Qlogic Sanbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes
Qlogic Sanbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes
Qlogic Sanbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes
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QLogic SANbox 5600/5602
Stackable FC Switch Hardware
Release Notes
This document contains important information about the QLogic SANbox 5600 and
SANbox 5602 Stackable Fibre Channel (FC) switch hardware installed in Sun™
storage area networks (SANs).
Note – The only difference between the QLogic SANbox 5602 and 5600 switches is
that the 5602 has two hot-swappable power supplies, while the 5600 has one fixed
power supply.
Read this document so that you are aware of issues or requirements that can impact
the installation and operation of the QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602 FC switch in a
Sun SAN.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned
in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any
content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through
such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged
damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such
content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Product Features
The QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602 FC switches are 4-Gbit Fibre Channel switches
that offer low price per port connectivity. The base QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602
FC switch has the following ports:
■ Eight 4-Gbit ports enabled initially
■ Capability to add ports in 4-port increments up to a maximum of 20 ports
■ Four 10-Gbit ISL ports
■ Capability to move a currently licensed port to another port. This allows the
activation of up to all four 10-Gbit ISL ports with only an eight port license.
Note – The capability to move a licensed port to another port requires firmware
version (minimum) and Enterprise Fabric Suite (EFS) version 6.07.05
Additional QLogic 560x FC switches can be stacked together by using the QLogic
SANbox 5600 and 5602 FC switch 10-Gbit ISL ports. QLogic 5200 FC switches can
also be included in the stack. Thus, a total of six QLogic 5200 and 560x FC switches
can be stacked together to create a maximum of 96 2-Gbit or 4-Gbit ports. (For
switch stacking details, refer to the QLogic documentation listed in “Related
Documentation” on page 6.)
Switch Requirements
This section describes some special requirements for the QLogic SANbox 5600 and
5602 FC switches. The following topics are discussed:
■ “Shipping or Moving a Rackmounted QLogic 5600 FC Switch” on page 3
■ “Shipping or Moving a Rackmounted QLogic 5602 FC Switch” on page 3
■ “Firmware Requirements” on page 3
■ “Installing the Switch Into an Existing Fabric” on page 4
■ “Management Software” on page 4
2 QLogic SANbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes • January 2008
Shipping or Moving a Rackmounted QLogic 5600
FC Switch
When mounting the QLogic SANbox 5600 FC switch in the equipment rack, you
must use the accessory mounting L-brackets supplied with the switch.
Caution – The supplied mounting L-brackets are not approved for moving or
shipping a QLogic SANbox 5600 FC switch installed in an equipment rack. The
brackets cannot sustain impacts and vibration associated with equipment relocation.
To move or ship a rack with a QLogic SANbox 5600 FC switch mounted in the rack
you must do one of the following:
■ Remove the switch from the rack
■ Use rack mounting kit SG-XSWQLG5200-RK-Z, which is designed for shipping
the rack with the switch installed.
Firmware Requirements
For complete feature functionality, upgrade the SANbox 5600 or 5602 FC switch to
the minimum required firmware version Features of this version include:
■ Support for EFS
■ Support for stacking of six switches
■ Ability to move port licenses
The latest firmware patch ID for this version is 128175-01. See the section
“Downloading and Installing Patches” on page 5 for further information regarding
the installation of this patch.
1. Remove all 1-Gbit QLogic and Sun StorEdge Network 1-Gbit FC switches from
the fabric.
Management Software
You can manage the QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602 FC switches using Enterprise
Fabric Suite (EFS), QuickTools, or the CLI. TABLE 1 summarizes the management
software and firmware version compatibility requirements for the SANbox 5600 and
5602 FC switches.
EFS Requirements
If using EFS, firmware version is required. For further SANbox 5600 and
5602 FC switch firmware information, see the section “Firmware Requirements” on
page 3. See the section “Downloading EFS” on page 4 for the EFS software
downloading procedure.
▼ Downloading EFS
1. Access the following QLogic web site:
2. Under the Download section, click Enterprise Fabric Suite 2007 - Download
4 QLogic SANbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes • January 2008
3. Type the CD serial number and click Continue.
▼ Downloading Patches
1. Access the SunSolveSM web site at:
2. Read and accept the terms and conditions of the License Agreement.
8. Click PatchFinder and repeat the process from Step 4 for each patch.
Related Documentation
For installation instructions, refer to the following QLogic documents:
■ SANbox 5000 Series Fibre Channel Switch Installation Guide (Firmware Version 6.7)
■ SANbox 5000 Series Quick Start Guide
For other important information regarding the QLogic SANbox 5600 and 5602 FC
switches and firmware, refer to the following files. These files are located on the
product CD that comes with the switch and the QLogic web site at
■ FirmwareReadme_6.7.0.07.txt
■ FirmwareReleaseNotes_6.7.0.07.txt
6 QLogic SANbox 5600/5602 Stackable FC Switch Hardware Release Notes • January 2008