PP Interview Questions

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Pattern 1

Tell me about your self?

Explain about your recent Project?

Client/ Location of your Project?

Material Staging in REM?
What Is Material Staging
Material staging is nothing but transferring the material from your main store to
production location. Before production we have to transfer the material. In SAP it is
called material staging. Its not necessary to use material staging EM only. You can
use this for describe also i.e. with respect to production orders.

You stage material you need for production at a certain time, in a particular quantity,
and in a particular production storage bin, via the WM-PP interface.

Process Flow:

1. You create a production order

2. Release the production order

3. The system determines the material staging type on the basis of the control cycle
and determines the production storage bins, in which the components should be staged

4. Automatic material staging is active in the standard system

You can also create transfer requirements for material staging manually.

Pull list is used to withdraw the components from Main storage location to the issue
storage location. Issue storage location is Prod. storage location.

Pull list used to control the flow of components required for in-house manufacturing.

It is assumed that the components required are already ( procured or produced ) made
available in the Main storage location and to be transferred now to production storage

Pull list takes into account the dependent requirements generated from the planned
orders of the parent parts and stocks of the child component is checked at the
production storage location.

Pull list calculates the quantities of the missing parts.

The Process of executing the Pull list and getting the material is known as Material
Prerequisite for Pull list -

The issue storage location should come from the master data to the dependent
requirement which has come from the planned order. Issue storage location needs to
be maintained in BOM or Material master.

The Tcode for Pull list is MF60.

Material Staging

This section describes how you use the pull list to help stage components for production. It gives an
overview of the process from the calculation of missing parts to the creation of replenishment elements. In
particular, this chapter explains the prerequisites you must fulfil so that the pull list has all the necessary
information on the issue storage locations for the components to be able to initiate a stock transfer.


Using the pull list, you can only stage components for requirements whose future storage locations in
production have already been defined by the planning run. Therefore, you must note the following in
Repetitive Manufacturing:

Existence of run schedule quantities assigned to a production line

A prerequisite for storage location determination is the existence of RS quantities

(planned orders) that are assigned to a production line (production version). This can be
done either automatically in the planning run (BOM selection method or quota
arrangement) or manually, in which case the planner assigns the planned orders in the
planning table. Another possibility is to enter planned orders directly in the planning table
as RS quantities.

Maintenance of master data

You have several options for determining the issue storage location for component
requirements. The issue storage location is the storage location in production, from which
components used to produce an assembly are taken. For example, it could be a storage
location at a production line, from which all components that are used on this line are

The prerequisites for determining the issue storage location are as follows:
The BOM item contains the storage location.

The material master for the component contains the storage location
(called production storage location in the material master).

The production version of the higher-level assembly contains the suggested issue
storage location for the components. In this case, the system determines the issue
storage location by referring to the assembly.

The production version contains the receiving storage location or the production
storage location of the assembly.

If you have not defined an issue storage location in the BOM item, the system uses the storage location
determination strategy in the MRP group to determine which of the issue storage locations to use for the
component staging. Therefore, the master data listed above does not all have to be entered
simultaneously, but can be seen as alternatives.

For more details, see Storage Location/Supply Area Determination in BOM Explosion

The same logic is applied to supply area determination and is significant for the pull list for replenishment
via KANBAN and replenishment via WM.

Process flow

1. Access the pull list (for example, by assembly/production line or component).

2. The system calculates the missing parts by comparing the available quantity and the
quantities already initiated by the pull list with the requirements within the selected
period. The missing parts are displayed in the pull list.

If you access the pull list by assembly, the system displays the missing parts for all of its
components. If you access the pull list by component, only the missing parts for this
component are shown.

3. You can then instruct the system to create a replenishment proposal for one or more

4. For direct stock transfer, after the creation of the replenishment proposal by the
system, you must specify the storage location from which the component requirements
are brought to the production storage location. You can specify this storage location
manually or complete the replenishment proposals using batch/stock determination.

5. For direct stock transfers, when you trigger component staging, the system checks
that the transfer is possible, then blocks the stock at the replenishment storage location.
For other procedures (stock transfer reservation, KANBAN or WM) the entries are simply

6. As soon as you save your data, the system creates replenishment elements (KANBAN
or WM), or carries out the stock transfer. For stock transfer reservations, the system
reserves the required components.

What is REM Profile? How did you

create by assistant or manual?
Repetitive Manufacturing(REM)
Company manufactures product in large numbers and production is
quantity based and period based not order based.
Repetitive manufacturing is mainly used for the production scenarios with
high product stability, high repetition rates, and low product complexity.
In master data production versions and cost collector is must where this is
not mandatory in discrete manufacturing.

Application Areas:
Industry Type: Mechanical engineering, Consumer goods, electronics, and many
Tact-based Flow manufacturing
Period based production
Mass production

Difference b/w Discrete and REM

REM Prerequisite
a. REM Profile
b. REM Indicator
c. Production Version
d. Product Cost Collector

SAP REM Full Cycle scenario

Basic Data:

Plant : TAJA
Company Code : 1000
Storage Loc : TA01
Material created :
Sir No Material Type

Repetitive manufacturing profile to control how you want to carry out planning
and back flushing in repetitive manufacturing

Basic control parameter of the REM Profile

1. Whether you want to backflush activities.
2. Whether you want to work with reporting points in make-to-stock REM
3. How you want to process errors which occur when back flushing

Create the REM Profile:

SPRO Production Rep manufacturing Control Data Create REM Profile Assistant
(T-Codes: OPP3/OSP2)
With help of the REM profile assistant create the Make-to-Stock REM Profile
TJ (REM Profile for plant TAJA) here GI backflush at GR posting check mark
and RP backflush is mandatory/Optional(as per requirements)

Here Planned order reduction period is given 3 , so In this period system

reduces all planned orders and run schedule quantities in the period
Here below mention all movement type set for the REM profile TJ

Create the finished material Air coil with Repetitive mfg. indicator and REM profile TJ
maintained in material master see view MRP -4 , ( MM01)
Please create and maintained the BOM(CS01) and routing/Rate routing (CA01/CA21)
Rate routing for top material Air Coil and assigned control key to the
operation see in below pic, (T-codes: CA21), here control key using for UK01 and
UK02 for operation. (Standard SAP control key with milestone confirmation is PP01)

Create the Control key UK 02, with milestone confirmation with help of the T-
codes OP67.
The milestone confirmation is a special form of confirmation, in which the
confirmation of one operation causes other operations or suboperations to be
automatically confirmed at the same time.

Create the Production version T777 for finished material(Air coil) with help of
material master change (MM02), and in Selection method put indicator 2 or 3.
Production version is combination of the BOM and Routing/Rate
Routing. Overview of the production version T777, more than one production
version created as per requirement and make sure current prod. Version not

As per REM profile selection for the product cost accounting

There are two different type of cost accounting exit.

1. Standard cost estimate per material.

You can create this cost estimate once in a period with reference to a routing. You can post
activities on the basis of this cost estimate if you produce a material using only one production
version in one period.
Using T-code: CK11N do the standard cost estimate for current date and period, And release this
standard cost estimate through T-code: CK24.

2. Preliminary costing for the product cost collector.

You can create this cost estimate per production version. This makes sense if you produce one
material using different production versions and routing in one period.

Using T-code:KKF6N for create Preliminary cost estimation in REM.

Here we selected preliminary costing for the product cost collector in REM profile

Create the Plnd.Ind.Reqmnt(PIR) for the finished material Air coil with help of
the T-code: MD61
See the below pic of the stock requirement list after generating the demand
without run MRP. (T-codes : MD04 )

After run the MRP with help of the MD02 for finished material(Air Coil), MRP
element is RS and order type is PE
In REM, we can do backflush(REM Confirmation) through planned order or
finished material using MFBF, here we selected the planned order

Checking with Post with correction in tool bar of REM confirmation page
before saving and get the detail information of the all transaction variant with all

After saving system posted GR and GI document(As per REM profile

setting GR and GI done at same time)
After the confirmation of the both planned order, good receipt done
automatically and available stock is 20. MD04 Screen

With help of the Document overview on MFBF tab, we know the detail of the
GR and GI transaction, and with help of the Reverse tab we can reverse the
process of movement and material back to the stock.
What is back flushing in REM and
what is T.Code for it?

MFBF REM Back Flushing

REM Back flushing is the process used in production/process industries for
automatic goods receipt/issue purposes.

SAP Menu -> Logistics -> Production -> Repetitive Manufacturing - Backflush -
REM Backflush
MFBF transaction is related to Repetitive manufacturing production

REM is period based production, produced quantities are confirmed by doing

backflush (MFBF) at end of shift or day.

Once you do the backflush for Header Material, the following things will happen:

1. Posting GR for finished product, GI for components.

2. Posting production cost for Product cost collector.

Total cost involved in production will be booked for the material.

Like production order confirmation in Discrete Manufacturing, it is a production

confirmation process.

The basic configuration steps for REM is as follows:

Master Data Requirement :

1. Define Rem profile - OSP2 and assigned to FG, SFG.

(SPRO settings -> Production -> Repetitive manufacturing -> Control Data -> Define
Repetitive Manufacturing Profiles)

2. Define Product cost collector with Production Version in KKF6N

3. Create BOM - CS01

4. Create Rate routing with usage Production and Release

5. Maintain Production version in Material master in MM01 - MRP4

6. Maintain REM material with REM profile active in MRP4 view .

76. Keep material BOM/Routing selection - by Production Version in MRP4

8. Keep the BOM component as BackFlush indicator active in Material Master -

MRP3 view

Configuration :

1. Define scheduling parameters for planned orders - OPU5

2. Define and Assign Number Ranges - OSPR

3. Check the operation Control key with reporting point Back Flush - Define Control
Key - OP00

What is Backflushing?
Can anyone tell me what is backflushing for? When is it use?

Back flushing is nothing but automatic goods issue. System will automatically posts
the goods issue when you confirm the operations.You have no need to make manual
issue. It will reduce the effort.

Backflushing is automatic accounting (Goods issues - 261 mvt) of material consumed

for production, at the time of confirmation. Eg. When a 4 wheeler automobile is rolled
out from assy line, 4 wheels & Tyres are deemed to be consumed and issued to
production order automatically by way of backflushing by the system.

Assembly line picks the material from stores/ Assy line and use.

No Physical issue & Manual posting ( Goods Issue) by Stores.

Backflush is used for material which are a must and having fixed relationship.

This can be configured in MRP2 Screen,Work centre, Routing and production order.

Each has some special function.

If you configure this in routing or production order you have no need to activate this
in MRP2 or Work center screen.

MRP2 Screen defines whether material components are backflushed are to be made at
the work center.

When we do the back flush the backlogs are being created for the BOM
components and we are getting the message "Backlogs from backflush were
created or changed" - its just an informative message. Do you think this has got
something to do with the negative postings ?

Backlogs are created due to different reasons.

This message tells that "there is no sufficient stocks for the bom component/not able
to backflush all the material due to plant data locked etc" at the time of backflushing
the BOM Material and hence the Post-processing list is created that you have to Re-
process for stock updation of each material.

To avoid this you can confirm the following things.

1.Ensure that suffecicient stock is available in the backflushing locations of each

2.To prevent the generation of "post-processing list" you can block the BOM from
getting backflushed if sufficient stock is not available in specified location for the
BOM COMPONENTS. To do this change the "REM profile" to "002"in MRP4 view
for the BOM MATERIAL.(if the profile is not available you can crate it through

3. To clear the existing Backlog use transcation MF47 and re-process(be ensure that
required stocks is available for each bom component)

Reporting point backflush in REM process

Master data settings
1. OSP2 : Create REM profile
Create a new REM profile Z001 with required reporting point backflush.

2. MM01 : Create assembly and component material

Material plan REM profile Backflush
Material type t sloc REM allowed(MRP 4) (MRP 4) (view MRP 2)
NG_REM_FERT FERT 1000 1 X Z001
NG_REM_RAW ROH 1000 1 1 (Always backflush)
3. CS01 : Create BOM for assembly material
Issuing sloc
(tab 'Status/Lng text in item
Material Plant Usage Component Quantity details)
NG_REM_FERT 1000 1 NG_REM_RAW 1 0001

5. CA21 : Create rate routing for assembly

Set status as 4 and usage as 1.
Create 3 operations with control key PP98. (Control key can be maintained in t-code OP67.)

Assign component NG_REM_RAW to operation 0010.

6. MM02 : Create production version for assembly material.

Assign the rate routing to the production version.

7. KKF6N : Create product cost collector for assembly and version

Afterwards click 'Yes' to create a preliminary cost estimate for the product cost collector.
8. MB1C : Goods receipt for component

Reporting point backflush posting

MFBF : post assembly reporting point confirmation for reporting point 0010
Enter the following data
Click button 'Post with Correction'. Component NG_REM_RAW is backflushed.

MFBF : post reporting point 0020 with qty = 10
MFBF : post reporting point 0030 with qty = 5

Check confirmation results

Cost collector AUFK

Reporting point quantities CPZP

Reporting point documents CEZP

Document log BLPP

Now you can see the connections of these tables:



MF26: Display reporting point information
After posting reporting point confirmation for reporting point 0010

After posting reporting point confirmation for reporting point 0020

After posting reporting point confirmation for reporting point 0030

MF12 : Display document log

What are all the types in
Backflushing and T.Code for it?

MFBF - backflushing In Repetitive Mfg PP - Repetitive Manufacturing

MF41 - Reverse backflush (With ALV) PP - Repetitive Manufacturing
MF70 - Aggregate Collective backflush PP - Repetitive Manufacturing
OCPR - Maintenance of backflush Profiles IS - Production Backflus

MFHU - backflushing In Repetitive Mfg PP - Repetitive Manufacturing

MF42 - Collective backflush PP - Repetitive Manufacturing
MF46 - Collective Reprocessing, backflush PP - Repetitive Manufacturing
PK41 - backflush KANBAN Orders PP - KANBAN
PPCGO - backflush Execution IS - Production Backflush
PPCSHOW - Displays backflushes IS - Production Backflush
OSPI - Number Range for backflush Discrep. PP - Repetitive Manufacturing

What are the different places we

can give Backflush Indicator?
What is Product Cost Collector
and its T.code?
.You need to define a Production Version. It is unique combination of one BOM and one routing of the material.

In production version we maintain the combination of BOM and routing.

Also it can be designed with lot size or validity period.
Go to MM02--->MRP4 / Work scheduling view ----> Prod.Version.
Enter the validity period and lot size.

2. Define your Product Cost Collector (KKF6N)

Product cost collector is the cost collecting object for a period based production or in a REM - repetitive
manufacturing scenario.
1. Without having any product cost collector you cannot carryout production confirmation(assembly backflush)
for a product.
2. So for all the products for which production confirmation will be declared requires a individual product cost
3. Prior to this you require a production version for the material.
4. Production version and a product cost collector is also the master data for a REM scenario.All the debit and
credit related to GI & Gr will be captured in the respective material's product cost collector.
You can check the impact in T.Code KKF6N for each confirmation/reversals happening in MFBF,MF41,MF42N.

3. Cost Estimate -

Normally a Standard Cost Estimate is being run to calculate the Cost/Price of product using CK40N depending upon
business requirement. Normal frequency is Annual. Once cost estimate is done, it is being updated in Material Master
so that same costs can be used in further business transactions.

Similar to your costs in Product Cost Collector. Whenever you do GR for Header Material, system will post an
accounting entry, for a cost estimate of material, into cost collector in REM.

Into product cost collector, preliminary cost estimate is the projection of cost for the FG material, But this cost not
update into FG material master,
So that u have to run CK11N for FG component & save the cost estimate,
Then you have to run CK24 in order to mark & release cost estimate for the FG material.

By doing so, cost is update into Accounting view of the material into tab Std price ,also u could see details about cost
run into
Cost tab 2,-currect estimate.
During backflushing ,this cost is updated for the FG component as actual price.
CK40N is for collective mark & release of FG component.

4. Period End Closing in REM -

Month end closing procedure for REM,

1. Overhead calculation - CO42

2. WIP calculation - KKAS

3. VArience calculation - KKS6.

4. Settlement - KK87

What are all the costs involved in Product Cost Collector?

What is S.O.P? What are the T.Codes for SOP?

How many types of SOPs are there?

Explain Flexible planning Procedure?

What is the data you give in S.O.P screen?

What is the standard info set?

What is the customization procedure for production orders?

What are the details in Production scheduling profile?

Explain Production Order Cycle after run the MRP?

What is Production Order Settlement?

Scheduling Parameters for a Production Order?

Do you have any idea about Capacity Planning?

How do you carry out Capacity leveling?

Can you dispatch capacity for a single work center?

What is Planning strategy and how can you customize it?

What are MRP Plant parameters and T.Code for it?

If no planning strategy, no MRP group given, how can you give the requirement

If no requirement type has given, can the planned order be generated?

Against which you settle Product order cost?

Do you have any idea about PP PI?

What is importance of PI sheet?

Where do you configure process instructions?

Master data in REM & Discrete manufacturing?

Lot size procedure?

In resume you have written evaluation of planning results, how did you do it?

What is difference between MD 04 & MD 05?

What are the different types of Consumption based planning?

What is the difference between Manual Reorder Point procedure and automatic
reorder point procedure?

Do you know variant configuration?

What are all the steps involved in Variant Configuration?

Different types of Object dependencies?

Overlapping and splitting, where do you assign?

What are the problems encountered in your project?

How do you write User exit?

What is a T.Code for Production order user exit?

Where you can find user exit?

What are Trigger points and where do you find them?

Do you know any thing about PRTs?

What are the different places, where we can give auto GR?

How do you check capacity of rough cut planning profile?

Pattern 2
Tell me about your self ?

Can you explain about your activities/roles in your domain industry?

Explain about your projects?

What is the process of Goods issue before and after implementing SAP?

When a production order is released, what are the things done in system?

What are the levels of production in your project?

Do you have implemented Capacity planning there?

What is the category of work centers you have created?

Who is doing the MIGO transaction?

What is the role of MRP Controller?

Two or three Production Orders are there for the same day, and goods are not
sufficient and then how to proceed?

In the production order confirmation, what are the things you confirm?

If any difference is there in between planned confirmation dates and actual ones,
how will you identify and how will you show in the system? Do you have any given
procedure to do that?

If no capacity planning is there, then what purpose you have created the work

What is the Backflushing in REM, explain in detail?

Do you used Pull list or back flushing in REM?

What are the manufacturing strategies do they have before SAP implementation
and what are the strategies you have suggested for them and why?

Did you suggest business process re-engineering for them?

How do you interlink PP with QM?

What is your knowledge in QM?

Where to assign the inspection characteristics?

If your client has any in process quality control, how to incorporate it?

What is your idea in SOP?

How many levels of Flexible Planning are there?

Do you have implemented any hours accounting for them?

How can you see the costing details in Production Order?

What is your idea about capacity leveling and how can you dispatch it?

You are saying 10 & 11 strategies given for two products; do you have given two
different strategies for the same Product? If not, for the same engine valve why you
are describing them as two different products?

What is your idea about process industries?

Where do you define Process instructions?

What are different planning types you have given them?

Do you have worked in any support environment?

How many tickets used to get daily in your Post implementation support?

What are your major activities in post implemented support? Can you explain some

What are your roles & responsibilities in implementation?

Can you explain me about your deliverables in each phase of implementation in


What is your team size?

How many PP Consultants are there in your project?

Do you have any idea about Long term planning, Briefly explain?

Do you have any idea about Product costing, walk thru?

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