Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark

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SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Paper 376-2011
Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in
Cecily Hoffritz and Johannes Jrgensen, SAS Institute Inc., Copenhagen, Denmark

Is it possible to design and implement metadata security so that it can be managed without you creating security
conflicts? Do you need to become a metadata security guru before you dare modify the security implementation?
This paper provides you with the proper insight so that you can design and implement metadata security at your site
with a 100 % guarantee that you will not experience metadata security conflicts in the future.
For a number of years, Danish customers and others abroad have benefitted from a well-defined and documented
metadata security best practice that is now the de facto standard for security implementations in Denmark. During
this paper you are introduced to the golden rules of the best practice and to the steps that you need to take when
you design your security setup. You are also presented with an example of a security design that has suited the
requirements of most of our customers.

Why has our metadata security best practice become popular with customers in Denmark? One of the reasons is that
it provides a straightforward and very concrete step-by-step recipe on how to overcome the complexities of securing
metadata. Customers also claim that they do not have the time to be philosophical, and they expect a ready-made
solution that is practically self-implementing.
In order to fully understand the implications behind this best practice, it is important that you have a basic
understanding of security with regard to access control templates, access control entries, and the rules of inheritance.
It is also important that you understand the identity relationship between groups and users.
We provide the following six steps, which facilitate your work and provide you with a scalable and easy-to-manage

security setup for SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence Server and SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server in

SAS 9.2:
Step One: Understanding the needs of your organization. Here you need to gather information about user groups
and to understand which SAS applications are relevant for them.
Step Two: Understanding the needs of your SAS software. You are introduced to the way SAS applications work
with reports and data, and you are given a few guidelines on folder structure.
Step Three: Understanding the golden rules for setting up metadata security. We have formulated 6 important
rules, which are the backbone of our best practice and which you need to understand fully and adhere to.
Step Four: Designing access control templates. In this section you are introduced to an example design that
usually covers the security requirements for most companies.
Step Five: Applying access control templates. Here you will see how easy it is to apply security to folders and to
server-side system objects such as stored process repositories, schemas, etc.


Before designing security at your organization, you must gain some knowledge about existing functional roles or user
groups, their main job tasks, and the applications that they might want to use. The following simple checklists help
you ascertain this information. They are not fixed entities; you can change them to suit your needs.

This checklist gives you an overview of the organizational groups who ultimately need access to metadata, data, and
applications. These groups are the ones in your active directory or other user store that you already have or plan to
have synchronized into metadata.
In our experience, investigating which groups need access to the SAS platform can be time-consuming because they
originally werent created to be synchronized into a SAS metadata repository and therefore serve a different purpose.
You might also have many groups, which takes time to process.

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Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

Table 1. Example of Group Checklist with a Small Selection of Groups and a Few Tasks Listed
Group Tasks
Administrator System administration and IT support.
Data Warehouse Developer Working in all phases of a data warehouse project. Building data marts.
BI Developer Building and maintaining reporting/analysis environment. Report application
help desk.
Sales Analyst Customer segmentation, planning sales initiatives and analyzing their effect,
supplying management with analyses.
Sales Relationship Manager Sales.
Sales Assistant Executing events, assisting in maintaining customer database, editing
company Web site.
Sales Manager Responsible for sales initiatives and targets, company Web site, and contact
with the media.
Sales Department Everyone working in the Sales Department. It contains the above sales
groups and not individuals.

This checklist gives you some indication of level of competency or of whether groups work in a centralized function.
For example, if your group belongs to a Business Intelligence Competency Center, then your job is to produce output
across departments. If your group only views reports, then you are a light consumer who does not produce for others,
and your future need for expert applications is probably low.
If your organization has many groups, then start with a few of them first when you fill out the checklist.
Table 2. Example of Task Checklist with Groups Applied to Tasks
Task Group
Viewing business reports All
Creating business reports for own purpose Sales Analyst, Sales Relationship Manager
Creating business reports for own department Sales Analyst, Sales Relationship Manager
Creating business reports for other departments BI Developer
Administering and distributing business reports BI Developer, Sales Analyst

Viewing analytics All

Creating analytics for own purpose Sales Manager, Sales Analyst
Creating analytics for own department Sales Analyst
Creating analytics for other departments BI Developer, Sales Analyst
Administering and distributing analytics BI Developer

Viewing data Data Warehouse Developer, BI developer, and all groups in

Creating data for own purpose Sales Analyst
Creating data for own department Sales Analyst
Creating data for other departments Data Warehouse Developer, BI Developer
Administering and distributing data Data Warehouse Developer

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

It is important that you acquire an overview of the purchased SAS softwareespecially the client applications. You
can find a really good overview of the SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform on the Web:

The list here shows selected standard applications for SASEnterprise Business Intelligence Server and SAS
Enterprise Data Integration Server. Your job here is to match groups with applications, as we have done.
Table 3. Example of Application Checklist with Groups Applied
SAS Application Admini- DW BI Sales Sales Sales
strator Developer Developer Analyst Assistant/ Manager
ship Man-
Information X X X X X X
consumption on
SAS the web
Portal adding/modifying X
portlets & pages
for others
SAS Web Report Studio X X X X
(building web reports)
SAS Information Map Studio X X X
(building reporting data)
running reports X X X
SAS with prompts
Add-In to building reports X X X
MS and segmenting
Office data
SAS Data Integration Studio X
(building data warehouses)
DataFlux (data cleansing, X (X)
profiling & generating rules)
SAS OLAP Cube Studio X X
(building cubes)
SAS cleansing data X X X
Enter- creating reports X X
prise creating statistics X
Guide writing programs X X X
SAS Stored Processes X X
(developing dynamic reports
based on SAS programs)
SAS Management Console X
(managing the platform)
building X
SAS BI components
Dash- utilizing X X
board components


Client applications in SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence Server and SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server
behave differently with regard to how they see certain metadata objects. Applications either give the choice of a
Server list view or a Folder view or both. The way client applications can view metadata objects in Folder view
and/or Server view might affect the way you design your metadata folder structure.

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Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

Table 4. A Selection of Applications in SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence Server and SAS Enterprise Data
Integration Server and How They View Metadata Objects
Client Application Server list view Folder view Comments

SAS Enterprise SASApp Server Stored Processes No libraries in folders can be
Guide viewed in Folder view.
OLAP Server Information Maps
A hybrid application which in
Libraries Cubes a standard installation allows
Tables Tables you the choice to work
classically with SAS (Server
Cubes EG projects list view) and with metadata
(Folder view).

SAS Add-In to MS SASApp Server Information Maps No libraries in folders can be
Office viewed in Folder view.
OLAP Server Tables
A hybrid application which in
Libraries Cubes a standard installation allows
Tables SAS Report Files (WRS) you the choice to work
classically with SAS (only
Cubes Stored Processes Server list view) and with
metadata (Folder view).

SAS Information SASApp Server Information Maps Stored processes running on
Map Studio the standard workspace
Libraries server and added to
Tables information maps.

Cubes 100% metadata-aware

Stored processes

SAS OLAP Cube Information Maps Libraries show up in folders.
Libraries No Server view starting with
100% metadata-aware
Cubes application.
SAS Report Files (WRS)
Stored Processes
EG projects
Cube jobs

SAS Data Information Maps Libraries show up in folders.
Integration Studio
Libraries No Server view starting with
SAS Report Files (WRS)
Stored Processes
EG projects
Cube jobs

SAS Web Report Information Maps
SAS Report Files (WRS)
Stored processes

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued


Our experience based on workshops with customers is that a metadata folder structure can be time-consuming to
design without supervision. In Denmark, SAS consultants implement a best practice folder structure for data
warehouse projects and supply guidelines for the creation of BI folders. An example of a guideline is that it is easier
for you to work with a metadata folder structure that mirrors your physical folder structure whenever it makes sense to
do so.
This simplified and shallow folder structure allows you easy navigation and light security maintenance.


The top folder, OrionStar, allows us to create subfolders on a per-company basis.
The DW folder contains numbered folders for a data warehouse project, and metadata objects below this folder may
also be numbered. An example of this could be the numbering of jobs to show a dependency sequence. Source
libraries are gathered into the folder 01. Libraries, while target libraries are not registered to this folder. Here, we
decided to register them in the folder Standard Data so they reside alongside data objects such as tables and
information maps. Security-wise, it is easier for you to manage both libraries and data in the same folder, but they can
be split into separate folders as well. If you then decide to hide the folder with libraries for some groups, these groups
wont be able to see any table metadata in the data folder unless you open up access for one or more library objects
in the hidden folder.
Note that there are no folders called Libraries in the above departmental folder structure. The reason for this is that
library metadata objects dont surface in folders in Business Intelligence applications such as SAS Enterprise Guide
or SAS Add-In to MS Office. Users will wonder why the folder called Libraries is empty.
Note also that we dont number departmental folders. The reason for this is that if certain folders are hidden, then
their folder number is hidden as well and shows an incomplete sequence of numbered folders for users.
The idea behind the Standard Data departmental folder is that it typically contains data produced by data warehouse
developers, and the Standard Reports folder is typically for reports produced by BI developers.
Unlike standard departmental folders, custom folders contain reports and data produced by selected super users
from a department.

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued


The following six generic golden rules are the heart and soul of our metadata security best practice. They were
initially devised for SAS 9.1 and did not undergo any revisions at all for SAS 9.2. Abiding by these rules still allows
you a great deal of creativity when you design your own security setup. Some of them are more meaningful later on
when we present to you an example security implementation.


It is absolutely strictly forbidden for you to use access control entries (ACEsthat is, tick marks with white
background on resources). Our recommendation for your securing resources is a combination of inheritance (tick
marks with gray background) and ACTs (tick marks with green background). If you apply only ACTs and not ACEs,
your life as an administrator will be easier because you can maintain all security changes centrally in the
Authorization Manager plug-in of SAS Management Console.

Note that in a standard software installation and configuration, you might already see ACEs applied, which we advise
you not to change, and the security design behind row-level security on maps and cubes forces you to apply ACEs.


From a maintenance point of view, it is much easier working on a group level than on a person level. Once you
design your ACTs containing groups, all you need to do is synchronize users into these groups. We suggest that you
add only one group per ACT whose name is synonymous with the group.

This is the most important rule of them all. It ensures a 100% guarantee that you no longer will experience security
conflicts. Whether you are a member of more than one group or your groups are members of other groups is not an

This rule is also the hardest rule for you to comply with because it is so easy to tick mark a denial for a permission to
compensate for too much access on a specific resource. If you breach this rule, you will really topple the apple cart,
and your compensational permission denials for explicit groups will wreak havoc on this best practice and in the end
they give you a bad headache!

This rule is for situations where you want to allow selected groups to view certain metadata objects while hiding those
objects from others. The process of showing metadata folders to some groups and hiding them from others is a good
example of this. This rule is not in conflict with rule #3 because we are denying access for implicit groups, not for
explicit groups. It allows us to rely heavily on resolving security conflicts via the identity hierarchy.

Here is an example of how this rule works. Remember, if you are registered in metadata, you are always a member
of the implicit group SASUSERS, and you most probably belong to at least one explicit group. You are of course also
an implicit member of PUBLIC, and a prerequisite for this best practice is that you have not changed the standard
settings that deny all permissions for PUBLIC in the Default ACT.

Table 5. How Rule #4 Works

Scenario Access control Access control The group ABC is allowed to see the folder
template 1 is template 2 is A, while all others not belonging to ABC
applied on folder A applied on the same arent.
granting Read folder A denying
Metadata to group Read Metadata to

Step 1 ACT = ACT 1. Check type of access control (not the

permission). Are they equal? Here they
are because the folder A is secured by 2
ACTs (rule #1 is applied here). If they are

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

equal, then the conflict cannot be

resolved via access control type, and the
identity hierarchy must be checked as
Step 2 Explicit group <> Implicit group 2. Check identity hierarchy. Are they equal?
Here they are not equal because the
explicit group ABC wins over the implicit

group SASUSERS. Your membership in
the explicit group ABC will give you the
grant. If you are not a member of the
explicit group ABC, then you are still
implicitly a member of SASUSERS and
you will be denied access instead.

You must always apply this rule in conjunction with rule #4. Restricted administrators are subject to access control
like anybody else and are affected by an ACT denying SASUSERS access.


Design your setup and document it on paper first before you implement it. 90% of the work is the design and
documentation, and once you have that in place, implementation is easy as pie. Remember that a standard initial 9.2
security setup is a closed one to users other than administrators, so your job is to implement security as early as
possible to open up access for them.


Here is a list of permissions used in the access control templates below:
RM = Read Metadata: Ability to see a metadata object.
WM = Write Metadata: Ability to add, modify, and delete metadata.
WMM = Write Member Metadata: Ability to add, modify, and delete metadata objects in folders.
CM = Check-in Metadata: Ability to check metadata back to foundation or other repository from a project repository.
R = Read: Ability to read data.
W = Write: Ability to modify existing data.
C = Create: Ability to add new data.
D = Delete: Ability to delete data.
A = Administer: Ability to administer SAS OLAP Server and SAS Table Server.
Other permissions relating to SAS Table Server are not included here.


If you create access control templates that are similar to the ones below, they probably satisfy most of your security
requirements or could be a good starting point. You see them applied in the next step.

Table 6. Example of General Use Access Control Templates. G: Grant, D: Deny, All: All Permissions

Default ACT (Repository ACT) (This is PUBLIC D: ALL

a standard setup)
SAS Administrators G: RM WM CM A

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

SAS System Services G: RM WM


SAS Administrator Settings (we have SAS Administrators G: RM WM WMM CM A

added WMM to the standard setting)
SAS System Services G: RM

Data Warehouse Developers ACT Data Warehouse Developers G: RM WM CM WMM R W C D A

BI Developers ACT BI Developers G: RM WMM R W C D

Sales Analysts ACT Sales Analysts G: RM WMM R W C D

Sales Assistants ACT Sales Assistants G: RM WMM R

Sales Relationship Managers ACT Sales Relationship Managers ACT G: RM WMM R

Sales Managers ACT Sales Managers G: RM WMM R

Sales Department - Read Only ACT Sales Department G: RM R

System Users ACT SAS General Servers G: RM R
SASUSERS Denied ACT denies SASUSERS permissions for reading and writing metadata and is used later to hide folders.
SASUSERS Read Only ACT allows SASUSERS to read metadata and read rows of data for those with Read access in the
operating system. For example, you can apply this ACT to an Enterprise Reports folder that the whole organization can access.
System Users ACT, which contains the General Servers group, allows the shared account SASSRV to read rows of data when
stored processes run on the Stored Process Server.


Securing folders can be easy if you keep it simple. Bear in mind that the more differentiated your groups need access
to different folders, the more complex your security setup will be. In the simple but effective setup in the table below,
each department has general Read access across all departmental folders, while specialized users from the
department have supplemental grants of Write access on specific folders. To keep things simple, specialized groups
such as data warehouse developers have Read and Write access across all folders, while BI developers have Read
and Write access to all departmental folders.

Table 7. Applying Access Control Templates to Your Own Folders

SAS Folders Standard protection originating from SAS Administrator Settings applied
during installation

My Folder Standard protection originating from Private User Folder ACT applied during

OrionStar Inherited settings from SAS Folders for Administrators, which is the only
group allowed to modify this top-level company folder.

DW SAS Administrator Settings, Data Warehouse Developers ACT,


SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

1. Libraries Inherited settings from DW folder for Data Warehouse Developers and
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

2. External data Inherited settings from DW folder for Data Warehouse Developers and
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

3. Source data Inherited settings from DW folder for Data Warehouse Developers and
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

4. Jobs Inherited settings from DW folder for Data Warehouse Developers and
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

5. Transformations Inherited settings from DW folder for Data Warehouse Developers and
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

Sales SAS Administrator Settings, Data Warehouse Developers ACT,

BI Developers ACT, Sales Department Read Only ACT,
System Users ACT, SASUSERS - Denied ACT

Custom Data Sales Analysts ACT, Sales Manager ACT

Inherited settings from Sales folder for BI and Data Warehouse Developers
who are allowed to create data here.
Inherited settings from Sales folder for the shared account SASSRV behind
the General Servers group in the System Users ACT allowing Read access
to these data so that stored processes running on the Stored Process Server
can be based on them.
Inherited settings from the Sales folder for the Sales Department allowing
them to read these data.
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

Custom Reports Sales Analysts ACT, Sales Managers ACT, Sales

Relationship Managers ACT, Sales Assistants ACT

Standard Data Inherited settings from Sales folder for BI and Data Warehouse Developers
who are allowed to create data here.
Inherited settings from Sales folder for the shared account SASSRV behind
the General Servers group in the System Users ACT allowing read access to
these data so stored processes running on the Stored Process Server can be
based on them.
Inherited settings from Sales folder for Sales Assistants via Sales
Department ACT who can read these standard data.
Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.

Standard Reports Inherited settings from Sales folder for BI and Data Warehouse Developers
allowing them to create reports.
Inherited settings from Sales folder for the Sales Department who can read
these standard reports.
Inherited settings from Sales folder for the shared account SASSRV behind
the General Servers group in the System Users ACT. These permissions are
not necessary for this group but since they can read the data behind

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

standard reports the permissions remain granted.

Inherited exclusion for all other groups who wont see this folder.


In a standard installation, you cant create cubes because the SASApp - OLAP Schema, which you find in the folder
SASApp OLAP Schema below the folder Shared Data is tightly locked down with an inherited denial of WM, which
originates from a system--applied ACE denying WM for PUBLIC on SAS Folders.
In our scenario, if you want to allow BI developers to create cubes, they need the BI Developers ACT applied to the
custom folder where they will save the cube metadata object. They also need you to apply the BI Developers ACT to
the folder SASApp - OLAP Schema, as shown below. This ACT has only WMM, not WM, but the OLAP schema in
the folder will inherit a grant of WM, which is necessary for building cubes. Here, data warehouse developers create
cubes, so you need to apply the Data Warehouse Developers ACT as well.

Table 8. Applying Access Control Templates to Create Cubes

SAS Folders Standard protection originating from SAS Administrator Settings applied
during installation

My Folder Standard protection originating from Private User Folder ACT applied
during installation

Shared Data Inherited settings from SAS Folders for Administrators.

SASApp OLAP Schema Data Warehouse Developers ACT

BI Developers ACT

You need to familiarize yourself with other standard folders and their metadata objects in order to assess whether
they need special consideration for selected groups.

In a standard configuration, the group SASUSERS has RM and WM permissions for metadata objects below Server
Manager in SAS Management Console. Those metadata objects include server contexts and servers. Examples of
these are SASApp, SASMeta, SAS Content Server, and object spawner. RM and WM permissions allow any
registered account to see and modify servers.
In a standard configuration, PUBLIC is a member of the role Enterprise Guide: Advanced. This allows you to open the
SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer, an administrative appendix application in SAS Enterprise Guide, where you maintain
metadata libraries and tables, etc. A combination of WMM given to your group on the folder where there are libraries
and WM on SASApp, which you inherited via your membership of SASUSERS, allows you to delete or create
libraries. You have to consider whether this is a desirable situation.
To summarize, server-side metadata objects are by default not protected and need to be, as shown below. The
SASUSERS Read Only ACT is a multi-purpose ACT used on folders as well as here. The Read permission is not
necessary server-side.

Table 9. Applying Access Control Templates to Lock Down Server-Side Metadata Objects

SAS Management Console

Environment Management

Server Manager .

SASMeta SAS Administrator Settings


SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

SASApp SAS Administrator Settings

Data Warehouse Developers ACT

SASUSERS - Read Only ACT .

SASApp - Logical <all definitions> SAS Administrator Settings


SASTS - Logical Table Server Do not change

<All other server definitions> SAS Administrator Settings


<All other spawner definitions> SAS Administrator Settings


You can also create/modify data libraries and source code repositories for stored process programs and deployment
directories. In SAS Management Console, you can see these types of objects grouped together if you expand the
Authorization Manager plug-in and click Resource ManagementBy LocationSAS App (in the left pane). The
objects appear in the right pane. For example, you might see Source code repositories appearing here and
depending on how they are created, they assume the standard name SP Source Directory or a tailored one. Here,
you can also see their inheritance if you log on as an unrestricted administrator and right-click an object such as SP
Source Directory and select PropertiesAuthorization tabAdvanced. Note that the inheritance of SP Source
Directories is not the same as the inheritance of libraries.
If you are creating stored process reports in SAS Enterprise Guide, and if an ACT has granted your group WMM on a
folder, you can save your stored process report in that folder, and the underlying stored process program attached to
the stored process report can be saved to the source code repository because you have an inherited WM (from
Default ACT) via your membership in SASUSERS. Operating system security must be considered but is outside the
scope of this paper.

Table 10. Applying Access Control Templates to the Stored Processes Source Code Directory for Sales

SAS Management Console

Environment Management

Authorization Manager .

Resource Management

By Location

SP Source Directory SAS Administrator Settings
(Description: Sales stored process
programs) Data Warehouse Developers ACT

BI Developers ACT

SAS Global Forum 2011 Systems Architecture and Administration

Best Practice Implementation of SAS Metadata Security at Customer Sites in Denmark, continued

Throughout this paper, you have seen the golden rules of the best practice used in various scenarios, allowing you
easier maintenance. The knowledge that security conflicts wont occur is especially reassuring.
As you might speculate, many groups entail just as many ACTs, and supplementary special purpose ACTs for
selected groups make the number of ACTs grow even larger. Despite this, you know that you have only one point of
contact when you need to revise a setting in your ACTs, and that is the Authorization Manager plug-in in SAS
Management Console. You no longer need to go on roaming expeditions to lots of metadata objects to find ACEs that
are hindering or allowing too much access.
Lately, we have begun to automate our setups where we have written SAS programs to create relevant ACTs and
folders. With programs, we can create the same setup on other servers with development, test, and production
environments. Because our best practice dictates ACTs, they are easily implemented and easy to manage, and that
must be the most relevant requirement for any administrator.


SAS Institute Inc. 2009. SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide. Available at

Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the authors:
Author and designer: Co-designer:
Cecily Hoffritz Johannes Jrgensen
Education Division Technical Consulting Centre
SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc.
Copenhagen, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration.
Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


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