Lighthouse June 24, 210

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13 | Thursday, June 24, 2010

NBVC drill anticipates the worst


Mass casualty
exercise at Mugu
brings together
first responders
from military,
Ethan Finley, 1, floats in the wading
pool that is part of the newly opened outside agencies.
Catalina Heights Recreation Center. By Andrea Howry
Page 14. Lighthouse editor
About 100 emergency crews
from as far away as Fillmore de-
scended on Naval Base Ventura
County, Point Mugu, to take part
in a mass casualty drill on
Wednesday, June 16, that also
involved nearly every NBVC de-
The exercise tested crews’ skills
in responding to severe injuries
— from fractures to burns — and
Kelly Reason-Williams, a contract all the challenges that come with
specialist with NAVAIR, won national a disaster, including radio com-
recognition for her recipe for these munications, triage, on-site treat-
“Healthy Banana Muffins.” Her story PHOTO BY DARRELL WALLER / NAVFAC ESC
ment and transportation to hos-
and recipe are inside. Page 15. Lt. Charles Bisgard is pinned with his lieutenant commander insignia by Cmdr. Michael Teates, the executive pitals via both ambulance and
officer of Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Engineering Service Center, during a promotion ceremony
at Naval Base Ventura County. The ceremony was conducted entirely under water, befitting their status as
fully qualified Navy Seabee divers. The oath of office was administered via radio by Capt. Paz B. Gomez, “Communication and coordi-
NAVFAC ESC commanding officer, who remained on land. nation between multiple organi-

Base veterinarian to open new state-of-the-art clinic

June 30 grand By Andrea Howry
Lighthouse editor
clinic is set have its grand reopen-
ing at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June
NBVC Industrial Hygiene was
instrumental in assisting in the
opening ceremony A new state-of-the-art veteri- 30. design, which Staitman said meets
nary clinic is scheduled to open “There is no clinic like this that human surgical suite standards.
EO3 Damon Ashbeck drives the
scraper on the old dirt running track
scheduled for new this month at Naval Base Ven- I am aware of within VETCOM,” The ventilation system is designed
behind the conference center at
Point Mugu. NMCB 3 is renovating
location across tura County (NBVC), Port Hue-
said Dr. Michael Staitman, vet-
erinary medical officer for the
to modify the air flow and num-
ber of air changes per hour to
the track because of erosion, but from Pacific Park, Located in Building 19, at Pa- U.S. Army Veterinary Clinic. maintain a closed, HEPA-filtered
base athletes will also appreciate cific Road and 43rd Street across “The sterile surgical suite is what
the work. Page 8. Port Hueneme from Pacific Park, the $650,000 sets the clinic apart.” SEE VET, PAGE 32


Ask the








By Captain Jim McHugh

NBVC Commanding Officer 800-221-STAR (7827)
The Lighthouse

Ventura County Star

Who lives in the cabins on Beach Road? NICHE PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR

Question: determined by the NBVC command master chief 805-437-0206
Who lives in the two cabins at the end of and the NGIS operations manager. ADVERTISING
Beach Road, down past the Beach Motel at Cabins in this location have long been a JANE ALVAREZ
Point Mugu? part of Point Mugu history. The area was a fish

camp back in the early 1900s, and by the 1930s,
Answer: it had become a popular tourist destination and
The cabins located on the beach are desig- a draw for Hollywood celebrities and saltwater
nated quarters for Navy Gateway Inns & Suites sportfishing enthusiasts. Old photos show five
(NGIS). No one lives in them permanently. guest cabins, a pier and several buildings there
The cabin located farthest out on the penin- before a 1939 storm wiped out nearly every-
sula is called the Flag Bridge. Use of this facil- thing on the site. THE LIGHTHOUSE IS PUBLISHED AT NO COST TO THE GOVERN-
ity is restricted to O-6 and above, and reserva- A few cabins were rebuilt after the storm, but CA. THE STAR IS A PRIVATE FIRM IN NO WAY CONNECTED WITH
tions are controlled by the Naval Base Ventura they have since been demolished. Only the CPO COUNTY. THE LIGHTHOUSE IS THE ONLY AUTHORIZED CIVILIAN
County (NBVC) protocol officer. Cabin has some parts that date back to 1939, IN THE VENTURA COUNTY AREA. CONTENTS OF THE PAPER ARE
The second cabin on the peninsula is called but it has been gutted and rebuilt with all new
Thursday, June 24, 2010


the CPO Cabin and is available for all E7 thru materials, and the floorplan was changed in the THIS PUBLICATION INCLUDING INSERTS AND SUPPLEMENTS,
E9 personnel on TDY orders. The “space avail- late 1990s, so it would be a challenge to find OR SERVICES ADVERTISED. EVERYTHING ADVERTISED IN THIS
able” reservation policy for the CPO Cabin is those dated elements. OR PATRONAGE WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, COLOR, RELIGION,
Please submit your questions or comments to Lighthouse Editor Andrea Howry at AND PROVIDED TO THE PUBLISHER BY THE LOCAL INSTALLA-
Air Show
Festival, that is. It runs

Update for three days at the

Camarillo Airport. Free
with military ID. Hours are 5 to 9
p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday and 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
About the Air Show Sunday.

The 2010 Naval Base Ventura County CHANGE OF

Thunderbirds are coming

Air Show at Point Mugu is scheduled for
Saturday, Aug. 7, and Sunday, Aug. 8. COMMAND: Capt.
Admission and parking are free. Gates John W. Korka
will open at 8 a.m. both Saturday and assumes command
August air show will became operational with the Air Force in Sunday, with flight demonstrations
starting at 10 a.m.
from Capt. James A. Worcester
1979. of Naval Facilities Expeditionary
feature Air Force The Thunderbirds have appeared in past
In addition to the Thunderbirds, the
air show will also feature the latest in Logistics Center and 31st Seabee
demonstration team Point Mugu air shows in 1973, 1989, 2001,
2002 and 2007.
aviation, with both military and civilian air Readiness Group, 10 a.m.,
acts and vintage aircraft on display. Seabee Parade Ground, NBVC Port
The Air Force Demonstration Squad- Since their creation in 1953, the Thun- The public can purchase special

The Lighthouse
ron, the Thunderbirds, will headline the derbirds have awed Americans with their reserved seating tickets from the Air

2010 Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) jaw-dropping aerial maneuvers. Show Network. For information, visit the
Air Show at Point Mugu on Saturday, What started as a crew of seven officers website, http://www.airshownetwork.
Aug. 7, and Sunday, Aug. 8. and 24 maintenance professionals has com/home.html.
Keep up with the air show status by
The Thunderbirds operate the Lockheed grown to a team of 12 officers and more calling the information line at 989-8786,
Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon. This high- than 120 maintenance and support per- visiting
ly maneuverable multi-role fighter has sonnel in nearly 30 career fields.

Ventura/Recreation/2010AirShow/index. FREE CHICKEN
proven to be one of the world’s best preci- NBVC is proud to host the Thunder- htm or our new Facebook page, NBVC Air DINNER: The Chick-Fil-
sion tactical fighter strike aircraft since it birds, once again, at its air show. Show at Point Mugu. A Military Appreciation
Night, 4 to 7 p.m. All
LOOKING BACK active and retired military and their
immediate families are invited for

Point Mugu an aeronautic historic site a free meal. Limited menu. 2040
N. Rose Ave., Oxnard. 988-9232.

If you’re at Point Mugu right now, commander of the Naval Air Systems “These achievements and the many oth- 2010 Armed Forces
you’re standing on an officially recognized Command Weapons Division, talked ers I didn’t mention, all translate into Boxing Championship
historic site. about the achievements of early Mugu and battles won, missions accomplished and held in April at NBVC
On Nov. 14, 2003, the Naval Air War- the practices that paved the way for to- lives saved,” Venlet said. will be shown in a 10-week
fare Center Point Mugu Weapons Divi- day. NAVAIR Weapons Division, Point television series beginning at 5
sion, along with the entire Naval Base “It was an interesting time, an era of Mugu, was also noted for being one of p.m. on The Pentagon Channel.
Ventura County, Point Mugu, was de- mutual support wherein the boundaries the Navy’s primary facilities for the devel- The half-hour episodes air every
clared an American Institute of Aeronau- between contractors, laboratories and opment of electronic warfare capabilities Friday, with repeat airings each
tics and Astronautics (AIAA) Historic academia were undefined and unimport- and software systems for the FA-14 Tom- weekend.
Aerospace Site. ant,” he said. “The mantra of early Mugu cat and the EA-6B Prowler aircraft plat-

The Lighthouse announced the upcom- was ‘Learn by doing.’” forms.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

BOOM! The perfect spot
ing declaration in its lead story for the Among the accomplishments noted in Presidents John F. Kennedy, Richard to watch fireworks is
Nov. 6, 2003, edition, and covered the Point Mugu’s history of more than 55 Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush at the track next to the
event for the Nov. 20 edition. years were the first launching of a missile and Bill Clinton visited Point Mugu dur- Beehive Gym on Pacific
The dedication ceremony highlighted from a U.S. submarine, the USS Cusk, in ing their tenure as commander in Avenue, NBVC Port Hueneme. The
the historical innovation and significant 1947; the first destruction of an airborne chief. Channel Islands Fireworks by the
contributions of Point Mugu for Navy target by a guided missile in 1950; and the The AIAA is the premier profession-
missiles, weapons systems and platform development of such post-World War II al society serving aerospace engineering, Sea display starts at 9 p.m. and
research, development, test and evalua- missiles as the Sparrow, Regulus, Phoenix, with more than 30,000 members world- lasts about 20 minutes. Parking is
tion. Bullpup, Polaris, Trident, Harpoon, Tom- wide. across the street, and restrooms
Rear Adm. David J. Venlet, then the ahawk and Sidewinder. are in the gym. 3
Piano, scrapbooking or theater, pursue your passion

In the last edition of The Lighthouse, I Are you getting enough exercise? skill, read a new book, took a class?
invited you to join me in the “Me Time Are you “taking your emotional pulse?” When was the last time you tackled the
Challenge.” I heard from many of you Are you more edgy, impatient than you crossword puzzle in the New York Times
sharing your “me time” goal. I partnered prefer? Do you feel stressed or stretched? or picked up Sudoku – the hard level?
with a few friends to accomplish our “me
time” goals together. Guess what? As with
Are you feeling drained? When was the
last time you watched your favorite chick
Homefront Challenging ourselves mentally keeps us
alert, staves off depression and is even
our new year’s resolutions, our enthusiasm
was soon overcome by life’s responsibili-
flick with your girlfriends? When was the
last time you went to the zoo – without in focus recommended as a preventative to Al-
ties: job, children, the FRG, our service
member, PCSing and more. How about
the kids? How much time have you given
to your favorite pastime or hobby?
with Beth I have often said the three things I hate
about moving are finding a new manicur-
you? These things are not necessarily selfish Wilson ist, a new hairdresser and, the hardest, a
We are busy. And that is exactly why I pursuits. They refill our emotional tank, new church. Being spiritually fed is as
cannot let self-care be pushed aside by the they lift our spirits. important as the other areas of our lives.
busyness of our lives. Self-care is not a I used to play the piano. My father ob- Don’t neglect your spiritual life.
selfish act. Quite the contrary, it is a self- served I would play the piano to “play “My world has been reduced to toddler- Does this feel overwhelming? Don’t let
less act. Taking care of ourselves enables away my problems.” Playing the piano hood. I am surrounded by them all day. it be. Self-care is not another item to add
us to give more of ourselves to our fami- enabled me to think, to “create beauty,” I am not sure I know how to communi- to the “to do” list. It is your most impor-
lies, friends, job and other commit- to refill my emotional tank — and then I cate with adults anymore.” Make sure you tant responsibility. Don’t try to tackle
ments. could go on. are getting together with a friend, family every area at once. Make a small goal in
While reviewing and renewing my com- What is your “piano?” When was the member or your neighbor. Don’t fall into one area and grow from there. Join me
mitment to self-care, I realized there are last time you spent an evening at a Tupper- a routine that leads to becoming a re- and renew your commitment to self-care
five areas we can neglect; physical, emo- ware party, scrapbooking with a friend or cluse. this summer!
tional, social, mental and spiritual. attending the local theater production? When I mentioned mental self-care to
The Lighthouse

Physical can be easy to identify, but per- Pursuing your passion is part of your self- a friend, she thought I meant “mental
haps not so easy to address. Are you eat- care plan. health.” What I am referring to is keeping — E-mail Beth Wilson at beth@
ing right? Should you cut out one soda, Are you the mother of small children? us mentally alert, growing and learning. Check out Enlisted
one cup of coffee? Do you work from home? Lilly Ann wrote, When was the last time you learned a new Spouse Radio at

Don’t let kids play with fireworks, safety expert says

In 2008, an estimated 2,600 children ages 14 and under
were treated in U.S. emergency rooms for injuries involv- The safest way to enjoy
ing fireworks during the fireworks season, which runs
from the middle of June until the middle of July. fireworks is to watch them
Children ages 5 to 14 have the highest rate of injury
from fireworks. at a community event where
“Don’t let kids play with fireworks, period,” says Alan
Korn, director of Public Policy and General Counsel professionals handle them.
for Safe Kids USA. “They’re intended for use by adults — Alan Korn, director
in open spaces, with plenty of active supervision for
every child present.” Public Policy and General Counsel, Safe Kids USA
Fireworks, including sparklers and flares, can cause Local fireworks
serious burns as well as blast injuries that can perma- The best spot to watch fireworks at Naval Base Ventura
nently impair vision and hearing. County is at the track next to the Beehive Gym at Port
“Teach your children what to do if their clothing Hueneme. The Channel Islands Fireworks by the Sea
catches on fire — ‘stop, drop and roll’ — and how to fireworks display begins at 9 p.m. and lasts for about 20
call 911 in an emergency,” says Korn. minutes. Parking is across the street from the track.
Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, • Light fireworks only on smooth, flat surfaces, and
Massachusetts and Rhode Island are states that have aim them away from buildings, dry leaves, flammable
banned all consumer fireworks. materials and spectators. Finally, as in any activity involving hazardous equip-
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Ver- • Do not try to relight fireworks that malfunction. ment, keep all children under active supervision — in
mont allow only sparklers. Go to • Do not carry fireworks in your pocket or hold them sight and in reach at all times, with your undivided at- for the latest laws in close to your face. tention focused on them — when they’re near fire-
California. • Visit to make sure the pyrotechnic works.
Where permitted by law, fireworks should be handled devices you are using are not subject to any safety recalls. “The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to watch them
and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s Do not modify fireworks or use homemade fireworks. at a community event where professionals handle them,”
instructions and all warning labels. • Keep a phone handy, and know first aid for burns. says Korn.
In addition, Safe Kids USA recommends these precau- Also, keep a fire extinguisher handy and know how to For more information about fireworks safety and burn
tions for adults using fireworks: use it. prevention, visit
Sailors get update at first Breakfast with the Skipper
By Andrea Howry broken, tougher questions began.
Lighthouse editor McHugh answered concerns about the
The first Breakfast with the Skipper, Navy budget, closed rates and career ad-
held Friday, June 11, at the Port Hueneme vancement.
Galley, gave Sailors the chance to have a “We need to put the people where they’re
casual question-and-answer session with needed,” he explained. “We’re trying to
the commanding officer of Naval Base move people to where there are more op-
Ventura County and to share their portunities for advancement.”
thoughts about life in the Navy. He urged the Sailors to be ready for new
About 30 enlisted personnel, first class challenges.
and below from various tenant commands, “A lot of things in the Navy right now
had eggs and coffee with Capt. Jim involve getting out of your comfort zone,”
McHugh, got an update on base events he said. “Take on each challenge. Make
and asked questions about a range of con- the Navy better.”
cerns, from advancement opportunities to He praised the new GI Bill and other
child care and computer problems. benefits the Navy provides, including re-
The breakfast will rotate between Port tirement and housing allowances.
Hueneme and Point Mugu and will be held “There are a lot of things we take for
at 6:30 a.m. the second Friday of the granted,” he said.
month. He pointed out that the base is the larg-
“So how’s it going? How’s the base treat- est employer in Ventura County — a fact
ing you?” McHugh asked. that surprised some at the breakfast — and
He gave a rundown on the busy summer noted that the county is supportive of the

The Lighthouse
Capt. Jim McHugh, commanding officer, Naval Base Ventura County, shares breakfast with planned at NBVC: the Fourth of July fire- base and its mission.
the enlisted Sailors who came to McHugh’s first Breakfast with the Skipper on June 11. works show at the track next to the Bee- “I can’t ask for a better community,” he
The next breakfast, open to any enlisted personnel, first class and below, will be at 6:30 hive Gym at Port Hueneme, the Aug. 7 said. “People come up to you and thank
a.m. July 9 in the Point Mugu Galley. and 8 Air Show at Point Mugu, a visit by you for the great service you’re doing.
the Dallas Cowboys and the Aug. 20-22 Ventura County appreciates what all of
Point Mugu Surf Contest. you are doing for this country.”
He thanked everyone for conserving McHugh also dealt with questions about
water, pointing out that the base has al- medical care and child care on base — “We
ready achieved its goal of reducing water really are one big customer-service ori-
usage 30 percent by 2015, but he noted ented organization,” he said — educa-
there was still work to do on cutting the tional opportunities on base and upcom-
electric bill. ing construction projects.
“If everyone contributes, we can do it,” He urged the Sailors to speak up with
he said. “Just turning off your computer ideas of how life can be better on base,
at the end of the day will help.” and he stressed the importance and qual-
It was when he asked about Personnel ity of the work the Sailors do.
Support Detachment (PSD) that the Sail- “We do some good work here, some re-
ors opened up. Online service is fine, one ally good stuff,” he said. “It’s something
commented, “but sometimes there’s a need to be really proud of.”
for personal attention.” The next Breakfast with the Skipper will
McHugh shared his own stories about be at 6:30 a.m. July 9 at the Point Mugu
payroll glitches, and then, with the ice Galley.

Battle of Commands has tug-o-war and ... bed races?

By Andrea Howry petitions at the Port Hueneme pool, in- minimum needed for the human pyramid The Battle of Commands started in
Lighthouse editor

Thursday, June 24, 2010

cluding the human slip-and-slide, an in- — to 20. All teams must participate in all 1988 and lasted a week. It was revised
So far, six teams have signed up to fight ner-tube relay and boat races. events. Bonus points are awarded in some through the years, dropped for a few, then
it out in the annual Battle of Commands, Friday, July 16, starts at 8 a.m. and ends events for including female competitors, revived in 2007, when it became a three-
a three-day series of competitions that at 2 p.m. and includes eight contests: an and bonus points are also awarded for day event.
includes everything from bed races to a obstacle course, a water run relay, a human sportsmanship. Having a team banner and For an official rule book or to sign up,
human pyramid to a tug-of-war contest. pyramid, beach flags, a sand war — new a three-day theme or costume can also e-mail Annabelle Ferrer at Annabelle.fer-
The event begins Wednesday, July 14, this year — a seven-legged race, a sand- bring in extra points. or Amanda Haskell at
with the bed races — no cribs or coffins castle build and the ever-exciting tug-of- Families can help with the sand-castle
allowed — at 5 p.m. at the Port Hueneme war. build, but all other events are limited to The deadline to turn in a team list is
Grinder. Teams can range from 10 people — the team members only. Wednesday, July 14, before 5 p.m.
Thursday, July 15, is the aquatics com- 5
Learning to be content, whatever the circumstances

I once heard a tale about a man lost in I have learned the

a blazing hot desert. He’d been without
food for weeks and without water for the secret of being content Worship schedule
last two days. His lips and tongue were
swollen, and he was down to skin and
bones. If that weren’t bad enough, he was
Chaplain’s in any and every
also blistered and bloody from his over-
exposure to the sun and sands of the des-
corner situation, whether Seabee Chapel
ert. He clearly didn’t have much longer to with Lt. Cmdr. well-fed or hungry, Port Hueneme
Building 1433
live without imminent rescue.
Crawling over a sand dune, he came
David Slater whether living in Phone: (805) 982-4358
Fax: (805) 982-5364
upon a small plant and propped himself
up on his bloody elbows to look it over. plenty or in want. Protestant
Disappointed that it had no value for food — Apostle Paul (Phillippians 4:11-13) Sunday worship service: 9 a.m.
or shade, the lonely man said to the plant, the shadows of discouragement? Choir rehearsal: Wednesday, 6 p.m.
“You know, if things keep going like this, I suppose we could point to the need to it is to be in need, and I know what it is
I might be tempted to get discouraged.” count our blessings. Indeed, most of the to have plenty. I have learned the secret of Catholic Mass
In view of the daily news, perhaps we time, no matter how bad things seem, we being content in any and every situation, Sunday: 11:15 a.m.
Confession by prior appt.: 10:45 a.m.
could share the same sentiment. Each day can still find more good in our lives than whether well-fed or hungry, whether living Wednesday: 11:30 a.m.
we’re bombarded with reports about the bad, but the reality is that even that doesn’t in plenty or in want. I can do everything Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.
two wars we’re fighting, mortgage fore- always help when you’re tangled in a through Him who gives me strength” (Phi-
closures, declining home values, Wall bramble of problems trying to get out. lippians 4:11-13). Christian Bible Studies
The Lighthouse

Street bailouts, 10 percent unemployment, Perhaps we could also point to the need The “secret” to contentment Paul talks Women’s Bible Study: Tuesday, 10
mounting state and federal debts we may to just be patient and remember that things about is, of course, putting our faith in a.m.
never be able to pay off, tragic earthquakes, rarely “keep going like this” for long, and God and drawing strength from Him to All Hands Bible Study: Saturday, 7
terrorist attacks, an out-of-control oil spill if we tough it out, things are bound to get enjoy life’s blessings and overcome life’s p.m.
in the Gulf of Mexico and the prospect better. But, let’s be honest, that doesn’t trials. The truth is that none of us can Catholic Religious Education
of Iran developing nuclear weapons. I’m usually make us feel much better either. predict the future with any certainty. We Pre-K through high school
sure many of us could add our own list of The Apostle Paul was in a Roman pris- simply don’t know whether things will get Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
personal trials and setbacks that make the on, not sure if his future held freedom or better or worse. The real issue isn’t the
prospects of a better future seem even execution when he wrote to the church in state of our circumstances, but the state
gloomier. How can we fight the temptation Philippi, “I have learned to be content of the relationship we have with the One
to get negative and cynical and retreat into whatever the circumstances. I know what who does know and controls our future. Chapel of Faith

Religious Ministries’ Summerfest set for June 26

Point Mugu
Building 121
Phone: (805) 989-7967
Fax: (805) 989-7968
The Annual Summerfest sponsored by legged race, volleyball, soccer, a karaoke three basketball and musical chairs.
Religious Ministries will take place Sat- contest and free food and drinks. DJ entertainment is also being provid- Protestant
urday, June 26, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at A jolly jumper will be set up for young- ed. Sunday worship service: 11:15 a.m.
the Point Mugu Chapel. sters. For more information, call Religious
There will be fun activities for the entire There will also be an art contest, face Ministries at 982-4358. Catholic Mass
family, including a sack race and a three- painting, a free-throw contest, three-on- Sunday: 8:45 a.m.
Confession by prior appt.: 8:15 a.m.
Thursday: 11:30 a.m.

Evangelistic Registration continues for Bible School Confession by prior appt.: 11 a.m.

Missionary Baptist Summer instruction runs Children 13 and older are welcome to
sign up as volunteers, and parents who
Church August 9-13 at Hueneme wish to volunteer will have a nursery avail- Chaplains serving NBVC
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sun Morning Prayer 8:30a-9a able for children too young for the class-
Lt. Deann Coleman
Sunday School 9a-10:15a Registration continues through July 16 es. Command Chaplain
Morning Worship 10:30a for Vacation Bible School, sponsored by The theme of this year’s Vacation Bible
Wed Prayer/Bible Study 6:30p Naval Base Ventura County Religious School is “High Seas Expedition: Explor- Lt. Kyung Tak
Ministries. ing the Mighty Love of God.” Staff Chaplain
Classes designed for youngsters ages 3 For more information or to enroll, call
Pastor-Bishop Princeton Allen to 12 will run from 8 a.m. to noon Monday the Seabee Chapel at 982-4358 between Father Antony Berchmanz
125 E.Pearl St., Pt Hueneme through Friday, Aug. 9-13, at the Seabee 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Catholic Priest
805-986-1922 Chapel, Port Hueneme. Friday.
These websites can make summertime learning fun
There is no reason that a couple months to children and adults of all ages. Age games, Web quests and even chats with
of summer shouldn’t include learning. categories include preschool through NASA experts.
Fun, however, should be part of that adult. From numbers, colors and shapes •
learning. to SAT prep and medical terminology, Although increasing brainpower is im-
Students spend nine months of the year
progressing through learning objectives.
there is something for every age, level and
interest. School portant during the summer, it is also im-
portant that children stay healthy and
If they don’t lose too much of that learn-
ing during the summer months, school will
iCivics is a web-based education project
connection active. is for kids who to
like to play hard and have fun. Encourag-
be much easier come fall.
The biggest dilemma parents have is
designed to teach students civics and in-
spire them to be active participants in our
with Monica ing kids to get a “wet head” while playing
games or maybe go on a scavenger hunt,
convincing their student that spending democracy. Ever want to be president for James tells users cool stuff about
time learning in the summer will ultimate- a day? Or maybe run a law firm? Want to how the body works and how eating right
ly help them. Actually, convincing students make a law? iCivics allows you to learn helps you play better and feel good about
that they should care about the return to the process through games and activities. staying active.
school in the fall is an even bigger dilem- iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day Learning can continue during the sum-
ma. O’Connor, who is concerned that students the sponsors who advertise on the website, mer when introduced in a fun way. Online,
The solution for parents is to forget are not getting the information and tools every right answer equals 10 grains of rice interactive games are one opportunity for
about convincing and instead sneak learn- they need for civic participation. that will be donated to the United Nations summer learning. As a precaution, parents
ing into fun activities. • World Food Program. should always “test-drive” a website first
A great place to start the search for fun Keep your child engaged in learning • before suggesting it to students. And you
learning activities is an Internet search during the summer months, help fight club/flash/index.html might find that you enjoy educational
engine. Type “educational websites” or world hunger and have fun all at the same As far as graphics and sound effects, it websites as well.
“learning websites,” filter through and find time? FreeRice is a non-profit website run can’t get any better than NASA for kids.

The Lighthouse
the ones that your children will enjoy. by the United Nations World Food Pro- NASA even breaks it down by age
Here are some good ones: gram. FreeRice has two goals: provide groups. NASA provides a wealth of re- — For more learning website ideas or any
• education to everyone for free and help sources that are safe, fun, and education- K-12 school-related question, please call the
Hundreds of educational games, quiz- end world hunger by providing rice to al. You can expect to find reliable informa- NBVC school liaison officer at 989-5211 or
zes, articles and more. This website appeals hungry people for free. Made possible by tion on space-related topics, as well as e-mail

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pass is valid through 12/31/10. Pass must be activated on day of first visit. Please present your ticket at the Universal Studios Hollywood Annual Pass Center to receive your exclusive 2010 Value Pass.
Blackout dates and restrictions apply. There are no blackout dates for the first visit. ID and finger scan required for park entry. ©2010 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. 10-LOC-9431

Seabees renovating running track at Point Mugu

New surface won’t erode

in wind, rain
By Andrea Howry
Lighthouse editor
The renovation of the running track at
Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC),
Point Mugu, is expected to be completed
by the end of July.
“The rains and wind were eroding the
previous track material right into the wet-
lands,” explained Equipment Operator
2nd Class Nathan Harper of Naval Mo-
bile Construction Battalion 3, the crew
leader for the project. “We have a fence
set up blocking the wetlands so that can’t
happen anymore.”
The track is located behind Building
Work began May 10, and Harper said Clockwise from top left: EO3 Damon
that when it’s completed, the track will Ashbeck drives the scraper, which is taking
look like the one near the Beehive Gym the old surface off the track behind the
The Lighthouse

at Port Hueneme. Naval Base Ventura County Conference

“It’s great for walking or running,” he Center, Building 200. Crew leader EO2
said. “It’s a half-mile track, with a quarter- Nathan Harper of NMCB 3 oversees the
renovation of the running track. Work is
mile loop inside.” expected to be completed in July. EO2 Ben
The track will have a strong, stable Morrow drives the grader, which is leveling
granular surface, with a concrete curb the track to make the surface even. Harper
around it. said that when it’s completed, the track will
“This should work to curb the erosion look like the one near the Beehive Gym at
and contain the material,” Harper said. Port Hueneme. “It’s great for walking or
Between six and 10 people are working running,” he said. “It’s a half-mile track,
on the project at any one time, operating with a quarter-mile loop inside.” The track
graders and scrapers to even out the track will have a strong, stable granular surface,
and make it level. with a concrete curb around it.

Navy League holds annual Military Recognition Awards dinner

The Channel Islands Council, U.S. Navy Electricians Mate 1st Class Onterio D.
League, recently held their annual Military Lacey, NOSC Point Mugu; Aviation War-
Recognition Awards dinner where they fare Flight Crew 1st Class (AW/NAC)
honored several Navy, Marine and Coast William Bauerle, VX-30; Yeoman 1st Class
Guard personnel for their service. (AW) Kaesha Foster, EOD MU3; Aviation
Approximately 250 attended the dinner Equipment Support Technician (AW/SW)
and ceremony, which was officiated by 2nd Class Scott Hatzung, Fleet Readiness
retired Navy Capt. Robert Quinn.The Center; Construction Electrician 1st Class
awardees, all enlisted personnel, included (SCW) Luis Fernandez de lara, NCTC;
members from the Sea Cadets and the Utilitiesman 1st Class (SCW) Patrick
Navy Junior ROTC. They received a cash Walsh, NFELC; Sgt. Jesus Gonzalez,
Thursday, June 24, 2010

award, a plaque from the Navy League Weapons Co. 2nd Battalion 23rd Marines;
and certificates from local cities and gov- Yeoman 2nd Class Juan Jorge-Torres, AE1 Onterio D. Lacey, NOSC Point Mugu,
ernment officials, including Ventura Coast Guard Station Channel Islands receives his certificate from a Navy League
County Supervisor Kathy Long, Oxnard Harbor; Cadet Lt. Laura Flores, NJROTC representative.
Mayor Tom Holden, representatives of Hueneme High School; and from the Sea
U.S. Rep. Lois Capps, the Oxnard Harbor Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 2nd Class
District and the city of Camarillo. Loryn Wagner, Ben Moreell Battalion; Smith, Trident Patrol; and Ships Leading PHOTOS BY TERI REID / PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE
Honored for their military service and League Cadet 3rd Class Sean Fulham, TS Petty Officer Samantha Cox, TS Minute- Oxnard Mayor Tom Holden presents a
community involvement are: Aviation Anderson; Petty Officer 1st Class Myat men. certificate from the city to YN1 (AW) Kaesha
8 Foster, EOD MU3.
Navy reaps benefits of ‘highest quality workforce ever’
By Andrea Howry scholarships to top-flight universities. “This is where the
Lighthouse editor fighting will be in the future,” Ferguson said, adding that
The U.S. Navy is enjoying an unprecedented time of any idea that fosters training in cyber warfare should be
high-quality, well-educated Sailors wanting to stay in examined.
the service, and more are waiting to enlist. • Career flexibility. “Work is becoming a result instead
Balancing that double-edged sword is the Navy’s chal- of a place,” he said. The idea of “virtual workers” creates
lenge, Vice Adm. Mark Ferguson, chief of naval person- new options and possibly new careers that people need
nel, told the Sailors who packed the Point Mugu Theater to consider trying.
on May 24. The newest workforce is primed for such change, he
“We are currently producing the highest quality force added.
we’ve ever had,” Ferguson explained. “But if the econ- “This is the generation of digital natives, not digital
omy changes two or three years from now, that could immigrants,” Ferguson said.
change too. So it is important for us to sustain the bonus PHOTO BY MC1 AARON PETERSON The Navy learned this with the flooding in Millington,
programs. They won’t go away.” Vice Admiral Mark E. Ferguson III, chief of naval personnel, Tenn. Computers and phone lines were dead, but com-
Benefits like the GI Bill, healthcare and tuition as- discusses current issues at Naval Base Ventura County on munication flowed — through Facebook.
sistance make this “an extraordinary time to be in the May 24. It’s this kind of adaptation the Navy must embrace
Navy,” he said. and encourage, he said.
At the same time, the Navy has to make room for “Everyone is impressed with the quality of leadership,
young talent. soned, experienced Sailors with the need for fresh talent the quality of the Sailors, the results you are producing
“More people with college degrees are enlisting,” Fer- is to make better use of the Reserves. around the world,” Ferguson told the group. “You as-
guson said. “Ninety-eight percent are high school grad- “We see a future where an individual could be active tound our counterparts.”
uates. Eighty percent scored 50 or higher on the ASVAB,” duty, then go into the Reserves, then go back to active During his May 24 and 25 stay at NBVC, Ferguson
the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. duty,” he said. “It would be a seamless total force.” toured the new Catalina Heights military housing de-

The Lighthouse
“We’re seeing a maturity level in these young Sailors Other changes Ferguson envisions include: velopment in Camarillo, met with commanding officers
we’ve not seen before,” Ferguson said. “They think on • Stronger online credentialing programs. A stronger and command master chiefs of different commands on
their feet. They’re team-solving, but they’re also inde- education translates into a better, stronger Navy, he base and toured the Naval Mobilization Processing Site
pendent thinkers.” said. and the NBVC Welcome Center at Port Hueneme. He
Ferguson thinks one way to balance the need for sea- • High school cyber competitions, resulting in ROTC also visited a veterans home in Ventura County.




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Bee Club awards three $1,000 ‘Can Do’ scholarships

The Bee Club Scholarship Committee

is pleased to announce the winners of the
2009-2010 “Can Do” Scholarship.
Each winner will receive a $1,000 schol-
arship towards tuition at the college of
their choice. The winners were chosen
based on academic excellence, extracur-
ricular activities, work experience and an
The competition was tough, but each
winner is truly deserving.
The scholarship committee thanks all
the applicants and wishes them the best
of luck in their college careers.
Congratulations to the winners:
• Katherine Worcester, daughter of
Nancy and Capt. James Worcester, com-
manding officer, Naval Facilities Expedi-
tionary Logistics Center and the 31st
Seabee Readiness Group, Naval Base Ven- Katie Worcester Francesca McClintic Michael Edmonds
tura County.
• Francesca McClintic, daughter of Ro- • Michael Edmonds, son of Karen and es group whose mission is to promote among the spouses of military officers in
berta and Chief James McClintic II of Capt. Antonio Edmonds, chief staff of- U.S. Navy Seabee and Civil Engineer the Ventura County area.
The Lighthouse

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40, ficer, Naval Base Ventura County. Corps heritage, and to provide friendship, For more information about the Bee
Naval Base Ventura County. The Bee Club is a naval officers’ spous- mentorship, social activities and support Club, visit

Begin training now for Sept. 18 NBVC half marathon

By Deborah Williams training? Studies show that people who ance! Saturday, July 3: 30-minute cross
Community Support Program Director work out in the morning are the most con- At this moment, you may think it im- Sunday, July 4: 4-mile run
If you’ve ever dreamed of running a half sistent, the reason being you have fewer possible to run or walk 13.1 miles, but you Monday, July 5: Stretch and strengthen
marathon, the Naval Base Ventura Coun- competing priorities. This does not mean will quickly gain confidence and see the Tuesday, July 6: 3-mile run
ty’s on September 18 is a perfect place to you cannot work out later! You will simply great benefits that come from regular ex- Wednesday, July 7: 2-mile run
start. The course winds around Point have to plan for all those things that can ercise! Thursday, July 8: 3-mile run, strength
Mugu and is flat and fast — perfect for get in the way — working late, for in- Walking program Friday, July 9: Rest
developing confidence as a long distance stance. Saturday, July 10: 30-minute cross
runner or walker. What will you do when friends invite Monday, June 28: Rest Sunday, July 11: 4-mile run
Unlike many races, walkers are encour- you to do something fun at the same time Tuesday, June 29: 30 minutes easy
aged and will start half an hour before the as your training? Wednesday, June 30: 20-minute stroll Mondays are essentially a rest day.
runners. The half marathon is definitely Plan now and think of creative solutions Thursday, July 1: 30 minutes easy Spend it doing some gentle stretching and
an obtainable distance for most people! for these issues. Friday, July 2: Rest easy strength exercises — push-ups, lung-
This training program is from Hal Hig- Some people find a training group to Saturday, July 3: 30-minute stroll es, sit-ups and other body weight exer-
don ( ), a longtime be motivating. Choose a time to meet, and Sunday, July 4: 3 miles easy cises. Feel free to take walking breaks in
contributing editor to Runners’ World and hold each other accountable. It is normal Monday, July 5: Rest your running. Cross training can be bik-
author of several running books. There for life to get in the way of one or two Tuesday, July 6: 30 minutes easy ing, swimming , walking, aerobic dancing
are many other plans on the Internet; ex- sessions, but work hard to complete every Wednesday, July 7: 20-minute stroll – whatever you enjoy.
plore popular sites such as www.runner- session. Exercising and sticking with your Thursday, July 8: 30 minutes easy I hope you will take this challenge! Ev- and training is a personal victory and some- Friday, July 9: Rest ery issue will have two weeks of training
The secret to any training program is thing to celebrate! Think of the bragging Saturday, July 10: 30-minute stroll and running/walking advice.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

consistency. I will be providing a 12-week rights you will have when you finish the Sunday, July 11: 4 miles easy Looking forward to seeing you all at the
training plan for both the novice runner race! NBVC Half! Sign up today at
and walkers. The program is designed to So, let’s get started! Running program com.
start this Monday, June 28. The walking program assumes you have
Make the commitment to get started by the ability to walk for 30 minutes. The Monday, June 28: Stretch, strengthen — Williams started running marathons five years
taking this weekend to think through a running program assumes you can run 3 Tuesday, June 29: 3-mile run ago and has improved her time by 50 minutes.
few of the common obstacles both runners miles. The increases in the distances and Wednesday, June 30: 2-mile run She has run six marathons and many halves.
and walkers face. times will be gradual. You will be amazed Thursday, July 1: 3-mile run, strength This fall, she hopes to qualify for Boston; she
What time of day will you complete your at how quickly you increase your endur- Friday, July 2: Rest missed by 23 seconds last year.
Commissary’s Kid Zone popular with preschoolers
On June 11, 4- and 5-year-olds from the
Child Development Center (CDC) at Na-
val Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme,
visited the Port Hueneme Commissary
Kid Zone escorted by the CDC director,
Tamara Loray.
The newly opened Kid Zone, located in
the produce department, is there so par-
ents may shop while their children can be
occupied watching videos, coloring and
writing on a chalkboard. These activities
are designed to teach and promote healthy
eating and nutrition.
The field trip was the first for this 45-
member group. It included a mystery box,
where the children tried to identify the
different fruits inside. Left, 4- and 5-year-olds from the Child
The commissary would like to thank Development Center at Port Hueneme enjoy
Peggy Hayes, vendor sales representative the new Kid Zone at the Port Hueneme
for Overseas and Coast Produce, for pro- Commissary. Located in the produce
viding the gift bags that consisted of apple department, the Kid Zone gives children
juice, applesauce, apples, oranges and ba- a place to stay entertained while their
nanas. parents shop. Above, commissary secretary

The Lighthouse
Loray extended a heartfelt thank you Claudine Irvine holds the “mystery box”
and looks forward to future field trips to while a youngster tries to guess what type
the Port Hueneme Commissary. of fruit is inside.

Hueneme Triathlete wins June honors

Library says Lt. Cmdr. Matthew
Thomas is Athlete
thank you of the Month
to Air Force
By Annabelle Ferrer
The June Morale, Welfare and

Recreation Department’s Ath-
lete of the Month is triathlete
Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Thomas, a
maintenance officer and E-2 pi-
The Friends of the Port Huen- lot at VAW-117. LIGHTHOUSE FILE PHOTO
eme Library want to express our Thomas came in seventh at the Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Thomas, a
great appreciation to a group of 2010 Admiral’s Cup Triathlon, maintenance officer and E-2 pilot
Air Force volunteers from Naval held June 5 at Naval Base Ven- at VAW-117, finishes first at the
Base Ventura County. tura County, Point Mugu, and Earth Day 5K in April.
At our annual book sale in Port Hueneme Mayor Norm Griffaw and his daughter pose with the he won the Earth Day 5K, held
April, Stephen Doeve, Drew Air Force volunteers who helped with the annual Friends of the Port on April 15. Triathlon, he ran, swam and
Matelka, Alex Schmitt and An- Hueneme Library Book Sale. Thomas, originally from cycled a few times a week. He
thony Shaw, with Derek Maxey Nashport, Ohio, has been serv- started training after getting

Thursday, June 24, 2010

in charge, came to our aid in the ing in the Navy for 13 years. His back from deployment at the end
early morning and then again af- young men working with us. We men also find time for a commu- favorite sports are running and of March.
ter the sale. couldn’t have done it without nity service like this — helping cycling; his role model is none Thomas says he enjoys the
We had hundreds of boxes of them! the local public library — and we other than Lance Armstrong. sport because he loves to chal-
books that needed to be carried, We were impressed with their wanted to give them some well- Thomas has been running lenge himself and feeling the
many tables to be set up and then, courtesy and kindness, and we deserved recognition. since 2000. His first race was in “runner’s high.”
at the end of the sale, still more thank Tech. Sgt. Adam West for — Cathy Penprase, 1994, when he ran a marathon His favorite quote is from
boxes to be packed and moved. making the arrangements for the Immediate Past President, in the Marine Corps in Wash- Kenji Miyazawa: “We must em-
It was a tremendous help to us to volunteers. Friends of the Port Hueneme ington, D.C. brace pain and burn it as fuel for
have such energetic and strong It’s wonderful that our military Library To train for the Admiral’s Cup our journey.” 11
Cub Scouts get uniforms inspected by professionals

Button up! Seabees who The inspection took place with 52 Cub
Scouts who ranged from 7 to 12 years
inspect uniforms of A old.
School students show 52 The event began with the Cub Scouts
Color Guard parading the flags. Blauert
boys what a real uniform then introduced Graphman and Chandler
to the Scouts, Scout leaders and the audi-
inspection is like ence.
The audience was honored to see the
By Michelle Odette Naval instructors volunteering their time
NCTC to act as role models for the Cub
Cub Scout Master John Blauert re- Scouts.
cently invited the Seabees from the Naval As the U.S. Navy petty officers walked
Construction Training Center, Port Hue- through the ranks, they engaged the Cub
neme, to assist in an annual uniform in- Scouts and asked questions about their
spection for Cub Scouts from Pack uniforms and their organization.
3831. “The boys got a kick out of it,” said
Construction Mechanic 1st Class Tiger Scout Leader Alan Schiaffino. “The
(SCW) Jay Graphman and Construction formal inspection by the Seabees made
Mechanic 2nd Class (SCW/SW/AW) it feel more official and a little more
Christopher Chandler enthusiastically grown up.”
volunteered to provide their military ex- Troop leaders and parents were very
The Lighthouse

pertise. They are Naval instructors who impressed with the overall ceremony.
conduct weekly in-depth uniform inspec- In closing, Blauert said, “Time was
tions of more than 100 Construction limited, but for the boys you did inspect,
Mechanic Apprentice (“A” School) stu- it left a lasting impression on them — a Cub Scouts get the final word on how well they prepared their uniforms during inspections
dents. good one. Thank you for all you do.” by naval instructors whose job it is to inspect the uniforms of A School students.

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$73,319 raised for NMCRS
Michael McQuillan, O.D.
Quality Care with a Personal Touch
By Nadine Gamble
NMCRS executive director
The 2010 Navy-Marine Corps Relief
Society Fund Drive raised $73,319, an
amount that exceeded last year’s fund
drive by $7,000.
Lt. Pablito Quiatchon, Chief Builder
Andrew Bugs and NMCRS staff and vol- Serving all the optometric needs
unteers would like to thank the command • Eye Disease • Retinal Mapping
representatives from NBVC and tenant • Vision Therapy
commands for all their hard work and
dedication to this year’s fund drive.
• Contact Lenses • Glasses
A special thanks also goes to the NEX • Active Duty Dependents
for raising $1,396 through donations at With Prime have no out-of-pocket
their registers. expense for exam
These funds will enable NMCRS to
continue their mission of providing inter- Discount on all materials for military
est-free loans and grants for emergency members and their families
needs to active duty, retired personnel, Easy to make an appointment.
their eligible family members and survi-
vors. Money can also be used to help pay
Funds can go to help pay basic living medical and dental co-pays for depen- 1200 Paseo Camarillo, Ste. 180
expenses, such as food, rent, utilities and dents.

The Lighthouse
child care, during family emergencies. Money raised during the annual fund
They can also be used to offset transpor-
tation expenses for an emergency leave to
drives has risen steadily the last three
years. In 2008, donations totaled $64,212,
attend a funeral or to be at the bedside of and last year’s total was $66,038.
immediate family members. Thank you, NBVC!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Catalina Heights Recreation Center is now open

By Andrea Howry
Lighthouse editor
The Recreation Center at the Catalina
Heights military housing complex in Ca-
marillo is now open.
Last-minute construction and produc-
tion of key cards delayed the opening
until June 4; some of the homes have been
occupied since late 2009, said Nancy
Meissner, regional property manager for
Lincoln Military Housing.
The pool and fitness center, which are
only for Catalina Heights residents, are
open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a
week. There is no lifeguard on duty.
The game room and Recreation Center
interior, which includes a full kitchen and
a business center with Internet service, fax
machine and printer, are open from 8:30
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
The center got rave reviews during grand
opening ceremonies on June 4, when res- PHOTOS BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
The Lighthouse

idents received their key cards. The pool at the Catalina Heights Recreation Center and the fitness center located in the building shown are open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
“It’s cool. It’s really nice,” said Builder seven days a week. The Recreation Center had its grand opening on June 4. It is open to Catalina Heights residents only.
1st Class Steven Maldonado as he played
with his 15-month-old daughter, Victo-
Maldonado, with Naval Mobile Con-
struction Battalion 40 Air Detachment,
and his wife, Jennifer, moved into Cata-
lina Heights in December.
They agreed the center will help with a
summertime parenting goal: Get them
tired, get them home, get them fed and get
them in bed.
The game room features a pool table,
an air hockey table and several video
The fitness center has treadmills, ellipti-
cal machines and stationary bikes.
Meissner said plans for recreation cen-
ters are well under way at both Point
Mugu and Port Hueneme. The Mugu site
on Bullpup Circle is under construction
now, with completion expected in Febru- Clockwise from top left: Carlos Borras Jr.,
ary. 1 year old, nibbles on a sandwich with
The center in Hueneme is expected to mom, Veronica Hernandez, during the grand
break ground in the next month or two opening ceremony. Borras’ dad is AC2 Carlos
on the old basketball courts and part of Borras with Air Operations. Michael Krieg
a parking lot at Seabee Park. swims with his 3-year-old granddaughter,
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Catalina Heights was originally built in Madison. Madison’s dad, Lt. Josh Krieg
1959. The complex was razed and rebuilt of VX-30, invited his parents to the grand
last year and features 32 single-family opening. James Donnell, 12, plays a video
homes and 283 townhomes. game, biding time until he could play pool
Three-bedroom units are available now. with his dad, AM2 Roy Barnard, with Fleet
Pets are not allowed. Support at Point Mugu. Ethan Finley, 1,
floats in the wading pool. His parents, Peggy
For more information on availability,
and AD1 Daniel Finley, with VAW-113, said
call the Lincoln Housing office at 982- they like the center. “This is definitely an
4321. upgrade,” they said.
Contracts specialist draws up recipes for healthy eating
Her banana muffins win a nationwide
contest and a spot in an upcoming
cookbook. Is Pillsbury next?
By Andrea Howry etables instead of butter. She
Lighthouse editor
combined whole-wheat flour
Kelly Reason-Williams likes with oats and substituted that for
cooking healthy foods, but don’t white flour. She made red velvet
get her wrong. cupcakes with beets.
“I’m not a die-hard fanatic “The problem is always ratio,”
about it,” says the contracts spe- she said. “How much ground
cialist with Naval Air Systems almond substitutes for a cup of
Command, Point Mugu. “If we oil? I played with flour and oat
want to eat McDonald’s, we mixtures to find the right con-
will.” sistency for different recipes.”
It’s that easy-going approach The couple moved to Califor-
that led to Reason-Williams be- nia in 2006, and Reason-Wil-
ing named one of two Los An- liams found healthier alterna-
geles-area winners in a nation- tives to more ingredients. She
wide Feds Get Fit (FGF) Recipe tried low-sodium flavorings. She
Challenge for her “Healthy Ba- grew an herb garden in her back

The Lighthouse
nana Muffin” recipe, which is yard.
being published in an upcoming And she lost 40 pounds.
It’s a recipe that contains sug- cooking with a healthy exercise Kelly Reason-Williams pulls a fresh batch of her “Healthy Banana Muffins” out of the oven. An avid baker, she
ar — a full cup of it, in fact. But decided to experiment with healthier ingredients after her husband pointed out he’d never pass PT.
plan really created a lifestyle
it also contains whole-wheat
change,” she said.
flour, oats and, instead of oil,
The simple changes she has Healthy Banana Muffins
ground almonds and microshred-
come up with can halve the cal-
ded zucchini.
orie count of a dish. Her banana
“The ground almonds serve as 1 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour Preheat over to 350 degrees.
a natural fat,” she explained. muffin recipe, for example, has
150 calories per muffin. A store- 1/2 cup of oats Mix all dry items together —
“The microshredded zucchini 1 cup of sugar flour, oats, baking soda, cin-
ends up looking like an apple- bought banana muffin has about
300. 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda namon, salt, nutmeg and al-
sauce paste, but it doesn’t have 1 teaspoon cinnamon monds. In a separate bowl, mix
the sugar that’s in fruit. The two The one ingredient she won’t
change is eggs. 3/4 teaspoon salt all the wet items together —
together give you the moisture 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg eggs, vanilla and sugar. Add
and oil that butter gives you, but “I’ve only tried one vegan
3/4 cup microshredded zuc- zucchini to wet items and stir. The recipe for these banana muffins
it’s a healthy alternative.” recipe, and I found I prefer to
chini Mix dry ingredients with wet substitutes ground almonds and
Reason-Williams began mod- use eggs,” she said. “That’s one microshredded zucchini for butter.
where a substitution makes too 3 large eggs ingredients and mix well.
ifying recipes about six years ago 4 mashed ripe bananas Pour mix into paper cupcake The two together provide the
when her husband, Personnel much of a difference.” moisture and oil of butter, “but
Reason-Williams wants to dis- 1 teaspoon vanilla holders and bake for 25 minutes
Specialist 2nd Class Ronald Wil- 1/4 cup ground almonds or until muffin mixture does it’s a healthy alternative,” Kelly
liams, was stationed in Hawaii. pel the myth that healthy cook- Reason-Williams says. Each muffin
ing is expensive cooking. not stick to toothpick. has 150 calories, half of a typical
“He was deployed a lot,” she
explained. “We didn’t have any “You’ve got to learn not to store-bought banana muffin.
waste what you buy,” she said. spaghetti with ground turkey
kids, so there was nothing for me
to do but bake.” “I’ll buy a 10-pound bag of or- and a Trader Joe’s sauce, toss in I’ll spend $14 for a tri-tip, but then
ganic carrots, but it will last a some mushrooms and bell pep-
Cookies, cupcakes, muffins
you have a tri-tip salad one night

Thursday, June 24, 2010

— she tried them all until her month. I’ll spend $14 for a tri- per and serve it over whole-
tip, but then you have a tri-tip
husband told her to stop.
“He said, ‘If I’m going to pass salad one night and a tri-tip
wheat linguine.”
Recognition for her banana and a tri-tip sandwich with all-
sandwich with all-natural waffle
PT, you can’t keep making this
food,’” she recalls with a laugh. fries the next. If you’re creative
muffin recipe has prompted her
to think about other recipes and natural waffle fries the next. If
enough, you can use it all
So instead of stopping, she
started modifying. She swapped week.”
contests. Topping her list is the
Pillsbury Bake-Off. you’re creative enough, you can use
So what’s her comfort food?
oil for the ground raw almonds,
not roasted or salted. She ex- “Turkey spaghetti,” she re-
“I have a quiche recipe I’d like
to try,” she said, adding hastily,
it all week.
perimented with shredded veg- sponds instantly. “I’ll make the “but it’s not healthy.” — Kelly Reason-Williams, on keeping food costs down
FFSC offers tips on making PCS moves easier

The Military Child Education Coalition Whether this is your first PCS as a sin- • Step One: go to the websites www.
states that military families move every gle Sailor, your first PCS as a new Navy and www.
2.9 years. Packing up and starting over spouse, or even a seasoned moving vet- These sites

On the
every three years can be a very arduous eran, the information below is invaluable will answer all the questions you have
task. Fortunately, military families are to make your PCS the smoothest it can about your new duty station, as well as
resilient and can handle anything that be. give contact information and other valu-
move comes their way!
With the fast-paced lifestyle we all lead
Where to begin? This simple little ques-
tion can lead your brain into an overload
able websites. On the www.militaryhome- page, there is a link for Plan
with Janelle combined with orders often being issued meltdown. Lucky for you the military has My Move. This is where you can create a
Hatzung a few months to a few weeks before de-
parture date, being organized is your num-
created some very informative websites
that will help keep the meltdown in check.
detailed checklist of things that must be
done before you PCS. You plug in your
FFSC ber one priority when it comes time to The next three steps will make PCSing not
PCS (Permanent Change of Station). seem so scary. SEE MOVES, PAGE 34

New system designed to simplify Personally Procured Moves

By Donna Miles selves and pocket any savings they re- said Davidson. “You can do it from your the PPM rollout.
American Forces Press Service ceive. laptop, from your work station, even “The services and the service members
WASHINGTON (NNS) — With the While converting to PPM, TRANS- your living room couch. And you can have definitely embraced it,” said Da-
busiest season for permanent-change- COM also introduced a new system, the also track your shipments online, vidson. “[Usage] went up to about 50
The Lighthouse

of-station (PCS) moves underway, of- Defense Personal Property System too.” percent right from the get-go.”
ficials at U.S. Transportation Command (DPS), to process and manage house- And unlike the legacy paper-based Now, with the legacy system expected
(TRANSCOM) are encouraging service hold moves. system it replaces, DPS is equipped to to remain operational until December
members to take advantage of new sys- DPS is a computerized management process moves service members make 2010 along with DPS, Davidson’s mis-
tems designed to make the process more system for moving the household goods themselves — which constitute the vast sion is to encourage service members to
convenient and efficient. of military members and Defense De- majority of moves. choose DPS to process their moves.
TRANSCOM launched the new Per- partment civilians, said Davidson. It Aside from convenience, DPS is a big With more than half of annual moves
sonally Procured Move (PPM) system automates many steps involved in mili- money-saver for the government, not occurring between May and August,
to better compensate service members tary moves: pre-move counseling, sched- only reducing PCS processing costs, but Davidson is particularly interested in
who personally move their household uling, tracking, invoicing and claims- also generating lower cost estimates getting that word out now.
goods on military orders, said Dolly filing for household goods shipments. from many moving companies, said Ro- “We really want them to understand
Davidson, a change management out- This eliminates the need for service land Amos, chief of the DPS function- the advantages, and why it’s best for
reach specialist at TRANSCOM. members to schedule appointments at al and requirements branch at TRANS- them,” she said.
PPM replaced the old “Do It Your- their base to arrange their household COM. TRANSCOM officials also encourage
self ” (DITY) move system. goods moves face-to-face, allowing them That’s a big factor for the military, service members to register their house-
Under PPM, service members can to make arrangements anywhere, any which spends about $2 billion a year for hold-move experiences through a new
receive up to 95 percent of what it would time, said Davidson. more than 550,000 household moves, online customer service survey found at
cost the government to move their goods “In DPS, you can go in 24/7, you can reported TRANSCOM. The results will
using a commercial carrier. They can counsel yourself, you can put in your With all these factors in DPS’ favor, be used to help the command select the
hire a commercial mover if they choose, shipment and move arrangements, and TRANSCOM officials are encouraged best-performing moving companies for
move some or all of their goods them- everything else is done automatically,” by the dramatic increase in its use since future military moves, said Davidson.

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VX-30’s Bloodhound 700 comes home after overhaul
By Kevin Buszta mythology. Additional trim and mark-
VX-30 ings that continue the black and yellow
Bloodhound 700, VX-30’s first perma- theme complete a classic and appealing
nently assigned S-3B Viking, has finally finish.
come home. Already seeing service performing
Over the course of 10 months of intense range surveillance and clearance on the
maintenance at Fleet Readiness Center 36,000 square-mile Sea Test Range,
Southeast in Jacksonville, Fla., the aircraft Bloodhound 700 has become a vital part
was stripped down to its bare bones and of the VX-30 flight line. The high-fidel-
completely overhauled to repair corrosion ity long-range APS-137 radar, combined
and general wear-and-tear following years with the fast cruise speed of the Viking,
of service in the toxic and demanding salty allows the aircraft to complement the
ocean environment. missions of the stalwart P-3s and C-130s
After passing functional checks, and already in the Bloodhound inventory.
chasing away a few straggling gremlins, Testing is currently underway to bring
Chief Test Pilot Cmdr. John Rousseau and the LANTIRN laser designation and
Lt. Chris “Snip” Pedersen ferried the air- infrared imagery pod online, both to help
craft back across the United States. identify vessels transiting the Sea Test
Bloodhound 700 is hard to miss on the Range and to augment the Cast Glance
flight line with its new paint scheme, pay- photometrics installed on the P-3s.
ing homage to the original 1970s paint Studies on the carriage of ALQ-167
scheme when S-3Bs first entered service Airborne Threat Simulation pods to sup-
Bloodhound 700, VX-30’s first permanently assigned S-3B Viking, takes off from a refueling with the Navy. The sparkling two-tone port fleet readiness exercises are also

The Lighthouse
stop in Texas during its flight home to Point Mugu after 10 months of intense maintenance gray over white paint glimmers in the sun- being conducted.
in Florida. The aircraft was stripped down and completely overhauled to repair corrosion light. Prominent on the gloss black tail In the near future, VX-30 is expecting
and general wear-and-tear following years of service in the salty ocean environment. with bright yellow trim is the VX-30 trade- to add two more similarly painted S-3Bs
mark three-headed Cerberus from Greek to its flight line.

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UCT 2 trains with Korean divers during joint exercise

PUSAN, Korea – Seabees from with the SSU divers. They have games strategically planned to
Underwater Construction Team different mission requirements keep everyone in good spirits and
2 (UCT 2) trained with Republic that require a large footprint, and develop camaraderie.
of Korea Navy’s Ship Salvage they have expressed interest in “This was a great exercise, and
Unit (ROK SSU) and ROK Sea- creating an expeditionary skill friendships were forged that will
bees throughout the month of set, and we can help them de- continue to build on the partner-
March in Exercise Foal Eagle velop that,” said Chief Jeremy ship that has existed for decades,”
2010. Taylor, officer in charge of Con- said Chief Michael Reece, assis-
Foal Eagle is an annual large- struction Diving Detachment tant officer in charge.
scale ROK-wide joint combined, Alfa (CDD/A). Builder 1st Class Donald We-
joint Field Training Exercise The Korean divers are trained dekind provided expedient battle
(FTX) that runs concurrently in Korea, but several of their per- damage repair of pier deck struc-
with the Key Resolve exercise. It sonnel are sent to Panama City, tures to the ROK Seabees in con-
is focused on rear area security Fla., to the Naval Diving and junction with the training.
and stability operations, onward Salvage Training Center to learn “The ROK Navy does not have
movement of critical assets to the diving in accordance with the a unit that has construction and
forward area, special operations, U.S. Navy Diving Manual. diving capability, so it was inter-
ground maneuver, amphibious “Korean divers use the dive esting to be able to work with
operations, combat air opera- manual, revision 6, just like us. both units that would be called
tions, maritime action group op- BU3 Khiaro Promise and 3rd Soonsik Kim conduct a front-step entry to The similarities created from uti- if a waterfront structure were
erations and counter special op- perform lift bag operations. lizing the same set of basic rules damaged,” said Wedekind.
erations forces exercises. and guidelines make it much Unfortunately, the exercise
The Korean SSU divers his- form underwater construction, ter response and recovery. The easier to conquer the language ended abruptly after the South
The Lighthouse

torically have performed under- maintenance and repair of wa- exercise gave both units a chance barrier,” said Construction Elec- Korean Corvette Cheonan sank
water ship husbandry, submarine terfront facilities and underwater to measure interoperability and trician 1st Class (SCW/DV) Dan- near a disputed maritime border
rescue, clearing of harbor debris weapon systems, battle damage prepare for any future contin- iel Luberto. with North Korea. The ROK
or sunken wreckage and satura- assessment, demolition opera- gency operations. The exercise was not all work, SSU divers were immediately re-
tion diving. UCT 2 divers per- tions, harbor clearance and disas- “We look forward to working with soccer and ultimate football called to assist with recovery.

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Personal firearms policy clarified
By April Phillips container, a locked gun rack or secured with approved
Naval Safety Center Public Affairs trigger locks to keep the weapon from firing.
NORFOLK (NNS) — The Navy announced a pol- Weapons are still prohibited in other on-base loca-
icy change regarding personal firearms to consolidate tions, such as bachelor enlisted or bachelor officer quar-
and clarify the requirements for those who own these ters, work centers and vehicles.
weapons. The policy also clarifies that Sailors must comply
The NAVADMIN detailing the new policy is available with all federal, state and local laws, and that concealed
at weapons are never allowed on Navy installations, re-
BCB24012-BC52-4E88-B20F-A509B1C744B7/0/ gardless of local law.
NAV10196.txt. The change to OPNAVINST 5530.14E While the policy change co-locates and clarifies fire-
came after a review of existing policy indicated that arms policy, Johnson said there’s one thing that hasn’t
there were inconsistencies in the way personal firearm changed.
regulations were enacted across the fleet, according to “The decision to own a personal firearm carries with
Rear Adm. Arthur J. Johnson, commander, Naval it personal responsibility,” said Johnson. “If you do
Safety Center. own a weapon, you must understand the basic rules of
However, he emphasized that the policy change should gun safety and make sure you follow those rules at all
not make life more difficult for those who choose to times.”
own weapons. The primary rules of gun safety are: Treat every
“This policy is more of a clarification than a change,” weapon as if it were loaded; never point a weapon at
PHOTO BY VANCE VASQUEZ / PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE said Johnson. “It’s not meant to make owning a per- anything you don’t intend to shoot; and keep your fin-
Capt. Jim McHugh, commanding officer, Naval Base sonal firearm more restrictive for Sailors. Instead, it ger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire.
Ventura County, receives the Flame of Hope during aligns policy across the enterprise so Sailors know what’s Johnson adds two other rules that are important to
the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics expected of them if they do own a firearm.” remember.

The Lighthouse
on Thursday, June 10. Runners from the base and One highlight of the new policy is the ability for all “Keep weapons out of untrained or underage hands,
Special Olympics carried the torch through the Sailors to store their personal firearms in base housing and remember that guns and alcohol don’t mix,” he
county; this particular leg was from Missile Park to or armories (when space is available), so long as they said.
Point Mugu Rock. McHugh ran with his dog, Willy. His receive prior written approval from the installation com- For more news from Naval Safety Center, visit www.
wife Karen ran with their other dog, Charlie.
manding officer. Weapons must be stored in a locked

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NEX gives discount to motorcyclists who take training

By Kristine M. Sturkie ceive 25 percent off their entire purchase cycle safety, including selling protective ing. We have to close this gap as well.
Navy Exchange Service Command Public of motorcycle protective equipment sold equipment, promoting safety messages “If you know a rider who hasn’t been
Affairs at select NEXs, including those at Naval and partnering with the Naval Safety to training, get involved! If you need
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va (NNS) — Base Ventura County, as well as online Center. We will do all we can to ensure your three-year refresher course, take
The Navy Exchange (NEX), in partner- at the safety of our Sailors and their fam- responsibility and get to a class! The
ship with the Naval Safety Center and “We are happy to partner with the ilies.” American people are counting on you
Commander, Navy Installations Com- Naval Safety Center to bring this dis- “In fiscal year 2009, motorcycle fa- to manage risks and ride smart.”
mand, announced June 17 that it is of- count coupon to Sailors who have com- talities were down 61 percent in the Sailors who complete the Navy Mo-
fering a discount coupon on motorcycle pleted their required motorcycle train- Navy,” said Rear Adm. Arthur Johnson, torcycle Rider Training class will get a
protective gear for all Sailors who com- ing,” said Rear Adm. Steven J. Romano, commander, Naval Safety Center. coupon from their instructor and will
plete the Motorcycle Safety Course at commander, Navy Exchange Service “However, we still have more work to have 90 days to make their purchase.
their base. Command (NEXCOM). “The NEX do. At least 3,500 Sailors haven’t com- To sign up for motorcycle training,
The coupon entitles the Sailor to re- does all it can to help promote motor- pleted their required motorcycle train- go to

Vietnam vet Seabee reunion

The Annual All-Seabee Reunion and All

shares story Hands Picnic will be held from noon to

3 p.m. June 25 at Bolles Field, Naval
Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme.
The picnic is open to all active
By NMCB 5 Public Affairs duty and retired military, Defense
In the military, airstrips, roads and Department employees and special
bridges are all essential to basic transpor- guests. Lunch is $5 and includes
The Lighthouse

tation. History has proven that well-con- burgers or hot links (choice of two),
structed fighting positions, base camps, chips and a drink. Contact Chief
bunkers and warehouses are critical to Construction Electrician (SCW/DV)
success in modern warfare. Lynn Rodriguez at 982-3131 for more
information and to RSVP. The picnic
Imagine if there was no one to build
is being held in conjunction with the
landing zones for aircraft delivering much 11th Annual All Seabee Reunion June
needed medication and ammunition to 24-27 in Port Hueneme. For reunion
troops on the front. Envision the frustra- information visit the Web at http://
tion of thousands of Marines and Soldiers
incapable of movement through an im-
penetrable forest while the enemy swiftly out that constant connection to kin,
advanced towards their objective. without the protection of our pods?
Visualize the catastrophic effects of the PHOTO BY MC2 ACE RHEAUME / NMCB 5
Utilitiesman Constructionman Nikolaus Weldon, a Seabee attached to Naval Mobile A look back to our Seabee past serves
Vietnam War without the valiant contribu-
tions of Seabees. Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, is interviewed by former Seabee and freelance journalist to humble us, but also makes clear the
While working closely with the Marines Jim Wade at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. importance of our legacy.
and Army, Seabees conducted contin- History is an important lesson to all.
gency construction operations during the “I was on river just northeast of Quang Wade described the differences between Lt. j.g. Darren Jacques, Alfa company
Vietnam War in a manner that would Tri airstrip operating a 1,500 gallon-per- the modern Seabee and those of yester- commander, shares his thoughts: “Lis-
baffle the modern constructionman. It was minute water pump,” said Wade. “I was year. Vietnam-era Seabee engineering tening to Mr. Wade talk about Seabee
the first time America experienced “non- with Detail Charlie from May 1, 1969, reconnaissance teams would travel to ob- history was a reminder that we are nei-
traditional” warfare — asymmetrical, as until August 12, 1969. There I operated jectives alone; a jeep was the typical mode ther the first nor the last NMCB to serve
opposed to the linear and kinetic battle- the water point. When I got there we drank of transportation. The notion of Mine U.S. Expeditionary Forces. Although
fields of the World Wars. More than sea water purified with fresh water units. Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAPs) the times have changed, our mission and
11,000 Seabees deployed to the South Pa- We used charcoal to kill the salt taste. It vehicles, the Marine Corps planning pro- dedication will remain steadfast.”
cific in direct support of the Vietnam didn’t work well. cess or convoy briefs was non-existent. It Currently, Wade works as a freelance
War. “We dug a fresh water point where was up to a strong petty officer to take on journalist out of Melbourne, Fla. As a
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Utilitiesman 2nd Class Mike Crogan got a mission, maintain order and discipline
Thursday, June 24, 2010

result of his prior military experience,

(NMCB) 5 was fortunate to have recently stuck in quicksand. It took about an hour and make it back with their team in one he is authorized to embed with active
been visited by Jim Wade, a former Utili- to get just his foot out of it. But we all had piece, with the mission accomplished. units in combat zones in order to tell
tiesman 3rd Class. Wade served two tours fresh water to drink after that.” Our predecessors faced different chal- their story.
in Vietnam; first from 1965 to 1966 and The stories are just a brief look into lenges than we do today. The modern At Camp Krutke, Afghanistan, Wade
again in 1968 and 1969. Always the sto- what life was like in a time when few of conveniences that we take for granted —
conducted interviews with NMCB 5. It
ryteller, Wade was quick to recount his us were old enough to understand the Facebook, e-mail, MWR lines to call
assignments on Det Charlie and Det Del- magnitude of the Vietnam War, let alone home — did not exist to ease the pain of is his mission to ensure the word gets
ta in Qua Viet. Excitedly, he recounted his appreciate the contributions of the Sea- separation from home and loved ones. out about the role of modern-day Sea-
days as a fighting Seabee: bees, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen. What would deployed life be like with bees.
The Convoy Security Element team of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 hands out

The Lighthouse
toys in the village of Deh Dadi on their way to Marmal.

NMCB 4 brings cheer to kids

Convoy Security berto Corona, who was maintaining se-
curity and slowing traffic to protect the
Element team hands out crowd of kids.
toys, gloves, beach balls It was little difficult to hand out toys to
so many people on the ground, so Johnson
By BU3 Sherry Clark got back in the truck and opened the little
NMCB 4 safety hatch and began tossing toys from
The Convoy Security Element team of the top of the truck. Elders and parents
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 came over and got some toys for their kids
made a quick stop to pass out some toys and, speaking in English, thanked the
during a recent routine convoy in Afghan- Seabees for their gifts.
istan. Across the street a couple of Afghan
All the donations were given by Lt. women watched as the kids received the
Catherine Pace, the NMCB 4 chaplain. items.
“All the toys and gifts were sent from Corona had some nice gloves and cau-
the good people back home and various tiously headed over to offer them. It’s not
churches,” Pace said. “It’s my pleasure to customary for Afghan women to interact
pass it on to the local people who might with men, especially American men. The
need them.” women began to walk away as Corona
Chief Builder (SCW/SW) Allen John- came toward them.
son, the convoy commander, placed his “I stopped walking to them because I
MRAP truck in the back of the convoy could tell they were uncomfortable with
on the way to Marmal, and when passing my approach,” Corona said. “So I stopped
through the village of Deh Dadi, he and held out my hands and offered the

Thursday, June 24, 2010

stopped and passed out toys, gloves, beach gloves. They came over and took them but
balls, socks and stuffed animals to the lo- grabbed them and quickly walked
cal people. away.”
Johnson started to pass out gifts to the As the truck pulled away, the people
locals, but the masses came from every- smiled and waved, and kids ran along the
where, surrounding him from all direc- side giving thumbs up and waving, holding
tions. their new toys close in hand.
“I looked over and couldn’t even see “It made me feel good, helping out the
Chief, he was surrounded by dozens of people,” said Corona, “I hope we get a
kids,” said Builder 1st Class (SCW) Adal- chance to do it again.” 21
NMCB 5 earns Peltier Award for second year in a row

By Ensign Adrienne Rolle and

MC2 Ace Rheaume
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC) has named Naval Mobile Construc-
tion Battalion (NMCB) 5 the recipient of the
2009 Peltier Award for being the most outstand-
ing active component NMCB.
The first complete battalion to deploy to sup-
port U.S. Forces Afghanistan in Regional Com-
mand South, NMCB 5 provided unparalleled
engineering support to the 2nd Marine Expe-
ditionary Brigade, a U.S. Army Stryker Brigade
and Combined Joint Special Operations Task
Force Afghanistan.
The Peltier Award is named for Rear Adm.
Eugene J. Peltier, former chief of the Bureau
of Yards and Docks and chief of Civil Engi-
neers. It recognizes the battalion that was se-
lected as the most outstanding during the prior
fiscal year.
This is the second consecutive year NMCB
The Lighthouse

5 has won this prestigious Seabee award.

“These proud, selfless Seabees have had two
consecutive homeports cut significantly short
in order to support Afghanistan surge opera-
tions,” said Cmdr. Scot Sanders, the command-
ing officer of NMCB 5. “Both times their
original scheduled deployment destinations
were changed. Each time they tightened their
belts and went to work like true profession-
NMCB 5 returned from Afghanistan in Au-
gust of 2010. Within a few short months, word
spread that they would deploy back to the des-
ert sooner than expected.
“Despite the changes and short homeports,
they performed magnificently and truly lived
up to the Seabee legacy of making the difficult
happen now and the seemingly impossible
things happen later,” said Sanders.
Deployments are tough and challenging;
NMCB 5 realized this with last year’s Afghan-
istan deployment. Extreme temperatures and
arduous work hours were just a few factors that
are common in theater, but proper planning
was implemented to ensure everyone in the bat-
talion was ready.
“You can definitely see how we progress as a
command,” said Utilitiesman 2nd Class (SCW)
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramon Santiago, a Seabee attached to NMCB

This is Santiago’s first command, and he says
people are very appreciative of the work NMCB
5’s Seabees get accomplished.
“Last deployment, [at the det I was attached
to] we built a whole compound from scratch.
It was a small crew of only 23, and the com-
Clockwise from top left: Seabees attached to NMCB 5 install sheeting at a project at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. Construction Mechanic
Constructionman Joshua Curry (left) and CM3 (SCW) Justin Fonda help change an injector on a backhoe. CE3 Stanley Sejalbo installs receptacle boxes pound we finished included bee huts, a dining
on a project site at Camp Leatherneck. BU2 (SCW) Eric Clark is caught in a sandstorm. CE3 (SCW) Benjamin Gerstenmaier reworks wires at a project facility and showers,” said Santiago.
22 at Camp Leatherneck. Small crews from NMCB 5 work together to
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PhotoS by MC2 Ace Rheaume / NMCB 5
Above and below left, in true sandlot fashion, Seabees attached to NMCB 5 and Marines play a softball game at Camp Leatherneck. NMCB 5, “The Professionals,” are deployed to Afghanistan for general
engineering, infrastructure construction and project management in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

The Lighthouse
Right: CM3 (SCW) Preston Hein plays a ukulele during his break time in Camp Leatherneck. Bottom right: BU2
(SCW) Eric Clark conducts Romanian deadlifts in the Camp Krutke Seabee Gym at Camp Leatherneck.

construct small camps and improve the qual- mally go up in a contingency environment.”
ity of life for supported commands; they build Seabees work in all types of conditions.
everything from the ground up. NMCB 5 has previously deployed to Afghan-
Safety is an important part of consideration istan and is prepared to face anything, includ-
for the Peltier Award, and NMCB 5 keeps their ing weather that may occasionally delay proj-

Thursday, June 24, 2010

standards high. On the left side of every Sea- ects.
bee hard hat, it clearly states, “Safety is my “Every time I see them working away in a
responsibility.” NMCB 5 Seabees incorporate sandstorm or in the desert heat, I think these
this motto on an everyday basis. guys are really a special breed and I’m blown
“These guys had twice the optempo and away by their professionalism, their efforts and
number of mandays worked of a normal their sacrifices,” said Sanders. “It is an honor
peacetime deployment, yet the safety mishap to have had a chance to serve with such tre-
rate dropped significantly by 46 percent,” said mendous men and women. They inspire me
Sanders. It is “one of the best safety records daily and represent to me the very essence of
of any unit I’ve ever seen; safety mishaps nor- the ancient creed, Strength and Honor.” 27
Saving Navy $10 million reaps rewards for NSWC

By Kristi Staley Package Support Facility. Built in the mid-

Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme 1980s by the Air Force for the space shut-
Six Naval Surface Warfare Center Port tle program, the building was no longer
Hueneme employees were recognized with being used to its full capability.
a Department of Defense Value Engineer- A feasibility study conducted by the
ing Award on May 12 for their part in the Naval Facilities Engineering Command
implementation of the Mission Package found the building would suit the needs
Support Facility, located at Naval Base of the new facility in the most cost-effec-
Ventura County, which saved the Navy tive way, in addition to allowing the Navy
between $8.5 and $10 million. to meet important milestones in the sched-
Kurt Schultzel, Chris Parsell, Bobby ule to stand up the facility.
Thompson, Linda Bulick, Dave Bograd The team’s application and implementa-
and Mike Lansford accepted the award in tion of value engineering principles re-
a formal ceremony at the Pentagon. They sulted in the reduction of life-cycle owner-
were recognized alongside their fellow ship costs in the requirements to sustain
team members from the Littoral Combat and stage Littoral Combat Ship mission
Ship Mission Module Program Office, modules.
Littoral Combat Ship Class Squadron, The Value Engineering Awards Program
Naval Facility Command and Northrop recognizes and encourages outstanding
Grumman. achievements that improve in-house and
U.S. NAVY PHOTO The savings achieved by the Littoral contractor productivity. The program se-
Littoral Combat Ship Mission Modules Program team members from Naval Surface Warfare Combat Ship Mission Modules Program lects winners from each Department of
Center Port Hueneme pose for a group photo after accepting a Value Engineering Award team members were the result of the re- Defense component in five categories:
The Lighthouse

in a ceremony at the Pentagon on May 12. Pictured are, from left, Bobby Thompson, Mike
utilization of an existing building (Build- program/project, individual, team, orga-
Lansford, Chris Parsell, Linda Bulick, Cmdr. Cliff Salonga and Kurt Schultzel. In attendance
but not pictured is Dave Bograd.
ing 1392) to fulfill the need for a Mission nization and contractor.

Time of year to be aware of mosquito-borne illnesses

By Petty Officer 2nd Class Estela Rojas
Naval Branch Health Clinic Port Hueneme
The Preventive Medicine Division at Here’s how you can prevent the spread of West Nile Virus
Naval Branch Health Clinic Port Hue-
neme and the Naval Base Ventura Naval Base Ventura County Public chlorine or other chemicals — and rain ported if they have been dead more than
County Public Works Department are Works and the Preventive Medicine Di- gutters. 24 hours, have been hit by a car, shot,
working together to prevent the spread vision at Naval Base Health Clinic Port If you know of any sources of stand- or killed by animals, are covered with
of West Nile Virus aboard the base now Hueneme are working together to help ing water or potential mosquito breed- ants or flies or have a foul odor or their
that mosquito season, which runs from eliminate and treat any potential breed- ing sites on-base, please call the Preven- bodies are not intact.
May to October, is here. ing sites with larvacide on the base. tive Medicine Division at 982-6358 or To report a dead bird on base, please
The key to preventing West Nile Virus Mosquitoes can lay their eggs in as 982-6316. For personnel living off base, call the Preventive Medicine Division at
is controlling the mosquito popula- little as a quarter inch of standing water. call your local county Public Health Of- 982-6358 or 982-6316. Off base, call
tion. They can mature into biting adults fice. your local county Public Health Of-
West Nile Virus is a potentially seri- within one week. Mosquitoes may be Protect yourself from mosquito bites. fice.
ous illness that is contracted by the bite breeding in a number of different plac- Use a mosquito repellent that contains The Preventive Medicine Division will
of an infected mosquito. es not commonly thought of, primarily DEET, avoid going outdoors at dawn continue to monitor NBVC for signs of
Mosquitoes become infected when areas where water can sit for longer than and dusk, wear long sleeves and pants WNV and will notify the public if the
they feed on infected birds. Infected a week. This includes low areas of yards, outdoors and keep door and window virus is identified on the base.
mosquitoes can then spread WNV to abandoned trash under bushes, alumi- screens in good repair. For further information, feel free to
humans and other animals. num cans piled up, old tires, children’s Report dead birds. One way to mon- contact the Preventive Medicine Divi-
Not all mosquitoes carry WNV. Day outdoor toys, bird baths, “green” swim- itor the spread of WNV is to test dead sion at 982-6358 or 982-6316.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

biting mosquitoes known locally as Salt ming pools — those that do not use birds. Dead birds do not need to be re-
Marsh mosquitoes have not been known
to harbor WNV.
Those that bite during the evening, er with poor physical health. The ma- ifest include fever, headache, fatigue, Prevention (CDC) website has many
most notably the Culex species, can jority of people and animals that be- occasional skin rash on the trunk and links and additional information on
potentially spread WNV. come infected with WNV only have swollen lymph glands. These will gener- West Nile Virus and reducing risks to
The disease is most threatening to mild symptoms ranging from a low fe- ally appear in three to 15 days after a exposure. Go to and use
very young, people with compromised ver to body aches. bite from an infected mosquito. the A-Z index and find the West Nile
immune systems and those 50 and old- Additional symptoms that can man- The Center for Disease Control and link under “W.”
The Lighthouse
Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) received a Chief of Naval Operations Environmental Award for its innovative team approach to environmental restoration for its plan to dredge the
Port of Hueneme. The awards ceremony was held June 1 in the Naval Heritage Center at the U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. Present during the ceremony were, from left,
consultant Jack Malone of Anchor Environmental; consultant Steve Cappellino of Anchor Environmental; Daniel Shide, installation environmental program manager of NBVC; Adm.
Gary Roughead, chief of naval operations; Capt. James J. McHugh, commanding officer, NBVC; Steve Granade, remedial project manager, NBVC; and Kristina Madali, remedial project
manager, Naval Facilities Southwest.

NSWC Port Hueneme sees the ‘fruits of their labor’

By Kristi Staley produce,” said civil service Capt. personnel,” said UNREP Fleet
NSWC Port Hueneme William Baldwin, Perry’s master. Support Branch Manager David
Naval Surface Warfare Center “We get such superb support Wenner, who noted that the last
(NSWC) Port Hueneme received from the UNREP team at Port visit to NSWC Port Hueneme
its first-ever visit from the Mili- Hueneme. We couldn’t do our job by an UNREP ship was made
tary Sealift Command dry cargo/ without them.” by USS Camden (AOE 2) in
ammunition ship USNS Matthew NSWC Port Hueneme’s UN- 2002.
Perry (T-AKE 9) May 14-17. REP division also hosted a The Lewis & Clark class of
During the port call, NSWC “Heavy UNREP” rig demonstra- dry cargo/ammunition ships was

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Port Hueneme personnel had the tion at its test site, which show- constructed to replace the Mars
opportunity to tour the ninth cased new technology in develop- and Sirius classes of combat
ship of the Lewis & Clark class, ment to increase throughput and store ships and Kilauea class
whose multifaceted mission ca- load capacity to meet the newest ammunition ships. When oper-
BM B. Costa, right, of USNS Matthew Perry, explains how an underway
pability includes underway re- operational requirements for the ating in concert with a Henry J.
replenishment line-throwing gun is used to Naval Surface Warfare
plenishment (UNREP). next generation aircraft carrier, Center Port Hueneme employee Jerry Bobo during Perry’s port call.
Kaiser class fleet replenishment
“This has been a wonderful op- USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). oiler, Lewis & Clark class ships
portunity for us to show [NSWC In addition to the demonstration, of the ship’s visit. newest Combat Logistics Force have the capacity to operate in
Port Hueneme UNREP person- the UNREP division hosted a “This ship visit was a rare op- UNREP ship capabilities to the the place of the Supply class
nel] what the fruits of their labor barbecue for the crew in honor portunity to display the Navy’s Naval Surface Warfare Center’s combat support ships. 29
Thursday, June 24, 2010 The Lighthouse
Fire trucks spray water over a “contaminated” area of Naval Base Ventura County during an exercise June 16 that played out a scenario in which dozens were injured and outside
agencies had to be called in for assistance.

Drill at NBVC
involves dozens

zations is always difficult, but we learn

each time we do it,” said Robert Huether,
NBVC’s installation training officer and
the lead coordinator of the event.

The Lighthouse
He added that the drill went “very
well.” Clockwise from top: Firefighters
“We appreciate the support we received decontaminate “victims” by spraying them
from the community,” he said. down with water. Helicopters were used to
transport the “injured.” Capt. Jim McHugh,
Daniel Wall, a Ventura County Public commanding officer, Naval Base Ventura
Health nurse who helped organize a sim- County, welcomes dozens of first responders
ilar drill at California State University, from outside agencies to the base. “Think
Channel Islands — one that didn’t involve outside the box,” he told them. “Think of
the Navy base — was an observer of the ways to do things better.” Engineer Manny
June 16 exercise. Morales of the Santa Paula Fire Department
“It’s a unique challenge to integrate the helps slow the “bleeding” of role-player
civilian and military operations,” he said. Miriam Mendez, who, in real life, works for
“But first responders all respond in the Ventura County Public Health. “It’s great for
same way and see eye-to-eye. So watching everyone to get training in disasters through
this was a great experience.” drills like these,” Mendez said.
Crews found that civilian and military
terms can differ — a “moderate” injury It helped add realism to a scenario that
might not be the same in both worlds — changed by the minute.
and they discovered a few glitches in radio “We’re going from responding to a di-
communications. saster to logistics to organizing transpor-
But overall, officials from the 10 outside tation all in a matter of minutes,” Scantlin
agencies involved deemed the exercise a said. “A lot of things are hard to simulate,
success and one that needs to be repeated but this exercise seemed to get it right.”
frequently. One of the “injured,” Jamie Putman of
“The last time I took part in something Camarillo, a volunteer with the Ventura
like this was in 2004,” said Manny Mo- County Fire Department, also found the
rales, an engineer with Santa Paula Fire. drill educational.
“It’s been awhile. This is great. I wish we “I just graduated from the Oxnard Col-

Thursday, June 24, 2010

could do it more.” lege Fire Academy,” she explained. “Being
About 40 role-players acted as accident a victim and seeing how they take care of
victims, complete with moulage, or make- you, I can apply that to how I would get
up done to simulate wounds. victims out of situations.”
“This is the first time I’ve been in a drill The next large drill will be in late Au-
that had this many live patients,” Capt. gust, when NBVC takes part in a Navy
Mark Scantlin, a 17-year veteran of Fed- Southwest Region exercise simulating an
eral Fire, said as he looked over the half- earthquake that affects operations in San
dozen “moderately wounded” on the Diego, Lemoore, China Lake and Ven-
color-coded tarps laid out on base. tura County. 31
Clinic opens June 30 with top-of-the-line equipment


air supply that is vital to maintain a

sterile surgical environment.
“I’ve never seen a vet clinic with a
surgery like this other than in large sur-
gical specialty or vet school facilities,”
Staitman said.
In addition to surgery, the clinic has
two exam rooms, a kennel room for
post-op and recovery, an X-ray room
with complete digital X-ray capability
that makes X-ray film obsolete, a con-
ference room, a restroom, two offices
and a waiting area.
Those who have been to the previous
clinic will immediately notice the small-
er waiting room. Clinic hours
“We had to give up some space some-
where,” Staitman said. “The ability to The new veterinarian clinic in Building
offer additional services was the goal. 19 at Naval Base Ventura County,
We will have to just be more effi- Port Hueneme, will be open Monday,
cient.” Tuesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m.
The Lighthouse

Visitors will also notice the interior to 3 p.m. It will be closed for lunch
design scheme. those days from 11:30 a.m. to 1
p.m. The clinic will also be open on
“We chose the colors based on re- Wednesday; however, that is the
search that explored the reactions of clinic’s surgery day, and making
dogs and cats to specific colors and appointments may be difficult. The
shades,” Staitman said. “We chose the clinic is closed Thursday for training,
colors which were found to create a and it is closed weekends.
calming effect in dogs and cats.
“It’s all based on the animal’s visual
color and perception abilities and psy- PHOTOS BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
chology.” Dr. Michael Staitman looks over the new equipment in the state-of-the-art surgical area of the new veterinary clinic at Port Hueneme.
Staitman has a number of mission
priorities at NBVC. The top priority NBVC Army veterinary services has VETCOM and at our clinic.”
— and the reason the veterinary clinic a food inspection section with four ac- Staitman figures that 99 percent of
is located on the installation — is pro- tive-duty food inspectors assigned. his business is dogs and cats.
viding veterinary care for the military Those four and Staitman are respon- “One client has two tortoises,” he
working dogs on base and the govern- sible for examining all NBVC facilities said.
ment-owned, explosive- and drug-sniff- at which food is sold and/or stored. His clinic, new as it is, isn’t equipped
ing dogs working for the Federal Mar- Staitman is also responsible for per- for birds or horses. He refers them to
shals and Transportation Security forming 30 or more inspections per year off-base vets in Ventura County.
Administration at Los Angeles Interna- of commercial food production facilities The most common ailment he sees is
tional and other local airports. that produce and sell food to the DoD. skin disease caused by allergies.
The second priority is responsibility These facilities are located in nearby “This area poses problems for animals
for food safety and defense. Ventura County and extend into North- because of the agricultural industry,”
“Most of the NBVC community is ern California. he said. “Grass, weeds, pollens, the dust
unaware that the Army is responsible Staitman’s third priority is providing from the fields – it’s all rough for dogs
for the safety, security and defense of veterinary services for the pets of ac- and cats.”
the food supply sold to the Department tive-duty military personnel and depen- Staitman is eagerly awaiting the open-
Thursday, June 24, 2010

of Defense and sold and stored on mil- dents and retirees. ing of the new clinic, where he can hang
itary installations,” the one exception “Preventive medicine is the primary all the different hats he wears and con-
being the Air Force, Staitman said. responsibility of the veterinary clinic tinue to provide veterinary care to the
Army food inspection goes back to and its staff,” Staitman said. “The pre- NBVC community.
the Civil War, when Army veterinarians vention of disease, especially zoonotic “I attempt to keep the amount of time
were responsible for treating the hoof diseases — diseases that are transmitted I am away from the clinic to a minimum The shade of paint in the new veterinarian
clinic was chosen based on studies
stock used in battle and for inspecting from animals to humans — is the foun- and appreciate our clients’ understand-
researching how dogs and cats react to
the animals and carcasses used to feed dation of the vaccination and parasite ing and patience when our office hours color. This shade of blue was found to be
the Soldiers. prevention programs used throughout are disrupted,” he said. especially calming.
Support Center
The Fleet & Family
Help when you need it.

All classes at Port Hueneme unless oth- Relocation

erwise noted. Call 982-5037 for more in-
formation. • Welcome Aboard Workshop: Incom-
New toll-free appointment scheduling ing service members and their family
service: 1-866-923-6478. Call 24 hours a receive information on military and
day, seven days a week. Schedule counsel- community resources on and near
ing (individual, marital, family) and ap- NBVC. Wed., June 30, 2:30 to 4 p.m.
pointments for financial, spouse employ- • Sponsor Training: Ensure that des-
ment, transition and relocation ignated command personnel have the
assistance. necessary training to successfully fulfill
their role as command sponsors. Wed.,
Life Skills Workshops July 7, 3 to 4 p.m.
• Married to the Military: Newly mar-
ried to the Navy? Learn about military
• Couples Communication: Strengthen benefits, family programs, Navy jargon
your communication and your connection and customs. Wed., July 14, 4 to 6
as you juggle deployment, memory mat- p.m.
ters, partnerships and parenting. Mon- • Smooth Move: Make your PCS move
days, July 12, 26 & Aug. 2, 5 to 6:30 easy, simple, smooth. Wed., July 21, 10

The Lighthouse
p.m. a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
• He Says; She Says: Understanding the
differences between men and women in
relationships. Wed., July 21, 4:30 to 6 IA Readiness and Deployment
• Blended Families (4 sessions): Learn • Deployment Preparation: For service
to focus on a child’s developmental mile- members’ families who are soon to be ex-
stones in the context of social, moral and ecuting IA orders. Wed., July 7, 4:30 to
cognitive development. Dispel the myths 5:30 p.m.
of step-parenting and transform into a PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE • Deployment Discussion Group: For
new family. Tuesdays, Aug. 3, 10, 17 & 24, Anna Ritz, who is moving to North Carolina with her husband, Airman Brian Ritz of family members of service members who
3 to 5 p.m. VAW-113, took the Fleet and Family Support Center’s Smooth Move class to find are deployed or under IA orders. Tuesday,
• Solution Focused Communication: out the best way to prepare for the adventure. “They totally walked me through the July 13, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Improve your communication and better move,” she said. For moving tips from the FFSC, see Page 16. • Homecoming: For families of soon to
your relationships at home, work and play. be returning or already returned IA/de-
Mon., Aug. 9, 5 to 6:30 p.m. ployed service members. Wed., July 14,
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
• Corporate Resume writing: Cutting- Sexual Assault Prevention
edge resume techniques! Must call 982-
Career Support and 5325 to register. Fri., July 16, 7:30 to 9 and Response (SAPR)
Retention a.m. • Victim Advocate Meeting: All com- Financial Management
• Federal Employment: Resumes, web- mand advocates are required to attend.
(Register for TAP classes with your sites, and the application process. Fri., Thurs., June 24, 10 to 11 a.m. • Financial guidance by appointment.
Command Career Counselor) July 16, 9 to 11 a.m. • Data Collection Coordinator Training: Evening appointments available. Call
• Executive Transition Assistance Pro- • MS Excel: From beginner to advanced Required training for data collection co- 982-3640 Port Hueneme or 989-8844.
gram: Monday-Thursday, July 12-15, 7:30 in 2 hours. Wed., July 7, 8:30 to 10:30 a. ordinators. Mon., June 28, 9 to 11 a.m. Information available on saving, invest-
a.m. to 4 p.m. E-7 and above, all retirees. m., FFSC Point Mugu, Bldg. 225. ing, TSP, credit reports, creating a spend-
ing plan, car buying, avoiding foreclosure
Civilian attire. Bring medical records and • Goal Setting: Learn how to identify, Ombudsman and bankruptcy, selling versus renting

Thursday, June 24, 2010

DD2648 on Monday. prioritize and achieve long, medium and
• Transition Assistance Program: Mon- short-term goals through proper planning • Ombudsman Meeting: Ombudsman your home, retirement planning and fi-
day-Thurday, July 19-22, 7:30 a.m. to 4 and organizational strategy. Thurs., July program updates and advanced training. nancial planning for deployment.
p.m. Seperatees E-6 and below. Civilian 15, 9 to 11 a.m. Tues., June 29, 6 to 8 p.m. • How To Teach Your Children to Un-
attire. Bring medical record and DD2648 • Spouse Resume Writing: Learn what • Ombudsman Basic Training: Required derstand Money: Learn ways to help you
on Monday. makes up a winning resume and learn job to become an ombudsman and if more teach your children to develop healthy
• What Employers Want: International search skills. Thurs., July 22, 9 to 11 than 3 years have elapsed since attending money habits and attitudes. Thurs., July
HR specialists reveal what companies are a.m. OBT. Monday-Wednesday, July 19- 21, 8, 6 to 8 p.m.
looking for before they hire you! Thurs,, • LAPD Testing: July 28, 4:30 to 6:30 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Point Mugu • Home Buying Seminar: Do you want
July 15, 2 to 3 p.m. p.m. Call for future dates at 982-5325. FFSC, Bldg. 225.

Support Center
The Fleet & Family
Help when you need it.


Move can
to buy a home in the near future? Learn
how to determine price range, select a
real estate agent and choose the best fi-
nancing plan. Thurs., July 15, 5:30 to 9:30
• Developing your Spending Plan:
Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much
be easier
money you will have in your account the
day before payday? Learn how to “make
ends meet” without resorting to credit with help
from FFSC
cards to survive. Thurs., July 22, 1 to 3

New Parent Support CONTINUED FROM 16

current duty station as well as your fu-

ture duty station and when you plan to
• Little Explorers for Toddlers: An in- depart, and it does the rest!
The Lighthouse

teractive parent-toddler playgroup for Now that you have an idea of where
babies 15–36 months. Thursdays, 10 to your new base is located, as well as what
11 a.m. except first Thursday of month. facilities, etc., that it offers, you are PHOTO BY ANDREA HOWRY / LIGHTHOUSE
Call 982-5037 for location. ready for the next step. This sight is less apt to cause jitters in those who have taken Fleet and Family Support
• New Mamas: For expecting mamas • Step Two: Go to your nearest FFSC Services’ Smooth Move class.
and mamas with babies 0–15 months old. and speak to a relocation specialist. You
Information, education and support. will be able to sign up for the “Smooth
Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Move” class, which is your one-stop Moving is a perfect time to go through with moving. Did you know that the
• Yoga Mamas: For expecting and new shop to hear all the experts speak. You all of your belongings and purge those military will only ship your car to your
mamas. a gentle stretch. Tuesdays, 12:30 will learn how to spend wisely on your items that have been in a box since your next duty station if it is OCONUS
to 1:45 p.m., Bee Fit Center. PCS, get the lowdown on what kind of last PCS move. Tired of looking at the (overseas, outside the continental Unit-
• First Steps Program, Accident Aware- entitlements you can expect from PSD, old and worn coffee table? Now is the ed States)? That means if you have or-
ness and Prevention in the Home. Week- information about making sure your time to get rid of it; put it on Craigslist, ders to go from Port Hueneme to Nor-
ly for parents of infants, babies, toddlers Tricare is up-to-date, who to contact if sell it at a garage sale or let any of the folk, Va., you’d better be ready for a
& siblings 0–5 yrs. Lap babies welcome, you have school-aged children who will new sailors at your command know that road trip! This is the perfect time to sit
childcare needed for toddlers and pre- be going to a new school, and the dif- you have some old furniture that you’d down with an FFSC financial coun-
schoolers. Information: 982-5037. ference between having the Navy move like to unload. selor and review your spending, find out
• Your Baby Shower: Introduction to you or doing it yourself under a Person- If you are a Navy spouse, this is the the changes in BAH and special pays,
New Parent Support. Pregnant? Get info ally Procured Move (PPM) formally perfect time to create or update your etc.
on Tricare, Budget for Babies, Seat Belt known as a DITY move. You can’t af- resume. Whether you are looking at go- If you have school aged children you
Safety and more. Infants welcome! Thurs., ford to not attend this class. ing back to work or wanting a jump are probably wondering what the pro-
July 8, 6 to 8:30 p.m. • Step Three: Once you have orders start at finding your next job, this is the cess is to change schools, especially if it
• Super Saturday Birth Class: Learn the in hand you can set up your move on perfect time! Your local FFSC has a is mid-year. Naval Base Ventura Coun-
basics, including labor starts, the different great staff that can help you create a ty has a great school liaison officer,
stages of labor, labor support, breathing Oftentimes spouses and service mem- resume or update your current one. Monica James, available at 989-5211,
and the many ways to reduce pain. Sat., bers think they can’t do anything move- They will assist you in creating the best and she can help with any school-re-
July 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. related until they have orders in hand. corporate resume, and they will provide lated question.
• Brand New Baby (3 sessions): Learn This is not true. While you might need guidance for what you need to know to Another great resource is Military
Thursday, June 24, 2010

baby cues, how to soothe, sleep training, to wait for your orders to set up your develop your federal resume. Onesource, which is available 24/7. If
caring for your newborn. Fast recovery move or go to PSD and request entitle- When was the last time you sat down you have a question at 2 a.m. that is
while learning to live with a newborn. ments early, there are plenty of things and looked at your spending habits? Do keeping you awake, their phone lines are
Thurs., July 15, 22 & 29, 6 to 8:30 p.m. you can do to prepare for the move. The you have a monthly budget? Moving can always manned and ready to help.
single Sailor getting ready to PCS might be an expensive experience! Of course, If you have any questions regarding
not need to do as much preparation as the Navy will pay to move your house- your next move, do not hesitate to con-
— For information, please call Sandy Lyle, a military couple with children, but be- hold goods, as well as the lodging while tact FFSC Relocation Specialist Jenelle
command liaison, at 989-8833 or e-mail ing organized and prepared never hurt moving (see PSD for specifics) but there Hatzung at 982-3102 or via e-mail at anyone. are many hidden costs that come along
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The Lighthouse
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

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WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
To our advertisers:
Please check your ad the first Merchandise 204 204 207 207 212 221
Antiques And Antiques And Commercial
day and report any issues
promptly. Classified ads are 200-297 Collectibles Collectibles
Appliances Appliances Bicycles
charged using an agate line
unit of measurement. Visible
lines are larger for readability
and adenhancement, therefore
Planning Local Arstist
-By “Marguerite”, Ojai.
Big Sale Stainless Steel/like new
Washer/Dryer $99-up
$50 - $380. 805-384-0183
Upright $49+ Beam $12+
SHELVING Steel & Wood
billable lines may be more than
what is visible to the reader. an Estate By appointment only! $500. Refrigerators Refrigerators Stoves 2’x4’x 6, 8 or 10’ $69+
$125 & Up. Free pick up on WAREHS LADDERS $89+
or garage sale?
Call 805-647-8398 Stoves washers, dryers & refrigs. 219 805-532-1103 VCS242163
Announcements 204 Call Us-Get More
WANTED: Swords, Japanese
We also repair
Sales, Repairs & Installation
Call (805)390-8136 Cemetery Lots RESTAURANT EQUIP sinks
100-170 Antiques And We come to you & Civil War, German VCS242756 stove, tables, dishwashers,
Collectibles Buying antiques &
fine estate items:
daggers, antique weapons,
military. CASH. (818)992-4803
$300/pair. Refrigerator $175
plot 5-13 Conejo Mountain
Memorial Park, today’s
refrigerators, container
freezers, more $100-$2000
805-445-8400 VCS241940
ALL CASH fine jewelry and All very good cond value $8000, will sell for $5000
costume jewelry, COIN OP WASHER 805-671-9852 VCS241264 Moving to Virginia
BUYING sterling flatware
real good condition. 310-457-9343 VCS241942 227
All U.S. Silver, Gold
& serving pieces,
207 Whirlpool. $250ea 805-525-2062
Washer & Dryers
CONEJO MOUNTAIN Exercise Equipment
and Copper Coins, Guaranteed and/or
Large & Small Collections. perfume bottles, Appliances Memorial Park, 2 prime
Foreign Coins Medals - FREEZER - KENMORE Repair $99 to $199 location plots. Santa Cruz #1, RUBBER MATTING
105 Tokens Gold Jewelry figurines, Lladro, White, 9cu ft, frost free, 482-4983 or 816-4081 Gary #148 G & H. Half Off Sale Great for gyms, patios, work
furn & lots more ALL MAJOR APPL. energy saver. Like new $4000 ea or $7500 both OBO
Found/Lost Broken or unwanted Gold
Jewelry. Scrap Gold Call Carol Now! Sales, Service & Parts $295/OBO 805-478-0122
Bowen VCS242993 805-671-5622. VCS241769
areas, garages, dog runs,
factory, shops. Anti fatigue,
& Silver Dental Gold Save on repairs & sales VCS242433 day care play areas, truck
LOST CAT, Domestic med sz Sterling Flatware 818-888-0677 during the economy crisis.
WHIRLPOOL Refrigerator
2 years old in good condition, 221 beds, etc. 4’x12’ rolls $85/ea.
male, grey & wht stripe, Watches Established 1984. with repairs in Vta County. FRONT LOAD WASHER white, $275. 805-218-2610 805-625-0568 VCS243055
wht paws & tummy, pink
nose, brown spot under
1211 Maricopa, Ojai All of Conejo, Camarillo, Washers, Dryers, Heaters, Top of the line, large VCS242435 Commercial TREADMILL Pro Form
40 Years Buying Vta County VCS240819 Capacity. $500. 805-497-6012
chin “Socks” in Oxnard. Refrigerators, Ovens Gas &
Electric, Microwaves VCS240966 Equipment Sport 1200T, Style 5049201.
REWARD 805-485-0028 or 805-646-4904 FINAL MOVING SALE 35 Years Exp. Vta Co. REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint CANTILEVER RACKS
Asking Price $349.
805-391-2256 VCS243594 VCS240672 Antique religious figures,
lg pews, art & design books, Victor 805-302-1866 top freeze, wht, 4-5 yrs new, from $285 per column
Online garage sale map. Every Friday
LOST CAT Antique Dining Sets-2 Ethnic art & tile murals, Miguel 805-760-8267 clean, very good cond $175. Call Roger 818-389-2859
White & black neutered male 1.Solid oak ornate carved Latin American fine art VCS243432 805-671-9852 VCS241309 VCS242522
cat. Missing since Sat June legs with 4 chairs. 2.Ma- $100-$3000 (805) 901-2137

12. East Ventura, area of hogany gateleg with 6 VCS241842 Always Good
The Lighthouse

Boise & Henderson. Please chairs. $450ea., OBO

call 647-8798. VCS243345 986-5479 Moving-must sell
LOST grey/white neutered
VCS242560 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ KENMORE
male cat. Last seen near GOLD HAS For Sale
Motel 6 in Camarillo.
PLEASE call with any info
$100-$150 ea cash
Jane 482-3676 VCS243279
Coins 1964 & Older BUZZ 984-2327
Dimes - $1.03
Quarters - $2.57
Halfs - $5.15
INSTANT CASH For ---------- FREE ads for the following categories:
Dollars - $12.00 & up BRACELETS, DIA-
Lost Family Heirloom -
Possibly donated to C.C. $$ - cased $135 MONDS .25CT -10,00 CT • Pets – Free to good home • Motorcycles
Coin Collections PLUS, Uncirculated & “DEAD OR ALIVE” • Merchandise
A.R.C. by mistake - 11
Gold Coins - Call Circulated Coins, Some • Roommate Wanted

wooden hand painted
Gold Scrap Paid Over Gold Spot FREE
bear cutouts labeled
Mexico Wanted • Lost & Found • Miscellaneous Wanted
w/each month of the
Sterling Pieces
Prices, Gold Crowns.
4255 E. MAIN ST Kenmore
year Possibly in red pic-
Pocket Watches • Automobiles & Trucks
nic basket w/chalk. Call
Patti (805) 671-9876 Indian Baskets 805-650-0444 VCS241998
VCS242486 Free Appraisals Washers/Dryers
805-646-2631 ___________ For appliance
VCS241647 All free ads are 20 WORD MAXIMUM.

GOLD HAS teacher
Carnews, TOP DOLLAR DOLLARS 984-2327 Paid classified advertising available for remaining
categories and non-eligible personnel.

research& on quality photographs,

old Hollywood photographs,
BUYERS OF SCRAP The Lighthouse offers Submissions:
resources. autographs & posters,
old documents, old postage
stamps & envelopes,
free classified ads for Submit your 20 WORD MAXIMUM free or paid classified
art, old Oriental antiques,
DIAMONDS, ROLEX WANTED advertisements with your contact information including
old casino chips,
Indian baskets & rugs.
Top dollar paid.
WATCHES, GOLD CASH PAID property and personal phone and email via one of the following:
COINS, WE PAY UP TO Washers/Dryers,
onlineat... I’ll buy 1 item or the
whole collection
10 years or less,
items offered by active
805-300-2308 VCS242005 COINS, SILVER Fax: (805) 437-0466
working or NOT duty and retired military, Email:
Guitars, Basses, Tube Amps FOR SALE
Musical Instruments, etc 4255-18 E. MAIN ST
civil service and dependent Tel: (800) 221-7827 (M-F 8 a.m.–5 p.m.)
Thursday, June 24, 2010

805-981-7196 VCS242916 VENTURA CA 93003 Washers/Dryers

Refrigerators Mail: The Lighthouse Classifieds
Starting at $125 personnel within Naval P.O. Box 6006, Camarillo, CA 93011
170 805-290-7327
______ VCS243635 VCS241189 Base Ventura County. Deadline:
Motorhead, Lance Lambert I BUY Antique & Black All classified ads must be received by 5 p.m.
MARRIOTT DESERT blogs all things on wheels. Powder guns, knives,
SPRINGS VILLA 7-17 to military, hunting/pocket,
Wednesday a week prior to publication.
7-24 &/or 8-28 to 9-4, sleeps original or reproduction
6, all amenities $850/wk
818-991-3871 VCS242167
805-646-2168 VCS242162 800-221-STAR(7827)
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––SSIC CAR ‘60
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
CLA int, new
ne, new pa
Rebuilt engi included, must sell.
36 stereo, dice
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
227 233 233 233 0273 274 275 275
Exercise Equipment Furniture/ Furniture/ Furniture/ Jewelry/Clothing Medical Equipment Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Household Goods Household Goods Household Goods & Supplies For Sale For Sale
Floor models, excellent ______________ great for disabled person New Authentic Demarcus
condition, $250-$400 Pillowtop Mattress Set SECTIONAL GOLD HAS $3800/obo 805-487-2293 Ware Jersey, wht w/blue
(805)671-9852 VCS241267 Never used, still in Bedroom Set, Brand New in the Box!! VCS243291 letters & numbers sewn on.
Mission Style. Stylish two tone design PASSED $1000
plastic w/warranty, Paid over $250, will sacrifice
2 twin, 2 night Comes w/Matching Ottoman DOLLARS AN $60. 805-646-6365 VCS241231
233 retails $899 sac $260! & Throw Pillows!! Retails OUNCE
stands, 2 dressers for $895, Selling for $398. 275
Furniture/ 805-830-3314 WE ARE LARGEST FREE $300 at Padavo Home
w/mirror, $500. 805-830-3314 VCS242874
BUYERS OF SCRAP Miscellaneous Furnishings in Thousand
Household Goods Twin Trundle Bed, PATIO SET beautiful, 12pc,
Oaks. $1600 gift cert for
$1300 805-300-8913
(2) LA-Z-BOY
Beautyrest mattress,
spring, frame, pillows, $199
805-644-4238 VCS243325
board, $250. All
good condition.
iron, Verde Green w/pads,
xlnt cond, $1000. Phone
805-386-3335 VCS243356


3 yrs old. Excellent cond.
BED Deluxe Orig Tempur-
peidc queen size complete
805-649-8971 or
ZGallerie Platinum (duvet &
900 sq ft, $1.50 sq ft
805-495-9601 VCS242579
Metal Fences, Car Parts,
Sold as group $750 or
$300 ea. Call 805-987-3535
4 more info
bed,used only 1 week $1500
805-760-1870 VCS243560
shams) extra 2 dark brn euro
shams. Like new $100. FULL
BED Bombay Kids Emily
$$$$$$$$ Car Batteries, Cast Iron
Bathtubs, Pool Heaters,
Air Conditioner Units, etc.
VCS243272 Oak Hideaway $80. Oak
BED FULL SIZE Corner Bakers Rack/Hutch
off-white, head/ft board $100.
CASH NOW! TOP $$ 805-368-9853 VCS242169
4255-18 E. MAIN ST We’ll buy your
Affordable Orthopedic Pillowtop $75. 805-578-0525 iron/wood $100. 805-383-6960 VENTURA CA 93003 WE PICK UP & RECYCLE
Sectionals & Sofas Mattress Set VCS243318 VCS242491 805-650-0444
car running all Major Appliances.
Help Save our Planet.
Never used, still in plastic
Custom Sized w/warranty. Retails for $499 DRESSER cherry w/mirror Next to Honey Baked or not! Call 805-671-9569 VCS241265
Pottery Barn inspired styles
and more, local mfr show-
Sacrifice $150.
$250/obo. Lg Bean Bag, like
new $79/obo. TV, 19”, $25. Find new & used cars. Ham Firehouse Plaza
______________ through directory of
room factory
direct sectionals sized VCS241650 805-443-5392 VCS242723 VCS240814
regional new housing Can’t find the 281
by the inch with your
BED QUEEN FUTON $425 micro-suede pink or Pool/Spa Supplies
measurements. Hard to
fit spaces our specialty Best Orthopedic Pillowtop cover on cherry wood
frame, bedding incl. Exc.
274 communities. registration?
prices, quality & Mattress Set 805-933-3069 VCS243427
0273 Medical Equipment Visit No problem! SPA/HOT TUB
selection. Sectionals from
$799. 805-302-2138
Never used, still in plastic
w/warr retails $699, sell $160. Jewelry/Clothing & Supplies Deluxe 2010 Model.
VCS242012 805-830-3314 LAZBOY LUXURY To get the best Neck jets, therapy seat,
VCS241652 LIFT CHAIR COMMODE warr, never used, can
BED A Beautiful Barely used. Power Lift Re- CATS CRADLE Thrift Shop
never used, $80. Call deal, call us first! deliver, worth $5950,
805-987-5609 VCS242546 will sell $1950 818-785-9043
Leather Platform Bed BED cliner. Has massager with Open Thurs thru Sun 805-582-2515 VCS241892
w/Thick Queen Tempurpedic Style heat. Pd $1200. Asking Clothes, jewelry, books/etc. PRIDE CELEBRITY X
Pillowtop Mattress Queen Memory Foam $499. 805-529-0294 4160 Market #10, VTA 25¢- 3 Wheel Scooter, 20 miles, 213-700-3116
VCS243355 up 805-485-8811 VCS241257 head/tail lights, flat-free VCS243477 Online garage sale map.
Never Used, in plastic, war- Mattress Set tires, swivel adj seat,7 month
ranty. Retails $999, sell $365 Brand new in plastic w/warr! factory warr, MSRP $2,797. Every Friday P.M.
805-830-3314 Retails $1199, Sell $345!! Sacrifice $1,450/obo.
VCS242985 805-830-3314 VCS242986 Call 800-221-STAR(7827) Call 800-221-STAR(7827) 805-797-5624 VCS242805

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

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VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– RIGERATOR
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
REF 25 cu ft,
ainless stl,
Like new, std ice through door.
water an
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 37

professional services
Relax. Let a pro do it.

“California law requires that
contractors taking jobs that
Carpet Cleaning Construction Drafting Electrical Work General Handypersons Hauling
total $499 or more (labor and
materials) be licensed. State
law also requires that contrac-
tors include their license num-
bers on all advertising. Check
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Don’t Pay
out your licensed contractor by Upholstery and Rugs DEXIGN SYSTEMS
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calling the Contractors State
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1-800-321-2752” trouble shooting. All work •Additions/Remodels/Repairs Clean up. Concrete &
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_ Everything Clean _ ideas into construction (805) 791-9529 • painting
Call now and Save 50%
Acoustic Ceilings Lee’s Maintenance
805-987-3071 VCS242186 No more Electric bills
drawings. Call today for a
FREE consultation.
(805) 200-8246 Tim Voorhees 527-5808 805-252-3836
We handle the rebates VCS242523 CA Lic#946937 Chamber of LIC #724376 VCS242963 Free Estimate Anytime
805-682-5753 Commerce Member VCS242855
Local online classifieds. Free Estimate VCS242074 RETIRED
Free Site Evaluation VCS242957 CONTRACTOR Eddie’s Hauling
William Osborne w/43 years experience, & Gardening Svc
offering handyman svcs & all
DRYWALL Lic 913170 VCS243125
Dry Wall
general contractor, home phases of construction incl’g:
Garage & Yard Cleanups,
Dirt & Concrete Removal,
Acoustic Removal & Carpet Repair improvements and repairs, finish carpentry, decks, Tree Trimming/Removal
Retexture in 1 day. Fast Free Estimates termite and dryrot repairs. plumbing, electrical, etc. No Senior Discounts
We paint too! For all your home/business License #370124 job too sm or lg! 805-698-5712 Free Estimates
Bonded & Insured
Free Estimates
repairs & more.Carpentry,
Electrical, Plumbing.
Flooring (805)641-0217 (818)266-4035 not licd VCS241427
Will work with your schedule CARPET REPAIR ALL-PHASE VCS241326 VCS240958
RECESSION RATES Drywall & Paint RICK’S Carpentry &
Quality Guaranteed! & CLEANING & Handyman Service
25 yrs experience
“No Job Too Small”
•Texturing •Patch & Repair Carpet, Linoleum, Tile Handypersons Over 25 Years Experience! Tito’s Hauling
• Stretching • Patches 805-382-0464 Specializing in interior,
Lic # 776189
• Carpet to Tile lic#342943 VCS241195
•Acoustic Ceilings•Remodels
35+ Years Experience
• Installation Repairs
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repair, carpentry, doors,
& Fences
VCS243150 Carpet Rescue _Competitive Rates_
805-701-3108 unlic VCS240815
• RV’s & Used Carpet
805-267-6975 cell trim, dry wall, tile, minor LANDSCAPING
805-483-0899 electrical and plumbing. GREAT PRICES!
(Lic #787080) VCS242768 T&T Lic #558476 CHUCK STOUT
(805) 312-4874 • Any Demolition
DRYWALL, Inc Find new & used cars. • Installation & Repairs
All Trades:
Not Lic’d VCS242441 • Garage/Yard Clean ups
Ca Lic 835604 • Room Additions 805-312-5113 cell
Plumbing, Tile, Electric,
• Concrete Work
ACOUSTIC REMOVAL Computer • Kitchen & Bath VCS241422
Drywall, Painting, Windows,
• Wood Fences
• Tree Removal
Guarantee 1 Day Service
In Furnished Homes Services Remodels Framing & Carpentry.
30 + years in Conejo Valley
• New Lawn Sprinklers
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The Lighthouse

Liability & Worker’s Comp Decks Garage Doors __ FREE Estimates __ We Take Care of All Home
Improvement Needs. Cell
805-985-0271 Office Electrical 805-499-2860
Lic# 771801 VCS242444 Small jobs are welcomed. (805)890-3239
or 805-479-1127 Cell Tom 805-987-2860 Contractor _Free Estimates VCS242101
Free Estimates VCS242506 Door & Windows _Senior & new customer
Onsite PC Support
Lic#425257 VCS239043 Pacific Coast Installation discounts

for Home or Office
Computer Repair, Service
AROUND Garage Doors
Quality Door Installation
incl int & exterior design,
Electrical, Ceiling Electrical, Plumbing, House Cleaning
Air Conditioning/ & Upgrades. Virus, Spyware TOWN Repairs Springs/Operators Fans, Recessed lights
Fences, Tile, Carpentry,
Flooring, Windows,
& Adware Removal.
yourcar. ELECTRIC
Data Recovery. 13 years exp incl int & exterior design. Cabinets, Painting,
We accept VI/MC/DC All your remodeling needs Remodels and More.
Since 1981 (805)987-6100 805-732-4089 Lic #945896 Bonded/Ins. MISTY DAWN
OCEAN AIR Create your own ad online Experienced Contractor Lic# 729304 VCS243422 Lic#668759 VCS243600 VCS240999 Cleaning Services at Specializing in Residential
A/C Systems Installed $4800. * Spring Cleaning*
805-991-0666 Jobs & Repairs at *Deep Cleaning*
Furnace Change Out $1200.
Wall Furnace Change Out
VCS242903 Reasonable Rates. HANDYMAN *Weekly* *Monthly*
$600. Service Call $65. Certified Solar Professional Gardening SERVICES Hauling Free Estimates. Flexible
Free Estimates 805-988-0636 Plumbing•Electrical Hrs. Organizing & Errand
1/2 The $ As Pacific
Concrete Work Lic #407590 VCS243306 Lighting & Ceiling Fans Running. No job is too big
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Lic #891072 VCS241488 Doors Roof Rep.• Crown Molding
Dry Rot & Termite Rep. Reliable/Honest/Responsible


• Free Estimates
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Tile•Rough/Fin. Carpentry
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CLARK & SONS • Affordable Rates • Planter Work • Hauling Senior Discounts WE DO IT ALL! PROFESSIONAL
Summer Specials • No Job Too Small • Sod • Clean-up & more Same Day Service COMPLETE CLEAN
Service/Repairs $50/hr. CONCRETE DOOR MASTER • Trouble Shooting • Trim small trees 805-901-3088 •Concrete & Demolition
A/C tune up with filter $55. LICENSED CONTRACTOR • Military Discounts Free Estimates! VCS243555 •Weed Abatement House_Apt_Building
New A/C and Furnace •Driveway/RV Pad•Patios Specializing in Door/Window RUBEN ALONSO •Real Estate Clean up Janitorial_Construction
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Available 7 Days A Week
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Will beat most quotes. _No Job too small_ 30 Years Experience 805-551-8870 L#0762471 VCS242191 Stucco, Fencing, Drywall, •Construction • Handyman Move in/Move out. Weekly/
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805-630-4235 Competitive Pricing! Lic#927740 VCS241212 Doors, Paint Texture, • Yard Clean-up
805-583-0480 Lic#796766 Bonded/Insurance Plumbing, Tile, Roof •Carpet-Truck Mounted
Lic 848188 VCS243358 LIC#408242 VCS241947
Rick 805-890-7928 PACIFIC COAST ‘’A’’ PLUS Repair, Carpentry,
Windows, Concrete.
•$2M Ins Umbrella
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Escobar Concrete
VCS242452 ELECTRICAL GARDENING All Work Guaranteed 805-643-HAUL •Kitchen/Bathroom
CONTRACTORS •Mow •Edge•Bushes
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No job too small.
THE • Honest, Reliable & Exp’d
• Trouble Shooting
Trimmed •Yard Clean-ups
No job too big or small.
Not Contractor VCS243111
lic #084142 VCS241144 987-3071
Service local since 1986
patios, block/retaining • Ceiling Lights & Fans Reasonable. Free
Specializing in Door Lee’s Maintenance Co
walls, brick, stucco, pavers • Remodels Estimates. 1 Time/Monthly AL’S
tile, driveways stamp,
foundations, sea walls.
Installations & Door Repairs,
Windows, Moldings, • All Work Guaranteed (805)336-3947 VCS242130 H&S HAULING!
SIGNATURE Robert 805-890-2198 Cabinets. 32 years exp Edward (805)797-0402 HOME ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú
L’IL JOHN’S 7 Days-Free Estimates
Carrie’s Cleaning
Thursday, June 24, 2010

FINISH Camarillo, CA. Lic#806561 VCS241664

Lic #819035 VCS241289
COMPLETE YARD REPAIR (805) 485-9334 Reliable, Hardworking &
805.641.2222 Tree/HedgeTrim/Chain Saw
We do: Doors, windows, VCS242718 STAMP Specializing in Tree trim, Yard rototilling
FREE Estimates!
crown, case, base moldings pruning, removal, shrub &
wainscot, beams, paneling, Buildacar. TIM’S CUSTOM ELECTRIC hedge trim, ivy hillside clear
Electrical _ Plumbing
Heating _ Kitchen _ Bath
Garage Cleanups
Appliance Removal
Apartments, Offices, Homes
mantles, columns, flex Residential & Comm’l weed abatement, apt & Painting _ Tile _ Stucco 805-407-9466
DOORS Will Haul Big or Small
molding, window wraps,
hardware, laminate,
Findusedcars. Over 200 Styles
Troubleshooting, Repairs
Lighting & Maintenance
garage clean-ups, gen haul.
Sr Discounts. Prompt Svc.
Windows _ Wood Flooring
Masonry _ Blockwall
Lic. 94-06169 VCS242552 VCS241259
shelving, pediments,stairs,
skirts,siding,cased opening
Findadealer. French Swing Sliders, All
Brands, Locks. Hardware,
Affordable Rates
No Job Too Small.
Free Est. 805-647-3124
Driveway _ Roofing
Water damage restoration Find a home.
cabinets, bead board. Moldings. Wholesale Prices. Senior Discount. Mobile Homes
25 Years Experience! CALL
805-558-0551 805-654-9937 Online Classifieds. Buy or Sell. Designs and Blue Print
Lic#948934 VCS242907
(805) 527-5808
Lic #724376 VCS242962 Lic#923709 VCS240970 (Lic #642719) VCS242081 800-221-STAR(7827)
VCS1234 56 –––––––
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3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
professional services

To advertise (800) 221-7827

Landscaping Painting Screens Tree Services 297 297 310 310

Wanted To Buy Wanted To Buy Cats/Dogs Cats/Dogs
Supplies/Services Supplies/Services
Tony’s Landscaping, SCREEN MACHINE of __ ONE DAY __
Yard Maintenance
& Hauling PAINTING Thousand Oaks
Complete Mobile Screen Svc TREE SERVICE WE BUY AKC, females, wheat in color
“For people w/allergies”.
old, purebred, parents on
premise, 3 M, 5 F, $500 ea

Interior•Exterior•Custom Fast • Efficient • Friendly Wizard of Oz Toto’s. 375. 805-933-2212 or 805-889-9493
Sprinkler System Repair • New Window & Door Senior Veteran Discount!
& Installation• Tree Finish•Drywall•Texture & Screens & Rescreens 760-377-4771 VCS242125 VCS241687
Planting & Pruning Stucco Repair. Reliable •Sliding Screen Doors Free Estimates Call Gregg
& Clean. Beat Anyone’s CATS & KITTENS $125 Sat
•Sodding & Seeding •Retractable (disappearing) DACHSHUND-BEAGLE MIX
•General Maintenance Price. Free Estimates Screen Doors & Sun 11-5@ PetCo in CAM, fem, 1 yr old. friendly,
805-338-6622 VCS243004 VCS241378 PT HUE, Market/Donlon,
•Low Rates• Free Est.• •Petscreen lively $25. for dog, bed,
VTA 805-485-8811 VCS241726
18 yrs Experience •Solar Screens
METALS toys, food. 805-652-2086

Tony Juarez Franchise VCS243465
H:805-488-9852 VCS243507
805-530-0333 or 818-744-0184
VCS241675 WEED ________________
SPANIEL purebred puppies.
Blenheims, 2nd shots, DACHSHUND MINI blk &
chipped vet recommended. tan, dapple, piebald, reds,
Wallpaper Removal Construction &
short, long, wirehair, 9
Wall Texturing Brush Clearing Call 805-906-1174 weeks & adults $200+
Tree Service Demolition Scrap
(805)987-6647 CALL
Car Bodies Facebookfanpage savvycavs 805-223-0576 VCS242335
newcars, Lic Contr#415645 VCS241192 800-221-STAR(7827) Property cleared to state Automotive Scrap

DACHSHUNDS 2 males, 5 yr
usedcarsand and county codes.
Guaranteed to pass Fire Steel CAVALIER KING
old Long hair and 2 yr old
short hair Dapple, looking
dealers. Plumbing
Department inspection.
FREE Estimates!
Aluminum Beautiful puppies. for a good home. We would

Blenheim & Tri Color Males. love to keep them together,
Lic’d, Bonded & Insured Copper AKC, microchip. $700ea. Please call 805.857.1620
DAVE Brass VCS243532
ACROWN All Types of Metals 805-320-1246 VCS242872
Moving Drain Clean/Repair. Leak SPRINKLER SVC 805.933.8280 colors, AKC purebreds, AKC Registered
Repair. Fixture Install. *New Installations parents on site, health
Hydro-Jetting. Plumbing *Repairs
Remodels.Repipes. New *Trouble Shooting
842 Mission Rock Rd
Santa Paula, Ca 93060 Running or guaranteed. M & F available.
$500-$1000. 805-886-8307
661-333-4697 or 661-769-8807
Construction. 24 hrs/7 days *System Tune-Up
Not Running
VCS242377 VCS243184 VCS242431
ADVANCED 805-526-4125 *Timers
Lic #921281 VCS243634 805-804-7785 COLLECTIONS and

Rolling hills

The Lighthouse
We Make Moving “Easy” $75.00 MAIN LINE MILITARY
Locally Owned
No Job Too Big or Small
*Free Boxes*
Tree Services
loan calculator to project • Pocket Knives
• Sheath Knives
Cal T#182606 VCS241291
AM PM Rooter & Plumbing
All Plumbing Repairs.
monthly payments.
• Swords & Bayonets
VCS242774 come right to the
(805)890-6524 VCS242759

Paint Contractor
Lic #563479 VCS241902 AFFORDABLE
RANGES & Pets & Supplies backyard
Roofing •Stumps •Firewood
Free Estimates, Pymt
805-671-9569 VCS241266 300-315 630 Maple Court, Fillmore
Options Avail. 20 Yrs Exp. I PAY CASH for old books,
AAA Pacific Coast 24 Hr Emergency Svc
magazines, paper ephemera,
Construction 805-532-1710 movie/comics/sports
Paint & Drywall Specialist JLG ROOFING licd & insured VCS241232 memorabilia, libraries,
• Patch/Repair •Acoustic DBA Gils Roofing Co. posters, old toys, etc.
Removal •Retexture •Int/Ext New Roof, Re-roof, Gold Coast Tree Carl 818-889-3599
Painting •Ind/Res/Comml Flat Roof, Woodwork ALL PHASES VCS242582
•Fast Reliable•Handyman Owner on every job!
805-443-4608 Free Estimates!
All Work Guaranteed!
lic #579047 VCS241995
805-816-9414 SCRAP METAL. CALL
805-643-HAUL VCS241147
Alfredo Rivera Lic #885763
Insured/W.Comp. Trimming, Shaping, Stump & Supplies/Services
Painting VCS242199 Tree Removal, Dangerous/ NEED 1938 - 1943 ERA.
Interior/Exterior Hazardous Tree Removal. Lionel Electric Train with
NKC Reg, Born 4/12, 5 M,
Stucco/Wood Repair
Wallpaper Removal.Drywall MENA Brush Fire Danger Clear-
ance. Free Estimates
cars and track. Good Cond
805-524-1882 VCS242674 4 F, shots, $595 805-890-7197

New Textures.Free Estmt
ROOFING CO 805-578-6500 or
All Types of Roofing 805-494-8733
Lic# 922319 VCS243711 Residential & Commercial VCS241148 Credit card ok, $400

20 Yrs Exp. Free Estimates 760-248-7658 or 661-816-3292
PAINTING 805-807-5550 VCS242454
SERVICES TREE REMOVAL BERNESE MT Single family home in beautiful
Comm’l & Residential • Expert Trimming through hundreds
Interior & Exterior • Stump Grinding PUPS condition located at the end of an
Free Estimates!
Quality @ Reasonable Rates
• Yuccas & Shrubs
• Free Estimates
of homes for sale • 3 Males elevated cul-de-sac. 4 BR, 3 BA, 2
805-647-4900 JOHN APPEL using local MLS. • 6 Females

Thursday, June 24, 2010

stories. Built in 2001, 2100 sq. ft. Rolling
Insured/Lic635809 VCS241944 European
Visit Champion Lines, hills come right to the backyard. Built

PAINTING ROOFING wonderful Family with long-life cement siding. Entire
Since 1989 Mac’s Tree Service
_Commercial/Residential • All Types of All phases of Trimming: Dogs. $1,700 exterior recently repainted. Very quiet

Roofing & Repairs Tree Removals, Stump 805-529-5599
_Intr/Ext_Pressure Wash
_Stucco Repair_Good Prep • Inspections & Grinding & Woodchips VCS242160
neighborhood. Priced for a quick sale.
Insurance Work •Owner Operated •Insured
_Free Estimates_Low cost
Kenneth Stoer FREE ESTIMATES! For sale by owner. Call (805) 271-5060
805-388-7014 805-373-7354 Call Frank Macarone BICHON FRISE PUPPY
Female, AKC, great for a private showing.
or 805-816-0645 805-649-2782 800-221-STAR (7827) markings, $700. 970-989-8634
Insured/Lic777200 VCS241866 Lic # 603396 VCS241113 Lic#809115 VCS243327 VCS242798
VCS1234–– 56 ––––––––––
–––––––– I ROOM
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Q uiet, clea n, util pd, .
cable, gara
maid, w /d,
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 39

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
310 310 310 540 540 540 540 540
Cats/Dogs Cats/Dogs Cats/Dogs Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
Supplies/Services Supplies/Services Supplies/Services
úúúúúúúúúúúú A/C & HEATING Admin/Executive Asst Analyst
7 month old female, up to LYST Candidate analyzes,
8 weeks, males & females,
AKC, Champion lines, all
white, large heads, lots
date on shots. $600.
Private Help Wanted EXPERIENCED
We are looking for a HVAC
Personal Assistant
Wanted for a busy CPA
supports, and manages en-
hancements for current VENTURA
of wrinkles,
quality. $1500-$1900
show VCS242426
installer who is interested
in working for an estab-
lished growth oriented local
Firm in Ojai, Ca. Candidate
must possess the ability to
work with minimal supervi-
software applications; as-
sists in the acquisition and
implementations of comput-
MINI SCHNAUZERS Has FT position for busy Const.
office in Ventura. Job cost-
air conditioning company
that provides great career
sion, cope with ever shifting
set of priorities, as well as
er application systems as
directed by management;
AKC, Parents on site.
Health Guarantee.
Black/Silver & Salt/Pepper.
Rescued ing knowledge a must.
Exp. with Timberline or
Navison a plus. Strong with
opportunities, good pay,
great benefits plus incen-
being able to remain calm
under pressure. Duties in-
and performs other related
duties as required. Seeking self motivated
Referals,appt’ avail.
Cute pups and
Great personalities!
Dogs For MS Office programs. 2-5 yrs
Const. and Acct. exp
tive programs. All contacts
will be kept absolutely con-
fidential. We’re a drug free
clude: Reading, monitoring
and responding to partners’
mail,answering client calls
Bachelor’s Degree
equivalent or 3 or more
years experience in Health-
or sales reps that are hard
working and want to earn
top $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Outstanding pet quality
price of 1,250 818-631-7556
ONLY $550. M & F Available
805-484-4050 Leave msg Adoption req’d.$12-$17 an hr. DOE +
Benefits. EOE Employer
workplace and an equal op-
portunity employer.
and handling questions/re-
quests,preparing correspon-
care. Three to five years of
experience working with TOO MUCH TRAFFIC
VCS243076 _______________ Email resume to: dence on behalf of the Hospital Information Sys- TO HANDLE
VCS241341 úúúúúúúúúúúúú Health Insurance,
GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups VCS243177 partners, liaising with staff, tems, supporting applica- 6,000 GUARANTEE TO
purebred tan & black, 7 wks, Disability & Life Insurance, managing the partners cal- tion software, analyzing START
males & females. $300 ea.
805-896-1644 VCS242438
cream white, 2 f/m,
8 wks old 1st shots &
Simple IRA, Vacation
endars, becoming knowl-
edgeable and proficient at
running all admin functions
business problems and / or
project management.
Specialized knowledge of in- WE WILL TRAIN
dewormed, Asking $600. 6 year old male, SERVICE DEPT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX within the firm. tegrated hospital systems.
GOLDENDOODLE OR FAX (XXX) XXX-XXX Although the position will Knowledge of analysis, de- WE OFFER:
Call 805-947-6509 Chihuahua mix, 10 pounds. LEADER VCS243717 focus on being right hand bugging and standard pro- • TOP COMMISSIONS
Adorable, family raised, man to the partners, candi- ject management tools.
We are looking for service A/C & HEATING date must become knowl- Full-Time position • FREEWAY LOCATION
dew claws, micro- PUG Pups AKC Champagne department leader with • GIANT INVENTORY
chipped, OFA, CERF. +Rare Blacks! Outstanding HVAC knowledge who is in- SERVICE/ edgeable and proficient at available. • 401K RETIREMENT
Males & females, black, 35 Champs/Pedigree, Simply all administrative tasks, CMHS offers excellent
gold, light gold. 4 year old male, terested in working for an MAINTENANCE have good IT skills, and be benefits, such as Medical, • HEALTH BENEFITS
Exquisite! Social+Trained. Chihuahua mix, 13 pounds, established growth oriented • OVER 400 VEHICLES
$800-$850 805-579-3885 Local 20yrs exp. 2 Yr Money local air conditioning com-
TECHNICIAN committed to continuous Dental, Vision, Life, and IN STOCK
VCS241781 Back Guar.SALE!$975-1350 We are looking for a HVAC learning. AD&D insurance. We also
pany that provides great
úGolden Retriever Pupsú
$2000+ goldenmeadows
For Photos Call 805-320-4834
1 yr old male,
career opportunities, good
pay and great benefits. We
service/maintenance techni-
cian who is interested in
working for an established
Candidate must also be
willing to work overtime
during tax season. Must
a comprehensive
retirement plan,
flexible spending accounts,
Apply In Person to:
JAIME TORRES large Golden Retreiver are looking for someone growth oriented local air have at least 5 years ad- paid time off, and a variety 805-650-0510 X220
The Lighthouse

SHIH ZU TEACUP 4 month who can lead and help the VENTURATOYOTA.COM
805-532-2216 VCS241327 old, adorable black female, conditioning company that ministrative experience, of other great benefits.
company grow and main- provides great career op- preferably as executive as- If you are interested in join-
adorable balls of fluff!
Blue, Seal, Chocolate
non shedding, AKC parents,
3.5 & 4 lbs, all shots, plus
supplies, $650. 805-501-2017
DITTO tain our company’s great
reputation with excellent
customer services from ser-
portunities, good pay, great
benefits plus incentive pro-
sistant. Salary will depend
on experience and desire to
ing teams that meld quality
care and compassion to
Points, CFA, shots $400. VCS242423 1½ year old male, grams. All contacts will be take on this commitment. create an environment of 6360 AUTO CENTER DR
vice technicians to our of- kept absolutely confiden- Please send resume and excellence, please take a
805-797-8486 VCS243117 Corgi/Heeler mix, 27 pounds fice staff. . Are you that VENTURA CA 93003
tial. We’re a drug free salary requirement moment to discover more VCS243372
HIMALAYAN Kittens, CFA, SIAMESE KITTENS person? All contacts will workplace and an equal op- about what it’s like to work
cream & flame points,champ Blue & Chocolate Pt M/F, be kept absolutely confiden- portunity employer. or fax to 805-646-9973 at Community Memorial
lines, all shots, health
guaranteed, parents on site.
Very friendly, 1st shots
$275 Cash. 805-494-1447 Please tial. We’re a drug free
workplace and an equal op-
Health Insurance,
Disability & Life Insurance,
VCS242820 Health System.
To apply go to:
$450. 805-746-2945 VCS242512 VCS240244 visit website portunity employer. Simple IRA, Vacation
CMHS is an EOE.
Simi Valley Ford has an
exciting opportunity for
LAB AKC Puppies, 2 black
females, born 2-21 w/2nd
VIZSLA Outstanding Champs
OFA, training, 805-532-2216 for pics: Health Insurance,
Disability & Life Insurance,
Inspector VCS242239 an experienced
Seasonal insect sur- Finance Manager
shots, declawed $400/ea
805-302-3811 VCS242356
Deps. $1500 goldenmeadows VCS241329 samsimon Simple IRA, Vacation OR FAX (XXX) XXX-XXX
vey field work. Pay Apartment to join our dynamic sales EMAIL RESUME rate based on ed/exp, Resident Manager team. If you are a top-
LAB AKC PUPS YELLOW LABS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX but none req’d to 2 F/T positions. 140 units & producer, highly-motivat-
OR FAX (XXX) XXX-XXX Search for available jobs. start. Good DMV. 150 units Oxnard & Santa ed, a team player and
Hips/Eyes/DNA wht/yellow Champion line AKC puppies.
1st shots and dewormed. VCS243716 Paula. Tax credit exp. Bi- customer oriented, we’d
choc/blk, champ lines,
chipped $550-$650, taking $900 Please call or call us at Data Entry lingual Eng/Span like to hear from you.
A/C & HEATING Fax resume to Apply online only at
deps. 805-522-2136 VCS243089 VCS243392 INSTALLER - Part Time Laura-HR 659-3195
No walk-ins please.
805-204-8923 VCS242901 Yorkie Beautiful playful EXPERIENCED Basic computer skills
VCS243638 Ford experienced pref’d

puppies. M/F priced from We are looking for a HVAC -Word/Excel, phones.
LAB PUPS AKC 8 wks, blks $650. Cavalier King Charles VCS243250
& yellows, xlnt pedigree, Spaniels too. 805-320-1246 315 installer who is interested
in working for an estab- $10.87-$12.84/hr DOE
guarantee, $700 Ready for
homes. Cell 209-604-4445 VCS241458 Horses/Livestock lished growth oriented local
Get appl STD678
Full time FILE CLERK, Executive Admin Assist/
air conditioning company Full Benefits, 401K, Office Manager
Miscellaneous that provides great career from EDD or 2283 First St., Simi Valley FT position for busy const
opportunities, good pay, Fax or send resume to: office in Ventura. Multi-
AKC two little girl Yorkies 6 MINIATURE DONKEYS great benefits plus incen- w/email address to:
LAB PUPS AKC papers. for sale. 12 wks, 2 lbs. 1st $600-$700. View at Golden ssimpson@ tasker, detail oriented, self
tive programs. All contacts 805-389-3649 starter, great people skills.
M/F, Black, 1st shots, shots. $1000/obo 805-443-4673 State Hay - 1452 E. Harvard will be kept absolutely con- VCS242902
dewormed/declawed. VCS242949 Blvd, Santa Paula. or fax 805-578-5908 5-7 yrs exp. req’d. Const.
fidential. We’re a drug free VCS243408 knowledge a plus. AA de-
Parents on site.661-618-5686 805-933-6722 or 805-320-4630 workplace and an equal op- AIR CONDITIONING
VCS242879 Joe 805-317-1854 VCS242900 gree or higher. Expert in
portunity employer. Service Tech Auto all MS Office programs.
Salary DOE. + benefits.
Holland Lops $35-$40. Health Insurance,
F/T. Minimum 2 years exp.
ANACAPA (805) 485-6333 SALES EOE Employer
PUPPIES - YELLOW Lion Heads $45-$50. Disability & Life Insurance, VCS243559 OPPORTUNITY Email resume to:
m/f born Mar 30, AKC Cham- Mixed Dwarfs $10-up+. Simple IRA, Vacation in Ventura County. Xlnt
pion lines, dewclawed, San- 3½-4lbs when full grown Online garage sale map. Every Friday pay and benefits - medical, VCS243209
Thursday, June 24, 2010

ta Clarita $550 EMAIL RESUME

BUYIT. 805-649-3692 VCS243626 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX dental, 401k. Sales exp a
plus but not necessary.

(818) 392-8092 VCS243113 OR FAX (XXX) XXX-XXX
resources. Employment VCS243718 Oppty to make $100K/yr
MALTESE PUPS AKC Call 805-656-6669, ask for
Shots, health guaranteed, Gus or e-mail
Local online classifieds.
trained, gorgeous baby doll
500-585 newcars,
faces. $700+. 805-320-8244 VCS243534
MALTESE PUPS CKC Reg. usedcarsand Online garage sale map. nextcar.
Born 5/7. 3 F, $1000 ea; 2 M Find new & used cars. dealers.
$900 eac. Non shedding, sm Every Friday P.M.
size. Call 805-824-3615
800-221-STAR (7827)
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––OOL TABLE
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
P pockets.
ather drop
Prof size, le and balls included.
40 Cues , rack
VCS123456 ––––––––
– "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
COMPUTER Amgen Inc. Computer
Banking has an opportunity for Sen-
ior Manager, Information
Computer Systems
Specialist II
DRIVER Camarillo Co.
needs class A driver. Exp
& DMV printout a must.
Dir Of Technology
$72,080-$87,614/yr. Benefits
Work In Healthcare MACHINE OPERATOR.
Req 2-3 yrs machine shop
exp. Duties incl set-up &
Systems. Reqs. Bachelor’s
degree & 5 yrs. exp.; & re-
cent exp. implementing
Install, maintain, trouble-
shoot and document com- 805-389-1500 VCS242898 offered. Education/exp -
Any combination equivalent Progress operate manual MIL,
manual Lathe, Turret
ERP S/W solutions (SAP,
PeopleSoft or JD Ed-
puting hardware,
software and networks
for the students, employ-
Isuzu stakebed, manual
to 3 yrs college-level course
work in networking applica-
tions & systems, 5 yrs in-
Needs Your Lathe, must read blue-
prints, own measuring in-
wards); Project
ees and affiliates of
California Lutheran Uni-
trans. Clean DMV, Respon-
sible & reliable. creasingly responsible exp
in the set-up, operations,
struments a plus.
Send resume Box 7338,
c/o Ventura Co. Star,
level systems; Systems de- versity. Min 2 yrs experi- Apply in person at
Work with the best! 4747 McGrath, Ventura maintenance, system analy- P.O. Box 6006 Camarillo,
velopment lifecycle metho-
dology; Healthcare,
ence configuring
troubleshooting Windows/
VCS243134 sis & troubleshooting of
data communications hard-
Join the ranks! • RN, Home Health, FT, CA 93010 VCS243310
Oxnard, bilingual
Join Ventura County’s #1
Award-Winning Bank!
pharmaceutical or biotech Mac Operating Systems, ware & software & 2 yrs Become one of • RN, per diem, East
exp; Systems selection, sys- TCP/IP. Excellent writ-
CCB is a Findley Reports tems deployment, global/en- ten and oral communica- DUMP TRUCK DRIVER
management exp. File app
by 6/24/10. Santa Paula
the select foster County. MACHINIST
“Super Premier Perform- terprise appltn & change tion a must. Salary CPR TRUCKING, INC families helping • RN evening and/or SCREW MACHINE
School District, 201 S. weekend
ing” bank and Bauer Fi- mgmt. Job Location: Thou- Range: $18.46 – $20.19/hr. is seeking UDBE Dump OPERATOR
nancial “5-Star” bank. sand Oaks, CA Send resume See Truck owner/operators in
Steckel Dr., Santa Paula,
CA 93060 (805) 933-8810
at-risk youth • RN, WOCN, per diem
• PT, per diem
Enjoy the stability and
Ref. # 5V8NXG to: Global the city of Oxnard. ages 12 to 17. • OT, per diem
Mfg. Co. in Ventura.
Mobility, Amgen, Inc., One for full job desc. Fax re- Call 818-837-8333 VCS242192 _ _ _ _ _ Must be experienced with
potential for career Amgen Center Drive, Mail- sume with cover letter to VCS243402 Brown & Sharp Screw
growth that our strong fi- stop 19-1-A Thousand Oaks, California Lutheran Uni- Education We provide Call Eli 805-642-0239 Machines. Set-up & Op-
Fax resume: 805-650-1536
nancial position offers.
We encourage you to
CA 91320. No phone calls versity at (805) 493-3655 compensation 1996 Eastman Ave #101
eration required. Day
or e-mails please. Must be or e-mail: shift only. Full or part-
check us out at legally authorized to work
Education of $2,100 per Ventura, CA 93003 time. Not a job shop. Ap-
CARPINTERIA VCS242194! in the U.S.without sponsor- EOE VCS243565 UNIFIED SCHOOL month, training ply in person Tuesday
ship. EOE. Ventura Campus thru Friday to Pat Dunn
COMMERCIAL VCS242156 Customer service/sales
DISTRICT IS and 24/7 support. at 2238 Palma Dr. Ventu-
ACCEPTING •F/T Admissions Manager For details and Legal Secretary ra (9am – 3pm.) or fax
LOAN OFFICER SUMMER WORK APPLICATIONS FOR •P/T Medical Instructor Ventura Work Comp resume to 805-642-5135.
County Commerce Bank
has an opportunity for Sen-
$16.00 BASE-APPT THE FOLLOWING Please apply online at application, call Defense firm seeking No phone calls please.
No experience necessary, POSITIONS secretary/legal assistant.
is seeking an experienced
lending professional with
ior Manager, Information training provided. Condi-
(805) 289-0120 Min 3+ years WC expe-
Systems. Reqs. Bachelor’s tions apply. Call today. Speech and Language rience desired. Knowl-
a strong understanding of degree & 5 yrs. exp.; & re- VCS243070 VCS243548 MANAGER, MAJOR
financial statements and Ventura 805-650-0025 Specialist edge of Word Perfect, GIFTS Duties: Reporting
cent exp. implementing 1000 Oaks 805-418-1754 2010 school year Engineering Windows XP, EAMS, 60
preparation of loan nar- ERP S/W solutions (SAP, General to the Director of Develop-
ratives to ensure loans Simi Valley 805-306-1998 $37,772-$53,615 AML Communications, Inc. wpm typing preferred. ment, the Manager, Major
PeopleSoft or JD Ed- Clinical or Rehabilitative in Camarillo, CA seeks a Summer Cash Solid spelling, grammar
meet our stringent under- wards); Project mgmt Gifts organizes, manages
writing criteria. Manage VCS240492 Services Credential: MANUFACTURING $400 Weekly and organizational skills. and evaluates donor culti-
w/large-scale enterprise Authorized Field, Must be reliable, willing
client relationships and level systems; Systems de- ENGINEER Local Distribution/Sales Co vation, fundraising and ste-
handle complex negotia- Language, Speech and needs 8 people in all areas to take initiative and a wardship activities for
velopment lifecycle metho- Hearing with Masters in Automation team player. Excellent
tions and credit assess- dology; Healthcare, Eng and knowledge of of our expanding co. Duties donors able to give five to
ments. Business Job Closes: June 30, 2010 incl warehouse/distribution/ benefits. Please email seven-figure gifts. Manag-
pharmaceutical or biotech CAD/CAM tools, production resume to:
development, participa- exp; Systems selection, sys- & operation mgmt, and mfg sales/customer svc. es a caseload of up to 150 in
tion in community-orient- Chemistry/Physics Contact Marti 805-383-1000 various stages of develop-
tems deployment, global/en- Teacher processes. Mail resume to VCS243514
ed and professional terprise appltn & change Martha Lozano, HR Mgr VCS242694 ment. Works with donors
organizations. Successful CHS 2010 school year and professionals to bring
mgmt. Job Location: Thou- $37,772-$53,615 1000 Avenida Acaso EDUCATOR
candidate must possess sand Oaks, CA Send resume Camarillo, CA 93012 planned gifts to closure.

The Lighthouse
excellent communication Ref. # 5V8NXG to: Global or fax to 805-484-2191 For the $25 million capital
skills, verbal & written. Mobility, Amgen, Inc., One
SITE MONITORING credential or Health Care seeking LVN & CATOR, ICU/CCU The campaign, works with tar-
Physical Science VCS243196 RN field nurses who are bi- Clinical Nurse Educator
Five years experience re- Amgen Center Drive, Mail- MENTOR credential lingual (spanish) & respon- collaborates with nursing
get groups that specifically
quired in banking or re- stop 19-1-A Thousand Oaks, Oxnard office (serves Engineering include board members,
lated field required. Ventura, Orange, Santa Job Closes: June 30, 2010 AML Communications, Inc. sible. Need license with 1 staff and department man- employees, physicians, and
CA 91320. No phone calls year of home health experi- agement and physicians to
Portfolio management or e-mails please. Must be Barbara and SLO in Camarillo, CA seeks a the community of Ventura
and real estate lending counties), Migrant & Sea- Math Teacher CHS ence & active CPR license. formulate objectives based County. As a key member
experience, a plus.
legally authorized to work
sonal Head Start, Limited 2010 school year CMS MANUFACTURING please email resume to: on the learning needs of all of the capital campaign
in the U.S.without sponsor- Temporary Position 10-11 ENGINEER employees. Assesses the
ship. EOE. Term (ends Nov 2010), M- team, supports campaign
Salary dependent on ex- F, 8am-5pm, hrs vary, School Year with Masters in Automation or fax resume 866-796-0558. continuing education needs committee work and shares
VCS242155 $37,772-$53,615 Eng and knowledge of VCS242866 that requirements of the
perience - Great benefits some eves. Assists w/ in responsibility for cam-
package. overall planning & opera- SS: Mathematics CAD/CAM tools, production staff as reflected in techno- paign success. Responsible
County Commerce Bank COMPUTER Amgen Inc. tions of the program credential & operation mgmt, and mfg logical development, chang- for the development of ma-
3260 Telegraph Road, has an opportunity for Sen- Req: BA/BS in ECE/Child Job Closes: June 30, 2010 processes. Mail resume to Healthcare ing licensure requirements, jor gifts policies and proce-
Ventura ior Manager, Information Devel or combo of Martha Lozano, HR Mgr standards of nursing prac- dures.
2400 East Gonzales Road, Systems. Reqs. Bachelor’s educ/exp equal to 4 yrs & Music Teacher CMS 1000 Avenida Acaso tice, and revisions in poli- Requirements: Minimum,
Oxnard degree & 5 yrs. exp.; & re- 1 yr in a sup/admin posi- Commences 2010 school Camarillo, CA 93012 cies or procedures. Initiates Bachelor’s Degree; CFRE
Fax (805) 288-5494 cent exp. implementing tion. Must hold Teacher year $37,772-$53,615 or fax to 805-484-2191 planned change and evalu- preferred. Minimum five
careers@county ERP S/W solutions (SAP, Permit. Bilingual/Bilit SS: Music credential VCS243194 ate the outcomes to im- years experience required PeopleSoft or JD Ed- Required in Eng/Span. Job Closes: June 30, 2010 prove quality of patient specifically in major gifts
EOE VCS243405 wards); Project mgmt Close Date: 6/23/10 care through conscious, de- development; demonstrated
w/large-scale enterprise French Teacher – PRODUCTION liberate collaborative ef- skills in cultivation, solicita-
level systems; Systems de- Part Time 40% PLANNER fort. Promotes appropriate tion and stewardship of ma-
Buildings Specialist- velopment lifecycle metho- PRESCHOOL CHS implementation of hospital jor gift donors; experience
Mechanic dology; Healthcare, TEACHER 2010 school year •Draws up master sched- • RN, FT, Oxnard, policy, procedure and phi- in conducting moves man-
pharmaceutical or biotech 2 OPENINGS SS: French credential ule to establish sequence bilingual losophies. agement and develop-
($4018-5176/mo.) exp; Systems selection, sys- Job Closes: June 30, 2010 and lead time of each op- • RN, FT, West Ventura/ Requires a valid CA RN Li-
Skilled grounds, bldgs., Oxnard, Seasonal (Feb- ing/implementing
tems deployment, global/en- Sept) or Limited Term eration to meet shipping Ojai cense and Bachelor’s De- stewardship program; a
auto equip’t mechanic. terprise appltn & change Health Services Nurse dates according to sales • RN evening and/or gree in Nursing, Master’s
Job info & application at: (ends Sept 2010), M-F, proven track record of in-
mgmt. Job Location: Thou- 8am-5pm Req: AA/AS, 24 MFRC forecasts or customer or- weekend Degree preferred. Must creasing, personal success File by sand Oaks, CA Send resume Bilingual Preferred ders. • RN, WOCN, per diem have a current BLS and
7/9/10, 5 p.m. Rancho Simi units ECE/CD, 1 yr relat- in generating major gifts.
Ref. # 5V8NXG to: Global ed teaching exp w/0-5 & July 2010 •Analyzes production • PT, per diem ACLS certification. A mini- Campaign experience pre-
Rec & Park Dist, Simi Mobility, Amgen, Inc., One $37,772-$53,615 specifications and plant • OT, per diem East mum of five years of clini-
Valley, 805-584-4400. Teacher Permit (see job ferred. Must be competent
Amgen Center Drive, Mail- online for alt reqs). School Nurse Credential capacity data and per- County cal Critical Care in donor database, pref-
VCS242893 stop 19-1-A Thousand Oaks, preferred forms mathematical cal- experience. Previous expe-
Close Date: Until Filled erably Raiser’s Edge.
CA 91320. No phone calls Job Closes: June 30, 2010 culations to determine Call Eli 805-642-0239 riences as an Educator re- CMHS offers excellent
Clerical/Admin or e-mails please. Must be manufacturing processes, quired. Excellent verbal
RECEPT/OFFICE ASSIST. Xlnt benefits pckg. For Fax resume: 805-650-1536 benefits, such as Medical,
legally authorized to work more info visit our web- Master Teacher – Infant tools, and human re- 1996 Eastman Ave #101 and written communication Dental, Vision, Life, and
Entry level f/t position for in the U.S.without sponsor- Toddler Specialist source requirements. skills. Must attend a mini-
busy Const. office in Ventu- site at Ventura, CA 93003 AD&D insurance. We also
ship. EOE. Submit applications /tran- Job Closes: June 23, 2010 •Plans and schedules VCS243140 mum of 16 hours of continu- offer a comprehensive
ra. Must be reliable, detail VCS242154 Master Teacher – work flow for each de- ing education annually
oriented, and have good scripts to: CAPSLO, 1030 403(b) retirement plan,
working knowledge of MS Southwood Dr., SLO, CA Preschool Specialist partment and operation INSURANCE CSR- Home, whose content focuses on flexible spending accounts,
Office. Heavy phones, Fed- 93401 (805)544-4355 Job Closes: June 30,2010 according to previously Auto, etc. P/T $20-$25/hr. the Critical Care patient. paid time off, and a variety
Ex, filing, faxing, scanning, Online garage sale map. EOE/ V/ ADA/ Drug Free MFRC established manufactur- Must be lic., fully run per- CMHS offers excellent of other great benefits.
benefits, such as Medical,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bilingual Preferred ing sequences and lead sonal lines desk. Beautiful If you are interested in join-
and other office skills req. Every Friday P.M. Workplace/ Asset Infused
July 2010 times. Westlake office, very Dental, Vision, Life, and ing teams that meld quality
Const. knowledge a plus. Organization AD&D insurance. We also
$10-15 an hr DOE + Bene- VCS243138 Preschool Salary •15 years in the invest- friendly independent agent care and compassion to
fits. Schedule ment casting industry for Mercury, Safeco, Trav- offer a comprehensive create an environment of
No phone calls plz. Email CUSTOMER SERVICE/ DENTAL INSURANCE $34,440-$39,900/year and familiar with ERP elers, etc. Call 805-409-2880 403(b) retirement plan, excellence, please take a
resume to: OPERATIONS COLLECTION / AR systems VCS242909 flexible spending accounts, moment to discover more Transportation Co in New- Part time. Exp’d. Please Resumes not accepted in paid time off, and a variety about what it’s like to work
lieu of applications Qualified applicants send HOTEL of other great benefits.
EOE Employer VCS243185 bury Park seeks exp’d cus- fax resume to 805-658-0777 at Community Memorial
tomer service rep who is or call 805-312-4038 Apply: 1400 Linden Ave. resumes to 805-488-3695 HOUSEKEEPERS To apply go to: Health System.
organized & great with peo- VCS243109 Carpinteria, CA 93013 NEEDED To apply go to:
ple. Multi-tasker a must, 805 684-4511 x 226 (EOE) Women & Apply in person at Motel 6, CMHS is an EOE.
CALL Air Freight exp a plus. Fax Or visit our web site Minorities are 3075 Johnson Dr, Ventura VCS242241 CMHS is an EOE.
resume to 805-499-9374 Find a home. encouraged to apply No Phone Calls Please VCS242229
800-221-STAR(7827) VCS243696 VCS243326 VCS243170 VCS242971
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––SSIC CAR ‘60
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
CLA int, new
ne, new pa
Rebuilt engi included, must sell.
stereo, dice
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 41

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827

540 540 540 540 540 540 540 540

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Mechanic Medical MEDICAL Nursing Nursing Nursing RN IV CHARGE NURSE, California Lutheran
Truck Mechanic for busy cardiology office in CLINICAL COORDINATOR
An opportunity for a Per
OVCH Must have current
OVCH Must have current
critical care nursing to the
patients in the ICU/CCU,
$22.44-26.40/hr Oxnard. 1 yr exp in medical Faculty Master of
office req’d. Fax resume Diem Palliative Care Clini- CA RN License; Current CA RN License; Current oversees shift operations,
Diagnose & repair diesel MED3OOO, a leader in 805-351-8217 VCS238026 cal Coordinator position. CPR, ACLS. CPR, ACLS. and participates in leader- Science in
tractor trailer compo- healthcare management VCS242515 This position provides di- One Full-Time Position One Full-Time Position ship activities. Assumes Computer Science
nents, perform routine rect patient care to pallia- Available (72 hrs a pay pe- Available (72 hrs a pay pe- role in directing shift opera-
services and other rele-
and information technolo- tive care patients through riod) Night Shift (7:00pm - riod) Night Shift (7:00pm - tions as appropriate to li- (MSCS)
gy, advances the perfor- the consult service, in col- 7:00am) 7:00am) cense and practice. 2010-2011 academic year,
vant fleet maintenance.
HS diploma, 3-5 yrs expe-
rience. Email resume to
mance of medical group
practices and physician
networks. We are seek-
Yourkeyto laboration with and under
direction of the Palliative
Ojai Valley Community
Hospital offers excellent
Ojai Valley Community
Hospital offers excellent
Participates in various as-
pects of leadership role.
beginning September 2010
Qualified applicants should
hold a doctorate degree in
ing the following experi-
enced candidates for our findingyour Care Service Medical Di-
rector. Coordinates the pal-
liative care services team,
benefits, such as Medical,
Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also
benefits, such as Medical,
Dental, Vision, Life, and
AD&D insurance. We also
Participates in departmen-
tal and hospital-wide Per-
formance Improvement
Computer Science or relat-
ed area. Applicants with a
Medical Assistant
Oxnard office:
CLAIMS nextcar. ensuring excellent patient
care services, coordinating
offer a comprehensive Re-
tirement plan, flexible
offer a comprehensive Re-
tirement plan, flexible
projects. Acts as a resource
to staff.
master’s degree in Comput-
er Science accompanied
with extensive industry ex-
CLINICAL TECHNICIAN educational and outreach spending accounts, paid spending accounts, paid Requirements: Must have
Center for Family Health - EXAMINER: services, leading quality time off, and a variety of time off, and a variety of current California RN li- perience will also be consid-
Responsible for time- improvement initiatives other great benefits. other great benefits. cense. Must have current ered. CLU faculty are
Ashwood (Ventura, CA) responsible for teaching se-
To provide safe, efficient, ly/accurate adjudication and linking team efforts If you are interested in join- If you are interested in join- ACLS and BLS certifica-
of complex medical with other hospital depart- ing teams that meld quality ing teams that meld quality tion. lected graduate courses and
and therapeutic patient for mentoring graduate stu-
care services under the su- claims in high production Nursing ments and with outpatient care and compassion to care and compassion to CMHS offers excellent
environment; maintains and community services. create an environment of create an environment of benefits, such as Medical, dents. Courses meet in the
pervision and direction of a DIRECTOR OF NURSING, evening at our main cam-
licensed physician and knowledge of health plan MED/SURG Reporting to Ensures compliance with excellence, please take a excellence, please take a Dental, Vision, Life, and
contracts, benefit cover- legal, regulatory, and clini- moment to discover more moment to discover more AD&D insurance. We also pus in Thousand Oaks. Are-
nurse in performing various the Chief Nursing Officer, as of particular interest
duties. Has completed the age, and reimbursement the Director of Nursing cal policies and procedures. about what it’s like to work about what it’s like to work offer a comprehensive
rates. QUALIFICATIONS: Will at Community Memorial at Community Memorial 403(b) retirement plan, include:
training and competencies Med/Surg is responsible for • Computer architecture
for medical technician in leading patient care on a consider Advanced Practice Health System. Health System. flexible spending accounts,
Position Requirements: RN or RN. Appropriate li- To apply go to: CMHS is an equal employ- paid time off, and a variety • Computer security
performing the routine busy 44 bed unit. Must dem- • Web-based database
tasks needed to care for the HSD req. Minimum 2-3 onstrate knowledge of censure & credentialing, 2+ ment opportunity employer. of other great benefits.
years exp. as medical years of direct patient care CMHS is an EOE. To apply go to: If you are interested in join- • Operating systems
clinic patients. medical-legal and regulato- Please submit a cover let-
REQUIREMENTS: One claims examiner in an ry requirements. Must required. EPEC and EL- VCS243047 ing teams that provides
HMO, MCO, MSO, IPA or NEC training preferred. CMHS is an EOE. quality care and compas- ter, curriculum vitae or re-
year certificate from col- have strong customer ser- sume highlighting your
lege or technical school. medical group environ- vice skills, be detail orient- Palliative Care experience Nursing VCS242260 sion to create an environ-
ment; expertise in adju- preferred. RN Emergency Dept. We ment of excellence, please background and teaching
6-12 months previous medi- ed and have good computer interests to:
dication of complex Must have current CA RN have 3 RN positions Nursing take a moment to discover
The Lighthouse

cal office experience pre- skills. Must have commit- California Lutheran Univer-
ferred. Current Phlebotomy claims is a MUST; strong ment to the advancement of license and current BLS. available in our Emergency RN II, ICU/CCU We have more about what it’s like to
working knowledge of If you are interested in join- Department (2 Full Time three (3) Full Time night work at Community Memo- sity
certificate, CPR - Health Nursing practice and the Academic Affairs – Faculty
Care Provider and Medical HMO contractual pay- Nursing profession. Must ing teams that provides night shift and 1 Per Diem shift positions available for rial Health System.
ment methodology, CPT, quality care and compas- any shift). RNs in our ICU/CCU unit. To apply go to: Recruiting
Technician certificate. possess great interpersonal 60 West Olsen Rd. #1400
Must have excellent inter- ICD-9 coding and medical communication skills relat- sion to create an environ- Duties: Render professional These positions are eligible
terminology; EZCAP or ment of excellence, please nursing care to Emergency for SIGN-ON BONUS CMHS is an EOE. Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
personal skills and excel- ed to knowledge of
lend customer service Facets exp. strongly pre- group/system dynamics, take a moment to discover Department Patients in ($3,000 FOR FULL-TIME VCS242235
ferred. more about what it’s like to support of medical care as EMPLOYEES CLU offers undergraduate,
skills. Bilingual preferred. commitment to staff educa- graduate and professional
CMHS offers excellent MED3OOO offers com- tion and development. work at Community Memo- directed by medical staff Duties: To render profes-
petitive compensation rial Health System. and pursuant to objectives sional nursing care to programs through our Col-
benefits, such as Medical, Requires a valid CA RN Li- lege of Arts and Sciences,
Dental, Vision, Life, and and benefits. cense, Bachelor’s Degree in To apply go to: and policies of the hospital. ICU/CCU patients in sup-
E-mail qualified resumes Coordinates patient care port of medical care, and School of Business, and
AD&D insurance. We also Nursing (Master’s pre- School of Education, with
offer a comprehensive West_HumanResources@ ferred), Experience in CMHS is an EOE. planning with other hospital pursuant to objectives and VCS242243 disciplines. Reports to the policies of the hospital. Co- enrollment of approximate-

403(b) retirement plan, Med/Surg and/or Teleme- ly 3,700 students. For addi-
flexible spending accounts, VCS240630 try, and 3-5 years of Nurs- Department Manager and ordinates patient care plan-
Nursing interfaces with RN IV, De- ning with other hospital tional information on the
paid time off, and a variety ing management Master’s of Science in Com-
of other great benefits. experience. Must have ex- REGISTERED NURSE - partment Educator. disciplines. Reports to the
If you are interested in join- MEDICAL OFFICE pertise in budget develop- EMERGENCY ROOM/ Education and/or Experi- Department Director and puter Science program, vis-
MANAGER HOUSE SUPERVISOR ence ADN or BSN or interfaces with other RNs, it
ing our team to provide ment, performance CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN
quality care and compas- Busy cardiology office in improvement initiatives, Provide primary nursing equivalent from two-year Department Educator, De-
Thousand Oaks seeks top care Must have current CA college and minimum of 1yr partment Manager, and UNIVERSITY
sion to and create an envi- leadership and staff devel- 50 YEARS
ronment of excellence, notch person w/ front of- opment. National certifica- RN License; Minimum 3 of Emergency Room expe- unit supervisors.
fice experience. Email years recent Emergency rience. Qualifications: Current CA FULFILLING
please take a moment to tion in Nursing OUR PROMISE
discover more about what resume to: Administration is pre- Room Experience Current Certificates, Licenses, Reg- RN License, ACLS and BLS Certifications: CPR, ACLS, istrations certifications. WWW.CALLUTHERAN.EDU
it’s like to work at Commu- ferred. VCS242631
nity Memorial Health Sys- or fax 805-497-1313 CMHS offers excellent PALS. Current CA RN License - CMHS offers excellent
tem. VCS243627 benefits, such as Medical, Preferred Certifications: Current BLS, ACLS and benefits, such as Medical,
To apply go to: Dental, Vision, Life, and TNCC (Trauma Nurse PALS certifications are re- Dental, Vision, Life, and PART TIME Asst Manager MEDICAL RECORD AD&D insurance. We also Critical Care); Supervisory quired. AD&D insurance. We also Agoura storage facility.
CMHS is an EOE. OFFICER Keeps medical offer a comprehensive experience a plus. CMHS offers excellent offer a comprehensive Computer knowledge, Sun

VCS242168 records, files & enters pa- 403(b) retirement plan, One Full-Time Position benefits, such as Medical, 403(b) retirement plan, & Mon. Call 818-991-1123
tient ratio & stats for flexible spending accounts, Available (72 hrs a pay pe- Dental, Vision, Life, and flexible spending accounts, VCS243239
record keeping. 2 years paid time off, and a variety riod) Night Shift (7:00pm - AD&D insurance. We also paid time off, and a variety

exp. Req’d. Send resume of other great benefits. 7:00am) offer a comprehensive of other great benefits. Police Officer
only to Care Provider If you are interested in join- Ojai Valley Community 403(b) retirement plan, If you are interested in join-
Home Health, Inc., Attn: flexible spending accounts, ing teams that meld quality City of Oxnard
ing a team that provides Hospital offers excellent
Entry Level
Antiques? FINDIT.
HR, 4220 E. Los Angeles, quality care and compas- benefits, such as Medical, paid time off, and a variety care and compassion to
Ave., #102, Simi Valley, CA sion to create an environ- Dental, Vision, Life, and of other great benefits. create an environment of Police Officer
93063 VCS242707 ment of excellence, please AD&D insurance. We also If you are interested in join- excellence, please take a Deadline: 6/18/10 5:00 p.m.
take a moment to discover offer a comprehensive Re- ing teams that meld quality moment to discover more $26/hr during academy
OFFICER Keeps medical
more about what it’s like to
work at Community Memo-
tirement plan,
spending accounts, paid
flexible care and compassion to
create an environment of
about what it’s like to work
at Community Memorial United States HS or GED &
20½ yrs old Minority & fe-
records, files & enters pa- rial Health System. time off, and a variety of excellence, please take a Health System. 800-221-STAR (7827) male candidates encour-
tient ratio & stats for To apply go to:
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Please submit your resume other great benefits. moment to discover more aged (805) 385-7590 or

record keeping. 2 years to Human Resources by If you are interested in join- about what it’s like to work
exp. Req’d. Send resume at Community Memorial CMHS is an EOE. Office Manager
fax/email to: (805) 585-3079; ing teams that meld quality EOE VCS242172
only to Care Provider care and compassion to Health System. VCS242234 Oak Park Unified

Home Health, Inc., Attn: w e b s i t e : create an environment of To apply go to: Classified Job Openings
HR, 4220 E. Los Angeles, excellence, please take a Buy it. Sell it. Find it. Medea Creek Middle School Construction
Ave., #102, Simi Valley, CA CMHS is an EOE.
To apply go to: moment to discover more Office Manager II JOURNEYMAN

93063 VCS242710 about what it’s like to work VCS242190 ROOFER
11 Months 8 hrs/day
CMHS is an EOE. at Community Memorial $3074.07-$3877.89 per mo. Single Ply & Tile exp’d.
Find a home. VCS243051 Health System.
To apply go to: Online garage sale map. Find new & used cars. Applications Closing 6/16/10 Must have CA Drivers
Lic. Apply in person at Find new & used cars. Every Friday P.M.
Applications Available at Channel Isl Roofing
800-221-STAR (7827) VCS243044
Or call 818-735-3220
4155 N. Southbank Rd.,
Oxnard VCS243414
VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– RIGERATOR
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
REF 25 cu ft,
ainless stl,
Like new, std ice through door.
42 water an
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
540 540 540 540 540 605 609 609
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Apartments Apartments Apartments
Furnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
fresh&easy Neighborhood Rehabilitative Services STATISTICIAN Amgen Inc. Technologist
Market is an innovative STAFF PHYSICAL SAP Portal Analyst/Sys- has an opportunity for a CVL Technician Provides PT HUE STUDIO Near NEWBURY PARK Oxnard 2 bedroom
new concept based on a set THERAPIST (PER DIEM) tem Analyst A key mem- Biostatistics Mgr. Reqs: patient monitoring and ocean, $775mo, w/stove & 2+1.5 $1,450-$1,495 STOP! See Us First!
of simple yet powerful ide- Duties: Provides evaluation ber of the MIS team to PhD & 1 yrs exp; or a Mas- scrub duties for the patients refrig, utils pd. 805-208-0883 +$750 dep. 1,200 sq. ft. Spacious. Frig included.
as. and treatment to a variety maintain/extend appl on ters & 4 yrs exp; & exp in the cardiovascular or 805-984-2930 VCS243492 North end convenient to
of complex inpatient and the SAP Portal platform. with statistics in pharma- lab/special procedures 1+1 $1,150 Fwy. From $1,145.
First, we think high-quality outpatient diagnoses. Proficiency w/ISA 5.0 pro- ceutical industry including area. Physio monitoring du- +$750 dep. 850 sq. ft. Parkwood Gardens
food should be accessible Supervises daily profession- gramming skills w/ R/3
scenario (B2B, B2C, &
Oncology development. Job ties, generates reports, 609 Recently upgraded
Clean & quiet
and affordable in every al patient related activities site: Thousand Oaks, CA. troubleshoots equipment, or visit:
neighborhood. We are here of physical therapy assist- IPC). Possesses under- Reference # 7W6Q8S & sub- maintains film library. Fol- Apartments Private balcony VCS242686
standing how ISA inter- Stove & Refrigerator
to create value for our cus-
tomers and earn their life-
ant and physical therapy
aide. Communicates physi- acts with IPC for
mit resume to Global Mo-
bility, Amgen Inc., One
lows standard precautions.
Shields patient/self at all
Unfurnished W/d hkups (2 bdrm only)
configurable items, SAP Onsite laundry rooms OXNARD
time loyalty. As a cal therapy goals and pa- Amgen Center Drive, MS times. Uses radiology moni-
neighborhood market, it tient information to Variant configuration, 19-1-A, Thousand Oaks, CA tors appropriately. Knowl- CAM 2+1.5 Open beam ceilings CROSSROADS
IPC 7.0 experience with Move In Special Some w/small backyard
only makes sense that we physicians, other hospital
ECC 6.0, ability to devel-
91320. No phone calls or e- edge of aseptic techniques. Assigned parking spaces INVESTMENTS
care about our neighbors staff, and agents of reim- mails please. Must be le- Requirements: Associate’s 1 MONTH FREE! 300 Esplanade Dr
and the environment. bursement. Documents in a op IPC user exits. gally authorized to work in degree (A.A.) or equivalent Lovely spacious townhome (carport w/storage)
Close to schools, shopping Suite 580
timely manner appropriate ABAP Object Oriented the U.S. without sponsor- from two-year college or Attached 2 car gar. Tennis,
We also believe in treating patient status and goals. programming expertise, ship. EOE. VCS243003 technical school; or six Playground, pool & spa. & freeway. Small pet ok. 805-485-4040
people the way we’d like Follows policies for depart- WebDynpro (ABAP months to one year related 805-482-1682 VCS242501 CALL TO VIEW:
and/or Java) hands-on (805) 498-6131 or email: 1+1 Pt Hueneme, upstairs
to be treated. That’s why mental and hospital perfor- STATISTICIAN Amgen Inc. experience and/or training; mtshadow207 near beach & base $850
nobody tries harder than mance improvement knowledge, Java pro- has an opportunity for a or equivalent combination
we do for our customers. projects. Attends meetings gramming expertise, Biostatistics Mgr. Reqs: of education and experi- CAMARILLO VCS241183
proven understanding of 2+1 South Oxnard
By the same token, we and performs special pro- PhD & 1 yrs exp; or a Mas- ence. Must have a current downstairs, garage,
try very hard to create a jects as required. how to efficiently develop ters & 4 yrs exp; & exp BLS card. Completion of
with Development Com- NEWBURY PARK coin-op laundry $1050
rewarding workplace for Education and Certifica- with statistics in pharma- CVT course with clinical
our employees because peo- tions: Must be a licensed ponents. NWDI adminis- ceutical industry including experience. CASA OAKS APTS
trator knowledge (how to Select Units, 2+2 North Oxnard
ple who are valued are Physical Therapist by the Oncology development. Job CMHS offers excellent upstairs, carport, coin-op
better able to value other State of California. Must set up Development site: Thousand Oaks, CA. benefits, such as Medical, 1, 2, 3 bdrm
Tracks, promote code to 1 & 2 Bedrooms. laundry $1100.
people. have two to four years of Reference # 7W6Q8S & sub- Dental, Vision, Life, and Townhome Apts
related experience and/or QA/PROD, etc), along mit resume to Global Mo- AD&D insurance. We also Custom paint &
with SAP Por- Close to public carpet, fireplaces, VCS243286
POSITIONS AVAILABLE training. Must have current bility, Amgen Inc., One offer a comprehensive transportation, easy
IN VENTURA & SANTA CPR certification. tals/KM/Trex administra- Amgen Center Drive, MS 403(b) retirement plan,
tor capabilities. Able to freeway access, close to balcony, pool,
BARBARA COUNTIES If you are interested in join- 19-1-A, Thousand Oaks, CA flexible spending accounts, OXNARD
STORE MANAGERS ing our team and to provide configure/set-up/ main- 91320. No phone calls or e- paid time off, and a variety shopping & outlet malls. laundry facility.
quality care and compas- tain the Portal and its mails please. Must be le- of other great benefits. 750 Mobil Ave, Cam Dogs welcome. DEL CIERVO
We are looking for people
who can work well in a
sion to create an environ-
ment of excellence, please Knowledge in SAP Work-
gally authorized to work in
the U.S. without sponsor-
If you are interested in join-
ing teams that meld quality
Call for Move-in Waived pet dep. APARTMENTS
team and understand that it take a moment to discover flow/UWL developer. ship. EOE. VCS243001 care and compassion to Specials. Friendly $30 application fee
is important to offer the more about what it’s like to M.S. degree in Computer
Science or related+1 yr
create an environment of on-site staff. App fee will be Move - In
friendliest shopping experi- work at Community Memo-
exp. Send resume to:
excellence, please take a 805-482-8800 applied to 2nd Specials!
ence along with the freshest rial Health System. moment to discover more
Ms. Rodriguez, HAAS Au- months rent.
foods. You must be at least
21 years of age. Retail
To apply go to: tomation, Inc. 2800 Stur-
about what it’s like to work
at Community Memorial
2 Weeks FREE For Low Deposits
Manager/Supervisory expe- CMHS is an EOE. gis Rd., Oxnard, CA
Selectyouroptions. Health System. CAM HEIGHTS Roomy Studios & 1 bedroom OAC
rience required. Grocery, VCS242256 93030. VCS242912 To apply go to: Guest Apt, 1+1, all utils, MI by 6/13/10
drug store or fast food/res-
taurant experience desired.
CMHS is an EOE.
$980 +dep 484-2493
2088 W Hillcrest Dr 1 & 2 Bedrooms
RESIDENTIAL SAP Portal Analyst/Sys- VCS243515
Flexible availability: tem Analyst A key mem- ormodel. VCS242242 888.201.4050

The Lighthouse
nights, weekends and holi- ber of the MIS team to CAM VCS241090 • Beautiful Grounds
days. Ability to work in a F/T prev exp req. maintain/extend appl on Locatelocaldealers. The Los Angeles Regional Need A • BBQ Area
fast paced environment. Apply in person the SAP Portal platform. Water Quality Control OJAI -MEINERS OAKS
Treacy Villa, Proficiency w/ISA 5.0 pro- Board, a state government BAIL OUT? Studio Apt, $750+ sec dep. • Pool and Jacuzzi
Your main job will be to 3482 Loma Vista Rd, gramming skills w/ R/3 agency located in downtown We can help! Part of utils pd. • Tennis Courts
create and promote this Ventura Los Angeles, is looking for 1 & 2 bdrms start @ $1,120.
fun, inviting, community- VCS243096
scenario (B2B, B2C, & a dynamic individual to Call for details.
805-648-2021 or 805-640-8741 • Close to Shopping
IPC). Possesses under- VCS241560 • Cats OK
oriented store. You will also standing how ISA inter- onlineat... serve in the demanding Pool, carport, lndry rm.
recruit and hire enthusias- acts with IPC for position of EXECUTIVE Hacienda Apts
RETAIL PARTS STORE OFFICER. Responding to OXN 2+1 $1150+. North end
tic, dependable people, then
provide the training and
Seeking people oriented
configurable items, SAP
Variant configuration, the direction of nine Board
831 Paseo Camarillo
805-987-6146 VCS241000 Spotless, gated, garage with
remote. All applcs. Some
1905 N. H St.
Members appointed by the
motivation your team mem-
bers need. Create your
person, multi tasker, for
busy retail RV parts
IPC 7.0 experience with
ECC 6.0, ability to devel- Governor, the Executive FILLMORE Adult 55+ utils. N/S/P 805-452-1691
or 805-272-5235 VCS243628
team members’ work Officer supervises a dedi- $300 move-in special 1br, VCS241193
store. RV/auto exp a +. op IPC user exits. cated staff of 150 persons,
schedules, grant time off Available for weekends a ABAP Object Oriented a/c, all utils pd, except elec.
and adjust their work programming expertise, including engineers, geolo- From $745-$795.HUD/PET OXN 2+1 & 1+1 Apts OXNARD GREAT
must. Apply in person Technician gists, and environmental OK. Call 805-642-9527 or
schedules. 3650 E. Main St. Ventura WebDynpro (ABAP
NIVL ULTRASOUND scientists, committed to 805-524-4124 VCS240993 MOVE IN SPECIALS!
VCS243062 and/or Java) hands-on protecting surface and
TEAM LEADERS knowledge, Java pro- TECHNCIAN Performs Renovated 1, 2, 3 bedrm
Team Leader will work gramming expertise, quality, diagnostic Non-in- groundwater in Los Angeles FLMR 3+2, 2-story unit apartments available at
with your Store Manager to vasive Vascular Lab stud- and Ventura counties. Su- @ 1104 El Paseo St.
create a great team envi- Find new & used cars. proven understanding of
how to efficiently develop ies as ordered. Processes pervisory experience is re- 2-car garage with Laundry
1201 W. Gonzales Rd.
$1175 & $950-$975 1/2 1st mo
Rancho Solana Apts
ronment and help deliver with Development Com- study data to facilitate quired. For more hkups $1,300 + Dep-OAC rent free w/12 mo lease 805-485-1208 VCS240881
a well-run, neighborly shop- ponents. NWDI adminis- timely report generation by information, please visit the No P/SM. Central Coast
ping experience for our trator knowledge (how to the reading physician. Per- Regional Board’s website at 389-6803 VCS241179 OXN 2 + 1 triplex centrally OXN____________
valued customers. You will set up Development forms daily activities of http://www.waterboards. located, small patio, laun-
focus on promoting team SALES - HIRING NIVL and Physiology Dept. Huge Bonus
Tracks, promote code to VTA 2+2 w/Garage -Great dry on site $1150 NO PETS
unity and performance, Newspaper Sales Reps QA/PROD, etc), along Prepares patients for / per- Applications will be accept- Real Investments 985-1000 Move-in Special Now
providing excellent training $800-$1200 per week. forms / processes NIVL US ed until the position is location nr College/Shops Elegant living near Marina
with SAP Por- filled. VCS243421 w/t/g pd, lg unit-very clean. VCS242788
and filling in for your store Call Mr Perez 909-664-8217 tals/KM/Trex administra- studies. At minimum: Ca- 1 & 2 bd, 2 bath w/garag-
manager when absent or Mr. Vault 323-529-4993 rotid Duplex, Arterial and Avail July 1 $1425mo es, w/d hkups, pool & spa,
tor capabilities. Able to Wastewater ************************ OXN 2 Bedroom
employees, customers, and VCS243284 configure/set-up/ main- Venous Ultrasound Studies. • 1 bath from $1,095 no pets, Villa Marina
visitors. We believe that REQUIREMENTS: Mini- Plant Operator I/II/III 1+1 Nice Unit, Near 805-985-0644 VCS241197
Sales tain the Portal and its Everything. w/d hkups, • 2 bath $1,150
in order to be a great place contents. mum of 1 year experience (Wastewater) Beautiful grounds.
to work and shop, ALL em- Tired of Just Getting Knowledge in SAP Work- in non-invasive ultrasound (I/II/III) $47,020 - $65,719/yr
w/t pd. Avail in July
Heating paid. OXN JUNIOR 1+1 $825mo
under the supervision of a *********************** Pacific Point Apts
ployees must take respon- By With A Minimal flow/UWL developer. + xlnt benefits). 2 vacan- Studio-Newly Remodeled See us before you rent!
sibility and do their part to M.S. degree in Computer physician or experienced cies. Reqs. CA Water Re- 1001 Gonzales Rd 805-485-1078
maintain a safe and healthy Paycheck? vascular technician. Gradu- Nr Downtown, Avail Now 805-485-5877
Mon 7:30a-5p, Sat 9a-5p
Now training motivated, Science or related+1 yr sources Control Board w/t pd lndry on site $750mo or visit:
environment. $13/hr exp. Send resume to: ate of an Ultrasound Grade I, II, or III Operator VCS242682 VCS242844
committed individuals to school/program. ARDMS BUENA PROPERTIES
earn “skies the limit in- Ms. Rodriguez, HAAS Au- cert. Visit www.cityofven- (805) 658-2531 VCS243093
We invite you to apply tomation, Inc. 2800 Stur- registration (RVT) or CCI for more informa- OXN MOVE IN SPECIAL
online at: come learning our business registration (RVS) or regis- OXN ALL TYPES of rentals 2+1 $1050/mo.1+1 $895/mo.
and sales system. We off/hr gis Rd., Oxnard, CA tion and to apply on-line. Studios, etc. Some w/utils
http://www.fresh 93030. VCS242911 try eligible (have certifi- Filing deadline: 6/28/2010. OXN 1+1 Great Location Available now 805-487-9841 + comm + bonuses +med cate as listed above). Must paid. From $750. Broker, VCS242891
EOE. near school, pk, shopping English 805-377-1459 Espanol

Thursday, June 24, 2010

VCS241957 +401k Matt, 805-644-4833 have valid BLS CPR card.
VCS241388 SECURITY Private Coun- VCS242445 LG 1 bd. w/t paid, patio, 805-233-1434 VCS241247
try Club Seeking Part Time If you are interested in join- lndry on site $875/mo OXN MOVE IN SPECIAL
ing teams that meld quality
Security Guard. Avail now 2+1 $1150/mo 1+1 $895/mo.

Apply online at:
care and compassion to
create an environment of Rentals ************************
2+1 Large Unit,
$815/mo+dep. Ask about
Available in July
805-487-9841 VCS243430

a directory of regional new housing
communities. Visit
VCS242867 excellence, please take a
moment to discover more
about what it’s like to work
600-683 Near school, pk, shopping.
w/t paid, patio, lndry on
garage. No pets. Call
805-844-6714 VCS243527 OXN N 1+1 $850/mo & 2+2
$1200/mo. Req 1 mo dep.
site, Carport $1200mo
Findadealer. at Community Memorial
Health System.
(805) 658-2531 VCS243108
No pets. Sec 8 OK.
805-815-2259 VCS242897
To apply go to:
Local online classifieds. Online garage sale map. Every Friday
800-221-STAR(7827) CMHS is an EOE.
VCS242246 800-221-STAR(7827)
VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– ard Office
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 43

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
609 609 609 609 611 617 617 617
Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Beach & Vacation Condos/Townhomes Condos/Townhomes Condos/Townhomes
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Rentals Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished
PORT HUENEME T.O. VENTURA EAST Studio VTA OXN 3+den Cust Beach Hse, OXN Marina 2+2.5+Loft VTA 3 BDRM 2 BATH
1 bedroom/from $895 safe neighborhood marble, granite, travertn, Highly upgraded kitchen, tile gar, new tile/paint, cable/
Pool/Spa • Gated Parking $975+dep, incl. all util. f/p, wet bar, 2 decks, view, floors, f/p, view of marina. water pd. $1950. 805-340-2296
Across from CBC 805-535-8239 VCS242958 pvt $1995 Keith Hanson RE No P/S, $1,825/mo+sec. VCS243022
Park Madera Apts. 805-981-1552 VCS242216 Anderson & Barker RE
805-984-4062 805-340-1411 VCS242370 VTA Beautiful remodeled
VENTURA MIDTOWN VENTURA Beach Studio Apt twnhs,2+1. New kitch, paint,
Ch. Islands Blvd.W of Vta Rd 1 Bedrooms from $995 & up PT HUE 2+1 Manor - front
or visit: $975 incl utils except elec. No carpet,blinds. $1300mo
FREE utils, indoor cat ok. pets & no smoke.Dep $1100 unit. Sharp & clean. Avail 805-886-9448 VCS242505
VCS242680 Call for appointment. Now. $1,100+dep.
Port Hueneme 805-653-0809 VCS241648 BLOW OUT 805-701-4823 VCS243576
2593 Yardarm 805-985-6292 WESTLAKE VILLAGE 2+2
Harbor Village Apartments! Spacious 1 & 2 VTA 1+1 $900/mo+$500/sec. 2 Bdrm 2 Bath VCS242996 1 story, $1,700+sec, small pet
ok, 1,200 sqft. 805-338-9125
Move in Specials! Spacious
1BR/1BA close to shopping & Bedrooms 2+1 - $1100/mo+$500/sec.
Martha 805-641-1776
$1395 PT HUE 2+1 Marina VCS242742
restaurants. Pool, off street
parking, laundry room,
Pool, covered parking
& laundry room. VCS241855 Come Join Our
HOUSES Village townhome, near
Channel Islands Harbor,

onsite manager. $950/mo. Easy Fwy Access
*First Month Free VTA 1+1 in garden setting, GREAT VTA VIEW HOME 3+3.5 laundry, pool, pets con- 621
(165 N. Fifth St.) sidered, garage $1100.
Call today!(805)488-1434! on approved credit* with pool, laundry room,
and garage. Call
Community! 3 car gar. 2 suites down &
master suite up $3400 Crossroads Inv 485-4040 Duplexes
Sorry, no pets Why wait, call or
VCS241424 805-644-4131 VCS241823 VCS243288 Unfurnished
PT HUE 1br apt, garage,
Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
or by appt
stop by today!
• Walk to: Shopping, through directory of VTA 3+2 by Buena High PT HUE 2+1 PENTHOUSE
school w/huge yard $2000 CAM Pets/Smoking Ok 3 acs
pool, most utils $845+$500 (805)495-5520 VTA 1 Bedroom Trader Joe’s & the
regional new housing Remodeled w/upgrades, avail 1+1, 2 att car deck $1000+
dep.No pets. 805-483-8301 or COMPARE! Government Center now, new paint.N/Pet $1300 utils+dep 805-901-7299
805-488-2131 VCS241196 • Refrigerators included VTA 3+2 single story +dep 805-701-7055 VCS243339
Spacious, self-clean oven &
SANTA PAULAN APTS 55+ frost free frig. You be the • Cats Welcomed communities. Stonehedge in a double
cul-de-sac, Owner may PT HUE 2+1 Townhouse,
482-8576 VCS243021
Ventura 1 Bedroom judge! From $895/sec $300. Telephone & Victoria •••••••••••••••••
Studios • 1bdrm • 2bdrm
Avail NOW starting @ $712. Visit us to see the 805-644-5676 for appt $299 Deposit!* Visit condsider pet $2100 gar, pool, N/P.$995+$995dep.
Coast Prop Mgmt OXN Downtown 2+1, Back
Call on SPECIALS! difference! or visit: (866) 311-7888 VTA 2+1 west end, front 805-483-1178 VCS242089 upstairs unit. $995+dep.
805-525-5804 VCS243019 VCS242683 unit, water paid $1195 Drive by 111 S. E St.
Ventura Del Sol PT HUE 2+1 Townhouse 805-603-8387
6250 Telegraph Rd. VTA 1’s Midtown CAM 3+2 on cul-de-sac VCS242399
T.O. 1+1 in Very quiet sunny/spacious $950 Pool, Lndry fac, shared
area, surrounded by 805-656-0236 ask re: specials, open
w/tons of upgrades $2250 garage. Close to shopping & OXN Nyeland Acres 2+1,
trees! Furn. Own en- house Sat/Sun 10-2 VTA
PT HUE 3+2 close to base. restaurants. CAT OK! newly renovated, $1150+
trance, bath, kitchen, VCS242688 3090 Channel, 653-7711 Del Norte Apartments
May consider Sec 8 $1900 Reduced Rent $1,100/mo. $1150 dep 3720 Santa Clara St
laundry, private, utils, HUD OK VCS243387 1 & 2 Bedrooms (2552 Tiller Ave) 805-648-1517 or 407-8253
The Lighthouse

cable. Includes all. N/S. _VENTURA_ • Beautiful Grounds VCS243198

No illegal drugs. No pets 1br apt $950, 2br apt $1200 VTA 1’s Midtown • Pool OXN 3+2 vaulted ceilings, Call 805-692-2500
$1,350. 805-388-5027; Near college. No smoke/pets. sunny/spacious $950 • Onsite Laundry granite counters, stain- VCS242189
Cell 805-982-0899 VCS241371 805-890-2142 VCS241198 ask re: specials, open • Cats OK less appliances $2200 OXN Silverstrand Beach
house Sat/Sun 10-2 10855-10880 Del Norte St PT HUE••••••••••••••••••• 2+1 downstairs, fenced
CONDOS/APTS patio, pet considered $1300
3090 Channel, 653-7711
HUD OK VCS241296
VCS242992 617 ANACAPA VIEW Crossroads Inv 805-485-4040
now accepting
Condos/Townhomes Cam 3+1.75 near shopping, TOWHNHOUSE VCS243287
applications VTA E. 1+1 Clean, quiet, restaurants & easy
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm at
VTA 2+1 1 level $995.2+1.5
twnhs style $1050.Lg rms upgraded $900 & 2+1.5 Unfurnished freeway access $1750 2+1.5 OXN Silverstrand Charming
130 Brazil St. townhouse style apt $1325 Near Beach-Shopping Navy Beach Front 2+1 large deck,
big closets, new crpt. Base-NiceUnit-washer/dry- f/p, hrdwd flrs. $1,850/mo.
Thousand Oaks, Ca. 91360. Montalvo $500 dep OAC N/S. 805-647-8411 VCS240811 CAM 2+2.5, $1650+dep, f/p, VTA 1+1 West end
Equal Housing Opportunity close to downtown $695 micro-dishw-Carport-Com- 805-377-1429 VCS241319
805-642-9660 VCS241199 VTA E 1BR w/custom bath W/D hkups, 2 story, 2 car gar munity Pool
805-497-9848 VCS242696
VENTURA VTA 2+1 Apt with new paint.
near park and school
upstairs, park view, N/S/D.
$975/mo includes utils.
no pets, no smoking, close to
shopping, owner pays HOA,
Avail 7/1. 805-388-3990
VTA 2+1McKeon manor ut
gas stove/coin ldry $1200
AMS Realty, 805-642-0995
OXN Silver Strand duplex,
nice 2 br, 1 ba, lg sun deck,
2 & 3 Bedrooms $1025/mo No pets. Call
805-672-2809 VCS243472
VCS242729 PT HUE BEACH w/Ocean
steps to beach. 157 Eagle
Rock. Just $1340.
805-258-3203 VCS242344 VTA 1+1 comm spa/bbq Views, gated, 2+1.5 No one 805-469-5907
675 Providence Ave VTA CAM 2+2 Home For Lease cat ok, wtr/trash pd $825 above you.Hkups, pool/spa, VCS242748
CALL FOR VTA 2+1 Best deal in Town Harbor View Villas in Leisure Village. Garage, no pet $1325+$1350 Owner/
$1075 New paint, Pergo cable,water, gardener, trash, VTA 3+2.5 tile floors, Agt 805-340-0343 VCS241334 VTA E. 2+2 fence yd, nr Ser-
PRICING flring, parking, trash,lndry Luxury Apts. many community amenities ss appls, granite counters, ra Elem. Pet ok w/xtra dep
Ocean view. PT HUE Hueneme Bay
2+2 $1395-$1495+dep.
866-964-9019 (805) 643-3419 or 643-5834
132 Kellogg VCS243353 Most utils paid
pool, golf & more! Approx
1,200 sf. 24/7 gated security.
Age 55+. $1,525/mo.
may consider pet $1725
VTA 2+1 upstairs apt,
Super sharp 3+2+fam rm &
gar, country club living w/
8832 Tiber. Trash/water pd
$1600 805-569-9877 VCS243155
1+1 $1145-$1170+dep. VTA 2br 2ba x-Lg units w/all Free basic cable. AVAILABLE NOW! water/trash paid $1195 pool & golf. 55+. $1,295
Move-In Special. OPEN DAILY appliances, close to shopping 333 N. Kalorama 310-456-2740 VCS242714 SARALEI REALTY
No Dogs or Cats.
9am-6pm $1250. Some units avail for
handicapped and/or seniors. 805-648-1760 CAM LAKESIDE VILLAGE
VTA 1+1 w/den Paseo de 805-529-5853
805-492-2113 Playa condo, close to
VCS242830 PET FRIENDLY! 805-658-7453 VCS241960 VCS241241 w/dock, gar, 2+1.25, 1 story, beach & downtown. PT HUE Marina Village 2+1 Houses Unfurnished
VTA LARGE 2+1, $1395/mo tennis, pool. $1750/mo Avail View from deck $1400 Super sharp twnhse, shared
VTA 3+1 carpet floors, large 7-1 805-484-1333 VCS243442
T.O MOUNT CLEF APTS living room & dining area, includes all utils. Pleasant gar, pool & spa. $995. CAM 3+2 MISSION OAKS
frig/stove incl, lndry avail, surroundings. Access to VTA 1+1 in Pierpont SARALEI REALTY
Summer Specials!! all utils paid, $1,550/mo. transit/shpp’g & restaurants.
CAM LEISURE VILLAGE area. Downstairs unit 805-529-5853
1,600sf, 1501 Old Ranch Rd
1br from $1000 2br from 55+, 2+2 Newer carpets, with garage $1200 pets ok. $1,995mo+$1,200dep.
Call Teresa 805-652-1920 805-642-3000 VCS242987 paint, floors! Light & bright! VCS241849 805-479-6198 VCS241240
$1300 Pool, Spa, Playpk. VCS241826 VCS242450 VTA Mdtown Artist/Workshp Pool/spa, gym/golf incl! VTA 2+1.5 two story VENTURA 4+2 - Walk to
805-492-2022 VCS240998 No smoke/pets. $1500/mo. mall, pool, spa, N/S/D/P. CAM 3+2 REMODELED,
VTA 3+2.5 w/gar. Spacious w/living quarters $750+ close to the harbor Beautiful! Fenced yd, $1700,
VENTURA 3785 Telegraph unit, close to beach, shop- $750 dep some utils pd. N/S/P Avail July 15th. 805-482-4367 and shopping $1575 $1,600/month. 805-642-3616
2+2. S/W/T paid, all applcs VCS242193 VCS242886 Sec, lease 805-496-6321 or
T.O. Move-in special ping & 101. Lndry rm on 805-216-7609 VCS242831 805-208-3520 VCS243065
& W/D, $1295+$1300 dep. premises. No pets $1950 All properties are no pets,
half off 1st month Real Investments
VTA VILLA BOCCALI apts CAM PONDEROSA no smoke, 1 year lease
VTA 2+1 MCKEON Condo
CAM 4+2.5 beautiful &
1br & 2br apts small, quiet (805)933-2121 VCS241017 Quiet cottage style 2+1. FP, HEIGHTS Privacy & View, on Bryce, close to every-
complex w/pool. No pets 805-985-1000 VCS242884 encl. patio w/carport. W/D 1000sf, upstairs w/Deck. 805-650-2500 thing. $1200/mo water/trash roomy, close to school &
Starting @ $1050+dep. facilities, close to mall & Fplc, stove, frig, lndry. incl 805-569-9877 VCS243156 park $2500+dep. 4+2 cul-
Thursday, June 24, 2010

VTA 3+2 Loft Apt drive by de-sac, wood flr $2400+dep
805-495-6133 VCS242719 1375 Poli St. From $1700 hospital. Smoke Free Rentals 1+1.5. N/S. Cat ok. $1,350. VCS243474 VTA 2+1 - New floors and
805-482-3381 VCS243257 805-603-9019 VCS242736
Ventura - East Office:80 Aliso Lane hrs Tues No dogs. Manager’s special
1/2 off the 1st month’s rent +
windows, near shopping.
thru Sun 12-6 VCS243650 CAM TWNHM 3bd/3ba 2 car $1,125/mo+dep. 805-218-5219 CAM 4+3, 2 story, view,
Selectyouroptions. sec. Good credit a must. OXN 1 br, 1 ba in gated com- VCS241825 cul-de-sac, new paint, incl
By Appointment only! garage/pool/fitness ctr.
Rent Too High? Manager (805)642-1316 $2325/mo N/S, no pets, 1st+ munity. Covered prkg.
Laundry in condo. Pool & VTA 3+2.5, gar, patio, pool, wtr, grdnr, spa maint, sm
pet ok, refs/crdt ck reqd
-- A CHOICE -- Call 800-221-STAR(7827) VCS241638 last+deposit. 805-448-5137
jacuzzi. $1000/mo. Call f/p, washer, refrig. $1,750mo.
$2100 805-482-5013 Kathy
ormodel. or 805-448-2441 VCS243365 846 Murdoch Ln. 805-639-3483
CITRUS GLEN Online garage sale map. CAM Village @ The Park
(805) 844-7697. Immediate
availability VCS241562 Frownfelter VCS243413
Locatelocaldealers. GAS & WATER PAID
2+2+garage, $1,650/mo, VTA 3+2 upstairs, newly CAMARILLO Mission Oaks
805-647-6755 Every Friday P.M. washer/dryer in unit, incl’s renovated, $1500/mo + 3+2 house near schools,
Call, We Answer! water/trash, pet ok. Buy it. Sell it. Find it. dep. 805-612-2674 shops & park $1895+dep
VCS241767 415-317-6770 VCS242328 VCS242990 805-443-2763 VCS242372
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––IMI ROOM
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
S util pd,
Quiet, clean,ble, garage.
44 maid, w/d , ca
VCS1234–– 56 ––––
"8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
627 627 627 675 677 Commercial 885 887
Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Houses Unfurnished Rentals To Share Rooms For Rent Real Estate Commercial Stores/Offices
Industrial Rent Rent/Lease
CAM MOBILE ESTATES OXN N. 4+3 near golf VTA 2+1 on S. Emma, gar, CAM Wanted roommate in
OXN Rm $595 Mstr/pvt ba
875-893 VTA 2646 PALMA DRIVE APPROX 600-830 sq ft
2 bdrm home (built 2006) course, yard w/gazebo. lg yard. Pet? Wtr/softener nice 3 bdrm Camarillo 200 - 500 sqft - offices $400 - $550 per month
2 full baths, fully equipped $2250/mo+sec incl grndr paid, $1600. Avail now house. $700/mo, 1/3 utilities 2 people $795 1 person $695 Bill @ 818.519.1653 575 Dawson Drive Cam
w/new appliances. Spa/Pool available July 10th 805-218-1535 VCS243618 + $500 dep. N/S/D. Call nr beach utils/cbl/wifi inc Lourdes @ 805.236.0267 2nd floor offices
& recreation center. $1400 805-273-6111 VCS243596 Chris for more info. 805-901-3062 VCS242128 VCS242095 Crossroads Inv (805)485-4040
water, cable tv, trash incl VTA 2+2 w/Bonus Room 805-827-5833 VCS241215
One person must be 55+. OXN RENT w/option to BUY Amazing Ocean & City OXN S & N. Master +3
2+1 with fenced yard & Views! @ 2260 Sunset, bdrm, $500-$750. Utils pd. VTA 2646 PALMA DRIVE A+ VTA Executive Suites
805-816-1833 VCS242999
3+2 coming soon. Grdnr Incl $2,500 + Dep- OXNARD Sec req, N/S/Pets. 885 Warehouses: $295-up, utils paid. 101 Fwy &
805-981-4240 or 805-407-3055 • 1,340 sqft - $1,119/mo Victoria. For Info call
2 bdrm home (built 2006) 2
805-983-9283 VCS242033 OAC No P/SM. Central
Coast 389-6803 VCS241338
Hollywood Beach
Two rooms, private bath, after 4pm VCS243429 Commercial • 1,544 sqft - $1,280/mo 805-479-8284 VCS241993
full baths, fully equipped
w/new appliances. Clean,
OXN Spacious 3br home, lg
family rm, f/p, 2 car, hdwd VTA 4+2.5 NEWLY BUILT, private entry, quiet & safe,
PT HUE Share Ocean
Industrial Rent • 2,260 sqft - $1,900/mo
Bill @ 818.519.1653 Business Starter
flrs, lg yd $1800 310-218-7233 2 car garage, lg yard, $2050 steps to beach, N/S/P, Lourdes @ 805.236.0267 S. Oxn 1 to 3 room offices
quiet & newly renovated. Spa utilities+cable+wifi incl. view condo with washer, 17,000 sf Fenced Construction
Pets ok VCS241033 water pd. Avenue area dryer, pool spa, $575 N/S yard in Montalvo by hwy 101 VCS242094 280-525sf Saviers Rd. Incl
pool & recreation center. $895. 805-402-5115 utils. Mint Cond. Wall to
$1150/mo. One person must 805-746-0549 VCS242504 818-292-3399 VCS240764 $1,400/mo. Avail July 1st.
805-340-5628 VCS242703 wall crpt, pvt patio, 1st
be 55+. 805-816-1833 OXN Steps to Beach VTA 4+2 lg home w/wood PT HUE 1 rm avail $650+ floor. $400/mo-$700
flooring, f/p, front & back $150dep+last mo rent, close VTA 2 Rooms & Bath unfur- VTA Industrial Space
nished nr CMH. Utilities 600sf-2400sf Industrial 800sf-5000sf, with office & Rodgers Management
CAM West 3+2,spotless,near Downstairs 1+1 house unit yard, $2000+$2000 dep. to Base & beach, N/S/D/P. Warehouse - office, rent or
w/parking, large rooms, C21 805-525-7118 VCS242894 805-279-9939 VCS243094 incl $600+dept no smoke/ warehouse, roll up door, 805-985-0044 VCS243406
park, quiet neighborhood, pet 805-643-1438 VCS243106 lease $650. Oxn. 805-486-8796 terrific location, great
no pets. $1,800/mo+sec. fireplace, patio. $1000. VTA by Hospital 2+2 hdwd VCS241401 terms and pricing.
174 Bramble Ct. 805-987-7955 floors, hkups, garage $1650 2 Bdrm Condo to share. VTA Bedroom in nice home, CAMARILLO 675 to 4480sf Mid Valley Properties RETAIL/OFFICE
VCS242868 VCS243647 VTA E. Cambria Vlg 2+2.5 805-527-9632 Ext:1
Your own bedroom & bath. pvt bath, tv & utils incl.N/S/P warehouse, office and New building, perfect for
FLMR/Piru Horse Lovers 11 PT HUE 3+2, garage, f/p, townhouse, f/p, hkups, Community pool. Across $600+dep. 805-201-5596 bathroom. No auto. Call VCS241611 retail & hi-end office
acs 4+2+bonus, basement, fenced yd. $1550+$1550dep. water/trash paid $1495 from golf course. $800/mo VCS243175 805-649-4857 VCS242961 w/shower. Day spa,pilates,
Coast Prop Mgmt 805-652-1050 VCS242179 +share utilities. Avail now WLV 1875-4000sf Office & hair/beauty.View. Signage.
3 car $3500+$3500 dep VTA ROOM FOR RENT SIMI 1000-2500’WAREHOUSE Warehouse Available.
C21 805-525-7118 VCS242808 805-483-1178 VCS242092 Call 805-490-4039 or space avail on Easy St, Visible from fwy, easy
VTA DESIREABLE 805-405-2475 VCS242519 in 4 bedroom house w/spa, Beautiful park. $1.05-$1.20 access. 600 -1200sf.
MRPK 4+2 Beautiful-must SIMI 2+1.5 LARGE MSTR, no smoke/pets $575+ utils with loading dock, forklift, NNN. Janet 805-496-1304 805-320-2128 VCS241500
PIERPONT LOCATION rollup doors 80¢/sf.
see! Campus Park, w/kitch Cute, Clean, all tile, w/d. 805-807-1437 VCS240830 VCS241256
remodel, nr college. Lease County Living, FWY Close. STEPS from Also avail EXECUTIVE
818-437-0751 VCS243701 Wrkshp $1550+sec. Sm pet BEACH and Pier- 677 OFFICES starting @ $500
805-304-6295 VCS241697
Santa Rosa Plaza
805-641-2705 VCS243681 pont Elementary Rooms For Rent Call 800-221-STAR(7827) 887 3400sf. Dave Press
cul-de-sac, view, 3 car School, this 3 bed- SIMI INDUSTRIAL 310-553-6512 VCS242383
SIMI 3+2.5 $1995 & up Stores/Offices
W/D, 2 story, 2 grdnr N/S
4+2 $2295 & up. room 1 bath house Camarillo Room , Quiet,
800sf - 5000sf, with office &
CAM Small Office Space
$3500. 805-876-3237
VCS243612 WESTLAKE 4+2+pool, is in a GREAT No Pets/Smoke/Drama,
warehouse, roll up door,
terrific location, great
Rent/Lease Avail, Great Central Loc.
view $3495 Troop Mgmt LOCATION house privileges, $625 + terms and pricing. 2 OFFICES, Some Ware- 401 Mobil Ave 1st Floor,
•••••••••••••••••••••• 805-300-3883 VCS242952 $300 sec dep. util/ internet a directory of regional new housing 392sf - $490/mo. Central
BONUS: Outdoor Jacuzzi Mid Valley Properties house & Encl Outside Yard
OAKVIEW 2 bdrm cottage Shower and fireplace... incl 805-987-5258 VCS241125 communities. Visit 805-527-9632 Ext: 1 Avail in Oxnard. Other of- Coast 389-6803 VCS242417
w/yd, in quiet neighborhood. SIMI 5+2 lg liv rm w/fp, fam House includes: vaulted VCS241608 fices incl remodeling con-
$1,200/mo+$1,200/dep. rm, lovely 2 sty w/1+1 dwn CAM Detached Guest House Erringer Plaza Office Spc
ceilings, built in washer 1 bdrm avail. $1000, incl utils tractor & kitchen & bath
805-300-9666 $2195 Westcoast Mgmt & dryer, indoor fire- T.O. 2 Small office units-no showroom. Perfect for ar- 1100, 2200, 3300sf.
•••••••••••••••••••••• 805-522-0060 VCS241915 N/S/P. Ref’s req’d. retail & 3000sf Commercial Simi Industrial
place, beautiful French Call 805-901-7707 VCS243700 chitects & designers
VCS242002 doors to back and front industrial space. Call TPC 805-340-4598 VCS241565 625, 1600, 1950, 2100 John
T.O. 3+2, central heat & AC, 760-247-6798 VCS242077 805-526-5260 VCS243202
OXN 1+1 HOUSE lg yd, covered patio, paved yard, parking & CAM FURN STUDIO
w/stove, garage, yard, hkps, RV, 2 car gar, grdnr incl Gardener included! Pvt entrance; furn br/ba; liv-
utils paid $1150. No Sec 8 Avail now! $2300/mo Contact ing rm; exc sec area; +

The Lighthouse
805-483-1002 VCS241018 805-427-5520 or 805-492-2116 agnjproperty utils (inc cable + www)
VCS243316 805-388-8730 approx 500sq ft
OXN 2 story 4+3+3 car @ or VCS242605

garage, well kept home
close to beach $2075/mo
T.O Family Home call: 805-643-4100
CAM House Rms, 10 mins to
3+2+ofc, new inside, lrg yd, Rent: $3450 Deposit: $3500
805-642-9527 VCS242490 2 car gar, $2400 + 2 mo, VCS242781 CSUCI full hse privs, pvt &
grdnr incl. 3+2+ Gina share ba $540-up 805-310-8040
OXN 3+2.5, w/dbl gar in christina_cbanker@
805-630-9817 VCS242936 VTA E. 3+1.75, Quiet Street,

Serving Ventura County since 1960

gated community, fenced VCS243242
yard, f/p & patio. $1950/mo. lg family rm w/fp, grdnr incl,
Photos online at: T.O. Spacious 5+3, with w/d $2,095mo+sec. Avail July 1 or & grdnr incl,quiet neighbrhd. 805-390-0119 VCS242826 CAM SANTA ROSA VLY
call Jeff @ Ventura Property Two story, pets ok.$2,795/mo. mature, prof, vegetarians
805-535-5959 VCS243625 VTA E. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $1950
Shoppe 805-701-0653 +$1950 dep. Water and have rms avail in gated
VCS241545 gardener paid. luxury home $850-$1000
Ventura 805-644-5685 or 805-207-4326 805-208-0883 VCS243499
OXN 3+2+den. Near Base, CROSSROADS
fp, fenced yard, recently VCS243516 CARPINTERIA Fully furn’d
remodeled. $1,795/mo. INVESTMENTS VTA NEW carpt/paint, pvt room & bath in 2004
818-706-1010 VCS241526 300 Esplanade Dr immac. 230 Potawatomi St. home, walk to beach $700
Suite 580 3+2.5, $1,950, w/d, pool, n/s, 805- 444-1654 VCS242840
OXN 3+2 w/big kitchen, 805-485-4040 green bkyd. 805-259-7128
lg fenced yard, 2 car gar VCS242959 OXNARD BEACH
with opener, nr base $1750 West Ventura 3+2 garage/
805-484-0119 VCS242972 storage, lndry hook ups, VTA PASEO DEL MAR Vegetarian landlady, private
fenced yard, gardner 3+2.5 2 car gar, avail now. entry & bath. No smoking
Quiet area. 1700. $600/mo. Call 805-985-0529
OXN 3+3+LOFT, included $1450
805-651-9312 VCS242214
large 2 story, 3 car garage, VCS243562
f/p, lg yard. n/s/ pets great South Oxnard 3+2,
dbl garage, lndry hook ups, Westlake Village OXNARD Private Gated
area near beach & pk incl Community, Close to Navy
$2000+dep grndr incl fenced yard, gardner incl, BEAUTIFUL Base, Furn Room, Full
805-986-3995 VCS242188 pet considered $1675 HOME IN
OXN 4+3, 3 car, fm rm, encl VCS243540 WESTLAKE
Privs, Cbl/WIFI/Internet
$600 Mo, $300 Dep Incl utils ✔ New Vehicles
yard, $2200+ sec dep,
grdnr incl,no pet /no smoke
2250 Sqft, completely reno-
805 228-8164. VCS242776
OXN EL RIO 1bd, shared
Military rebates
805-988-9932 VCS243551 VENTURA
vated home with 3 bed, 3
bath + office. Private
deck with view off 2nd-
bath, near Colleges, large
backyard $485/mo. No smoke
805-302-5567 VCS243332
available for ✔
recently renovated, wash-
er/dryer, nice yard. $1850. 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath story, master bedroom.
active military
Call 310-454-4760
with Washer/Dryer and
Gardener Included.
Hardwood floors. Brand
new kitchen with gran- OXN Furnished, clean &
✔ All Makes/Models
ite, island, and new ap- quiet, close to base. Pvt
Available: July 10th
OXN Cute 3+1 lg yard, new Great family neighborhood pliances. All new bath, kitch/lndry privs.
TV/VCR/Cable-Internet & Quality Pre-Owned

Thursday, June 24, 2010

crpt/paint, 910 S. H St. on a quiet street with large bathrooms. 3 car garage.
Only $1595 Bkr 805-385-5600 Back yard view to golf WiFi/Utils. NS/ND.
front and backyard. $595/mo+$225 dep.
or 805-377-1459 VCS242822 course - no neighbors!

(805) 642-6701
Great house includes stove, 805-983-6709 or 805-204-8060
stainless steel refrigerator $3,400 per month.
OXN N. 3+2, 2 car garage, carport. Short distance to For house pictures OXN FURNISHED ROOM Pacific View ACROSS HWY 126
$1895+dep, gardener incl, mall, downtown and VUSD email: bbeyer@ $550+dep, includes utils & Mall FROM THE
schools. Pets welcomed! PACIFIC
no smoking, no pets house privs. N/S/D/P.
$1,900mo+$2,500dep. Main St. VIEW MALL! Main St.

3440 E. Main Street Ventura, CA 93003

805-983-8168 VCS243637 805-483-3152 VCS242726
OXN N. 4+3, 3 car gar, up-
818-554-8052 OXN mstr bdrm for rent pvt BARBER HWY 101
graded kitchen, hardwood or call for a viewing at bath, lg walk in closet, $700

Mills Rd.
floors, new carpet close to
all $2650/mo 805-901-2560
Online garage sale map. Every Friday
utils incl, kitch/lndry privs,
$300 dep. No Smoke/Drugs
805-890-6178 VCS241830 HWY 101

VCS1234 56 –––––––
–––––––– ard Office
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
Oxn ception
r lease, re
1300 sqft fo,Avail now.
VCS123456 – "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!* 45

WANTED: Buyers and sellers. To advertise
(800) 221-7827
887 Recreation 922 945 977 977 985 992
Stores/Offices 900-945 RV Spaces for Rent RV / Motorhome Auto For Sale Auto For Sale Sport Utility Vehicles Vans
Rent/Lease Service
EXECUTIVE SUITE with LIVE IN YOUR RV. Spaces CADILLAC CAV 1995 good BMW X5 4.8i ‘07 Low Mi, CHEVY 1995 Astro Van
reception room and supply left for 30’ or smaller. All RV STORAGE condition, 97k mi, asking TOYOTA ‘01 MR2 Spyder
Convertible, silver, $7,000.
Xlnt; Loaded! Incl Rear Conversion 1 owner, pearl
room in E. Ventura $350 hkups $300mo+utils Fillmr in Simi Valley $3,000obo as is. #3nan915. Ent,Nav,3rd Row,more, white, bubbletop, loaded,
805-340-1371 VCS242813 805-525-2062 VCS241981 805-889-9850 VCS241158 85k miles. Lic# 4TYZ124 Warr,Lo KBB 45,500 Deb
Open for Business! John 805-297-5272 xln’t cond. $5,995. #3pak058.
805.218.1322 Z45869 805-444-3300 VCS242322
LARGE FURNISHED 850 W. Los Angeles Ave CADILLAC SEVILLE 1993 VCS242220 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OFFICE - AGOURA HILLS Online garage sale map. We have it all...Propane, Grandma’s car, loaded, VCS242518
Reception & secretarial area Dump Station (Public and TOYOTA ‘06 HIGHLANDER ______________
Every Friday P.M. xln’t cond, new tires, under
break room, security system
installed, fax line incl. $950.
909 Private) Wash, Air/Water 100k. $2,495. #3for581. HYBRID, 4 dr, 2 wd, V6,
auto, 40 k miles. $22,999. NISSAN MURANO SL’06 4 dr MAZDA Grand
Contact: 818-865-1088 Boats and Windshield Cleaning 805-444-3300 VCS242317 V6, slate grey, runs/looks
Station, and Ice Vending.
Secure and Fully Paved.
Vin#015479. 805-407-6250 great $12,300 (5PL679) Touring 2007
805-300-3008 VCS242195
Choice Spaces Available. DODGE NEON TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1996. Original Owner
Office Space 15’ BAYLINER ‘80 Lake Ca- 933 805.579.6192
4 cyl, Champagne, runs $11,200 OBO, 68,000 Hwy
AGOURA HILLS sitas ready. 88HP out-
Motorcycles And VCS242508
2005 SXT great. Could use minor
body work. 108,000 ORIGI- RANGE ROVER ‘92 miles; Charcoal,
board. Lots of extras $2700 HSE, creme, 89k, loaded, Leather, Heated seats;
OFFICE CF6343GV 805-659-1489 Equipment Auto, tinted windows, gray NAL MILES. $1,900.00
just smogged, tags thru Sunroof; 6 CD, Power
Executive Office Space VCS243276 CALL 805-824-3438 (4TWT424)
available! Furnished,
unfurnished, $650 to 18.5’ GLASTRON ‘00 ENDURO XR 650L PARTS-
Race. orig gas tank $250,
Transportation with black interior, A/C,
CD player, automatic front
windows manual back. ___________
6-11. Good cond $4000.
805-984-1260 (3TNR653)
everything, Alloy wheels,
New tires, Mint
Condition (670134) Call
$1200. Includes internet
access, use of reception-
Bowrider, ski/pleasure, 4.3L
V6, Volvo eng, Penta. Only
51 hrs. Xlnt $8970. (cf3813ps)
orig muffler $175 Perf cond
805-822-3989 VCS240838
950-998 Runs Great! 99k fwy miles.
$4,850. Lic#5mwd040
Under warranty,
20,000 miles
818-707-1274 VCS242721
ist, state of the art
805-526-0708 VCS241709 Brent 714-315-0193 HONDA CIVIC TOYOTA SIENNA XLE ‘02
Conference Room, and an
Executive Training
Shovelhead, 1340cc, Wide- VCS242611 986 xlnt cond, loaded, not
Room. Beautiful, must
Model, seats 8-9, built-in glide, all fresh built, xlnt LX Sedan Trucks For Sale running/needs part front
see - Contact Sandra at cond, $7500 805-985-4200 FORD MUSTANG GT ‘06 au- Mind condition, 36MPG end $5500/obo 805-822-3989
ice chest, lots of storage to, blue, 5400 mi, 1 owner, all service records from
818-889-0360 $7800/obo 805-643-0438 (3233JO) VCS241166 (4YLE290) VCS242500
18” polished aluminum fac- Honda. AC,Power every-
DGA Academy (CF9911NW) VCS243384
HERITAGE 1999 S/C tory wheels Must see! thing,cruise control, CHEVY 1500 1994
VCS243341 $19,600. 805-527-1673 mp3,Silver body/gray Lumber rack, shell, tow
21’ SEASWIRL 210 2005, VIN# 006433 BLACK AND
bow rider, 220hp 5.0 V8, I/O CHROME, LOWERED, 968 VCS243410 int., clear title,always
garaged,no accident,
pkg, runs great. New
tires. $3150. (120549)
w/Volvo outdrive, Trailrite WINDSHIELD 42975
360 sqft. Available. trailer, like new. Only 10 hrs. MILES $9000 Auto Under $1000 FORD Mustang GT ‘07 7K,
auto, sharp, orange, $18,000
smoke/pet free #341293 805-890-4576 VCS243282 Wanted Vehicles
Excellent terms & pricing.
Mid Valley Properties
Pd $30,992. Asking $21,150
(cf8632rh) 805-579-9849
805-490-1762 VCS243478 Oxnard 805-263-5818 noon $14,190 OBO CHEVY C2500 ‘04 work
805-527-9632 Ext: 1 (6ANU53) VCS242509 (805) 612-4801 truck, wht, Royal contrac- CASH FOR YOUR
VCS243457 ___________
The Lighthouse

FORD T-BIRD ‘97 LX 66k, VCS241775
tor body, Duramax diesel CAR OR TRUCK
w/Allison trans, a/c, am/fm ‘90 or newer. Any condition.
8 ‘ WALKER BAY TRIKE 2005 1 owner, auto, V8, cruise,
loaded, am/fm cass, tilt, VC NEW BEETLE GLS ‘03 w/CD, chrome whls, 66k 818-577-6799 VCS241738
Row boat, with oars. $350.
Cochran/Sequoia Call 805-241-1012 Candy Red xlnt shape $2800 (2769FDP) Auto, AC, Moonroof, Red/Blk mi, great cond, orig owner,
runs like new, pics avail.
1,705 SF 102,500 miles Good cond.
VCS242110 3,200miles 805-530-3816 VCS243623
$5900. 805-501-6044 $13,500 firm (fm20495)
805-405-1335 VCS242219
Rice/101/Rose (407623) FORD T-Bird LX ‘97 4.6L V8, (442095) VCS242691
1000 - 55,000 SF ‘97 SEA DOO’S tan, 95k mi, full pwr, lthr,
500 - 5,000 SF GTX and GSX, 805-527-2914
all records, auto trans,
non-smoker $2700 (wa6aru)
135k,auto 4 cyl,no leaks, new
FORD F150 ‘03 XLT Crew
Cab, short, V8 Triton, auto, Yourkeyto
Sunbelt Enterprises low hours, well cared for,
runs great, with trailer
YAMAHA 2005 V-Star Classic Need 805-529-6487 VCS241325 brakes,shocks,tune up, trans.
service, smogged. $2350/obo
111K, tow, CD, p/w, good
cond/1 owner $6500 (7e56169
805-530-3816 VCS243621 findingyour
VCS241649 1100. 37k mi, passing lamps, (2vhf270) 805-443-4377
Sublease available:
805-404-4329 passenger back rest, jetted
pipes. $4,000. #007788. Ken Extra MERCEDES VCS242934
VCS242453 BENZ ‘05 C240 FORD F-250 ‘90
2 Office Suite w/ 805-901-8501 VCS242208
Dual fuel tanks, 460 engine,
Reception area KAWASAKI 1100 ZXI ‘03 Jet $16,995 980 runs good. 6 CD, toolbox
Located in Ventura, right off Ski, like new, 120hp Trailer
Mercedes Benz C240. V6, Classics/Antiques/ $2200/obo 805-639-0912
101 fwy, we are currently
looking to sublease part of
gar’d $3000/obo 805-990-3699
(NV1435KV) VCS243258
936 34,000 Original Miles, No
Accidents, One Owner, Specialty
our bldg. With a little over
Motorhomes/RV Clear Title, Well Main-
AUSTIN HEALY, MG, onlineat...
1,000 sf, this spacious 2 tained. Drives Great, FREIGHTLINER
office suite+reception area 27 ft, newer profurl furling
Jib, reliable yanmar diesel. FOREST River Cedar Creek
WE Looks Beautiful. Classy
Light Blue Metallic with
Jaguar XK, Triumph TR,
Porsche 356, early 911, ARGOSY 2001
offers a pvt entrance into
the building, ample park-
ing & easy fwy access.
$5,500obo. Tim 805-641-0877
Daydreamer ‘06 5th wheel
Beautiful! 39’, 3 slides, 2 BUY Beige Leather Interior.
New Brakes, Power
Wanted any year or cond.
415-227-0144 VCS241673
Detroit motor, 2 axis, 477,000
miles, 22.5 tires, 10 gear
The common area, which is
appr 400 sf, has laminate
18’6’’, new Jib $900/obo
a/c’s, 5.5 Onan gen, refrig
w/ice maker, Kingdome
sat autoseek, surround
CARS Steering, Climate Con-
trol. Always Garaged, CAD Brougham 1993
Triple black, CELEBRITY,
trans ,sleeper, ac/heat,
$15,000 obo (9E09107)
805-524-1811 VCS243343
flooring throughout, includ- Call 805-384-0898 sound, much, much more. running Paint in Excellent Condi-
tion. 572859 2 car phones, loaded. runs

ing its restrooms & kitchen (CF0387CJ) VCS242420 xlnt, 69k miles $65,998/obo.
area. The office suite also Asking $48,500/obo. Chevy VIN: WDBRF61J35F572859
has large windows, bring-
ing natural sunlight!
2500 Duramax ‘05 diesel
tow vehicle also avail. For or not. Vehicle Information:
805-499-4956 (3CIB595)
Janitorial svc & utilities are 918 pics:
805-437-6181 (192357)
C240 SEDAN 4 DR 2.6L MAZDA RX 7 - 1991
included with the exception
of telephones. $1250/mo Campers/Trailers VCS243609 Can’t find V6 SFI SOHC 18V REAR
Convertible runs xln’t, white
& black interior, clean. New
Terms include a one year the pink or Serge - 805-654-0273 Tonneau cover. Xln’t a/c.
a directory of regional new housing
WILDERNESS ‘97 5th Wheel VCS243366
lease. After the first year,
terms are month to month. LANCE CAMPER 1020 ‘00
Trailer, 31 ft, 3 slide-outs,
good cond. $12,000. #572698.
registration? $2,500. Lic#2fxs324. In Oxn
805-988-1916 VCS242932
Email inquiry to volpes@ 10’11’’ fully equip’d $13,500 Truck Available. 805-492-0858 No problem! MINI or call
(805) 658-6156, ext. 117.
805-485-2980 VCS242946 VCS240995
To get the best COOPER S ‘06
or Cabriolet ‘54 thru ‘71
190SL, 230SL, 250SL, 280SL,
communities. Visit
TOYOTA deal, call us first! John Cooper
Thursday, June 24, 2010

300SL 220S/SE, 250SE,

VTA Offices & Flex Spaces Works Edition
Street Signage 1554, 1632,1776 Camper Shell 942 805-582-2515 Convertible, white/blue top,
280SE Convertible Any cond.
510-638-7221 VCS242152
sf on corner of Telephone
& Market Central Coast Fits 1992 - 1996 Off Road Vehicles 213-700-3116 dk blue interior, absolutely
beautiful, less then 11,000
389-6803 VCS241331 White, Aluminum 24 hrs/7 days miles, $19,000 (5UVP593) ‘64 Thru ‘68 Coupe,
Like New. $400obo. HONDA XR 400 street legal __________ Call 818-926-1166 VCS243216 Convertible, FB, any cond
VTA Office Space 805-620-2969 has 440 kit mukuni carb VCS242793 510-568-5114 VCS242196
Beautiful units from 474sf- VCS240971 exel wheels 4 gal tank runs PONTIAC GRAND AM 1998,
1687sf. Great terms and great much more call VOLVO 760 ‘89 Cranks, does 4dr. Looks/runs great, gets
pricing. Now Available! ZIEMAN Single Waverunner 805-341-6829 VCS243606 not start, probably fuel 28-30 mpg, many ex- Find new & used cars.
Mid Valley Properties trailer blk, xlnt cond, pump $600 5BCP686 tras,CD player, keyless en-
805-527-9632 Ext: 1 no rust $425 805-822-3989 Find a home. 805-509-2504 VCS241430 try 805-246-5554 (6HLG177)
VCS241610 4dd1325 VCS242499 VCS242182
VCS1234 56 –––––––
––––––––OOL TABLE
3!/7 78! 0-4 &5('!: 7$ $#"!# 2&# :!%!61! 2##676$&2) #!726)9,
P pockets.
ather drop
Prof size, le and balls included.
46 Cues , rack
VCS123456 ––––––––
– "8$7$9 2&# ($:! + 2)) 9!&7 #6:!%7). 7$ .$5: ($'6)! #!16%!*
Thousand Oaks
4th of July Pre-Sales Event!
Now thru July 5th
Come Early For Best Selection
Is available to any qualified current Toyota owner or leasee that purchase or
LOW FINANCING AND REBATE OFFER CAN NOT BE COMBINED. S lease a New Toyota vehicle through a participating Toyota dealership through Aug. 3, 2010
SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. OFFER ENDS AUG. 3, 2010 See dealer for details


In stock with with the MSRP of $18,055 In stock with with the MSRP of $23,050

The Lighthouse
14,999 18,999
will be discounted to… will be discounted to…
Net Cost

TO Toyota Sale Price $16,499

$ $ TO Toyota Sale Price $20,499
- 500 Factory Rebate* Net Cost - 500 Factory Rebate*
- 1,000 College Graduate (Must qualify**) - 1,000 College Graduate (Must qualify**)

EveryNEW ‘10 RAV4 EveryNEW ‘10 PRIUS II

In stock with with the MSRP of $23,054 In stock with with the MSRP of $23,750

19,999 21,999
will be discounted to… Net Cost will be discounted to…

$ $
TO Toyota Sale Price $20,999
- 1,000 College Graduate Net Cost
(Must qualify**)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thousand Oaks
2401 Thousand Oaks Blvd. 2321 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Sales Toll Free: 866-871-0105
Contact our web site at...
*All cars subject to prior sale and on approved credit. Prices do not include any charges for Government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $55.00 dealer document preparation charges, any emission testing charge, $8.75 tire
charge. No rental companies or dealers. Offer ends Mon, June 21, 2010. *Rebate offergood on selected new Toyota models and not to be used with special APR financing. Special rebate and financing offer ends Aug 2,2010. **Col-
lege rebate can be combined with other factory rebates and requires that you must graduate from an accredited 2 or 4year college within the next 6 months or past 2 years. See dealer for details. College rebate ends Jan 3, 2011. 47
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