BTEC Business L3 Booklet.73412734
BTEC Business L3 Booklet.73412734
BTEC Business L3 Booklet.73412734
Table Of Contents
Chapter Two - Units and assignments & How you will be assessed
• What can I expect of the BTEC team and what will they expect of me? ……………7
• Who are the BTEC team? …………………………………….…………………………………….…….7
Chapter One - Course overview & the benefits of BTECs
The 180-credit BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma extends and deepens the specialist work-related focus from the
BTEC Level 3 90-credit Diploma and the BTEC Level 3 Diploma. The BTEC qualifications in this specification level 3
qualifications designed to provide highly specialist, work-related qualifications in a range of vocational sectors. They
give learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. These
qualifications accredit the achievement for courses and programmes of study for full-time or part-time learners in
schools, colleges and other training provider organisations. The qualifications provide career development
opportunities for those already in work, and progression opportunities to higher education, degree and professional
development programmes within the same or related areas of study, within universities and other institutions.
On successful completion of a BTEC level 3 qualification, a learner can progress to or within employment and/or
continue their study in the same, or related vocational area.
Each year a large number of organisations approach Newman to offer students their latest training, placement or
workshop opportunities. These vary from year to year as organisations tailor opportunities to fit their latest
developments and areas they are interested in exploring.
One of the important aspects of our approach is to instil into learners who have a limited experience of the world of
work some insights into the daily operations that are met in the vocational area being studied. The delivery of the
BTEC Firsts is enriched and extended by the use of learning materials, classroom exercises and internal assessments
that draw on current practice in, and experience of, the sector being studied. This draws on the use of:
There is potential for the qualification to prepare learners for appropriate direct employment in the vocational
sector and it is suitable for those who have decided that they clearly wish to enter a particular specialist area of
work. It is broadly equivalent to three GCE A Levels.
Some learners may wish to gain the qualification in order to enter a specialist area of employment or to progress to
a higher education foundation degree, HND or other professional development programme. Other learners may
want to extend the specialist nature of the subjects they studied on the Level 3 BTEC Diploma or another
programme of study.
Chapter Two - Units and assignments & How you will be assessed
The requirement is that you complete 4 units, Unit 1 and 2 are Mandatory and Units 3 and 8 are optional units,
which must be completed. All Unit are Coursework based, Internally marked and Verified.
Year 1
Unit 1 – The Business Environment
Unit 2 – Business Resources
Unit 3 – Introduction to Marketing
Unit 4 – Business Communication
Unit 5 – Business Accounting
Unit 19 – Developing Teams in Business
Unit 18 – Managing a Business Event
Unit 34 – Website Design Strategy
Unit 37 – Understanding Business Ethics
Year 2
Unit 9 – Creative Product Promotion
Unit 10 – Market Research in Business
Unit 12 – Internet Marketing in Business
Unit 13 – Recruitment and Selection in Business
Unit 16 – Human Resource Management in Business
Unit 21 – Aspects of Contract and Business Law
Unit 27 – Understanding Health and Safety in the Business Workplace
Unit 38 – Business and the Economic Environment
Unit 36 – Starting a Small Business
You will be given time to familiars yourself with each unit and lessons will be delivered by your teacher before you
start the assessments.
Each unit is internally assessed and has specific assessment criteria that your centre must use to judge learner work
in order to arrive at a grading decision for the unit as a whole. The assessor judges the evidence that the learner has
presented to determine whether it meets all the relevant criteria, and then awards a grade at the appropriate level.
The criteria are arrived at with reference to the following grading domains:
● applying knowledge and understanding in vocational and realistic contexts, with reference to relevant
concepts and processes, to achieve tasks, produce outcomes and review the success of outcomes
● developing and applying practical and technical skills, acting with increasing independence to select and
apply skills through processes and with effective use of resources to achieve, explain and review the success
of intended outcomes
● developing generic skills for work through management of self, working in a team, the use of a variety of
relevant communication and presentation skills, and the development of critical thinking skills relevant to
vocational contexts.
What is plagiarism and how do I avoid it?
You need to consider how the further assessment opportunity ensures that assessment remains fit for purpose and
in line with the original requirements; for example, you may opt for learners to improve their evidence under
supervised conditions, even if this was not necessary for the original assessment, to ensure that plagiarism cannot
take place.
What do Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration Forms look like?
What evidence of achievement will I need to provide?
Evidence for assessment may be generated through a range of diverse activities including assignment and
project work, case studies, workplace assessment, role play and oral presentation. Delivery strategies should
reflect the nature of work within the business sector by encouraging learners to research and carry out
assessment in the workplace or in simulated working conditions wherever possible.
What do observer and witness statements look like?
Chapter Three – What to Expect and Who will be teaching you
What can I expect of the BTEC team and what will they expect of me?
We have excellent teaching staff who have a great track record of helping students reach their
potential. The units are internally assessed with the exception of unit 2 through assignments,
observation/witness statements and project work that are set and marked by your teacher.
Mr Farah Mohamed
Miss Thu Nguyen
• Internal verification at BTEC should cover all Assessors and all units.
• A Lead Internal Verifier for each BTEC programme will be registered with edexcel.
• Lead Internal Verifiers for Level 3 programmes will take the OSCA online standardisation exercise. Lead
Internal Verifiers who already hold accredited status following successful completion of the OSCA will re-
register every year to maintain their accreditation.
• Lead Internal Verifiers for Level 2 programmes and Lead Internal Verifiers from Level 3 programmes subject
to standard sampling will be responsible for liaison with their subject standard sampler and for preparing the
• Each Lead Internal Verifier will oversee teaching staff as they complete the published online standardisation
exercises at the beginning of each academic year.
• Each Lead Internal Verifier will ensure that teaching staff receive off-site or online training as
appropriate. Updated programme information and assessment procedures that are presented at such
events will be shared within programmes.
• The internal verification schedule and specific staff roles towards that end will be identified on each
programme’s BTEC Assessment Plan.
• Edexcel’s Internal Verification- Assignment Brief template will be used for each assignment thus each
working assignment brief will have been verified as fit for purpose.
• Edexcel’s Internal Verification- Assessment Decisions template will be used for each sampled student. Thus a
sample of students’ work and the accompanying Assessment Decision form will be verified to ensure
standardisation in marking.
• Internal verification comments will be specific and constructive to the Assessor to ensure consistently robust
assessment practice is in place.
• Each programme will complete certification in pairs to reflect the consistent internal verification across the
• Secure records of all internal verification activity will be maintained.
Appeals Policy
1. Initially the student raising the appeal should talk to their Assessor (teacher) in order to arrive at a clearer
understanding of how the mark in question was awarded.
2. BTEC Lead Internal Verifier will manage all appeals. Should the appeal be against the Lead Internal Verifier
then another Lead Internal Verifier will be brought into review the original decision.
3. Appeal should be made in writing stating the details of the complaint and the reasons for the appeal within
7 working days of receiving the feedback and grade of work in question.
4. The Assessor who made the assessment decision will be given a copy of the appeal and will respond in
writing to this to the Lead Internal Verifier within 5 working days.
5. The Lead Internal Verifier will then make a decision on the grading and give written feedback to both the
student and the teacher involved within a further 3 working days.
6. Student raising the appeal will have an opportunity to a personal hearing if they are not happy with written
response received. The student will be given reasonable notice of the hearing date and should have sight of
all relevant documents to the case in advance of the hearing. Where the student is presenting their own
case they are allowed to bring along a carer/friend. The Assessor(s) and student will have the opportunity to
hear each other’s submission to the panel at the hearing.
7. The panel will comprise of a Lead Internal Verifier from another subject area, the Quality Nominee and the
Exams Officer.
8. A written record of the appeal and hearing will be taken including the outcome of an appeal and reason for
that outcome. This will be kept at on file for 18 months and the student will also receive a hard copy.
9. The school will inform the awarding body if there is any change to an internally assessed grade as a result of
an appeal.
10. Should students wish to appeal against the assessment decisions for externally assessed units they should
make an appeal in writing directly to Pearson for consideration.