You can switch properties from the menu in the You can enable dark mode for the entire page or a
Design panel on the right-hand side. Use the menus specific frame with just one click. Follow the guide
0 12
Most of the components are interactive. To activate Subcomponents are now available! The library is
them, click on the play button located in the top right designed to use the nested components feature. To
the topic.
New: Variables
Changing colors
The library is built using variables, which means that colors can only be modified from the variables panel. To access
it, make sure that you do not have any layers or artboards selected, which will allow you to view the global right-hand
Variables panel
To access the library of variables, click on the icon shown to open the
Watch Demo
Select a variable group, and adjust the color for both Light and Dark
modes. You can freely edit the colors "main", "light", and "dark", or use
MUI's color tool if you are not familiar with generating shades.
"main" color, and replace the old one while keeping the opacity.
Changing typography
Unfortunately, variables do not yet support typography variables, but this feature is planned for the future. Until then,
q (
changing global styles, such as the font family, re uires a bit of effort approximately 5 minutes). We have already
defined everything as a style, so your only point of command is the right-hand panel.
Watch Demo
Switching modes for the entire page Switching modes individual frames
From the right-hand panel, go to palette and switch to Do you want to compare screens side by side ? No
the desired mode. problem! Simply select the mode for individual frames.
Watch Demo
Components begin and end with an < and > respectively so one can easily search and differentiate as API
components and not as elements or context instances/components.
Developers are also familiar with the component naming, so it helps understand quicker what instance is being used.
Custom components are swappable instances that begin with an underscore (_) so one can identify and search for
them easily.
These are simply context-created bundle of base components which unifies a custom component like a Profile
Menu. Use them to avoid detaching your instances!
Simply used for library headings, and annotations.
How to install MUI for Figma?
Thank you for purchasing MU for Figma! The first step is to extract the archive which is located in the same folder
as this README. In the extracted folder, you should see a .fig source file for each theme - light & dark. To import a
file simply click the New button from Figma and choose “Import” from the menu.
Figma’ file
Select the “MU for Figma’” page in the Layers panel in the left hand
Copy the desired component and paste it into your working file.
A "design token" is simply a variable that can be shared with the React implementation, for instance, the font size, in
pixels of the body2 variant. You can have hundreds of design tokens.
A feature that we have been considering is a Figma plugin that could import and export a ready to us theme
Now, until this feature is available, we would recommend to dive into the structure of the React theme and identify
each value that needs to be changed.
at https://mui.com/customization/theming/.