CH 06

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Section 6

A u t o m a t i c Te m p e r a t u r e C o n t r o l

Introduction to The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in a house
Automatic A/C contains a wall-mounted thermostat to control outlet temperatures,
distribution and fan speed. Changes are rarely made to the system other
than to reprogram the ON and OFF times and to switch the system ON
and OFF. In a vehicle, not all drivers wish to individually adjust all the
functions while driving. For this reason, Automatic A/C systems were

Automatic A/C Automatic A/C is also referred to as climate control. Automatic A/C
Temperature systems function like conventional manual HVAC systems, but also offer
Control these functions:

Ability to maintain a specific interior temperature selected by the

driver under a variety of temperature and solar conditions

Automatic fan speed selection based on the heating or cooling need

Automatic air distribution pattern based on the HVAC mode

Automatic air intake control

In an Automatic A/C system, the refrigerant circuit, electronic controls

and safety systems are basically the same as a manual A/C system.
Toyota Automatic A/C systems add additional sensors and controls to the
basic system.

TOYOTA Air Conditionin g and Climate Control Course 752 6-1

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Se ct io n 6

Here are some functions of the Automatic A/C controls on a late model

In response to the temperature control setting, the outlet air temperature,

evaporator temperature sensor and engine coolant temperature sensor
Outlet Air compensations are used by the air mix control damper control to calculate a target
damper opening angle.
The temperature setting for driver and front passenger is controlled
independently in order to provide a separate air temperature for the right and left

This function controls the operation of the blower motor according to the
signals from the engine coolant temperature sensor, evaporator temperature sensor
Blower Control and the solar sensor. In addition, it protects the blower motor
controller from the current surges when the blower motor is first activated.

When the AUTO switch is ON, automatic control causes the air mix control servo-
motor to rotate to a desired position for the correct outlet air temperature.
During operation, the potentiometer in the servo-motor detects the actual damper
opening so the system can match the actual opening to the desired damper open-
Air Outlet ing.
Control To prevent the front windshield from fogging up when the outside air
temperature is low, the system automatically switches the blower outlet to the
FOOT/DEF mode. Sensor inputs from engine coolant temperature, outside air tem-
perature, amount of sunlight, required blower outlet temperature and
vehicle speed.

Drives the servo-motor (for air inlet) according to the operation of the air inlet con-
trol switch and fixes the dampers in the FRESH and RECIRC position.

When selecting RECIRC mode under manual operation, if the outside air temp. is
low and refrigerant pressure has a malfunction, the A/C ECU automatically switch-
es the air inlet mode to the FRESH mode.
Air Inlet Control However, if the outside air temperature is much lower than the specified
temperature, in spite of the malfunction of the refrigerant pressure, the A/C ECU
automatically switches the air inlet mode to the FRESH mode.

When selecting RECIRC mode under manual operation, if the compressor switches
OFF, the A/C ECU automatically switches the air inlet mode to the FRESH mode.

The control switches the magnetic clutch OFF when the blower motor is switched
OFF, when the engine coolant temperature is below a predetermined value, an
abnormal refrigerant pressure has been input or the discharge
Compressor temperature of the evaporator is below a predetermined value.
Control When the DEF mode switch is ON, the magnetic clutch relay activates
automatically to engage the compressor. In addition, when the blower is switched
OFF and the front defroster switch is switched ON, the blower will activate in the
automatic control condition.

The HI, LO and OFF settings of the seat heater can be switched by pressing
the seat heater switch (driver and front passenger). Based on signals from the seat
Seat Heater heater temperature sensor, the A/C ECU switches the seat heater relay ON/OFF to
Control regulate the set temperature. Switching the ignition to OFF
switches the seat heater OFF.

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

Rear Window When the rear window defogger is ON, the rear window defogger and outside
Defogger Control rearview mirror heater operates. After 15 minutes, the system switches OFF.

Based on signals from the ambient temperature sensor, this control calculates the
Outer Temperature outside temperature which is then corrected in the A/C ECU and
Indication Control displayed in the A/C control panel.

Checks the sensor according to the operation of the A/C switches. The heater con-
trol panel then displays a portion of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)
Self-Diagnosis indicating a malfunction or a sensor check function.

Drives the actuators through a preset sequence according to the operation of the
A/C switches (actuator check function).

Automatic A/C An Automatic A/C system contains the following components:

Component Function
Logic system to control system
A/C Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
components based on sensor inputs

Heater Relay (blower fan relay) Confirms blower fan is ON

Temperature Sensors (thermistors): Temperature-sensitive resistors:

Ambient Temperature Sensor Measures outside air
Humidity Sensor Measures humidity level inside car
Room Temperature Sensor Measures cabin air temperature
Evaporative Temperature Sensor Measures evaporator temperature
to prevent freezing
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Measures engine coolant
Duct Sensor temperature
Measures dash outlet temperature

Ensures system pressure is within safe

Pressure Switches (high and low)
operation conditions

Belt Protection Sensor Detects compressor speed

Detects sunlight for greater system
Solar Sensor
Determines engine speed for idle
Engine RPM Sensor
up mode
Speed Sensor Determines vehicle speed

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Se ct io n 6

Customization Certain A/C modes can be customized or deselected using the

Features hand-held tester. For more information, refer to the diagnostics section
in the Vehicle Repair Manual.

Air Conditioner


SET TEMP SHIFT To control with the shifted temperature +2/+1C/NORMAL

(Air Inlet Mode) against the display temperature. 1C/2C

In case of turning the A/C ON when you

desire to make the compartment cool
AUTO down quickly, this is the function to MANUAL/AUTO
(Air Inlet Mode)
change the mode automatically to

Function to turn the A/C ON

COMPRESSOR MODE automatically by pressing the AUTO but-
(Compressor Mode) ton when the blower is ON and
the A/C is OFF.

COMPRS/DEF OPER Function to turn the A/C ON

(Compressor/Air inlet DEF LINK automatically linking with the FRONT DEF NORMAL/LINK
operation) button when the A/C is OFF.

Function to turn the air flow from

ON FOOT/DEF to ON automatically when OFF/ON
(Foot/DEF auto mode)
Function to switch the blower level auto-
(Foot/DEF automatic blow ON OFF/ON
matically when the defroster is ON.
up function)

FOOT AIR LEAK Function to cut off the airstream felt

(Foot air leak) underfoot while the vehicle is moving.

AMBIENT TMP SFT To control with the shifted ambient tem-

(Ambient Temperature NORMAL perature against the display
Shift) ambient temperature.

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

A/C Amplifier The ECU of a Toyota Automatic A/C system not only controls compressor
clutch and engine idle-up operation, it also controls outlet temperature,
airflow distribution and fan speed based on a determination of interior,
ambient temperature and humidity with a compensation for solar load.

Mic ro co mp u te r-
C ontrol l ed
Au to A/ C Sy s te m
Auto A/C system
sensors and components.

Fig. 6-1

In addition, the A/C ECU monitors refrigerant pressure by controlling

the compressor clutch and provides signals to the ECM (engine control
module) for idle stabilization. In some vehicles, the compressor clutch
relay is not controlled directly by the A/C ECU but instead by the
powertrain control module that receives a signal from the A/C ECU.

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Se ct io n 6

The primary control unit for the compressor clutch circuit is the A/C
ECU. The ECU is a device that has an output current greater than the
input signals. The amplifier section of the ECU processes low current
signals from a number of sources to control a relay. The relay supplies
power to energize the compressor clutch. The relay also adds a further
level of amplification to the circuit since the power side of a relay can pass
more current than is needed to activate the control side.

The amplifier cycles the compressor clutch ON and OFF in order to provide
the most efficient transfer of heat at the evaporator while preventing the
evaporator from icing. The amplifiers output signal also activates the
condenser fans at low speed and raises the engine idle speed (via the
engine and transmission ECU) to avoid stalling the engine whenever the
compressor switches ON.

Co m p r es so r Magnetic
Clutch Relay
C lu tc h Ci rc ui t Engine
Main components: Transmission
Prevents overcooling or
Lock Sensor A/C ECU
lock up.
Prevents excessive


Fig. 6-2

Input Sensor Signals to the A/C Amplifier (A/C ECU)

Input Signal Function
Temperature Selector Selects desired cabin (interior) temperature
A/C Switch Allows driver to switch compressor ON or OFF
Heater Relay (blower fan relay) Confirms blower fan is ON
Thermistors: Electrical temperature sensor:
Ambient Temperature Sensor Measures outside air temperature
Room Temperature Sensor Measures cabin air temperature
Evaporative Temperature Sensor Measures evaporator temperature to prevent freezing
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Measures engine coolant temperature
Pressure Switches (high and low) Ensures system pressure is within safe operating condition
Belt Protection Sensor Detects drive-belt speed
Solar Sensor Detects sunlight for greater system control
Engine RPM Sensor Determines engine speed for idle up mode
Speed Sensor Determines vehicle speed
Humidity Sensor Determines humidity of cabin air

6-6 TOYOTA Tech ni cal Tr ai n i n g

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

Automatic A/C Compared to a manual system, an automatic A/C system features a

Control Panel temperature control display marked with degrees and one or two
additional buttons on the control panel labeled AUTO to select automatic
fan speed and/or air distribution (almost like your homes HVAC system).

When automatic A/C is desired, the driver selects the temperature in one
of three ways:

1. Slide lever 2. Rotating knob 3. Push button

C ontr ol Pa nel s

Variable Resistor

Resistance in ECU
Variable Resistor

2 3

Resistance in ECU
Fig. 6-3

Each type of control causes a transistor circuit in the ECU to send a

variable voltage signal to the microprocessor. Changing the temperature
selector (or display) changes the signal value.

The primary input signal to the amplifier is a variable voltage from the
temperature selector that represents the desired interior temperature.
This potentiometer provides a variable resistance as it moves from cold to

hot (except at the extremes). In the chart on the following page, notice the
MAX COOL position (lower than 70 F) the resistance rises to infinity ( ).
In the MAX HEAT position (over 85 F), the resistance goes to 0 ohms.

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Se ct io n 6

Te m p e r a t u r e
Se l e ctor 3K
Resistan ce Ch art

Resistance, Ohms
Variable resistor.

Higher temperature
setting has lower
resistance ( ).

MAX 70 77 85 MAX
COOL Set Temperature HEAT Fig. 6-4

Temperature The objective of the Automatic A/C system is to reach an output

Sensor Circuits temperature based on a preset temperature. Toyota uses the terms TSET
to represent the preset temperature and TAO to represent the desired
output temperature. To be effective, the HVAC system must be able to
deal with variables such as the number of passengers in the vehicle,
relative outside temperature and the solar load in the vehicle. For
maximum comfort, the system anticipates conditions that will affect the
interior temperature before the temperature rises. Here are the various
inputs to the A/C ECU to determine TAO. It is only important to be aware
of the variables that determine TAO.

TAO (output temperature) = A x TSET B x TR C x TAM D x TS + E

Temperature Description
A Set temperature coefficient
B Room air temperature coefficient
C Ambient air temperature coefficient
D Solar radiation coefficient
E Correct constant
TSET Set temperature
TR In-car temperature
TAM Ambient air temperature
TS Solar radiation

Servo-Motor On current vehicles, servo-motors control the damper doors. A servo-motor

Control is an electric motor that contains a potentiometer (variable resistor) or a
multiple-position contact switch. This device acts like a position sensor to
provide feedback to the amplifier to confirm and to control the position of
the damper.

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

The Automatic A/C system uses the air mix (blend door) system for
rapid and accurate temperature adjustment; the blend (air mix) door is
moved by the ECU-controlled servo-motor instead of a cable from the
temperature selector. Current water control valves are also operated by a
cable (via a servo-motor).

Distr ib ution DEF Position

C o n t r o l ( S e r vo-
Moto r Contr ols)
Electrically controlled. FOOT Position

Mover air mix or

blend doors.

BI-LEVEL Position

FACE Position Fig. 6-5


S er v o - Mo t or
I n ter na l C i rc u i t
Moving contacts provide
feedback on actual door

Fig. 6-6
Servo-Motor 752f606

Temperature sensor signals from various locations in the vehicle are

amplified inside the A/C ECU to produce a temperature value. This value
is then compared with the preset temperature (from the A/C control
panel) to determine the relative balance of the system. When all of the
amplified input signals meet the preset air temperature, the system is
said to be in balance; that is, the air mix servo-motor damper door
remains in position and the fan speed is kept low. Once the system is in
balance, there is no current flow to the air mix servo-motor.

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Se ct io n 6

When heat or solar load conditions create an imbalance, the ECU amplifies
the difference to operate one of two switching amplifiers according to
whether the interior must be warmer or cooler. The switching amplifiers
contain pairs of transistors and can conduct in either polarity to produce
a signal which controls the air mix servo.

Control of Blend Since the servo-motor is an electric DC motor, changing the polarity
Air Damper (+ and ) of the supply and ground causes the motor to rotate in different
directions, just like a power window motor. When there is a temperature
difference, one switching amplifier produces a positive voltage; the other
amplifier supplies a ground to move the air mix servo-motor in the
direction of cooler or warmer air delivery.

Depending on temperature requirements, the ECU selects a target damper

door position and measures the actual position with a potentiometer
(variable resistor) within the servo-motor. The ECU also monitors the
resulting change in temperature to verify the servo-motor(s) responds

S er v o - Mo t or
Co nt ro l Cir cui t
Switching amplifiers +B
control polarity to A/C ECU
air mix servo-motor.

Amplifier 1 Set Temperature
Air Mix
M Control
Servo- Servo-Motor
Motor Feedback
Switching In-Car Temperature
Amplifier 2
Ambient Temperature


Solar Sensor

Fig. 6-7

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

The A/C ECU will continue to output a control current to the servo until the
system is in balance as follows:

Initially, this happens when the potentiometer in the servo-motor

indicates movement of the servo to a position which offsets the
temperature change.

Later, the temperature in the vehicle will change to match the desired
temperature. Thus, the ECU will stop current flow to the servo-motor.

This system allows the temperature to overshoot, to rapidly adjust the

temperature in response to a temperature change. This is followed by
readjusting to the desired temperature setting.

S er v o - Mo t or
Damper Door Linkage
Circuit (Moving Contacts)

Moving contacts
provide feedback on door

Limiter M




Fig. 6-8

Pulse Pattern The pulse pattern type servo motor contains a printed circuit board
Type Servo Motor instead of a potentiometer to provide position feedback. The printed cir-
cuit board has three contact points and transmits two ON-OFF signals to
the A/C ECU to identify the pulse phase. Using this signal, a smart con-
nector detects the damper position and its direction of movement.

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Se ct io n 6

Pulse Pattern
Type Servo Motor

Pul se Pattern Contact Points Conduction Portion Printed-circuit Board

S er v o Mo tor Contact Points
No potentiometer GND
Uses printed circuit A B
board for position feed- B
back. GND

M Hi

1 Rotation
Portion Fig. 6-9
Printed Circuit Board 752f609

Pressure Switches Pressure switches can sense high or low pressures or both. These can be
separate switches or a single switch that senses multiple pressures (dual
or triple pressure switch). Pressure switches are normally closed and are
located in the high-pressure side of the system. When the switch opens
due to excessively high or low system pressure, the amplifier will disable
the compressor clutch to prevent component damage. For additional
information, refer to Multipressure Switch in Section 3.

Pressure Sensor Functions like the pressure switches to monitor excessively high or low
pressures for compressor control.

Thermistor A thermistor is a temperature-sensitive resistor. Most electrical components

have a higher electrical resistance as the temperature increases. This is
called a positive temperature coefficient. Special thermistors with a
Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) provide accurate temperature
sensing for A/C and fuel injection systems. As the temperature increases,
the electrical resistance decreases. The A/C ECU reads the resultant
voltage to interpret the temperature.

6-12 TOYOTA Tech ni cal Tr ai n i n g

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

R esi st ance vs .
Te mp er at u r e o f
Thermistor 7,000

A/C temperature 6,000

Resistance ()
sensors are thermistors.
Resistance decreases
and temperature 4,000


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 C
(32) (41) (50) (59) (68) (77) (86) (95) (104) ( F)
Fig. 6-10
Temperature 752f610

The A/C ECU supplies a fixed voltage to the sensor, then measures the
voltage drop across the thermistor. As the resistance changes, so does
the voltage drop. In this way, the amount of voltage drop created by the
thermistor is used by the amplifier as an input signal.

Sensor On some Toyota vehicles, sensors are placed in the air distibution ducts
(Thermistor) to monitor air temperature and humidity. The A/C ECU adjusts the air
distribution system to change the airflow and air temperature according-

Ambient Outside temperature is measured by the ambient sensor so the system

Temperature can anticipate changes in cooling demand as the ambient temperature
Sensor changes. It is located in front of the radiator and condenser, but out of
(Thermistor) the air stream.

Ambie nt
Te m p e r a t u r e
S e ns o r Ambient Temperature
Located at front grille.
Senses outside
air temperature.
Also controls
temperature gauge.

Fig. 6-11

TOYOTA Air Conditionin g and Climate Control Course 752 6-13

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Se ct io n 6

In-Car Sensor The in-car sensor measures the air temperature inside the vehicle. In-car
(Thermistor) sensors are usually located in the dash or center console. The actual
sensing element is very small, about 1/8 (2 mm) diameter so it can
respond quickly to temperature changes.

To avoid being affected by solar radiation or hot car surfaces, it is shaded

from direct light but located in the air stream. Some models use an
aspirator powered by the air pressure in the blower case to draw interior
air past the sensor.

I n-C a r or Int er i or
Te m p e r a t u r e Thermistor
S e ns o r
measures interior Interior Air
air temperature.
Heater Unit
Aspirator creates air
movement over sensor.

Fig. 6-12

S en s or Lo ca ti o n
Thermistor sends
air temperature
signal to the HV ECU
A/C control unit.

Solar Sensor

A/C ECU Fig. 6-13

Room Temp. and
Humidity Sensor 752f613

6-14 TOYOTA Tech ni cal Tr ai n i n g

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

Room The latest hybrid HVAC systems use a humidity sensor function combined
Temperature and with the room temperature sensor. Detecting humidity in the vehicle
Humidity Sensor interior optimizes the amount of dehumidification during A/C operation.
This results in the A/C compressor consuming less power and creates an
ideal humidity level inside the vehicle.

A resistance film inside the sensor absorbs and releases air in the interior.
During the absorption and release process, the humidity-sensing film
expands (during humidity absorption) and contracts (during drying). As the
resistance film expands and contracts, the clearance between the carbon
particles in the resistance film changes which increases or decreases its
electrical resistance. The A/C ECU then determines the amount of
humidity by measuring the resistance between the electrodes.

Humidity-sensing Resistance Film

Hu m i di t y S en so r
Combined with
temperature sensor to High
regulate interior Electrodes
humidity levels.


Low High
Relative Humidity Room Temp. Fig. 6-14
Sensor Sensor 752f614

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Se ct io n 6

Solar Sensor Sixty percent of the heat entering a vehicle comes from solar radiation.
Since the air in the car does not heat up immediately in bright sun, the
desired interior temperature can be maintained by anticipating the effect
of solar heat load. The solar sensor is usually located on top of the
instrument panel.

The solar sensor is a photo-diode rather than a thermistor. It normally
blocks the flow of current in both directions (it has a resistance of near )
except in the presence of light. When exposed to light, the photo-diode
biases the junction of the diode so that its resistance in one polarity falls
to near 0. It then gradually begins to conduct in one direction.

S o l ar S e n so r
Solar Sensor Filter


Fig. 6-15

Like a temperature sensor, the solar sensor is supplied with a fixed voltage
so the A/C ECU can read the voltage drop to and sense the solar heat
entering the vehicle. The amplifier (or A/C ECU) can adjust the outlet air
temperature based on changes in sunlight before the interior temperature
changes. Some Toyota vehicles use a solar sensor that measures sunlight
falling from two angles to provide additional control over both driver and
passenger seating areas.

On current models, the A/C control unit controls blower speeds through
several steps according to various sensor inputs the following chart
tracks blower air volume according to the amount of sunlight.

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Au to m at i c Te m p e r a t u re C o n tro l

Step le ss F an HI
S p e e ds
Sunlight on solar sensor
changes fan speed. Blower


Small Large
Fig. 6-16
Amount of Sunlight 752f616

Maximum On vehicles with automatic temperature control, a MAX COOL Damper

Cool Damper Door can open (MAX COOL mode and FACE air-distribution modes) to
deliver additional cool air from the plenum to the dash vent outlets.

The damper is located after the evaporator. When energized, the damper
moves to allow cool air to bypass the heater core to deliver the lowest
possible air temperature to the outlet air vents.

Evaporator Inlet
Maximum Heater
C ool Da mper
Adds flow on

Blower Motor

FACE Vents Fig. 6-17


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Se ct io n 6

Multimode When the max cool damper is open, air resistance through the system
decreases. This allows more air to enter the vehicle through the system
without increasing fan speed or noise.

This feature blows air from all the vents during warm-up immediately
after the engine starts in cold weather. This prevents the windows from
fogging and helps to warm up the upper body.

R e a r A /C U n i t

Fig. 6-18

Rear Some Toyota vehicles contain a separate rear air-conditioning system to

Air Conditioning provide additional temperature control for rear passengers. The A/C
compressor supplies refrigerant to a separate A/C assembly mounted
behind the rear seat area.

The A/C compressor provides refrigerant for both the front and rear
systems. Some vehicles may or may not have a magnetic solenoid valve to
control refrigerant flow to the rear unit. If equipped, the magnetic valve is
part of the rear expansion valve.

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