The Numeral
The Numeral
The Numeral
Cardinal Numerals:
Sanoq sonlar predmetning miqdorini bildirib, how many? Nechta? So’rog’iga javob bo’ladi.
One 1 Eleven 11
Two 2 Twelve 12
Three 3 Thirteen 13
Four 4 Fourteen 14
Five 5 Fifteen 15
Six 6 Sixteen 16
Seven 7 Seventeen 17
Eight 8 Eighteen 18
Nine 9 Nineteen 19
Ten 10 Twenty 20
Ordinal numerals:
Tartib sonlar predmetning tartibini ko’rsatgan sonlardir. Nechanchi? Which? So`rogiga javob
The 1st the first birinchi
The 2 the second ikkinchi
The 3 the third uchinchi
The 4 th
the fourth to’rtinchi
The 5 the fifth beshinchi
The 6 the sixth oltinchi
The 7 the seventh yettinchi
The 8 the eighth sakkizinchi
The 9 th
the ninth to’qqizinchi
The 10 th
the tenth o’ninchi
The 11 th
the eleventh o’n birinchi
The 12 th
the twelfth o’n ikkinchi
The 20th the twentieth yigirmanchi
The 21 the twenty-first yigirma birinchi
The 22 the twenty-second yigirma ikkinchi
The 35 the thirty-fifth o`ttiz beshinchi
The 69 the sixty-ninth oltmish to`qqizinchi
The 100th the hundredth yuzinchi
The 1000 the thousandth minginchi
Tartib sonlar bilan kelgan otlar aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi. Ba’zan ot tushib qolganda ham
aniq artikl saqlanib qoladi:
The second horse is better than the first. Ikkinchi ot birinchisidan yaxshiroq.
Ba’zan tartib son oldidan noaniq artikl ham ishlatilishi mumkin, bunda tartib sonning ma’nosi
yana bir, boshqa bir deb tarjima qilinadi:
We have sent them a second telegram. Biz ularga yana bitta telegramma yubordik.
A third man entered the room. Xonaga yana bir kishi kirdi.
Ot tartib sondan oldin kelganda tartib son sanoq songa aylanadi:
Part one birinchi qism
Chapter five beshinchi bob
Page twenty yigirmanchi bet
Number four to’rtinchi raqam
Classroom №5 beshinchi darsxona
Apartment 10 o’ninchi xonadon
Tram №5 beshinchi tramvay
Size forty shoes qirqinchi razmer poyabzal
Henry VIII Henry the Eighth
Kasr sonlarda avval surat qismi sanoq sonda, mahraj qismi esa tartib sonda bo`ladi:
Agar surat qismi birdan katta bo`lsa mahraj qismiga –s qo`shiladi. Ba`zan surat qismi bir
bo`lganda one o`rnida a/an artikli ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
1/8 one eighth/an eighth sakkizdan bir
3/7 three sevenths yettidan uch
2/5 two fifths beshdan bir
Aralash kasrlarda oldin butun qismi, keyin qasr qismi aytiladi:
Masalan 3butun 3dan ikki: three and two thirds
Every third har uchtadan bittasi
317/509 three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine.
0.7 nought point seven nol butun yeti
4.8 four point eight to’rt butun sakkiz
half an hour -------yarim soat
an hour and a half----bir yarim soat
Kasr sonlardan keyin odatda birlikdagi fe’l ishlatiladi:
Three quarters of a ton is too much.
3.6 kilometres is about 2 miles