MM 1-1, MM 1-2, MM 1-3

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Revised Specimen

(Name of the Institute should be stated here)



File No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

MSD File No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Employee Category:

2. (a) Broad definition of the nature of functions assigned to the employees of the category:

Functions by their general nature, fall within the processes of Policy Making, Direction,
Managing and Decision Making that can be considered as components of the role assigned
to the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization, post specifically delegated in a manner
supplementary to / facilitating the discharging of duties by the Chief Executive Officer.

(b) Posts falling within this service category :

To be listed here.

(c) Job Description :

To be stated here. (Attach a schedule if necessary)

3. Nature of Appointment:

Permanent with entitlement to Employees Provident Fund and Employees Trust Fund.

4. Salary Scale, Efficiency Bar and Employment Structure *

4.1 Salary Code and the Monthly Salary Scale of the employee category

w.e.f. 01.01.2016

MM 1-1 - 2016 Rs. [53,175 - 10 x 1,375 - 15 x 1,910 - 95,575]

MM 1-2 - 2016 Rs. [54,550 - 10 x 1,375 - 15 x 1,910 - 96,950]
MM 1-3 - 2016 Rs. [55,925 - 10 x 1,375 - 15 x 1,910 - 98,325]

4.2 Structure of grades and the initial salary step applicable to each grade:

Relevant Initial Salary Salary Step of the relevant Grade

Step MM 1-1 MM 1-2 MM 1-3
II 1 Step Rs.53,175 Rs.54,550 Rs.55,925
I 12 Step Rs.68,835 Rs.70,210 Rs.71,585

* Only the respective salary code and the salary scale approved by the DG MSD to be stated.

However, till 01.01.2020 remunerations for all the recruitments and promotions
should be in line with the schedule II of the MSD Circular No. 02/2016.

In every letter of appointment salary code, salary scale and the structure of grades
should be mentioned. When promoting from one grade to another within each
category it is not necessary to issue a fresh letter of appointment and issuing a letter
of promotion is sufficient.

4.3 Cadre: (To be listed here by designations/ posts.)

For the purpose of promotion from grade to grade within the employee category, all
grades will be considered to be within a combined cadre. The cadre here means the
approved total cadre for all grades under the employee category.

4.4 Efficiency Bar:

The Efficiency Bar Examination is a Written Examination.

All employees in this category,

4.4.1 should pass the 1 Efficiency Bar Test within 03 years from the date of
appointment to the Grade II
4.4.2 should pass the 2 Efficiency Bar Test within 05 years from the date of
promotion to the Grade I

4.4.3 Relevant syllabus is given in the paragraph 8. If an officer fails to get

through the efficiency bar test during the prescribed period, he/ she shall be
dealt with in the terms of provisions of the Establishment Code and the
Manual of Procedure of the Institute.

4.4.4 Efficiency Bar Examinations will be held once a year or as and when
4.5 In addition to the above efficiency bar requirements, all employees should acquire
proficiencies and competencies which will be prescribed by the Government from
time to time.

5. Recruitment to Manager Category :

5.1 Qualifications:

External Candidates (1 or 2 or 3 below)

1. A Degree in a relevant field (the relevant Subject area should be mentioned)

which is recognized by the U.G.C.

A minimum of one year post qualifying experience in the relevant field to
the Post, after obtaining the first degree.

3. Having passed the Intermediate Examination of a recognized professional

Charted Institute, of which the subject area is relevant to the post and a
minimum one year post qualifying experience in the relevant field to the
4. (For a post related to Technical Field)

Having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below than the National

Vocational Qualification Level 7, issued by a Technical/ Vocational
Training Institute accepted by Tertiary and Vocational Education


A minimum of one year post qualifying experience in Public Service, a

Corporation, Statutory Board/ Institution or a reputed Private Institution.

Internal Candidates (1 or 2 below)

1. Having obtained the qualifications required by the external candidates


2. Completion of minimum five (05) years satisfactory service in a post in

the Junior Manager (JM) Category, in the subject area relevant to the
5.2 Age:

Should be not less than 22 years and not more than 45 years. The upper age limit
will not apply to the internal candidates.

5.3 Other:

Every applicant,

i. Should be a citizen of Sri Lanka.

ii. Should be physically and mentally fit to discharge the duties of the post well
and to serve in any part of the Island.

iii. Should be of excellent moral character.

5.4 Recruitment Procedure:

As determined by the Board of Directors recruitment will be done after calling

applications through a public advertisement or a newspaper advertisement and on the
results of a written competitive examination and/ or a structured interview conducted
by a panel appointed by the appointing authority.

i. All recruitments to this category and the promotions within the category
should be strictly in compliance with the provision of this Scheme of

ii. The Manual of Procedures (M.O.P.) of the institution shall be applicable to

terms of employment after recruitment and all matters pertaining to that.

iii. The provision in this Scheme of Recruitment shall supersede the provision in
the M.O.P. in respect of all matters provided in this Scheme of Recruitment.

5.4.1 Written Competitive Examination:

Subjects for the examination are given below:

Language Proficiency
Aptitude Test

Language Proficiency:

This paper will consist of questions to test the candidates ability of
expression, comprehension, spelling and knowledge in the application of
simple rules of grammar.

Aptitude Test:

This paper will be designed to test the aptitude and ability of the
candidate to perform his/ her official duties.

Candidates should secure at least 40% of the marks allocated for each
subject and an aggregate of at least of 50% of the total marks to pass the
recruitment examination.

5.4.2 Structured Interview : (Example)

Marks allocated for the interview are as follows:

Relevant additional experience - 30 Marks

Relevant additional qualifications - 30 Marks
Other achievements - 15 Marks
Performance at the interview - 25 Marks
100 Marks

If selected through a written competitive examination and a
structured interview final selection will be in the order of merit
based on the aggregate of 60% of the marks obtained at the written
examination and 40% of the marks obtained at the interview.

If selected through a structured interview - appointments will be
made purely in the order of merit at the interview.

5.5 All recruitments to this category will be only to Grade II. Number of recruitments to
be decided as per the number of vacancies within the category.

5.6 Qualifying date :

The applicant will be treated as qualified for application for a post only if he/ she has
completed the necessary qualifications specified under 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 before the
closing date of applications.

5.7 Confirmation:

An external candidate appointed to the Grade II of this category will be on probation

for a period of three years from the date of assumption of duties. If his/ her
performance and conduct is satisfactory during the period of probation, and on
completion of the 1 Efficiency Bar Examination he/ she will be confirmed in the
post at the end of the period of probation. The internally selected candidates already
confirmed in a post in the institute will be subjected to an acting period of one year.

5.8 Salary at Recruitment:

Persons recruited externally will be placed at the initial step of the salary scale. The
salary of persons recruited internally will be determined in terms of the provision in
Chapter VII of the Establishment Code.

6. Promotions:

The promotional procedure, based on performance, shall be as follows:

6.1 Promotion from Grade II to grade I of the category:

6.1.1. Average Performer

(a) Pre-requisites

Should have been confirmed in the post

Should have completed a minimum of 10 years of service in
Grade II and earned ten (10) salary increments
Showing an average or above average performance according
to the approved scheme of performance appraisal during a
period of 10 years preceding the promotion.

Should have completed 05 years of satisfactory service
preceding the promotion

Should have achieved the necessary level of proficiency in
second language.

Successful completion of due Efficiency Bars.

(b) Mode of Promotion:

Through the application forms introduced by the employer, a request

should be made by the qualified employees. The appointing
authority, after verification of qualifications will take action to
promote the qualified employees to Grade I with effect from the date
they fulfill all prerequisites.

7. Absorption of Incumbent Employees: (Applicable only to employees who are in

service by the date on which this Scheme of Recruitment comes into effect.)

7.1 All employees who are in the cadre of .. (1) in the employee
category of Manager on the date on which this Scheme of Recruitment comes
into effect and placed in the salary scale coded .... (3) under MSD
Circular No. 30 will be absorbed in to the respective grade of the employee
category of Manager in the manner set out below based on the grade in which
the employees have been placed on the date on which this Scheme of
Recruitment comes into effect in the salary scale coded (4), in
terms of the provisions in Clause 4 of Chapter VII of the Government
Establishment Code.

7.2 *The holders of the following posts in the cadre of .. (1) in the
employee category of .... (2) to which the salary scale coded
....(3) was applicable under the M.S.D. Circular No. 30 will be
absorbed into the employee category of Manager and the salary scale
coded.................... (4), in terms of the provisions in clause 4 of Chapter VII of
the Government Establishment Code with effect from the date on which this
Scheme of Recruitment comes into effect.
(names of the posts should be stated here)

7.3 However, the date of increment applicable to the respective employee will
remain as it was before the absorption. Similarly, on the grounds that the
salary step the respective employee is drawing currently is similar to the new
salary step, he / she should not be placed on the next higher salary step in
terms of Clause 4.4 of Chapter VII of the Government Establishment Code.

7.4 The period of service will have to be counted with effect from the date of
appointment to the respective grade.
1. Name of the Organization
2. Employee Category under M.S.D. 30 as at 01.01.2006
3. Salary scale Code under M.S.D. 30 as at 01.01.2006
4. Salary scale Code under restructuring

* To be included only when posts have been transferred from a different employee
category/salary code in re-structuring of the cadre

(i) MM 1-1/MM 1-2/MM 1-3 Grade II #

a. Employees who have not completed a minimum of 10 years of

service in a grade or a post, to which the salary steps applicable to
Grade II of the MM 1-1/MM 1-2/MM 1-3 salary scale under MSD
Circular No.30 have been assigned,

b. Employees who have completed a minimum of 10 years of service

in a grade/post stated above, but not satisfied the conditions to be
absorbed into Grade I,
will be absorbed into MM 1-1/MM 1-2/MM 1-3 Grade II #

(ii) MM 1-1/MM 1-2/MM 1-3 Grade I #

a. Employees who have been placed in salary steps applicable to Gr. I
of the MM 1-1/ MM 1-2/ MM 1-3 Salary Scale under Management
Service Department Circular No. 30,

b. Employees who have completed a minimum of 10 years of service

in a post in Grade II stated above and have satisfied the necessary
requirements in terms of the Scheme of Recruitment effective before
the date on which the new Scheme of Recruitment came into effect,

will be absorbed into MM 1-1/MM 1-2/MM 1-3 Grade I. #

(# Only the respective salary code and the salary scale approved by the
DG MSD to be stated.)

8. Syllabus for the Efficiency Bar Test : (Example)
8.1 The Syllabus should be prepared relevant to each post covering the following

8.1.1 First Efficiency Bar Examination (to be completed within 03 years

from the date of appointment to Grade II)

Candidates should sit a written examination which shall consist of the

following subjects.

General Administration and State Policy

Public Finance Management
General Management

General Administration and State Policy:

This paper will be designed to test the knowledge of the employee

concerned in good office practice and systems, current circular
instructions and provisions of the Establishment Code and his/ her
knowledge of the current state policy relating to the functions conferred
upon the institute.

Public Finance Management

This paper is designed to test the knowledge of the employee on Public

Finance Management with special reference to the public corporations.

General Management:

This paper will be designed to test the employees power of constructive

thinking and problems solving ability. The employee will be presented
with one or more situations posing problems to which solutions are
required, and questions on Management Principals.

Candidates should secure a minimum of 40% marks from this

examination to pass the 1 Efficiency bar.

Candidates should pass this efficiency bar to be confirmed in the post.

8.1.2 Second Efficiency Bar Examination (to be completed within 05 years

from the date of promotion to Grade I)

A post graduate degree (Masters) qualification in a relevant field.

9. Syllabus for the promotion test under exceptional performance.

(a) Aptitude Test

This is a written aptitude test to check whether the employee concerned has
acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform all duties
assigned to the employee concerned in an efficient manner above the
average level of performance.

(b) At least 50% marks should be scored for a pass.

(c) The test will be conducted annually for the employees who achieve above
average level of performance.

10. Appointing authority will be the Board of Directors of the Institute.

11. Definition:

11.1 For all purposes arising out of this Scheme of Recruitment "Satisfactory
Period of Service" means, a period of service during which all the due salary
increments during the period immediately preceding the date of application
for promotion, have been earned and not subjected to any punishment (other
than a warning or a severe warning) for any offence committed by the officer
during the period.

11.2 "Due Date" means the date on which this Scheme of Recruitment comes in
to effect.

Recommended the above Scheme of Recruitment

Signature of the Chief Execute Officer

Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Official Seal)

Recommended and forwarded for the approval

Signature of the Secretary of the Ministry

Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Official Seal)

Above Scheme of Recruitment is approved

Director General,
Department of Management Services
Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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