Whole Numbers Also Known As Cardinal Numbers - Used For Counting
Whole Numbers Also Known As Cardinal Numbers - Used For Counting
Whole Numbers Also Known As Cardinal Numbers - Used For Counting
Symbol Word Pronounce It
/8 One eighth
/5 One fifth
/4 One quarter
/4 Three quarters
/3 One third
/3 Two thirds
/2 One half
Symbols Word (common term in brackets) Pronounce It
+ Plus (And)
- Minus (Take away)
x Multiplied by (Times)
Divided by
= Equals (Is)
. Point
% Percent
(((1 + 6) - 2) x One plus six minus two multiplied by two divided 1 + 6 - 2 x 2 2.5=4
2) 2.5=4 by two point five equals four
One and six take away two times two divided by
two point five is four
10% 100=10 Ten percent of one hundred equals ten. 10% 100=10
What to say
For example:
11/2 - "One and a half."
When pronouncing decimals we use the word point to represent the dot. The
numbers following the dot are pronounced separately.
For example:
When you have the number 1.36 we say "One point three six."
Interesting Numbers
~ 12 ~
The number 12 is often represented as a dozen and the number 6 as a half dozen.
For example:
12 eggs= "A dozen eggs."
6 eggs = "Half a dozen eggs."
~ 13 ~
A dozen is 12, but a baker's dozen is 13, because in the past bakers who were
caught shortchanging customers could be liable to severe punishment, so they
used to add an extra bread roll to make up the weight.
~ 100 ~
One hundred is the basis of percentages (literally "per hundred"). 100% is the full
amount of something.
~ 1 billion ~
The American billion has become standard in technical and financial use.
However, to avoid confusion it is better to use the terms "thousand million" for 109
and "million million" for 1012.
Milliard " is French for the number 109. It is not used in American English but is
sometimes, but rarely, used in British English.
Letters as Numbers
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of 12k it means 12,000.00.
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of 12m, apply for it!
~ bn ~
The letters bn denote a billion. So, 1bn is usually 1,000,000,000 (see above).
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of 12bn, it's probably a missprint.