantial evidence shall be needed for deciding the case, For GCM cases, in the
conduct of pre- trial investigation (pre-hearing), prima facie evidence should be
appreciated; and for conviction, proof beyond reasonable doubt.

d. Biased Decisions/ Investigations: Investigators and/ or approving

authority who in the conduct of their investigations/ decision are found to be willfully
biased, partial or in bad faith shall be likewise subjected to administrative sanction/s
equal or commensurate to the punishment imposed to the respondent. A re-
investigation shall then be conducted by the next higher command.

e. Civilian Employees: Cases concerning civilian employees shall be

governed by circular 6, series 2001 Subject: Administrative Cases against civilian
personnel in the AFP, (ref. g)

f. Delays and Inaction: Any commanding officer/ investigating

officer who refuses to act or delays action on a valid complaint against a person
under his command/ authority, or refuses or delays to impose punishment when
warranted by the evidence, or otherwise aid or abets wrongdoing of a subordinate
shall be subjected to action under AW 105 by his immediate superior officer or
punished as the courts martial may direct.

g. Appeal Request, usually by a party losing a case in a lower

command to a higher (appellate) command, to reverse or modify the lower


Section 4-3 Disposition of Administrative Case Against Civilian Employee

No official or employee in the Civil Service shall be removed or suspended

except for cause as provided by law and after due process.

No complaint against an official or employee shall be given due course unless

the same is in writing and subscribed and sworn to by the complainant, except if
from the face of an anonymous complaint there are substantial leads which would
establish the existence of the offense, then an investigation on the matter maybe
ordered. The head of the office shall take initiative in filing the formal charge against
the official or employee concerned.

In meting out punishment, the same penalties shall be imposed for similar
offenses and only one penalty shall be imposed in each case. An admonition as a
warning shall not be considered a penalty. Application of penalties in administrative
cases shall be governed by Rule IV Penalties, Civil Service Commission Resolution
Nr 991936 dtd 31 Aug 99, Subject: Uniform rules on Administrative Cases.

The reassignment of an official or employee from one organizational unit to

another in the same command without reduction in rank or salary when made in the
interest of the service and not arising from administrative action shall not be

Section 4-4 Disciplinary Jurisdiction

The Civil Service Commission shall decide upon appeal on all administrative
cases involving the imposition of a penalty of suspension of all employee for more
than thirty (30) days salary, demotion in rank or salary or transfer, removal or
dismissal from the service.

Commanders of Major Services and the Deputy Chief of Staff, AFP in the
case of GHQ, AFP Wide Support and Separate Units and Area Commands as
disciplinary authorities shall have jurisdiction to investigate and decide matters
involving disciplinary action against officials and employees under their jurisdiction.
The decision shall be final in case the penalty imposed is suspension for not more
than thirty (30) days salary. In case the decision rendered is appealable to the Civil
Service Commission, the same maybe initially appealed to the Secretary of National
Defense and finally to the Civil Service Commission and pending appeal, the same
shall be executory only after confirmation by the Secretary of National Defense.

As investigation may be delegated to a duly designated military investigating

officer, civilian official with investigative background for second level position holders
and Investigating Non-commissioned officer (NCO),or civilian official for first level
position holders who shall make the necessary report and recommendation to the
Head of Office, endorsed to the investigating body for formal investigation to the
Commanders of respective Major Services or The Deputy Chief of Staff for GHQ,


AFPWSSUs and ACs, for decision and further endorsement to the Secretary of
national Defense for confirmation, as the case may be.

Section 4-5 Preventive Suspension

The proper disciplining authority may preventively suspend any subordinate

official or employee under his authority pending an investigation. If the charge
against such official or employee involves dishonesty, oppression, or grave
misconduct, or neglect in the performance of duty or if there are strong reasons to
believe that the respondent is guilty of the charges which would warrant his removal
from the service.

Section 4-6 Lifting of Preventive Suspension Pending Administrative


When the administrative case against the official or employee under

preventive suspension is not finally decided by the disciplining authority within the
period of ninety (90) days after the date of suspension, the respondent shall be
automatically reinstated in the service; Provided that when the delay in the
disposition of the case is due to the fault of the respondent, the period of delay shall
not be counted in computing the period of suspension herein provided.

Section 4-7 Filing of Appeal

After a decision has been rendered on the case, the parties or their counsels
are furnished with a copy of the decision. Where a party is not satisfied with the
decision, the same maybe initially appealed to OSND, finally to the Civil Service
Commission. Pending approval the same shall be executory except when the
penalty is removal, in which case the same shall be executory only after confirmation
by SND.

Section 4-8 Grievance Machinery

On matter of grievances emanating from employees expressing

dissatisfaction with some aspects of his working conditions, relationships or status
which employee feels to have been ignored or overridden maybe addressed or
resolved by the AFP Grievance machinery under Circular Nr 2, GHQ dated 11
January 1993.



5-1 Determination of Gravity of Offense

Gravity of offenses shall be determined depending on its nature, the time and
place of its commission, the person committing it, the offended party and other
circumstances surrounding its commission. Upon the determination of probable
cause, the investigating officer may recommend for the elevation of the case to the
following offices/ board: OESPA for grave acts related to violations of RA 3019
(Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Act); APM for cases of personnel misbehavior
and misconduct (Common Offenses/ Crimes); AIG for all the cases of graft
classified as less grave and light offense not taken up by either the OESPA or the
APM (that affect morale, unit efficiency or even security); and PAESB for misconduct
or inefficiency of Officers as covered by EO 337 and GHQ circular 13 dtd 11 Aug 00.
Gravity of offense shall be classified into Minor, Less Grave and Grave Offenses.

Section 5-2 Minor offenses

Refers to acts or omissions punishable by authorized punishments ranging

from admonition to demotion.

1. Conduct of Investigation

a. Whenever a unit commander, directed by higher headquarters, or has

determined personally that there exist sufficient grounds to believe that personnel,
within his command, committed acts or omissions punishable under AFP/PA
Administrative rules shall immediately cause the conduct of Summary Investigation,
by himself or by any officer under his Command. Such investigation shall be
completed within seven (7) days reckoned from the date the report came to his

b. Board Action is not required. Nevertheless, the respondent personnel

shall be given an opportunity to be heard, to present evidence in his behalf and to
refute evidence against him (as far as practicable written explanation shall be
required). Where the respondent personnel refuses or fails without justifiable reason
to appear, be heard or present evidence in his behalf, the investigating officer shall
take note of this fact and shall complete his investigation with the reception of all
pertinent and competent evidence and submit his findings and appropriate
recommendation to the next higher level of command. However except in cases of
AWOL or desertion or in cases where physical control is not effective, the personnel
shall be tried in absentia.


2. Resolution

a. Basing on the aforesaid findings and recommendation of the

investigating officer, the unit commander concerned shall determine whether the
case and/ or the appropriate punishment are within his authority. If within his
authority, unit commander concerned shall decide and impose the appropriate
administrative punishment. If the unit commander concerned finds that the
appropriate punishment for the offense committed is not within his authority, he must
endorse it, together with all the records and his recommendation, to his immediate
superior commanding officer for the latters appropriate action.

b. Except for reprimand/ admonitions, a notice in writing shall be served

to the respondent prior to the implementation of the punishment/ penalty imposed. A
receipt shall be provided to this effect. Such documents shall form part of the unit
punishment records.

3. Review: The superior commanding officer may review the case or directs the
conduct of re-investigation for the purpose of arriving at a fair decision.

Section 5-3 Less grave offenses

Refers to acts or omissions punishable by authorized punishments ranging

from demotion to discharge under honorable condition, and/ or separation from the
service in case of Officers.

1. Conduct of Investigation

a. Whenever a unit commander, directed by higher headquarters, or has

determined personally that there exist sufficient grounds to believe that a personnel,
within his command, committed acts or omissions punishable under AFP/PA
Administrative rules classified under less grave offenses shall immediately caused
the conduct of Summary Investigation, by himself or by any officer under his
Command. Such investigation shall be completed within seven (7) days reckoned
from the date the report came to his attention.

b. Board Action is not necessary; however, the respondent personnel

shall be given the opportunity to be heard, to present evidence in his behalf and to
refute evidence against him (as far as practicable written explanation). The refusal
or failure to appear without justifiable reason, after due notice, shall constitute as a
waiver to present evidence in his behalf. Where the respondent personnel refuses or
fails without justifiable reason to appear, be heard or present evidence in his behalf,
it shall be interpreted as a waiver. The investigating officer shall take note of this fact
and shall complete his investigation with the reception of all pertinent and competent
evidence and submit his findings and appropriate recommendation to the next higher
level of command. However, except in cases of AWOL or desertion or in cases
where physical control is not effective, the personnel shall be tried in absentia.


2. Resolution

a. The commanding officer/ investigating officer shall determine whether

the case and/or the appropriate punishment are within his authority. If within his
authority, unit commander concerned shall decide and impose the appropriate
punishment (in cases of discharge, it will be subject to CG, PAs confirmation and
characterization). If the unit commander concerned finds that appropriate
punishment for the offense committed is not within his authority, he must endorse the
same together with all the records and his recommendation, to his immediate
superior commanding officer for the latters appropriate action.

b. Except for reprimand/ admonitions, a notice in writing shall be served

to the respondent prior to the implementation of the punishment/ penalty imposed. A
receipt shall be provided to this effect. Such documents shall form part of the Unit
punishment records and case folder.

3. Review. The superior commanding officer may review the case or directs the
conduct of re-investigation for the purpose of arriving at a fair decision.

Section 5-4 Grave offenses

Refers to acts or omissions punishable by discharge from the service without

honor or separation from the service in case of Officers.

a. Conduct of Initial Investigation Whenever a unit commander, directed

by higher headquarters, or has determined personally that there exist sufficient
grounds to believed that a personnel, within his command, committed acts or
omissions punishable under AFP/ PA Administrative rules classified under Grave
Offenses shall immediately caused the conduct of Summary Investigation, by himself
or by any officer under his command. Such investigation shall be completed within
seven (7) days reckoned from the date the report came to his attention.

b. The commanding officer/ investigating officer shall determine whether

the case falls under the following jurisdiction:

1) GCM

2) ESB

3) A.W. 105

4) Circular 17 (EP)

5) Circular 6 (CE)

c. If the case falls under A.W. 105 and/ or Circular 17, and the
appropriate punishment is within his authority as prescribed, the unit commander
concerned shall decide and impose the appropriate punishment.


d. Referral

1) If the case falls under the jurisdiction of the GCM, he shall

recommend or cause the convening of a GCM and forward the case for the conduct
of Pre-Trial Investigation. Major Subordinate Units may convene their own General
Courts- Martial to try Grave offenses punishable under AW.

2) If the case falls under the jurisdiction of the ESB, he shall

forward the case (thru Channel) to CG, PA (Attn: G1) for appropriate disposition.

3) Cases involving violation of AWs 93 (Murder-Rape) and 94

(Various Crimes) shall be forwarded by major Subordinate Unit Commanders to the
nearest appropriate civil authorities for the prosecution of the criminal aspect of the
case. This action, however will not bar the command in ordering the conduct of
appropriate investigation for the purpose of determining the administrative liability of
the erring personnel. The crimes and offenses denounced in A.W. 65, 67, 68 and 93
are capital at all times; those denounced by A.W. 59, 60, 76-79, 82, 83 and 87 are
capital if committed in time of war. (Page 12, Manual for Courts-Martial, AFP)

e. In all cases, the respondent personnel shall be given the opportunity to

be heard, to present evidence in his behalf and to refute evidence against him. The
refusal or failure to appear without the justifiable reason, after due notice, shall
constitute as a waiver to present evidence in his behalf. Nonetheless, the
investigating officer shall take note of this fact and shall complete his investigation
with the reception of all pertinent and competent evidence and submit his findings
and appropriate recommendation.

f. Commanding Officers of Major Subordinate units shall direct their

respective Provost Marshals to conduct investigation/ reinvestigation of all grave



Section 6-1 Appeals

Personnel administratively punished who consider his punishment unjust or

disproportionate to his offense may, through proper channel, appeal to the next
superior authority, but may in the meantime be required to undergo the punishment
adjudged. As a general rule, appeals for decided cases should be forwarded to the
next higher level of command within thirty (30) days reckoned from the date when
formal notice is given to the respondent/ offender for the imposition of the

Section 6-2 Minor offenses

Minor offenses Appeals for decided cases should be forwarded to the next
higher level of command within thirty (30) days reckoned from the date when formal
notice (if practicable, written notice of the outcome of investigation/ decision with
reasons why such punishment should be imposed) is given to the respondent/
offender for the imposition of punishment.

Section 6-3 Grave and Less Grave Offenses

Grave and Less Grave offenses A person punished by demotion/ discharge

or separation from the service who deems that the same is unjust or disproportionate
to the offense may appeal to the Commanding General, Philippine Army for the
nullification of his/ her demotion/ discharge order, not later than thirty (30) days
reckoned from the date when formal written notice is receive by the demoted/
discharged personnel from the Adjutant of the demoting/ discharging authority.
Adjutants of Major Subordinate Units shall furnish a copy of delivery receipt of the
demotion/ discharge orders and other allied documents (Affidavits, Investigation
Reports, Documentary Evidence) to G1, PA (Attn: Chief, DLO Br) An appeal not
made within the aforesaid prescribed period, without any justifiable reason/s, will be
rejected and the character discharge shall merely be determined. Appeals for
nullification of discharge orders which are based on newly discovered evidence shall
be filed within five (5) years reckoned from the date of publication of discharge order.




Section 7-1 Disposition of Cases

Disposition shall refer to the process done by a Major Subordinate Unit as

regards to the conduct of investigation to the final resolution of the case. The period
covered shall be reckoned from the receipt of complaint/ report up to the resolution
of the case, Commanders shall dispose of cases within the following periods:

a. Minor Offenses 15 days

b. Less Grave Offenses 30 Days

c. Grave Offenses - 45 Days

Section 7-2 Reporting System

Major Subordinate Units periodic reports regarding the disposition of cases

(containing the names, number, nature, status, recommendation, and/ or action
taken of Units) shall be forwarded to CG, PA (Attn: G1) on a monthly basis.

Section 7-3 Estoppel by Laches

Legal ban arising where a party negligently or unreasonably delays asserting

claim. Inaction (prosecution) by the offended/ reporting party within a period of time
reckoned from the commission/ discovery of the offense. Complaints filed after the
periods as indicated herein shall be out rightly (no investigation needed) dismissed:

a. Minor Offenses six (6) months

b. Less Grave one (1) year

c. Grave Offenses two (2) years, except for desertion, murder, rape,
mutiny or war offenses and other cases under Revised Penal Code with respective
prescriptive periods.




Section 8-1 Issuance of Clearance/ Certification

Clearance/certification shall be issued upon the written request of the unit

commander or any active commission officer duly authorized by the commander, of
the military/civilian personnel subject of the request for clearance/certification.

Section 8-2 Referral of Complaint to Major Subordinate Unit

All complaint shall be forwarded to the major subordinate units of the

personnel subject of the complaint, in compliance to para C.2.h, Annex A (Personnel)
to Program Development Guidance FY 2013) resolution of disciplinary cases shall be
done at the lowest possible unit.

Upon the final resolution of the case, the referred complaint shall be
forwarded back to Commanding General, PA (Attn: Army Provost Marshal) for
evaluation and recording purposes. Cases evaluated by the Army Provost Marshal
shall be forwarded to G1, PA for appropriate action.

Section 8-3 Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist

The procedures prescribed in this manual shall be applicable to Citizen Armed

Forces Reservist as defined under Republic Act 7077 pursuant to the Constitutional
Provision of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

Clearance/certification shall be issued upon the request of the military

personnel through his unit commander or any active commission officer duly
authorized by the commander of the personnel subject of the request for clearance.

Section 8-4 General Provision

a. Affidavits of Desistance: Execution of an affidavit of desistance by the

complainant shall not cause the dismissal or dropping of administrative cases. It will
not relieve the offender from administrative liability, if there is substantial evidence as
to the offense committed.

b. Demotions: Demotions of enlisted personnel shall be under the

delegated authority of the following Major Unit Commanders without the need of
confirmation by CG, PA:


c. Discharges:

1) All discharges of Enlisted Personnel shall be subject to

confirmation and characterization by the Commanding General, PA.

2) If the appropriate punishment for the acts or omissions

committed is discharge from the service, unit commander/ discharge authority
concerned shall cause the issuance of discharge orders and effect the discharge
from the service of the erring enlisted personnel.

d. Effect of Death: Death of the respondent/s prior to the final resolution

of his case shall have the effect of exoneration from administrative liability.

e. Guide for Commanders: Moral certainty is sufficient to guide a unit

commander in rendering decision over cases involving military personnel under his

f. Punishment under AW 105 shall be final and executory which shall be

reflected in the unit punishment book and the MPF of the erring personnel and
thereafter the case shall be considered closed; Provided that the penalty imposed is
commensurate to the offense committed; Provided further that punishments with the
penalty of demotion shall be forwarded to the appropriate authority for final

g. Res Judicata/ Prior Judgment: Prior judgment of administrative cases

shall bar the prosecution of the same case, involving the same parties, same
cause/s of action and before the same disciplinary jurisdiction.

h. Relief of Personnel: relief from unit assignment shall not be interpreted

as punishment. After the formal charge/ s has been served to the respondent/ s, for
less grave and grave offenses, he/ she shall be relieved from his present position
and place a/u with the headquarters Service Bn/ Coy of the Major Subordinate Unit
for the purpose of investigation. For cases referred to ESB and GCM within HPA, the
respondent shall be placed a/ u HHSG, HPA.

i. Referred cases from HPA to Major Subordinate Units: Referred cases

for investigation/ resolution shall be addressed/ resolved by concerned Major
Subordinated Units within the period specified in paragraph 6, hereof, or as directed
by the referring authority, from receipt thereof. The resolution of the case together
with a copy of the complete case records shall be forwarded to the referring office
within (5) days from the date of resolution. Failure to comply with this provision,
without justifiable reason, shall be a ground for imposition of punishment such as
reprimand/ admonition to concerned offender. A notice of the order of finality/ action
taken shall be forwarded, thru channel, to the referring Office (Civilian or Military).





Lineage of the Provost Marshal of the Philippine Army

1) LTC JACOB F QUIRANTE O-29916 (INF) PA (Actg) 23 Jul 58-31 Oct 58

2) LTC ZURELIO LUCERO O-2081 AGS (GSC) PA 01 Nov 58-15 Jan 59

3) LTC BANJAMIN R BACOSA O-2244 (INF) PA (Actg) 16 Jan 59-30 Nov


4) LTC RUFINO J PALMA O-2169 (GSC) PA 01 Aug 59-31 Jul 59

5) LTC MELCHOR A ACOSTA O-1683 (GSC) PA 01 Dec 60-05 Jul 61

6) COL ALBERTO J ENRIQUEZ O-2121 (GSC) PA 06 Jul 61-28 Feb 62

7) LTC JOVITO A PAVELA O-4741 (INF) PA (Actg) 01 Mar 62-23 Sep 62

4) LTC DAVID A VENTURADO O-2496 INF (GSC) PA 24 Sep 62-24 Oct


8) LTC JOSE A MUNOZ O-2539 INF (GSC) PA 25 Oct 62-28 Feb 63

9) COL RAFAEL G ARCE O-2123 (GSC) PA 01 Mar 63-09 Sep 64

10) COL ARSENIO L TORRES O-2337 (GSC) PA 10 Sep 64-30 Sep 68

11) LTC CELSO C RAMIENTO O-2585 (GSC) PA 01 Oct 68-02 Nov 68

12) COL CRISPIN P LEGASPI O-2717 (GSC) PA 03 Nov 69-24 Oct 70

13) COL RENATO A SISON O-2830 (GSC) PA 25 Oct 70-09 Dec 71

14) COL BIENBENIDO E SALTING O-3226 (GSC) PA 10 Dec 71-15 Sep 75

15) LTC FLORECNCIO B ARREOLA JR O-83234 (INF) PA 16 Sep 75-31 May 76

5) COL RODOLFO P COMMANDANTE O-84707 (INF) PA 01 Jun 76-30 May


16) COL ANTONIO L CABALLERO O-37077 (GSC) PA 01 Jun 78-05 Dec 78

17) LTC NORE C AGOS O-88946 (INF) PA (Actg) 06 Dec 78-15 May 79

18) COL JOSE P ESPINOSA O-3745 (GSC) PA 16 May 79-16 Feb 81

19) COL JUAN C RESMA O-4238 INF (GSC) PA 16 Feb 81-05 Jul 82



21) COL DOMINADOR A CATIBOG JR O-4480 (GSC) PA 16 Dec 86-01 Jul 88

22) COL SILVESTRE S QUISEL O-95243 (GSC) PA 01 Jul 88-31 Jul 89

23) COL HILARIO L BAYABOS O-4958 (GSC) PA 31 Jul 89-01 Sep 91

6) LTC VICENTE P LUSTRE O-97504 (INF) PA (Actg) 01 Sep 91-16 Oct


7) COL HILARIO L BAYABOS O-4958 (GSC) PA (Actg) 16 Oct 91-11 Nov


24) COL ROBERTO S MORE O-96264 (GSC) PA 11 Nov 91-16 Jul 96

25) COL ANTONIO S YRREVERRE O-98956 (GSC) PA 16 Jul 96-31 Jul 00

26) COL DIONISIO A TORINA O-6293 (GSC) PA 31 Jul 00-15 Dec 00

27) COL FRANCIS R ABELLA 102643 (GSC) PA 15 Dec 02-04 Jul 03

28) COL RODRIGO C ROSQUETA 108010 (GSC) PA 04 Jul 03-16 Feb 04

29) COL ROBERTO C VER O-6571 INF (JCSC) PA 16 Feb 04-16 Sep 04

8) COL JOSE R RECUENCO O-104243 INF (GSC) PA 16 Sep 04-14 Mar


30) COL CELSO M ARCILLA O-109642 INF (GSC) PA 15 Mar 06-20 Nov 08

31) MAJ CRESENCIO C LIBOON (QMS) PA 20 Nov 08-15 Jan 09

32) COL BENEDICTO M JOSE 0-8775 MNSA, PA 15 Jan 09 to date




Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

08 April 1995





Statutory Provisions 1
Definition of Terms 2
Excessive Rate of AWOL and Desertion 3
Involuntary Absence Without Leave 4
Action Required When AWOL or Desertion Occurs 5
Apprehension 6
Preparation and Disposition of Reports 7
Absentee in the Hands of Civil Authorities Who is Facing Criminal Charges 8
Return of Absentees and Deserters to Military Control 9
Status of Absentees 10
Erroneous Report of AWOL 11
Property and Personal Effects 12
Pay, Allowances and Allotments 13
Monthly Report of Absentees and Deserters 14
Penal Clause 15
Suppression 16

1. STATUTORY PROVISIONS. Articles of War 2, 38, 56 to 62 Inclusive,

105, 107 and 109 (CA 408, as amended by RA 242).


a. Absence without Leave (AWOL). The status of a person subject

to military law who fails to report at the fixed time to the proper place of duty, or goes
away from the same without proper leave, or absent himself from his command,
guard, quarters, station or camp without proper leave (Refer to AW 62, as amended
by RA Nr 242).

b. Absentee. One who is absent without leave


c. Desertion. In general, desertion constitutes absence without

leave accompanies by intent to remain away permanently or to avoid hazardous duty
or to shirk important service. (Refer to AW 58, as amended by RA Nr 242).

d. .Involuntary Absence. Absence by a person, who has been

entrapped, induced or in any other manner caused to become absent for reasons
beyond his control.

e. .Military Authorities. The term military authorities will be

construed to refer to authorities of any or all of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

f. Dropped from Rolls of Organization. The administrative

procedure by which the name of an individual is deleted from the rolls of an
organization (company and higher commands) and his personal records are
indorsed to The Adjutant General (see subpara 11a below). This is a strength
accounting procedure, involving a coincident administrative determination of
desertion, but does not affect the individuals discharge from the service. The name
of the absentee or deserter shall be deleted from all records of his unit and higher

g. Return to Military Control. This term applies to absentees or

deserters who have been delivered to, or who have surrendered themselves to, or
have been apprehended by military authorities.


commanders shall impress upon their subordinate commanders that the prevention
of AWOL and desertion is an attribute of a successful commander and that its non
prevention is a reflection on leadership which maybe a bar for career enhancement.
Commanding Officers of all echelons of command shall frequently check the number
of absentees from subordinate units and, whenever the rate appears to be
excessive, they shall cause an inquiry on the state of training, discipline and
leadership of the organizations concerned, for the purpose of taking remedial action.


shall be especially watchful for evidence of the use of involuntary absence as an
excuse to rid organizations of personnel considered undesirable. Offenses of this
nature shall be dealt with utmost severity.


a. All commanders shall take vigorous steps to apprehend

absentees when an unauthorized absence becomes known. The responsibility of
commanders concerned is not discharged by merely taking the initial steps set forth
below; they must follow up required action with all possible effectiveness.

b. In case of absence without leave, the officer responsible for

administrative procedures shall make appropriate entries in AFP AGO Form Nr 45
(Descriptive List of Absentees Wanted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines) and


shall furnish copies of the same to the Major Service Commander or Area
Commander having command jurisdiction over the absentee.

c. In cases of desertion, AFP AGO Form Nr 45 shall be

accomplished by the administrative or personnel officer concerned and shall furnish
copies of the same as follows:

(1) Two (2) copies to The Adjutant General, AFP (Attn: The
Provost Marshal General).

(2) One (1) copy to the Major Service Commander and the Area
Commander having command jurisdiction over the absentee.

d. The Provost Marshal General, AFP shall cause copies of the

said form to be circularized to all Major Service Commanders, Area Commanders
and Commanding Officers of all separate AFP units. In case the absentee is not
apprehended within a reasonable length of time, a copy shall be forwarded to the
National Bureau of Investigation. Copies shall also be furnished to civilian law
enforcement agencies covering the absentees residence, and those of any other
place where he is likely to be found.

e. The Major Service Commander or Area Commander of the

absentee shall circularize the information to all units in his command by giving the
description of the absentee on AFP AGO Form Nr 45 (Descriptive List of Absentee
Wanted by the AFP).

f. The Unit Commander of the absentee shall notify the nearest

relative by telegram or mail that subject personnel is on AWOL, or has deserted from
his unit.

6. APPREHENSION. All possible means of apprehending an absentee or

deserter by military and civil authorities shall be resorted to. When a post, camp,
station or Unit Commander receives information from a civilian officer that he intends
to arrest, or has arrested an absentee or deserter, the Commander shall ascertain
the status of the absentee or deserter from The Adjutant General, Armed Forces of
the Philippines. Upon the apprehension of the absentee or deserter by the civil
authorities, the post, camp, station or Unit Commander shall take immediate steps to
have the arrested absentee or deserter confined in a military installation pending
receipt of instructions regarding his disposition.

a. Any post, camp, station or Unit Commander who has

apprehended, or has in his custody, an absentee or deserter shall make this fact
known by the fastest available means of communication to The Adjutant General,
Armed Forces of the Philippines, and shall request instructions for the disposition of
the absentee or deserter.

b. When dropped from rolls of the organization as a deserter see

subpart 11a below.



records and allied papers shall be prepared and completed or authenticated as
necessary, when the status of the individual is changed from AWOL to dropped from
rolls of the organization, and shall be forwarded to The Adjutant General, AFP.

a. Authenticated copy of AFP AGO Form Nr 45 (Descriptive List of

Absentees Wanted by the AFP).

b. Extract copy of Morning Report properly authenticated to show

the initial change of status to AWOL, together with the hour and date; and the
change of status from AWOL to dropped from the rolls of the organization.

c. Report on the probable reason of absence, and latest known

home address of the individual concerned, as well as any evidence of intent not to
return, to avoid hazardous duty, to shirk important service, or to avoid

d. Service Record of similar records in the case of commissioned

officers shall be indorsed on the next unused endorsement showing the date he was
on AWOL or have deserted from his station.

e. Authenticated copy of the EPs Enlistment Record.

f. Filed Military 201 File on the individual including any charges

which were not finally disposed of prior to absence, together with any pre-trial
disposition which may have been taken.

g. Soldiers Qualification Card for enlisted personnel and the

Officers Qualification Card (AFP AGO Form N 66-1) for officers, as the case may

h. Individual clothing and equipment card for enlisted personnel

(WD AGO Form Nr 32).

i. Authenticated copy of the report of medical examination.

j. Authenticated copy of the Dental Record of the absentee.

k. Authenticated copy of the personnels Pay Record.

l. Disbursing Officers Receipt for money deposited.

m. Authenticated copy of inventory of personal property.


FACINGCRIMINAL CHARGES. - When information is received that an absentee is
in the hands of civil authorities and is facing criminal charges before a civil court, the
officer receiving such information shall immediately take the following action:


a. Ascertain the identity of said absentee and the criminal charges

against him.

b. Communicate with the Commanding Officer of the absentee in

order to ascertain his proper status.

c. Notify The Adjutant General, AFP (Attn: The Provost Marshal

General) by the fastest available means.


CONTROL Commanders of posts, camps and stations or Unit Commanders shall
take the following action upon return of absentee or deserter to military control:

a. If the absentee or deserter returns to his proper post, unit, camp

or station, the Commanding Officer concerned shall:

1) Prepare and distribute AFP AGO Form Nr 46 (Report of

Return of Absentee from the AFP) to all persons/units who were furnished copies of
AFP AGO Form Nr 45.

2) Advise the Chief of Staff, AFP (Attn: The Provost Marshal

General) by the fastest available means.

b. If absentee or deserter returns to military control through any

unit, post, camp or station other than his own, the Commanding Officer concerned
shall advise the Chief of Staff, AFP (Attn: The Provost Marshal General) and the CO
of the absentee or deserter by the fastest available means of communication and
shall request dispositive instructions. Upon the return of an absentee or deserter to
military control, the Commanding Officer of the post, camp or station to which the
absentee or deserter initially returned shall inquire into the individuals physical and
mental fitness for further military service, and shall accordingly inform the Chief of
Staff, AFP (Attn: The Provost Marshal General) and the Commanding Officer
concerned of the physical and mental fitness of such individual.

c) In case military personnel had been captured and maltreated by

the enemy after which they were able to escape back to military control, they should
be referred to a military hospital to undergo thorough physical, medical, and if need
be, psychiatric examinations, to determine their fitness to serve once again the
armed forces. After their hospitalization, they shall be assigned back to their mother

d) Upon receipt of the copy of AFP AGO Form Nr 46 (Report of

Return of Absentee from the AFP). The Provost Marshal General shall circularize
this fact by furnishing copies of this form to all persons/units who were furnished
copies of AFP AGO Form Nr 45 (Descriptive List of Absentees Wanted by the AFP).

e) In case the unit or organization of the absentee has been

deactivated during his absence or when the post, camp or station commander to
which the absentee returned military control can not communicate with the


absentees Unit Commander for any reason, instructions for the disposition of the
absentee shall be requested from The Adjutant General, AFP.


a. An absentee shall be accounted for on the rolls of his

organization for ten (10) consecutive days counted from the initial date of his
unauthorized absence. On the eleventh day, he shall be dropped from the rolls as a

b. An absentee shall not be dropped from the rolls of his

organization when reliable information is received prior to the tenth day of his
absence that he is in the hands of civil authorities.

c. Whenever personnels status changes from AWOL or deserter

to absentee confined in the hands of the civil authorities, The Adjutant General, AFP,
will be so informed by fastest available means of communication and a full written
report relative thereto shall be submitted through usual channels.

d. An absentee who returns to military control to any unit not his

own shall be carried in the rolls of the unit as attached unassigned and although
entered as such, he may be confined or assigned duties by the CO of the unit

e. If an individual is AWOL and returned to his unit in less than ten

(10) days, his Unit Commander shall determine the proper disposition of the case in
accordance with existing regulations. If trial by court-martial is indicated, charges
shall be prepared in the usual manner, and the case brought to trial without delay.

12. ERRONEOUS REPORT OF AWOL. When an individual has been

unable to return or report because of circumstances beyond his control, and has
been erroneously reported AWOL or in desertion through no fault of his own, the
following action shall be taken.

a. The Adjutant General, AFP, and all parties to whom copies of

AFP AGO Form Nr 45 were furnished shall be advised of such erroneous report.

b. All entries in the records pertaining to the alleged absentee shall

be clearly indicated, initiated and dated.

c. A corrected morning report entry shall be made and all written

records shall be changed accordingly.

d. Appropriate and immediate action shall be taken to reinstate any

suspended allotments and allowances which were in effect at the time of the alleged
unauthorized absence.

a. When an individual absents himself without leave, the Unit

Commander shall cause the public property including clothing, which are the


personal responsibility of the absentee, and his personal effects to be secured. The
personal effects shall be inventoried in triplicate (Inventory of Personal Property) and
turned over to the unit supply officer for safekeeping pending return of the individual,
or for disposition in accordance with existing regulations. The ownership of personal
clothing shall be determined. Where title thereto has rightfully passed to the
absentee, such clothing shall be regarded as his personal effects and should be
handled accordingly. Where title remains in the Government, appropriate credits
shall be made on the individuals clothing records, if the absentee is subsequently
dropped from the rolls of his organization. If no personal effects are found, a
negative report to that effect shall be prepared in duplicate.

b. For officers accountable for public property, the provisions of

Table VII, The Accounting Law, Revised Administrative Code, and the AFP
Accounting Manual shall apply.

c. Public property which has been lost by absentee shall be

charged against them in accordance with Article VIII, Title VII, The Accounting Law,
Revised Administrative Code, and the AFP Accounting Manual.

d. When records are forwarded in accordance with those

regulations, a copy of the inventory of personal effects and/or government property
shall be furnished The Adjutant General, AFP.

e. If the absentee or deserter is a money accountable officer by

virtue of his designation either as Disbursing Officer or Agent Officer both the CO,
AFP Finance Center and the CO, Major Service Finance Center in the case of Major
Service or the Area Finance Officer in the case of Area Commands shall be notified
by the fastest means of communication. Government funds left by him at his station
shall be deposited either with the office of the CO, AFP Finance Center or CO, Major
Service Finance Center as the case maybe, under receipt, the original to be kept by
the office of the organization making the deposit and a certified true copy thereof
forwarded to The Adjutant General, AFP, together with the records of the case
referred to in para 7 hereof. Where the individual is dropped from the rolls of the
organization, and the deposit made subsequent to the date of the absentees record
were forwarded to The Adjutant General, AFP, receipt shall make reference to the
case and the nature of such deposit. Claims for the release or recovery of such
funds may be filed with the CO, AFPFinanceCenter and the CO, Major Service
Finance Center in the case of Major Service or the Area Finance Officer in the case
of Area Commands, whoever accepted the deposit. Personal funds of the absentee
or deserter may be deposited with his Commanding Officer, pending instructions as
to their disposition from higher headquarters.

14. PAY, ALLOWANCES AND ALLOTMENTS. Whenever an individual

goes on AWOL and when an absentee or deserter returns to military control, the
personnel officer of the unit to which, the absentee belongs shall accordingly notify
the disbursing officer having custody of the military pay record by means of Military
Pay Order. The Military Pay Order shall show the hour and date of departure and
any other relevant data. The hour and date of return shall be similarly reported.



a. A consolidated monthly report shall be submitted on prescribed

form as shown in Annex A hereof, showing the name and unit assignment of
absentee/deserter and the period of absence and/or desertion, and the action taken
against the offender which shall be entered in the Remarks column. Such monthly
report shall be submitted to The Adjutant General, AFP, not later than the 15th day
of the month following that for which the report is submitted.

b. The following shall submit the report required above for all the
units and organizations in their commands:

1) Commanding Generals of Major Services

2) Commanders of Area Commands and AFPWSSUs.

16. PENAL CLAUSE. Neglect or failure on the part of Commanders to

vigorously implement the provisions of these regulations shall render them subject to
appropriate disciplinary punishment as circumstances may warrant.

17. SUPERSESSION. AFPR G 131-471 dated 25 July 1960 is hereby



General, AFP
Chief of Staff



Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AFPRS/AGA1 02 October 1987





1. PURPOSE This Circular prescribes the policies and standards, and

procedures and guidance whereby the Chief of Staff, AFP; Commanders of Major
Services and other Commanders acting for and by direction of the chief of Staff, AFP
may order the discharge of enlisted personnel prior to the expiration of their term of
enlistment under AW 109.


a. The following commander: may order the discharge of enlisted

personnel assigned to their respective commands in accordance with the specific
reasons, standards and procedures set forth in this Circular.

(1) Chief of Staff, AFP

(2) Chief of Constabulary

(3) Commanding General, PA

(4) Commanding General, PAF

(5) Flag Officer-In-Command, PN

(6) Commanders, Regional Unified/specified Commands

(7) Division, Battalion and Brigade Commanders, PA

(8) Commandant, Philippine Marines

(9) Regional Commanders, PC

(10) Commanders, AFPWSSUs whose T/O rank is BGEN or


(11) Other Unit Commanders whose staff include a Staff

Judge Advocate

b. Whenever use in this Circular, term discharge authority refers

to the appropriate commanders mentioned above.


a. To secure efficient utilization of manpower.

b. To provide for the prompt elimination from the service of misfits

and undesirables, and for the immediate termination of the current term of enlistment
of an enlisted person whose continued stay in the service no longer warranted.


c. To assure the individual soldier of substantial justice and

fairness in determining the desirability of retention in the service.

d. To secure speedy justice while providing legal safeguards to

spare the innocent from arbitrary action; and

e. To provide an accurate and authentic records of personnel

action leading to administrative discharge prior to ETE.


a. Selective Enlistment Effort and extreme concern should be

exerted to select the best suitable individual from the abundant manpower resourced
considering the many applicants for enlistment in the AFP. A thorough and rigid
psychological Evaluation should be conducted on all prospective applicants for
enlistment to fully determine mental capability/fitness and personality. All bordering
cases of applicants, i.e., adequate mental capability but unstable personality be
referred to the Neuro-psychiatrist for further clinical assessment.

b. Selective Reenlistment All personnel with confirmed

incurable/or expensive to cure personality disorder and strings of cases shall be
terminated upon ETE. Reenlisting personnel shall pass a thorough and rigid
psychological evaluation and usual clearance before recommended for reenlistment.
Borderline cases shall be referred to the Neuro-Psychiatrist, for further clinical
evaluation to determine fitness to be reenlisted in the service of rehabilitation. Some
personnel may develop in-service difficulties that may effect their personality. In
which case the AFP must establish Personnel Crises Intervention Program to
help/rehabilitate personnel.

c. Disciplinary Power of Commanding Officer The retention of a

problem individual in the service is costly; However, it is not the intent of these
regulations to preclude to discourage the trial by Court-Martial of wrongdoers when
such action is for the best interest of the service. Discharge authorities shall take
utmost care that administrative discharge is not resorted to as an easy and
economical, substitute for Court-Martial. In cases where punitive action is clearly
called for, the particular circumstance of each case shall be judiciously weighed to

avoid creating the impression that administrative discharge assures one easy
escape from punishment for serious offenses and breaches of military discipline.

d. Accountability of Misbehaving Personnel Discharge is an

appropriate procedure for an enlisted person whose behavior renders him repeatedly
vulnerable to punitive or other adverse personnel action. The fact that an erring
individual discharge without honor may be denied certain benefits or encounter
difficulty in securing employment, should be carefully explained to him for his own




(1) Minority -

(a) An enlisted person under 21 years of age but now

below 18 years at the time of his enlistment who being unemancipated by marriage,
enlisted without the consent of either of his parents or legal guardian and upon
presentation of satisfactory proof has been made while the enlisted individual is
under 21 years old and unemancipated.

(b) An enlisted person below 18 years of age shall be

discharge upon application of either parent or legal guardian and upon presentation
of satisfactory evidence as to his age, whether or not consent was given to his
enlistment provided such application is made while the enlisted individual is below 18
years of age.

(c) A minor shall not be discharge on his own

application. Whenever a minor whose parents or legal guardian have not applied for
his discharge, is discovered to be below 18 years of age, the appropriate discharge
authority may, in the exercise of his discretion, direct either his discharge or retention
in the service.

(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, a minor

who is under investigation or court-martial trial for a violation of the Articles of War,
or is serving a sentence of confinement as a result thereof, or is under contractual
obligation to serve for a certain period in consideration of his training or schooling at
government expense, shall not be discharged until his case is disposed of under
appropriate military justice procedures.

(2) Dependency or Hardship -

(a) Dependency an enlisted individual may be

discharged upon his written request due to death or disability of a member of his
family and by reason of which his family becomes principally dependent upon him for
care and support. The term member of his family or family includes only the wife,
children, father, mother, brother, sister and any relative who has parental authority
over the enlisted person to his enlistment.

(b) Hardship an enlisted individual may also be

discharged upon his written request when, under circumstances not involving the
death or disability of a member of his family, his discharge will alleviate undue
hardship to his family as to care and support.

(c) In no case should an enlisted individual who seeks

his discharge by reason of dependency or hardship, be discharged if he is under
investigation or court-martial trail or serving a sentence of confinement as a result
thereof, until his case is disposed of under appropriate military justice procedures; or
is under contractual obligation to serve for a certain period in consideration of
training or schooling at government expense; or has served during his current


enlistment less than eighteen (18) months, if it is an original enlistment, or less than
twelve (12) months if it is a succeeding enlistment.

(3) Marriage -

(a) Officers and enlisted women of the Womens

Auxilliary Corps, may contract without being discharge or separated from the service
provided, they have at the time of said marriage, already completed at least three (3)
years of continuous active military service in the AFP. Provided, further that any
female member of the AFP who has previously separated or discharged honorably
by reason of marriage may be called to active duty or reinstated, subject to the
above condition and in consonance with rules and regulations as the Chief of Staff,
AFP may prescribe.

(b) Marriage between Officers and enlisted personnel

shall be authorized with strict adherence to the following guidelines;

(1) Three (3) years of continuous active military

service as prescribed by PD 1910 and cir Nr 7, s-84.

(2) Seminar in proper decorum which shall be

conducted by TCWAC AFP or her authorized representative for all prospective
couples wherein a Certificate of Attendance will be issued which is a requirement in
the application for permission to marry.

(3) Separation of military and personal

responsibility by contracting parties and strict observance of customary standards of
military discipline and behavior should be emphasized during the seminar.
Separation of unit assignment of prospective couples who are assigned with the
same unit/office.

(4) Convenience of the Government

Discharge under this category is authorized for the following reasons.

(a) To accept appointment as Regular

Officer or enter an ETAD as a Reserved Officer.

(b) To accept appointment as cadet of

the Philippine Military Academy/Philippine Air Force Flying Schooling and other
military school/academies.

(c) To dispose of cases where the

immediate separation of the EP does not run counter with existing policy or
regulation and that his discharge is deemed most expedient on account of:

1. Approval of petition for

immigration/residence abroad.

2. Acceptance of a better paying

job outside the service.


3. Filing of optional retirement

prior to its approval.

4. Where the EP concerned has

plans to contract marriage after denial of his request for permission to marry.

5. Physical and mental

rehabilitation of the EP.

6. Any other exceptional

circumstances of conditions that warrant immediate discharge from the service of the
AFP in keeping with a more liberal plan of attraction.

(d) To dispose of cases where

immediate separation due to unfitness, in lieu of discharge after trail by court martial,
is determine to be more a convenient, practical and expeditious mode of separation,
consistent with the requirements of discipline, morale and welfare and the interest of
the service.

(5) For the Good of the Service -

(a) An enlisted person whose suitability

or desirability for retention in the service has rendered him subject to administrative
separation under paragraph 6b, may by immediately discharged For the Good of the
Service with his consent, in lieu of separation proceedings indicated in paragraph 6,
after he shall executed the certificate of consent to Discharge for the Good of the

(b) In no case may a discharge under

this category be ordered after referral of the respondent enlisted persons case for
investigation as specified in paragraph 6.

(c) When discharge for the good of the

service or for unsuitability is ordered, the officer in custody of the enlisted persons
record shall enter the remark Not Recommended for further Service in the
Remarks section of the Individuals Service Record.

(6) Unsuitability an individual may be

discharged by reason of unsuitability, not due to misconduct, when it has been
determine that he is unsuitable for further military service because of:

(a) Ineptitude or ineptness due to lack of

general adaptability, want of readiness or skill, unhandiness or inability to learn;

(b) Character, behavior and personality

disorders due to psychiatric condition;


(c) Chronic alcoholism or addiction to

alcohol (without overt acts or misconduct or disorder);

(d) Homosexual tendencies, desires or

interest unaccompanied by over homosexual acts. A homosexual is an individual
who demonstrates by behavior, a preference or desire for sexual activity with
persons of the same sex. Homosexual are unfit for military service because their
presence impairs to morale and discipline of the organization. Allegations of
homosexuality shall be thoroughly and comprehensively inquired into, with due
regard for the peculiar susceptibility of such cases to malicious charges.


(1) Undesirability due to misconduct or unfitness An

individual may be discharged under this category for any of the following reasons:

(a) Absence without leave or desertion from any of the

Major Service of the AFP.

(b) Prior separation from the AFP or from the Armed

services of any foreign country under conditions other than honorable and/or
conditions barring entry into the Armed forces of the Philippines.

(2) Conviction by civil court an individual may be

discharged under this category upon proof of final conviction by a civil court of a
criminal offense during his current term of enlistment.

(a) Involving moral turpitude on the nature of which

clearly indicates the individuals unsuitability for associating with other enlisted
personnel including but not limited to crimes against chastity, crimes against national
security, murder, infanticide, abortion, kidnapping. Brigandage, smuggling,
prostitution, or any of the crimes relative to opium and other prohibited drugs; or

(b) For which the individual has been sentenced to

imprisonment for more than on (1) year;

(3) Trial by Court-Martial an individual may be discharged

under this category on the basis of his trial by court-martial for an offense involving
moral turpitude, or for an offense punishable by dishonorable or bad conduct
discharge, and such trail has resulted in;

(a) Conviction, but the sentence, as approved, does

not include a punitive discharge.

(b) Acquittal by court-martial notwithstanding

substantial evidence to support a finding of guilty, and the acquittal is based solely
on a successful plea of statute of limitation that of durable jeopardy.


(4) Desertion or Absence Without Leave Discharge for

desertion or AWOL under this category may be ordered only if, the unauthorized
absence has continued for three (3) months or more and trial by court-martial is
deemed inadvisable. Discharge must be based on substantial evidence to support
the administrative determination of desertion or absence without leave. The term
substantial evidence means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might
accept as adequate to support a conclusion and should not be confused with proof
beyond reasonable; doubt necessary to justify a criminal conviction.

(5) Pregnancy out of wedlock An enlisted female who

becomes pregnant, has given birth and has any form of miscarriage or abortion out
of wedlock as duly certified by competent authority shall immediately be discharged.

(6) Immorality Discharge under this category may be

ordered for immoral conduct, including but not limited to:

(a) Maintaining illicit relations with a woman/man who

is not his/her wife/husband, irrespective of whether both are single and free to marry
at the time:

(b) Commission of any of the crimes against chastity

as defined in the Revised Penal code (adultery, concubinage, seduction, abduction,
rape, acts of lasciviousness, corruption of minors and prostitution);

(c) Established homosexual acts and other acts of

sexual perversion.

(7) Frequent incidents of discreditable nature with civil or

military authorities.

(8) An established pattern for:

(a) Shirking from duty or responsibility

(b) Insubordinate conduct or

(c) Deliberate failure to pay just debts

(9) Any specific act on misconduct, disorder or neglect not

falling under any other provision of the Circular and for which trial by court-martial is
deemed inadvisable.


a. Discharge Without Honor -

(1) Whenever the appropriate discharge authority has

determined that there exist sufficient ground for discharge under paragraph 5b
above, of any enlisted person within his command, he shall immediately order that a


summary investigation be conducted and completed within seven (7) days, by an

officer of his command, on the circumstances affecting the respondent enlisted
persons fitness for retention on the service. Board action is not required.
Nevertheless, the respondent shall be given an opportunity to be heard, to present
evidence in his behalf and to refute the evidence against him. Where the respondent
refuses or fail, without justifiable reason to appear, be heard or present evidence in
the investigation, the investigating officer shall take note this facts, and shall
complete his investigation with the reception of all pertinent and competent evidence
and make the appropriate findings and recommendations. However, except in cases
of AWOL or desertion or in cases where physical control is not effective, the enlisted
person will not be tried in absentia. If discharge is recommended, the specific
provision for the discharge (paragraph 5b) shall be indicated under a category
different from that indicated when he first took cognizance of the case, if his findings
so warrant.

(2) Where the discharge authority (other than the Chief of Staff
AFP, and the Major Service Commanders) approves the recommendation for the
discharge of the respondent enlisted person, the former shall immediately order the
discharge from the service of the latter. The orders to be issued shall not, however,
specify the character of the discharge but shall state that the character of the
discharge shall be as determined by the Chief of Staff, AFP or the major Service
Commander concerned. Thereafter, the records of investigations and/or summary of
the incidents or circumstances leading to discharge must be submitted to the Chief
of Staff, AFP/ Major Service Commander (Attn: DCS PER/ACS PER) for
determination of the character of discharge. Thereupon, the Chief of staff, AFP or
the Major Service Commander concerned shall issue orders indicating therein the
character of the discharge.

(3) When a discharge order has been executed by a discharge

authority other than the Chief of Staff, AFP or a Major Service Commander, the
respondent enlisted person may, within thirty (30) days from the date of publication
of order appeal his case to the Chief of Staff, AFP or the Major Service Commander
concerned, by filing a written notice of appeal with the adjutant General,
AFP/Adjutant of the Major Service to which he belongs.

(4) Upon receipt of the notice of appeal. The Adjutant General,

AFP/Adjutant of the Major Services shall without delay forward/refer all records of
investigation and all other pertinent papers to The Judge Advocate General,
AFP/Major Service Judge Advocate for his review and advice. Based on said review
and advice, the Chief of Staff, AFP/Major Service Commander concerned shall make
his final disposition of the case.

(5) In the absence of an appeal by the respondent, enlisted person

or if an appeal has been filed beyond the period specified in the preceding
paragraph, the case shall be subject to automatic review by the Chief of Staff, AFP,
or the Major Service Commander. In this case, the character of the discharge shall
merely be determined.


(6) In cases where the Chief of Staff, AFP or the Major Service
Commander is the discharge authority, he may act on the recommendation of the
investigating officer and the characterization of the mode of discharge by DCS
Per/ACS Per order the immediate discharge of the enlisted person concerned.

(7) For acts of misconduct committed by an enlisted individual

within his command, subordinate commanders enumerated in para 2a of this
Circular may, upon their own initiative or as may be ordered by higher authorities,
conduct an investigation of the charges against the erring enlisted individual
following the procedure prescribed in para 6a(1) above, and make appropriate
recommendation on the basis of their own findings and evaluation of the evidence
presented during the proceeding, to the superior commander authorized to order his
discharge under para 5b above, In turn, the appropriate discharge authority may
order a reinvestigation upon which he could base his own decision of the matter.

b. discharge for the Goof of the Service -

(1) When an enlisted persons suitability or desirability for retention

in retention in the service has rendered him subject to the separation proceeding
under paragraph 5b, his immediate Commanding Officer shall take steps to ascertain
whether the primary interest of the service and of the individual will best be served
by his prompt discharge in lieu of separation proceedings as prescribed in paragraph

(2) If the immediate command, or any higher command determines

that a discharge for the good of the service is appropriate, the immediate
commander shall advise the enlisted person;

(a) If the specific reason or act of misconduct for which

separation proceeding under paragraph 6a is contemplated;

(b) If the nature and substance of the available evidence

against him;

(c) That he shall be afforded legal counsel by the AFP free if

charge, in case he cannot secure a counsel at his own expense;

(d) If applicable, that a discharge by reason of unsuitability is

an honorable separation from the service and entitles the discharge person to all
leave and separation benefits;

(e) If applicable that he is discharge as a result of separation

proceeding under para 6a reason of undesirability due to misconduct or unfitness,
such discharge will deprive him of leave and other benefits incident upon an
honorable separation from the service and may cause him substantial prejudice in
securing civilian employment;

(f) That the discharge for the good of the service in lieu of
separation proceedings in accordance with paragraph 6 above, is an honorable


separation from the service. However, it renders him unacceptable for reentry into
military service; and;

(g) That he may avail himself of a discharge for the good of

the service only by his written consent made prior to separation proceedings under
paragraph 6a, above.

(3) If the individual consents to his discharge for the good of the
service, the immediate commander shall --

(a) Require respondent to sing the statement of Consent to

Discharge for the Good of the Service. Such written consent shall become a part of
respondents enlisted personnel records.

(b) Report such fact in letter from to the proper discharge

authority, stating; respondents name, grade, serial umber, and age; date of last
enlistment and prior services; brief statement as to the specific reason or act
misconduct which renders him subject to separation proceedings under paragraph
6a, and the reason why he does not consider court-martial or separation
proceedings under paragraph 6a, advisable, conduct and efficiency ratings; records
of court-martial and other disciplinary action; and an other pertinent information. The
individuals statement of Consent to Discharge for the Good of the Service will be
appended to the letter.

(4) Intermediate commanders shall take either of the following


(a) Disapprove the recommendation of discharge for the

good of the service and direct court-martial or separation proceeding under
paragraph 6a, as he deems appropriated;

(b) Approve the recommendation and forward the report to

the proper discharge authority for final action.

(5) The proper discharge authority shall direct the individuals

discharge for the good the service, court-martial action, separation and proceedings
under paragraph 6a, or such other disposition of the case he deems most
appropriate. The enlisted persons immediate commanding officer shall be notified
of such action.


a. A discharge from the service under honorable conditions entitles

an enlisted person to all furlough and other benefits incidents to an honorable
separation from the service.

b. A discharge without honor under this Circular is a separation for

cause and deprives the individual of furlough and other benefits incident to an
honorable separation from the service.


c. For the purpose of effecting the prompt separation of an enlisted

person whose discharge under honorable conditions has been approved pursuant to
this Circular, discharge authorities are authorized to approved and grant all terminal

furlough due the discharge enlisted person, regardless of duration, subject to

pertinent laws, rules and regulations on furlough.

d. Where verification of the individuals length of service and

furlough balance may unduly delay the issuance of terminal furlough and discharge
orders, the discharge authority is authorized to order and execute discharge, without
prejudice to the discharged individuals collection of money for all furlough due him
upon approval of the computation thereof by proper authorities;

e. Discharge Orders Discharge orders by authorities in

paragraph 2 shall be issued By Command or Order of the Commander concerned
or By Direction of the Chief of Staff, AFP, as applicable.

f. Administrative Action to Effect Separation Commanders shall

take steps to ensure that clearances and other administrative action to effect the
separation of an individual from the service are initiated at the earliest practicable
time and completed within reasonable time after discharge is finally approved.

g. Dissemination all commanders shall take steps to ensure that

all personnel under them are familiar with the provisions of this Circular. Discharge
authorities will provide copies of this Circular down to company level. Instructions on
the provisions of this circular shall be included in the troop information program of all



General AFP
Chief of Staff


Colonel PC (GSC)
The Adjutant General




Sworn Statement




I, , of legal age, Filipino, married and resident of __________, after having been duly sworn
to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state that:

I am the legal wife /spouse of presently assigned at ___________

We got married on ____________________________________and we have a child/

children, namely:_______, ______, _______ and ________ , attached a copy of our Marriage
Contract and their respective Certificate of Live Birth issued by ___________________;

My husband abandoned us and stopped giving financial support since


The foregoing statements are true to my personal knowledge; and

I executed this affidavit for the purpose of informing the Philippine Army of such facts /file
complaint or for any other purpose it may serve best.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my signature this
________day of________ at the Office of the Army Provost Marshal, Fort Andres Bonifacio,
Metro Manila.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of _________at the Office of
the Army Provost Marshal, Fort Andres Bonifacio, Metro Manila


Administering Officer


Republic of the Philippines)) S.S

(Quezon City)


I, __________________________ of legal age, Filipino and presently residing at, do

hereby depose and say:



That I executed this affidavit of desistance to attest the truth of the all foregoing facts
without being coerced, intimidated or any promise of reward.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this ____________ at the

_______________________________________ .



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of _________ at the


Officer/Notary Public


Investigation Report

Fort Andres Bonifacio, Metro Manila

OAPM/CIB 7 May 2012

SUBJECT: Investigation Report

(Alleged Abandonment and Non-Support of _______________)

TO: ______________


1. Letter complaint dated 9 September 2011, from ___________ against her husband,
________________(Inf) PA, for alleged Abandonment and Non-Support.


2. To determine the veracity of the complaint of Mrs _________ against her husband,
_____________ (Inf) PA, for Abandonment and Non-Support.


3. The complainant alleged in her letter complaint (Annex A) that her husband, Cpl
________, abandoned his family since 2009. She further alleged that while the ATM of subject
EP left in the possession of the complainant, the said ATM was captured by the ATM machine.
Complainant further alleged that respondent failed to make amends of his mistakes and misdeed,
instead, her husband manifested the intention or desire to annul their marriage.

4. In his counter-affidavit (Annex B), subject EP alleged that in 29 July 2009 he and Mrs
________ had a misunderstanding when she claimed that she read a text messages sent by a
woman in Cpl ________ cellphone. He alleged that due to the fact that her accusation was
unfounded and his cellphone was confiscated by his wife, he got angry and their
misunderstanding ensued. The respondent further alleged that after 2 years, he decided to make
amends with his wife and start a new life, however, instead of contacting him, Mrs __________
filed a complaint for non-


support. His denial however was not substantiated by clear and convincing proof that the
allegations of the complainant are not true.


5. The undersigned investigating officer (IO) found substantial evidence to hold Cpl _______
liable under HPA Personnel Directive Number 1, dated 12 June 2008. Under section 5, Rule 133
of the Rules of Court, in cases filed before administrative or quasi-judicial bodies, a fact may be
deemed established if it is supported by substantial evidence, or that amount of relevant evidence
which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a conclusion. Abandonment and
non-support are categorized as less grave offense punishable by demotion to discharge under
honorable condition pursuant to HPA Personnel Directive Number 1, annex B, para g. The
respondents commission of two (2) less grave offenses: a) abandonment for two years and b)
failure to support his legal family without justifiable reason warrants for his discharge from the
military service.


6. There is substantial evidence to hold Cpl _______ liable under HPA Personnel Directive
Number 1, dated 12 June 2008.


7. That Cpl __________ be discharged from the service.

Captain (AGS) PA
Investigating Officer


Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo Quezon City

AGSOBC2 ____________________(Date)

SUBJECT: Investigation Report

(Case against. respondents name)

TO: The Provost Marshal General, AFP


1. OPTMG LtrDir Nr ___ dtd _____________. (extn-A)


2. To determine the veracity of the complaint/filed by (complainant/s names)

against (respondents name) for (specify/specific complaint/s) on (date/time) etc.

3. To determine any administrative liability on the part of the respondent/s.


4. This pertains to the complaint/report of (name of the complaint/reported)

against (name of respondent/s) for alleged (offense/illegal activity) allegedly committed on
(date/time) etc. The issue to be resolved in this particular case is/are

a. Complainant/s Affidavit, Statement/s/Evidence

1) Complainant/s Basic Complainant

a.) Affidavit of witnesses

(1.1) Witness Nr1

(1.2) Witness Nr 2
(1.3) Witness Nr 3

b.) Documentary evidence if any

c.) Other Evidence/s

2) Other complainant/s, of any:

a.) Affidavit of witnesses

b.) Documentary Evidence, if any

5. Respondent/s Affidavit, Statement, Evidences


a. Affidavit of witnesses

(1) Witness Nr1

(2) Witness Nr 2
(3) Witness Nr 3

b. Documentary evidence, if any

c. Other evidence/s.


6. Result of confrontation/amicable settlement/non-appearance of the

complainant/s affidavit of desistance etc. (In case of amicable settlement, the investigator must
still investigate and take the statement of the respondent to find out whether he/she has violated
any rules and regulations of the AFP or the Code of Ethics, AFP, so that appropriate punishment if
necessary can be considered).

7. Investigators discussion/evaluation on the merits of the case. (this should be

based on facts/documentary evidence and not on assumption or conjecture cite applicable laws,
authority, etc.)


8. Analysis of merit/s of complainant/s side.

9. Analysis of merit/s respondent/s side.

10. In view of the foregoing, it is concluded that


11. Recommend that ________________________________




(Provost Marshall or CO)





I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of

the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the amendment of Section 3 of
Administrative Order nr 40, series of 1993, Prescribing Guidelines For The
Treatment Of The Personnel Of The Armed Forces Of the Philippines And Philippine
National Police, Who Are Facing Administrative And Criminal Charges. To read as

Sec. 3. Service-connected crimes or offenses shall, pursuant to Republic Act

Nr 7055, be tried by court-martial: Provided, That the President of the Philippines
may, in the interest of justice, motuproprioor upon the recommendation of the Chief
of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, order or direct at any time before
arraignment that any such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts.

This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the city of Manila, this 21st day of May in the year of Our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-three.


President of the Philippines






SUBJECT: Summons/Appearance

TO: (Commanding Officer of Respondent)


1. Direct (Name of Respondent) that unit/office to report to this Headquarters

(Attn: Office of the Provost Marshal) on (Date and Time) to shed light on a complaint
filed by (Name of Complainant) for alleged (Nature of the Case) which is being
investigated by this Office.

2. Further direct the respondent to bring his/her counter affidavit, witness/es

and/or affidavit witness/es and other controverting proofs, if any.

3. Be guided by existing AFP Regulations pertaining to compliance with

summons and similar directives.








(Complainant/s Name and Address)



This has reference to your complaint against (Name of Respondent) for

alleged (Nature of the case) which is now under investigation by this Office.

In this regard, in order to arrive at an expeditous resolution on your complaint,

we request you to furnish us the following evident/s to wit:


Your prompt attention on the matter is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,





Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

18 February 1964




1. PURPOSE. This Circular prescribes the regulations governing the

disposition of military personnel accused before the civil courts who cannot give or
otherwise failed to obtain the necessary bail and delivered, pursuant to Executive
Order No. 106, series 1937, to the proper military authorities for safekeeping; the
degree of restraint to be imposed upon such personnel during the pendency of their
cases; and the administrative steps to be taken in cases where the accused and/or
his custodian are separated from the service or transferred to other units.

2. CUSTODY OF ACCUSED. In case the judge or justice of the peace

will bind over any officer or enlisted person under arrest to answer to a criminal
charge and will order the delivery of such officer or enlisted person to his immediate
commanding officer or to the PNP provincial commander, the latter will take
immediate custody of the accused for safekeeping.

a. Procedure where delivery is ordered to be made to accused

immediate CO.

1) If the accused unit is permanently stationed in the city or

province where the care is pending his immediate commanding officer will take and
confine in stockade retain custody of the accused until acquitted or convicted on
final judgment.

2) If the accused unit is stationed outside the city or

province where the case is pending, his immediate commanding officer, if
practicable, will receive his person (accused) and take immediate steps to have him
placed on detached service with a unit (at least of company level or its equivalent) of
their Major Service permanently stationed in the city or province where the case is
pending and nearest to the place where the proper court is located.

3) In the event the Major Service of the accused has no unit

in such city or province, the immediate commanding officer will initiate steps to have


the accused placed on detached service with the PC provincial commander of that

4) If neither the Major Service to which the accused belong

nor the PC has any unit of company level in the city where the case is pending and
such city is outside the geographical limits of any province, the accused immediate
commanding officer will be guided by (1), (2), and (3) above. For this purpose, he will
consider the most appropriate province adjacent to the city where the case is
pending in determining who should have custody of the accused.

b. Procedure where delivery is ordered to be made to the PC

provincial commander. In case where the judge or justice of the peace orders the
delivery of the accused to the PNP provincial commander in the absence or
incapacity of the accusers immediate commanding officer, such provincial
commander will temporarily take custody of the accused and will inform, by the
fastest means available, the latters immediate commanding officer of such fact. Said
commanding officer will then take the appropriate steps outlined in an above.

c. Duties of Custodian.

1) The officer who takes custody of the accused for

safekeeping shall have the duty to keep and produce the prisoner before the proper
court at the proper time. If necessary for the safekeeping of the prisoner, he may be
committed to the provincial jail or the new Belibed Prisons at Muntinlupa, Rizal, by
such officer. (Ex O No. 106, s-37)

2) Whenever there is a change in custody by operation of a

or b, above, the relinquishing custodian will notify the proper court of such change,
submitting thereto a duplicate copy of the receipt of accuseds person signed by the
relieving custodian.

d Military personnel on inactive status not to be taken into military

custody. Executive Order No. 106, series 1937, applies only to military personnel on
active duty. In no instance will a retired military person or anyone on the inactive
status be taken into military custody under this circular.


a. Degree.

1) Persons accused of capital offenses (e.g., murder,

robbery with homicide, rape with homicide, kidnapping and serious illegal detention,
parricide, etc.,) will be placed in confinement, unless, under very extraordinary
circumstances the commanding officer/custodian believes that a lesser form of
restraint is sufficient.

2) The following persons will be placed in confinement,

unless, under very extraordinary circumstances, the commanding officer/custodian
believes that a lesser form of restraint is sufficient:


(a) Those charged with crimes against national

security and the Law of Nations (Arts 114-123, Revised Penal Code)

(b) Those charged with rebellion, sedition and

disloyalty (Arts 134-142, Revised Penal Code):

(c) Those charged with subversive acts under

Republic Act 1700:

(d) Those charged with espionage under

Commonwealth Act 616:

(e) Those who, while facing criminal charges before

the civil courts and while under military custody pursuant to Executive Order 106,
series of 1937, are again subsequently charged with grave felonies before the civil
courts. (Art 9, Revised Penal Code, defines grave felonies as those to which the
law attaches the capital punishment or penalties which in any of their periods are
afflictive (those whose duration ranges from 6 years and 1 day to life imprisonment).

3) Persons accused of a serious offense for which a penalty

of imprisonment for six (6) years and one (1) day to life imprisonment may be
imposed and against whom there is strong evidence of guilt, will be placed in
confinement, unless under the attendant circumstances, the commanding
officer/custodian believes that a lesser form of restraint is sufficient. In the
determination whether the evidence of guilt is strong, the staff judge advocate of the
command and/or provincial fiscal/city attorney should normally be consulted.

4) Persons accused of offenses punishable by imprisonment

for six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6) years will be placed in arrest, unless,
under the circumstances of the case, the commanding officer/custodian believed that
a different form of restraint is necessary, or deemed sufficient.

5) Persons accused of offenses penalized with

imprisonment for one (1) day to six (6) months shall be subject to such restrictive or
preventive measures (like reporting to a certain officer of EM or registering at a
designated time and place, etc.,) which, in the opinion of the commanding officer, are
warranted, unless the latter believes that any form of restraint is deemed necessary.

6) Any military person alleged to have committed a felony,

crime, breach of law or violation of municipal ordinances who is turned over to the
custody for his commanding officer by civilian investigating or police agencies of the
Government for disposition and against whom no warrant of arrest has been issued,
will if warranted after an inquiry into his alleged offense, be temporarily restrained or
restricted by his commanding officer in accordance with the foregoing rules. The
commanding officer in such cases will take immediate steps to have the proper
information or charges filed against such person in custody, either before the civil
courts or before military authorities. Where corresponding charges cannot be filed for
lack of sufficient evidence, the person held in custody should be released
immediately. In the event, however, that such person is finally accused before the


civil courts, the commanding officer will observe the provisions of Article of War 75
(Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authorities) and Executive Order Nr 106, series 1937.

7) In cases of confinement, the procedure on segregation of

prisoners set forth in paragraph 13 of AFPR G 131-081 will be observed.

8) Restraint or restrictions in any form or degree imposed

pursuant to this Circular shall immediately be lifted or discontinued by the officer
custodian upon his receipt of competent proof that the accused has posted bail.

b. Modification. The commanding officer/custodian may, for good

cause, modify the character, duration and place of restraint. Superior competent
authorities may, for justifiable reasons, modify a type of restrain imposed by
subordinate commanding officers to a more restrictive form of restraint but not to a
less restrictive one. A form of restraint so modified may not be lifted, relaxed or
changed for less restrictive one without the prior approval of the superior who
ordered it.

i. Other considerations to be taken into account in the imposition

or modification of restraint. Among other factors to be considered in imposing or
modifying a type of restraint are the following:

1. Military exigencies;
2. Likelihood of accusers attempting to escape;
3. Custom of the service;
4. Age and /or physical condition of the accused;
5. Conduct, demeanor and characteristics of the accused;
6. Protracted trail coupled by long confinement undergone
by the accused.


See Circular Nr 74, GHQ AFP, s-55, as amended.



a. Reports.

1. Whenever any military person facing criminal charges

before a civil court and placed under the custody of a commanding officer or
provincial commander pursuant to Executive Order 166, series 1937, is discharged
or separated from the service, his commanding officer will notify the proper court of
such discharge or separation, and shall forthwith place the person of said detainee at
the disposal of the said court.

2. In the event that it is the commanding officer or the

provincial commander himself who is due for separation relief or transfer, he will,
under receipt, turn over the custody of the detainee to the new commanding officer
or provincial commander replacing or succeeding him, and notify the proper court of


such change in custody, submitting thereto a duplicate copy of the receipt so

secured. The new commanding officer or the officer commanding for the time being
shall receive the prisoner and, henceforth, he shall be responsible for the latters
safekeeping and custody.

3. The procedure laid down in (2) above shall be followed by

the commanding officer in case the detainee is transferred to other units during the
pendency of his case.

4. In case the detainee escapes while in the custody of his

commanding officer, the latter, in the most expeditious manner, will officially notify
the police authorities and the proper court of the escape.

b. Penalty. Failure to comply with the procedure in para 2 shall

subject the officer concerned to contempt preceding before the civil courts, and to
court martial trail for violation of the 97th Article of War.



General, AFP
(Sgd) C P DELA CRUZ Chief of Staff
Colonel, AGS (GSC)
The Adjutant General






I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of

the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the amendment of Section 3 of
Administrative Order nr 40, series of 1993, Prescribing Guidelines For The
Treatment Of The Personnel Of The Armed Forces Of the Philippines And Philippine
National Police, Who Are Facing Administrative And Criminal Charges. To read as

Sec. 3. Service-connected crimes or offenses shall, pursuant to Republic Act

Nr 7055, be tried by court-martial: Provided, That the President of the Philippines
may, in the interest of justice, motuproprioor upon the recommendation of the Chief
of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, order or direct at any time before
arraignment that any such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts.

This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the city of Manila, this 21st day of May in the year of Our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-three.


President of the Philippines


Compliance with Summonses and Similar Directives


Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

21 October 1996

SUBJECT: Compliance with Summonses and Similar Directives

TO: Commanders of MajSvcs, Unified Comdrs, and AFPWSSUs

1. Reports submitted to my office indicate many instances of failure on

the part of AFP personnel to comply with or respond to summonses or directives for
their appearance in offices of the Inspector General Service, other investigating or
fact-finding offices, military courts or tribunals, boards and similar instrumentalities of
the AFP. Needless to say, I can only view this failure with much regret and
displeasure, for it not only unduly delays the proceedings or work of the
aforementioned offices, tribunals and boards; it also reflects adversely on the
conduct of personnel as well as the attitude of their respective unit commanders or
office chiefs toward legitimate summonses or directives issued by proper authority.

2. I therefore direct all the commanders of the Major Services, Unified

Commands, and AFPWSSUs to give due course to the above summonses or
directives and see to it that personnel concerned need and comply with them or at
least arrange for postponement in case they are unable to comply at the designated
time for reasons beyond their control. Failure of personnel to appear in offices on
dates indicated in summonses or similar directives without any justifiable excuse
shall be dealt with the extent allowed by applicable regulations or policies as
circumstances may warrant.

3. In this connection, I hereby direct the heads of the aforementioned IGS

offices, other investigation agencies, tribunals, boards and similar instrumentalities of
the AFP to initiate drastic action, including separation from the service if deemed
appropriate, against AFP personnel who refuse or inexcusably fail to respond to or
comply with their summonses or similar directives which are issued in my behalf or
that of any other competent authority.

In addition, they shall initiate disciplinary action, if the circumstances so

warrant, against the immediate commander or chief of the personnel concerned.



General, AFP
Chief of Staff




(Complainant/s Name and Address)



This has reference to your complaint against (Name of Respondent) for

alleged (Nature of the case) which is now under investigation by this Office.

In this regard, in order to arrive at an expeditous resolution on your complaint,

we request you to furnish us the following evident/s to wit:


Your prompt attention on the matter is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,






SECTION 1. Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and other

persons subject to military law, including members of the Citizens Armed Forces
Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses penalized under the Revised
Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government ordinances, regardless of
whether or not civilians are co-accused, victims, or offended parties which may be
natural or juridical persons, shall be tried by the proper civil court, except when the
offense, as determined before arraignment by the civil court, is service-connected, in
which case the offense shall be tried by court-martial: Provided, That the President
of the Philippines may, in the interest of justice, order or direct at any time before
arraignment that any such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts. As
used in this Section, service-connected crimes or offenses shall be limited to those
defined in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and Articles 95 to 97 of Commonwealth
Act No. 408, as amended. In imposing the penalty for such crimes or offenses, the
court-martial may take into consideration the penalty prescribed therefor in the
Revised Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government ordinances.

SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of Section 1 hereof, all cases filed or

pending for filing with court- martial or other similar bodies, except those where the
accused had already been arraigned shall within thirty (30) days following the
effectivity of this Act be transferred to the proper civil courts: Provided, That the Chief
of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall upon petition before
commencement of trial and with the written consent of the accused, order the
transfer of such excepted case or cases to the proper civil courts for trial and

SECTION 3. Presidential Decree Nrs 1822-A, 1850 and 1952, and all acts,
general orders, executive orders, and other presidential issuances, rules and
regulations inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its
publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general

Approved: 20 June 20 199

President of the Philippines



Commanders Responsibility on Criminal and
Administrative Cases Involving Military Personnel

President of the Philippines

Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo
Quezon City

23 October 2001

SUBJECT: Commanders Responsibility on Criminal and

Administrative Cases Involving Military Personnel

TO: All Commanders of the Major Services,

Area Command, CGs/COs, AFPWSSUs

1. References:

a. AFPRG 131-091 dtd 21 January 1954; Subject: Arrest and


b. RA 7055 dtd 20 June 1991.

c. Administrative Order Nr. 40 dtd 24 February 1993.

2. Of late, the daily news bannered the alleged involvement of active and
former members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in high profile crimes or
offenses in the likes of bank robberies, kidnap for ransom, hijacking, carnapping,
drug-trafficking and gun-running. Certainly, the PNP report or media blitz on the
issue adversely affected to an extent the image of the Armed Forces of the

1. The resurgence of alleged involvement of active members of the

military and/or other law enforcement agencies in various cases in the nature of the
above so-called high profile crimes or offenses has drawn serious alarm and
apprehension both in the national leadership and the general public for whom the
military establishment is mandated to protect.

4, As in several directives issued on the same subject matter, I, for once,

direct all unit commanders to be committed in the strict, religious and sustained
adherence in the implementation of existing AFP laws, rules, regulations, directives
and policies on discipline, law and order. As commanders, you are primarily
responsible in the task of instilling discipline on your personnel, including but not
limited to the following commanders responsibilities, to wit:


a. Accounting of Personnel.To properly account their respective

personnel and closely monitor their activities in order to prevent them from indulging
in unwarranted activities.

b. Arrest and Confinement of Erring Personnel. To immediately

order the arrest and confinement of military personnel who commit, is actually
committing or is believed to have actually committed a grave offense. If arrest or
confinement is made without prior investigation or formal charges filed immediately
upon arrest or confinement, investigation shall be initiated and completed NLT eight
(8) days to determine prima facie evidence to justify his continuous confinement,
restriction to limits or custody under a responsible Officer .

c. Administrative Disposition. (1) To promptly initiate the conduct of

investigation to determine the administrative liability of the personnel involved in
illegal activities. If found to have committed a grave offense that warrants discharge,
his discharge or separation from the service shall be contemporaneous to the turn
over of his person to the proper civil authorities for final disposition. (2) Reserve
Officers who are apprehended/arrested for the commission of any offense which is
not-service connected shall be immediately reverted to inactive status or
automatically be reverted to inactive status upon the expiration of his tour of duty,
provided investigation has been conducted and the required quantum of evidence to
establish administrative liability exists. (3) Regular Officers and Reserve Officers in
the active service with the security of tenure under EO 79, s-87 who are
apprehended/arrested for any offense not considered service connected shall be
proceeded in accordance with EO 337, s-88.

d. Custody of Personnel Upon receipt of the adverse report

committed by a military personnel under his command, the concerned commander
shall immediately take custody of subject military personnel subject to the provision
of EO 106, s-37, and cause the expeditious conduct of investigation of such report
by an appropriate investigating Officer, if he is not yet under police or court custody.
For the purpose of this letter directive, the term Commanders refers to the
following: Major Service Commanders, Area Commanders, Division Commanders,
Brigade Commanders, Battalion Commanders, Company commanders, Platoon
Leaders and Detachment commanders and their equivalent in the PN, PAF and

5. Administrative Sanctions. Commanders of erring military personnel

found in violation of this directive shall be similarly held accountable either for
conduct unbecoming of an officer or as accessory after the fact, including upon
failure and/or deliberate refusal to act accordingly and decisively as required by
existing AFP laws, regulations, directives or policies, including but not limited to the
rendering to the next superior authorities of timely report, delays actions as required
or otherwise aids or abets the illegal activities of his subordinates.

6. This directive does not in any manner diminish the responsibility and
authority of Chiefs of Offices or supervisors in various offices and/or staff divisions
relative to their accountability in the maintenance of discipline, law and order in their


7. For guidance, strict compliance and widest dissemination.


General, AFP
Chief of Staff





Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AFPRS/AGA1 02 October 1987




1. PURPOSE This Circular prescribes the policies and standards, and

procedures and guidance whereby the Chief of Staff, AFP; Commanders of Major
Services and other Commanders acting for and by direction of the chief of Staff, AFP
may order the discharge of enlisted personnel prior to the expiration of their term of
enlistment under AW 109.


a. The following commander: may order the discharge of enlisted

personnel assigned to their respective commands in accordance with the specific
reasons, standards and procedures set forth in this Circular.

(1) Chief of Staff, AFP

(2) Chief of Constabulary

(3) Commanding General, PA

(4) Commanding General, PAF

(5) Flag Officer-In-Command, PN

(6) Commanders, Regional Unified/specified Commands

(7) Division, Battalion and Brigade Commanders, PA

(8) Commandant, Philippine Marines

(9) Regional Commanders, PC


(10) Commanders, AFPWSSUs whose T/O rank is BGEN or


(11) Other Unit Commanders whose staff include a Staff

Judge Advocate

b. Whenever use in this Circular, term discharge authority refers

to the appropriate commanders mentioned above.


a. To secure efficient utilization of manpower.

b. To provide for the prompt elimination from the service of misfits

and undesirables, and for the immediate termination of the current term of enlistment
of an enlisted person whose continued stay in the service no longer warranted.

c. To assure the individual soldier of substantial justice and

fairness in determining the desirability of retention in the service.

d. To secure speedy justice while providing legal safeguards to

spare the innocent from arbitrary action; and

e. To provide an accurate and authentic records of personnel

action leading to administrative discharge prior to ETE.


a. Selective Enlistment Effort and extreme concern should be

exerted to select the best suitable individual from the abundant manpower resourced
considering the many applicants for enlistment in the AFP. A thorough and rigid
psychological Evaluation should be conducted on all prospective applicants for
enlistment to fully determine mental capability/fitness and personality. All bordering
cases of applicants, i.e., adequate mental capability but unstable personality be
referred to the Neuro-psychiatrist for further clinical assessment.

b. Selective Reenlistment All personnel with confirmed

incurable/or expensive to cure personality disorder and strings of cases shall be
terminated upon ETE. Reenlisting personnel shall pass a thorough and rigid
psychological evaluation and usual clearance before recommended for reenlistment.
Borderline cases shall be referred to the Neuro-Psychiatrist, for further clinical
evaluation to determine fitness to be reenlisted in the service of rehabilitation. Some
personnel may develop in-service difficulties that may effect their personality. In
which case the AFP must establish Personnel Crises Intervention Program to
help/rehabilitate personnel.

c. Disciplinary Power of Commanding Officer The retention of a

problem individual in the service is costly; However, it is not the intent of these


regulations to preclude to discourage the trial by Court-Martial of wrongdoers when

such action is for the best interest of the service. Discharge authorities shall take
utmost care that administrative discharge is not resorted to as an easy and
economical, substitute for Court-Martial. In cases where punitive action is clearly
called for, the particular circumstance of each case shall be judiciously weighed to

avoid creating the impression that administrative discharge assures one easy
escape from punishment for serious offenses and breaches of military discipline.

d. Accountability of Misbehaving Personnel Discharge is an

appropriate procedure for an enlisted person whose behavior renders him repeatedly
vulnerable to punitive or other adverse personnel action. The fact that an erring
individual discharge without honor may be denied certain benefits or encounter
difficulty in securing employment, should be carefully explained to him for his own



(1) Minority -

(a) An enlisted person under 21 years of age but now

below 18 years at the time of his enlistment who being unemancipated by marriage,
enlisted without the consent of either of his parents or legal guardian and upon
presentation of satisfactory proof has been made while the enlisted individual is
under 21 years old and unemancipated.

(b) An enlisted person below 18 years of age shall be

discharge upon application of either parent or legal guardian and upon presentation
of satisfactory evidence as to his age, whether or not consent was given to his
enlistment provided such application is made while the enlisted individual is below 18
years of age.

(c) A minor shall not be discharge on his own

application. Whenever a minor whose parents or legal guardian have not applied for
his discharge, is discovered to be below 18 years of age, the appropriate discharge
authority may, in the exercise of his discretion, direct either his discharge or retention
in the service.

(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, a minor

who is under investigation or court-martial trial for a violation of the Articles of War,
or is serving a sentence of confinement as a result thereof, or is under contractual
obligation to serve for a certain period in consideration of his training or schooling at
government expense, shall not be discharged until his case is disposed of under
appropriate military justice procedures.

(2) Dependency or Hardship -


(a) Dependency an enlisted individual may be

discharged upon his written request due to death or disability of a member of his
family and by reason of which his family becomes principally dependent upon him for
care and support. The term member of his family or family includes only the wife,
children, father, mother, brother, sister and any relative who has parental authority
over the enlisted person to his enlistment.

(b) Hardship an enlisted individual may also be

discharged upon his written request when, under circumstances not involving the
death or disability of a member of his family, his discharge will alleviate undue
hardship to his family as to care and support.

(c) In no case should an enlisted individual who seeks

his discharge by reason of dependency or hardship, be discharged if he is under
investigation or court-martial trail or serving a sentence of confinement as a result
thereof, until his case is disposed of under appropriate military justice procedures; or
is under contractual obligation to serve for a certain period in consideration of
training or schooling at government expense; or has served during his current
enlistment less than eighteen (18) months, if it is an original enlistment, or less than
twelve (12) months if it is a succeeding enlistment.

(3) Marriage -

(a) Officers and enlisted women of the Womens

Auxilliary Corps, may contract without being discharge or separated from the service
provided, they have at the time of said marriage, already completed at least three (3)
years of continuous active military service in the AFP. Provided, further that any
female member of the AFP who has previously separated or discharged honorably
by reason of marriage may be called to active duty or reinstated, subject to the
above condition and in consonance with rules and regulations as the Chief of Staff,
AFP may prescribe.

(b) Marriage between Officers and enlisted personnel

shall be authorized with strict adherence to the following guidelines;

(1) Three (3) years of continuous active military

service as prescribed by PD 1910 and cir Nr 7, s-84.

(2) Seminar in proper decorum which shall be

conducted by TCWAC AFP or her authorized representative for all prospective
couples wherein a Certificate of Attendance will be issued which is a requirement in
the application for permission to marry.

(3) Separation of military and personal

responsibility by contracting parties and strict observance of customary standards of
military discipline and behavior should be emphasized during the seminar.
Separation of unit assignment of prospective couples who are assigned with the
same unit/office.


(4) Convenience of the Government

Discharge under this category is authorized for the following reasons.

(a) To accept appointment as Regular

Officer or enter an ETAD as a Reserved Officer.

(b) To accept appointment as cadet of

the Philippine Military Academy/Philippine Air Force Flying Schooling and other
military school/academies.

(c) To dispose of cases where the

immediate separation of the EP does not run counter with existing policy or
regulation and that his discharge is deemed most expedient on account of:

1. Approval of petition for

immigration/residence abroad.

2. Acceptance of a better paying

job outside the service.

3. Filing of optional retirement

prior to its approval.

4. Where the EP concerned has

plans to contract marriage after denial of his request for permission to marry.

5. Physical and mental

rehabilitation of the EP.

6. Any other exceptional

circumstances of conditions that warrant immediate discharge from the service of the
AFP in keeping with a more liberal plan of attraction.

(d) To dispose of cases where

immediate separation due to unfitness, in lieu of discharge after trail by court martial,
is determine to be more a convenient, practical and expeditious mode of separation,
consistent with the requirements of discipline, morale and welfare and the interest of
the service.

(5) For the Good of the Service -

(a) An enlisted person whose suitability

or desirability for retention in the service has rendered him subject to administrative
separation under paragraph 6b, may by immediately discharged For the Good of the
Service with his consent, in lieu of separation proceedings indicated in paragraph 6,
after he shall executed the certificate of consent to Discharge for the Good of the


(b) In no case may a discharge under

this category be ordered after referral of the respondent enlisted persons case for
investigation as specified in paragraph 6.

(c) When discharge for the good of the

service or for unsuitability is ordered, the officer in custody of the enlisted persons
record shall enter the remark Not Recommended for further Service in the
Remarks section of the Individuals Service Record.

(6) Unsuitability an individual may be

discharged by reason of unsuitability, not due to misconduct, when it has been
determine that he is unsuitable for further military service because of:

(a) Ineptitude or ineptness due to lack of

general adaptability, want of readiness or skill, unhandiness or inability to learn;

(b) Character, behavior and personality

disorders due to psychiatric condition;

(c) Chronic alcoholism or addiction to

alcohol (without overt acts or misconduct or disorder);

(d) Homosexual tendencies, desires or

interest unaccompanied by over homosexual acts. A homosexual is an individual
who demonstrates by behavior, a preference or desire for sexual activity with
persons of the same sex. Homosexual are unfit for military service because their
presence impairs to morale and discipline of the organization. Allegations of
homosexuality shall be thoroughly and comprehensively inquired into, with due
regard for the peculiar susceptibility of such cases to malicious charges.


(1) Undesirability due to misconduct or unfitness An

individual may be discharged under this category for any of the following reasons:

(a) Absence without leave or desertion from any of the

Major Service of the AFP.

(b) Prior separation from the AFP or from the Armed

services of any foreign country under conditions other than honorable and/or
conditions barring entry into the Armed forces of the Philippines.

(2) Conviction by civil court an individual may be

discharged under this category upon proof of final conviction by a civil court of a
criminal offense during his current term of enlistment.

(a) Involving moral turpitude on the nature of which

clearly indicates the individuals unsuitability for associating with other enlisted


personnel including but not limited to crimes against chastity, crimes against national
security, murder, infanticide, abortion, kidnapping. Brigandage, smuggling,
prostitution, or any of the crimes relative to opium and other prohibited drugs; or

(b) For which the individual has been sentenced to

imprisonment for more than on (1) year;

(3) Trial by Court-Martial an individual may be discharged

under this category on the basis of his trial by court-martial for an offense involving
moral turpitude, or for an offense punishable by dishonorable or bad conduct
discharge, and such trail has resulted in;

(a) Conviction, but the sentence, as approved, does

not include a punitive discharge.

(b) Acquittal by court-martial notwithstanding

substantial evidence to support a finding of guilty, and the acquittal is based solely
on a successful plea of statute of limitation that of durable jeopardy.

(4) Desertion or Absence Without Leave Discharge for

desertion or AWOL under this category may be ordered only if, the unauthorized
absence has continued for three (3) months or more and trial by court-martial is
deemed inadvisable. Discharge must be based on substantial evidence to support
the administrative determination of desertion or absence without leave. The term
substantial evidence means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might
accept as adequate to support a conclusion and should not be confused with proof
beyond reasonable; doubt necessary to justify a criminal conviction.

(5) Pregnancy out of wedlock An enlisted female who

becomes pregnant, has given birth and has any form of miscarriage or abortion out
of wedlock as duly certified by competent authority shall immediately be discharged.

(6) Immorality Discharge under this category may be

ordered for immoral conduct, including but not limited to:

(a) Maintaining illicit relations with a woman/man who

is not his/her wife/husband, irrespective of whether both are single and free to marry
at the time:

(b) Commission of any of the crimes against chastity

as defined in the Revised Penal code (adultery, concubinage, seduction, abduction,
rape, acts of lasciviousness, corruption of minors and prostitution);

(c) Established homosexual acts and other acts of

sexual perversion.

(7) Frequent incidents of discreditable nature with civil or

military authorities.


(8) An established pattern for:

(a) Shirking from duty or responsibility

(b) Insubordinate conduct or

(c) Deliberate failure to pay just debts

(9) Any specific act on misconduct, disorder or neglect not

falling under any other provision of the Circular and for which trial by court-martial is
deemed inadvisable.


a. Discharge Without Honor -

(1) Whenever the appropriate discharge authority has

determined that there exist sufficient ground for discharge under paragraph 5b
above, of any enlisted person within his command, he shall immediately order that a
summary investigation be conducted and completed within seven (7) days, by an
officer of his command, on the circumstances affecting the respondent enlisted
persons fitness for retention on the service. Board action is not required.
Nevertheless, the respondent shall be given an opportunity to be heard, to present
evidence in his behalf and to refute the evidence against him. Where the respondent
refuses or fail, without justifiable reason to appear, be heard or present evidence in
the investigation, the investigating officer shall take note this facts, and shall
complete his investigation with the reception of all pertinent and competent evidence
and make the appropriate findings and recommendations. However, except in cases
of AWOL or desertion or in cases where physical control is not effective, the enlisted
person will not be tried in absentia. If discharge is recommended, the specific
provision for the discharge (paragraph 5b) shall be indicated under a category
different from that indicated when he first took cognizance of the case, if his findings
so warrant.

(2) Where the discharge authority (other than the Chief of Staff
AFP, and the Major Service Commanders) approves the recommendation for the
discharge of the respondent enlisted person, the former shall immediately order the
discharge from the service of the latter. The orders to be issued shall not, however,
specify the character of the discharge but shall state that the character of the
discharge shall be as determined by the Chief of Staff, AFP or the major Service
Commander concerned. Thereafter, the records of investigations and/or summary of
the incidents or circumstances leading to discharge must be submitted to the Chief
of Staff, AFP/ Major Service Commander (Attn: DCS PER/ACS PER) for
determination of the character of discharge. Thereupon, the Chief of staff, AFP or
the Major Service Commander concerned shall issue orders indicating therein the
character of the discharge.

(3) When a discharge order has been executed by a discharge

authority other than the Chief of Staff, AFP or a Major Service Commander, the


respondent enlisted person may, within thirty (30) days from the date of publication
of order appeal his case to the Chief of Staff, AFP or the Major Service Commander
concerned, by filing a written notice of appeal with the adjutant General,
AFP/Adjutant of the Major Service to which he belongs.

(4) Upon receipt of the notice of appeal. The Adjutant General,

AFP/Adjutant of the Major Services shall without delay forward/refer all records of
investigation and all other pertinent papers to The Judge Advocate General,
AFP/Major Service Judge Advocate for his review and advice. Based on said review
and advice, the Chief of Staff, AFP/Major Service Commander concerned shall make
his final disposition of the case.

(5) In the absence of an appeal by the respondent, enlisted person

or if an appeal has been filed beyond the period specified in the preceding
paragraph, the case shall be subject to automatic review by the Chief of Staff, AFP,
or the Major Service Commander. In this case, the character of the discharge shall
merely be determined.

(6) In cases where the Chief of Staff, AFP or the Major Service
Commander is the discharge authority, he may act on the recommendation of the
investigating officer and the characterization of the mode of discharge by DCS
Per/ACS Per order the immediate discharge of the enlisted person concerned.

(7) For acts of misconduct committed by an enlisted individual

within his command, subordinate commanders enumerated in para 2a of this
Circular may, upon their own initiative or as may be ordered by higher authorities,
conduct an investigation of the charges against the erring enlisted individual
following the procedure prescribed in para 6a(1) above, and make appropriate
recommendation on the basis of their own findings and evaluation of the evidence
presented during the proceeding, to the superior commander authorized to order his
discharge under para 5b above, In turn, the appropriate discharge authority may
order a reinvestigation upon which he could base his own decision of the matter.

b. discharge for the Goof of the Service -

(1) When an enlisted persons suitability or desirability for retention

in retention in the service has rendered him subject to the separation proceeding
under paragraph 5b, his immediate Commanding Officer shall take steps to ascertain
whether the primary interest of the service and of the individual will best be served
by his prompt discharge in lieu of separation proceedings as prescribed in paragraph

(2) If the immediate command, or any higher command determines

that a discharge for the good of the service is appropriate, the immediate
commander shall advise the enlisted person;

(a) If the specific reason or act of misconduct for which

separation proceeding under paragraph 6a is contemplated;


(b) If the nature and substance of the available evidence

against him;

(c) That he shall be afforded legal counsel by the AFP free if

charge, in case he cannot secure a counsel at his own expense;

(d) If applicable, that a discharge by reason of unsuitability is

an honorable separation from the service and entitles the discharge person to all
leave and separation benefits;

(e) If applicable that he is discharge as a result of separation

proceeding under para 6a reason of undesirability due to misconduct or unfitness,
such discharge will deprive him of leave and other benefits incident upon an
honorable separation from the service and may cause him substantial prejudice in
securing civilian employment;

(f) That the discharge for the good of the service in lieu of
separation proceedings in accordance with paragraph 6 above, is an honorable
separation from the service. However, it renders him unacceptable for reentry into
military service; and;

(g) That he may avail himself of a discharge for the good of

the service only by his written consent made prior to separation proceedings under
paragraph 6a, above.

(3) If the individual consents to his discharge for the good of the
service, the immediate commander shall --

(a) Require respondent to sing the statement of Consent to

Discharge for the Good of the Service. Such written consent shall become a part of
respondents enlisted personnel records.

(b) Report such fact in letter from to the proper discharge

authority, stating; respondents name, grade, serial umber, and age; date of last
enlistment and prior services; brief statement as to the specific reason or act
misconduct which renders him subject to separation proceedings under paragraph
6a, and the reason why he does not consider court-martial or separation
proceedings under paragraph 6a, advisable, conduct and efficiency ratings; records
of court-martial and other disciplinary action; and an other pertinent information. The
individuals statement of Consent to Discharge for the Good of the Service will be
appended to the letter.

(4) Intermediate commanders shall take either of the following


(a) Disapprove the recommendation of discharge for the

good of the service and direct court-martial or separation proceeding under
paragraph 6a, as he deems appropriated;


(b) Approve the recommendation and forward the report to

the proper discharge authority for final action.

(5) The proper discharge authority shall direct the individuals

discharge for the good the service, court-martial action, separation and proceedings
under paragraph 6a, or such other disposition of the case he deems most
appropriate. The enlisted persons immediate commanding officer shall be notified
of such action.


a. A discharge from the service under honorable conditions entitles

an enlisted person to all furlough and other benefits incidents to an honorable
separation from the service.

b. A discharge without honor under this Circular is a separation for

cause and deprives the individual of furlough and other benefits incident to an
honorable separation from the service.

c. For the purpose of effecting the prompt separation of an enlisted

person whose discharge under honorable conditions has been approved pursuant to
this Circular, discharge authorities are authorized to approved and grant all terminal

furlough due the discharge enlisted person, regardless of duration, subject to

pertinent laws, rules and regulations on furlough.

d. Where verification of the individuals length of service and

furlough balance may unduly delay the issuance of terminal furlough and discharge
orders, the discharge authority is authorized to order and execute discharge, without
prejudice to the discharged individuals collection of money for all furlough due him
upon approval of the computation thereof by proper authorities;

e. Discharge Orders Discharge orders by authorities in

paragraph 2 shall be issued By Command or Order of the Commander concerned
or By Direction of the Chief of Staff, AFP, as applicable.

f. Administrative Action to Effect Separation Commanders shall

take steps to ensure that clearances and other administrative action to effect the
separation of an individual from the service are initiated at the earliest practicable
time and completed within reasonable time after discharge is finally approved.

g. Dissemination all commanders shall take steps to ensure that

all personnel under them are familiar with the provisions of this Circular. Discharge
authorities will provide copies of this Circular down to company level. Instructions on
the provisions of this circular shall be included in the troop information program of all




General AFP
Chief of Staff


Colonel PC (GSC)
The Adjutant General





SECTION 1. Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and other

persons subject to military law, including members of the Citizens Armed Forces
Geographical Units, who commit crimes or offenses penalized under the Revised
Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government ordinances, regardless of
whether or not civilians are co-accused, victims, or offended parties which may be
natural or juridical persons, shall be tried by the proper civil court, except when the
offense, as determined before arraignment by the civil court, is service-connected, in
which case the offense shall be tried by court-martial: Provided, That the President
of the Philippines may, in the interest of justice, order or direct at any time before
arraignment that any such crimes or offenses be tried by the proper civil courts. As
used in this Section, service-connected crimes or offenses shall be limited to those
defined in Articles 54 to 70, Articles 72 to 92, and Articles 95 to 97 of Commonwealth
Act No. 408, as amended. In imposing the penalty for such crimes or offenses, the
court-martial may take into consideration the penalty prescribed therefor in the
Revised Penal Code, other special penal laws, or local government ordinances.

SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of Section 1 hereof, all cases filed or

pending for filing with court- martial or other similar bodies, except those where the
accused had already been arraigned shall within thirty (30) days following the
effectivity of this Act be transferred to the proper civil courts: Provided, That the Chief
of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall upon petition before
commencement of trial and with the written consent of the accused, order the


transfer of such excepted case or cases to the proper civil courts for trial and

SECTION 3. Presidential Decree Nrs 1822-A, 1850 and 1952, and all acts,
general orders, executive orders, and other presidential issuances, rules and
regulations inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its
publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of general

Approved: 20 June 20 199

President of the Philippines






1 WHEREAS, accounts on the involvement of commissioned officers and

enlisted/non-officers personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the
Philippine National Police (PNP) in criminal activities, coupled with the seeming lack
of coordination between some military/police units, have adversely affected the
image of the AFP and PNP;

2. WHEREAS for so long as there are misfits and scalawags within the
uniformed ranks of the AFP and PNP, reports about their nefarious deeds, whether
done singly or in concert with others, including ex-soldiers/policemen and/or civilians,
will be perceived negatively by the public and the national leadership to such an
extent as to relegate to the background the commendable and substantial
accomplishment of our men in uniform;

3. WHEREAS, the drive to expel the undesirable elements from the AFP
and PNP must be unrelenting and, more than this, the military/police organizations
must take the lead in bringing their own offenders before the bar of justice;

NOW THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, by virtue of the powers vested in

me by law, do hereby order:

1. SECTION 1. In administrative cases where the administrative

discharge of the military/police personnel with a pending criminal case cognizable
before the civil courts is warranted and authorized under existing laws, rules and
regulations, his discharge from the military/police service and release from custody
should be affected simultaneously and contemporaneously with the referral of his
case and the delivery of his person before the proper civil judicial authorities for
appropriate action: provided that, if such military/police personnel is charged with a
grave offense, the military/police organization should, in coordination with the
government prosecutor, actively help to build-up and file the case against him before
the civil courts and, thereafter, obtain a court order committing him to military/police
custody while undergoing trial to ensure his presence during court hearings; and
provided further that, in the meantime, the firearms, ammunition, and all other
government properties issued to him must be recalled forthwith.

2. SECTION 2. The commanding officer of an erring military/police

personnel shall be similarly held accountable either for conduct unbecoming of an
officer or as accessory after the fact in cases where he refuses to act, fails to render
a timely report, delays action, or otherwise aids and abets the wrongdoing of his
subordinate who is the subject of a valid complaint.


3. SECTION. 3. Generally, where the crime or offense committed by a

military/police personnel is not service-connected, waiver of court-martial jurisdiction
over the case should be recommended to the President, through the appropriate
Department, pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1850, dated October 4, 1982 as
amended by Presidential Decree No. 1952, dated September 4, 1984.

4. SECTION. 4. Hand in hand with the purging efforts should be the

conduct of measures promotive of discipline and professionalism within the AFP and
PNP, including the reminder to the commanders to closely supervise the chain of
command and use the buddy system to ensure that the whereabouts of the
military/police personnel under them and their actuations are known and monitored
since discipline exists only when a subordinate who is left alone behaves the way he
does when he is in the presence of a respected superior, and the knowledge by
commanders and senior officers on how to conduct themselves in public, particularly
before the media practitioners.

5. SECTION. 5. This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately.

DONE in the City of Manila, this 24th day of February in the year of our Lord,
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Three.


President of the Philippines




Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AGA1 02 November 1987






a. Purpose: a. This SOP prescribes the policies, responsibilities

and procedures to serve as guides for AFP personnel in the handling and disposition
of persons apprehended, arrested, detained or placed in confinement pursuant to
AW 70, Sections 18 to 23 of the Manual for Courts-Martial and AFPR G131-091 dtd
21 January 1954.

b. Unit Procedure: Major Services and subordinate units shall

issue appropriate SOP to conform with this SOP.

c. Scope: This SOP applies to all personnel subject to military law

under Article of War 2 and Section 1 of Presidential Decree 1850, as amended.


a. Prisoner: Any person who is under the physical custody of the

military authorities while undergoing trial before or serving sentence by virtue of a
final judgment by, any civil or military court.

b. Detainee: Any person who is under detention or placed in

confinement by the military authorities pursuant to AW 70 while under investigation
for a crime or offense.

c. PDs: Abbreviation for any or all persons defined above.


d. Withdrawal: The authorized temporary release from a place of

confinement for purpose of investigation, interrogation or hearing.

e. Release: The discharge of PDs from custody of confinement.


i. Transfer/Evacuation from one place of confinement/ detention to


1. Responsibility for the security or authorized transfer or

movement of PDs from one place to another shall remain with the custodian until
duly received by another authorized custodian.

2. In all movements of PDs from one place of detention/

confinement to another, the official custodian thereof shall inform the receiving
unit/agency by the fastest means available, the number of PDs and escorts, ETA
and the means of transportation used. This information shall be relayed at least 48
hours prior to ETA. Any change due to unavoidable delays shall likewise be reported
to the receiving unit/agency by the custodian escort.

3. The appropriate unit within the command shall be

responsible for any additional security and/or transportation requirement for PDs
from the point of debarkation to the place of confinement/detention. The former shall
assume administrative control over the escorts after accounting and formal turn-over
of PDs.

ii. Security Measures:

1. Authority for movement: Movement and transfer of PDs

shall be made only written approval of the CSAFP, Major Service Commanders or
their authorized representatives or competent court/investigating Board/Committee.
Such authority shall be carried by AFP escorts at all times.

2. Number of Guards/Escorts: As a matter of general

number of PDs to be moved. The guard/escorts detail shall preferably by under an
officer. In the absence of one, a reliable NCO may be detailed.

3. Prior to movement, all guards/escorts shall be given

detailed instructions on their duties and responsibilities. When necessary, special
instruction shall be issued in writing.

4. Arms of Guards/Escorts: In addition to individual issued

firearms, they shall be equipped with at least one anti-riot shotgun.

5. Handcuffs, Thumb cuffs and leg-irons:

Notorious/dangerous PDs being moved shall be cuffed. When two or more PDs are
transported, each must be secured to the other. In the absence of handcuffs or
legirons, ropes and/or other expedients may be used to secure PDs being moved. In


no case shall be a PD be handcuffed to any part of the vehicle during transit from
one place of confinement to another.

6. Inspection of PDs: Before transfer, all PDs shall be

inspected and searched for dangerous weapons or objects which may be used for
escape or self-destruction.

7. PDs shall not be allowed to talk to authorized person not

to receive anything unless such item/article has been previously inspected and
cleared by the OIC or NCOIC of the guard/escort detail.

8. No PD shall be accepted for confinement/detention

without proper court/board/committee order, unless directed otherwise by the
President, SND, CSAFP or Major Service Commander and/or their duly designated

9. Arrest/Seizure by other Major Services: In the case of

persons arrested and articles seized pursuant to AW 70 and where
complaints/charges are to be filed with courts-martial or civil courts, the
apprehending unit/major service shall retain custody or such persons and/or
evidence, except FAs and explosives which shall be deposited with the authorized
PNP units of outside of Metro Manila or at the Firearms and Explosive Unit, PNP if at
Metro Manila until their disposition is determined by competent authority.

iii. Security in Transit:

1. Responsibility of the Guards: All members of the

guard/escort detail shall be responsible for the security of PDs while in transit. The
OIC or NCOIC of the guard/escort detail shall assign to each member his individual

2. General Instructions: Whenever possible movements

and/or transfers of PDs shall be made during daytime. Should the detail benighted
while enroute, they shall proceed to the nearest PNP or AFP unit, or Provincial or
City/Municipal Jail, whichever is the most practicable to spend the night and resume
movement the following morning. Precautions shall be taken at all time especially at
night to secure PDs and repel possible surprise attacks from whoever may plot to
liberate them.

3. In case of motor trouble and accidents, the Major Service

concerned shall be notified by fastest means of communication available. Nearest
AFP or police units may be requested to render assistance and/or send the
necessary reports.

iv. Receiving PDs:

1. The post camp or base commander or his authorized

representative shall receive PDs for detention/confinement upon presentation of the
required papers. The formed shall issue receipts for such persons, to include their
personal effects. A thorough strip search on each detainee shall follow.


2. Each detainee /prisoner shall be required to fill up

personal date sheets, to include fingerprinting /photographing by authorized
personnel. These shall be contained in a PDs Folder Record to be maintained by
the Prisons/Confinement Officer, incorporating among other personal circumstances
such as name of apprehending agency or unit, date and authority of arrest and other
appropriate remarks.

3. Medical examination shall be conducted on each of them

by the appropriate medical unit within the first 24 hours of detention.

4. Quartering:

a. They shall be provided with billeting spaces

available in the post, camp, base or station with beds and beddings.

b. Separate quarters, comfort and bathrooms shall be

provided for male and female PDs. Suspected hard core rebels and those with
subversive leanings shall be further segregated from the others. All PDs shall not be
allowed to keep within their quarters articles other than personal items like toilet

c. Extreme care shall be exercised in allowing PDs

to keep personal items that they may be used against his/her guards, or for self-
destruction, like razor blades, etc.

d. Male and female PDs shall be quartered


5. Security and Control inside Quarters:

a. PDs shall be allowed to wear their own clothes.

Prisoners and detainees must be classified into three categories.

i. Maximum Security

ii. Medium Security

iii. Minimum Security

6. Moreover, each category of prisoners should further be

classified into two kinds:

1. Criminal category

2. Ideological Category

a. Sleeping time (taps) shall be observed at

2200 hrs which automatically includes the putting out of lights.


b. Bed check /head count shall be conducted

at least once between taps and reveille. If the need arises, they shall be awakened
and requested to fall in line for accurate accounting and conduct roll call/muster.

c. Mails /parcels for or from prisoners,

detainees and suspect, shall be inspected or censored.

d. Daily inspection shall be conducted to

check the cleanliness and orderliness for their quarters. Custodial personnel may
require them to some cleaning within their premises or engage in useful activities.

e. No conjugal visitation or personal care

inside the places of detention /confinement shall be allowed.

7. Control of Visitors:

1. Visiting hours shall be observed as follows 0900

1200 hrs and 1400-1700 hrs daily.

2. Only immediate members of the family of the PDs

shall be allowed visitation. For purposes of this sub-paragraph, the phrase
immediate members of the family shall refer to relatives within the second degree
of consanguinity or affinity.

3. All visitors shall be cleared in accordance with AFP

and/or applicable camp rules and regulations. They shall be required to accomplish
visitors pass/information sheets (format as prescribed) and made to sign in
appropriate log/visitors books. No article may be passed between visitors and PDs
unless censored/checked by the guard at the visitors room.

4. The time allotted for a group of visitors per person

visited shall be limited to a maximum of 1 hour per visit depending on the number of
visitors to be accommodated. A group or set of visitors each detainee shall as much
as possible be limited to five (5) persons only and the maximum number of groups
visiting at any time shall not exceed ten (10).

5. Any or all visitors may be subjected to search

before they are allowed to visit. Refusal to be searched shall be a ground for denial
of their visiting privileges.

6. Visitors shall be entertained at the visitors room

only, and shall not be allowed to enter as may be appropriate.

7. Any PD may be allowed to visit by legal counsels

within reasonable hours of the day as may be appropriate.


8. Messing:

1. Daily subsistence allowance of PDs should not be

less than eight pesos and fifty centavos (P8.50) a day. The appropriate unit will be
responsible for their messing.

2. Messing time shall be prescribed as follows:

a. Breakfast - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0630 to 0730


b. Lunch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1130 to

c. Supper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1730 to 1900


9. Recreation and Welfare:

1. TV sets with or without betamax and radios,

electric fans and other items for personal comfort of detainees may be allowed inside
their quarters, subject to the best judgment of the confinement officers.

2. Newspapers magazine and other reading

materials may be made available in their day room quarters. Personal reading
materials may be allowed subject to the prescribed censorship.

3. The Chief Chaplain or his authorized

representatives shall be responsible for the spiritual and moral guidance and needs
of PDs.

4. Medical and dental care and visits shall be

accorded to them by the Chief, Surgeon and Chief Dental Surgeon or their
authorized representatives for time to time.

5. Supervised physical conditioning shall be held at

least once a week within the premises of their quarters, to be conducted by the
prisons/confinement officer.

10. Withdrawal and Release:

1. No prisoner/detainee shall be withdrawn or

released without the written approval of the competent military authority, which may

2. For Officers By the Major Services Commanders

or CSAFP or his duly authorized representatives for those assigned with


a. For enlisted personnel By the Committing

Officer/ TDCS/ J1 or their counterpart in the Major Services.

3. The Security of PDs while going to and returning

from a place or investigation, interrogation, trial or elsewhere shall be the
responsibility to the prison/confinement officer. The security of the detainee/prisoner
while under investigation/ interrogation/trial shall be the responsibility of the
custodian and/or escort elements. If a detainee is to be kept at the office of the
investigators for more than 24 hours, the approval of Major Service Commander or
his duly authorized representative shall be secured.

4. A detainee whose release is directed by

competent authority shall sign a certificate that he has not been maltreated of
otherwise harmed or coerced during the period of his/her detention.

5. A detainee who is granted temporary/conditional

release shall sign a certificate the he shall comply with all the conditions of the

and that violation of such conditions shall subject him to further detention. They
maybe recalled for further investigation at anytime as circumstances may warrant.

6. A detainee placed under house arrest shall be

provided with adequate guards. He shall leave his/her residence without the
permission or the competent authority placed him under house arrest.

11. Passes: Passes shall be allowed only on emergency

case to officer on written authority of the CASFP in the case of AFPWSSUs or the
Major Service Commanders for officers in the Major Service. Passes for enlisted
personnel shall be authorized by TDCS/J1 or their counterparts in the Major
Services. The CSAFP/Major Service Commander shall indicate in the passes
whether or not escorts shall be provided. For purposes of this sub-paragraph the
term emergency shall refer to death or sickness or the spouse or a relative within
the second degree of consanguinity or affinity. The following conditions shall be
strictly observed by the PD on pass.

1. He/she should not allow himself/herself to be

interviewed by the media.

2.. He /she should make his/her

whereabouts/activities known to the Chief PNP or his designated representatives,

3. He/she should not engage himself/herself in any

activity inimical to the AFP and to the country in general, or violative of our laws,
rules and regulations.



a. A report showing the names, number and status of PDs duly

categorized shall be rendered every 15th and end of the month by all units
maintaining detention of PDs to the Major Services Commanders indicating gains
and losses for the period.

b. Individual records of detainees, together with all pertinent

papers of released detainees will be forwarded to the Major Services Commander
within five (5) days after release.

c. The Major Service Commanders shall render a consolidated

report to the CSAFP on the 5th day of every month.

5. RESCISSION: All SOPs and instructions in conflict with the above are
hereby rescinded.

6. This SOP shall take effect upon publication.



Colonel, PC (GSC)
The Adjutant General



Circular Number 16


Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AGPCR2 01 October 1991




1. PURPOSE This Circular prescribes the rules and procedures in

handling administrative cases against civilian personnel in the AFP.


a. Section 36, Article IX, Presidential Decree Nr 807, dated 6

October 1975, known as Civil Service Decree of the Philippines.

b. Staff Memo Nr 3, FGQ AFP, dated 20 May 1990 Mission,

functions and organization of the Office of the Ethical Standard and Public
Accountability (OESPA);

c. Staff Memo, FHQ AFP, Mission and functions and Organization

of the Office of the Provost Marshal General.

d. Staff Memo Nr 8, GHQ AFP, dated 18 November 1981 Mission,

Functions and Organizations of the Office of the Inspector General, AFP (OTIG);

e. Civil Service Commission Mc Nr 30, dated 20 July 1989,

Guidelines in the Application of Penalties in Administrative Cases.

3. SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY: As embodied in para 2a, b, c, and d

above, the following bodies/offices shall investigate and evaluate administrative
cases of civilian personnel after preliminary investigation have been conducted by
units/offices concerned and a prima facie case has been established;

a. OESPA All offenses classified as grave acts violate of rues

and regulations under RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Official and Employees) and RA 3019
specifically related to graft and corrupt practices.



a. No official or employee in the Civil Service Shall be removed or

suspended except for a cause as provided by law and after due process.

b. No complaint against an official or employee shall be give due

course unless the same is in writing and subscribed and sworn to by the
complainant, except it from the face of an anonymous complaint, there are
substantial leads which would established the existence of the offense, when an
investigation on the matter may be ordered. The head of the office shall take
initiative in filing the formal charge against the official or employee concerned.

c. In meeting out punishment, the same penalties shall be imposed

for similar offenses and only one penalty shall be imposed in each case. An
admonition or a warning shall not be considered a penalty. Application of penalties
in administrative cases shall be governed by the guidelines under CSC MC Nr 30
dated 20 July 1989.

d. The reassignment of an official or employee from one

organization unit to another in the same command without reduction in rank or salary
when made in the interest of the service and not arising from administrative action
shall not be considered disciplinary.


a. The Civil Service Commission shall decide upon appeal on all

administrative cases involving the imposition of a penalty of suspension of all
permanent employee for more than thirty (30) days, or fine in an amount exceeding
thirty (30) days salary, demotion in rank or salary or transfer, removal or dismissal
from the service. Results of investigation shall be submitted to the Civil Service
Commission through the SND with recommendation as to the penalty to be imposed
and other action to be taken.

b. Commanders of Major Services and The Deputy Chief of Staff,

ADP in the case of GHQ, AFP Wide Support and Separate Units and Area
Commands as Disciplinary authorities, shall have jurisdiction to investigate and
decide matters involving disciplinary action against officials and employees under
their jurisdiction. The decision shall be final in case the penalty imposed is
suspension for not more than thirty (30) days or fine in an amount not exceeding
thirty (30) days salary. In case the decision rendered is appealable to the Civil
Service Commission, the same may be initially appealed to the Secretary of National
Defense and finally to the Civil Service Commission and pending appeal, the same
shall be executory only after confirmation by the Secretary of National Defense.

c. An investigation may be entrusted to a duly designated

investigating officer who shall make the necessary report and recommendation to the
Chief/Commanding Officer of unit/office concerned, endorsed to the Commanders of
respective Major Services or The Deputy Chief of Staff, AFP for GHQ, AFPWSSUs
and ACs for decision and further endorsement to the Secretary of National Defense
for confirmation, as the case may be.


6. PREVENTIVE SUSPENCION: The proper disciplinary authority may

preventively suspend any subordinate official or employee under his authority
pending investigation, if the charge against such official or employee involves
dishonesty, oppression, or grave misconduct, or neglect in the performance of duty,
or if there are

strong reasons to believe that the respondent is guilty of the charges which would
warrant his removal from the service

f. A copy of the decision shall furnish the respondent and shall

become final if the respondent does not file for reconsideration or appeal and within
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the decision.

7. APPEAL: After a decision has been rendered on the case, the parties
or their counsels are furnish with a copy of the decision. Where one party is not
satisfied with the decision, the law (Section 39 of PD 807) provides:

Section 39. Appeals (a) Appeals, where allowable, shall be made by

the party adversely affected by the decision within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
the decision unless a petition for reconsideration is reasonably file, which petition
shall be filed within fifteen (15) days. Notice of the appeal shall be filed with the
disciplining office (OSND), which shall forward the records of the case, together with
the notice of appeal, to the appellate authority (CSC) within fifteen (15) days from
filing of the notice of appeal, with its comment, if any. The notice of appeal shall
specifically state the date of the decision appealed from the date of receipt thereof.
It shall also specifically set forth clearly the grounds relied upon for excepting from
the decision.

(b) A petition for reconsideration shall be based only on any of the

following grounds;

(1) New evidence has been discovered which materially

affects the decision rendered;
(2) The decision is not supported by evidence on record; or

(3) Errors of law or irregularities have been committed

prejudicial to the interest of the respondent; Provided, that, only one petition for
reconsideration shall be entertained.

8. EFFECTIVITY: This circular shall take effect upon publication.




General AFP
Chief of Staff


Colonel, PAF (GSC)
The Adjutant General






Section 1. Short Title.- This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Violence Against Women
and Their Children Act of 2004."

Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy.- It is hereby declared that the State values the dignity
of women and children and guarantees full respect for human rights. The State also
recognizes the need to protect the family and its members particularly women and
children, from violence and threats to their personal safety and security.

Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence committed against
women and children in keeping with the fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the
Constitution and the Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination Against Women,
Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights
instruments of which the Philippines is a party.

Sec. 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act:

(a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of
acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or
against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or
with whom he has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or
illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic abuse including
threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of
liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:

A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include bodily or physical harm;

B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual in nature, committed

against a woman or her child. It includes, but is not limited to:

1) Rape, sexual harassment, acts of lasciviousness, treating a woman or

her child as a sex object, making demeaning and sexually suggestive remarks,
physically attacking the sexual parts of the victim's body, forcing her/him to watch
obscene publications and indecent shows or forcing the woman or her child to do
indecent acts and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife and mistress/lover to live in
the conjugal home or sleep together in the same room with the abuser;

2) Acts causing or attempting to cause the victim to engage in any sexual

activity by force, threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other


harm or coercion;

3) Prostituting the woman or child.

C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or omissions causing or likely to cause

mental or emotional suffering of the victim such as but not limited to intimidation,
harassment, stalking, damage to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated
verbal abuse and marital infidelity. It includes causing or allowing the victim to
witness the physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member of the family to
which the victim belongs, or to witness pornography in any form or to witness
abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted deprivation of the right to custody
and/or visitation of common children.

D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman

financially dependent which includes, but is not limited to the following:

1) Withdrawal of financial support or preventing the victim from engaging

in any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, except in cases
wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and moral grounds as
defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;

2) Deprivation or threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right

to the use and enjoyment of the conjugal, community or property owned in common;

3) Destroying household property;

4) Controlling the victims' own money or properties or solely controlling

the conjugal money or properties.

5) "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon the woman or

her child resulting to the physical and psychological or emotional distress.

6) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pattern of

psychological and behavioral symptoms found in women living in battering
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.

7) "Stalking" refers to an intentional act committed by a person who,

knowingly and without lawful justification follows the woman or her child or places the
woman or her child under surveillance directly or indirectly or a combination thereof.

8) "Dating relationship" refers to a situation wherein the parties live as

husband and wife without the benefit of marriage or are romantically involved over
time and on a continuing basis during the course of the relationship. A casual
acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two individuals in a business or
social context is not a dating relationship.

9) "Sexual relations" refers to a single sexual act which may or may not
result in the bearing of a common child.


10) "Safe place or shelter" refers to any home or institution maintained or

managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or by any
other agency or voluntary organization accredited by the DSWD for the purposes of
this Act or any other suitable place the resident of which is willing temporarily to
receive the victim.

11) "Children" refers to those below eighteen (18) years of age or older but
are incapable of taking care of themselves as defined under Republic Act No. 7610.
As used in this Act, it includes the biological children of the victim and other children
under her care.

Sec. 4. Construction.- This Act shall be liberally construed to promote the

protection and safety of victims of violence against women and their children.

Sec. 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children.- The crime of
violence against women and their children is committed through any of the following

a. Causing physical harm to the woman or her child;

b. Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm;

c. Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm;

d. Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm;

(e) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child to engage in

conduct which the woman or her child has the right to desist from or desist from
conduct which the woman or her child has the right to engage in, or attempting to
restrict or restricting the woman's or her child's freedom of movement or conduct by
force or threat of force, physical or other harm or threat of physical or other harm, or
intimidation directed against the woman or child. This shall include, but not limited to,
the following acts committed with the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting the
woman's or her child's movement or conduct:

(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the woman or her

child of custody to her/his family;

(2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her children of

financial support legally due her or her family, or deliberately providing the woman's
children insufficient financial support;

(3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a

legal right; and

(4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate profession,

occupation, business or activity or controlling the victim's own mon4ey or properties,
or solely controlling the conjugal or common money, or properties.

(5) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the


purpose of controlling her actions or decisions;

(6) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to

engage in any sexual activity which does not constitute rape, by force or threat of
force, physical harm, or through intimidation directed against the woman or her child
or her/his immediate family;

(7) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct,

personally or through another, that alarms or causes substantial emotional or
psychological distress to the woman or her child. This shall include, but not be
limited to, the following acts:

(8) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or private


(9) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence of the

woman or her child;

(10) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of the

woman or her child against her/his will;

(11) Destroying the property and personal belongings or inflicting

harm to animals or pets of the woman or her child; and

(12) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence.

(13) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or

humiliation to the woman or her child, including, but not limited to, repeated verbal
and emotional abuse, and denial of financial support or custody of minor children of
access to the woman's child/children.

Sec. 6. Penalties.- The crime of violence against women and their children, under

Sec. 5 hereof shall be punished according to the following rules:

(1) Acts falling under Sec. 5(a) constituting attempted, frustrated or

consummated parricide or murder or homicide shall be punished in accordance with
the provisions of the Revised Penal Code;

(2) If these acts resulted in mutilation, it shall be punishable in

accordance with the Revised Penal Code; those constituting serious physical injuries
shall have the penalty of prison mayor; those constituting less serious physical
injuries shall be punished by prisioncorreccional; and those constituting slight
physical injuries shall be punished by arresto mayor;

(3) Acts falling under Sec. 5(b) shall be punished by imprisonment

of two degrees lower than the prescribed penalty for the consummated crime as
specified in the preceding paragraph but shall in no case be lower than arresto


(4) Acts falling under Sec. 5(c) and 5(d) shall be punished by
(5) Acts falling under Sec. 5(e) shall be punished by
(6) Acts falling under Sec. 5(f) shall be punished by arresto mayor

(7) Acts falling under Sec. 5(g) shall be punished by prision mayor;

(8) Acts falling under Sec. 5(h) and Sec. 5(i) shall be punished by
prision mayor.

If the acts are committed while the woman or child is pregnant or committed in
the presence of her child, the penalty to be applied shall be the maximum period of
penalty prescribed in the Sec.

In addition to imprisonment, the perpetrator shall (a) pay a fine in the amount of not
less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than three
hundred thousand pesos (300,000.00); (b) undergo mandatory psychological
counseling or psychiatric treatment and shall report compliance to the court.

Sec. 7. Venue.- The Regional Trial Court designated as a Family Court shall
have original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases of violence against women and
their children under this law. In the absence of such court in the place where the
offense was committed, the case shall be filed in the Regional Trial Court where the
crime or any of its elements was committed at the option of the compliant.

Sec. 8. Protection Orders.- A protection order is an order issued under this act
for the purpose of preventing further acts of violence against a woman or her child
specified in Sec. 5 of this Act and granting other necessary relief. The relief granted
under a protection order serve the purpose of safeguarding the victim from further
harm, minimizing any disruption in the victim's daily life, and facilitating the
opportunity and ability of the victim to independently regain control over her life. The
provisions of the protection order shall be enforced by law enforcement agencies.
The protection orders that may be issued under this Act are the barangay protection
order (BPO), temporary protection order (TPO) and permanent protection order
(PPO). The protection orders that may be issued under this Act shall include any,
some or all of the following reliefs:

a. Prohibition of the respondent from threatening to commit or committing,

personally or through another, any of the acts mentioned in Sec. 5 of this Act;

b. (b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing, annoying,

telephoning, contacting or otherwise communicating with the petitioner, directly or

c. (c) Removal and exclusion of the respondent from the residence of the
petitioner, regardless of ownership of the residence, either temporarily for the
purpose of protecting the petitioner, or permanently where no property rights are
violated, and if respondent must remove personal effects from the residence, the


court shall direct a law enforcement agent to accompany the respondent has
gathered his things and escort respondent from the residence;

d. Directing the respondent to stay away from petitioner and designated

family or household member at a distance specified by the court, and to stay away
from the residence, school, place of employment, or any specified place frequented
by the petitioner and any designated family or household member;

e. Directing lawful possession and use by petitioner of an automobile and

other essential personal effects, regardless of ownership, and directing the
appropriate law enforcement officer to accompany the petitioner to the residence of
the parties to ensure that the petitioner is safely restored to the possession of the
automobile and other essential personal effects, or to supervise the petitioner's or
respondent's removal of personal belongings;

f. (f) Granting a temporary or permanent custody of a child/children to the


g. Directing the respondent to provide support to the woman and/or her

child if entitled to legal support. Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary, the court
shall order an appropriate percentage of the income or salary of the respondent to
be withheld regularly by the respondent's employer for the same to be automatically
remitted directly to the woman. Failure to remit and/or withhold or any delay in the
remittance of support to the woman and/or her child without justifiable cause shall
render the respondent or his employer liable for indirect contempt of court;

h. Prohibition of the respondent from any use or possession of any

firearm or deadly weapon and order him to surrender the same to the court for
appropriate disposition by the court, including revocation of license and
disqualification to apply for any license to use or possess a firearm. If the offender is
a law enforcement agent, the court shall order the offender to surrender his firearm
and shall direct the appropriate authority to investigate on the offender and take
appropriate action on matter;

i. Restitution for actual damages caused by the violence inflicted,

including, but not limited to, property damage, medical expenses, childcare
expenses and loss of income;

j. Directing the DSWD or any appropriate agency to provide petitioner

may need; and

k. Provision of such other forms of relief as the court deems necessary to

protect and provide for the safety of the petitioner and any designated family or
household member, provided petitioner and any designated family or household
member consents to such relief.

Any of the reliefs provided under this Sec. shall be granted even in the
absence of a decree of legal separation or annulment or declaration of absolute
nullity of marriage.


The issuance of a BPO or the pendency of an application for BPO shall not
preclude a petitioner from applying for, or the court from granting a TPO or PPO.

Sec. 9. Who may file Petition for Protection Orders. A petition for protection
order may be filed by any of the following:

a. The offended party;

b. Parents or guardians of the offended party;

c. Ascendants, descendants or collateral relatives within the fourth civil

degree of consanguinity or affinity;

d. Officers or social workers of the DSWD or social workers of local

government units (LGUs);

e. Police officers, preferably those in charge of women and children's


f. Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad;

g. Lawyer, counselor, therapist or healthcare provider of the petitioner;

h. At least two (2) concerned responsible citizens of the city or

municipality where the violence against women and their children occurred and who
has personal knowledge of the offense committed.

Sec. 10. Where to Apply for a Protection Order. Applications for BPOs shall
follow the rules on venue under Sec. 409 of the Local Government Code of 1991 and
its implementing rules and regulations. An application for a TPO or PPO may be filed
in the regional trial court, metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court, municipal
circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction over the place of residence of the
petitioner: Provided, however, That if a family court exists in the place of residence of
the petitioner, the application shall be filed with that court.

Sec. 11. How to Apply for a Protection Order. The application for a
protection order must be in writing, signed and verified under oath by the applicant. It
may be filed as an independent action or as incidental relief in any civil or criminal
case the subject matter or issues thereof partakes of a violence as described in this
Act. A standard protection order application form, written in English with translation
to the major local languages, shall be made available to facilitate applications for
protections order, and shall contain, among other, the following information:

a. names and addresses of petitioner and respondent;

b. description of relationships between petitioner and respondent;

c. a statement of the circumstances of the abuse;

d. description of the reliefs requested by petitioner as specified in Sec. 8


e. request for counsel and reasons for such;

f. request for waiver of application fees until hearing; and

g. an attestation that there is no pending application for a protection order

in another court.
If the applicants is not the victim, the application must be accompanied by an
affidavit of the applicant attesting to (a) the circumstances of the abuse suffered by
the victim and (b) the circumstances of consent given by the victim for the filling of
the application. When disclosure of the address of the victim will pose danger to her
life, it shall be so stated in the application. In such a case, the applicant shall attest
that the victim is residing in the municipality or city over which court has territorial
jurisdiction, and shall provide a mailing address for purpose of service processing.

An application for protection order filed with a court shall be considered an

application for both a TPO and PPO.

Barangay officials and court personnel shall assist applicants in the

preparation of the application. Law enforcement agents shall also extend assistance
in the application for protection orders in cases brought to their attention.

Sec. 12. Enforceability of Protection Orders. All TPOs and PPOs issued
under this Act shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines and a violation
thereof shall be punishable with a fine ranging from Five Thousand Pesos
(P5,000.00) to Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) and/or imprisonment of six (6)

Sec. 13. Legal Representation of Petitioners for Protection Order. If the

woman or her child requests in the applications for a protection order for the
appointment of counsel because of lack of economic means to hire a counsel de
parte, the court shall immediately direct the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) to
represent the petitioner in the hearing on the application. If the PAO determines that
the applicant can afford to hire the services of a counsel de parte, it shall facilitate
the legal representation of the petitioner by a counsel de parte. The lack of access to
family or conjugal resources by the applicant, such as when the same are controlled
by the perpetrator, shall qualify the petitioner to legal representation by the PAO.

However, a private counsel offering free legal service is not barred from
representing the petitioner.

Sec. 14. Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs); Who May Issue and How. -
Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs) refer to the protection order issued by the
Punong Barangay ordering the perpetrator to desist from committing acts under Sec.
5 (a) and (b) of this Act. A Punong Barangay who receives applications for a BPO
shall issue the protection order to the applicant on the date of filing after ex parte
determination of the basis of the application. If the Punong Barangay is unavailable
to act on the application for a BPO, the application shall be acted upon by any
available Barangay Kagawad. If the BPO is issued by a Barangay Kagawad the
order must be accompanied by an attestation by the Barangay Kagawad that the


Punong Barangay was unavailable at the time for the issuance of the BPO. BPOs
shall be effective for fifteen (15) days. Immediately after the issuance of an ex parte
BPO, the Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad shall personally serve a copy of
the same on the respondent, or direct any barangay official to effect is personal

The parties may be accompanied by a non-lawyer advocate in any

proceeding before the Punong Barangay.

Sec. 15. Temporary Protection Orders. Temporary Protection Orders

(TPOs) refers to the protection order issued by the court on the date of filing of the
application after ex parte determination that such order should be issued. A court
may grant in a TPO any, some or all of the reliefs mentioned in this Act and shall be
effective for thirty (30) days. The court shall schedule a hearing on the issuance of a
PPO prior to or on the date of the expiration of the TPO. The court shall order the
immediate personal service of the TPO on the respondent by the court sheriff who
may obtain the assistance of law enforcement agents for the service. The TPO shall
include notice of the date of the hearing on the merits of the issuance of a PPO.

Sec. 16. Permanent Protection Orders. Permanent Protection Order (PPO)

refers to protection order issued by the court after notice and hearing.

Respondents non-appearance despite proper notice, or his lack of a lawyer,

or the non-availability of his lawyer shall not be a ground for rescheduling or
postponing the hearing on the merits of the issuance of a PPO. If the respondents
appears without counsel on the date of the hearing on the PPO, the court shall
appoint a lawyer for the respondent and immediately proceed with the hearing. In
case the respondent fails to appear despite proper notice, the court shall allow ex
parte presentation of the evidence by the applicant and render judgment on the basis
of the evidence presented. The court shall allow the introduction of any history of
abusive conduct of a respondent even if the same was not directed against the
applicant or the person for whom the applicant is made.

The court shall, to the extent possible, conduct the hearing on the merits of
the issuance of a PPO in one (1) day. Where the court is unable to conduct the
hearing within one (1) day and the TPO issued is due to expire, the court shall
continuously extend or renew the TPO for a period of thirty (30) days at each
particular time until final judgment is issued. The extended or renewed TPO may be
modified by the court as may be necessary or applicable to address the needs of the

The court may grant any, some or all of the reliefs specified in Sec. 8 hereof in
a PPO. A PPO shall be effective until revoked by a court upon application of the
person in whose favor the order was issued. The court shall ensure immediate
personal service of the PPO on respondent.

The court shall not deny the issuance of protection order on the basis of the lapse of
time between the act of violence and the filing of the application.

Regardless of the conviction or acquittal of the respondent, the Court must


determine whether or not the PPO shall become final. Even in a dismissal, a PPO
shall be granted as long as there is no clear showing that the act from which the
order might arise did not exist.

Sec. 17. Notice of Sanction in Protection Orders. The following statement

must be printed in bold-faced type or in capital letters on the protection order issued
by the Punong Barangay or court:


Sec. 18. Mandatory Period For Acting on Applications For Protection Orders
Failure to act on an application for a protection order within the reglementary period
specified in the previous Sec. without justifiable cause shall render the official or
judge administratively liable.

Sec. 19. Legal Separation Cases. In cases of legal separation, where

violence as specified in this Act is alleged, Article 58 of the Family Code shall not
apply. The court shall proceed on the main case and other incidents of the case as
soon as possible. The hearing on any application for a protection order filed by the
petitioner must be conducted within the mandatory period specified in this Act.

Sec. 20. Priority of Application for a Protection Order. Ex parte and

adversarial hearings to determine the basis of applications for a protection order
under this Act shall have priority over all other proceedings. Barangay officials and
the courts shall schedule and conduct hearings on applications for a protection order
under this Act above all other business and, if necessary, suspend other
proceedings in order to hear applications for a protection order.

Sec. 21. Violation of Protection Orders. A complaint for a violation of a BPO

issued under this Act must be filed directly with any municipal trial court, metropolitan
trial court, or municipal circuit trial court that has territorial jurisdiction over the
barangay that issued the BPO. Violation of a BPO shall be punishable by
imprisonment of thirty (30) days without prejudice to any other criminal or civil action
that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed.

A judgement of violation of a BPO ma be appealed according to the Rules of

Court. During trial and upon judgment, the trial court may motuproprio issue a
protection order as it deems necessary without need of an application.

Violation of any provision of a TPO or PPO issued under this Act shall
constitute contempt of court punishable under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, without
prejudice to any other criminal or civil action that the offended party may file for any
of the acts committed.

Sec. 22. Applicability of Protection Orders to Criminal Cases. The foregoing

provisions on protection orders shall be applicable in impliedly instituted with the
criminal actions involving violence against women and their children.

Sec. 23. Bond to Keep the Peace. The Court may order any person against
whom a protection order is issued to give a bond to keep the peace, to present two


sufficient sureties who shall undertake that such person will not commit the violence
sought to be prevented.

Should the respondent fail to give the bond as required, he shall be detained
for a period which shall in no case exceed six (6) months, if he shall have been
prosecuted for acts punishable under Sec. 5(a) to 5(f) and not exceeding thirty (30)
days, if for acts punishable under Sec. 5(g) to 5(i).

The protection orders referred to in this Sec. are the TPOs and the PPOs
issued only by the courts.

Sec. 24. Prescriptive Period. Acts falling under Sec.s 5(a) to 5(f) shall
prescribe in twenty (20) years. Acts falling under Sec.s 5(g) to 5(i) shall prescribe in
ten (10) years.

Sec. 25. Public Crime. Violence against women and their children shall be
considered a public offense which may be prosecuted upon the filing of a complaint
by any citizen having personal knowledge of the circumstances involving the
commission of the crime.

Sec. 26. Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense. Victim-survivors who

are found by the courts to be suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur
any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for
justifying circumstances of self-defense under the Revised Penal Code.

In the determination of the state of mind of the woman who was suffering from
battered woman syndrome at the time of the commission of the crime, the courts
shall be assisted by expert psychiatrists/ psychologists.

Sec. 27. Prohibited Defense. Being under the influence of alcohol, any illicit
drug, or any other mind-altering substance shall not be a defense under this Act.

Sec. 28. Custody of children. The woman victim of violence shall be entitled
to the custody and support of her child/children. Children below seven (7) years old
older but with mental or physical disabilities shall automatically be given to the
mother, with right to support, unless the court finds compelling reasons to order

A victim who is suffering from battered woman syndrome shall not be

disqualified from having custody of her children. In no case shall custody of minor
children be given to the perpetrator of a woman who is suffering from Battered
woman syndrome.

Sec. 29. Duties of Prosecutors/Court Personnel. Prosecutors and court

personnel should observe the following duties when dealing with victims under this

a. communicate with the victim in a language understood by the

woman or her child; and


b. b) inform the victim of her/his rights including legal remedies

available and procedure, and privileges for indigent litigants.

Sec. 30. Duties of Barangay Officials and Law Enforcers. Barangay officials
and law enforcers shall have the following duties:

a. respond immediately to a call for help or request for assistance

or protection of the victim by entering the necessary whether or not a protection
order has been issued and ensure the safety of the victim/s;

b. confiscate any deadly weapon in the possession of the

perpetrator or within plain view;

c. transport or escort the victim/s to a safe place of their choice or

to a clinic or hospital;

d. assist the victim in removing personal belongs from the house;

e. assist the barangay officials and other government officers and

employees who respond to a call for help;

f. ensure the enforcement of the Protection Orders issued by the

PunongBarangy or the courts;

g. arrest the suspected perpetrator wiithout a warrant when any of

the acts of violence defined by this Act is occurring, or when he/she has personal
knowledge that any act of abuse has just been committed, and there is imminent
danger to the life or limb of the victim as defined in this Act; and

h. immediately report the call for assessment or assistance of the

DSWD, social Welfare Department of LGUs or accredited non-government
organizations (NGOs).

Any barangay official or law enforcer who fails to report the incident shall be
liable for a fine not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or whenever
applicable criminal, civil or administrative liability.

Sec. 31. Healthcare Provider Response to Abuse Any healthcare provider,

including, but not limited to, an attending physician, nurse, clinician, barangay health
worker, therapist or counselor who suspects abuse or has been informed by the
victim of violence shall:

a. properly document any of the victim's physical, emotional or

psychological injuries;

b. properly record any of victim's suspicions, observations and

circumstances of the examination or visit;

c. automatically provide the victim free of charge a medical

certificate concerning the examination or visit;


d. safeguard the records and make them available to the victim

upon request at actual cost; and

e. provide the victim immediate and adequate notice of rights and

remedies provided under this Act, and services available to them.
Sec. 32. Duties of Other Government Agencies and LGUs Other government
agencies and LGUs shall establish programs such as, but not limited to, education
and information campaign and seminars or symposia on the nature, causes,
incidence and consequences of such violence particularly towards educating the
public on its social impacts.

It shall be the duty of the concerned government agencies and LGU's to

ensure the sustained education and training of their officers and personnel on the
prevention of violence against women and their children under the Act.

Sec. 33. Prohibited Acts. A Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawad or the

court hearing an application for a protection order shall not order, direct, force or in
any way unduly influence he applicant for a protection order to compromise or
abandon any of the reliefs sought in the application for protection under this Act.
Sec. 7 of the Family Courts Act of 1997 and Sec.s 410, 411, 412 and 413 of the
Local Government Code of 1991 shall not apply in proceedings where relief is
sought under this Act.

Failure to comply with this Sec. shall render the official or judge
administratively liable.

Sec. 34. Persons Intervening Exempt from Liability. In every case of

violence against women and their children as herein defined, any person, private
individual or police authority or barangay official who, acting in accordance with law,
responds or intervenes without using violence or restraint greater than necessary to
ensure the safety of the victim, shall not be liable for any criminal, civil or
administrative liability resulting therefrom.

Sec. 35. Rights of Victims. In addition to their rights under existing laws,
victims of violence against women and their children shall have the following rights:

a. to be treated with respect and dignity;

b. to avail of legal assistance form the PAO of the Department of

Justice (DOJ) or any public legal assistance office;

c. To be entitled to support services form the DSWD and LGUs'

d. To be entitled to all legal remedies and support as provided for

under the Family Code; and

e. To be informed of their rights and the services available to them

including their right to apply for a protection order.


Sec. 36. Damages. Any victim of violence under this Act shall be entitled to
actual, compensatory, moral and exemplary damages.

Sec. 37. Hold Departure Order. The court shall expedite the process of
issuance of a hold departure order in cases prosecuted under this Act

Sec. 38. Exemption from Payment of Docket Fee and Other Expenses. If
the victim is an indigent or there is an immediate necessity due to imminent danger
or threat of danger to act on an application for a protection order, the court shall
accept the application without payment of the filing fee and other fees and of
transcript of stenographic notes.

Sec. 39. Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and Their Children
(IAC-VAWC). In pursuance of the abovementioned policy, there is hereby
established an Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and their children,
hereinafter known as the Council, which shall be composed of the following

a. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD);

b. National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW);

c. Civil Service Commission (CSC);

d. Commission on Human rights (CHR)

e. Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC);

f. Department of Justice (DOJ);

g. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

h. Philippine National Police (PNP);

i. Department of Health (DOH);

j. Department of Education (DepEd);

k. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); and

l. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

These agencies are tasked to formulate programs and projects to eliminate

VAW based on their mandates as well as develop capability programs for their
employees to become more sensitive to the needs of their clients. The Council will
also serve as the monitoring body as regards to VAW initiatives.

The Council members may designate their duly authorized representative who
shall have a rank not lower than an assistant secretary or its equivalent. These
representatives shall attend Council meetings in their behalf, and shall receive


emoluments as may be determined by the Council in accordance with existing

budget and accounting rules and regulations.

Sec. 40. Mandatory Programs and Services for Victims. The DSWD, and
LGU's shall provide the victims temporary shelters, provide counseling, psycho-
social services and /or, recovery, rehabilitation programs and livelihood assistance.

The DOH shall provide medical assistance to victims.

Sec. 41. Counseling and Treatment of Offenders. The DSWD shall provide
rehabilitative counseling and treatment to perpetrators towards learning constructive
ways of coping with anger and emotional outbursts and reforming their ways. When
necessary, the offender shall be ordered by the Court to submit to psychiatric
treatment or confinement.

Sec. 42. Training of Persons Involved in Responding to Violence Against

Women and their Children Cases. All agencies involved in responding to violence
against women and their children cases shall be required to undergo education and
training to acquaint them with:

a. the nature, extend and causes of violence against women and

their children;

b. the legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of violence
against women and their children;

c. the services and facilities available to victims or survivors;

d. the legal duties imposed on police officers to make arrest and to

offer protection and assistance; and

e. techniques for handling incidents of violence against women and

their children that minimize the likelihood of injury to the officer and promote the
safety of the victim or survivor

f. The PNP, in coordination with LGU's shall establish an education and

training program for police officers and barangay officials to enable them to properly
handle cases of violence against women and their children.

Sec. 43. Entitled to Leave. Victims under this Act shall be entitled to take a
paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition to other paid leaves under the
Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations, extendible when the necessity
arises as specified in the protection order.

Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this Sec. shall
be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code and Civil Service
Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an employer who shall prejudice any person for
assisting a co-employee who is a victim under this Act shall likewise be liable for


Sec. 44. Confidentiality. All records pertaining to cases of violence against

women and their children including those in the barangay shall be confidential and all
public officers and employees and public or private clinics to hospitals shall respect
the right to privacy of the victim. Whoever publishes or causes to be published, in
any format, the name, address, telephone number, school, business address,
employer, or other identifying information of a victim or an immediate family member,
without the latter's consent, shall be liable to the contempt power of the court.

Any person who violates this provision shall suffer the penalty of one (1) year
imprisonment and a fine of not more than Five Hundred Thousand pesos

Sec. 45. Funding The amount necessary to implement the provisions of this
Act shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA).

The Gender and Development (GAD) Budget of the mandated agencies and
LGU's shall be used to implement services for victim of violence against women and
their children.

Sec. 46. Implementing Rules and Regulations. Within six (6) months from
the approval of this Act, the DOJ, the NCRFW, the DSWD, the DILG, the DOH, and
the PNP, and three (3) representatives from NGOs to be identified by the NCRFW,
shall promulgate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of this Act.

Sec. 47. Suppletory Application For purposes of this Act, the Revised Penal
Code and other applicable laws, shall have suppletory application.

Sec. 48. Separability Clause. If any Sec. or provision of this Act is held
unconstitutional or invalid, the other Sec.s or provisions shall not be affected.

Sec. 49. Repealing Clause All laws, Presidential decrees, executive orders
and rules and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act
are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Sec. 50. Effectivity This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the date
of its complete publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Approved: March 08, 2004


SOP Nr 1

Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AGPCR 26 March 1993




1. PURPOSE: To establish a standing operating procedure in the

handling of complaints/reports of violation of AFP military and civilian personnel.

2. SCOPE: This SOP shall be observed and adhered to by the Office of

the Inspector General, AFP, all commanders, major services, area commands, and
all AFP units which might be tasked to investigate complaints/report.

3. PROCEDURE: To protect AFP personnel from undue harassment, only

meritorious anonymous complaints/report shall be taken cognizance of and shall be
thenceforth investigated;

a. Anonymous complaints/report, to be considered meritorious

must satisfy any of the following conditions; Upon initial/verification, contains correct
names and address of witnesses;

b. That supporting documents/evidence to the complaints/reports

could be verified and obtained from offices or persons mentioned in the complaint.

c. Gives sufficient leads to pursue Investigation.

d. Anonymous complaints/reports that are not meritorious shall be

dismissed outright. However, they shall be filed for future reference. These reports
should refer from the files after three (3) months of inactivity and should not stop the
issuance of clearance.

e. Complaints/reports meritorious or not consisting allegations with

bearing on national security shall be referred to cognizant offices/agencies for
Investigation/appropriate actions. These complaints shall be terminated within six (6)

f. The Major Services; AFPWSSUs and other GHQ units with

IG/PM shall submit to this Headquarters (Attn: OTIG/TPMG) reports of all meritorious
anonymous complaints/reports received and disposed of. Also, reports of
Investigation and other pertinent records/document shall be transmitted.


4. EFFECTIVITY: This SOP shall take effect upon publication.



Captain PN (GSC)
Adjutant General


Class E Allotment

Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

SUBJECT: Class E Allotment

TO: ______________________________

1. Request that the amount of ______________________ (in words)

___________________ (___ in figures___) be allotted to ____________________
presently residing at ____________________ beginning ___________________
and monthly thereafter.

2. It is understood that I will immediately notify the Disbursing Officer thru

Channel on the changes of my status and/or assignment from time to time.

3. The following are the three (3) specimen signature for the allotter:

4. The reason for filing of this application is to support my wife/


5. I hereby certify that I and my family are not living together in our conjugal

6. I certify further that the foregoing is true and correct.




) S.S

BEFORE ME on this _____________________ at _________________

personally appeared ______________________ and ______________________
their Community Tax Certificate as shown above, known to me and to be known to


be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledges that
the same their free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument is written and has been signed by the parties and witnesses
on each and every page hereof and relates to as a Deed of Assignment.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Notary Public

Doc No. ___________

Page No.___________
Book No.___________
Series of ___________





Section 1. Sec. 1 Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended, is hereby further

amended to read as follows: cralaw

"Sec. 1.Unlawful manufacture, sale, acquisition, disposition or possession of firearms

or ammunition or instruments used or intended to be used in the manufacture of
firearms or ammunition. The penalty of prisioncorreccional in its maximum period
and a fine of not less than Fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000) shall be imposed upon
any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, deal in, acquire, dispose, or possess
any low powered firearm, such as rimfire handgun, .380 or .32 and other firearm of
similar firepower, part of firearm, ammunition, or machinery, tool or instrument used
or intended to be used in the manufacture of any firearm or ammunition: Provided,
That no other crime was committed.

"The penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine of Thirty thousand
pesos (P30,000) shall be imposed if the firearm is classified as high powered firearm
which includes those with bores bigger in diameter than .38 caliber and 9 millimeter
such as caliber .40, .41, .44, .45 and also lesser calibered firearms but considered
powerful such as caliber .357 and caliber .22 center-fire magnum and other firearms
with firing capability of full automatic and by burst of two or three: Provided, however,
That no other crime was committed by the person arrested.

"If homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, such use
of an unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance.

"If the violation of this Sec. is in furtherance of or incident to, or in connection with the
crime of rebellion or insurrection, sedition, or attempted coup d'etat, such violation
shall be absorbed as an element of the crime of rebellion, or insurrection, sedition, or
attempted coup d'etat.

"The same penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, president, manager, director or
other responsible officer of any public or private firm, company, corporation or entity,
who shall willfully or knowingly allow any of the firearms owned by such firm,
company, corporation or entity to be used by any person or persons found guilty of
violating the provisions of the preceding paragraphs or willfully or knowingly allow
any of them to use unlicensed firearms or firearms without any legal authority to be


carried outside of their residence in the course of their employment.

"The penalty of arresto mayor shall be imposed upon any person who shall carry any
licensed firearm outside his residence without legal authority therefor."
Sec. 2. Sec. 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended, is hereby further
amended to read as follows: cralaw

"Sec. 3.Unlawful manufacture, sale, acquisition, disposition or possession of

explosives. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion
temporal and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) shall be imposed
upon any person who shall unlawfully manufacture, assemble, deal in, acquire,
dispose or possess hand grenade(s), rifle grenade(s), and other explosives,
including but not limited to 'pillbox,' 'molotov cocktail bombs,' 'fire bombs,' or other
incendiary devices capable of producing destructive effect on contiguous objects or
causing injury or death to any person.

"When a person commits any of the crimes defined in the Revised Penal Code or
special laws with the use of the aforementioned explosives, detonation agents or
incendiary devices, which results in the death of any person or persons, the use of
such explosives, detonation agents or incendiary devices shall be considered as an
aggravating circumstance.

"If the violation of this Sec. is in furtherance of, or incident to, or in connection with
the crime of rebellion, insurrection, sedition or attempted coup d'etat, such violation
shall be absorbed as an element of the crimes of rebellion, insurrection, sedition or
attempted coup d'etat.

"The same penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, president, manager, director or
other responsible officer of any public or private firm, company, corporation or entity,
who shall willfully or knowingly allow any of the explosives owned by such firm,
company, corporation or entity, to be used by any person or persons found guilty of
violating the provisions of the preceding paragraphs."
Sec. 3. Sec. 5 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended, is hereby further
amended to read as follows: cralaw

"Sec. 5.Tampering of firearm's serial number. The penalty of prisioncorreccional

shall be imposed upon any person who shall unlawfully tamper, change, deface or
erase the serial number of any firearm."
Sec. 4. Sec. 6 of Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended, is hereby further
amended to read as follows: cralaw

"Sec. 6.Repacking or altering the composition of lawfully manufactured explosives.

The penalty of prisioncorreccionalshall be imposed upon any person who shall
unlawfully repack, alter or modify the composition of any lawfully manufactured
Sec. 5.Coverage of the Term Unlicensed Firearm. The term unlicensed firearm
shall include:cralaw

1) firearms with expired license; or

2) unauthorized use of licensed firearm in the commission of the crime.

Sec. 6.Rules and regulations. The Department of Justice and the Department of
the Interior and Local Government shall jointly issue, within ninety (90) days after the


approval of this Act, the necessary rules and regulations pertaining to the
administrative aspect of the provisions hereof, furnishing the Committee on Public

Order and Security and the Committee on Justice and Human Rights of both Houses
of Congress copies of such rules and regulations within thirty (30) days from the
promulgation hereof.

Sec. 7.Separability clause. If, for any reason, any Sec. or provision of this Act is
declared to be unconstitutional or invalid, the other Sec.s or provisions thereof which
are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Sec. 8.Repealing clause. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations or parts
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended, or
modified accordingly.

Sec. 9.Effectivity. This Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its
publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

Approved: June 6, 1997





Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

AGAI 21 July 1978




a. General Order Nr 6, Office of the President, dated 22

September 1972 pertaining to the Ban on Firearms.

b. General Order Nrs 7 and 7-A, Office of the President, dated 23

September and 30 September 1972, respectively.

c. Presidential Decree Nrs 9, 39 and 884, s-72.

d. SND Memo to CSAFP dated 30 January 1976; Subject:

Improvement of Discipline and Public Image of the AFP.

e. GHQ Letter Directive, dated 17 January 1977; Subject:

Carrying of Firearms.

f. SND Memo to CSAFP, dated 10 May 1978; Subject: Issuance

of Firearms by AFP Unit Commanders and Staff Officers to Civilians Particularly
Those Employed by the AFP.

g. LOI Nr 621 pertaining to Rules and Regulations on Arrest,

Inquest and Prosecution, dated 27 October 1977.

2. PURPOSE: This Circular prescribes the limitations and restrictions in

the carrying of firearms by personnel of the AFP, the procedures in the issuance of
Mission Orders, and the proper disposition of military and civilian personnel violating
the Ban on Carrying of Firearms.


a. The basic policies governing the keeping, possessing or

carrying of firearms outside ones residence emanate from General Order Nrs 6, 7
and 7-A of the afforested references.


b. Carrying of government as well as personally-owned firearms

possessed by personnel of the AFP under a Certificate of Registration (CR), Special

Permit (SP), Regular License or Memorandum Receipt (MR) issued in connection

with their official duties and functions shall be governed by this Circular.

c. Administrative procedures and instructions, limitations,

enforcement procedures and the responsibilities of Commanders in connection with
the carrying of firearms by personnel of the AFP are likewise prescribed in this

d. Gun-totting or the unauthorized/ostentatious display or use of

firearms or their misuse or other dangerous practices in the handling thereof not
falling within the purview of specifically defines criminal acts, shall be punished as an
offense under Articles of War and/or applicable laws and regulations.

e. Personal possession of unlicensed firearms is punishable by law

under Presidential Decree Nr 9, s-72.


a. The following are authorized to carry firearms outside residence:

1) AFP personnel in the actual performance of duty. The

term duty as used herein shall mean a task or function that requires the use of
firearm to insure its accomplishment. This includes, but is not limited to, guarding or
securing persons legally entitled protection, and government property; enforcing laws
and regulations; participation in training, combat, police, intelligence and security
operations; detail as participants in parades and ceremonies, and the like. The
authority to carry firearms in the above instances shall apply not only at the specific
places of duty but also from the camps, barracks, quarters or assembly area of such
personnel to their place of duty and back.

2) AFP personnel in the actual performance of official

mission. The term official mission shall refer to one that requires the carrying of
firearms. Strictly, not all official missions require the carrying of firearms to insure
their successful accomplishment.

b. Authority to Carry Firearms:

1) For AFP personnel in the actual performance of duty

such as those enumerated above, the letter order detailing them to such duty, the
operation order in combat, police, intelligence or security operations, andm other
written instructions indicating the authority to carry FAs issued by a competent
authority, shall be sufficient. In some instances, the authority may be verbal,
provided the individuals are in uniform, within their area of operation or in the vicinity
of their place of duty, and accompanied by a person in charge.


2) In the case of those who are on official mission, the

authority to carry firearms shall be indicated in the mission order.

3) Possession of Memorandum Receipt (MR), Certificate of

Registration (CR), Special Permit (SP) or Regular License is not an authority to carry
firearms outside residence.

c. Manner of Carrying Firearms:

1) Members of the AFP who are authorized to carry firearms

shall do so, as a general rule, while in proper uniform.

2) The sidearm carried by a person in uniform, shall be

placed in a holster securely attached to the belt, except that military pilots in flying
uniforms and crew of armored vehicles may carry their firearms in shoulder holsters.

3) Personnel in uniform but without holster and those in

civilian clothes who are authorized to carry firearms outside their residence shall
ensure that their firearms are concealed unless in actual use for a legitimate

4) The practice of flagrantly displaying a firearm or bucking it

at the waist while in uniform or in civilian clothes is prohibited.

5) Only firearms specifically described in the mission order

shall be carried.


a. Members of the AFP who are authorized to carry firearms shall

not enter liquor drinking places, cabarets, public dance halls and public amusement
places, civic, political and religious rallies and meetings, unless their mission so
requires. When it is necessary to enter restaurants and other eating places, the
leader of the group shall see to it that no liquor of any kind is served to those
persons authorized to carry firearms to forestall any disorderly conduct.

b. Carrying of long firearms is prohibited in Metro Manila, chartered

cities, provincial capitals, and other thickly populated areas or in fiestas or other
large gatherings, except:

1) When actually performing duties under the charge and

supervision of an officer or when performing duties ordered by their superior officer.
In either case, a mission order is necessary.

2) When performing an ordered security duty for a private

person, government official, installation or area, even though not accompanied by an
officer, provided the person concerned has a mission order.


3) On occasion of a raid or an equally dangerous mission for

which the unit commander or chief of office has issued an operation and/or mission

4) When the personnel concerned are traveling in a group,

or part of a group in transit or on official business within the prohibited areas, even
though the officer in charge is not present.

5) When the person concerned is actually responsible for

valuable government property such as, when driving a government vehicle or when
bringing delicate and valuable equipment or instrument, provided he has a mission

6) Military personnel on leave/pass/furlough/R&R shall not

carry firearms held by them under Memorandum Receipt, Certificate of Registration,
Special Permit or Regular License.


a. The following are authorized to issue Mission Orders:

1) Detachment Commanders of remote areas whose higher

commander cannot easily be available to issue such orders and Company
Commanders or their equivalent in the PAF and PN.

2) Commanders of battalions and higher units and their

equivalent in the PAF and PN.

3) Chiefs of Gen Staff of AFPWSSUs and major units of the

Major Service.

b. Commanders and Chief of Offices who are empowered under

this Circular to issue mission orders shall evaluate and ascertain carefully whether it
is absolutely necessary for the individual to carry firearm in connection with the
mission or duty and if the individual concerned possesses the training discipline and
the disposition to utilize properly such firearm when the need arises, before issuing
an authority to carry firearm.

c. All officers authorized to issue mission orders shall keep a

logbook of mission orders issued in chronological sequence with control numbers.
Such logbook shall be made available for inspection during scheduled AGIs and staff
visits of higher headquarters.

d. Mission orders involving the carrying of firearms shall be in

accordance with the attached format and must indicate among others, the following:

1) Date. Date of issue shall be on or before the actual

mission is to be undertaken. Ante-dating of mission orders is not allowed.


2) Control Number. a permanent record book of all mission

orders with control number arranged in chronological sequence shall be maintained.

3) The name(s) of the individual(s) performing the mission. If

more than one individual is directed to go on a particular mission, all their names

be indicated and the leader of the group shall be specifically designated. The leader
shall get hold of the copy of the orders

4) Destination. All places to be covered during the mission.

5) Purpose. The specific mission or purpose for which the

MO is issued. The term to carry out confidential mission is not authorized except on
missions which are really classified as such. The only officers authorized to issue
highly confidential mission orders for this Circular are the following:


1) Commanders, Major Services & Unified Commands and

Tactical Units down to Brigade level and their equivalent in the PAF and PN.

2) Chief, ISAFP and Commanders of Intelligence Units

down to group level.

3) Duration - inclusive date of the mission.

4) Specific attire/uniform to be worn during the mission.

b. Description of firearms to be carried, license number, MR

number if issued by the government, the kind or make, caliber, serial number and the
number of ammunition to be carried.

c. Name, rank, designation and signature of the issuing authority.

g. Mission order shall be issued only to personnel organic to and

those operationally attached to the unit of the issuing authority, within the designated
area of responsibility and in line with the mission and task of the unit.


a. Apprehending Authorities Under this Circular, the

apprehending authorities are, but not limited to the following:

1) Philippine Constabulary.

2) Members of the Composite Military Police Brigade, AFP

and/or members of the MP units of the major services and other units.


3) Composite or joint firearms control teams organized for

this purpose.

b. Upon apprehension of a member of the AFP for violation of the

firearms and explosives laws, rules and regulations, the apprehending officer shall
bring the violator to his Headquarters where investigation shall be conducted and the
offender placed under custody for the period prescribed under Section 7, LOI 621,
dated 27 October 1977. The apprehending authority shall immediately make a spot
report through the multiple address system to the following addresses:

1) The Commanding Officer/Chief of Office of the


2) Commander of Major Service where the offender


3) The Chief of Constabulary.

4) The Chief of Staff, AFP.

5) The Commanding Officer, Composite Military Police

Brigade, AFP.

c. After investigation, if the offense is found out to be plain

unauthorized carrying of firearms without any complaint or aggravating
circumstances, the military offender, together with the investigation report and the
firearm in question shall be turned over to the custody of the Composite Military
Police Brigade, AFP or to his Major Service Headquarters or to his unit
Headquarters, whichever is more convenient, for disposition pursuant to existing
regulations and policies. The Composite Military Police Brigade, AFP shall monitor
the final disposition of the case for record purposes and for the information of the
Chief of Staff, AFP. d. However, if the offense is more serious, the offender together
with the victim and the report shall be turned over to the Inquest Authority designated
under Section 4, LOI 621, as follows:

1) In Metropolitan Manila

a) The Constabulary Judge Advocate (CJA) for all

arrests effected by members of the AFP, the INP and other law enforcement
agencies, including arrests effected by private persons pursuant to Section 6, Rule
113 of the Rules of Court, except those effected by members of the PCM and MPF
b) The Staff Judge Advocate, PCM in case of arrest
affected by the PCM and MPF.

c) The Regional Judge Advocate in provinces/cities

where there is Regional Headquarters, for arrest effected within said cities/provinces.


d) The Military lawyers designated by TJAG, AFP or

in the absence of a military lawyer designated, the City or Municipal Judge, for arrest
within respective jurisdiction in other provinces and cities.

d. Nothing to this Circular, shall deprive the CSAFP the prerogative

to exercise his authority to separate any military person under AW 109, RA 2334 and
other regulations at any stage of the trial of the investigation.


a. Within 24 hours after delivery of the arrested person, the Inquest

Authority shall prepare charges against the offender upon a finding of probable
cause and forward the case for preliminary investigation to any of the following:

1) The Major Service (Attn: Major Svc Judge Advocate) to

which the offender belongs, in cases occurring in Metropolitan Manila.

2) The Regional Command, where a PIO has been

designated pursuant to OTJAG SOP Nr 1, dated 15 May 75 and to which the
offender belongs.

b. The person or the offender shall be committed to the nearest

military detention center or the PC Provincial Headquarters whichever is practicable
unless the Commanding Officer in case of military personnel, takes custody of the
offender or in the case of civilian employees, the CSAFP may, upon approval of
COMCAD, take custody ever said employee under his cognizance. The firearm shall
be turned over to the unit conducting the preliminary investigation.

c. After inquest and no probable cause exists, the Inquest

Authority/Officer shall immediately order the release of the person arrested.

d. After preliminary investigation and prima facie evidence exists,

charge sheets shall be prepared for referral to the appropriate military tribunal by
TJAG in behalf of the CSAFP, if the accused is a military person or in behalf of the
MND if the accused is a civilian person. If no prima facie evidence exists, the
offender shall be released but a copy of TJAG resolution shall be furnished the Major
Service Commander concerned who shall impose the appropriate administrative
punishment consistent with the requirements of discipline, copy furnished the


a. Major Service and other unit Commanders shall give command

emphasis to this Circular. All preventive actions to include TI&E sessions and all
control measures shall be vigorously implemented to effect strict compliance to
regulations on the carrying of firearms.

b. Commanders shall enforce this Circular within their respective

commands by utilizing their own military police units and/or specially organized
teams for the purpose.


c. Outside the various camps of the AFP, the Philippine

Constabulary in cooperation with the Military Police units of Major Services, and the
Composite MP Brigade, AFP shall enforce this Circular, applying it to all members of
the AFP irrespective of Major Service. In this connection, the Chief of Constabulary
may organize or constitute joint firearms control teams in the different regions,
provinces and cities in coordination with the Commanders of units from other
services which are stationed in the area.

9. EFFECTIVITY: This Circular takes effect immediately.

10. RESCISSION: Circular Nr 20, GHQ AFP, dated 23 July 1971 and all
publications or instructions inconsistent herewith are hereby rescinded.


General, AFP
Chief of Staff


Monogamy in the Philippine Army

FortAndresBonifacio, Metro Manila

1/AGPD 08 May 2004

SUBJECT: Monogamy in the Philippine Army

TO: See Distribution


a. PD 1638 PROMULGATED 10 September 1979 (Retirement and

Separation for Military Personnel).

b. Circular Nr 8, GHQ, AFP dated 04 May 1993, subject:

Permission to Marry of Military Personnel.

c. EO 227 promulgated 06 July 1987 (The Family Code of the


d. PD 1083 promulgated 04 February 1977 (Code of Muslim

Personal Laws).

e. The Rationale and Laws Behind Polygamy in Slam by Abu

Ameenah Bilal Philip s and Jameelah Jones, Tawheed Publications, 1999.


It has always been a perennial problem of the Philippine Army regarding

military personnel who have been retired/separated from the military service or died
in line of duty, as to who is the rightful beneficiary to their retirement/separation or
death benefits. This problem arose due to some of our military personnel who have
contracted marriage more than once without knowledge of their legitimate spouses.
Some personnel also, may not have contracted a subsequent marriage but sired
illegitimate children with another women other that his legitimate spouse. Being the
case, the Army is continually confronted with numerous complaints from surviving
wives and paramours alike, who wanted to have a just and equal share of the
benefits of the individual soldier.



This directive provides for guidelines for military personnel to adhere to

the monogamous marriage system in order to avoid future conflicting claims of


a. To prevent the incidence of conflicting claims to retirement/death

benefits, Christian military personnel should strictly adhere to the monogamous
marriage system as embraced by the Christian Faith. Military personnel can only
marry for the second time, only when the first marriage is annulled by competent
b. Notwithstanding the rule of Islamic Law permitting a Muslim to
have more than one wife, unless he can deal with them with equal companionship
and just treatment. Thus, a Muslim military personnel must be able and willing to
divide his time and wealth in an equitable fashion before he is allowed to have more
than one wife conversely if he is unable to feed clothe and house at his wives justly
then he should not to marry than once.

c. Muslim military personnel who are planning to get married or to

remarry shall submit a written request to his/her immediate Commanding
Officer/Head of Office at least two (2) months before the expected date of marriage.
The request shall include all pertinent information on the prospective bride/groom
and in case of remarriage, an order of the proper Shari a Circuit Court authorizing
him to contract a subsequent marriage.

d. Military personnel who contract marriage without the written

permission/clearance from appropriate approving authority in violation of ref 1 (b)
shall be denied re-enlistment upon ETE in case of enlisted personnel; non-extension
of tour of duty after expiration of ETAD in case of reserve Officers; and referral to the
appropriate ESB in case of regular Officers who have attained security of tenure
pursuant to EO 79.

e. The conversion of non-Muslim to Islam shall not have the effect

of extinguishing any obligation or liability whatsoever incurred prior to said change.

f. For purpose of death benefit claims of deceased military

personnel under PD 1638, the legitimate survivors shall mean only.

(1) Surviving spouse if married to the deceased prior to the

letters retirement/separation; provide that he/she has not remarried and/or is not
legally separated from the deceased by judicial decree or whose marriage with the
latter was not annulled on grounds attributable to said surviving spouse.

(2) Surviving children of an Officer or enlisted man who are

below 21 years of age and born of his/her marriage contracted prior to
retirement/separation from the service. Illegitimate as well as adopted children are
also considered survivors provided their recognition and/or adoption took place while
the deceased parent was still on active military service. Other proofs of filiation


allowed by law/ jurisprudence, such as admission in a public document or a private

handwritten document and/or the acknowledgement or recognition made by a close
relative of the deceased, among others, may be admitted to establish paternity.

3) Surviving parent(s) if the deceased military personnel

died single, provided he/she has no illegitimate child/children.

(4) Surviving Brothers and Sisters who have not reached

twenty-one (21) years of age, if the deceased died single and his parents were both

5. EFFECTIVITY: This letter directive shall take affect upon




Colonel INF (JSC) PA
Adjutant General



ACT NR 6968



SECTION 1. The heading of Chapter One, Title Three of the Revised Penal
Code is hereby amended to read as follows: REBELLION, COUP DETAT,

SECTION 2. Article 134 of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended read
as follows:

Article 134.Rebellion or insurrection. How committed. The crime of rebellion

or insurrection is committed by rising publicly and taking arms against the
Government for the purpose of removing from the allegiance to said Government or
its laws, the territory of the Republic of the Philippines or any part thereof, or any
body of land, naval or other armed forces, of depriving the Chief Executive or the
Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or prerogative.

SECTION 3. Chapter One, Title Three of the Revised Penal Code is hereby
further amended by adding a new article as follows:

Article 134 A. Coup detat. How committed. The crime of coupdetat is a

swift attack accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy orstealth, directed
against duly constituted authorities of the Republic of thePhilippines, or any military
camp of installation, communications networks, publicutilities or other facilities
needed for the exercise and continued possession of power,singly or simultaneously
carried out anywhere in the Philippines by any person orpersons, belonging to the
military or holding any public office or employment, with orwithout civilian support or
participation for the purpose of seizing or diminishingstate power.

SECTION 4. Article 135 of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to

read as follows:

Article 135.Penalty for rebellion, insurrection or coup detat. Any person who
promotes, maintains, or heads a rebellion or insurrection shall suffer the penalty of
reclusion perpetua. Any person merely participating or executing the commands of
others, in a rebellion or insurrection shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal.
Any person who leads or in any manner directs or commands others to undertake a
coop detat shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. Any person in the
government service who participates, or executes directions or command of others
in, undertaking a coup detat shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal in its


period. MWhen the rebellion, insurrection, or coup detat shall be under the
command of unknown leaders, any person who in fact directed the others, spoke for
them, signed in their name, or performed similar acts, on behalf of the rebels shall be
deemed a leader of such rebellion, insurrection, or coup detat.

SECTION 5. Article 136 of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to

read as follows:

Article 136.Conspiracy and proposal to commit coup detat, rebellion or

insurrection. The conspiracy and proposal to commit coup detat shall be punished
by prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine which shall not exceed eight
thousand pesos (P8,000.00). The conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion or
insurrection shall be punished, respectively, by prision correctional in its maximum
period and a fine which shall not exceed five thousand pesos (P5,000,00), and by
prision correctional in its medium period and a fine not exceeding two thousand
pesos (P2,000.00).

SECTION 6.Repealing Clause. All laws, executive orders rules

andregulations, or any part thereof inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed
ormodified accordingly.

SECTION 7.Separability Clause. If for any reason, any section of provision of

this Act, or any part thereof, or the application of such section, provision, or portion is
declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder thereof shall ot be affected by
such declaration.

SECTION 8.Effectively. This Act shall take effect upon its approval and
publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Approved: October
24, 1990.


President of the Philippines



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines

in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1.Short Title. This Act shall henceforth be known as the Human
Security Act of 2007.

SEC. 2.Declaration of Policy. It is declared a policy of the State to protect life,

liberty, and property from acts of terrorism, to condemn terrorism as inimical and
dangerous to the national security of the country and to the welfare of the people,
and to make terrorism a crime against the Filipino people, against humanity, and
against the law of nations.

In the implementation of the policy stated above, the State shall uphold the basic
rights and fundamental liberties of the people as enshrined in the constitution.

The State recognizes that the fight against terrorism requires a comprehensive
approach, comprising political, economic, diplomatic, military, and legal means duly
taking into account the root causes of terrorism without acknowledging these as
justifications for terrorist and/or criminal activities. Such measures shall include
conflict management and post-conflict peace-building, addressing the roots of
conflict by building state capacity and promoting equitable economic development.

Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as a curtailment, restriction or diminution of

constitutionally recognized powers of the executive branch of the government. It is to
be understood, however, that the exercise of the constitutionally recognized powers
of the executive department of the government shall not prejudice respect for human
rights which shall be absolute and protected at all times.

SEC. 3.Terrorism. Any person who commits an act punishable under any of the
following provisions of the Revised Penal Code:

1. Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in the High Seas or in the Philippine
2. Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection);
3. Article 134-a (Coup dEtat), including acts committed by private persons;
4. Article 248 (Murder);
5. Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention);
6. Article 324 (Crimes Involving Destruction,

or under
1. Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Law on Arson);
2. Republic Act No. 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste
Control Act of 1990);


3. Republic Act No. 5207, (Atomic Energy Regulatory and Liability Act of 1968);
4. Republic Act No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law);
5. Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-piracy and Anti-highway Robbery Law of 1974);
6. Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended (Decree Codifying the Laws on Illegal
and Unlawful Possession, Manufacture, Dealing in, Acquisition or Disposition of
Firearms, Ammunitions or Explosives) thereby sowing and creating a condition of
widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the populace, in order to coerce
the government to give in to an unlawful demand shall be guilty of the crime of
terrorism and shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) years of imprisonment, without the
benefit of parole as provided for under Act No. 4103, otherwise known as the
Indeterminate Sentence Law, as amended.

SEC. 4.Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism. Persons who conspire to commit the

crime of terrorism shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) years of imprisonment.

There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement concerning

the commission of the crime of terrorism as defined in Section 3 hereof and decide to
commit the same.

SEC. 5.Accomplice. Any person who, not being a principal under Article 17 of the
Revised Penal Code or a conspirator as defined in Section 4 hereof, cooperates in
the execution of either the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism by
previous or simultaneous acts shall suffer the penalty of from seventeen (17) years,
four (4) months one day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 6.Accessory. Any person who, having knowledge of the commission of the
crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, and without having participated
therein, either as principal or accomplice under Articles 17 and 18 of the Revised
Penal Code, takes part subsequent to its commission in any of the following manner:
(a) by profiting himself or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of the crime;
(b) by concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or the effects, or instruments
thereof, in order to prevent its discovery; (c) by harboring, concealing, or assisting in
the escape of the principal or conspirator of the crime, shall suffer the penalty of ten
(10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the penalties prescribed for accessories shall
not be imposed upon those who are such with respect to their spouses, ascendants,
descendants, legitimate, natural, and adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by
affinity within the same degrees, with the single exception of accessories falling
within the provisions of subparagraph (a).

SEC. 7.Surveillance of Suspects and Interception and Recording of

Communications. The provisions of Republic Act No. 4200 (Anti-wire Tapping
Law) to the contrary notwithstanding, a police or law enforcement official and the
members of his team may, upon a written order of the Court of Appeals, listen to,
intercept and record, with the use of any mode, form, kind or type of electronic or
other surveillance equipment or intercepting and tracking devices, or with the use of
any other suitable ways and means for that purpose, any communication, message,
conversation, discussion, or


spoken or written words between members of a judicially declared and outlawed

terrorist organization, association, or group of persons or of any person charged with
or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism.

Provided, That surveillance, interception and recording of communications between

lawyers and clients, doctors and patients, journalists and their sources and
confidential business correspondence shall not be authorized.

SEC. 8.Formal Application for Judicial Authorization. The written order of the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals to track down, tap, listen to, intercept,
and record communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or spoken or
written words of any person suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of
conspiracy to commit terrorism shall only be granted by the authorizing division of
the Court of Appeals upon an ex parte written application of a police or of a law
enforcement official who has been duly authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism
Council created in Section 53 of this Act to file such ex parte application, and upon
examination under oath or affirmation of the applicant and the witnesses he may
produce to establish:
(a) that there is probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts or
circumstances that the said crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism has
been committed, or is being committed, or is about to be committed;
(b) that there is probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts or
circumstances that evidence, which is essential to the conviction of any charged or
suspected person for, or to the solution or prevention of, any such crimes, will be
obtained; and,
(c) that there is no other effective means readily available for acquiring such

SEC. 9.Classification and Contents of the Order of the Court. The written order
granted by the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals as well as its order, if any,
to extend or renew the same, the original application of the applicant, including his
application to extend or renew, if any, and the written authorizations of the Anti-
Terrorism Council shall be deemed and are hereby declared as classified
information: Provided, That the person being surveilled or whose communications,
letters, papers, messages, conversations. Discussions, spoken or written words and
effects have been monitored, listened to, bugged or recorded by law enforcement
authorities has the right to be informed of the acts done by the law enforcement
authorities in the premises or to challenge, if he or she intends to do so, the legality
of the interference before the Court of Appeals which issued the written order. The
written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals shall specify the
following: (a) the identity, such as name and address, if known, of the charged or
suspected person whose communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or
spoken or written words are to be tracked down, tapped, listened to, intercepted, and
recorded and, in the case of radio, electronic, or telephonic (whether wireless or
otherwise) communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or spoken or
written words, the electronic transmission systems or the telephone numbers to be
tracked down, tapped, listened to, intercepted, and recorded and their locations or if
the person suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is
not fully known, such person shall be subject to continuous surveillance provided
there is a reasonable ground to do so; (b) the identity (name, address, and the police


or law enforcement organization) of the police or of the law enforcement official,

including the individual identity (names, addresses, and the police or law
enforcement organization) of the members of his team, judicially authorized to track
down, tap, listen to, intercept, and record the communications, messages,
conversations, discussions, or spoken or written words; (c) the offense or offenses
committed, or being committed, or sought to be prevented; and, (d) the length of time
within which the authorization shall be used or carried out.

SEC. 10.Effective Period of Judicial Authorization. Any authorization granted by the

authorizing division of the Court of Appeals, pursuant to Sec. 9 (d) of this Act, shall
only be effective for the length of time specified in the written order of the authorizing
division of the Court of Appeals, which shall not exceed a period of thirty (30) days
from the date of receipt of the written order of the authorizing division of the Court of
Appeals by the applicant police or law enforcement official.

The authorizing division of the Court of Appeals may extend or renew the said
authorization for another non-extendible period, which shall not exceed thirty (30)
days from the expiration of the original period: Provided, That the authorizing division
of the Court of Appeals is satisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public
interest: and Provided, further, That the ex parte application for extension or renewal,
which must be filed by the original applicant, has been duly authorized in writing by
the Anti-Terrorism Council.

In case of death of the original applicant or in case he is physically disabled to file

the application for extension or renewal, the one next in rank to the original applicant
among the members of the team named in the original written order of the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals shall file the application for extension or
renewal: Provided, That, without prejudice to the liability of the police or law
enforcement personnel under Section 20 hereof, the applicant police or law
enforcement official shall have thirty (30) days after the termination of the period
granted by the Court of Appeals as provided in the preceding paragraphs within
which to file the appropriate case before the Public Prosecutors Office for any
violation of this Act.

If no case is filed within the thirty (30)-day period, the applicant police or law
enforcement official shall immediately notify the person subject of the surveillance,
interception and recording of the termination of the said surveillance, interception
and recording. The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
imprisonment shall be imposed upon the applicant police or law enforcement official
who fails to notify the person subject of the surveillance, monitoring, interception and
recording as specified above.

SEC. 11.Custody of Intercepted and Recorded Communications. All tapes, discs,

and recordings made pursuant to the authorization of the authorizing division of the
Court of Appeals, including all excerpts and summaries thereof as well as all written
notes or memoranda made in connection therewith, shall, within forty-eight (48)
hours after the expiration of the period fixed in the written order of the authorizing
division of the Court of Appeals or within forty-eight (48) hours after the expiration of
any extension or renewal granted by the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals,
be deposited with the authorizing Division of the Court of Appeals in a sealed


envelope or sealed package, as the case may be, and shall be accompanied by a
joint affidavit of the applicant police or law enforcement official and the members of
his team.

In case of death of the applicant or in case he is physically disabled to execute the

required affidavit, the one next in rank to the applicant among the members of the
team named in the written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals
shall execute with the members of the team that required affidavit.

It shall be unlawful for any person, police officer or any custodian of the tapes, discs
and recording, and their excerpts and summaries, written notes or memoranda to
copy in whatever form, to remove, delete, expunge, incinerate, shred or destroy in
any manner the items enumerated above in whole or in part under any pretext

Any person who removes, deletes, expunges incinerates, shreds or destroys the
items enumerated above shall suffer a penalty of not less than six (6) years and one
day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 12.Contents of Joint Affidavit. The joint affidavit of the police or of the law
enforcement official and the individual members of his team shall state: (a) the
number of tapes, discs, and recordings that have been made, as well as the number
of excerpts and summaries thereof and the number of written notes and memoranda,
if any, made in connection therewith; (b) the dates and times covered by each of
such tapes, discs, and recordings; (c) the number of tapes, discs, and recordings, as
well as the number of excerpts and summaries thereof and the number of written
notes and memoranda made in connection therewith that have been included in the
deposit; and (d) the date of the original written authorization granted by the Anti-
Terrorism Council to the applicant to file the ex parte application to conduct the
tracking down, tapping, intercepting, and recording, as well as the date of any
extension or renewal of the original written authority granted by the authorizing
division of the Court of Appeals.

The joint affidavit shall also certify under oath that no duplicates or copies of the
whole or any part of any of such tapes, discs, and recordings, and that no duplicates
or copies of the whole or any part of any of such excerpts, summaries, written notes,
and memoranda, have been made, or, if made, that all such duplicates and copies
are included in the sealed envelope or sealed package, as the case may be,
deposited with the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals.

It shall be unlawful for any person, police or law enforcement official to omit or
exclude from the joint affidavit any item or portion thereof mentioned in this Section.

Any person, police or law enforcement officer who violates any of the acts proscribed
in the preceding paragraph shall suffer the penalty of not less than ten (10) years
and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 13.Disposition of Deposited Materials. The sealed envelope or sealed

package and the contents thereof, which are deposited with the authorizing division
of the Court of Appeals, shall be deemed and are hereby declared classified


information, and the sealed envelope or sealed package shall not be opened and its
contents (including the tapes, discs, and recordings and all the excerpts and
summaries thereof and the notes and memoranda made in connection therewith)
shall not be divulged, revealed, read, replayed, or used as evidence unless
authorized by written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals, which
written order shall be granted only upon a written application of the Department of
Justice filed before the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals and only upon a
showing that the Department of Justice has been duly authorized in writing by the
Anti-Terrorism Council to file the application with proper written notice the person
whose conversation, communication, message discussion or spoken or written
words have been the subject of surveillance, monitoring, recording and interception
to open, reveal, divulge, and use the contents of the sealed envelope or sealed
package as evidence.

Any person, law enforcement official or judicial authority who violates his duty to
notify in writing the persons subject of the surveillance as defined above shall suffer
the penalty of six (6) years and one day to eight (8) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 14.Application to Open Deposited Sealed Envelop or Sealed Package. The

written application with notice to the party concerned to open the deposited sealed
envelope or sealed package shall clearly state the purpose or reason: (a) for opening
the sealed envelope or sealed package; (b) for revealing or disclosing its classified
contents; (c) for replaying, divulging, and or reading any of the listened to,
intercepted, and recorded communications, messages, conversations, discussions,
or spoken or written words (including any of the excerpts and summaries thereof and
any of the notes or memoranda made in connection therewith); and, (d) for using any
of said listened to ,intercepted, and recorded communications, messages,
conversations, discussions, or spoken or written words (including any of the excerpts
and summaries thereof and any of the notes or memoranda made in connection
therewith) as evidence.

Any person, law enforcement official or judicial authority who violates his duty to
notify as defined above shall suffer the penalty of six (6) years and one day to eight
(8) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 15.Evidentiary Value of Deposited Materials. Any listened to, intercepted,

and recorded communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or spoken or
written words, or any part or parts thereof, or any information or fact contained
therein, including their existence, content, substance, purport, effect, or meaning,
which have been secured in violation of the pertinent provisions of this Act, shall
absolutely not be admissible and usable as evidence against anybody in any judicial,
quasi-judicial, legislative, or administrative investigation, inquiry, proceeding, or

SEC. 16.Penalty for Unauthorized or malicious Interceptions and/or Recordings.

Any police or law enforcement personnel who, not being authorized to do so by the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals, tracks down, taps, listens to, intercepts,
and records in whatever manner or form any communication, message,
conversation, discussion, or spoken or written word of a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism


shall be guilty of an offense and shall suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one
day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

In addition to the liability attaching to the offender for the commission of any other
offense, the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
imprisonment and the accessory penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification from
public office shall be imposed upon any police or law enforcement personnel who
maliciously obtained an authority from the Court of Appeals to track down, tap, listen
to, intercept, and record in whatever manner or form any communication, message,
conversation, discussion, or spoken or written words of a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism: Provided, That
notwithstanding Section 13 of this Act, the party aggrieved by such authorization
shall be allowed access to the sealed envelope or sealed package and the contents
thereof as evidence for the prosecution of any police or law enforcement personnel
who maliciously procured said authorization.

SEC. 17.Proscription of Terrorist Organizations, Association, or Group of Persons.

Any organization, association, or group of persons organized for the purpose of
engaging in terrorism, or which, although not organized for that purpose, actually
uses the acts to terrorize mentioned in this Act or to sow and create a condition of
widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among the populace in order to coerce
the government to give in to an unlawful demand shall, upon application of the
Department of Justice before a competent Regional Trial Court, with due notice and
opportunity to be heard given to the organization, association, or group of persons
concerned, be declared as a terrorist and outlawed organization, association, or
group of persons by the said Regional Trial Court.

SEC. 18.Period of Detention Without Judicial Warrant of Arrest. The provisions

of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code to the contrary notwithstanding, any police
or law enforcement personnel, who, having been duly authorized in writing by the
Anti-Terrorism Council has taken custody of a person charged with or suspected of
the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism shall, without
incurring any criminal liability for delay in the delivery of detained persons to the
proper judicial authorities, deliver said charged or suspected person to the proper
judicial authority within a period of three (3) days counted from the moment the said
charged or suspected person has been apprehended or arrested, detained, and
taken into custody by the said police, or law enforcement personnel: Provided, That
the arrest of those suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism must result from the surveillance under Section 7 and examination of bank
deposits under Section 27 of this Act.

The police or law enforcement personnel concerned shall, before detaining the
person suspected of the crime of terrorism, present him or her before any judge at
the latters residence or office nearest the place where the arrest took place at
any time of the day or night. It shall be the duty of the judge, among other things, to
ascertain the identity of the police or law enforcement personnel and the person or
persons they have arrested and presented before him or her, to inquire of them the
reasons why they have arrested the person and determine by questioning and
personal observation whether or not the suspect has been subjected to any physical,
moral or psychological torture by whom and why. The judge shall then submit a


written report of what he/she had observed when the subject was brought before him
to the proper court that has jurisdiction over the case of the person thus arrested. the
judge shall forthwith submit his/her report within three (3) calendar days from the
time the suspect was brought to his/her residence or office.

Immediately after taking custody of a person charged with or suspected of the crime
of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, the police or law enforcement
personnel shall notify in writing the judge of the court nearest the place of
apprehension or arrest: Provided, That where the arrest is made during saturdays,
sundays, holidays or after office hours, the written notice shall be served at the
residence of the judge nearest the place where the accused was arrested.

The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment shall
be imposed upon the police or law enforcement personnel who fails to notify any
judge as provided in the preceding paragraph.

SEC. 19.Period of Detention in the Event of an Actual or Imminent Terrorist Attack.

In the event of an actual or imminent terrorist attack, suspects may not be
detained for more than three (3) days without the written approval of a municipal,
city, provincial or regional official of a Human Rights Commission or judge of the
municipal, regional trial court, the Sandiganbayan or a justice of the Court of Appeals
nearest the place of the arrest. If the arrest is made during Saturdays, Sundays,
holidays or after office hours, the arresting police or law enforcement personnel shall
bring the person thus arrested to the residence of any of the officials mentioned
above that is nearest the place where the accused was arrested. The approval in
writing of any of the said officials shall be secured by the police or law enforcement
personnel concerned within five (5) days after the date of the detention of the
persons concerned: Provided, however, That within three (3) days after the detention
the suspects, whose connection with the terror attack or threat is not established,
shall be released immediately.

SEC. 20.Penalty for Failure to Deliver Suspect to the Proper Judicial Authority Within
Three (3) Days. The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years
of imprisonment shall be imposed upon any police or law enforcement personnel
who has apprehended or arrested, detained and taken custody of a person charged
with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism and
fails to deliver such charged or suspected person to the proper judicial authority
within the period of three (3) days.

SEC. 21.Rights of a Person Under Custodial Detention. The moment a person

charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to
commit terrorism is apprehended or arrested and detained, he shall forthwith be
informed, by the arresting police or law enforcement officers or by the police or law
enforcement officers to whose custody the person concerned is brought, of his or her
right: (a) to be informed of the nature and cause of his arrest, to remain silent and to
have competent and independent counsel preferably of his choice. If the person
cannot afford the services of counsel of his or her choice, the police or law
enforcement officers concerned shall immediately contact the free legal assistance
unit of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) or the Public Attorneys Office
(PAO). It shall be the duty of the free legal assistance unit of the IBP or the PAO thus


contacted to immediately visit the person(s) detained and provide him or her with
legal assistance. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the
presence of the counsel of choice; (b) informed of the cause or causes of his
detention in the presence of his legal counsel; (c) allowed to communicate freely with
his legal counsel and to confer with them at any time without restriction; (d) allowed
to communicate freely and privately without restrictions with the members of his
family or with his nearest relatives and to be visited by them; and, (e) allowed freely
to avail of the service of a physician or physicians of choice.

SEC. 22.Penalty for Violation of the Rights of a Detainee. Any police or law
enforcement personnel, or any personnel of the police or other law enforcement
custodial unit that violates any of the aforesaid rights of a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism
shall be guilty of an offense and shall suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one
day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

Unless the police or law enforcement personnel who violated the rights of a detainee
or detainees as stated above is duly identified, the same penalty shall be imposed on
the police officer or head or leader of the law enforcement unit having custody of the
detainee at the time the violation was done.

SEC. 23.Requirement for an Official Custodial Logbook and Its Contents. The
police or other law enforcement custodial unit in whose care and control the person
charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to
commit terrorism has been placed under custodial arrest and detention shall keep a
securely and orderly maintained official logbook, which is hereby declared as a
public document and opened to and made available for the inspection and scrutiny of
the lawyer or lawyers of the person under custody or any member of his or her family
or relative by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil degree or his or her
physician at any time of the day or night without any form of restriction. The logbook
shall contain a clear and concise record of: (a) the name, description, and address of
the detained person; (b) the date and exact time of his initial admission for custodial
arrest and detention; (c) the name and address of the physician or physicians who
examined him physically and medically; (d) the state of his health and physical
condition at the time of his initial admission for custodial detention; (e) the date and
time of each removal of the detained person from his cell for interrogation or for any
purpose; (f) the date and time of his return to his cell; (g) the name and address of
the physician or physicians who physically and medically examined him after each
interrogation; (h) a summary of the physical and medical findings on the detained
person after each of such interrogation; (i) the names and addresses of his family
members and nearest relatives, if any and if available; (j) the names and addresses
of persons who visit the detained person; (k) the date and time of each of such visits;
(l) the date and time of each request of the detained person to communicate and
confer with his legal counsel or counsels; (m) the date and time of each visit, and
date and time of each departure of his legal counsel or counsels; and, (n) all other
important events bearing on and all relevant details regarding the treatment of the
detained person while under custodial arrest and detention.

The said police or law enforcement custodial unit shall upon demand of the
aforementioned lawyer or lawyers or members of the family or relatives within the


fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity of the person under custody or his or
her physician issue a certified true copy of the entries of the logbook relative to the
concerned detained person without delay or restriction or requiring any fees
whatsoever including documentary stamp tax, notarial fees, and the like. This
certified true copy may be attested by the person who has custody of the logbook or
who allowed the party concerned to scrutinize it at the time the demand for the
certified true copy is made.

The police or other law enforcement custodial unit who fails to comply with the
preceding paragraph to keep an official logbook shall suffer the penalty of ten (10)
years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 24.No Torture or Coercion in Investigation and Interrogation. No threat,

intimidation, or coercion, and no act which will inflict any form of physical pain or
torment, or mental, moral, or psychological pressure, on the detained person, which
shall vitiate his free-will, shall be employed in his investigation and interrogation for
the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism; otherwise, the
evidence obtained from said detained person resulting from such threat, intimidation,
or coercion, or from such inflicted physical pain or torment, or mental, moral, or
psychological pressure, shall be, in its entirety, absolutely not admissible and usable
as evidence in any judicial, quasi-judicial, legislative, or administrative investigation,
inquiry, proceeding, or hearing.

SEC. 25.Penalty for Threat, Intimidation, Coercion, or Torture in the Investigation

and Interrogation of a Detained Person. Any person or persons who use threat,
intimidation, or coercion, or who inflict physical pain or torment, or mental, moral, or
psychological pressure, which shall vitiate the free-will of a charged or suspected
person under investigation and interrogation for the crime of terrorism or the crime of
conspiracy to commit terrorism shall be guilty of an offense and shall suffer the
penalty of twelve (12) years and one day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment.

When death or serious permanent disability of said detained person occurs as a

consequence of the use of such threat, intimidation, or coercion, or as a
consequence of the infliction on him of such physical pain or torment, or as a
consequence of the infliction on him of such mental, moral, or psychological
pressure, the penalty shall be twelve (12) years and one day to twenty (20) years of

SEC. 26.Restriction on Travel. In cases where evidence of guilt is not strong, and
the person charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is
entitled to bail and is granted the same, the court, upon application by the
prosecutor, shall limit the right of travel of the accused to within the municipality or
city where he resides or where the case is pending, in the interest of national
security and public safety, consistent with Article III, Section 6 of the Constitution.
Travel outside of said municipality or city, without the authorization of the court, shall
be deemed a violation of the terms and conditions of his bail, which shall then be
forfeited as provided under the Rules of Court.

He or she may also be placed under house arrest by order of the court at his or her
usual place of residence.


While under house arrest, he or she may not use telephones, cellphones, e-mails,
computers, the internet or other means of communications with people outside the
residence until otherwise ordered by the court.

The restrictions abovementioned shall be terminated upon the acquittal of the

accused or of the dismissal of the case filed against him or earlier upon the
discretion of the court on motion of the prosecutor or of the accused.

SEC. 27.Judicial Authorization Required to Examine Bank Deposits, Accounts, and

Records. The provisions of Republic Act No. 1405 as amended, to the contrary
notwithstanding, the justices of the Court of Appeals designated as a special court to
handle anti-terrorism cases after satisfying themselves of the existence of probable
cause in a hearing called for that purpose that (1) a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) of a
judicially declared and outlawed terrorist organization, association, or group of
persons, and (3) of a member of such judicially declared and outlawed organization,
association, or group of persons, may authorize in writing any police or law
enforcement officer and the members of his/her team duly authorized in writing by
the anti-terrorism council to: (a) examine, or cause the examination of, the deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets and records in a bank or financial institution; and
(b) gather or cause the gathering of any relevant information about such deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets, and records from a bank or financial institution.
the bank or financial institution concerned shall not refuse to allow such examination
or to provide the desired information, when so ordered by and served with the written
order of the Court of Appeals.

SEC. 28.Application to Examine Bank Deposits, Accounts, and Records. The

written order of the Court of Appeals authorizing the examination of bank deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets, and records: (1) of a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) of any
judicially declared and outlawed terrorist organization, association, or group of
persons, or (3) of any member of such organization, association, or group of persons
in a bank or financial institution, and the gathering of any relevant information about
the same from said bank or financial institution, shall only be granted by the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals upon an ex parte application to that
effect of a police or of a law enforcement official who has been duly authorized in
writing to file such ex parte application by the Anti-Terrorism Council created in
Section 53 of this Act to file such ex parte application, and upon examination under
oath or affirmation of the applicant and the witnesses he may produce to establish
the facts that will justify the need and urgency of examining and freezing the bank
deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and records: (1) of the person charged
with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) of a
judicially declared and outlawed terrorist organization, association or group of
persons, or (3) of any member of such organization, association, or group of

SEC. 29.Classification and Contents of the Court Order Authorizing the Examination
of Bank Deposits, Accounts, and Records. The written order granted by the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals as well as its order, if any, to extend or
renew the same, the original ex parte application of the applicant, including his ex


parte application to extend or renew, if any, and the written authorizations of the Anti
Terrorism Council, shall be deemed and are hereby declared as classified
information: Provided, That the person whose bank deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets, and records have been examined, frozen, sequestered and seized
by law enforcement authorities has the right to be informed of the acts done by the
law enforcement authorities in the premises or to challenge, if he or she intends to
do so, the legality of the interference. The written order of the authorizing division of
the Court of Appeals designated to handle cases involving terrorism shall specify: (a)
the identity of the said: (1) person charged with or suspected of the crime of
terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) judicially declared and outlawed
terrorist organization, association, or group of persons, and (3) member of such
judicially declared and outlawed organization, association, or group of persons, as
the case may be, whose deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and records
are to be examined or the information to be gathered; (b) the identity of the bank or
financial institution where such deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and
records are held and maintained; (c) the identity of the persons who will conduct the
said examination and the gathering of the desired information; and, (d) the length of
time the authorization shall be carried out.

SEC. 30.Effective Period of Court Authorization to Examine and Obtain Information

on Bank Deposits, Accounts, and Records. The authorization issued or granted
by the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals to examine or cause the
examination of and to freeze bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and
records, or to gather information about the same, shall be effective for the length of
time specified in the written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals,
which shall not exceed a period of thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the
written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals by the applicant
police or law enforcement official.

The authorizing division of the Court of Appeals may extend or renew the said
authorization for another period, which shall not exceed thirty (30) days renewable to
another thirty (30) days from the expiration of the original period, provided that the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals is satisfied that such extension or
renewal is in the public interest, and provided further that the application for
extension or renewal, which must be filed by the original applicant, has been duly
authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism Council.

In case of death of the original applicant or in case he is physically disabled to file

the application for extension or renewal, the one next in rank to the original applicant
among the members of the team named in the original written order of the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals shall file the application for extension or
renewal: Provided, That, without prejudice to the liability of the police or law
enforcement personnel under Section 19 hereof, the applicant police or law
enforcement official shall have thirty (30) days after the termination of the period
granted by the Court of Appeals as provided in the preceding paragraphs within
which to file the appropriate case before the Public Prosecutors Office for any
violation of this Act.

If no case is filed within the thirty (30)-day period, the applicant police or law
enforcement official shall immediately notify in writing the person subject of the bank


examination and freezing of bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and
records. The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
imprisonment shall be imposed upon the applicant police or law enforcement official
who fails to notify in writing the person subject of the bank examination and freezing
of bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and records.

Any person, law enforcement official or judicial authority who violates his duty to
notify in writing as defined above shall suffer the penalty of six (6) years and one day
to eight (8) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 31.Custody of Bank Data and Information Obtained after Examination of

Deposits, Placements, Trust Accounts, Assets and Records. All information, data,
excerpts, summaries, notes, memoranda, working sheets, reports, and other
documents obtained from the examination of the bank deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets and records of: (1) a person charged with or suspected of the crime
of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) a judicially declared
and outlawed terrorist organization, association, or group of persons, or (3) a
member of any such organization, association, or group of persons shall, within forty-
eight (48) hours after the expiration of the period fixed in the written order of the
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals or within forty-eight (48) hours after the
expiration of the extension or renewal granted by the authorizing division of the Court
of Appeals, be deposited with the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals in a
sealed envelope or sealed package, as the case may be, and shall be accompanied
by a joint affidavit of the applicant police or law enforcement official and the persons
who actually conducted the examination of said bank deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets and records.

SEC. 32.Contents of Joint Affidavit. The joint affidavit shall state: (a) the identifying
marks, numbers, or symbols of the deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and
records examined; (b) the identity and address of the bank or financial institution
where such deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, and records are held and
maintained; (c) the number of bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets,
and records discovered, examined, and frozen; (d) the outstanding balances of each
of such deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets; (e) all information, data,
excerpts, summaries, notes, memoranda, working sheets, reports, documents,
records examined and placed in the sealed envelope or sealed package deposited
with the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals; (f) the date of the original
written authorization granted by the Anti-Terrorism Council to the applicant to file the
ex parte application to conduct the examination of the said bank deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets and records, as well as the date of any extension
or renewal of the original written authorization granted by the authorizing division of
the Court of Appeals; and (g) that the items enumerated were all that were found in
the bank or financial institution examined at the time of the completion of the

The joint affidavit shall also certify under oath that no duplicates or copies of the
information, data, excerpts, summaries, notes, memoranda, working sheets, reports,
and documents acquired from the examination of the bank deposits, placements,
trust accounts, assets and records have been made, or, if made, that all such


duplicates and copies are placed in the sealed envelope or sealed package
deposited with the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals.

It shall be unlawful for any person, police officer or custodian of the bank data and
information obtained after examination of deposits, placements, trust accounts,
assets and records to copy, to remove, delete, expunge, incinerate, shred or destroy
in any manner the items enumerated above in whole or in part under any pretext

Any person who copies, removes, deletes, expunges incinerates, shreds or destroys
the items enumerated above shall suffer a penalty of not less than six (6) years and
one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 33.Disposition of Bank Materials. The sealed envelope or sealed package

and the contents thereof, which are deposited with the authorizing division of the
Court of Appeals, shall be deemed and are hereby declared classified information,
and the sealed envelope or sealed package shall not be opened and its contents
shall not be divulged, revealed, read, or used as evidence unless authorized in a
written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals, which written order
shall be granted only upon a written application of the Department of Justice filed
before the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals and only upon a showing that
the Department of Justice has been duly authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism
Council to file the application, with notice in writing to the party concerned not later
than three (3) days before the scheduled opening, to open, reveal, divulge, and use
the contents of the sealed envelope or sealed package as evidence.

Any person, law enforcement official or judicial authority who violates his duty to
notify in writing as defined above shall suffer the penalty of six (6) years and one day
to eight (8) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 34.Application to Open Deposited Bank Materials. The written application,

with notice in writing to the party concerned not later than three (3) days of the
scheduled opening, to open the sealed envelope or sealed package shall clearly
state the purpose and reason: (a) for opening the sealed envelope or sealed
package; (b) for revealing and disclosing its classified contents; and, (c) for using the
classified information, data, excerpts, summaries, notes, memoranda, working
sheets, reports, and documents as evidence.

SEC. 35.Evidentiary Value of Deposited Bank Materials. Any information, data,

excerpts, summaries, notes, memoranda, work sheets, reports, or documents
acquired from the examination of the bank deposits, placements, trust accounts,
assets and records of: (1) a person charged or suspected of the crime of terrorism or
the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) a judicially declared and outlawed
terrorist organization, association, or group of persons, or (3) a member of such
organization, association, or group of persons, which have been secured in violation
of the provisions of this Act, shall absolutely not be admissible and usable as
evidence against anybody in any judicial, quasi-judicial, legislative, or administrative
investigation, inquiry, proceeding, or hearing.


SEC. 36.Penalty for Unauthorized or Malicious Examination of a Bank or a Financial

Institution. Any person, police or law enforcement personnel who examines the
deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets, or records in a bank or financial
institution of: (1) a person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or the
crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) a judicially declared and outlawed
terrorist organization, association, or group of persons, or (3) a member of such
organization, association, or group of persons, without being authorized to do so by
the Court of Appeals, shall be guilty of an offense and shall suffer the penalty of ten
(10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

In addition to the liability attaching to the offender for the commission of any other
offense, the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
imprisonment shall be imposed upon any police or law enforcement personnel, who
maliciously obtained an authority from the Court of Appeals to examine the deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets, or records in a bank or financial institution of: (1)
a person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism, (2) a judicially declared and outlawed terrorist organization, association, or
group of persons, or (3) a member of such organization, association, or group of
persons: Provided, That notwithstanding Section 33 of this Act, the party aggrieved
by such authorization shall upon motion duly filed be allowed access to the sealed
envelope or sealed package and the contents thereof as evidence for the
prosecution of any police or law enforcement personnel who maliciously procured
said authorization.

SEC. 37.Penalty of Bank Officials and Employees Defying a Court Authorization.

An employee, official, or a member of the board of directors of a bank or financial
institution, who refuses to allow the examination of the deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets, and records of: (1) a person charged with or suspected of the
crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism, (2) a judicially
declared and outlawed terrorist organization, association, or group of persons, or (3)
a member of such judicially declared and outlawed organization, association, or
group of persons in said bank or financial institution, when duly served with the
written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals, shall be guilty of an
offense and shall suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12)
years of imprisonment.

SEC. 38.Penalty for False or Untruthful Statement or Misrepresentation of Material

Fact in Joint Affidavits. Any false or untruthful statement or misrepresentation of
material fact in the joint affidavits required respectively in Section 12 and Section 32
of this Act shall constitute a criminal offense and the affiants shall suffer individually
the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 39.Seizure and Sequestration. The deposits and their outstanding

balances, placements, trust accounts, assets, and records in any bank or financial
institution, moneys, businesses, transportation and communication equipment,
supplies and other implements, and property of whatever kind and nature belonging:
(1) to any person suspected of or charged before a competent Regional Trial Court
for the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism; (2) to a
judicially declared and outlawed organization, association, or group of persons; or (3)
to a member of such organization, association, or group of persons shall be seized,


sequestered, and frozen in order to prevent their use, transfer, or conveyance for
purposes that are inimical to the safety and security of the people or injurious to the
interest of the State.

The accused or a person suspected of may withdraw such sums as may be

reasonably needed by the monthly needs of his family including the services of his or
her counsel and his or her familys medical needs upon approval of the court. He

or she may also use any of his property that is under seizure or sequestration or
frozen because of his or her indictment as a terrorist upon permission of the court for
any legitimate reason.

Any person who unjustifiably refuses to follow the order of the proper division of the
Court of Appeals to allow the person accused of the crime of terrorism or of the
crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism to withdraw such sums from sequestered or
frozen deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and records as may be
necessary for the regular sustenance of his or her family or to use any of his or her
property that has been seized, sequestered or frozen for legitimate purposes while
his or her case is pending shall suffer the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to
twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 40.Nature of Seized, Sequestered and Frozen Bank Deposits, Placements,

Trust Accounts, Assets and Records. The seized, sequestered and frozen bank
deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and records belonging to a person
suspected of or charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism
shall be deemed as property held in trust by the bank or financial institution for such
person and the government during the pendency of the investigation of the person
suspected of or during the pendency of the trial of the person charged with any of the
said crimes, as the case may be and their use or disposition while the case is
pending shall be subject to the approval of the court before which the case or cases
are pending.

SEC. 41.Disposition of the Seized, Sequestered and Frozen Bank Deposits,

Placements, Trust Accounts, Assets and Record. If the person suspected of or
charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is found, after
his investigation, to be innocent by the investigating body, or is acquitted, after his
arraignment or his case is dismissed before his arraignment by a competent court,
the seizure, sequestration and freezing of his bank deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets and records shall forthwith be deemed lifted by the investigating
body or by the competent court, as the case may be, and his bank deposits,
placements, trust accounts, assets and records shall be deemed released from such
seizure, sequestration and freezing, and shall be restored to him without any delay
by the bank or financial institution concerned without any further action on his part.
The filing of any appeal on motion for reconsideration shall not state the release of
said funds from seizure, sequestration and freezing.

If the person charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is
convicted by a final judgment of a competent trial court, his seized, sequestered and
frozen bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and records shall be
automatically forfeited in favor of the government.


Upon his or her acquittal or the dismissal of the charges against him or her, the
amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) a day for the period in
which his properties, assets or funds were seized shall be paid to him on the concept
of liquidated damages. The amount shall be taken from the appropriations of the
police or law enforcement agency that caused the filing of the enumerated charges
against him or her.

SEC. 42.Penalty for Unjustified Refusal to Restore or Delay in Restoring Seized,

Sequestered and Frozen Bank Deposits, Placements, Trust Accounts, Assets and
Records. Any person who unjustifiably refuses to restore or delays the
restoration of seized, sequestered and frozen bank deposits, placements, trust
accounts, assets and records of a person suspected of or charged with the crime of
terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism after such suspected person has been
found innocent by the investigating body or after the case against such charged
person has been dismissed or after he is acquitted by a competent court shall suffer
the penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 43.Penalty for the Loss, Misuse, Diversion or Dissipation of Seized,

Sequestered and Frozen Bank Deposits, Placements, Trust Accounts, Assets and
Records. Any person who is responsible for the loss, misuse, diversion, or
dissipation of the whole or any part of the seized, sequestered and frozen bank
deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and records of a person suspected of or
charged with the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism shall suffer the
penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.

SEC. 44.Infidelity in the Custody of Detained Persons. Any public officer who has
direct custody of a detained person under the provisions of this Act and who by his
deliberate act, misconduct, or inexcusable negligence causes or allows the escape
of such detained person shall be guilty of an offense and shall suffer the penalty of:
(a) twelve (12) years and one day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment, if the
detained person has already been convicted and sentenced in a final judgment of a
competent court; and (b) six (6) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
imprisonment, if the detained person has not been convicted and sentenced in a final
judgment of a competent court.

SEC. 45.Immunity and Protection of Government Witnesses. The provisions of

Republic Act No. 6981 (Witness Protection, Security and Benefits Act) to the
contrary notwithstanding, the immunity of government witnesses testifying under this
Act shall be governed by Sections 17 and 18 of Rule 119 of the Rules of Court:
Provided, however, That said witnesses shall be entitled to benefits granted to
witnesses under said Republic Act No. 6981.

SEC. 46.Penalty for Unauthorized Revelation of Classified Materials. The penalty

of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment shall be imposed
upon any person, police or law enforcement agent, judicial officer or civil servant
who, not being authorized by the Court of Appeals to do so, reveals in any manner or
form any classified information under this Act.

SEC. 47.Penalty for Furnishing False Evidence, Forged Document, or Spurious

Evidence. The penalty of twelve (12) years and one day to twenty (20) years of


imprisonment shall be imposed upon any person who knowingly furnishes false
testimony, forged document or spurious evidence in any investigation or hearing
under this Act.

SEC. 48.Continuous Trial. In cases of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism,

the judge shall set the case for continuous trial on a daily basis from Monday to
Friday or other short-term trial calendar so as to ensure speedy trial.

SEC. 49.Prosecution Under This Act Shall Be a Bar to Another Prosecution Under
the Revised Penal Code or Any Special Penal Laws. When a person has been
prosecuted under a provision of this Act, upon a valid complaint or information or
other formal charge sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction and after
the accused had pleaded to the charge, the acquittal of the accused or the dismissal
of the case shall be a bar to another prosecution for any offense or felony which is
necessarily included in the offense charged under this Act.

SEC. 50.Damages for Unproven Charge of Terrorism. Upon acquittal, any person
who is accused of terrorism shall be entitled to the payment of damages in the
amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) for every day that he or she
has been detained or deprived of liberty or arrested without a warrant as a result of
such an accusation. The amount of damages shall be automatically charged against
the appropriations of the police agency or the Anti-Terrorism Council that brought or
sanctioned the filing of the charges against the accused. It shall also be released
within fifteen (15) days from the date of the acquittal of the accused. The award of
damages mentioned above shall be without prejudice to the right of the acquitted
accused to file criminal or administrative charges against those responsible for
charging him with the case of terrorism.

Any officer, employee, personnel, or person who delays the release or refuses to
release the amounts awarded to the individual acquitted of the crime of terrorism as
directed in the paragraph immediately preceding shall suffer the penalty of six (6)
months of imprisonment.

If the deductions are less than the amounts due to the detained persons, the amount
needed to complete the compensation shall be taken from the current appropriations
for intelligence, emergency, social or other funds of the Office of the President.

In the event that the amount cannot be covered by the current budget of the police or
law enforcement agency concerned, the amount shall be automatically included in
the appropriations of the said agency for the coming year.

SEC. 51.Duty to Record and Report the Name and Address of the Informant. The
police or law enforcement officers to whom the name of a suspect in the crime of
terrorism was first revealed shall record the real name and the specific address of
the informant.

The police or law enforcement officials concerned shall report the informants
name and address to their superior officer who shall transmit the information to the
Congressional Oversight Committee or to the proper court within five (5) days after


the suspect was placed under arrest or his properties were sequestered, seized or

The name and address of the informant shall be considered confidential and shall
not be unnecessarily revealed until after the proceedings against the suspect shall
have been terminated.

SEC. 52.Applicability of the Revised Penal Code. The provisions of Book I of the
Revised Penal Code shall be applicable to this Act.

SEC. 53.Anti-Terrorism Council. An Anti-Terrorism Council, hereinafter referred

to, for brevity, as the Council, is hereby created. The members of the
Council are: (1) the Executive Secretary, who shall be its chairperson; (2) the
Secretary of Justice, who shall be its Vice Chairperson; and (3) the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs; (4) the Secretary of National Defense; (5) the Secretary of the
Interior and Local Government; (6) the Secretary of Finance; and (7) the National
Security Advisor, as its other members.

The Council shall implement this Act and assume the responsibility for the proper
and effective implementation of the anti-terrorism policy of the country. The Council
shall keep records of its proceedings and decisions. All records of the Council shall
be subject to such security classifications as the Council may, in its judgment and
discretion, decide to adopt to safeguard the safety of the people, the security of the
Republic, and the welfare of the nation.

The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency shall be the Secretariat of the

Council. The Council shall define the powers, duties, and functions of the National
Intelligence Coordinating Agency as Secretariat of the Council. The National Bureau
of Investigation, the Bureau of Immigration, the Office of Civil Defense, the
Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the Anti-Money
Laundering Council, the Philippine Center on Transnational Crime, and the
Philippine National Police intelligence and investigative elements shall serve as
support agencies for the Council.

The Council shall formulate and adopt comprehensive, adequate, efficient, and
effective anti-terrorism plans, programs, and counter-measures to suppress and
eradicate terrorism in the country and to protect the people from acts of terrorism.
Nothing herein shall be interpreted to empower the Anti-Terrorism Council to
exercise any judicial or quasi-judicial power or authority.

SEC. 54.Functions of the Council. In pursuit of its mandate in the previous Section,
the Council shall have the following functions with due regard for the rights of the
people as mandated by the Constitution and pertinent laws:

1. Formulate and adopt plans, programs and counter-measures against terrorists

and acts of terrorism in the country;

2. Coordinate all national efforts to suppress and eradicate acts of terrorism in the
country and mobilize the entire nation against terrorism proscribed in this Act;


3. Direct the speedy investigation and prosecution of all persons accused or

detained for the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism and other
offenses punishable under this Act, and monitor the progress of their cases;

4. Establish and maintain comprehensive data-base information systems on

terrorism, terrorist activities, and counter-terrorism operations;

5. Freeze the funds property, bank deposits, placements, trust accounts, assets and
records belonging to a person suspected of or charged with the crime of terrorism or
conspiracy to commit terrorism, pursuant to Republic Act No. 9160 otherwise known
as the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001, as amended;

6. Grant monetary rewards and other incentives to informers who give vital
information leading to the apprehension, arrest, detention, prosecution, and
conviction of person or persons who are liable for the crime of terrorism or
conspiracy to commit terrorism;

7. Establish and maintain coordination with and the cooperation and assistance of
other nations in the struggle against international terrorism; and

8. Request the Supreme Court to designate specific divisions of the Court of Appeals
and regional trial courts in Manila, Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro City, as the case
may be, to handle all cases involving the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism and all matters incident to said crimes. The Secretary of Justice shall
assign a team of prosecutors from: (a) Luzon to handle terrorism cases filed in the
regional trial court in Manila; (b) from the Visayas to handle cases filed in Cebu City;
and (c) from Mindanao to handle cases filed in Cagayan de Oro City.

SEC. 55.Role of the Commission on Human Rights. The Commission on Human

Rights shall give the highest priority to the investigation and prosecution of violations
of civil and political rights of persons in relation to the implementation of this Act; and
for this purpose, the Commission shall have the concurrent jurisdiction to prosecute
public officials, law enforcers, and other persons who may have violated the civil and
political rights of persons suspected of, accused of, or detained for the crime of
terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism.

SEC. 56.Creation of a Grievance Committee. There is hereby created a Grievance

Committee composed of the Ombudsman, as chair, and the Solicitor General, and
an undersecretary from the Department of Justice (DOJ), as members, to receive
and evaluate complaints against the actuations of the police and law enforcement
officials in the implementation of this Act. The Committee shall hold office in Manila.

The Committee shall have three (3) subcommittees that will be respectively headed
by the Deputy Ombudsmen in Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. The
subcommittees shall respectively hold office at the Offices of Deputy Ombudsmen.
Three (3) Assistant Solicitors General designated by the Solicitor General, and the
regional prosecutors of the DOJ assigned to the regions where the Deputy
Ombudsmen hold office shall be members thereof. The three (3) subcommittees
shall assist the Grievance Committee in receiving, investigating and evaluating
complaints against the police and other law enforcement officers in the


implementation of the Act. If the evidence warrants it, they may file the appropriate
cases against the erring police and law enforcement officers. Unless seasonably
disowned or denounced by the complainants, decisions or judgments in the said
cases shall preclude the filing of other cases based on the same cause or causes of
action as those that were filed with the Grievance Committee or its branches.

SEC. 57.Ban on Extraordinary Rendition. No person suspected or convicted of the

crime of terrorism shall be subjected to extraordinary rendition to any country unless
his or her testimony is needed for terrorist related police investigations or judicial
trials in the said country and unless his or her human rights, including the right
against torture, and right to counsel, are officially assured by the requesting country
and transmitted accordingly and approved by the Department of Justice.

SEC. 58.Extra-Territorial Application of this Act. Subject to the provision of an

existing treaty of which the Philippines is a signatory and to any contrary provision of
any law of preferential application, the provisions of this Act shall apply: (1) to
individual persons who commit any of the crimes defined and punished in this Act
within the terrestrial domain, interior waters, maritime zone, and airspace of the
Philippines; (2) to individual persons who, although physically outside the territorial
limits of the Philippines, commit, conspire or plot to commit any of the crimes defined
and punished in this Act inside the territorial limits of the Philippines; (3) to individual
persons who, although physically outside the territorial limits of the Philippines,
commit any of the said crimes on board Philippine ship or Philippine airship; (4) to
individual persons who commit any of said crimes within any embassy, consulate, or
diplomatic premises belonging to or occupied by the Philippine government in an
official capacity; (5) to individual persons who, although physically outside the
territorial limits of the Philippines, commit said crimes against Philippine citizens or
persons of Philippine descent, where their citizenship or ethnicity was a factor in the
commission of the crime; and (6) to individual persons who, although physically
outside the territorial limits of the Philippines, commit said crimes directly against the
Philippine government.

SEC. 59.Joint Oversight Committee. There is hereby created a Joint Oversight

Committee to oversee the implementation of this Act.

The Oversight Committee shall be composed of five (5) members each from the
Senate and the House in addition to the Chairs of the Committees of Public Order of
both Houses who shall also Chair the Oversight Committee in the order specified
herein. The membership of the Committee for every House shall at least have two
(2) opposition or minority members. The Joint Oversight Committee shall have its
own independent counsel.

The Chair of the Committee shall rotate every six (6) months with the Senate
chairing it for the first six (6) months and the House for the next six (6) months. In
every case, the ranking opposition or minority member of the Committee shall be the
Vice Chair.

Upon the expiration of one year after this Act is approved by the President, the
Committee shall review the Act particularly the provisions that authorize the
surveillance of suspects of or persons charged with the crime of terrorism. To that


end, the Committee shall summon the police and law enforcement officers and the
members of the Anti-Terrorism Council and require them to answer questions from
the members of Congress and to submit a written report of the acts they have done
in the implementation of the law including the manner in which the persons
suspected of or charged with the crime of terrorism have been dealt with in their
custody and from the date when the movements of the latter were subjected to
surveillance and his or her correspondences, messages, conversations and the like
were listened to or subjected to monitoring, recording and tapping.

Without prejudice to its submitting other reports, the Committee shall render a semi-
annual report to both Houses of Congress. The report may include where necessary
a recommendation to reassess the effects of globalization on terrorist activities on
the people, provide a sunset clause to or amend any portion of the Act or to repeal
the Act in its entirety.

The courts dealing with anti-terrorism cases shall submit to Congress and the
President a report every six (6) months of the status of anti-terrorism cases that have
been filed with them starting from the date this Act is implemented.

SEC. 60.Separability Clause. If for any reason any part or provision of this Act is
declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other parts or provisions hereof which are
not affected thereby shall remain and continue to be in full force and effect.

SEC. 61.Repealing Clause. All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules or

regulations or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby
repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

SEC. 62.Special Effectivity Clause. After the bill shall have been signed into law by
the President, the Act shall be published in three (3) newspapers of national
circulation; three (3) newspapers of local circulation, one each in Ilocos Norte,
Baguio City and Pampanga; three (3) newspapers of local circulation, one each in
Cebu, Iloilo and Tacloban; and three (3) newspapers of local circulation, one each in
Cagayan de Oro, Davao and General Santos City.

The title of the Act and its provisions defining the acts of terrorism that are punished
shall be aired everyday at primetime for seven (7) days, morning, noon and night
over three (3) national television and radio networks; three (3) radio and television
networks, one each in Cebu, Tacloban and Iloilo; and in five (5) radio and television
networks, one each in Lanao del Sur, Cagayan de Oro, Davao City, Cotabato City
and Zamboanga City. The publication in the newspapers of local circulation and the
announcements over local radio and television networks shall be done in the
dominant language of the community.

After the publication required above shall have been done, the Act shall take effect
two (2) months after the elections are held in May 2007.

Thereafter, the provisions of this Act shall be automatically suspended one month
before and two months after the holding of any election.









ACCUSED. Any military personnel who are charged with a specific offense.

ACCUSER. Is any person subject to military law who initiates and signs charges
and specifications under oath stating that either he has personal knowledge or has
investigated, the matters set forth herein and that the same are true in fact, to the
best of his knowledge and belief.

ALLOTTEE. The person or dependents to whom the allotment is being paid.

ALLOTTER. The person who makes the allotment.

ARREST IN QUARTERS. Restriction imposed by competent authorities limiting

the freedom of movement of an accused to his place of abode during the pendency
of a case.

CHARGES. It applied to the formal written accusation against a person charge of

an offense.

CLASS E ALLOTMENT. Refers to a definite portion of the pay of an officer or

enlisted personnel in the active service of the AFP which is authorize to be paid his

COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY. Refers to the accountability or responsibility or

answerability of the commander of a Military Force or Unit for the acts of his men,
inclusive of the authority to order, direct, to prevent or control the acts of his men.
(People v. Lucero, et al, GR No. 64323-24, 31 May 1991.)

COMMANDERS. Refers to the Following: Major Service Commanders, Area

Commanders, Division Commanders, Brigade Commanders, Battalion
Commanders, Company Commanders, Platoon Leaders and Detachment
commanders and their equivalent in the PN, PAF and AFPWSSUs.

COMMITMENT ORDER. Is an order issued by competent authority for the

detention of a person charge with a crime or offense punishable under the Articles of

CONDUCT UNBECOMING. Any action or behavior of an officer in an official or

private capacity which brings dishonor or disgrace either to his positions as an officer
or to his individuality as a gentleman.

CONFINEMENT. Refers to the restriction of freedom of movement including the

curtailment of certain privileges as determine by competent authority.

COURT OF INQUIRY. Is a quisi-judicial body convened by the President or Chief

of Staff upon request by the officer or soldier whose conduct is to be inquired in to for
the purpose of investigating or looking into the nature of any transaction or
imputation against or involving said officer or soldier.


DEPENDENTS. The lawful wife, unmarried children, dependent father or mother or

such dependent who may have designated in the official records of the Adjutant
General, AFP or the Major Service concerned.

DETAINEE. Any military personnel who is under detention or placed in

confinement by the military authorities pursuant to AW 70 while under investigation
for a crime or offense punishable under the Articles of War, AFP Rules and
Regulations or any law applicable to military personnel.

DROPPED CASES. It is a disposition laid down by an investigating officer of a

complaint filed before it and declaring the same as dropped because of but not
limited to the following instances: (1) Lack of jurisdiction; (2) Lack of sufficient
evidence; (3) Charges are unfounded or lack of legal basis; and (4) The case is
clearly resolved.

EXORBITANT INTEREST RATE. Any required periodic payment added to or

computed in reference to the actual value of cash borrowed which amounted to more
than 5% per month.

MINOR OFFENSES. Whether or not an offense may be considered as minor

depends upon its nature, the time and place of its commission, the persons
committing it and other circumstances surrounding its commission. The term
includes derelictions not involving moral turpitude, or any greater degree of
criminality than is involved in the average offense tried by summary court-martial.

MISBEHAVIOR BEFORE THE ENEMY. It includes acts of cowardice, willful

violation of orders, gross negligence, inefficiency, treason or treachery or it may
consist of a culpable failure to do a duty while before the enemy.

MORAL TURPITUDE. - Is anything done contrary to justice, honesty, principle or

good morals; an act of baseless or depravity in the private or social duties which a
man owes to his fellowman, or to society, in general; contrary to the accepted and
customary rule of right and duty between man and man. Everything done contrary to
justice, honesty, modesty, or good morals is done with turpitude. In re Asada, 60
Phil. 915. Examples: Illegal marriage, abduction with consent, estafa, attempted
bribery, perjury, extortion, theft, adultery, arson, attempt to evade income tax,
blackmail, smuggling, trafficking in opium, trespass to dwelling, libel, seduction under
promise of marriage

MUTINY Is defined as concerted insubordination or concerted opposition, defiance

of, or resistance to, lawful military authority by two or more persons subject to such
authority, with the intent to usurp, subvert, or override such authority or neutralize it
for the time being.

PENDING CASE. For all intent and purposes, an administrative case is considered
pending when: (1) a criminal case has been filed before any court of law or General
Court Martial; (2) an administrative case has been filed before the Efficiency
Separation Board; and (3) a case is under investigation pursuant to Circular 17,
GHQ, AFP dated 02 October 1987, in case of an enlisted personnel.


RELEASE. The discharge of the detainee(s) from custody or confinement pursuant

to a valid order.

RESOLVED CASE. The case has been decided by competent authority.

SEDITION. Is a form of resistance to the civil power demonstrated by riot or

aggravated disorder, likely not against military superior.

TECHNICAL ARREST. The taking into custody of military personnel in order that
he may be bound to answer for the commission of an offense He/She is allowed to
move only within specific limits/areas.




ACU - Army Correctional Unit

ADC - Area Damage Control
AFP - Armed Forces of the Philippines
AFPCIG - Armed Forces of the Philippines Counter-Intelligence
AFPWSSUs - Armed Forces of the Philippines Wide Service Support
APM - Army Provost Marshal
ASO - Area Security Operation
AW - Articles of War
CHR - Commission on Human Rights
CSAFP - Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines
CI - Civilian Internee
CIDU - Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit
COA - Commission on Audit
DAPM - Deputy Army Provost Marshal
DC - Dislocated Civilians
DLO - Discipline Law and Order
DLOCC - Discipline Law and Order Clearance Certificate
DLOCS - Discipline Law and Order Clearance System
DND - Department of National Defense
DO - Disbursing Officer
EPW - Enemy Prisoners of War
ESB - Efficiency Separation Board
ETA - Expected Time of Arrival
FSU - Finance Service Unit
GCM - General Courts Marshal
GHQ - General Headquarters
HPA - Headquarters Philippine Army
IDU - Installation Correctional Unit
IGS - Inspector General Service
IRU - Interment and Resettlement Operation
JAGS - Judge Advocate General Service
LO - Law and Order
LOC - Lines of Communication
MMS - Maneuver and Mobility Support
MP - Military Police
MSR - Main Supply Route
MVRI - Military Vehicle Registration and Insurance
MWDU - Military Working Dog Unit
OESPA - Office of the Ethical Standard and Public Accountability
OTPMG - Office of the Provost Marshal General
NCO - Non - Commission Officer
OIC - Officer-In-Charge
OTAG - Office of the Adjutant General
PAMPS - Philippine ArmyMilitaryPoliceSchool
PIO - Police Intelligence Operations


PM - Provost Marshal
PMG - Provost Marshal General
PDs - Prisoners/Detainees
SND - Secretary of National Defense
SOP - Standing Operating Procedure
TCF - Tactical Control Force
TDCS - The Deputy Chief of Staff
TPMG - The Provost Marshal General


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