Jean Watson
Jean Watson
Jean Watson
The Theorist
She was born in a small, close-knit town in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia
in the 1940’s. Jean Watson has claimed that her caring theory was developed while she
was having a personal experience (Husband’s Death) in her life. She molded her
professional and personal life in order to develop her theory.
• Dr. Jean Watson is Distinguished Professor of Nursing and holds an endowed Chair in
Caring Science at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
• She is founder of the original Center for Human Caring in Colorado and is a Fellow of
the American Academy of Nursing. She previously served as Dean of Nursing at the
University Health Sciences Center and is a Past President of the National League for
• She is a widely published author and recipient of several awards and honors, including an
international Kellogg Fellowship in Australia, a Fulbright Research Award in Sweden
and six (6) Honorary Doctoral Degrees, including 3 International Honorary Doctorates
(Sweden, United Kingdom, Quebec, Canada).
• Published Writer
o Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (1979, 1985)
o Nursing: Human Science and Human Care – A Nursing Theory (1985, 1988,
o Postmodern Nursing and Beyond (1999)
• She was the 1993 recipient of the National League for Nursing Martha E. Rogers Award,
which recognizes a nurse scholar who has made significant contributions to nursing
knowledge that advances the science of caring in nursing and health sciences.
• In 1999, the Fetzer Institute honored her with the national Norman Cousins Award in
recognition of her commitment to developing; maintaining and exemplifying
relationship-centered care practices.
The foundation of Jean Watson’s theory of nursing was published in 1979 in nursing: “The
philosophy and science of caring”
In 1988, her theory was published in “nursing: human science and human care”.
Watson believes that the main focus in nursing is on carative factors. She believes that for nurses
to develop humanistic philosophies and value system, a strong liberal arts background is
necessary. This philosophy and value system provide a solid foundation for the science of caring.
A humanistic value system thus under grids her construction of the science of caring.
She asserts that the caring stance that nursing has always held is being threatened by the tasks
and technology demands of the curative factors.
The Seven Assumptions
Watson proposes even assumptions about the science of caring. The basic assumptions are:
• Caritas comes from the Latin word meaning to cherish, to appreciate, to give special
attention, if not loving, attention to; it connotes something that is very fine, that indeed is
• Invites nurse to explore the intersection between personal and professional
Begins developmentally at an early age with values shared with the parents.
Mediated through ones own life experiences, the learning one gains and exposure
to the humanities.
When modern science has nothing further to offer the person, the nurse can
continue to use faith-hope to provide a sense of well-being through beliefs which
are meaningful to the individual.
Explores the need of the nurse to begin to feel an emotion as it presents itself.
Striving to become sensitive, makes the nurse more authentic, which encourages
self-growth and self-actualization, in both the nurse and those with whom the
nurse interacts.
The nurses promote health and higher level functioning only when they form
person to person relationship.
4. Development of a helping-trusting, human caring relationship, becomes:
"Developing and sustaining a helping-trusting, authentic caring
According to Watson, “feelings alter thoughts and behavior, and they need to be
considered and allowed for in a caring relationship”.
According to Watson, the scientific problem- solving method is the only method
that allows for control and prediction, and that permits self-correction.
She also values the relative nature of nursing and supports the need to examine
and develop the other methods of knowing to provide an holistic perspective.
The caring nurse must focus on the learning process as much as the teaching
Understanding the person’s perception of the situation assist the nurse to prepare a
cognitive plan.
Watson divides these into eternal and internal variables, which the nurse
manipulates in order to provide support and protection for the person’s mental and
physical well-being.
Watson suggests that the nurse also must provide comfort, privacy and safety as a
part of this carative factor.
She has created a hierarchy which she believes is relevant to the science of caring
in nursing.
According to her each need is equally important for quality nursing care and the
promotion of optimal health. All the needs deserve to be attended to and valued.
This factor helps the nurse to reconcile and mediate the incongruity of viewing
the person holistically while at the same time attending to the hierarchical
ordering of needs.
Thus the nurse assists the person to find the strength or courage to confront life or
The first three carative factors form the “philosophical foundation” for the science of
caring. The remaining seven carative factors spring from the foundation laid by these first
The Metaparadigm
1. Human being
She adopts a view of the human being as: “….. a valued person in and of him or herself to be
cared for, respected, nurtured, understood and assisted; in general a philosophical view of a
person as a fully functional integrated self. He, human is viewed as greater than and different
from, the sum of his or her parts”.
2. Health
Watson believes that there are other factors that are needed to be included in the WHO definition
of health. She adds the following three elements:
• A high level of overall physical, mental and social functioning
• A general adaptive-maintenance level of daily functioning
• The absence of illness (or the presence of efforts that leads its absence)
3. Environment/society
According to Watson caring (and nursing) has existed in every society. A caring attitude is not
transmitted from generation to generation. It is transmitted by the culture of the profession as a
unique way of coping with its environment.
4. Nursing
It focuses on health promotion and treatment of disease. She believes that holistic health care is
central to the practice of caring in nursing.
Watson is an eternal optimist, and she writes from a deep place about the personal as well as the
sacred. The philosophy invites to explore one’s curiosities about the origins of his/her call to
care. Her writing encourages explorations of questions such as:
2. Education
Watson defines her intent to describe the core (Nurse-patient interaction resulting to therapeutic
communication) of nursing rather than the trim of nursing (the procedure, task and outcome).
With the focus, the framework is not limited to any nursing specialty. Although she emphasizes
that the trim are necessary, she believes that the trim cannot be the center of professional model
of nursing care.
3. Research
Patient outcomes in caring transactions are a potential are for studies. Research and practice shall
focus both on subjective and objective patient outcomes to determine whether or not caring is
indeed the truest essence of nursing.
1. Besides assisting in providing the quality of care that client ought to receive, it also
provides the soul satisfying care for which many nurses enter the profession.
2. As the science of caring ranges from the biophysical through the intrapersonal, each
nurse becomes an active coparticipant in the client’s struggle towards self-actualization.
3. The client is placed in the context of the family, the community and the culture.
4. It places the client as the focus of practice rather than the technology.
1. Given the acuity of illness that leads to hospitalization, the short length stay, and the
increasing complex technology, such quality of care may be deemed impossible to give in
the hospital.
2. While Watson acknowledges the need for biophysical base to nursing, this area receives
little attention in her writings.
3. The ten caratiive factors primarily delineate the psychosocial needs of the person.
4. While the carative factors have a sound foundation based on other disciplines, they need
further research in nursing to demonstrate their application to practice.
Rico Sandoval, a 39-year old truck driver is admitted to the hospital
following an accident which caused the front of his truck to catch
fire. He suffered from burns and was rushed to the ER, diagnosed
with deep split- thickness and full thickness burns of the anterior
chest, arms and hands. His vital signs are as follows: T: 96.2ºF;
PR=140/min; BP=98/60. A rapid infusion of lactated ringers was
started and he was also receiving 40% humidified oxygen via facial
mask. Lung sounds indicate inspiratory and expiratory wheezing
and a persistent cough reveals sooty sputum production. A foley
catheter is inserted and initially drains a moderate amount of dark
concentrated urine. He is alert and oriented but complains of severe
pain associated with the burn injuries.
Watson points out that nursing process contains the same steps as the scientific research
process. They both try to solve a problem. Both provide a framework for decision
Watson’s theory of caring insists that a holistic approach, assessment may include the
social history of the patient, as it allows the interviewer to understand a more complete
approach to the patient’s care. The environment in which patient lives as well as his
habits within that environment, help to provide a more complete and potentially more
successful plan of care.
• Watson’s theory analyze data by the formulation of hypothesis; defining variables that
will be examined in solving the problem.
• Formulation of Nursing Diagnosis such as Ineffective Airway Clearance r/t brochial
secretions, Fluid Volume Deficit r/t active volume loss, Risk For Infection r/t Inadequate
Primary defense and Pain r/t tissue injury.
• Watson indicates that needs are interrelated. The science of caring suggests that the nurse
recognize and assist with each of the interrelated needs in order to reach the highest order
need of self-actualization.
Lower order needs (biophysical needs) The need for food and fluid
• Watson elaborated that planning includes a conceptual approach or design for problem
solving. It determines what data would be collected and how on whom.
• Provision for a supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal, and
spiritual environment
• Promoting interpersonal teaching-learning
According to Watson, evaluation includes analysis of the data as well as the examination
of the effects of interventions based on the data. Includes the interpretation of the results,
the degree to which positive outcome has occurred and whether the result can be
Watson believes that harmony of “Body , mind, and spirit” of the caregiver and the
patient is one of the greatest outcome of care.
Timber BK. Fundamental skills and concepts in Patient Care, 7th edition, LWW, N
George B. Julia , Nursing Theories- The base for professional Nursing Practice , 3rd ed.
Norwalk, Appleton & Lange.
Wills M.Evelyn, McEwen Melanie (2002). Theoretical Basis for Nursing Philadelphia.
Lippincott Williams& wilkins.
Meleis Ibrahim Afaf (1997) , Theoretical Nursing : Development & Progress 3rd ed.
Philadelphia, Lippincott.
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