Diez 1993

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JTTEE5 2:165-172


The Influence of Powder Agglomeration

Methods on Plasma Sprayed Yttria Coatings
P. Diez and R.W. Smith

Among commercially available powders for plasma spraying, precipitation-calcined processed (PCP)
powders have not been used due to the presence of agglomerates, which produce coatings with closed
pores. This investigation studied the behavior of PCPaggiomerates during plasma spraying. Two PCFyttria powders were selected and air plasma sprayed. Splat morphology and coating microstructure were
characterized under various conditions of plasma parameters (i.e., plasma jet enthalpy, nozzle design,
spraying distance). A model for agglomerate behavior on impact is proposed to explain microstructural
variations and to enable the development of spray parameters that yield dense coatings.

1. Introduction
In the manufacture of engineered plasma sprayed ceramic coatings, characteristics of the starting powder are critical. As recently reported,Ill powder characteristics have a significant influence on the final properties of the coating. Commercially
available powders are processed by different routes, each yielding specific powder characteristics. The most commonly used
ceramic powders in plasma spraying are

Fused and crushed." produced by the crushing of a sintered


Agglomerated: resulting from the agglomeration of small

PCP powders have seldom been used in plasma processing

because this process yields a more dispersed particle size distribution, irregular particle shapes, and a large degree of interpartide agglomeration. Despite the low cost of PCP powders, these
drawbacks have limited their use because they cannot be used to
plasma spray dense coatings, The purpose of this work was to
demonstrate that the plasma spraying process is flexible enough
to produce coatings with acceptable density levels (>90%) regardless of the starting powder. PCP yttria (Y203) powders were
selected, and plasma-sprayed coating microstructural variations
were studied as a function of process parameters (i.e., nozzle,
plasma enthalpy, spraying distance, etc.).

particulate material with an organic binder (spray dry process)

2. Experimental Procedure

Agglomerated and sintered: resulting from the spray dry

Two PCP powders were selected for this study. Each was
characterized for mean diameter, size distribution, and particle
morphology, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation and laser-scattering measurements (MicrotraC M). Size
distribution results obtained with each measurement technique
were compared. The relevance of this comparison was reported
in a previous work, I4] in that a powder composed of weak agglomerates exhibited an apparent mean particle diameter measured by MicrotraO 'M much lower than the one measured by
SEM observation. This experimental evidence resulted from the
breakup of agglomerates caused by the turbulent aqueous media
used for particle dispersion in the Microtrac TM measurement
technique. A significant difference between the two measuremerit techniques was therefore considered as an indication of the
mechanical strength of the agglomerates.
The next step consisted of an investigation of splat and coating microstmcture with each powder. Spraying was performed
at atmospheric pressure in air. The powder carrier gas flow rate
was selected to achieve optimum coating substrate targeting and
a uniform spraying pattern,
The following plasma processing parameters were varied
(Table 1):

process followed by a densification step

Optimization of plasma process parameters with such powders to yield coatings with acceptable properties is well documented.121 However, another less common form of ceramic
oxide powder derived from the precipitation-calcination process (PCP powder) is less well understood. PCP powder production, for any yttria powder, consists of the following steps:

Dissolution of an organic compound in yttrium-bearing solution (for example urea in yttrium nitrate)D]

Precipitation of yttrium-bearing organic compound, called

the precursor (for example yttrium hydroxycarbonate, see
Ref 3)

Precursor calcination in air, which transforms the yttrium

compound into yttrium oxide powder

Keywords: agglomeration,microstructure, morphotogy,optimization, powderprocessing, splat structure, yttria powders

P, Diez, Comurhex-Pierrelatte, BP 29, 26701 Pierrelatte Codex;and R.W.
Smith, Center for Plasma Processing of Materials, Drexel University,
Dept. of Materials Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Nozzle design: Two types of nozzles were used. One was

equipped with downstream injection powder ports (EPI TM

120), whereas the other (EPI TM 093) had upstream injec-

Volume 2(2) June 1993---165

Table 1 Plasma processing parameters used to spray PCP powders in current study
A1 .........
A2 .........
A3 .........
A4 .........
A5 .........
A6 .........
A7 .........
A8 .........
A9 .........
AI0 ........
AI 1........
B 1..........
B2 ..........
B3 ..........
B4 ..........
B5 ..........

EPI (a)

residence time

Plasma gas composition and flow rates

Argon, sim
Hydrogen, slm


Plasma enthalpy,
29.9 (medium)
29.9 (medium)
18.2 (low)
24.1 (low)
29.9 (medium)
29.9 (medium)
33.2 (high)
33.2 (high)
21.4 (low)
26 (medium)
34.4 (high)
33.1 (high)
14.3 (low)
18.8 (low)
29.9 (medium)
33.8 (high)
33.8 (high)

Spraying distance,
7.5 (short)
7.5 (short)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
10 (long)
10 (long)
10 (long)
10 (long)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
8.75 (medium)
7.5 (short)
10 (long)

(a) Electro-Plasma Inc,, Irvine, CA.

tion powder ports. This latter nozzle was designed to provide a longer particle residence time in the hotter part of the
plasma jet.

Plasma j e t enthalpy: Defined as the following ratio: [5]

Enthalpy (J/l) = power (W) x thermal efficiency (%)/arc gas
flow rate (l/s)
Plasma jet enthalpy was varied by using argon/hydrogen
plasma gas mixtures of different composition ratios and by
varying the arc current, yielding low (<22 kJ/l) to medium (22
to 32 kJ/l) and high (>32 kJ/l) enthalpy levels. Thermal efficiency was assumed constant (65%) for the set of parameters

Spraying distance: See Table 1.

The splat and coating characterization steps consisted of
evaluation of splat degree of melting by SEM observation of
splats on glass slides, optical microscope observation of coating
density on as-polished coatings, and optical microscope and
SEM observation of coating microstructure.
As-polished coating cross sections were etched by immersion in phosphoric acid to reveal boundaries between splats or
particles. Fully melted particles spread to form disc-like splats,
which appeared as lamellae in cross section. Unmelted or resolidified particles spread to a lesser extent, because they have a
higher apparent viscosity, and remained as conical bulky splats
or spherical particles in coating cross sections. These observations enabled the degree of particle melting for specific plasma
conditions to be assessed.

Bin. In addition, the particle size distribution was broader for

powder A ( 10 to 100 [am) than for powder B (10 to 60 [am). SEM
powder morphology characterization (Fig. 1 and 2) showed that
both powders were agglomerates of cubic crystallites of about 5
to 10 [am size for powder B and 10 to 20 [am for powder A. These
primary crystallites were dense and often connected to form agglomerates as large as 100 [am. The largest agglomerates were
composed of sufficient primary crystallites to form a closed
structure with some degree of inner porosity. Both powders
yielded laser-scattering size measurements consistent with both
the SEM observation and the results reported by the powder producer. The agglomerates of powders A and B were considered
mechanically stable.

3. Results
3.1 Powder Characterization

Both powders were produced by similar processes and differed only in size distribution. The mean diameter (dm) of powder A was 51 [am, whereas powder B had a mean diameter of 34

166---Volume 2(2) June 1993

3.2 Splat Characterization

Microscopic observation of splats collected on glass slides

provided information on powder behavior in the plasma jet.
Splat diameters were found to be the same order of magnitude as
the initial powder diameter. Such results were compared to observations made in a previous work 14] with a powder composed
of weak agglomerates. In this case, in-flight agglomerate breakdown created splat diameters one order of magnitude lower than
the initial powder diameter. In the present investigation, powders A and B exhibited the opposite behavior. Hence, it was concluded that these agglomerates were mechanically stable in the
plasma jet.
Splats were bulky in shape (as shown in Fig. 3a). A m o n g
bulky, partially solid splats, resolidified particles of various
sizes, often with a hollow core, and partially melted particles
were observed (Fig. 3a). The degree of melting for each particle
was found to increase with increased plasma enthalpy and for
the nozzle design that induced a higher particle residence time
in the jet core (i.e., E P F M 093). The degree of particle melting
was higher for powder B (smaller crystallites and agglomerate
sizes) than for powder A (see powder B splats in Fig. 3b).

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

bulky partially solid splat

Fig. 1 SEM topography of PCP powder showingagglomerateof cubic




Fig. 3(a) Typical topography of plasma deposited yttria surfaces

showing splat structuresof PCP powder A (dm= 51 gm).

Fig. 2 PCPagglomerate SEM cross section.

3.3 Coating Density and Microstructure

3.3.1 GeneralAspect
The degree of lamellar structure content in the as-deposited
etched coating was found to increase with increased plasma enthalpy at constant spraying distance and for nozzle designs
(EPF M093) that induced a higher particle residence time in the
plasma jet. Coatings sprayed with the EPF M 093 nozzle and
high plasma enthalpy conditions exhibited a lamellar structure
(Fig. 4a) with small columnar grains ( 1 to 5 gin), whereas coat-

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Fig. 3(b) Typical topography of plasma deposited ynria surfaces

showing splat structures of PCP powder B (dm= 34 [.tm).
ings sprayed with the EPI TM 120 nozzle, regardless of the
plasma enthalpy conditions: and with the EPF M 093 nozzle, at

Volume 2(2) June 1993~167






Fig. 4(a) Typical as-etched microstructure of PCP yttria coatings

sprayed with EPITM 093 nozzle and high plasma jet enthalpy (condition
A8 in Table 1).

Fig. 5 Typical closed pore St structure in as-sprayed etched microstructure of PCP yttria powder A (dm = 51 lUm)coatings sprayed with
EPITM 120 nozzle and medium plasma jet enthalpy (condition A6 in Table 1).

3.3.2 Ciosed Porosity

Closed porosity resulting from the included hollow spheres
was an observed microstructural feature found in both powder A
(d m = 51 gm) and B (d m = 34 gin) deposits. In the case of powder
A, the aspect of these entrapped hollow spheres varied as a function of plasma jet enthalpy and nozzle design. With the E P F M
120 nozzle, regardless of the plasma jet enthalpy conditions,
closed pores were formed at the center of a shell composed of
crystallites similar to the starting powder A and different from
the rest of the melted coating microstructure (closed pore structure S1 shown in Fig. 5a). With the EPI TM 93 nozzle and high
plasma jet enthalpy, closed pores were surrounded by shells
with layers that had been melted and resolidified, before being
trapped in the coating (closed pore structure $2 shown in Fig. 6).
Powder B exhibited only structure $2 closed pores in the range
of spraying parameters investigated. Finally, for both powders A
and B, entrapped hollow sphere concentration increased with
increased spraying distance (Fig. 7).
3.3.3 Effect on Coating Density

J X720


10. O"U"DUM

Fig. 4(b) Typical as-etched microstructure of PCP yttria coatings

sprayed with EPITM 120 nozzle and medium to high plasma jet enthalpy (conditions A6 or A7 in Table 1)

Maximum coating density was reached when the entire coating microstructure consisted of lamellar, well-melted splats, and
when closed, entrapped porosity was minimum. This occurred
when spraying with the EPI TM 93 nozzle, high plasma jet enthalpy, and short spraying distance (75 mm). In such conditions,
coating density was higher for powder B (din = 34 gm) than for
powder A (din = 51 gm). Visual observations of specimens metallography prepared in an identical fashion are shown in Fig. 8.

4. Discussion
lower plasma enthalpy conditions, resulted in a larger grain (5 to
10 Jam) equiaxed microstructure in which a lamellar orientation
was difficult to distinguish (Fig. 4b). This structure retained
much of the agglomerated character of the initial powder.

168--Volume 2(2) June 1993

Powder A and B agglomerate stability was the dominant factor determining coating microstructure. A model for agglomerate behavior in the plasma jet is proposed in Fig. 9 and 10 and
discussed below. The material travel distance inside the plasma

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology



Fig. 6 Typical aspect of hollow sphere yielding closed pore $2 structure in microstructure of PCP yttria powder B (dm = 34 ~m) coatings
sprayed with EPF M 93 nozzle at high plasma jet enthalpy and long
spraying distance (condition B5 in Table 1). (a) SEM aspect of hollow
sphere with melted and resolidified shell ($2 structure). (b) Entrapped
hollow spheres ($2 structure) in as-sprayed etched microstructure.

jet from its injection to its impact on the substrate was divided
into (1) a melting zone, where the material heated up, melted,
and eventually superheated; (2) a cooling zone, between the jet
tip and the substrate, where the material leaving the melting
zone at a higher temperature than the surroundings started to

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Fig. 7 Effect of spraying distance on concentration of hollow spheres

(closed pore $2 structure) in as-sprayed etched microstructures of PCP
ynria powder B (dm = 34 p.m). (a) Condition B4 (short spraying distance). (b) Condition B5 (large spraying distance).

cool, and eventually to solidify; and (3) an impact zone, where

the particles hit and detbrmed on the substrate.
In the proposed model, changes in the agglomerate structure
took place in the melting zone. Upon entering the plasma jet, ag-

Volume 2(2) June 1 9 9 ~ - 1 6 9

Fig. 8(a) Maximum plasma-sprayed coating density obtained with

PCP yttria powder A (dm = 51 I.tm)corresponding to condition A8 in
Table 1 (high plasma enthalpy, EPF M 93 nozzle, and short spraying
distance of 75 mm).

Fig. 8(b) Maximum plasma-sprayed coating density obtained with

PCP yttria powder B (d m = 34 pro) corresponding to condition B4 in
Table 1 (high plasma enthalpy, EPITM 93 nozzle, and short spraying
distance of 75 mm).

glomerates started to melt. A continuous melted film formed on

their surface, entrapping gas in the agglomerate free space as inner porosity. Due to the low thermal diffusivity of yttria particles, melting of the entire agglomerates was not immediate, but
rather a melting front propagated into the agglomerate bulk (see
Ref 6).
Hence, depending on spraying conditions, agglomerates
could leave the melting zone in different configurations. When
spraying with low plasma enthalpy conditions and a nozzle design inducing a short particle residence time in the plasma jet
(such as EPI TM 120), agglomerates remained only partially molten and left the melting zone with an outer liquid film, an unmelted solid core, and entrapped inner porosity. When spraying
with high plasma enthalpy conditions and a nozzle design inducing a long particle residence time in the plasma jet (EPF M
093), agglomerates had time to fully melt and left the melting
zone as liquid shells with a central inner pore containing gas,
which had been already entrapped in the agglomerates upon entering the plasma jet. Large agglomerates (powder A) were more
likely to leave the melting zone partially molten. Small agglomerates (powder B), on the other hand, left the melting zone fully
molten. Increasing plasma jet enthalpy or switching to a nozzle
design inducing a longer particle residence time favored complete melting of larger agglomerates.
Once leaving the hot jet, agglomerates were then submitted
to in-flight convective cooling by the cool gas in the cooling
zone. The time available for convective cooling to occur increased with spraying distance. Also, because the thermal conductivity of yttria is low, the temperature drop was higher at
their surface than in their center. When the surface temperature
had dropped to the melting point, solidification began, and a so-

lidification front started to propagate into the agglomerate centee

According to the previous considerations, agglomerates
were found to impact the substrate under different melting conditions. They could be partially or completely molten, partially
or completely resolidified, and a combination thereof, depending on the spraying conditions. Most agglomerates still contained entrapped porosity. Each agglomerate configuration
behaved differently upon impact on the substrate, as illustrated
in Fig. 9 and 10. Their behavior determined the resulting coating
microstructure and is discussed below.
Agglomerates that arrived fully liquid on the substrate deformed upon impact, spread, and released their entrapped gas
(case 1 in Fig. 9). In such cases, the resulting microstructure did
not have any initial agglomerate structure, and a large degree of
lamellar orientation was observed. Contact between successive
splats was good, so that intersplat porosity was low. A typical
example of this case could be observed when spraying with nozzle designs inducing a long particle residence time in the jet, at
high plasma jet enthalpy conditions, and short spraying distances (Fig. 3a). The splats solidified in a directional fashion and
lead to columnar grains oriented in the direction of heat flow.
Agglomerates that had been fully melted and started to resolidify in the cooling zone arrived on the substrate with an outside resolidified shell and a remaining liquid core around its
inner pore. Depending on the shell thickness, several cases were
possible (cases 2, 3, and 4).
Thin resolidified shells broke up on impact, yielding splats,
with pieces of resolidified shell dispersed among the remaining
liquid (case 2 in Fig. 9). Such agglomerates were considered re-

170--Volume 2(2) June 1993

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology



Resolidified shell



Case 1 : Liquid shell

Case 2 : Thin
resolidified shell

Case 3 : Thicker
resolidified shell

Case 4 : Fully
resolidified shell

Case 1
No resolidification
Conical splat

Case 2 :
Small resolidified shell

L i q u i ~ ~



Case 3 :
Large resolidified shell

Resolidified solid

Bounce off



Unmelted solid

Gluing liquid

Unmelted solid

Liquid gluingthe agglomerate

Small gram size
Lamellar structure

Largergrain size
Closed porosity
Moreequiaxed structure
(Nucleation on pieces of
broken resolidified shell )


Fig. 9 Suggested agglomerate deformation models originating from

fully melted agglomerates.

sponsible for the formation of an equiaxed structure observed

when spraying with the E P F M 120 nozzle at medium to high
plasma enthalpy conditions (Fig. 3b), as explained by the following. Partially resolidified agglomerates had an apparent viscosity that was higher than fully liquid particles, because of their
higher solid fraction. Hence, their degree of spreading was low,
and bulky conical splats were expected to result from their impact, yielding coating microstructures with weak lamellar orientation (Fig. 3b). In addition, as a result of the resolidified shell
breakdown, small solid particles were dispersed in the liquid
and could act as nuclei during splat solidification. This yielded
a more randomly oriented equiaxed microstructure, as observed
in Fig. 3(b).
Thicker solid shell particles did not fully break on impact,
but fractured. If they were not fully resolidified before impact
(case 3 in Fig. 9), then the liquid could be released through
cracks in the shell. This liquid spread onto the substrate around
the impact point and adhered the solid shells to the substrate.
Such a mechanism produced closed pores with a fully recrystallized shell in the coating microstructure. This type of closed porosity was commonly observed when spraying with high plasma
jet enthalpy, the E P F M 093 nozzle, and longer spraying distances for powder A and B and has been identified as S2-type porosity (as defined in Fig. 6a and b).
Case 4 in Fig. 10 is an extension of case 2, in which the resolidified shell was so thick that there was not enough liquid inside the particle to adhere the shell to the substrate. Such

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

Structure 1 closed pore

Fig, 10 Suggested agglomerate deformation models originating from
incompletely melted agglomerates.

agglomerates could stick on the substrate by entrapment by another liquid splat. In most cases, these bounced off, especially at
long spraying distances, for which low deposition efficiencies
were observed.
Agglomerates that were not fully molten in the melting zone
arrived on the substrate with a solid inner core. If their liquid
shell was thick enough, it deformed readily on impact, adhering
the solid core to the substrate (case 1 in Fig. 10). In cross sections, this mechanism corresponded to the closed pore structure
S 1 (defined in Fig. 5) with an outer recrystallized structure and
an inner core composed of unmelted original powder particles
and closed pores between them. This structure was typical of
powder A when spraying with medium plasma jet enthalpy and
medium spraying distance conditions.
For incompletely melted agglomerates, after the melting
zone, that were partially resolidified in the cooling zone, the deformation mode on impact depended on the solid shell thickness
and on the amount of remaining liquid (cases 2 and 3 in Fig. 10).
If they adhered to the substrate, then such agglomerates resulted
in closed pores of type S 1.

5. Conclusions
This investigation confirmed that yttria powders derived
from the precipitation-calcination process were composed of
cubic crystal l ire agglomerates, which were mechanically stable
enough to behave as single particles during the spraying proc-

Volume 2(2) June 199.%--171

ess. Some agglomerates were made of sufficient primary particles to form a closed structure with some degree of inner porosity. A model of agglomerate behavior in the plasma jet was
proposed to explain the observed coating microstructure.
Smaller powder B agglomerates (din = 34 ~tm) were easily
melted even when spraying with low plasma enthalpy conditions, but because of their size quickly resolidified. Hence, a
short spraying distance (<7 cm) was required to achieve high
densities (>90%) and avoid partial inflight resolidification,
which caused formation of closed pores. At long spraying distances (>10 cm), agglomerates completely resolidified, and
most of them bounced off, yielding low deposition efficiencies.
Large powder A agglomerates (din = 51 ~tm) were often incompletely melted even when spraying with a nozzle providing
a long particle residence time in the plasma jet and at high
plasma jet enthalpy. These resulted in coating microstructures
with closed pores of S 1 structure, exhibiting remnants of initial
powder particles. When complete resolidification occurred,
they deformed, as shown in case 3 in Fig. 10, and usually
bounced off. This resulted in the low deposition efficiencies observed for large spraying distance conditions.
This detailed investigation provided a better understanding
of agglomerate behavior in the plasma jet and enabled high coating densities. PCP powders, usually of a lower cost, are acceptable for plasma spraying applications despite the presence of

172--Volume 2(2) June 1993

The authors would like to thank P6chiney and Uranium
P6chiney Corporation for providing support and funding for this

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Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

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