Project Accounting: G L O V I A - C O M
Project Accounting: G L O V I A - C O M
Project Accounting: G L O V I A - C O M
Project Accounting
Stay on top of project profitability with timely and detailed cost and
revenue information.
When the financial health of your company depends on project profitability, you need timely information on potentially
troublesome trends before problems develop. Thats why we have designed a financial accounting application
especially for the management of projects. By capturing all project costs and calculating project-to-date totals, Project Accounting provides all the information you need to evaluate project status, avoid runaway costs,
and ensure a profitable revenue stream.
Project Accounting gives you the control and visibility business. This enables you to easily compare your
you need to accurately measure project performance. estimates and budget projections with incurred costs
The system makes it easy to define the number and and revenue.
evaluate whether they stay on track. For better visibility are posted to Financials.
In addition to actual costs based on fiscal period and costs. You can examine costs and revenues by task
year, the system can also calculate project-to-date totals and activity type or drill down to the transaction level for
detailed cost information.
Accounting Project Supply
Task Activity Accounting Orders
Cost Cost Revenue Revenue
Trans. Actuals Trans. Actuals
Detail Detail
Journal Journal
Flexible Cost and Revenue Recognition General Ledger Integration
Flexible cost and revenue recognition make it easy to Project related journal entries in General Ledger or
adapt the system to your business. Project Accounting have visibility in both
Project Status Visibility Project related transactions entered in General
Provides visibility of estimate-to-complete (ETC) Ledger are included in Project Accounting roll-ups
Provides visibility of estimate-at-completion (EAC) All period-end closing is performed in General
A s s i g n i n g A c t i v i t y Ty p e s Project Accounting uses the fiscal calendar
Supports an unlimited number of user-defined established by General Ledger
activity types The calendar affects only budgets, not incurred
Activity types can be freely assigned to tasks costs
Glovia International
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With offices worldwide, Glovia International is the leading provider of e-commerce solutions and world-class
services for the digital marketplace. It is the only company to deliver a robust suite of business-to-business
transaction applications that are fully scalable and seamlessly integrate with existing enterprise systems. With
customers like Dell Computer Corporation, Panasonic, and Caterpillar, Glovias technology enables Fortune 1000
companies to build and run the most advanced digital enterprises that boost their competitiveness in the rapidly
evolving global digital economy. Glovia is a Fujitsu company.