2016CompositeList Web 150
2016CompositeList Web 150
2016CompositeList Web 150
"DNIPROVSKIY PIPE WORKS" Division, Inc. West of Anyao Road | National Hongqiqu Economic
1 Promyshlennaya Street | Pavlograd, 5301 Polk Street | Houston, TX 77023 | United and Technology Development Zone | Linzhou City,
Dnepropetrovsk Region 51413 | Ukraine States Henan Province 456592 | People's Republic of
Telephone: 380-563-783431 Telephone: 1-281-252-9494 China
License: 5CT-1354 Sales Phone: 1-281-2529494 | Sales E-Mail: Telephone: 86-372-6500501
jsponseller@lincolnmanufacturing.com Sales Phone: 86-372-6500505 | Sales E-Mail:
API-Q1 | Registration No: 1129 Fbscb6587888@163.com
Web: www.cfbpco.com
ISO 9001 | Registration No: 1330
Licenses: 5CT-1043, 5L-0699
Scope: Manufacture of Casing and Tubing
Lin Scan Advanced Pipeline and Tank Couplings, Pup Joints, Drill Stem Subs and
Services Accessories; Provision of Threading Services for
Plot No: 1H & 24, Hamriya Free Zone | Sharjah, the Oil and Gas Industry
Dubai 62159 | United Arab Emirates Licenses: 5CT-0444.3, 7-1-0578.2 Lixin Valve Group Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 971-971-065262042
Web: www.linscaninspection.com Zhoushan Road, Anfeng Industrial Zone | Oubei
Town, Yongjia County | Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325102
API-Q1 | Registration No: 1012
| People's Republic of China
ISO 9001 | Registration No: 1217 Telephone: 86-577-67918100
Scope: Design, Development and Manufacture of LINGGANG BEIPIAO STEEL PIPE CO.,LTD.
License: 6D-1167
Pipeline Cleaning, Inspection Tools, Traps & METALLURGICAL INDUSTRIAL PARK |
Pipeline Repair Product; Provision of In-line ECONOMIC & DEVELOPMENT ZONE | BEIPIAO,
Inspection Services for Onshore and Offshore LIAONING PROVINCE | People's Republic of China
Pipelines in accordance with API 1163 Telephone: 86-13842102396
Licenses: 5CT-1802, 5L-1070 LLC "Firma "Radius-Servis"
25 Neftyanikov Street, Settlement Ferma |
Dvurechenskoe Rural Settlement | Perm, Permskiy
Kray 614531 | Russian Federation
Lincoln Manufacturing of Ohio, Inc.
Telephone: 7-342-238-9372
310 Railroad Ave. | Strasburg, OH 44680 | United Lintech Engineering Pte. Ltd. Sales Phone: 7-342-238-91-31 | Sales E-Mail:
States No. 4, Tuas Avenue 10 | Singapore 639128 | a.kuznetsov@radius-s.ru
Telephone: 281-252-9494 Singapore Web: www.radius-s.ru
Sales Phone: 1-330-878-7772 | Sales E-Mail: Telephone: 65-686-16882 API-Q1 | Registration No: 1074
Rdunlevy@lincolnmanufacturing.com Sales Phone: 65-686-16882 | Sales E-Mail:
Web: Lincolnmanufacturing.com ISO 9001 | Registration No: 1274
API-Q1 | Registration No: 1443 Scope: Design, Manufacture and Service of
API-Q1 | Registration No: 0312
Drilling Equipment and Deep Well Workover
ISO 9001 | Registration No: 1613 ISO 9001 | Registration No: 0579 Equipment; Provision of Threading for Rotary
Scope: Manufacturer of Casing or Tubing Scope: Manufacture, Repair, Remanufacture and Shouldered Connections
Couplings, Pup Joints and Accessories; Provision Service of Downhole Equipment, Crane Booms, License: 7-1-0920
of Threading Services for the Oil and Gas Industry Mud Pumps, Hydraulic Pipes and Fittings for the Oil
Licenses: 5CT-0444.4, 5L-0365.4 and Gas Industry
Licenses: 6A-0839, 16A-0191, 17D-0103
Loadmaster Industries
Lincoln Manufacturing, Inc.
1084 S. Cruse Avenue | Broussard, LA 70518 |
Magnolia Facility United States
31209 F.M. 2978 | Magnolia, TX 77354 | United Linyi Sanyuan Steel Pipe Industry Co., Ltd. Telephone: 1-337-837-5429
States Tang Zhuang Industry Park | Luo Zhuang Town | Sales Phone: 1-337-837-5429 | Sales E-Mail:
Telephone: 1-281-252-9494 Linyi, Shandong 276000 | People's Republic of rronsonet@loadmasterderrick.com
Sales Phone: 1-281-252-9494 | China Web: www.loadmasterderrick.com
API-Q1 | Registration No: 0466 Telephone: 86-539-8914688 API-Q1 | Registration No: 1504
ISO 9001 | Registration No: 0215 Sales Phone: 86-539-8914889 | Sales E-Mail: ISO 9001 | Registration No: 1668
Scope: Manufacture of Drill Stem Subs, Casing Scope: Design and Manufacture of Drilling
Web: www.sanyuanpipe.com
or Tubing Couplings, Pup Joints and Accessories Structures and Equipment
for the Oil and Gas Industries; Provision of Licenses: 5CT-0887, 5L-0612
Licenses: 4F-0028, 8C-0074
Threading Services
Licenses: 5CT-0444, 7-1-0578