Ice Age
Ice Age
Ice Age
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Teacher: _________________________ Level: _________________ Date: ____/ ____ / _____
2. Talk in pairs.
a) Did you see Ice Age last year/last month?
b) Did you like it?
c) What is the film about?
Teacher’s Guide:
1 Drill pronunciation of all four words (mammoth /‘mæm.əθ/, sloth /slowθ/). Students do it
individually and pair check. Classcheck and elicit the names of the characters (mammoth –
Manfred/Manny; squirrel – its name is not mentioned in the film, but it’s Scrat; tiger – Diego; sloth -
Sid). Teach “character” and have them vote for the best character through a show of hands.
2 Elicit possible answers. Students chat in pairs. Monitor for the use of simple past and for the
pronunciation of the words from #1.
3 Have a volunteer read the questions aloud for the class. Students should focus on these
questions while watching the snippet. Show scene 5 from beginning to end (after Diego steps on
the baby’s necklace, humans run after the tigers) with closed captions. Students discuss their
answers in pairs. Classcheck.
Answer Key: 3) a) I saw sabre-toothed tigers and wolves; b) There were pre-historic humans; c) They lived in
tents; d) They wanted the baby. No, they didn’t.; e) “lost”.
Answer Key:
c) The boys received a trophy yesterday because they won the competition. They
were very happy.
d) Last weekend number 23 finished last. She lost the race and she wasn’t very