Single Port Ram Synchronous Read Write
Single Port Ram Synchronous Read Write
Single Port Ram Synchronous Read Write
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity ram_sp_ar_sw is
generic (
DATA_WIDTH :integer := 8;
ADDR_WIDTH :integer := 8
port (
clk :in std_logic; -- Clock Input
address :in std_logic_vector (ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- address Inp
data :inout std_logic_vector (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data bi-dir
cs :in std_logic; -- Chip Select
we :in std_logic; -- Write Enabl
e/Read Enable
oe :in std_logic -- Output Enab
end entity;
architecture rtl of ram_sp_ar_sw is
----------------Internal variables----------------
constant RAM_DEPTH :integer := 2**ADDR_WIDTH;
signal data_out :std_logic_vector (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type RAM is array (integer range <>)of std_logic_vector (DATA_WIDTH-1 downto
signal mem : RAM (0 to RAM_DEPTH-1);
----------------Code Starts Here------------------
-- Tri-State Buffer control
-- output : When we = 0, oe = 1, cs = 1
data <= data_out when (cs = '1' and oe = '1' and we = '0') else (others=>'Z'
-- Memory Write Block
-- Write Operation : When we = 1, cs = 1
process (clk) begin
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (cs = '1' and we = '1') then
mem(conv_integer(address)) <= data;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Memory Read Block
-- Read Operation : When we = 0, oe = 1, cs = 1
process (clk) begin
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
if (cs = '1' and we = '0' and oe = '1') then
data_out <= mem(conv_integer(address));
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;