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published: 09 February 2017

doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00028

Electrogenic Sulfur Oxidation by

Cable Bacteria in Bivalve Reef
Sairah Y. Malkin 1* , Dorina Seitaj 2 , Laurine D. W. Burdorf 2 , Sil Nieuwhof 2 ,
Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez 2 , Anton Tramper 2 , Naomi Geeraert 3 , Henko De Stigter 2 and
Filip J. R. Meysman 1, 2
Department of Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 2 Royal
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke, Netherlands, 3 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Cable bacteria induce long-distance electron transport in the seafloor and can exert
a powerful control on the elemental cycling in marine sediments by creating extreme
excursions in porewater pH. Yet, the natural distribution of cable bacteria is still largely
unknown, and so their role in coastal biogeochemical cycling remains poorly quantified.
Edited by:
Here we show that cable bacteria can be abundant in the sediments of intertidal bivalve
Hongyue Dang,
Xiamen University, China reefs, where they strongly influence the pore water geochemistry, resulting in a potentially
Reviewed by: beneficial interaction between the sulfur oxidizing microbes and biodepositing fauna.
Kathleen Scott, Cable bacteria occurred in sediments accumulating within mussel and oyster reefs in
University of South Florida, USA
Zongze Shao,
the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands), at cumulative filament densities up to 1038 m cm2 .
State Oceanic Administration, China Additionally, cable bacteria were found at moderately high cumulative filament densities
*Correspondence: (up to 56 m cm2 ) in a heavily bioturbated sandy sediment adjacent to the muddy
Sairah Y. Malkin
reefs. Microsensor profiling revealed strong sulfide removal and intense acid generation
associated with the electrogenic sulfide oxidation metabolism of the cable bacteria.
Present Address:
Sairah Y. Malkin, Horn Point Strongly elevated concentrations of dissolved calcium (up to 35 mM), manganese (up
Laboratory, University of Maryland to 250 M), and iron (up to 700 M) were observed in the pore waters, consistent
Center for Environmental Science,
Cambridge, MD, USA
with acidity-driven dissolution of calcium carbonates and iron sulfides. This field study
provides substantive evidence that cable bacteria exert a decisive control on the cycling
Specialty section: of sulfur and carbonate minerals in cohesive coastal sediments, and identifies that the
This article was submitted to
Aquatic Microbiology,
distribution and influence of cable bacteria covers a greater range of natural habitats than
a section of the journal previously believed.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Keywords: bivalves, cable bacteria, electrochemistry, electrogenic sulfur oxidation, long-distance electron
Received: 29 October 2016 transport, sediment biogeochemistry, Desulfobulbaceae
Accepted: 24 January 2017
Published: 09 February 2017

Malkin SY, Seitaj D, Burdorf LDW,
Nieuwhof S, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Intertidal epibenthic suspension-feeding bivalves are considered model ecosystem engineers
Tramper A, Geeraert N, De Stigter H
because they strongly shape and modify their surrounding environment, as witnessed by the
and Meysman FJR (2017)
Electrogenic Sulfur Oxidation by Cable
formation of elevated mussel and oyster reefs (Dame, 2012). By increasing bed roughness, reducing
Bacteria in Bivalve Reef Sediments. local current velocity, and by depositing large quantities of fine particles as pseudofeces and feces,
Front. Mar. Sci. 4:28. bivalves strongly enhance sediment accumulation in their local surroundings (Bergfeld, 1999; van
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00028 der Zee et al., 2012). Such sediment accumulation lifts reef structures above the surrounding

Frontiers in Marine Science | 1 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

sediment level, which in turn further enhances sediment however, the basic ecology of cable bacteria, including their life
accretion, and intertidal bivalve reefs in particular can grow history, distribution, and the biogeochemical consequences of
rapidly (Rodriguez et al., 2014). Relative to surrounding tidal flats their metabolism, is only beginning to be unraveled.
where permeable sands dominate, the material that accumulates Recent laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the
at bivalve reefs is highly enriched in organics and fine particles, influence of cable bacteria on sediment geochemistry can be
and as a result, reef sediments generally support high rates of profound (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Rao et al., 2016).
microbial mineralization (Krncke, 1996). Sulfate reduction is Even in organic-rich sediments sustaining high rates of sulfate
the dominant pathway of organic matter mineralization in such reduction, cable bacteria are capable of removing free sulfide to
organic rich sediments, ultimately leading to the accumulation below detection limits (1 M) from the sediment surface down
of a large pool of solid metal sulfides and/or high levels of to depths of nearly 2 cm (Nielsen et al., 2010; Risgaard-Petersen
free sulfide in the pore waters (Dahlback and Gunnarsson, et al., 2012), due to their high affinity for sulfide (Meysman et al.,
1981; Jrgensen, 1982). Thus, through their influence on 2015). The electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria also imparts
sedimentation, reef-building bivalves are capable of creating a strong geochemical effect on the elemental cycling by affecting
hotspots of sulfur cycling in the coastal ocean. the distribution of acidity in the pore water. In deeper sediment
Free sulfide is a reactive compound with two faces. On layers, cable bacteria harvest electrons from sulfide by anodic
the one hand, free sulfide is a respiratory poison which is half-reactions (e.g., H2 S + 2H2 O SO2
4 + 4e + 5H ),

highly toxic to metazoan life (Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte, 2010), which generate protons and thereby causes an acidic dissolution
and consequently, marine sediments with high levels of free of both iron sulfides and calcium carbonates (Risgaard-Petersen
sulfide typically support a depauperate faunal community of et al., 2012; Rao et al., 2016). Near the sediment-water interface,
low diversity (Krncke, 1996; Bergfeld, 1999). Yet, sulfide is electrons are transferred to oxygen or nitrate by cathodic half-
also a compound rich in stored chemical energy, which can reactions, which consume protons (e.g., O2 + 4e + 4H+
be exploited by a variety of microorganisms to fuel their H2 O; Nielsen et al., 2010; Marzocchi et al., 2014), and hence
growth. When coupled to the reduction of oxygen or nitrate, elevate the pH. The interplay of anodic and cathodic reactions
the oxidation of sulfide is energetically favorable and a number generates a characteristic pH depth profile which is a useful
of phylogenetically diverse microbes have evolved the ability diagnostic indicator of cable bacteria activity (Nielsen et al., 2010;
to harness this energy source (Jrgensen and Nelson, 2004). Meysman et al., 2015; Seitaj et al., 2015).
Microbes capable of harvesting energy from the oxidation of The objective of the present field study was to examine
sulfide include symbiotic and free living single-celled bacteria whether the strong geochemical impact of cable bacteria
and archaea, as well as the large Gammaproteobacteria including on sedimentary cycling, previously observed in laboratory
Beggiatoa and Thioploca (Friedrich et al., 2005; Teske and experiments, also occurs in the natural environment. Based
Salman, 2014). Among the microbes that may profit from on previous observations of cable bacteria abundance in other
the sulfide-rich environment present within bivalve reefs, the highly reducing coastal sediments (Malkin et al., 2014), we
recently discovered cable bacteria are of particular interest. hypothesized that the organic-rich sediments within bivalve
These sulfur oxidizing bacteria, which are members of the family reefs may be a natural habitat for cable bacteria. Our first
Desulfobulbaceae (class Deltaproteobacteria), possess a novel goal was to assess whether sediments within intertidal bivalve
metabolic lifestyle based on long-distance electron transport reefs in the Wadden Sea support the presence and activity of
(Nielsen et al., 2010; Pfeffer et al., 2012). They have recently cable bacteria. Our subsequent goal was to investigate whether
been assigned the candidate genus-level names Electrothrix and the strong geochemical effects (i.e., sulfide removal and acid-
Electronema (Trojan et al., 2016). These filamentous bacteria, mediated cation production) that has been observed in laboratory
which can grow in excess of 2 cm, oxidize sulfide in deeper time course studies (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Rao et al.,
sediments, and conduct the resulting electrons along their 2016) and predicted by model simulations (Meysman et al., 2015)
longitudinal axis up to the oxic zone, where the electrons are used are also observed in a natural habitat where cable bacteria are
in the reduction of oxygen (reviewed in Nielsen and Risgaard- abundant.
Petersen, 2015). Cable bacteria were recently documented in
a number of natural settings, including in organic-rich coastal MATERIALS AND METHODS
sediments with steep sulfide gradients in the southern North
Sea (Malkin et al., 2014; Seitaj et al., 2015), in a mangrove Study Site and Sampling Strategy
sediment (Burdorf et al., 2016), and in a riverine sediment in The field study was conducted on intertidal bivalve reefs located
Denmark (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2015). By contrast, they were on the northeast shore of the barrier island of Texel (Wadden Sea,
not observed in coastal bioturbated sandy sediments, possibly The Netherlands; Figure 1A). Sampling was conducted twice,
due to an inability to sustain mechanical disruption associated in June and September 2013. The study area mainly consists of
with sediment overturning by infauna (Malkin et al., 2014). sandy intertidal flats, upon which elevated bivalve reefs emerge,
Field observations are still few, though gene sequence archives consisting of organic-rich mud and patches of bivalve aggregates.
suggest a cosmopolitan distribution, leading to the hypothesis Inshore of these reefs, the sediment consists of permeable sands
that cable bacteria are likely active in many sedimentary habitats, with high densities of burrowing fauna, especially the lugworm
where bottom waters are oxygenated and the sediment sustains a Arenicola marina (50 m2 ), and a patchy distribution of other
sufficiently high sulfide production (Malkin et al., 2014). Overall burrowing fauna, including the capitellid (polychaete) worm,

Frontiers in Marine Science | 2 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

FIGURE 1 | Maps and illustrative photographs of study sites and sediments. Overview of region where bivalve reef study was located (A). The study took place
just off the shore of the Wadden Sea barrier island of Texel (The Netherlands; marked by a red star). Detail overview of intertidal reef site locations (B), and
photographs of sites and sediment for each site (C). Site 1 is located within a mussel reef (Mussel); surface sediment between Blue Mussels prior to core removal is
shown. Core liners (C) are 10 cm in height. Sediment retrieved from the mussel reef has an oxidized brown surface with a sharp transition to sulfidic sediment. Site 2 is
located in a high relief mature Pacific Oyster reef (Oyster, center) and exhibits a similar appearance to the sediment from Site 1. Site 3 is located on the edge of the
oyster reef, adjacent a tidal channel (Oyster, edge) where there is a higher sediment accumulation. Sulfidic porewater is seen to seep from the tidal channel walls
during ebb tide. Site 4 is located on the permeable sands inshore of the oyster reef (Sand). A sediment cross-section (15 cm height) reveals Heteromastis burrows,
and the area has a high density (50 m2 ) of Arenicola burrows. An additional sediment core was retrieved from Site 4b, which was highly similar Site 4, for core
scanning and 210 Pb analysis. Maps were created from Google Earth with available imagery dates of April 2013 (A) and 2004 (B).

Heteromastus filiformis. The bivalve colonization history in the flat outside the reefs (Figure 1B). Site 1 (mussel reef ; 53.159
Wadden Sea is complex and is still undergoing rapid change N, 4.890 E) was located on a reef where over 80% of the
(Donker et al., 2015). The bivalve communities investigated here bivalves were M. edulis. The reef consisted of clumps of mussels
formed mature, elevated beds, composed of a mix of Blue Mussels attached to each other by byssal threads and separated by patches
(Mytilus edulis) and Pacific Oysters (Crassotrea gigas) at varying of muddy sediment, and was elevated to between 20 and 40
proportions. cm above the sand (Nieuwhof, unpub. data). Sediment was
Sediment sampling was conducted at three sites within the collected from the muddy patches between mussels, where mud
bivalve reefs, chosen to represent a range of different bivalve had accumulated to about 10 cm above a layer of bivalve shell
community compositions, and one site on the sandy intertidal fragments. Sites 2 and 3 were located in an adjacent reef where

Frontiers in Marine Science | 3 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

C. gigas were dominant and sediment was collected between volume of sediment, consistent with previous reports (Schauer
patches of oysters. Site 2 (oyster reef center; 53.147 N, 4.903 et al., 2014; van de Velde et al., 2016). Areal filament density
E) was located on top of the C. gigas reef while Site 3 (oyster is calculated by integrating the volumetric density down to the
reef edge; 53.147 N, 4.904 E) was located at the edge of the deepest depth where filaments were observed. In the sandy
reef, where the reef bed was cut by a tidal channel and the depth sediment (Site 4) in the June samples, no probe-stained filaments
of accumulated muddy sediment was greatest (>70 cm). Site 4 were observed in the first 100 random fields samples, and so the
(Sandy; 53.147 N, 4.902 E) was located shoreward of the entire filter was additionally scanned at 400X magnification. One
oyster bed, and consisted of permeable sandy sediment heavily randomly sampled core from each site was examined.
colonized by A. marina and H. filiformis. Additionally, a core was
retrieved from Site 4b, which was a heavily bioturbated sandy Microsensor Profiling
sediment similar to Site 4, and this sediment core was used for High-resolution microsensor profiling of O2 , pH, and H2 S
core scanning and 210 Pb analysis (Figure 1). was performed on 3 sediment cores retrieved from each site
At each sampling site, six sediment cores were retrieved (one set of profiles per sediment core). Microsensor profiling
during each of the two campaigns and used for various analyses, was performed using commercial microsensors operated with
as subsequently described. Sediment was collected at low tide by a motorized micromanipulator (Unisense A.S., Denmark), as
manual core insertion using Plexiglas core tubes ( = 36 mm, described previously (Malkin et al., 2014). Briefly, sediment was
height =10 cm). Sediment cores were kept in the dark in a brought up to level with the core liner edge, and cores were
cooler and maintained at the ambient water temperature during placed in an aquarium containing water collected during high
transport (6 h). Upon return to the laboratory, sediment cores tide from the field site (salinity 29). The temperature was held
were transferred to an aquarium with seawater collected from at the mid-day average water temperature on the sampling dates,
the study site during the previous high tide and allowed to rest which was 16 1 C in both June and September. An airstream
overnight before microsensor profiling. Sediment microsensor was provided at the water surface to create continuous water flow
profiling always began within 18 h of sampling. This period over the sediment, creating a diffusive boundary layer of 200
of dark incubation prior to analysis was critical to allow any m in height. The O2 and H2 S microelectrodes each had tip
pH elevation associated with photosynthesis to relax prior to diameters of 50 m and pH microsensors had a tip diameter
microsensor profiling (Malkin and Meysman, 2015). of 200 m. O2 depth profiles were recorded at 50 or 100 m
vertical increments and H2 S and pH depth profiles were made
Fluorescence In situ Hybridization (FISH) at 200 m increments in the oxic zone, and at 200 or 400 m
To quantify the filament density of cable bacteria through below the oxygen penetration depth. Calibration procedures were
depth, we employed fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) conducted as previously described (Malkin et al., 2014). pH is
techniques. Sediment cores were sliced at 0.25 cm intervals reported on the total scale (calibratedPwith both NBS and TRIS
from the sediment surface down to 1.0 cm depth, then at 0.5 buffers) and total dissolved sulfide H2 S = H2 S + HS was
cm intervals down to 3.0 cm. A sediment aliquot (0.5 cm3 wet calculated from the H2 S and pH measured at the same depth. The
volume) was preserved in 50% ethanol (final volume) in a oxygen penetration depth (OPD) was operationally defined as the
microcentrifuge tube and stored at 20 C until analysis. The sediment depth where the O2 concentration drops below 1 M.
oligonucleotide probe DSB706 with a 5 fluorescent reporter was The suboxic zone was operationally defined as the space between
used with a 45% formamide concentration in the hybridization the oxic zone and the zone where sulfide was detectable.
buffer (Manz et al., 1992; Daims et al., 2005), which effectively
targets cable bacteria (Pfeffer et al., 2012; Schauer et al., 2014; Porewater Analyses
Malkin et al., 2014). Slide preparation and FISH hybridization Porewater was extracted and analyzed from duplicate sediment
were performed using methods previously described in Malkin cores taken from each site during both campaigns. Sediment
et al. (2014). Briefly, an aliquot (10 L) of slurried sediment was cores were sectioned anaerobically in a glove bag (Coy Chambers,
applied to a filter (pore size 3 m), which served to reduce the Grass Lake, Michigan, USA) filled with a nitrogen atmosphere
abundance of very fine sediment particles associated with cable at 0.5 cm increments over the top 5 cm and at 1.0 cm
bacteria filaments. Cells were hybridized on slides using standard increments below. The sediment from the sandy site (Site 4)
procedures (hybridization buffer at 46 C for 3 h; washing buffer yielded less porewater than did the muddy sediments, so the
at 48 C for 15 min), then rinsed and counterstained with 1 porewater extracted from 2 cores was pooled for the various
g mL1 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). FISH probes analyses. Porewater was extracted from the muddy sediment by
EUB338-I and non-EUB were used as positive and negative centrifugation (2500 rpm for 10 min in 50 mL FalconTM tubes).
controls, respectively. In the bivalve reef sediments (Sites 13), Porewater recovery from the sandy sediment (Site 4) required
a minimum of 100 (June) or 200 (September) randomly chosen a modified procedure. The bottom half of a 50 cm3 syringe
fields at 1000X magnification were evaluated for the presence was used as a sediment cup to which an in-line syringe filter
of cable bacteria. In fields where probe-stained filaments were containing a 25 mm GF/C glass fiber filter was attached via a
present, the length and diameter of each filament was measured Luer lock. The filter and modified syringe were placed inside
within that field, and these values were used to quantify the a centrifuge tube, and sediment was added to the syringe cup.
density of filaments per sediment volume. We report cable During centrifugation, the porewater is expressed through the
bacterial density as the sum of lengths of filaments per bulk filter and collects at the bottom of the centrifuge tube.

Frontiers in Marine Science | 4 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

Following centrifugation, filtered porewater (0.2 m) was scanner (AVAATECH; Alkmaar, The Netherlands). X-ray images
distributed and preserved as follows: 1 mL was acidified of internal structure of the sediment were obtained with a cabinet
with 6N HCl (10% final concentration) and kept at 5 C X-ray system (Hewlett-Packard Faxitron, Tucson, AZ, USA).
until further analysis; 2 mL was transferred to headspace Sediment subsamples were then collected at 5 cm intervals. For
vials and preserved with mercuric chloride (HgCl2 ; 1% final determination of 210 Pb activity the activity of its granddaughter
concentration) for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) analysis; isotope, 210 Po (half-life 138.4 days), was measured by alpha-
the remaining volume was transferred to microfuge tubes and spectrometry using a Passivated Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS)
frozen at 20 C for NH+ 4 analysis. In June, the acidified detector (Canberra, Meriden, CT, USA), following the methods
samples were analyzed for sulfate (SO2
4 ) by ion chromatography
of Boer et al. (2006). Rates of sediment deposition were estimated
(Dionex AS-14 analytical column, Thermo Scientific). In by applying a model of constant flux/constant sedimentation and
September, these samples were analyzed for calcium (Ca2+ ), accounting for sediment diffusion by bioturbation in the upper
total dissolved iron [Fed = 6(Fe2+ + Fe3+ )], total dissolved sediment layer (Boer et al., 2006).
manganese [Mnd = 6(Mn2+ + Mn3+ + Mn4+ )], and SO2 4 by
To investigate rapid sediment accretion at the mussel reef (Site
inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP- 1), the activity of Beryllium-7 was measured in one sediment
OES; Perkin-Elmer). DIC was measured with an AS-C3 analyser core collected in June. The core was sliced at 0.5 cm increments
(Apollo Scitech, Newark, Delaware, USA), immediately after from the surface to 3 cm depth and 7 Be activity was measured
sample acidification. Porewater NH+ 4 was measured with a Seal
by gamma counting for 48 h with a high purity germanium
QuAAtro autoanalyser, using standard colorimetric techniques (HPGe) Well Detector (Canberra) and determined by integrating
(Aminot et al., 2009). All sediment handling was conducted the counts under the peak located at 477.6 keV.
under nitrogen atmosphere, except for acid and HgCl2 additions,
which were conducted under normal atmosphere. Acid additions Diffusive Oxygen Uptake
were conducted immediately following exposure to air to Dissolved oxygen uptake (DOU) was calculated from the oxygen
minimize oxygen exposure. depth profile using Ficks First law of diffusion as: JO2 =
DsCO2 /x, where porosity () from the uppermost sediment
Solid Phase Analyses slice was used and Ds is the tortuosity-corrected diffusion
Porosity was calculated from the water content and solid phase coefficient. The diffusion coefficient was corrected for the
density using one core collected from each site during each tortuosity as Ds = Do / 2 ; where Ds is the effective diffusion
campaign. Water content was measured as the change in weight coefficient, 2 is the tortuosity, and Do is the diffusion coefficient
following drying in an oven at 60 C to constant weight and solid at infinite dilution. Do was obtained from the R package marelac
phase density was measured by volume displacement of dried and v. 2.1.4 (Soetaert et al., 2012), based on observed salinity and
pulverized sediment. temperature values. Tortuosity was calculated as 2 = 1 2ln()
The solid phase sediment portion that remained following (Boudreau, 1996). The concentration gradient (CO2 /x) was
centrifugation was analyzed for carbon content with a Flash 2000 calculated by linear regression of the oxygen depth profile just
elemental analyser (Thermo Scientific). Sediment samples were below the sediment water interface.
lyophilized and ground to a fine powder. Total carbon (Ctot )
content was first analyzed, and organic carbon (Corg ) content Current Density
was subsequently analyzed following sample acidification with The combination of microsensors used (i.e., O2 , H2 S, and pH)
0.1N HCl. Inorganic carbon (Cinorg ) content was calculated as the enabled the detection of the metabolic activity of cable bacteria
difference between Ctot and Corg and is interpreted here to fully (Nielsen et al., 2010; Pfeffer et al., 2012). Electrogenic sulfur
consist of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ). oxidation (e-SOx) by cable bacteria creates a pH profile in
Grain size and chlorophyll a (Chla) content of the surface surface sediments which provides a characteristic geochemical
sediment (top 0.5 cm) were quantified from duplicate cores. signature (Meysman et al., 2015). Specifically, the cathodic
Sediment grain size was measured by laser diffraction using a oxygen reduction consumes protons, creating a pH maximum in
Malvern Mastersizer 2000. Pigments were extracted with 90% the oxic zone (i.e., O2 + 4e + 4H+ H2 O). Deeper in the
(v/v) acetone from lyophilized sediment fractions, which were sediment, protons released through the anodic sulfur oxidation
mechanically disrupted with 1 mm beads and a BeadBeater for creates a broad pH minimum near the sulfide horizon (H2 S +
20 s and kept cooled with dry ice. Extracted Chla concentration 4H2 O SO2 +
4 + 8e + 10H ). The spatial decoupling of these
was then measured by high performance liquid chromatography two redox half-reactions involved in e-SOx is sustained by a
(Dionex). transport of electrons within the sediment from deeper sulfidic
To better characterize the sediment deposition regime at the layers to the oxic zone. Although the cycling of the electrons
different sites investigated, we subjected a subset of longer cores itself cannot be directly measured, the disappearance/appearance
to core scanning and 210 Pb analyses. The activity of 210 Pb was of reagents/reaction products in the pore water due to the half-
determined from a sediment core collected from the Oyster Reef reactions can be quantified.
Edge (Site 3) and the bioturbated sandy sediment inshore of the The current density (Je ) associated with this electron
bivalve reefs in May 2013 (Site 4b). After splitting the core liners, transport (i.e., the electrical current per unit of sediment area)
high-resolution color images of the sediments were made with a can be estimated in a number of ways from the stoichiometry
scanning camera mounted on an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core of the e-SOx process. Here we calculated current density using

Frontiers in Marine Science | 5 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

two different methods. First, we calculated a minimum current Consequently, in the oxic zone and suboxic zone, the production
density estimate using an alkalinity balance method, as described and consumption estimates of charged porewater solutes should
previously (Nielsen et al., 2010; Malkin et al., 2014). Cathodic account for the transport via ionic drift in addition to molecular
proton consumption associated with e-SOx was calculated as the diffusion.
sum of the upward and downward alkalinity fluxes away from the As ionic drift is an advective term, the effects of the electric
shallow subsurface pH maximum: field on porewater ion distribution cannot be computed using
the PROFILE software (which does not account for advective
Je = JTA JTA (1) terms in the underlying diagenetic Equation; Berg et al., 1998).
Specifically, e-SOx drives an upward transport of cations (e.g.,
This expression assumes that all alkalinity generation is due to Ca2+ , Fe2+ , Mn2+ , and NH+ 4 ) and so ignoring the effect of ionic
e-SOx and the consumption of one proton accompanies the drift may lead to an underestimation of their production rates.
removal of one electron, following the stoichiometry of Equation Electrogenic sulfur oxidation also drives a downward transport
1. Alkalinity fluxes were calculated as described in detail in of anions (e.g., SO2
4 , HCO3 ), potentially leading to a substantial
Malkin et al. (2014) and Rao et al. (2014). These expressions overestimate of their production rates (Risgaard-Petersen et al.,
assume that electrons are transferred to oxygen, though in reality 2012, 2014). Accordingly, in this study, all fluxes of ions were
a smaller proportion may be transferred to nitrate, which would first calculated using PROFILE, and then suitably corrected for
result in a somewhat lower current density (Marzocchi et al., ionic drift. To implement this correction, we calculated fluxes
2014; see also Discussion). according to the Nernst-Planck Equation, which accounts for the
Secondly, we calculated current density from the sulfate combined effect of molecular diffusion and ionic drift:
production associated with anodic sulfide oxidation by  
quantifying the sulfate production (RSO2 ) over the suboxic dC F
4 J = Ds + zC E (3)
zone (see Appendix 1 for details and underlying assumptions). dz RT
Z Here, J is the flux of a solute, is sediment porosity, Ds is
Je = 8 R 2 (x)dx (2) the tortuosity-corrected diffusion coefficient, and dC/dz is the
suboxic SO4
zone concentration gradient (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Damgaard
et al., 2014). The second term within the parentheses describes
The stoichiometry of the anodic reaction shows that 8 moles of the ionic drift induced by e-SOx, where z is the charge of the
electrons are generated for each mole of sulfate that appears in ion of interest (where a positive charge drives a drift toward
the pore water. The resulting current density is expressed as an the oxic zone, and a negative charge drives a drift toward the
electron flux (mol e m2 s1 ) and subsequently converted to sulfidic zone), C is the concentration of the ion (taken as the
mA m2 using the conversion 1 mA = 1.036 108 mol e mean over the top 1.5 cm), F is the Faraday constant (96485.34
s1 . In principle, both methods (cathode-based alkalinity balance C mol1 ), R is the universal gas constant (8.31 J K1 mol1 ), T
and anode-based sulfate balance) should yield the same current is absolute temperature (K), and E is the electrical field generated
density, as no electrons accumulate in the sediment. by the e-SOx. The electrical field was calculated as the quotient of
Solute Fluxes and Production Rate the current density (as estimated above) divided by the effective
sediment conductivity (sed ), i.e., E = Je / sed . The sediment
Estimations conductivity was further calculated as sed = / 2 PW , where
The apparent production and consumption rates of porewater PW is the conductivity in the porewater, which was calculated as
solutes (SO2 2+
4 , Ca , Fed , Mnd , DIC) were estimated from a function of local salinity and temperature using the R package
concentration depth profiles of the muddy bivalve reef sediments marelac (Soetaert et al., 2012). The ionic drift term was calculated
(Sites 13). The software program PROFILE was used, which for each ionic porewater constituent, and these were added to
enables a robust estimate of fluxes and production rates in the diffusive fluxes derived from PROFILE, to finally arrive at the
sediments where molecular diffusion and bio-irrigation are the effective fluxes at the upper and lower boundaries of the suboxic
dominant transport processes (Berg et al., 1998). Upper and zone.
lower concentration boundary conditions were set to observed
concentrations in the overlying water and at the bottom of the Statistics
modeled zone (6.5 or 7.5 cm depth), respectively. Biodiffusion Geochemical rates were compared across sites with ANOVAs,
and non-local bioirrigation were assumed negligible. Molecular followed by post-hoc Tukey tests, using a significance cut-off of
diffusion coefficients for each solute were obtained from the R 0.05. DOU was additionally compared between dates (within
package marelac and corrected for tortuosity, following the same sites) with a Student t-test. All statistics were performed with in
procedure as for oxygen. the software environment R using the standard statistics package.
In the presence of cable bacteria, the distribution of ions
is additionally affected by ionic drift associated with e-SOx RESULTS
(Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012). That is, the electrical currents
induced by cable bacteria generates an electrical field over the Sediment Deposition and Granulometry
zone where cable bacteria are active. This electrical field drives a At the intertidal bivalve reef sites, evidence of large burrowing
countercurrent of ions in the interstitial waters of the sediment infauna, such as fecal casts of the lugworm Arenicola marina,
known as ionic drift (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012, 2014). were not observed (Figure 1). Furthermore, at the time of

Frontiers in Marine Science | 6 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

TABLE 1 | Characteristics of sediment obtained from study sites.

Location (description) Sand (%) Silt + Clay (%) Solid phase density Surface Surface Chla (g g1 Chla (g g1
(g cm3 ) porosity (Jun) porosity (Sep) sed) (Jun) sed) (Sep)

Site 1 (Mussel reef) 20.2 80.0 5.5 2.44 0.58 0.68 36 87

Site 2 (Oyster reef center) 42.2 58.0 4.5 2.30 0.71 0.69 200 177
Site 3 (Oyster reef edge) 20.3 79.9 5.6 2.33 0.86 0.85 766 198
Site 4 (Sandy, bioturbated) 88.3 11.7 2.4 2.57 0.40 0.38 7 3

Grain size distribution, porosity, and chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations were analyzed in the uppermost 0.5 cm sediment. Chlorophyll a concentration and porosity were measured
during both sampling campaigns, while grain size distribution was determined during September sampling only. Median grain size is indicated by the symbol.

sampling, a sulfur oxidizing bacterial mat (e.g., Beggiatoa),

which can sometimes be seen on top of organic rich sediments,
was not observed at any site. The near absence of Beggiatoa-
like filaments was confirmed by microscopy. Sediment surface
chlorophyll concentrations were between 36 and 87 g Chla
g1 DW at the mussel site (Site 1), and 766 and 198 g Chla
g1 DW at the oyster reef edge site (Site 3) (Table 1). The
sandy permeable sediment inshore of the bivalve reefs (Site 4),
by contrast, supported an abundance of infauna with Arenicola
marina density estimated at 50 m2 (survey of fecal casts at low
tide). Numerous red burrow linings from Heteromastis filifomis
were also visible in this sediment in June (Figure 1). Chla
concentrations were lower here than the bivalve reef sediments,
with concentrations of 7 and 3 g Chla g1 DW in June and
September, respectively (Table 1).
Sediment collected from the bivalve reefs (Sites 13) was FIGURE 2 | Sediment porosity at the four study sites on and near the
bivalve reefs, shown for samples collected in June and September. Site
predominantly composed of silt and clay sized particles, but all names as before.
exhibited high variability in downcore organic matter content
and porosity, highlighting a dynamic deposition regime (Table 1,
Figure 2). Below a light colored surface sediment layer (0.5 In addition to 210 Pb at the oyster reef, the 7 Be activity in
1.5 cm), the sediment was dark brown-black (Figure 1) and the surface sediment was measured at the mussel reef (Site
median grain size varied between 21 m ( = 5.6) and 44 1). 7 Be activity decreased from 42 Bq kg1 sediment at the
m ( = 4.5). Downcore porosity was also highly variable, surface to 2 Bq kg1 by 1.01.5 cm depth, but increased again
ranging between 0.78 and 0.42 across all cores, highlighting a to higher values below (up to 29 Bq kg1 at 1.52.0 cm;
variable and episodic sediment deposition and erosion history. Figure 3C), with a depth-integrated inventory of 7 Be was 168
The sediment cores retrieved from the oyster reef edge (Site 3; Bq m2 . Such a high inventory indicates a recent deposition
67 cm long) consisted of muddy sediment in the upper 45 cm of fresh material. We interpret the subsurface minimum in 7 Be
with fine irregularly spaced laminae (218 mm; Figure 3A). activity as the deposition of a resuspended sand layer in between
Such laminations indicate that sediment mixing by infauna is two biodeposited muddy layers, signifying a highly dynamic
negligible (La Croix et al., 2015). Sedimentation rate estimated sedimentation history. To calculate the sedimentation rate, we
by 210 Pb analysis was 13.8 cm yr1 in the uppermost 45 cm excluded the data points of the intermediate sand layer, which
of sediment, suggesting that the laminated sediment represents resulted in the relationship: A(z) = 32.6 exp[0.113] z; with
deposition between the years 2010 and 2013. r2 = 0.94, yielding a sedimentation velocity estimate of 6.7 cm
At the sandy site inshore of the bivalve reefs (Site 4), the yr1 . Therefore, similar to the oyster site, the mussel reef site
sediment was mostly composed of fine and medium grained shows a high sedimentation velocity.
sand. Median grain size was 191 m ( = 2.4) and downcore
porosity varied only slightly, between 0.35 and 0.41 (Table 1). Carbon Cycling and Organic Matter
The sediment core from the sandy site (Site 4b; 38 cm long) Diagenesis
consisted of relatively homogeneous sediment in the upper 20 Sediment cores from the bivalve reefs generally had a high
cm, with vertical burrows visible in X-ray images, consistent with organic matter content, with Corg values between 0.4 and 4.4%
strong sediment mixing by the bioturbating infauna observed (Figure 4). The bivalve reefs were also rich in calcium carbonate
at this site (Figure 3B). Below this sandy unit, a shell layer was (CaCO3 ) content with values between 11.1 and 17.0% CaCO3
present. Accounting for a mixed depth layer of 20 cm resulting at the sediment surface, declining to 6.19.7% at 7.5 cm depth
from bioturbation, the average sedimentation rate was 0.29 cm (Figure 4). Relative to the bivalve reef sediments, the sandy
yr1 based on the 210 Pb profile. sediment at Site 4 had a low Corg content (mean 0.10 and 0.18

Frontiers in Marine Science | 7 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

FIGURE 3 | Activity of 7 Be in surface sediment retrieved from the mussel reef (Site 1) (A). The two low values correspond to higher sand deposition rates. An
exponential decline of best fit is shown and yields an estimate of sediment accumulation rate of 6.7 cm yr1 . Depth profiles of excess 210 Pb (top), light photograph
(bottom left), and x-ray fluorescence core scanning images (bottom right), at the oyster reef edge (Site 3; panel B). Excess 210 Pb is plotted against cumulative mass
depth (CMD; g cm2 ) to estimate the sediment accumulation rate. The oyster reef core is 67 cm and is distinctly laminated in the upper 40 cm (B). Sediment
accumulation rate is estimated at 13.8 cm yr1 between 2010 and 2013. The same variables are shown for a permeable sand located inshore of the reefs (Site 4b;
panel C). The permeable sand core is 38 cm (B) and appears well mixed by diffusive mixing in upper 20 cm, which prevents determination of sediment accumulation
rate in this zone. Sediment accumulation rate below the zone of intensive mixing is estimated at 0.3 cm yr1 .

%, in June and September, respectively) and low CaCO3 (range: sediments. NH+4 concentrations at the sandy site were also lower,
0.952.1%), with no apparent increase toward the sediment ranging between 0.24 and 0.35 mM.
surface. The depth distribution of DIC concentration in the bivalve
Porewater DIC and NH+ 4 concentrations at the bivalve reefs reef sediments (Sites 13), typically followed a sigmoidal curve
(Sites 13) increased rapidly with depth. For example, in June, with an inflection point near or below the depth of the pH
DIC concentrations at the Oyster Reef Edge (Site 3) increased minimum, indicating an apparent DIC consumption in the upper
from 2.6 mM in the overlying water to 30.3 mM by 6 cm 3 cm, and a net DIC production at deeper depths, as expected
depth while NH+ 4 concentrations increased from 0.05 mM in from organic matter mineralization (Figure 4). The maximum
the overlying water to 3.5 mM (Figure 4). By contrast, porewater DIC production rates at depth varied between 305 2 mol
DIC at the sandy site (Site 4) remained below 4.1 mM at all depths L1 d1 (mussel reef site in June) and 2507 373 mol
in both seasons, and was usually lower than in the bivalve reefs L1 d1 (oyster reef edge site, September). Together with the

Frontiers in Marine Science | 8 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

FIGURE 4 | Characteristics associated with sediment diagenesis at the four study sites. Sediment samples were collected in June (AC) and September
(DG). NH4 concentrations were not available for Site 4 (sandy permeable sediment) in June, and CaCO3 was estimated only in September.

depth profiles of NH4+, and O2 (detailed below), these data are and September, respectively. The filament density observed in the
indicative of very high respiration rates on intertidal bivalve reefs. uppermost 0.5 cm represented between 59 and 93% of the total
areal density. The deepest filaments were observed at the Oyster
Cable Bacteria Density Reef Edge (Site 3) in September, where the sulfide appearance
Cable bacteria were detected by FISH in all sediment samples depth was deepest. Based on average bacterial cell length of 3 m,
examined, with high densities of filaments observed in all cable bacteria cell density ranged between 6.0 108 and 9.5
bivalve reef sediments, and lower densities at the sandy site 108 cells cm3 . Using microbial cell densities of 4.4 109 cells
(Table 2) (Supplementary Material). Integrated through depth, cm3 typical of surface muddy sediment in the intertidal zones
the filament densities on the bivalve reefs (Sites 13) were 248 of the Wadden Sea (reviewed in Musat et al., 2006), densities
1038 m cm2 in June, and 59280 m cm2 in September. The of cable bacteria in the top 0.5 cm represent between 1.1 and
areal density at the sandy bioturbated sediment (Site 4) was 21.7% of the total microbial community. This upper estimate is
near the threshold of our detection limits in June (<0.2 m similar to the estimated proportion of cable bacteria (25%) in the
cm2 ), but a higher density was observed in September (56 m microbial community of a laboratory incubation study (Schauer
cm2 ). In all cases, the filament density was greatest near the et al., 2014).
sediment surface and declined quickly with depth, with few
filaments observed below 1.5 cm in any core (Figures 6, 7). In Microsensor Profiles and Current Density
the uppermost sediment slice of the bivalve reef sites (02.5 mm), In all bivalve reef sediments examined, microsensor profiling
volumetric densities were 4522859 and 141791 m cm3 in June revealed a shallow oxygen penetration depth (OPD < 1 mm),

Frontiers in Marine Science | 9 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

which corresponded to high rates of diffusive oxygen uptake bioturbated site (Site 4), free sulfide was not detectable at any
(Table 3, Figures 5, 6). Among bivalve reefs sediments (Sites 1 depth (measured down to 35 mm) in June, but was observed by
3), the OPD was between 0.52 0.03 and 0.80 0.13 mm (mean 5.0 0.9 mm depth in September.
SD), in June and decreased to between 0.34 0.06 and 0.56 pH profiles retrieved from the bivalve reef sediments (Sites 1
0.12 mm in September. Diffusive oxygen uptake (DOU) rates 3) were variable between sites and dates, but within-site replicates
in bivalve reefs sediments were very high, with rates between were highly similar. In June, a pH maximum was observed in the
37.5 8.1 and 108 37 mmol m2 d1 in June and between oxic zone at the oyster reefs sites, indicative of cathodic oxygen
41.5 14.4 and 126 32 mmol m2 d1 in September. Oxygen consumption by e-SOx, reaching pH maxima of 8.18 0.16 and
penetration was deeper at the sandy site (Site 4: 1.67 0.23 mm 8.26 0.21, at Sites 2 and 3 respectively (Figure 5). Local pH
in June and 0.93 0.14 mm in September). Here, DOU values minima (range: 6.79 0.10 to 7.46 0.04) were observed at all
were an order of magnitude lower, ranging between 5.3 0.8 bivalve reef sites in June, in proximity to the sulfide appearance
and 9.4 2.4 mmol m2 d1 in both campaigns. DOU was depth. In September, pH minima were present between 0.5 and
significantly different between sites (ANOVA, F 3, 30 = 59.00, p < 2.0 cm depth in all cores retrieved from bivalve reefs (Figure 6).
0.001), and post-hoc tests identified that DOU was lowest at the At the mussel reef (Site 1) a pH maximum was observed in
bioturbated site (Site 4), highest at the oyster reef edge (Site 3), the oxic zone (8.32 0.21) declining to 6.26 0.23 in the
and not different between the mussel and oyster reef center sites suboxic zone and the shape of the profile was diagnostic of proton
(Sites 1 and 2) (Tukeys HSD, p < 0.001). DOU was significantly production by anodic sulfide oxidation by cable bacteria. At the
lower in June than in September at the mussel site (Site 1: t = oyster reef edge (Site 3), there was also a pH maximum in the
10.702, df = 7, p < 0.001) and at the sandy bioturbated site oxic zone (8.24 0.14), and a broad pH minimum (6.09 0.10)
(Site 4: t = 3.578, df = 6, p = 0.014). extending to more than 3 cm depth, and the sulfide appearance
Free sulfide profiles exhibited steep gradients in all cores from depth emerged within the pH minimum, again indicative of
the bivalve reefs (Sites 13; Figures 5, 6), with sulfide appearance anodic sulfide oxidation. At Site 2, there was no pH maximum in
depths ranging between 4.3 0.7 and 8.3 1.4 mm in June the oxic zone, but there was a broad pH minimum in the suboxic
and between 2.3 0.8 and 18.4 3.0 mm in September. At the zone, which was less acidic than at the other sites (6.73 0.10). At
the Sandy Site (Site 4), pH profiles were not available in June, due
to sensor breakage. In September, a pH maximum was observed
TABLE 2 | Density of cable bacteria filaments as determined by in the oxic zone (8.22 0.19), and a pH minimum was observed
microscopy using FISH probes during the two sampling campaigns. deeper in the sediment (pH 7.11 0.11). The pH minimum was
notably less acidic at the sandy site than at the bivalve bed sites.
Location (description) Filament density (m cm2 )
The pH maximum within the oxic zone suggests e-SOx by
June September cable bacteria. Cathodic oxygen reduction and minimum current
density were therefore calculated for sites where there was a
Site 1 (Mussel reef) 251 280
pH maximum in the oxic zone based on an alkalinity balance
Site 2 (Oyster reef center) 1038 59
(Table 3). Current density was also calculated using the sulfate
Site 3 (Oyster reef edge) 248 272
balance approach for Site 3 in September (27.0 mA m2 ) and
Site 4 (Sandy, bioturbated) 0.15 56 was found to be 49.7% higher than the value calculated by
Most of the filament density was concentrated near the sediment surface, which can be alkalinity balance (i.e., 40.5 mA m2 ). This result is in line with
seen in Figures 5, 6. current density calculations at other coastal sites in the North

TABLE 3 | Oxygen penetration depths (OPD), diffusive oxygen uptake (DOU) rates, pH profile parameters, current density (Je ), and electric field (E),
measured at the four sampling sites during two sampling campaigns (June and September).

Month Site OPD (mm) DOU (mmol pH pH Je (mA m2 ) Je (mA m2 ) E (mV m1 )

m2 d1 ) maximum minimum (alkalinity balance (sulfate balance
(cathodic) (anodic) method) method)

Jun Mussel reef (Site 1) 0.80 (0.13) 16.8 (1.9) no max 7.49 (0.07) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0)
Oyster, center (Site 2) 0.65 (0.13) 37.5 (8.1) 8.16 (0.17) 7.00 (0.14) 12.6 (6.6) 18.9 (9.8) 14.0 (7.3)
Oyster, edge (Site 3) 0.52 (0.03) 107.8 (36.6) 8.24 (0.22) 6.94 (0.07) 22.9 (12.7) 34.3 (19.1) 17.5 (9.7)
Sandy (Site 4) 1.67 (0.23) 5.3 (0.8) NA NA

Sep Mussel reef (Site 1) 0.46 (0.07) 48.9 (6.8) 8.32 (0.21) 6.26 (0.06) 13.4 (6.1) 20.1 (9.2) 20.6 (9.4)
Oyster, center (Site 2) 0.56 (0.12) 41.5 (14.4) 8.05 (0.05) 6.73 (0.07) 1.8 (4.1) 2.7 (6.1) 2.4 (5.5)
Oyster, edge (Site 3) 0.34 (0.06) 126.3 (31.5) 8.20 (0.15) 6.10 (0.12) 27.0 (6.8) 40.5 (10.2 18.4 (4.6)
Sandy (Site 4) 0.93 (0.14) 9.4 (2.4) 8.16 (0.16) 7.09 (0.06) 3.7 (2.9) 5.5 (4.3) 11.8 (9.3)

A minimum current density estimate is given, based on an alkalinity balance method. This is likely a substantial underestimate, so a scaled current density estimate based on an anodic
sulfate balance is also given (see Results for details). Values are reported as mean (SD).

Frontiers in Marine Science | 10 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

FIGURE 5 | Geochemical and microbiology data collected during June campaign from (A) the mussel reef (Site 1), (B) the oyster reef center (Site 2), (C) the
oyster reef edge (Site 3), and (D) the bioturbated sandy sediment (Site 4). Sediment samples were analyzed for cable bacteria density using DNA specific fluorescent
probes, microsensor profiles (O2 , pH, H2 S), and analysis of extracted porewater for sulfate concentration. DSB: Desulfobulbaceae filament density. Triplicates cores
were profiled for O2 , pH, and H2 S. For these microsensor profiles, the mean is shown with horizontal error bars for standard deviation. pH is shown in black and
6H2 S is shown in blue. Two of the cores were selected at random for slicing and porewater extraction. Sulfate data from both replicate cores are shown (filled and
open symbols).

Sea, where the alkalinity balance method has also been shown values for Je : the value obtained by alkalinity balance method,
to substantially underestimate the current density (Risgaard- which we consider a minimum estimate, and a corrected value,
Petersen et al., 2015; Vasquez-Cardenas et al., 2015; van de Velde in which we have assumed that the underestimation at Site 3 is
et al., 2016). Since previously published values of the current also representative for Sites 1 and 2, and have scaled the values
density are based on the alkalinity balance method, this suggests accordingly. Only the latter corrected values will be further used
that cable bacteria activity could be underestimated at the sites in the discussion. Current density (Je ) ranged from 2.7 6.1
previously investigated. Because of the uncertainty, we report two mA m2 at the Oyster Reef Center (Site 2) in September, up

Frontiers in Marine Science | 11 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

FIGURE 6 | Geochemical and microbiology data collected during September campaign. As before, samples were collected from (A) the mussel reef (Site 1),
(B) the oyster reef center (Site 2), (C) the oyster reef edge (Site 3), and (D) the bioturbated sandy sediment (Site 4). Sediment cores were analyzed for cable bacteria
density (DSB), microsensor profiles (O2 , pH, H2 S), and porewater was extracted for analysis of SO2 2+ 2+
4 , Ca , Fe , Mn
2+,4+ . Oxygen is shown on its own depth

axis. For microsensor profiles, the mean is shown with horizontal error bars for standard deviation, where pH is in black and 6H2 S is in blue. Note the change of scale
for metal cations at the sandy site (Site 4).

to 40.5 10.2 mA m2 at the Oyster Reef Edge (Site 3), also and fluxes (corrected for ionic drift) were directed upward
in September. Cathodic oxygen reduction (COR) was strongly toward the oxic zone in all sediment cores measured. In all cases,
positively correlated with DOU (Pearson correlation, r = 0.988, fluxes were highest at the oyster reef edge (Site 3) and lowest at the
n = 5), and could be described by the linear relationship: COR = oyster reef center (Site 2; Table 4). In the bivalve reef sediments,
0.0605 DOU + 1.299 (R2 = 0.976); where DOU and COR are concentrations of Ca2+ in the overlying water were 9.59.8 mM
expressed as mmol O2 m2 d1 . and increased to maxima of 16.4, 12.2, and 30.4 mM within
the suboxic zones at Sites 13, respectively (Figure 6). ANOVA
Porewater Geochemistry Profiles and Net testing revealed porewater Ca2+ were significantly different
Production Rates between sites (F = 20.3; df = 3,3; p = 0.017), and post-hoc Tukeys
In the sediment cores examined in September, porewater Ca2+ , test identified that the oyster reef edge had significantly higher
total dissolved iron (Fed ), and total dissolved manganese (Mnd ) porewater Ca2+ concentrations than the other sites. Volumetric
exhibited a strong accumulation in the suboxic zone (Figure 6) Ca2+ production rates in the suboxic zone were 126 982 mmol

Frontiers in Marine Science | 12 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

TABLE 4 | Porewater production rate estimates and porewater fluxes extracted from concentration profiles measured in September.

Solute Variable Mussel reef (Site 1) Oyster reef center (Site 2) Oyster reef edge (Site 3)

Ca2+ Production in suboxic zone 370.2 (79.1) 126.0 (40.3) 981.5 (17.1)
Total flux to oxic zone 6.4 (1.3) 2.5 (0.6) 29.3 (5.7)
Ionic drift 0.3 (0.1) 0.0 (0.1) 1.0 (0.2)
Ionic drift as % total flux 5.3% 1.4% 3.5%

Fed Production in suboxic zone 13.4 (5.7) 10.5 (9.1) 156.6 (119.0)
Total flux to oxic zone 1.4 (0.5) 0.7 (0.3) 5.0 (0.9)
Ionic drift 0.0 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) 0.1 (0.0)
Ionic drift as % total flux 1.3% 0.1% 0.9%

Mnd Production in suboxic zone 47.5 (7.4) 19.3 (8.1) 36.2 (17.7)
Total flux to oxic zone 0.4 (0.09) 0.1 (0.04) 0.4 (0.16)
Ionic drift component 0.003 (0.001) 0.000 (0.000) 0.005 (0.001)
Ionic drift as % total flux 0.6% 0.1% 1.1%

4 Production in suboxic zone 54.1 48.0 (11.5) 207.7 (131.0)
Total flux to oxic zone 1.1 1.8 (0.2) 4.9 (4.9)
Ionic drift 0.7 NA 1.5 (0.4)
Ionic drift as % total flux 39% NA 23%

Production rates in the suboxic zones are volumetric, expressed in mmol m3 d1 , with positive values indicating net production. For each solute, the fluxes directed upward toward
the oxic-anoxic boundary, due to the combined effect of the concentration gradient and the ionic drift associated with the electric field are shown (Total flux to oxic zone; mmol m2
d1 ), the flux component due to ionic drift component alone (mmol m2 d1 ), and the percentage of the flux attributed due to the ionic drift component are also given. Fluxes directed
into the sediment are positive. One replicate only is reported for sulfate production and flux at the mussel reef (Site 1). Values are reported as mean (SD).

m3 d1 , and were found to be significantly different between bivalve reef sites (Table 4). Fluxes of dissolved iron were between
sites (ANOVA; F = 26.43; df = 2,3; p = 0.0124). The production 0.7 and 5.0 mmol m2 d1 , though differences between sites
of Ca2+ was particularly notable at the oyster reef edge (Site 3), were not significantly different. Ionic drift had only a minor effect
where a broad peak was observed to span the entire measured on the flux, responsible for enhancing the flux by up to 1.3%. At
zone. Ca2+ fluxes were between 2.5 and 29.3 mmol m2 d1 the sandy bioturbated Site 4, porewater Fed concentrations were
(where the negative sign indicates fluxes directed toward the oxic close to detection limits at all depths, but with a detectable peak
zone), and were significantly different between sites (ANOVA; of 5.3 M observed at 0.75 cm depth.
F = 33.69; df = 2,3; p = 0.0088), with a significantly higher flux Mnd concentration profiles in bivalve reef sediments indicated
at the oyster reef edge (Site 3; Tukey post-hoc test). The ionic drift high rates of production in the suboxic zone. The subsurface
acted to enhance the flux toward the oxic zone by up to 5.3%. peak in Mnd was generally broader and extended to greater
The sandy bioturbated sediment (Site 4) exhibited a weak Ca2+ depths than Fed (Figure 6). Dissolved manganese concentrations
maximum in the suboxic zone, reaching 11.0 mM, coinciding reached 0.197, 0.043, and 0.180 mM at Sites 13, respectively.
with the presence of cable bacteria. These maximum concentrations were significantly different
Fed concentration profiles in bivalve reef sediments also between sites (ANOVA, F = 34.67; df = 3,3; p = 0.0079), with
indicated strong accumulation within the suboxic zone significantly higher concentrations at the oyster edge (Site 3)
(Figure 6), while Fed concentrations were below detection in and the mussel bed (Site 1), based on Tukey post-hoc test. The
the overlying water. Maximum Fed concentrations were located depth-integrated production rates were 19.336.2 mmol m3
within the suboxic zone with concentrations of 0.57, 0.21, and d1 , though differences were not significant between sites. Fluxes
1.0 mM at Sites 13, respectively. As with all the solutes, the were between 0.1 and 0.4 mmol m2 d1 and again the
oyster reef edge site (Site 3) had the highest solute concentrations ionic drift enhanced the flux toward the oxic zone by only a
and highest estimated production rates. The concentrations were marginal amount (up to 1.1%). At the sandy site (Site 4), Mnd
significantly different between sites (ANOVA, F = 11.27; df = concentrations were low and exhibited a maximum of 7.8 M at
3,3; p = 0.039), with the oyster edge (Site 3) and the mussel bed 0.75 cm.
(Site 1) have significantly higher maximum concentrations than Porewater sulfate was measured during June and September
the other sites (Tukeys test). At this site, the two replicate cores campaigns. In June, sulfate declined from overlying water
exhibited similar profile shapes, but with different depth offsets, concentrations of about 25 mM to mean concentrations of 17.4,
likely indicating gravity-driven lateral transport associated with 15.9, and 4.4 mM, by 7.5 cm at Sites 13, respectively (Figure 6).
an ebbing tide. The estimated volumetric production rates were During this month, net sulfate production in the suboxic zone
10.5157 mmol m3 d1 in the suboxic zone across the three was not detected. In September, net sulfate production was

Frontiers in Marine Science | 13 February 2017 | Volume 4 | Article 28

Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

estimated in the upper sediment layer at the oyster reef edge (Site maximum density of 2.8 km cm3 ) and depth-integrated
3), with mean production rates of 208 mmol m3 d1 . Sulfate flux filament densities between 59 and 1038 m cm2 (median: 262 m
was directed toward the oxic zone with a net flux of 4.9 mmol cm2 ). Our densities of cable bacteria filaments are similar or
m2 d1 . The effect of ionic drift by e-SOx on anions is to direct higher than those recently reported as in situ densities from
ions into the anoxic sediment. Ionic drift was 1.5 mmol m2 organic-rich coastal sediments (402480 m cm2 reported in
d1 , representing a decrease of 23% of the total flux. Net sulfate Seitaj et al., 2015; 166352 m cm2 reported in van de Velde
production was also detected in one of the two cores collected et al., 2016; 77 m cm2 reported in Burdorf et al., 2016). Similarly
from the mussel reef (Site 1), with a net production of 54 mmol high (or higher) depth-integrated densities have been observed
m3 d1 . Sulfate flux estimates were 1.1 mmol m2 d1 and in laboratory incubations of sediment retrieved from organic
ionic drift was 0.7 mmol m2 d1 , which countered the total flux carbon and iron sulfide-rich coastal sediments (e.g., 2380 m
by up to 39%. No net production was detected at the oyster reef cm2 reported in Schauer et al., 2014; and 10951131 m cm2
center (Site 2), and the net flux of sulfate was directed into the reported in Vasquez-Cardenas et al., 2015). Somewhat lower
anoxic sediment at 1.8 mmol m2 d1 . At the sandy site (Site 4), depth-integrated densities have been reported from a freshwater
sulfate declined to 20.9 mM by 5.5 cm in June, but there was no streambank (40 m cm2 , Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2015). It is
apparent decline observed in September. noteworthy that even within a single site (e.g., oyster reef center;
Site 2), the density of cable bacteria varied by more than an order
of magnitude between the two sampling campaigns (Table 2).
DISCUSSION This observation reinforces that a better understanding of the
factors regulating the population density of these bacteria is
Cable Bacteria Thrive in Muddy Sediments needed. The energy requirements of cable bacteria are thought to
on Bivalve Reef be fuelled in two ways: by sulfide generated from microbial sulfate
Intertidal bivalve reef sediments are a highly dynamic reduction within and below the suboxic sediment zone (which is
environment, characterized by large daily and seasonal a function of labile carbon content), and from FeS dissolution
oscillations in sediment deposition and erosional forces, and within the suboxic zone. The release of sulfide by these two
where sediment disturbance events occur frequently (Krncke, pathways likely sets an upper limit to the metabolic activity of
1996; Bergfeld, 1999; Aller, 2013). The sediments investigated in cable bacteria (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Meysman et al.,
this study were mature intertidal bivalve beds, with high rates 2015; Nielsen and Risgaard-Petersen, 2015), but other factors,
of sediment accumulation, enabling the development of muddy such as oxygen supply can additionally modulate cable bacteria
reefs with a high relief. Our 210 Pb dating on the oyster reef activity and growth under natural conditions (Malkin and
edge (Site 3) showed sediment accumulation rates of 13.8 cm Meysman, 2015).
yr1 over the preceding 3 years, and analysis of the short-lived
cosmogenic radionuclide 7 Be in mussel reef sediment revealed
a sediment accumulation rate of 6.7 cm yr1 (Site 1). These The Biogeochemical Fingerprint of Long
sedimentation velocities are high relative to subtidal depositional Distance Electron Transport
zones, but fit well within the expected range for bivalve reefs The geochemical fingerprint of electrogenic sulfur oxidation (e-
(i.e., between 5 and 20 cm yr1 ; ten Brinke et al., 1995). One of SOx) by cable bacteria, as defined in Nielsen et al. (2010), is
the consequences of high sediment accumulation on these reefs described by two redox half-reactions, spatially separated in
is a large input of organic matter leading to intense generation the sediment and connected by cable bacteria which act as
of free sulfide (often exceeding mM concentrations in the upper electron conductors. In the bivalve reef sediments, the presence
13 cm), leading to a diminished biomass and biodiversity of of high densities of cable bacteria co-occurred with a clear
infauna (Krncke, 1996; Bergfeld, 1999). X-ray imaging of the presence of the geochemical fingerprint of e-SOx. That is, in
core collected at the oyster reef edge (Site 3) revealed a highly cores where cable bacteria were found at high density, there was
laminated sediment composition confirming a negligible role also a pH maximum in the oxic zone, indicative of cathodic
for mixing by fauna in these sediments. Downcore profiles oxygen reduction, and a pH minimum near the depth where
of organic carbon (Corg ) and porosity additionally point to a sulfide first emerged, indicative of anodic sulfide oxidation.
highly dynamic depositional setting, with a highly heterogeneous There were some deviations in the microsensor profiles from
layering of muddy and sandy material. this canonical geochemical fingerprint, however, particularly in
This study reveals that cable bacteria can be highly successful June. In this month, the profiles of sulfide below 1 cm could
in bivalve reef sediments, demonstrating that these microbes not be ascribed to steady-state geochemical cycling, and instead
are capable of thriving in a dynamic environment that likely reflected a recent depositional event that had not yet
exhibits intense and episodic sediment accumulation. They reached a stable depth profile. Because of the episodic nature
were able colonize uppermost sediment layers despite rapid of sediment deposition, the porewater geochemistry in these
burial, potentially enabled by motility (Malkin and Meysman, sediments may frequently depart from steady-state conditions.
2015; Bjerg et al., 2016). Cable bacteria were observed in all Nevertheless, the geochemical signature of e-SOx activity by
sediment cores retrieved from the bivalve beds, and reached high cable bacteria was clearly evident in the uppermost centimeter of
biomass, with maximum volumetric densities in the uppermost sediment, where cable bacteria were observed at high abundance,
sediment layer (median of 521 m cm3 across all surface samples, suggesting rapid growth and a rapid recovery of activity following

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Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

disturbance. In contrast to June, microsensor profiles obtained oxidizing and sulfidic fronts can exceed centimeter distances
during the September campaign were highly similar to expected scales that are too large to be spanned by single cells operating
pH distributions of e-SOx by cable bacteria under undisturbed independently. Single celled sulfur oxidizing bacteria need both
sediment conditions (Nielsen et al., 2010; Schauer et al., 2014; the electron acceptors and electron donors to be present in the
Meysman et al., 2015). The differences we observed between same location. In the absence of physical mixing (which can re-
sites may reflect both differences in stages of cable bacteria supply solid phase iron oxides), sulfide removal over these spatial
development from early growth to senescence, in addition to scales requires bacteria that couple spatially separated oxic and
potential site to site differences in electron donor availability sulfidic zones. Before the discovery of cable bacteria, such distant
(Malkin et al., 2014; Schauer et al., 2014; Vasquez-Cardenas et al., redox coupling was thought to be solely carried out by Beggiatoa,
2015; Rao et al., 2016). and other related large nitrate storing bacteria with motility
(Jrgensen and Nelson, 2004). The electron transport mediated
Electrical Currents in Bivalve Reef by cable bacteria provides an alternative mechanism to couple
redox reactions across centimeter scales. Our study demonstrates
Sediments that in addition to Beggiatoa, cable bacteria need to also be
The current density Je associated with the electron transport
considered as important sulfur oxidizers in sulfide-generating
by cable bacteria (i.e., the electrical current per unit of sediment
coastal sediments.
area) can be estimated in a number of ways based on the
Laboratory studies have previously shown that e-SOx is
stoichiometry of the e-SOx process. Specifically, (1) the proton
associated with intense acid generation (via anodic reactions) that
consumption in cathodic oxygen consumption can be calculated
consequently drive calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) and iron sulfide
by an alkalinity balance over the oxic zone (Nielsen et al.,
(FeS) dissolution in the anodic zone, leading to mobilization
2010; Malkin et al., 2014); (2) the O2 consumption due to
and accumulation of Ca2+ and Fe2+ in the porewater (Risgaard-
cathodic reduction can be estimated by measuring the change
Petersen et al., 2012; Rao et al., 2016). Our observations here
in O2 consumption before and after inhibiting e-SOx (Vasquez-
confirm that strong dissolution of FeS and CaCO3 is observed
Cardenas et al., 2015); or (3) net production of calcium, iron,
in bivalve reef sediments, consistent with predicted activity of
or sulfate due to anodic sulfide oxidation can be calculated by a
anodic acid generation by cable bacteria. High densities of cable
substrate balance over the suboxic zone (Risgaard-Petersen et al.,
bacteria were always associated with a zone of sulfide removal
with a suboxic zone that varied between 2 and 18 mm. pH
To estimate the e-SOx activity of cable bacteria in these
minima were observed in the suboxic zone (e.g., between 6.73
sediments, we first applied an alkalinity balance approach,
and 6.10 in September), illustrating the acidification of the pore
following the methods of Nielsen et al. (2010) and Malkin et al.
water. The most acidic porewaters were found at the sites where
(2014), and then scaled these rates to those obtained by net sulfate
the greatest density of cable bacteria were found. The pH minima
production. Current density on the bivalve reefs was up to 40.5
were associated with peaks in Ca2+ and Fed , with the greatest
mA m2 , which is similar to the minimum estimates previously
accumulations of these cations were consistently found in the
reported in Malkin et al. (2014) from coastal sediments (4.6
sediments with highest acidity in the suboxic zone [i.e., in
29.9 mA m2 ), using the cathodic alkalinity balance approach.
September, highest at the oyster reef edge (Site 3), and lowest at
However, these rates are lower than those obtained in previous
the oyster reef center (Site 2)]. Maximum fluxes of Ca2+ (RCa =
incubation studies: 232 mA m2 reported in Vasquez-Cardenas
29.3 mmol m2 d1 ; measured at Site 3) are similar to those
et al. (2015) and 89 mA m2 reported in Rao et al. (2016), both
observed in studies that have incubated coastal sediment with
of which estimated current density from changes in sedimentary
cable bacteria (i.e., 26 mmol m2 d1 in Risgaard-Petersen
oxygen uptake during growth of cable bacteria. In an incubation
et al., 2012; and 71.5 mmol m2 d1 Rao et al., 2016), and
experiment using coastal sediments from Denmark, the current
greater than a recent field study in coastal sediments with cable
density was measured more directly using newly developed
bacteria (15.2 mmol m2 d1 in van de Velde et al., 2016).
electric field sensors (95 mA m2 ; Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012).
Likewise, maximum fluxes of Fed (RFe = 5.0 mmol m2 d1 )
Such sensors are now enabling measurement of electrogenic
are similar to those observed in studies that have incubated
activity as electric potential (Damgaard et al., 2014; Risgaard-
coastal sediment with cable bacteria (i.e., 4 mmol m2 d1
Petersen et al., 2014), which will help resolve variability and
in Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; and 2.2 mmol m2 d1 Rao
drivers of differences in current density across systems, but were
et al., 2016) and greater than a field study in coastal sediments
not part of the current study.
with cable bacteria (1.0 mmol m2 d1 in van de Velde et al.,
Cable Bacteria Influence Porewater In addition to the mobilization of Ca2+ and Fed , porewater,
Geochemistry Mnd also accumulated in the anodic sediment zones. This has
In time series experiments, it has been shown that cable also been observed in a recent laboratory incubation experiment
bacteria grow downward in a sediment from the oxic zone, thus (Rao et al., 2016), and in a hypoxic basin supporting high
progressively clearing a zone of sulfide, and increasing the depth densities of cable bacteria (Sulu-Gambari et al., 2016). The
of the suboxic zone (Nielsen et al., 2010; Schauer et al., 2014; Rao maximum flux estimated in this study was 0.4 mmol m2 d1
et al., 2016). This sulfide removal cannot be explained by single which is higher than the maximum flux estimated by Rao et al.
celled sulfur oxidizing bacteria because the spatial separation of (2016) (RMn = 0.03 mmol m2 d1 ), but similar to a recent

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Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

field study in coastal sediments with cable bacteria (RMn = 0.22 Two-Way Interactions between Bivalves
mmol m2 d1 ; van de Velde et al., 2016). The provenance of and Cable Bacteria
this dissolved manganese is not certain, but it has recently been Overall, cable bacteria exert a decisive control on the sediment
proposed that acid generation may liberate soluble Mn from the geochemistry of coastal bivalve beds, and we hypothesize this
surfaces of FeS and/or CaCO3 , where this metal is commonly could facilitate mutually beneficial interactions between the
adsorbed within coastal sediments (Rao et al., 2016). The depth bacteria and the macrofauna (Figure 7). First, reef building
profiles of Mnd seen here are consistent with this hypothesis. bivalves enrich their local environment with organic rich
Previous laboratory work demonstrated that sulfide oxidation sediment, promoting an environment with high rates of sulfate
by cable bacteria was associated with large net sulfate generation, reduction. Such highly reducing sediments provide the electrons
and that sulfate regeneration associated with cable bacteria necessary to fuel rapid and dense growth of cable bacteria.
may be important for stimulating sulfate reduction (Risgaard- Cable bacteria, in return, efficiently remove sulfide from the
Petersen et al., 2015). At the bivalve reefs in June, net sulfate sediment surface, preventing the diffusive efflux of this toxic
production within the anodic zone was not observed. At this compound from the sediment during periods of inundation. In
time, the geochemical legacy of a recent depositional event was the bivalve reefs studied here, cable bacteria may be responsible
still apparent and cable bacteria re-growth was likely occurring. for a majority of the sulfide removal, though a full accounting
Thus, a clear development of net sulfate production may take will require additional measurements of competing chemical
a longer time to develop than, for example, evidence of Fed sulfide oxidation reactions, which was not possible to calculate
or Ca2+ production. In September, net sulfate production in with the data collected here. Although the gills of some bivalves
the anodic zone was revealed at the oyster reef edge (Site 3), support communities of sulfide oxidizing bacteria or are capable
where the greatest density of cable bacteria was observed and of mitochondrial sulfide oxidation (Doeller et al., 2001; Duperron
signals of e-SOx were highest. The flux of sulfate here was et al., 2013), this is not known to occur in Blue Mussels and
directed toward the oxic zone at 4.9 mmol m2 d1 , which Pacific Oysters, which appear to rely on external microbial sulfide
is somewhat lower than net maximum sulfate production rates oxidation to prevent diffusive uptake of sulfide across the gill
of 7.3 mmol m2 d1 (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012) and surface. High densities of cable bacteria may thereby be critical
10.3 mmol m2 d1 (Rao et al., 2016) previously observed in in sediment detoxification for bivalve reef sustainability.
laboratory studies, but larger than a previous field study coastal A second mechanism by which bivalve reefs and cable
sediments with cable bacteria (3.6 mmol m2 d1 ; van de Velde bacteria may interact involves carbonate cycling. Bivalve reefs
et al., 2016). are major sites for CaCO3 sequestration in temperate coastal
Cable bacteria also have the capability of using nitrate and oceans (Waldbusser et al., 2013). Cable bacteria, through their
nitrite as electron acceptors rather than oxygen (Marzocchi
et al., 2014; Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2014). Although pore
water nitrate/nitrite depth profiles were not recorded, nitrate
and nitrite are likely not of major importance in the sediments
that we studied. Sediment was sampled in summer (June and
August), and at this time, the concentration of NO 3 in the
overlying water of the Wadden Sea is low (< 5 M) as
NO 3 is depleted due to phytoplankton production in spring.
Moreover, studies that have employed nitrate microbiosensors
in sulfide generating coastal sediments, similar to the ones
we studied, have found that nitrate penetration depths that
exceed that of O2 . Llobet-Brossa et al. (2002) reported nitrate
penetration depth of 3.6 mm (vs. 3.1 mm oxygen penetration
depth) and Marzocchi et al. (2014) reported nitrate penetration
depths of 3.8 mm (vs. 1.8 mm oxygen penetration depth). A
lower concentration at the interface that is 50x lower (< 5
M for NO 3 compared to 250 M for O2) combined with
a similar or 2-fold deeper penetration depth, suggests that the
NO 3 flux is about 50100x times lower than the O2 flux
into the sediment. Cathodic NO 3 reduction consumes either FIGURE 7 | Proposed interactions between reef-building bivalves and
of 5 or 8 electrons, depending on whether N2 or NH+ 4 is
cable bacteria. First, bivalve reefs enhance organic matter deposition, which
stimulates high rates of sulfide production by sulfate reducing bacteria. This
produced, while O2 reduction consumes 4 electrons. Assuming
sulfide fuels initial electrogenic sulfide oxidation (e-SOx) by cable bacteria,
that electron acceptor use is proportional to the overall flux keeping the sulfide concentration below detection limits, which is beneficial for
into the sediment, we estimate that cathodic NO 3 reduction the bivalves. Secondly, calcium carbonate associated with shell material of the
will only be responsible for 14% of the electron flux generated bivalve reefs drives calcium carbonate accumulation in reef sediments. The
by anodic sulfide oxidation. Accordingly, oxygen is by far the acidity generated by cable bacteria dissolves CaCO3 , decreasing its rate of
sequestration in the sediment, and leading to an enhanced efflux of calcium
dominant electron acceptors for electrogenic sulfur oxidation in and alkalinity to the coastal waters.
our sediments.

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Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

anodic sulfide oxidation activity accelerate the dissolution of In contrast to muddy sediment, permeable sands contain
part of this CaCO3 , thereby counteracting sequestration (Rao lower levels of FeS, and whereas sulfate reduction occurs
et al., 2016). Sediment sequestration rates for Corg and CaCO3 throughout a muddy sediment, sulfate reduction typically occurs
can be calculated as: J = (1 )C; where is the dry much deeper in permeable sands as a result of a continuous
sediment density, is the porosity, C is the concentration of replenishment by irrigation of other more energetically favorable
either Corg or CaCO3 in the surface sediment fraction, and is electron acceptors (i.e., O2 and NO3 ). Yet, there is a strong
sedimentation rate that was calculated for the mussel site (Site seasonality to the depth of sulfate reduction, and this depth
1) and the oyster reef edge (Site 3). Using this Equation, Corg tends to shoal toward the sediment surface as temperatures
sequestration was 51 and 195 mmol C m2 d1 at Sites 1 and increase through the seasons (Moeslund et al., 1994; Thamdrup
3, respectively. Assuming a respiration quotient of unity, based et al., 1994; Koretsky et al., 2005). Thus, we propose that cable
on DOU, the sediment respiration at these sites is 49 and 126 bacteria are likely more abundant in bioturbated sediments
mmolC m2 d1 , indicating that 5161% of the receiving Corg during the warmer summer and fall seasons, when sulfate
is retained in these sediments by 7 cm depth, which is within reduction likely occurs at higher rates and at depths closer to
the burial efficiency range of 33100% reviewed in Berner (1982) the sediment surface. Under such conditions, cable bacteria that
for continental shelves. CaCO3 sequestration was estimated to are connected to oxic sediment can access electrons derived
be 163 and 252 mmolC m2 d1 . Given previously calculated from sulfide generated by sulfate reduction in proximity to the
Ca2+ flux estimates of 2.5 and 29.3 mmol Ca2+ m2 d1 at these oxic zone. Sulfide was not detectable in the surface sediment in
sites, we calculate that between 1.5 and 10.4% of the CaCO3 input June when cable bacteria were barely detectable. In September,
to the sediment is redissolved. The mean CaCO3 production when cable bacteria were comparatively abundant, sulfide
rate of a temperate bivalve reef has been estimated at 6 mmol concentrations were higher, supporting a possible relationship
m2 d1 (Chauvaud et al., 2003), suggesting that the rates of between sulfide accumulation and cable bacteria proliferation.
alkalinity and Ca2+ resupplied by cable bacteria, when there is The lower density of cable bacteria observed in the sandy
high e-SOx activity, would be sufficient to meet the production sediment, relative to the bivalve reefs, also likely reflects the
demands of a mature reef system. Carbonate dissolution also supply rate of sulfide. In the bivalve reefs sediments, cable
releases alkalinity from the sediment to the overlying water, and bacteria growth is likely sustained to a considerable extent by
as a result, cable bacteria may thereby provide an important, but the dissolution of FeS (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Larsen
as yet overlooked, contribution to the alkalinity balance of coastal et al., 2014; Meysman et al., 2015; Rao et al., 2016). In permeable
waters (Rao et al., 2014, 2016). sediments poor in FeS, cable bacteria have a greater reliance
on the sulfide produced via sulfate reduction which likely
sustains lower growth rates (Nielsen and Risgaard-Petersen,
Cable Bacteria Presence in Bioturbated 2015).
Adjacent to the bivalve reefs, the intertidal zone of the
barrier islands on the Wadden Sea is dominated by sandy CONCLUSIONS
sediments which was heavily colonized by large bioturbating
This study shows that cable bacteria are widespread and
infauna, with notably high densities of Arenicola, among
abundant in muddy bivalve reefs sediments, which has
others. Because sediment characteristics, such as grain size and
important repercussions for the ecosystem functioning in
sorting play an important role in shaping the local microbial
these environments. Cable bacteria substantially affect microbial
community composition and structure (Dang et al., 2008, 2013),
community structure (Vasquez-Cardenas et al., 2015) and
we anticipated differences in the sulfur oxidizing microbial
modulate sediment geochemistry and material fluxes to the
community. In a previous study, we observed that cable bacteria
water column (Risgaard-Petersen et al., 2012; Rao et al., 2016).
were not typically found in a similarly bioturbated sandy
Our porewater profile data are consistent with these previous
sediment, and hypothesized that bioturbation may inhibit their
laboratory experiments that documented a profound influence
growth by overturning the sediment, and thereby mechanically
of cable bacteria metabolism (e-SOx) on the cycling of sulfur,
disrupting the cable filament network (Malkin et al., 2014).
calcium, iron, and manganese in coastal sediments. In the system
Contrary to our expectations, we found cable bacteria present
investigated here, which was characterized by irregular episodic
in the heavily bioturbated habitat inshore of the bivalve reefs
sediment deposition, cable bacteria populations may experience
during both campaigns. In June, the density was near our limit
rapid turnover. The growth and development of cable bacteria
of detection, with a density of 0.15 m cm2 , but in September,
can be extremely rapid, and this strategy may be key to their
the density was 56 m cm2 . Furthermore, porewater profiles in
ability to apparently outcompete other thiotrophs under similar
September were consistent with a distinct influence of e-SOx by
cable bacteria, including the typical pH signature, and porewater
accumulation of calcium, iron, and manganese ions. These results
are noteworthy because they demonstrate that cable bacteria AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
exist in permeable sandy habitats. Such habitats cover 70% of
the global continental shelf (Huettel et al., 2014), and so this SM and FM designed the study, performed data analyses,
observation greatly expands the range of habitats in which cable and SM drafted the manuscript. SM, DS, LB, SN, SH, and
bacteria may be important members of the microbial community. HD conducted field work and collected sediment samples and

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Malkin et al. Cable Bacteria in a Bivalve Reef Sediment

SM, SH, and AT performed core sectioning and porewater ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

extractions. SH performed FISH analyses, NG performed
7 Be analyses, and HD coordinated and performed core We thank Marco Houtekamer, Jan Sinke, Jurian Brasser, Peter
scanning analyses. All authors contributed to and reviewed the Van Breugel and Yvonne Maas at the analytical lab within NIOZ-
manuscript. Yerseke for the analysis of the pore water and solid phase
sediment samples, and Piet van Gaever for 210 Pb analysis at the
radionuclide lab of NIOZ-Texel.
This research was supported by funding from the European SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
Research Council under the European Unions Seventh
Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) through ERC Grant The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
306933 (FM) and by Research Foundation Flanders (Odysseus online at:
project to FM). 2017.00028/full#supplementary-material

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