Salvation Dt. 6:21-23 The Greatest Commandment Jos 24:2-13: The Covenant Renewal at Shechem
Salvation Dt. 6:21-23 The Greatest Commandment Jos 24:2-13: The Covenant Renewal at Shechem
Salvation Dt. 6:21-23 The Greatest Commandment Jos 24:2-13: The Covenant Renewal at Shechem
Dt. 6:21-23 The Jos 24:2-13 The before you by the sword. 9 hI will turn to
you and imake you fruitful and multiply
Greatest Covenant Renewal at you and will confirm my covenant with
Shechem you. 10 You shall eat jold store long
Commandment 2
And Joshua said to all the people,
then you shall say to your son, yWe kept, and you shall clear out the old to
Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, make way for the new. 11 kI will make
were Pharaohs slaves in Egypt. And Long ago, fyour fathers lived beyond
the Lord brought us out of Egypt with my dwelling1 among you, and my soul
the Euphrates,1 Terah, the father of shall not abhor you. 12 lAnd I mwill walk
a mighty hand. 22 And zthe Lord Abraham and of Nahor; and gthey
showed signs and wonders, great and among you and will be your God, and
served other gods. 3 hThen I took your you shall be my people. 13 nI am the
grievous, against Egypt and against father Abraham from beyond the
Pharaoh and all his household, before Lord your God, who brought you out
River* and iled him through all the land of the land of Egypt, that you should
our eyes. 23 And he brought us out of Canaan, and made his offspring
from there,that he might bring us in not be their slaves. oAnd I have
many. jI gave him Isaac. 4 And to Isaac broken the bars of your yoke and
and give us the land that he swore to I gave kJacob and Esau. lAnd I gave
give to our fathers. made you walk erect.
Esau the hill country of Seir to
possess, mbut Jacob and his children Dt. 28:2-14 Blessings
Dt. 26:2-13 Offerings went down to Egypt. 5 nAnd I sent
Moses and Aaron, oand I plagued for Obedience
of Firstfruits Egypt with what I did in the midst of it,
And all these blessings shall come
you shall take some of the first of all and pafterward I brought you out. upon you and sovertake you, if you
the fruit of the ground, which you 6
Then pI brought your fathers out of obey the voice of the Lord your God.
harvest from your land that the Lord Egypt, and qyou came to the sea. rAnd
Blessed shall you be in the city, and
your God is giving you, and you shall the Egyptians pursued your fathers
blessed shall you be in the field.
put it in a basket, and you shall xgo to with chariots and horsemen to the
Blessed shall be uthe fruit of your
the place that the Lord your God will Red Sea. 7 sAnd when they cried to the womb and the fruit of your ground and
choose, to make his name to dwell Lord, the put darkness between you the fruit of your cattle, the increase of
there. 3 And you shall go to the priest and the Egyptians uand made the sea your herds and the young of your
who is in office at that time and say to come upon them and cover them; flock. 5 Blessed shall be your basket
him, I declare today to the Lord your v
and your eyes saw what I did in and your vkneading bowl. 6 Blessed
God that I have come into the land Egypt. wAnd you lived in the shall you be wwhen you come in, and
that the Lord swore to our fathers to wilderness a long time. 8 Then I blessed shall you be when you go out.
give us. 4 Then the priest shall take brought you to the land of the
The Lord xwill cause your enemies
the basket from your hand and set it Amorites, who lived on the other side who rise against you to be defeated
down before the altar of the Lord your of the Jordan. xThey fought with you, before you. They shall come out
God. and I gave them into your hand, and against you one way and flee before
And you shall make response you took possession of their land, and you seven ways. 8 The Lord ywill
before the Lord your God, A I destroyed them before you. 9 yThen command the blessing on you in your
wandering Aramean was my father. Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, barns and zin all that you undertake.
And he went down into Egypt and arose and fought against Israel. zAnd
And he will bless you in the land that
sojourned there, afew in number, and he sent and invited Balaam the son of the Lord your God is giving you. 9 bThe
there he became a nation, great, Beor to curse you, 10 abut I would not Lord will establish you as a people
mighty, and populous. 6 And bthe listen to Balaam. aIndeed, he blessed holy to himself, as he has sworn to
Egyptians treated us harshly and you. So I delivered you out of his you, if you keep the commandments
humiliated us and laid on us hard hand. 11 bAnd you went over the of the Lord your God and walk in his
labor. 7 Then cwe cried to the Lord, the Jordan and came to Jericho, cand the ways. 10 And call the peoples of the
God of our fathers, and the Lord heard leaders of Jericho fought against you, earth shall see that you are dcalled by
our voice and saw our affliction, our and also cthe Amorites, the Perizzites, the name of the Lord, and they shall
toil, and our oppression. 8 And dthe the Canaanites, the Hittites, the be eafraid of you. 11 And fthe Lord will
Lord brought us out of Egypt ewith a Girgashites, the Hivites, and the make you abound in prosperity, in uthe
mighty hand and an outstretched arm, Jebusites. And I gave them into your fruit of your womb and in the fruit of
with great deeds of terror,1 with signs hand. 12 And I sent dthe hornet before your livestock and in the fruit of your
and wonders. 9 And he brought us into you, which drove them out before you, ground, within the land that the Lord
this place and gave us this land, fa the two kings of the Amorites; it was swore to your fathers to give you.
land flowing with milk and honey. e
not by your sword or by your bow. 13 I
The Lord will open to you his good
And behold, now I bring the first of gave you a land on which you had not treasury, the heavens, gto give the rain
the fruit of the ground, which you, O labored fand cities that you had not to your land in its season and hto bless
Lord, have given me. And you shall built, and you dwell in them. You eat all the work of your hands. And iyou
set it down before the Lord your God the fruit of vineyards and olive shall lend to many nations, but you
and worship before the Lord your orchards that you did not plant. shall not borrow. 13 And the Lord will
God. 11 And gyou shall rejoice in all the make you jthe head and not the tail,
good that the Lord your God has given and you shall only go up and not
to you and to your house, you, and the Lev 26:4-13 Blessings
down, if you obey the commandments
Levite, and the sojourner who is for Obedience of the Lord your God, which I
among you. 4
then yI will give you your rains in their command you today, being careful to
When you have finished paying all season, and the land shall yield its do them, 14 kand if you do not turn
the tithe of your produce in the third increase, and the trees of the field aside from any of the words that I
year, which is ithe year of tithing, shall yield their fruit. 5 zYour threshing command you today, to the right hand
giving it to the Levite, the sojourner, shall last to the time of the grape or to the left, to go after other gods to
the fatherless, and the widow, so that harvest, and the grape harvest shall serve them.
they may eat within your towns and be last to the time for sowing. And ayou
filled, 13 then you shall say before the shall eat your bread to the full and
Lord your God, I have removed the b
dwell in your land securely. 6 cI will Ps 136 His Steadfast
sacred portion out of my house, and give peace in the land, and dyou shall Love Endures Forever
moreover, I have given it to the Levite, lie down, and none shall make you w
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is
the sojourner, the fatherless, and the afraid. And eI will remove harmful good,xfor his steadfast love endures
widow, according to all your beasts from the land, fand the sword forever.2 Give thanks to ythe God of
commandment that you have shall not go through your land. 7 You gods,for his steadfast love endures
commanded me. I have not shall chase your enemies, and they forever.3 Give thanks to ythe Lord of
transgressed any of your shall fall before you by the sword. lords,for his steadfast love endures
commandments, jnor have I forgotten 8g
Five of you shall chase a hundred, forever;4 to him who alone zdoes great
them. and a hundred of you shall chase ten wonders, for his steadfast love
endures forever; another people,14 he nallowed no one sea, at the Red Sea.8 Yet he saved
to him who aby understanding bmade to oppress them;he orebuked kings on them tfor his names sake,uthat he
the heavens, for his steadfast love their account,15 saying, pTouch not might make known his mighty power.
endures forever;6 to him who cspread my anointed ones,do my prophets no 9
He vrebuked the Red Sea, and it
out the earth dabove the waters, for harm!16 When he qsummoned a w
became dry, and he xled them
his steadfast love endures forever; 7 famine on the land and rbroke all through the deep as through a
to him who emade the great lights for supply1 of bread,23 Then aIsrael came desert.10 So he ysaved them from the
his steadfast love endures forever; 8 to Egypt; Jacob bsojourned in cthe land hand of the foe and zredeemed them
the sun to rule over the day,for his of Ham.24 And the Lord dmade his from the power of the enemy.11 And
steadfast love endures forever;9 the people very fruitful and made them a
the waters covered their adversaries;
moon and stars to rule over the night, stronger than their foes.25 He eturned not one of them was left. 12 Then bthey
for his steadfast love endures their hearts to hate his people, to fdeal believed his words; they csang his
forever;10 to him who fstruck down the craftily with his servants. 26 He gsent praise.13 But they soon dforgot his
firstborn of Egypt, for his steadfast Moses, his servant, and Aaron, hwhom works; they did not wait for ehis
love endures forever;11 and gbrought he had chosen. 27 iThey performed his counsel.14 But they had fa wanton
Israel out from among them, signs among them and miracles in craving in the wilderness, and gput
for his steadfast love endures the land of Ham.28 He jsent darkness, God to the test in the desert;15 he
forever;12 with ha strong hand and an and made the land dark; they kdid not h
gave them what they asked, but sent
outstretched arm,for his steadfast love rebel3 against his words.29 He turned i
a wasting disease among them. 16
endures forever;13 to him who idivided their waters into blood and lcaused When men in the camp jwere jealous
the Red Sea in two, for his steadfast their fish to die.Their land swarmed of Moses and Aaron, kthe holy one of
love endures forever;14 jand made with frogs, even in mthe chambers of the Lord, 17 lthe earth opened and
Israel pass through the midst of it,for their kings.31 He spoke, and there swallowed up Dathan, and covered
his steadfast love endures forever; came nswarms of flies, oand gnats the company of Abiram. 18 mFire also
but koverthrew1 Pharaoh and his throughout their country.32 He gave broke out in their company;
host in the Red Sea, for his steadfast them hail for rain, and fiery plightning the flame burned up the wicked. 19
love endures forever;16 to him who lled bolts through their land. 33 He struck They nmade a calf in Horeb and
his people through the wilderness,for down their vines and fig trees and worshiped a metal image. 20 They
his steadfast love endures forever;17 q
shattered the trees of their country.34 o
exchanged the glory of God for the
to him mwho struck down great He spoke, and the rlocusts came image of an ox that eats grass. 21 They
kings,for his steadfast love endures young locusts without number,35 which p
forgot God, their Savior, who had
forever;18 and killed mighty kings, devoured all the vegetation in their done great things in Egypt,
for his steadfast love endures land and ate up the fruit of their wondrous works in qthe land of Ham,
forever;19 Sihon, king of the ground.36 He sstruck down all the and awesome deeds by the Red Sea.
Amorites,for his steadfast love firstborn in their land sthe firstfruits of 23
Therefore rhe said he would destroy
endures forever; all their strength. 37 Then he brought them had not Moses, his schosen
and Og, king of Bashan,for his out Israel with tsilver and gold and one, tstood in the breach before him,
steadfast love endures forever;21 and there was none among his tribes who to turn away his wrath from destroying
gave their land as a heritage, for his stumbled.38 uEgypt was glad when them. 24 Then they udespised vthe
steadfast love endures forever;22 a they departed, for vdread of them had pleasant land, having wno faith in his
heritage to Israel his nservant,for his fallen upon it.39 He wspread a cloud for promise. 25 They xmurmured in their
steadfast love endures forever.23 It is a covering, and fire to give light by tents,and did not obey the voice of the
he who oremembered us in our low night. 40 xThey asked, and he ybrought Lord.26 Therefore he yraised his hand
estate, for his steadfast love endures quail, and gave them zbread from and swore to them that he would
forever;24 and prescued us from our heaven in abundance. 41 He opened make them fall in the wilderness, 27
foes,for his steadfast love endures the rock, and awater gushed out; it and would make their offspring fall
forever;25 he who qgives food to all flowed through bthe desert like a among the nations, zscattering them
flesh, for his steadfast love endures river.42 For he cremembered his holy among the lands.28 Then they ayoked
forever.26 Give thanks to rthe God of promise, and dAbraham, his servant.43 themselves to the aBaal of Peor, and
heaven for his steadfast love endures So he brought his people out with ate sacrifices offered to bthe dead;29
forever. joy,his dchosen ones with esinging.44 they provoked the Lord to anger with
And he fgave them the lands of the their deeds, and a plague broke out
Ps 105 Tell of All His nations and they took possession of among them. 30 Then cPhinehas stood
the fruit of the peoples toil, 45 that they up and intervened, and the plague
Wondrous Works might gkeep his statutes and hobserve was stayed.31 And that was dcounted
Oh give thanks to the Lord; ucall upon his laws. to him as righteousness from
his name;vmake known his deeds generation to generation forever.32
among the peoples! 2 Sing to him, sing
praises to him;wtell of all his wondrous
Ps 106 Give thanks to They eangered him at the waters of
Meribah, and it went ill with Moses on
works!3 Glory in his holy name; the Lord for He is their account,33 for they fmade his
let the hearts of those who seek the good i
Praise the Lord! jOh spirit bitter,3 and he gspoke rashly with
Lord rejoice!4 Seek the Lord and his give thanks to the Lord, kfor he is his lips.34 They did not hdestroy the
x y
strength; seek his presence good, peoples, ias the Lord commanded
continually! Remember the l
for his steadfast love endures forever! them,35 but they jmixed with the
wondrous works that he has done, his 2
Who can utter the mighty deeds of nations
miracles, and athe judgments he the Lord for declare all his praise? 3 and learned to do as they did. 36 They
uttered,6 O offspring of bAbraham, his Blessed are they who observe served their idols, which became ka
servant, children of Jacob, his cchosen justice,who mdo righteousness at all snare to them.37 They lsacrificed their
ones7 He is the Lord our God; his times!4 nRemember me, O Lord, when sons and their daughters to mthe
judgments are in all the earth.He you show favor to your people;help demons; 38 they poured out innocent
remembers his covenant forever,the me when you save them,15 that I may blood, the blood of their sons and
word that he commanded, for fa look upon the prosperity of your daughters, whom they sacrificed to
thousand generations, the covenant o
chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the the idols of Canaan, and the land was
that he made with Abraham, his gladness of your nation, that I may n
polluted with blood. 39 Thus they
sworn promise to Isaac,10 which he glory with your inheritance. o
became unclean by their acts, and
confirmed to iJacob as a statute,to Bo that we and qour fathers have sinned; p
played the whore in their deeds.40
Israel as an everlasting covenant,11 we have committed iniquity; we have Then qthe anger of the Lord was
saying, To you I will give the land of done wickedness.7 Our fathers, when kindled against rhis people, and he
Canaan as kyour portion for an they were in Egypt,did not consider abhorred his rheritage; 41 he sgave
inheritance.12 When they were lfew in your wondrous works;they r
didnot them into the hand of the nations,so
number,of little account, and remember the abundance of your that those who hated them ruled over
sojourners in it,13 wandering from steadfast love,but srebelled by the them. 42 Their enemies toppressed
nation to nation,from one kingdom to
them, and they were brought into mouth kin a parable; 27
he rained meat on them like vdust,
subjection under their power. 43 uMany I will utter dark sayings from of old,3 winged birds like wthe sand of the
times he delivered them, but they things that we have heard and known, seas;
were rebellious in their vpurposes and that our lfathers have told us.4 We will 28
he xlet them fall in the midst of their
were wbrought low through their not mhide them from their children, but camp,
iniquity.44 Nevertheless, he looked n
tell to the coming generation the all around their dwellings.
upon their distress, when he xheard glorious deeds of the Lord, and his 29
And they yate and were well filled,
their cry.45 For their sake he might, and othe wonders that he has for he gave them what they zcraved.
remembered his covenant, and done.5 He established pa testimony in 30
But before they had satisfied their
relented according to athe abundance q
Jacob and appointed a law in qIsrael, craving,
of his steadfast love.46 He caused which he commanded our fathers to a
while the food was still in their
them to be bpitied by all those who teach to their children, 6 that rthe next mouths,
held them captive.47 cSave us, O Lord generation might know them, the 31
the anger of God rose against them,
our God, and dgather us from among children yet unborn, and he killed bthe strongest of them
the nations, that we may give thanks and arise and tell them to their and laid low cthe young men of Israel.
to your holy name and glory in your children,7 so that they should set their 32
In spite of all this, they dstill sinned;
praise.48 eBlessed be the Lord, the hope in God and not forget sthe works e
despite his wonders, they did not
God of Israel from everlasting to of God, but keep his believe.
everlasting! commandments;8 and that they 33
So he made ftheir days gvanish like3
And let all the people say, Amen! should not be ulike their fathersva a breath,4
Praise the Lord! stubborn and rebellious generation, a and their years in terror.
generation wwhose heart was not 34
When he killed them, they hsought
Ps 135 Your Name O steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful him;
to God. 9 The Ephraimites, armed they repented and sought God
Lord Endures Forever with2 the bow, xturned back on the day earnestly.
Praise the Lord! Praise the name of of battle.10 They ydid not keep Gods 35
They remembered that God was
the Lord, give praise, O vservants of covenant, their irock,
the Lord,2 who nstand in the house of but refused to walk according to his the Most High God their jredeemer.
the Lord, law. 36
But they kflattered him with their
in wthe courts of the house of our God! 11
They zforgot his works mouths;
Praise the Lord, for xthe Lord is and athe wonders that he had shown they llied to him with their tongues.
good; sing to his name, yfor it is them. 37
Their mheart was not nsteadfast
pleasant!1 4 For the Lord has zchosen 12
In the sight of their fathers bhe toward him;
Jacob for himself, Israel as his aown performed wonders they were not faithful to his covenant.
possession.5 For I know that bthe Lord in the land of Egypt, in cthe fields of 38
Yet he, being ocompassionate,
is great, and that our Lord is above all Zoan. p
atoned for their iniquity
gods.6 cWhatever the Lord pleases, 13
He ddivided the sea and let them and did not destroy them;
he does, pass through it, he restrained his anger often
in heaven and on earth, in the seas and made the waters estand like a and did not stir up all his wrath.
and all deeps.7 dHe it is who makes heap. 39
He qremembered that they were but
the clouds rise at the end of the earth, 14 f
In the daytime he led them with a r
who emakes lightnings for the rain and cloud, s
a wind that passes and comes not
brings forth the wind from his and all the night with a fiery light. again.
storehouses.8 He it was who gstruck 15
He gsplit rocks in the wilderness 40
How often they trebelled against
down the firstborn of Egypt, both of and gave them drink abundantly as him in the wilderness
man and of beast;9 who in your midst, from the deep. and ugrieved him in vthe desert!
O Egypt, 16
He made streams come out of hthe 41
They wtested God again and again
sent hsigns and wonders against rock and provoked xthe Holy One of Israel.
Pharaoh and all his servants; and caused waters to flow down like 42
They ydid not remember his power5
10 i
who struck down many nations rivers. or the day when he redeemed them
and killed mighty kings,11 jSihon, king 17
Yet they sinned still more against from the foe,
of the Amorites,and kOg, king of him, 43 z
when he performed his asigns in
Bashan, i
rebelling against the Most High in the Egypt
and lall the kingdoms of Canaan, 12 desert. and his bmarvels in cthe fields of Zoan.
and mgave their land as a heritage, a 18
They jtested God in their heart 44
He dturned their rivers to blood,
heritage to his people Israel. 13 nYour by demanding the food they craved. so that they could not drink of their
name, O Lord, endures forever, oyour 19
They spoke against God, saying, streams.
renown,2 O Lord, throughout all ages. k
Can God lspread a table in the 45
He sent among them swarms of
14 p
For the Lord will vindicate his wilderness? e
flies, which devoured
people and qhave compassion on his 20 m
He struck the rock so that water them,
servants. 15 rThe idols of the nations gushed out and ffrogs, which destroyed them.
are silver and gold, the work of human and streams overflowed. 46
He gave their crops to gthe
hands. 16 They have mouths, but do Can he also give bread destroying locust
not speak; they have eyes, but do not or provide meat for his people? and the fruit of their labor to the locust.
see;17 they have ears, but do not 21
Therefore, when the Lord heard, he 47
He destroyed their vines with hhail
hear,nor is there any breath in their was full of wrath; and their sycamores with frost.
mouths.18 Those who make them n
a fire was kindled against Jacob; 48
He gave over their icattle to the hail
become like them,so do all who trust his anger rose against Israel, and their flocks to thunderbolts.
in them.19 sO house of Israel, bless 22
because they odid not believe in 49
He let loose on them his burning
the Lord! O house of Aaron, bless the God anger,
Lord!20 O house of Levi, bless the and did not trust his saving power. wrath, indignation, and distress,
Lord! You who fear the Lord, bless the 23
Yet he commanded the skies above a company of jdestroying angels.
Lord!21 Blessed be the Lord tfrom and popened the doors of heaven, 50
He made a path for his anger;
Zion, he who udwells in Jerusalem! 24
and he qrained down on them he did not spare them from death,
Praise the Lord! manna to eat but gave their lives over to the plague.
and gave them rthe grain of heaven. 51
He struck down every kfirstborn in
Man ate of the bread of sthe angels; Egypt,
Psalm 78 Tell The he sent them food tin abundance. the firstfruits of their strength in the
He ucaused the east wind to blow in tents of lHam.
Coming Generation the heavens, 52
Then he led out his people mlike
1 i
Give ear, O my people, to my and by his power he led out the south sheep
teaching; incline your ears to the wind; and guided them in the wilderness like
words of my mouth! 2 jI will open my
a flock. drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall
53 n
He led them in safety, so that they flow with it.14 gI will restore the
Is 2:2-5 The Mountain
were not afraid, fortunes of my people Israel, and hthey
but pthe sea overwhelmed their shall rebuild the ruined cities and
enemies. of the Lord inhabit them; ithey shall plant
And he brought them to his qholy It shall come to pass in the latter days vineyards and drink their wine, and
land, that mthe mountain of the house of the they shall make gardens and eat their
to the mountain which his right hand Lord shall be established as the fruit.15 jI will plant them on their land,
had swon. highest of the mountains and shall be k
and they shall never again be
He tdrove out nations before them; lifted up above the hills; and nall the uprooted
he uapportioned them for a possession nations shall flow to it, 3 and omany out of the land lthat I have given
and settled the tribes of Israel in their peoples shall come, and say: Come, them, says the Lord your God.
tents. let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of
Ezekiel 36:22-32 I will
Yet they vtested and wrebelled
against the Most High Jacob, that he may teach us his ways
God and that we may walk in his paths. put my Spirit within
and did not keep his testimonies, For pout of Zion shall go forth the law,1 you
but turned away and acted and the word of the Lord from Therefore say to the house of Israel,
treacherously like Jerusalem. 4 He shall judge between Thus says the Lord God: yIt is not for
their fathers; the nations, and shall decide disputes your sake, O house of Israel, that I am
they twisted like xa deceitful bow. for many peoples; qand they shall beat about to act, but for the sake of my
For they yprovoked him to anger their swords into plowshares, and their holy name, wwhich you have profaned
with their zhigh places; spears into pruning hooks; among the nations to which you came.
they amoved him to jealousy with their nation shall not lift up sword against 23 z
And I will vindicate the holiness of
idols. nation, neither shall they learn war my great name, which has been
When God heard, he was full of anymore.5 O house of Jacob,come, profaned among the nations, and
wrath, let us walk which you have profaned among
and he utterly rejected Israel. in sthe light of the Lord. them. aAnd the nations will know that I
He dforsook his dwelling at eShiloh, am the Lord, declares the Lord God,
the tent where he dwelt among Is 11:5-9 The when through you I vindicate my
mankind, Righteous Reign of holiness before their eyes. 24 bI will
and delivered his fpower to captivity, take you cfrom the nations and gather
his gglory to the hand of the foe. the Branch you from all the countries and dbring
He hgave his people over to the Righteousness shall be the belt of his you into your own land. 25 eI will
sword waist, and tfaithfulness the belt of his sprinkle clean water on you, and you
and ivented his wrath on his heritage. loins.6 uThe wolf shall dwell with the shall be clean from fall your
63 j
Fire devoured their young men, lamb,and the leopard shall lie down uncleannesses, and gfrom all your
and their young women had no with the young goat, and the calf and idols hI will cleanse you. 26 And I will
marriage song. the lion and the fattened calf together; give you ia new heart, and ia new spirit
Their lpriests fell by the sword, and a little child shall lead them. 7 The I will put within you. iAnd I will remove
and their m
widows made no cow and the bear shall graze; their the heart of stone from your flesh and
lamentation. young shall lie down together; and the give you a heart of flesh. 27 jAnd I will
Then the Lord nawoke as from lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 The put my Spirit within you, iand cause
sleep, nursing child shall play over the hole you to walk in my statutes and kbe
like a strong man shouting because of of the cobra, and the weaned child careful to obey my rules. 1 28 lYou shall
wine. shall put his hand on the adders den. dwell in the land that I gave to your
9 u
And he oput his adversaries to rout; They shall not hurt or destroy in all fathers, and myou shall be my people,
he put them to everlasting shame. my holy mountain; wfor the earth shall and I will be your God. 29 And nI will
He rejected the tent of pJoseph; be full of the knowledge of the Lord as deliver you from all your
he did not choose the tribe of the waters cover the sea. uncleannesses. And oI will summon
Ephraim, the grain and make it abundant and
but he chose the tribe of Judah, Amos 9:11-15 The
lay no famine upon you. 30 qI will make
Mount Zion, which he qloves. the fruit of the tree and the increase of
He rbuilt his sanctuary like the high Restoration of Israel the field abundant, othat you may
heavens, In that day bI will raise up the booth of never again suffer the disgrace of
like the earth, which he has founded David that is fallen famine among the nations. 31 Then
forever. and repair its breaches, and raise up r
you will remember your evil ways, and
He schose David his servant its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of your deeds that were not good, and
and took him from the sheepfolds; old, 12 cthat they may possess the you will loathe yourselves for your
from tfollowing the nursing ewes he remnant of Edom and dall the nations iniquities and your abominations. 32 yIt
brought him who are called by my name, 3 is not for your sake that I will act,
to ushepherd Jacob his people, declares the Lord who does this.13 declares the Lord God; let that be
Israel his vinheritance. Behold, the days are coming, known to you. Be ashamed and
With wupright heart he shepherded declares the Lord, ewhen the confounded for your ways, O house of
them plowman shall overtake the reaper Israel.
and xguided them with his skillful and the treader of grapes him who
hand. sows the seed; fthe mountains shall