Effect of Rattan Bark Nanofiber Microstructure With High Energy Milling Method To Quality Mechanical Biocomposites

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Jurnal Biofisika 8 (1): 34-41


F. N. Ferdiyan , S. Nikmatin
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University


Rattan bark fiber is waste of raw rattan production activities. It usually used for
roofing houses and strap goods in the traditional markets. Rattan bark fiber
containing about 40% cellulose, which was potential to be used as filler for composite
applications. Nanotechnology based nanoparticles with High Energy Milling (HEM)
has been applied in this research to find the optimum particle size to be implemented
as automotive component filler. Three HEM has been applied (1 hour, 5 hours, and
10 hours), and without HEM (0 hours) as control. Measurable particle size is the size
of the single particle. Data in the form of particle size distributions, intensity, number
and volume of distribution, so it can be assumed to describe the overall condition of
the sample. The result shows that 5 hours milling produce the smallest particle size
(16.22 nm) and z averages (129.78 nm). Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) results was
related to the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of 5 hour milling, particle
become smaller and look the same or homogeneous as balls. These results indicate
that the cellulose in the form of three-dimensional nanoparticles is spherical, and the
mechanical tests show that biocomposite rattan bark fiber performance was highest
among the other natural composites (kenaf, acacia, water hyacinth, banana,

Keywords: Rattan bark fiber, biocomposites, nanoparticles, high energy milling


Serat rotan adalah kulit kayu limbah dari kegiatan produksi rotan mentah. Ini
biasanya digunakan untuk atap rumah dan barang tali di pasar tradisional. Rotan
serat kulit kayu mengandung sekitar 40 % selulosa, yang berpotensi untuk
digunakan sebagai pengisi untuk aplikasi komposit. Nanoteknologi berbasis nano
partikel dengan Milling Energi Tinggi (HEM) telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini
untuk menemukan ukuran partikel optimum untuk diimplementasikan sebagai
komponen filler otomotif . Tiga HEM telah diterapkan (1 jam, 5 jam, dan 10 jam), dan
tanpa HEM (0 jam) sebagai kontrol. Ukuran partikel yang terukur adalah ukuran
partikel tunggal . Data dalam bentuk tiga distribusi yaitu distribusi ukuran partikel,
intensitas, jumlah dan volume, sehingga dapat diasumsikan untuk menggambarkan
kondisi keseluruhan sampel. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa 5 jam penggilingan
menghasilkan ukuran partikel terkecil (16.22 nm) dan z rata-rata (129,78 nm).
Ukuran partikel Analyer (PSA) hasil ini terkait dengan Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM) selama 5 jam penggilingan, partikel menjadi lebih kecil dan homogen. Hasil ini
menunjukkan bahwa selulosa dalam bentuk nanopartikel tiga dimensi berbentuk

34 Jurnal Biofisika, Vol.8, No.1. Maret 2012, 34-41

bola, dan uji mekanis menunjukkan bahwa biokomposit rotan kinerja serat kulit
adalah tertinggi di antara komposit alam lainnya (kenaf, akasia, eceng gondok,
pisang, kelapa )

Kata kunci: serat rotan, biokomposit, nanopartikel, high energy milling


The use of synthetic fibers in the composite increased. It makes its

own problems where waste from synthetic fibers can not be degraded
naturally. In response to these problems, Europe and some Asian countries
set up a regulatory requirement consumables (end of life). In this regard, the
use of natural fibers is one of the best choices. Rattan bark waste is a
natural fibrous material containing an average of 45% cellulose and is
available throughout the year from rattan forest. Thus rattan bark fiber
waste has the potential to be utilized.
Nanotechnology is important in the world of engineering material
because people are trying to integrate a function or a job in a smaller scale.
Integrating a function machines or products in smaller size means not only
beautify but also minimize the energy required and speed up the process
and save costs jobs. One of its applications is the synthesis of rattan bark
waste in the form of nanoparticles on bionanocomposite applications using
High Energy Milling (HEM).
To produce bionanocomposite with physical and mechanical
properties of the optimal, required input data (frame of reference) relating to
the microstructure and mechanical properties of the constituent elements
that can answer the need for composites.


The material used in this study were rattan (c.scipionum Burr),

polypropylene, PPMA, ethanol. The tools used are disk mill, electromagnetic
shaker, High Energy Milling E-3D, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Particle
Size Analyzer, single screw extruder, compression molding, tool ASTM
D638 tensile test.
The research began with the stage of the synthesis and
characterization of nanoparticles rattan bark, sample preparation and
synthesis of nanoparticles with HEM. Rattan bark that has been selected,
then boiled and dried to ensure rattan really dry and soft, then milling and
sheaking using a disk mill and electromagnetic shaker to get the size of <75
m. Furthermore, milling sample size of <75 m using HEM with time of 1
hour, 5 hours and 10 hours.
Characterization of nanoparticles using Particle Size Analyzer (PSA)
to determine the size of the nanoparticles, the characterization of Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM) for surface morphology analysis.
At the stage of the synthesis and characterization bionanocomposite,
polypropylene polymers used as matrices and rattan bark fibers as filler.

Effect of Rattan Bark Nanofiber (F. N. Ferdiyan dkk.) 35

Composition of bionanocomposite comprise of polypropylene 93%wt, 5%wt
rattan bark fiber and 2%wt PPMA. Samples were prepared using extrusion
equipment to mix material then Compression Molding and Punching to get
the size of the specimen in accordance with standard mechanical
characterization (tensile test).


Cellulose (C6H10O5)x is a major part of woody plants that make up the

component pieces lengthwise. The separation of the good fiber and
guarantee the optimal condition and original content of fiber can be
maintained. The basic principle of the separation of the fiber is separated
from the building blocks of non-cellulose fibers allowing the fibers can be
mechanically extracted after drying.
Figure 1 shows that the extraction of cellulose bark of rattan, which is
produced with a disk mill produces fibers on the size of the stages are long
fiber, 5 cm, 1 mm, 500 m to <75 m. Fiber size order of <75 m was
followed by using HEM tool to obtain the order of nanometer size particles.
The purpose of the preparation of cellulose rattan bark is to simplify the
optimization process of cavitation HEM.
Figure 2 shows that during the HEM, collisions between balls with
rattan bark fibers with speed 1400 rpm vial can destroy the fibers and soften
up the nanometer size, cavitation process marked after milling rattan fiber
bark smoother and shrink.
HEM using three-dimensional motion and rotation in the vial so that
the mechanism of nanoparticle formation process amorfisasi and more
quickly and effectively. HEM can be used for mixing, homogenizing,
mechanical milling, mechanical alloying, and make the emulsion. The
advantage is manufacturing nanoparticles without the addition of chemicals,
smoothing material to the nanometer scale, to mixing (mixing) and uniformity
(homogenization), making alloys making mechanical-chemical reactions.
To determine the particle size rattan bark fibers used HEM results of
the two approaches, namely using the PSA analysis and SEM.
Characterization of PSA, where the particles dispersed in a liquid medium so
that the particles are not mutually agglomeration. Measurable particle size is
the size of a single particle. Data obtained in the form of three particle size
distributions, namely intensity, number and volume of distribution, which can
be assumed to describe the overall condition of the sample.
Table 1 indicates the results of HEM from 1-10 hours. 1 hour of
milling has a minimum particle size of 81.30 nm and then at 5 hours is
optimum HEM and produce a homogeneous particle cavitation until 16.22
nm but the size of the rise time is 10 hours milling 22.39 nm. This is due to
the filler is an organic material, so has the nature of a special sensitivity to
temperature compared with the inorganic material/synthetic.

36 Jurnal Biofisika, Vol.8, No.1. Maret 2012, 34-41

Figure 1 Stages milling rattan bark fiber long fiber (a), particles <75 m (b),
and nanoparticles (c)

Figure 2 High Energy Milling Process rattan bark fibers fiber filled vial and
balls (a), after the milling process (fibers shrink) (b),fiber and
milling yield (c)

Table 1 Comparison of PSA results, HEM 1 hour, 5 hours and 10 minutes

Time Minimum (nm) Modus (nm)
1 hour 81.30 269.22-309.11
5 hour 16.22 16.22
10 hour 22.39 22.39

Besides, the longer the time HEM, heat during the process also
increased and the constituent atoms of the sample has a margin of
arrangement or amalgamation themselves up after a vibration, lattice
vacancies and disorder caused by the temperature.
SEM data processing based on the detection of secondary electrons
(reflection) of surface samples. Electrons do not penetrate the footage but
only reflected the result of the collision of electrons with the surface of the
footage captured by the detector and processed into an image that has been
magnified object structure.
Figure 3a shows the SEM image before the HEM, which form
elongated fibers with a diameter of <50 m. In this SEM image looks a black
spot organic components (trakeid), where the pores are connected to one
another with a substance lignin. This is what distinguishes between natural
fibers with synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers are made from inorganic
materials with specific chemical composition that can be set according to
application needs, so that the nature and relatively uniform size and strength
of the fiber can be pursued together along the fiber.

Effect of Rattan Bark Nanofiber (F. N. Ferdiyan dkk.) 37

Figure 3 SEM image at 500x magnification variation time 0 hour (a), 1 Hour
HEM (b), 5 Hours HEM (c), and 10 Hours HEM (d)

SEM image of Figure 3b 1 hour HEM showed a smaller fiber size

dbandingkan without HEM process. While Figure 3c SEM image showing 5
hours HEM particles become smaller and look alike or homogeneous as
balls. While the SEM image of Figure 3d 10 hour HEM nearly equal to 5
hours of milling but different sizes because some particles are agglomeraton
making it look bigger. The growth rate depends on the temperature.
Increased temperatures increase the thermal vibrational energy, which
includes atoms accelerate grain boundary diffusion of small grain into large
Extrusion is the process of treatment is a combination of mixing
(mixing), pengulenan (kneading), agitation (shearing), heating (heating),
cooling (cooling), printing (shaping). The principle of operation is the same
for all extruder. The raw material is inserted and passed along the extruder.
When moving along the extruder, die small volume limit and hinder the
movement of materials. As a result of high pressure materials. During
moving along the extruder, screw rotate materials (kneading) and turn it into
a semisolid which is plastic. Mixed polypropylene, PPMA and rattan bark
fibers before they are printed through the compression performed using a
single screw extrution blending four replications with a speed of 45 rpm.
Results obtained in the form of spherical dots (Fig. 4 a). Once that is done
the Compression colin P 300P. And continued with the cutting line with a
mechanical test (Fig. 4 b).

38 Jurnal Biofisika, Vol.8, No.1. Maret 2012, 34-41

Research on composite polypropylene filled with natural ligno-
cellulosic fibers have been reported to the researchers , but the research
on composite polypropylene filled with rattan bark using HEM has not been
done before. The results of mechanical testing rattan bark fiber biocomposite
and other biocomposites can be seen in Table 2.
As a result of the fibrous structure and strong hydrogen bonds.
Cellulose has a high tensile strength. Thereby. greater the higher the
cellulose content of the fiber tensile strength. Fiber-reinforced composites
rattan bark and kenaf fibers exhibit high tensile strength compared with
acacia fiber. coconut fiber. Because the cellulose fiber content of rattan is
also high ranging between 37-44% and 45-60% ranges kenaf fiber (Table 3).

Figure 4 Results of extrusion (a) and compression (b)

The addition of rattan fibers into the composite lower elongation at

break its properties compared with hemp fiber. This is due to the hydrophilic
nature of the fiber that can absorb water. This condition will result in reduced
effects of physical bonding between the fiber and polypropylene surfaces .
Decrease in elongation at break properties on the bark of rattan fiber
biocomposites showed that the bark of rattan fibers more rigid than the flax
Hydrophilic nature of the fiber rattan bark because it contains
cellulose and lignin. both ingredients are rich in hydroxyl groups are very
easy to absorb water through hydrogen bonds within the cell wall . The
content of cellulose and lignin in the rattan fiber is 37. 36% and 22:19%.

Table 2 Mechanical properties of biocomposites comparisons Rattan Bark

Fiber and Natural Fiber
Biocomposite filler Tensile Strength (Mpa) Elongation at break (%)
Kenaf fiber 16.85 2.09
Acacia fiber 13.03 1.56
Water hyacinth fiber 14.72 1.75
Banana fiber 16.18 1.85
Coconut fiber 13. 61 1.79
Flax fiber 17.25 4.50
Rattan bark fiber 18.32 3.93

Effect of Rattan Bark Nanofiber (F. N. Ferdiyan dkk.) 39

Tabel 3 Several Natural Cellulose Fiber Content.
Fiber cellulose (%)
Kenaf 45-60
Banana 45-50
Rattan 37-44
Acasia 15-30
Coconut 14-20


Use of High Energy Milling (HEM) after a disk mill to produce rattan
bark fibers were homogeneous particle size until 16:22 nm with an optimum
time of 5 hours. The results of mechanical testing tensile strength, fiber
bionanocomposite rattan skin was higher among the other natural
composites (kenaf fiber, acacia, water hyacinth, banana, oil reservoir, hemp)
but the value of elongation at break is still under biocomposite hemp. To
produce the mechanical properties of the bark of rattan fiber
bionanocomposite optimum further research is needed related to the
method, the synthesis and use of appropriate coupling agent.


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