Pestle of Nike
Pestle of Nike
Pestle of Nike
The focus should be on the macro environmental factors of Nike, as it is
aninternational organization, so consists of political, economics, society,
Political Analysis
Economic Analysis
Society Analysis
Since people are getting health conscious day by day, so I order to remainfit,
many of them join the fitness clubs. And joining fitness clubs mean
moredemand of the Nike products like shoes, etc. Nike has always been the
firstchoice of people when it comes to buy something sport/fitness related.
Onthe other hand Nike has failed to address the problems like that of
thecondition of labor and factory at different locations of the production in
Asia(Clancy, et. al., 2000). This has its negative effects on the Nike ad its
Technology Analysis
Nike very efficiently applies all the marketing and technology tactics.
It,mainly applies, marketing information systems to the economics
of innovation, differentiation, segmentation etc.So, in short with all these,
Nike has been able to maintain its name in the
market and its positing as well and w
orks effectively on its production andmarketing to boost up its sale.
Legal Analysis
Being a multinational, Nike has always maintained the business ethics. Ithas
always paid all due importance to remaining environment friendly.Legal
issues have been handled by Nike as per the surrounding they havebeen
operating in. Whenever any company enters a new country, it has to
worry about the existing laws and practices. Same is true for Nike.Whenever
Nike has entered a new region or country, the local trade andother laws have
marked an impact over the way things are done at Nike.Nike however has
always believed in staying away from problems. Everytime they have
entered a new country, they have done so after checkingthe local laws in
detail. If in case the regional laws are totally against whatNike can offer, they
have opted to stay out of trouble. For example, thegovernment policies with
regard to foreign investment and franchisebusiness are different in the
developed world and the under developedworld. Nike has always paid
attention to this issue. In case the governmentis too friendly or too strict with
them, they have preferred to take one step ata time.