Gait Phase-Based Control For A Rotary Series Elastic Actuator Assisting The Knee Joint
Gait Phase-Based Control For A Rotary Series Elastic Actuator Assisting The Knee Joint
Gait Phase-Based Control For A Rotary Series Elastic Actuator Assisting The Knee Joint
Kyoungchul Kong
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sogang University,
Seoul, Korea 121-742
Masayoshi Tomizuka
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720
Preliminary Works
2.1 A Rotary Series Elastic Actuator (RSEA). A rotary series elastic actuator (RSEA) has been proposed for assisting
human motions [5]. The RSEA consists of a dc motor, a torsional
spring, and two encoders each on the human side and the motor
side. The torsional spring is used to generate the desired torque,
and acts as an energy buffer between the actuator and the human
joint. The similar approaches are shown in [14], where they
applied a linear spring for the same purpose. Since a linear spring
requires torque arms for generating torque, a torsional spring is
directly installed between the human joint and the motor in the
design of the RSEA. The position of the dc motor is controlled to
have the proper spring deflection such that the RSEA generates
the desired torque precisely. The overall design of the RSEA is
shown in Fig. 1, and the details are given [5].
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Table 1
a2 Nm
a3 Nm=rads1
1:509 100
9:572 101
1:414 101
Coefficient (unit)
Fig. 1
2.2 Identification of Motor Resistive Torque. The actuating torque is generated by a geared dc motor in the RSEA. Geared
motors have been widely used in pHRI applications due to their
great controllability and flexibility, but nonlinear resistive torque
introduced by a gear reducer makes the accurate generation of the
desired torque difficult. The resistive torque is undesirable characteristics for pHRI actuators since a human has to make an additional effort to overcome the resistive torque. Thus the resistive
torque should be compensated for improved pHRI.
The measured resistive torque in the RSEA is shown in Fig. 2.
In an ideal case the resistive torque should be zero regardless of
the angular velocity when the control input is zero (labeled Target
in Fig. 2). However, due to the friction force, there is the resistive
torque in actual device (labeled Actual in Fig. 2). Note that the
magnitude of the bias force is so large that the motor rotates even
under zero control input. This phenomenon often occurs in applications of dc motors. The discontinuity at zero angular velocity
represents the Coulomb friction force.
The resistive torque shown Fig. 2 is modeled as follows:
sresistive a1 a2 sgnh_M a3 h_M
3.1 System Modeling. A schematic diagram of the RSEA installed on a human joint is depicted in Fig. 3. IM is the inertia of
the motor, and hM and hH are the angles of the motor and the
human joint, respectively. sM represents the motor torque, and
sresistive is the resistive torque. The motor and the human joint are
connected via a torsional spring with spring constant k, and the
controlled output is the spring torque which is proportional to the
spring deflection, i.e., the difference between the motor and the
human joint angle.
The following relations are obtained from Fig. 3 by applying
Newtons law and Hookes law,
IM hM sM t khH hM sresistive
x1 u
y x1
3.2 Feedback Linearization. The feedback linearization
control technique algebraically transforms a nonlinear system into
a linear one such that linear control methods can be applied [7,8].
The nonlinearities in the system are canceled by the feedback linearization control input; thus the closed-loop dynamics is in a linear form. To define the control law for the feedback linearization
controller, the output y is differentiated until the control input u
appears. In case of the system in (3), the control input u appears in
the second derivative of y, which means the relative degree of the
system is two.
y_ x_1 x2
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
y x_ 2
x1 u
hH v
Note that the human joint angle hH appears in the feedback linearization control law. This contributes to compensation of the
human factors imposed on the motor side. However, there are
drawbacks in feedback linearization such as (1) it requires accurate model parameters, and (2) there exists internal dynamics if
the relative degree is smaller than the dimension of the system.
The internal dynamics is problematic if it is unstable. The internal
dynamics does not exist in the present problem, since the relative
degree is equal to the dimension of the system. The requirement
of an exact model; however, may cause problems in actual implementation since there is always modeling inaccuracy in the nominal model.
3.3 Robustness Enhancement by Sliding Mode Control. The
drawback of the feedback linearization control, i.e., the requirement of accurate model parameters, can be overcome by sliding
mode control. Sliding mode control deals with modeling uncertainty by applying additional terms to a nominal model [7,8]. In
this section, the design of a typical sliding mode controller for the
system in (3) is reviewed briefly.
Given the spring deflection E hM hH , the error between the
actual and the desired deflection and its derivative are defined as
e E Ed hM hH hMd hH hM hMd
e_ h_M h_Md
u kh_M h_Md
f x CEx bxu
Journal of Medical Devices
f x
x1 x2 sgnx2 hH hMd
CEx kh_M h_Md
b b^ Db
f^x CEx K sgnS
Then K can be given by
The control law in (21) with K in (24) always satisfies the condition in (12). Note that once S 0 is achieved, the error et converges to zero for any k > 0 and 1=k is the time constant of the
error convergence. However, since the control law is discontinuous across the sliding surface S 0, it introduces chattering,
which is not desirable in general. In particular, the noise and
vibration caused by the chattering phenomenon are not desirable
in the pHRI application.
3.4 Gait Phase-Based Smoothed Sliding Mode Control. To
reduce the chattering phenomenon in the sliding mode control, a
saturation function shown in Fig. 4 is often applied instead of a
signum function [7,8]. The boundary layer of the saturation function can be considered as the extended sliding surface of the
signum function S 0. Outside of the boundary layer, the control
law is chosen to satisfy the condition in (9), which guarantees that
the boundary layer is attractive [7]. In the boundary layer, the discontinuous control activity is replaced by a continuous control.
The signum function used in (21) can be thought that the thickness
of the boundary layer is zero.
SEPTEMBER 2011, Vol. 5 / 031010-3
Fig. 4
Saturation function, sat(U
f^x CEx K sat
By applying the saturation function instead of the signum function, the chattering phenomenon can be decreased, but the tracking performance is deteriorated. By adjusting the thickness of the
boundary layer, the chattering phenomenon and the tracking error
can be traded off. That is, if the thickness of the boundary layer is
close to zero, then the controller acts like the sliding mode controller with a signum function, which shows more chattering and
less tracking error. On the contrary, if the thickness of the boundary layer is large, then the chattering phenomenon disappears but
the tracking performance is much deteriorated.
The torque output of the RSEA s is generated by the spring
deflection between the motor and the human joint, i.e.,
s khM hH
Note that the desired motor angle is dependent on the human joint
angle as in (27) since the appropriate spring deflection is required
to generate the desired torque. When the human joint moves fast
with a large angle change, the desired motor angle trajectory is
also large and changes fast, which makes the tracking error large.
To decrease the tracking error without chattering phenomenon,
the thickness of the boundary layer needs to be adjusted according
to human motion.
In this paper, the RSEA is installed on the knee joint and the
thickness of the boundary layer is changed according to two major
gait phases, i.e., swing and stance phases. In the swing phase, the
movement of the knee joint is large and fast, which makes the
tracking error large. On the contrary, the knee hardly moves in the
stance phase. Thus the boundary layer is set thinner in the swing
phase than in the stance phase as shown Fig. 5 to decrease the torque error without the chattering phenomenon. The actual value of
the thickness of the boundary layer in each phase, USW and UST ,
is adjusted manually since discomfort feeling caused by the chattering phenomenon and tracking error must both be considered.
Also the boundary layer is changed smoothly as shown in Fig. 5
to avoid discomfort feeling when the thickness of the boundary
layer is changed.
031010-4 / Vol. 5, SEPTEMBER 2011
Fig. 7
Fig. 9
algorithm in each phase are calculated, and the values are shown
in Table 2. The rms values of the torque error in the stance phase
for the fixed boundary layer and the varying boundary layer are
almost the same since the thickness of the boundary layer is the
same, but the rms values of the torque error in the swing phase is
significantly decreased by reducing the thickness of the boundary layer.
This work was supported by National Science Foundation
(NSF) Grant CMMI-0800501.
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