Steels: Ii Beng (Hons) Mech Eng (Well Eng) Metallurgy & Manufacturing Science
Steels: Ii Beng (Hons) Mech Eng (Well Eng) Metallurgy & Manufacturing Science
Steels: Ii Beng (Hons) Mech Eng (Well Eng) Metallurgy & Manufacturing Science
Meals and alloys have many useful engineering properties and so have widespread
applications in engineering designs. Iron and its alloys (mainly steel) account for about
90% of the worlds production of metals mainly because of their combination of good
strength, toughness and ductility at relatively low cost.
Alloys based on iron are called ferrous alloys, and those based on the other metals are
called non-ferrous alloys.
Ferrous Alloys
The term ferrous alloys is used for those alloys that contain iron as the main constituent,
non-ferrous alloys being those whose main element is any metal other than iron. Pure
iron is relatively soft material and is hardly of any commercial use in this state. Alloys of
iron, particularly with carbon are, however, very widely used, the percentage of carbon
alloyed with the iron having a profound effect on the properties of the alloy.
Temperature 0C
% Volume change
, Body centered
, Face centered
1400 1600
The BCC structure of ferrite is formed by iron atoms of diameter 0.256 nm. Between
these atoms are interstitial sites, which can accommodate atoms in an octahedral site of
0.038 nm in diameter. Carbon atoms have diameters of 0.154 nm. To accommodate
carbon atoms in alpha ferrite in such sites at room temperature would require severe
distortion of the lattice. Because of this, carbon has limited has only very limited
solubility in ferrite. However, the interstitial sites increase in size as the temperature
increases and so more carbon can be accommodated at higher temperature.
Face-centered cubic structure of austenite has interstitial spaces, which can accommodate
atoms in an octahedral site up to 0.104 nm in diameter and in e tetrahedral site 0.056 nm
in diameter. Carbon atoms with their diameter of 0.154 nm can thus be accommodated
with some slight distortion of the lattice and thus there is a higher solubility in austenite
than in ferrite.
When iron containing carbon is cooled from austenite state to ferrite state, the reduction
in the solubility of carbon in iron means that some carbon must come out of solution.
This occurs by the formation of a compound between iron and carbon called cementite.
This has one carbon atom for every iron atoms; hence it is often referred to as iron
carbide, Fe3C.
This phase diagram is not a true equilibrium diagram since the compound Fe3C, which is
formed, is not a true equilibrium phase. Under certain conditions, Fe3C, which is called,
cementite, can decompose into the more stable phases of iron and carbon (graphite).
However, for most practical conditions Fe3C is very stable and will therefore be treated
as an equilibrium phase.
ferrite: This phase is an interstitial solid solution of carbon in the BCC iron
crystal lattice.
As indicated by the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram, carbon is only slightly
soluble in ferrite, reaching a maximum solid solubility of 0.02% at
7230C. the solubility of carbon in ferrite decreases to 0.005% at 00C.
Austenite (): The interstitial solid solution of carbon in -iron is called austenite.
Austenite has an FCC crystal structure and a much higher solid solubility for
carbon than ferrite. The solid solubility of carbon in austenite is a maximum of
2.08% at 11470C and decreases to 0.8% at 7230C.
Cementite (Fe3C): The intermetallic compound Fe3C is called cementite.
Cementite has Negligible solubility limits and a composition of 6.67% C and
93.3% Fe. Cementite is a hard and brittle compound.
ferrite: The interstitial solid solution of carbon in -iron is called ferrite. It has
a BCC crystal structure like ferrite but with a greater lattice constant. The
maximum solid solubility of carbon in ferrite is 0.09% at 14650C.
Invariant Reactions in the Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram
Peritectic Reaction: At the peritectic reaction point, liquid of 0.53% C combines with
ferrite of 0.09% C to form austenite of 0.17% C. This reaction, which occurs at 14950C,
can be written as
Liquid (0.53% C) + (0.09% C)
(0.17% C)
Liquid (4.3% C)
This reaction is not encountered in plain carbon steels because their carbon contents are
too low.
Eutectoid Reaction: At the eutectoid reaction point, solid austenite of 0.8% C produces
ferrite with 0.02% C and Fe3C (cementite) which contains 6.67% C. this reaction which
occurs at 7230C can be written as
austenite (0.8% C)
This eutectoid reaction, which takes place completely in the solid state, is important for
some of the heat treatments of plain carbon steels.
A plain carbon steel which contains 0.8% C is called a eutectoid steel since an alleutectoid structure of ferrite and Fe3C is formed when austenite of thus composition is
slowly cooled below the eutectoid temperature. If a plain carbon steel contains less than
0.8% C, it is termed a hypoeutectoid steel, and if the steel contains more than 0.8% C, it
is designated a hypereutectoid steel.
Further cooling to the eutectoid temperature or just below it will cause the entire structure
to transform from austenite to a lamellar structure of alternate plates of ferrite and
cementite. Just below the eutectoid temperature, a point b, the lamellar structure will
appear as shown in the figure below. This eutectoid structure is called pearlite since it
resembles mother of pearl. Since the
solubility of carbon in ferrite and Fe3C changes very little from 7230C to room
temperature, the pearlite structure will remain essentially unchanged in this temperature
This steel is slowly cooled to temperature b (as shown above), proeutectoid ferrite will
nucleate and grow mostly at the austenite grain boundaries. If this alloy is slowly cooled
from temperature b to c in above figure, the amount of proeutectoid ferrite formed will
continue to increase until about 50% of austenite is transformed. While the steel is
cooling from b to c, the carbon content of the remaining austenite will be increased from
0.4 to 0.8%. At 7230C, if very slow cooling conditions prevail, the remaining austenite
will transform isothermally into pearlite by the eutectoid reaction. The ferrite in the
pearlite is called eutectoid ferrite to distinguish it from the proeutectoid ferrite which
forms first above 7230C. The microstructure of 0.35% C hypoeutectoid steel, which was
austenitised and slowly cooled to room temperature, is shown below.
For steels cooled slowly from the austenite state up to the eutectoid composition, i.e. for
hypoeutectoid steels, the decreasing percentage of ferrite and the increasing percentage of
pearlite results in an increase in tensile strength and hardness. The ductility decreases, the
percentage elongation being a measure of this. For hypereutectoid steels, increasing the
amount of carbon decreases the percentage of pearlite and increases the percentage of
cementite. This increases the hardness but has little effect on the tensile strength, the
ductility also changes little.
Before we proceed to a discussion of specific types of steels, the general characteristics
of low, medium and high carbon steels can be noted:
Low carbon steels are soft, ductile ans easy to weld. Therefore they are
widely used for presswork, sheets and wires and for structural
applications for which welding should be easier.
Medium carbon steels are mainly used as machine components
because of high strength. Their mechanical properties can be altered
substantially by heat treatment and a combination of high strength with
sufficient ductility or toughness can be developed in them.
Therefore medium carbon steels components are almost always used
in heat-treated condition while low carbon steels are invariably
employed in the as-received i.e., hot rolled or cold rolled condition.
High carbon steels can develop very high strength and hardness. They
are always used in the heat-treated condition. Their main use is for
tools and dies, although 0.6% carbon steel is often used for rails.
The tensile strength and yield strength increase almost linearly with percentage of carbon.
The tensile strength increases from 275 MPa for 0.05% carbon steel to 830 MPa for 0.9%
carbon steel. Note that plain carbon steels are rarely used beyond 1% carbon, except for
certain tools. Brinell hardness varies from 90 BHN to 280 BHN for the same range. The
ductility decreases from 30% to 10%.
Effect of other Elements
We shall discuss why the amounts of Mn, Si, S and P are controlled in plain carbon steels
(these are called residual elements)
Manganese can combine with carbon forming Mn3C. This also increases the strength of
the steel at the expense of ductility. Therefore in most steels Mn rarely exceeds 2%.
Another important effect of Mn is to combine with sulphur forming manganese sulphide
(MnS) inclusions, which are ductile and most beneficial for machinability. For most
% Mn
weldable grades of steels the ratio
is maintained above 3 to avoid brittle fracture.
Silicon usually exists in steels up to 0.4%. With greater percentages the ductility is very
much reduced.
Sulphur is detrimental element in steel because it forms ferrous sulphide (FeS). The
sulphide is usually present along the grain boundaries in he structure. Because of this, the
steel becomes brittle at hot working temperature, for instance at rolling temperature
above 10000C. This is referred to as hot shortness.
Sulphur can be easily made harmless by allowing sufficient manganese to be present. In
this case MnS is formed which may pass into the slag or is present as uniformly
% Mn
distributed ductile inclusions in the structure. For this purpose the ratio
should be
greater than 3.
The sulphur content is usually maintained within 0.05% in most steels. In free cutting
resulphurised steels the sulphur percentage is in the range of 0.075 to .15%. in these
steels MnS inclusions are purposely allowed to form to improve machinability. They are
mainly used for manufacture of threaded components in automatic machines.
Phosphorous should be less than 0.05% in steels. Higher percentages increase strength
but reduce ductility and toughness at room temperature. This behaviour is called cold
For most weldable grades (%S + %P) should not be greater than 0.07%.
Classification of Plain-Carbon Steels and Typical Mechanical Properties
Plain carbon steels are most commonly designated by a four-digit AISI-SAE code. The
first two digits are 10 and indicate that the steel is plain carbon steel. The last two digits
indicate the nominal carbon content of the steel in hundredths of a percent. For example,
the AISI-SAE code number 1030 for steel indicates that the steel is a plain carbon steel
containing a nominal 0.30% carbon. All plain carbon steel contains manganese as an
alloying element to enhance strength. The manganese content of most plain carbon steels
ranges between 0.30 to 0.95%. Plain carbon steels also contain impurities of sulphur,
phosphorous, silicon and some other elements.
Typical mechanical properties of some AISI-SAE type plain carbon steels are listed in
the following table (next page). The very low cabon plain carbon steels have relatively
low strengths but very high ductilities. These steels are used for sheet material for
forming applications such as body panels for automobiles. As the carbon content of the
plain cabon steel is increased, the steels become stronger but less ductile. Medium carbon
steels (1020 1040) find application for shafts and gears. High carbon steels (1060
1095) are used, for example, for springs, die blocks, cutters and shear blades.
Plain carbon steels can be used successfully if the strength and other engineering
requirements are not too severe. These steels are relatively low in cost but have some
limitations, which include the following:
Plain carbon steels cannot be strengthened beyond about 690 MPa without a
substantial loss in ductility and impact resistance.
Medium carbon plain carbon steels must be quenched rapidly to obtain a fully
martensitic structure. Rapid quenching leads to possible distortion and cracking of
the heat-treated part.
Plain carbon steels have poor impact resistance at low temperature.
wt %
276 414
290 - 400
179 310
159 - 262
28 47
30 -45
Ion Nitriding
Plasma carburising
Electron beam hardening
Laser hardening
Purpose of Heat Treatment
The heat treatment processes serve the following purposes. They are
Microstructural Transformations
The iron-carbon phase diagram (page
) shows the phases that are present in ironcarbon alloys for a range of compositions at different temperatures if sufficient time is
allowed for all the movements of atoms by diffusion at any temperature to proceed to
completion. When an alloy is cooled, or heated, and a phase change occurs, a graph of
temperature against time shows a discontinuity. The temperatures at which such
discontinuities occur are known as arrest points or critical points.
Heating Curve
For example, for hypoeutectoid steel a critical temperature is 7230C, which marks the
transformation of the steel from ferrite plus pearlite structure to ferrite plus austenite.
This lower critical point (7230C) is denoted by A1 and is always used to denote the
transformation of the steel from a ferrite plus pearlitic structure to ferrite plus austenite.
The upper critical point on the figure is denoted by A3 and marks the transformation from
a ferrite plus austenite structure to just one of austenite. The figure below shows these
critical points on a simplified iron-carbon phase diagram.
% carbon
a hypereutectoid steel has two critical points, the lower critical point A1 marking the
transformation from a steel with a structure of ferrite plus cementite to cementite plus
austenite and the upper critical point Acm the transformation from the cementite plus
austenite structure to austenite.
Note that the values of critical points obtained from a heating curve differ slightly from
those given by a cooling curve, the cooling values being slightly greater than the heating
After being austenitised, the samples are hot quenched into a salt bath at 705 0C. After
about 6 minutes, coarse pearlite has formed to a small extend. After about 67 minutes, the
austenite is completely transformed to coarse pearlite.
By repeating the same procedure for the isothermal transformation of eutectoid steels at
progressively lower temperature, an isothermal transformation (IT) diagram can be
constructed, as shown below.
The S- shaped curve next to temperature axis indicates the time necessary for the
isothermal transformation of austenite to begin, and the second S-curve indicates the time
required for the transformation to be completed.
Isothermal transformations of eutectoid steels at temperatures between 7230C and 5500C
produce pearlitic microstructures. As the transformation temperature is decreased in this
range, the pearlite changes from a coarse to fine structure. Rapid quenching of eutectoid
steel from temperature above 7230C, where it is in the austenitic condition, transforms the
austenite into martensite, which is an hard constituent.
If eutectoid steels in the austenitic condition are hot quenched to temperatures in the 550
to 2500C range and are isothermally transformed, a structure intermediate between
pearlite and martensite, called bainite, is produced. Which has a non-lamellar eutectoid
structure of -ferrite and cementite. For eutectoid plain carbon steels, a distinction is
made between upper bainite, which is formed by isothermal transformation at
temperatures between about 550 to 3500C, and lower bainite, which is formed between
about 350 to 2500C. The figure below shows the electron micrographs of the
microstructure of upper and lower bainite respectively.
Upper bainite has large rod like cementite regions, whereas lower bainite has much finer
cementite particles. As the transformation temperature is decreased, the carbon cannot
diffuse as easily, and hence the lower bainite structure has smaller particles of cementite.
The CCT diagram transformation start and finish lines are shifted to longer times and
slightly lower temperatures in relation to isothermal diagram. Also there are no
transformation lines below about 4500C for the austenite to bainite transformation.
The above figure shows different rates of cooling for thin samples of eutectoid plain
carbon steels cooled continuously from austenitic region to room temperature. Cooling
curve A represents very slow cooling, such as would be obtained by shutting off the
power of an electric furnace and allowing the steel to cool as the furnace cools. The
microstructure in this case would be coarse pearlite. Cooling curve B represents more
rapid cooling, such as would be obtained by removing an austenitised steel from a
furnace and allowing the steel to cool in still air. A fine pearlitic microstructure is formed
in this case.
Cooling curve C starts with the formation of pearlite, but there is insufficient time to
complete the austenite to pearlite transformation. The remaining austenite that does not
transform to pearlite at the upper temperatures will transform to martensite at lower
temperatures starting at about 2200C. This type of transformation, since it takes place in
to steps, is called a split transformation. The microstructure of this steel will thus consist
of a mixture of pearlite and martensite. Cooling at a rate faster than curve E, which is
called the critical cooling rate, will produce a fully hardened martensitic structure. 2
The critical cooling rate depends on the form of the CCT diagram. The result of
decreasing the amount of carbon in plain carbon steel is to shift the nose of the diagram
to the left. This means that the critical cooling rate for 0.4 % C plain carbon steel is
higher than that for the 0.8% C plain carbon steel. The more the CCT / TTT diagram is
shifted to the left the faster the cooling rate needed to obtain a completely martensitic
structure. In fact, by about 0.3% C the TTT diagram has been shifted so far to the left that
he cooling rate is too fast to be achieved and so such steels cannot b hardened by
However, if elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum and manganese are added
to steel, the TTT nose is shifted to the right. This means that the critical cooling rate is
The above figure shows this, showing how the total percentage, up to about 7%, of these
alloying elements changes the TTT diagram. Thus it may be possible to use oil or salt
quenching rather than water quenching to achieve a fully martensitic structure. The
hardenability is said to have been improved.
It enhances machinability
+ Fe3C
+ Fe3C
% carbon
Process Annealing
In this process, the steel is heated to little below the critical temperatures, and held there
for prolonged duration. It is then cooled slowly which results in formation of pearlite.
Process annealing is often used during cold working processes with low carbon steels
(less than 0.3% C), where the material has to be made more ductile and stresses have to
be relieved for the process to continue. The process involves heating the steel to a
temperature 80 to 1700C below the A1 temperature (as shown in the figure below),
holding it at that temperature for a while and then allowing the material to cool in air.
This is faster rate of cooling than that employed with full annealing where the material is
cooled in the furnace. This process leads to recrystallisation. Prior to this treatment the
grains may have been deformed by the cold working process, afterwards a new grain
structure with no deformation. The effect of this treatment is to give a reduction in
hardness and an increase in percentage elongation. The effect of process annealing on the
properties of 0.15% plain carbon steel is given in the table below.
Hardness VHN
% Elongation
Cold Worked
Process Annealed
Spheroidising Annealing
When sub-critical annealing is applied to steels that have percentages of carbon greater
than 0.3%, the effect of the heating is to cause the cementite to assume spherical shapes
as shown blow.
Because of this, the process is referred to as Spheroidising annealing. The steel is heated
to about 300C below the A1 temperature as shown in the figure below, held there for
several hours to allow the cementite to change into spherical forms and then allowed to
cool, generally in the furnace. The result is spheroidal cementite in a matrix of ferrite and
a material, which is more machinable.
The term normalizing is used to describe an annealing process, which involves heating
steel to about 500C above the A3 temperature and then allowing the steel to cool in air.
The process is thus similar to full annealing but has a faster rate of cooling as shown.
It also differs from full annealing in that for hypoeutectoid steels the steel is cooled from
500 C above the Acm temperature.
The result of such a treatment is a ferrite and pearlite microstructure, the hardness and
strength being slightly greater than that, which would have occurred with full annealing.
The figure illustrates the effect on the properties of plain carbon steels of full annealing
and normalizing. The table below gives the properties of some plain carbon steels.
Austenising Tensile
Temperature Strength Strength elongation
Izod (J)
As rolled
As rolled
As rolled
There are many situations where the need for good wear or fatigue resistance may
indicate the need for a hard surface to a component while requirement for a tough
material with good resistance to impact failure would indicate the need for a soft, ductile
core. Various methods are used for surface hardening and are grouped into two
1. Selective heating of the surface layers, i.e. Surface Heat Treatment
The composition of steel to be surface hardened by selective heating has to be
chosen with certain criteria in mind. Before the surface treatment, the steel must
have its inner core with the right mechanical properties. These properties will be
unaffected by the surface treatment. The selective heating has to be able to change
the microstructure of the steel to austenite in a very short amount of time so that
only the surface is brought up to the autenising temperature. After the steel is
quenched, provided the steel has less than about 0.4% carbon, the surface
austenite changes to martensite and so the surface becomes harder.
2. Changing the Composition of the Surface Layers
The composition of the surface layers may be changed by increasing the carbon
content, this being termed carburizing, diffusing nitrogen into the surface to
produce hard nitrides, this being termed nitriding; or introducing both carbon and
nitrogen into the surface layers, carbonitriding or nitrocarburising.
The heating transforms the structure of the surface layers to austenite and the quenching
changes this austenite to martensite. The depth of hardening depends on the heat supplied
per unit surface area per unit time. Thus the faster the burner is moved over the surface,
the less the depth of hardening. The temperatures used in this method are typically of the
order of 8500C.or more, i.e. above A3 temperature.
Another method of selective heating is induction hardening. This method involves
placing the steel component within a coil through which a high frequency current is
passed as shown below.
The form of the induction coil depends on the shape of the component being hardened.,
also the size of area to be hardened. The alternating current induces another alternating
current to flow within the surface layers of the steel component, the induced electrical
currents heating the surface layers. The temperature so produced cause the surface layers
to change to austenite. When the surface has reached the austenising temperature, the
surface is sprayed with cold water to transform the austenite to martensite. The depth of
heating produced by this method, and hence the depth of hardening, is related to the
frequency of the alternating current used. The higher the frequency the less the hardened
Carburising involves changing the carbon content of the surface., followed by a
quenching process to convert the surface layers to martensite. This process is normally
carried out on a steel containing less than about 0.2% carbon., the carburising treatment
being used to give about 0.7 to 0.8% carbon in the surface layers. This wide difference in
carbon content is needed because the quenching process following the carburising will
affect both the inner core and the surface layers and the surface layers are to be converted
to martensite but the inner core remain soft and ductile.
There are a number of carburising methods. With pack carburising the steel component is
heated to above the A1 temperature while in a sealed metal box which contains
carburising medium, e.g. a carbon rich material such as charcoal and an energizer such as
barium carbonate. The oxygen present in the box reacts with the carbon to produce
carbon monoxide. This carbon rich atmosphere in contact with the hot steel results in
carbon diffusing into the surface austenite layers.
In gas carburising the component is heated above the A3 temperature in a furnace in an
atmosphere of carbon rich gas. The result is that carbon diffuses into the surface
austenitic layers. Gas carburising is the most widely used method of carburising.
Salt bath carburising, or cyaniding, involves heating the component in a bath of suitable
carbon rich salts. Sodium cyanide is mainly used. The carbon from the molten salt
diffuses into the component. In addition there is also diffusion of some nitrogen into the
component. Both carbon and nitrogen can result in a microstructure, which can be
hardened. This method tends to produce relatively thin, hardened layers with high carbon
content. This occurs because carburising takes place very quickly. One of the problems
with this method is the health and safety hazard posed by the poisonous cyanide. Another
problem is the removal of salt from the hardened component after treatment. This can be
particularly difficult with threaded parts and blind holes.
Carburising can result in the production of a large grain structure due to the time for
which the material is held at temperature in the austenitic state. Though the final product
may have a hard surface, there may be poor impact properties due to the large grain size.
A heat treatment might thus be used to refine the grains. Because the core and the surface
have different compositions a two-stage process is often used. The first stage involves a
heat treatment to refine the grains in the core. The component is heated to just above the
A3 temperature for the carbon content of the core.
For a core with 0.2% carbon, this is about 8700C. The component is then quenched in oil.
The result is a fine grain core, but the surface layers are rather coarse martensite. The
martensite is refined by heating to above the A1 temperature for the carbon content of the
surface layers. If the surface layers have 0.9% carbon, this is about 760 0C. The
component is then water quenched. The second stage treatment has little effect on the
core but refines the martensite in the outer layers. The treatment may then be followed by
a low temperature tempering, e.g. about 1500C, to relieve internal stresses produce by the
Nitriding involves changing the surface composition of steel by diffusing nitrogen into it
to produce hard nitride compounds. The process is used with those alloy steels that
contain elements that form stable nitrides, e.g. steels containing Al, Cr, Mo, W and V.
prior to the nitriding treatment the steel is hardened and tempered to the properties
required of the core. The tempering temperature does, however, need to be in the region
560 to 7500C. This is because the nitriding process requires a temperature up to 5300C
and this must not be greater than the tempering temperature as the nitriding process
would temper the steel and so change the properties of the core.
Unlike carburising nitriding is carried out at temperatures below the stable austenitic
state. The process consists of heating a component in an atmosphere of ammonia gas and
hydrogen, the temperature being of the order of 500 to 5300C. The time taken or the
nitrogen to react with the elements in the surface of the steel is often as much as 100 hrs.
The depth to which the nitrides are formed in the steel depends on the temperature and
the time allowed for the reaction. Even with such long times, the depth of hardening is
unlikely to exceed about 0.7 mm. After the treatment, the component is allowed to cool
slowly in he ammonia-hydrogen atmosphere. With most nitriding conditions, a thin white
layer of iron nitrides is formed on the surface of the component. This layer adversely
affects the mechanical properties of the steel being brittle and generally containing
cracks. It is therefore removed by mechanical means or chemical solutions.
Because with nitriding no quenching treatments are involved, cracking and distortion are
less likely than with the other surface hardening treatments. Very high surface hardnesses
can be obtained with special alloys. The hardness is retained at temperatures up to about
5000C, whereas that produced by carburising tends to decrease and the surface becomes
softer at temperatures of the order of 2000C. The capital cost of the plant is, however,
higher than that associated with pack carburising.
Temperatu Case
Main uses
810 - 1100 0.25 - 3 45 - 65
Low carbon and carburising alloy
steels. Large case depths, large
E.g. gear teeth, bearing surfaces
810 - 980
0.07 - 3 45 - 85
Low carbon and carburising alloy
steels. Large number of components
e.g. gear teeth, bearing surfaces
760 - 870
0.02 50 -60
Low carbon and low alloy steels
500 - 530
0.07 50 -70
Alloy steels. Lowest distortion
Eg. Pistons, valves, gauges, dies,
700 - 900
0.02 50 -60
Low carbon and low alloy steels
Eg. Gears, pulleys, screws, washers
850 - 1000 Up
to 55 - 65
0.4 to 0.7% carbon steels, selective
heating and hence hardening.
Eg. Gears, bearing surfaces
850 -1000 0.5 - 5
55 - 65
0.4 to 0.7% carbon steels, selective
heating and hence hardening.
Alloy Steels
The common alloying elements added to steel are
Cobalt etc
Of these some are capable of forming their own stable carbides with the carbon present in
Cr - ( Cr23 C6 , Cr7 C3 )
Mo - ( Mo6C , Mo23 C6 , MoC )
W - (WC)
V - (V4 C3 )
These elements are called carbide formers. If their carbides are formed, they impart high
strength at high temperatures, high hardness and wear resistance. Therefore tool steels
usually contain some of these elements.
Almost all alloying elements (with the exception of Co) dissolve in austenite in the solid
state and increase the hardenability. This is the main purpose of adding small amounts
(1 2%) of alloying elements in the case of low alloy steels. Further a careful selection of
alloy additions can reduce or eliminate the risk of quench cracking. Most of the alloying
elements make the steel resistant to softening during tempering, thereby resulting in a
combination of higher hardness and toughness.
Mn, Ni, Co and Cu increase the range of austenite stability, whereas Cr, W, Mo, V, and
Si increase the range of ferrite stability in the iron-carbon diagram.
We shall briefly consider specific effects of these alloying elements:
Manganese: Manganese removes harmful effect of sulphur. It also improves
hardenability. Hadfield (high Mn- high C) steel contains about 12 -14% Mn and
about 1% C. It is austenitic at room temperature on quenching from 10000C and is
soft in initial condition. Abrasion, wear and impact in service increase its hardness
from 200 VHN to 600 VHN. It is used in jaw crushers, stone crushers, rock drills.
Nickel: Ni is added to improve hardenability and toughness. Steels with 9% Ni
have a very low transition temperature and are used for low temperature
Cobalt: Co improves resistance to softening during tempering, bur decreases
Copper: Cu in small amounts (< 1%) improves resistance to atmospheric
Chromium: Cr is almost always added wherever resistance to abrasion and wear
is required. E.g., Ball bearings, dies, files, tools etc. Cr in general, improves
corrosion and oxidation resistance.
Tungsten: W improves high temperature strength; resistance to softening during
tempering. In expensive tool steels, W imparts hot hardness (high hardness at
elevated temperatures).
Molybdenum: Mo improves creep strength and oxidation resistance in steels used
foe steam turbine parts and boiler tubes. It is added to improve wear resistance
also. About 2% Mo reduces temper embrittlement brittleness induced by slow
cooling in the 400 6000C range in low alloy steels.
Vanadium: V in small amounts (0.5 2.0%) promotes fine grains and hot
Silicon: Si is mainly used as an alloying element (3-5%) for transformer steels, to
increase the electrical resistance and reduce the eddy current losses. Si is also
used with Mn for springs. Steels with Si and Cr are used for automobile valves.
Boron: Bo has been added in extremely small amounts (0.003-0.005%) to
increase hardenability significantly and thereby replace additions of costly
alloying elements.
Aluminium: Al is added primarily for deoxidation of molten steel and it also
restricts grain growth.
Often several alloying elements are used in conjunction. This we have Ni-Cr steels, NiCr-Mo steels, Cr-V steels (for high temperature valves), Si-Mn steels (for springs).
Tool Steels
The basic requirements for tool steels are
Wear resistance
Impact strength
Dimensional stability
Oxidation resistance
To meet these requirements, the tool steels have at least 0.6% carbon or more. The
inexpensive tool steels are plain carbon steels with 0.6 1.4% carbon. Since they do not
have alloying elements, they are hardened by water quenching. They are mainly used for
small tools, vises, saws etc.
Almost all other tool steels contain varying amounts of carbide forming elements such as
Mn, Cr, V, Mo and W. They are generally hardened by quenching in oil or simply
cooling in air (oil hardening and air hardening grades)
Special tool steels contain large percentages of alloying elements. Of these we shall
mention three types:
High Carbon high chromium steels: HCHC steels contain 1.5% to 2.0% C, 11 to
13% Cr and small amounts of V (less than 1%). They are chosen for dies such as
blanking dies, extrusion and wire drawing dies etc.
High Speed Steels: HSS contains 18%W 4%Cr 1%V. This was developed in
1900 by F.W. Taylor (father of scientific management) for high cutting speeds in
machine tools to withstand the high temperatures of the cutting point.
High speed steels can be used at cutting speed about twice as fast as carbon tool steels.
Cemented carbide tools can be used speeds five times as fast as high speed steels.
Stainless Steels
Stainless steels are by definition, steels containing more than 12% Cr. This is because a
minimum of 12% Cr is required for conferring sufficient corrosion resistance to steels by
forming a passive oxide film on the surface. Stainless steels are classified into three main
groups depending upon their crystal structure at room temperature:
Ferritic grade
Martensitic grade
Austenitic grade
Ferritic and martensitic grades contain mainly Cr and C. Ferritic grade typically has 16 to
25% Cr with about 0.1% C. on the other hand martensitic grades contain 0.3 to 1.0% C.
Martensitic grades are given heat treatment to obtain hard martensite. They are mostly
used for knives, scissors, cutlery, razor blades, surgical instruments, springs and
measuring instruments. A typical example is 13% Cr, 0.3% C steel. Ferritic grades cannot
be hardened but possess excellent corrosion resistance for chemical plants. They are
mainly used for chemical-reactor vessels and petrochemical plants.
Austenitic stainless steels retain the high temperature structure of austenite at room
temperature; this is made possible by the addition of certain alloying elements like Ni,
Mn or nitrogen. By adding about 8% Ni to a steel with 18% Cr (with very low C, about
0.1% or less) a typical austenitic stainless steel (18-8) was developed. The austenitic
structure improves the corrosion resistance in oxidising atmospheres. This type is also
resistant to corrosion by many organic acids and therefore widely used in food, dairy,
pharmaceutical industries. Our household utensils are of this grade. These are not
resistant to corrosion by chlorides and certain mineral acids.