Seminar Assignments Structural Dynamics Assignments

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Seminar assignments, Structural Dynamics, Assignments

1-10, Questions and Answers

Structural Dynamics (Technische Universiteit Delft)

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Assignment 1 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on February 15, 2015).

Derive the steady-state response of SDOF (Single Degree of Freedom System) whose
dynamic behavior is governed by the following equations:

d 2x dx

m 2
+ c =
+ kx f p d ( t nt0 ) t > 0, t0 > 0
dt dt n =0

x ( 0 ) = 0,

dx = v0
dt t =0

where (...) is the Dirac delta-function.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_1_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0 points Assignment 1

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 1

An equation of motion is given, describing a damped single degree of freedom system, with a forcing
of a Dirac comb (which is a delta function at every integer point). In this assignment Maple is used.


With initial conditions:

x(0) = x0 = 0

The solution consists of a homogeneous and a particular part, no initial conditions are applied yet1.




, , (4)

Normally the procedure to find the full solution would be:

1. Find the homogeneous part, with unknown constants
2. Find the particular part, with known constants
3. Substitute the full solution (homogeneous + particular) in the initial conditions
4. Find the unknown integration constants

However, in this assignment, only the steady-state response is asked. When taking the limit of time
going to infinity of any particular solution, it changes to the unique steady-state response.

To rewrite the particular solution the sum rule in integration is used, i.e. the integral is split into a
sum of three integrals.


See also slides of lecture 3, slide 9

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0 points Assignment 1



Because of the principle of superposition, the integral of a sum of Dirac delta pulses is the same as a
sum of integrals of Dirac delta pulses, so the first part of the integral can be rewritten to.


Now the total particular solution is:

x[particular2] := x[part1]+x[part2]+x[part3] (9)


This is the steady-state response to the system.

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Assignment 2 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on February 18, 2015).

Consider a mass-spring-dashpot system shown in Figure 1. The left ends of the spring
and of the dashpot are attached to a movable rigid wall, whose displacement in the
horizontal direction is given by u ( t ) .


k x(t)

Figure 1.

Assume that the time signature of the displacement u ( t ) is as shown in Figure 2.

u (t )

2 3
Figure 2.
1. Express the time dependence of u ( t ) on time analytically in accordance with Figure 2.
2. Derive an equation of motion that governs small horizontal displacement of the mass
caused by the motion of the wall.
3. Derive an analytical expression for the displacement of the mass x ( t ) assuming that
at t = 0 both the deflection and velocity of the mass are zero (an expression in the
form of an integral would suffice).
4. Plot the normalized displacement of the mass x = x u0 as function of time using the
following figures for the system n
parameters: = =
k m 10 rad s ,
= c 2= (
km 0.3, )
1 n . To plot the dependence, MAPLE or any other
suitable software may be used.

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Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_2_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.75 points Assignment 2

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 2

1. Formulas for straight lines can be expressed in
the form of y = a*x + b

The expression in the first domain results in u(t)

= 0 for t = 0 and results in u(t) = u0 for t = 2.
The expression in the second domain results in
u(t) = u0 for t = 2 and results in u(t) = 0 for t = 3.
The expression in the third domain results in u(t) = 0 for any t.

2. The equation of motion with such mass-spring-dashpot systems is:

The wall, causes a force equal to:
Combined, the equation of motion reads:

3. First the equation of motion is rewritten to have less parameters. Using the natural frequency
and the damping factor , the following is obtained:

The homogeneous solution to the rewritten equation of motion describing a free motion is1:

The particular solution of a general forcing F(t) is equal to1:

Assuming zero initial conditions, the homogeneous solution becomes zero and the total solution is
equal to the particular solution. Splitting up in three domains and substituting in the force
with u(t') for different domains results in:



3 0)) sin 1

In correspondence with Slides lecture 3, slide 9 where n = n

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.75 points Assignment 2


The total solution is the particular solution, per time domain.

4. The following commands were used in Maple:







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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.75 points Assignment 2

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Assignment 3 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on February 21, 2015).

Derive analytically the steady-state solution of the equation below. It is mandatory to use
the complex-valued form of the solution along the lines explained on Slide 18 of Lecture
2&3 and on page 36-37 of the lecture notes to CT 4145.

d 3x d 2x dx
a3 3
+ a2 2
F sin (t ) ,
+ a1 + a0 x =
dt dt dt

The final solution has to be given in the form:

=x(t ) X s sin (t ) + X c cos (t )

with X s and X c defined analytically (these should be real-valued).

Remark: All coefficients in the governing equation are real-valued.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_3_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 3

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 3


Since a particular solution can be tried in the form of: (2)


Substituting particular solution in equation 1:


There is only a solution for all values of t if this equation is satisfied:


Thus, an expression for the complex amplitude is found which can be filled in xpart:

To get the imaginary part from the denominator to the numerator one can multiply with the complex
conjugate of the denominator after rearranging into the form



Now the equation is in such a form that the imaginary part can be taken out (i.e. )




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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 3


Since the steady-state solution becomes xpart in the limit of t to infinity, xsteady-state = xpart.

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Assignment 4 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on February 25, 2015).

Assume that a structure may perform coupled vertical-angular vibrations in wind and the
equations of motion governing these vibrations are given as

1 2
mz( t ) + kz ( t ) = v BLC3 ( t )
I ( t ) + k ( t ) = B 3 LC7 z ( t )

The parameters of the wind-structure system read:

= =
m 10 kg, I 5 kg=
m 2 , k 1000 N =
m , k 2000 N m
=B 5=
m, L 10 m
= 1.29
= kg m3 , C3 1

The coefficient C7 is to be tuned according to a design criterion given in the question



Find the range of magnitudes of the coefficient C7 , which would assure that the structure
is stable at wind velocities smaller than 0.3m s .
Use of MAPLE or any other symbolic software is not permitted.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_4_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 4

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 4

Starting with the following equations of motion:

Which can be rewritten to:


Which can be rewritten to the Matrix form:


With m = 10 kg, I = 5 kg m2, k = 1000 N/m, k = 2000 N m, B = 5 m, L = 10 m, = 1.29 kg/m3, C3 = 1



The characteristic equation can be found by setting the determinant to zero:


This is an algebraic equation which can be solved for with the abc-formula.
with , a = 50, b = , c = 2 000 000 (12)

with (13)

Much depends on the value of the discriminant, which can split in three domains. For D = 0 the roots of p can
be found with the abc-formula again, after first rewriting D.
which gives p1 = 1.731 and p2 = 0.192

Now the stability can be analyzed. The system is stable if the real part of is negative or zero.1 For
the various values of the discriminant the roots p can be filled in the characteristic equation and the
real part of can be determined.

Actually, the real part of sn.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 4

From the graph the value of D for different values of p can be seen.




So for stability p must be smaller or equal to 0.192. Given that v is smaller than 0.3 m/s, the
coefficient C7 can be found:

So C7 must be smaller or equal to 2.133.

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Assignment 5 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on 28th February 2015).

Consider a square-shaped block of mass M as depicted in the figure below. Assume that
it can move only in the plane of the figure, i.e. it can rotate around the x3 -axis and move
along the x1 and x2 axes.

k2 a 4

a x2
x1 x3
X 0 cos ( t )

k1 c k1

The block is supported by three springs and one dashpot as shown in the figure. A point
mass M is attached to the lower left corner of the block, as shown in the figure. The
mass of the body is the same as that of the block.

The block is subject to an external excitation. It is applied in the form of a harmonically

varying in time displacement of the left end of the horizontal spring as shown in the
figure. All other external forces, including gravity, may be neglected.

1. Derive equations of motion that govern small vibrations of the block+mass
system with respect to the centre of inertia of this system.
2. Assuming the following numerical values for the system parameters:
= =
M 20000 kg, k1 50000 = N m , k2 30000 = N m , a 2 m,
find the natural frequencies of the undamped system, its eigenmatrix and the
modal mass and stiffness matrices. (MAPLE may be used to find these).
3. Derive the amplitude-frequency response matrix assuming that c = 400 Ns m .
4. Plot the amplitude of the horizontal, x2 ( t ) , steady-state displacement of the block
as a function of the frequency of the external moment.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_5_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:

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The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.5 points Assignment 5

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 5

1. Using the displacement method, the body is displaced in its three degrees of freedom separately:



These equations of motion can be rewritten:



In matrix form

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.5 points Assignment 5

Taking a coordinate system in the centre of inertia, for the polar moment of inertia J one finds:

2. Using Maple the following input and output can be found:





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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.5 points Assignment 5




3. >

C* is not diagonal, so the modal analysis won't work. The damping can still be assumed to be
uncoupled if it is uniformly distributed and not too large, but that could be a farfetched assumption.
Another option is to consider proportional damping, but then parameters a0 and a1 must be known.
The amplitude-frequency response matrix HxF cannot be found with given information.

4. No plot available.

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Assignment 6 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on March 10, 2015).

Consider a simply supported beam, whose motion is governed by the following set of

2w 4w
A 2 + EI 4 f ( x, t ) ,
= 0 < x < L, 0<t <
t x
f sin
f ( x, t ) = , 0 < t <t
0, t >t

w ( 0, x=
) 0, w t ( x, t )t ==
w (t, 0) =
2 2
x 0=
w x
2 2
x L
( x, t ) w (t, L ) =
= w x ( x, t ) =


Derive w ( x, t ) analytically (no use of MAPLE or other symbolic software is permitted).

The final result should contain neither integrals nor summation signs (all sums and
integrals have to be evaluated analytically).

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_6_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 6

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 6

Equation of motion:

The force is piecewise:


Initial conditions:
So there is zero initial displacement and initial velocity.

Boundary conditions:
So the beam has zero deflection and zero moments at both ends, and thus is pinned at both ends.

First the free vibration must be analyzed, to obtain the natural frequencies and modes of the system.
The (free vibration form of the) equation of motion can be rewritten to:
with (7)

A solution is searched in the form: (8)

Substitution (8) in (7) gives (9)
Which can be rewritten to: (10)
Divided (10) by gives (11)

This equation can now be separated into two equations (12)

The first equation has a general solution in the form (13)

The second equation can be rewritten as (14)
The general solution of W(x) is (15)
Substituting (15) into (14) a characteristic equation is found (16)
To ease calculation a constant is defined: (17)
and the solutions are , , , (18)
Substituting (18) into (15) one obtains: (19)
Rewritten using Euler's rule: (20)
Substituting the general solution (20) in the boundary conditions (5) and (6) rewritten for capital W:
--> C2 + C4 = 0 (21)
--> C4 - C2 = 0 (22)
So C2 = C4 = 0

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 6

Summing (23b) and (24b) results in , which means C3 = 0.

So only remains and imposes with n an integer number

This gives the natural frequencies: (25)
Also the normal modes: (26)

Now the external force can be taken into account, split in two time domains.

It is attempted to find the solution in the form of the normal modes

Substituting (27) in results in:


Multiplying both sides by and integrating from zero to L gives:


The general solution for this is:


Everything which does not depend on time can be put in front of the Duhamel integral



To find and equation (35) is substituted in equation (27) and then the initial conditions
(3) and (4) are applied.


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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 6

The derivative of (35) is:


The partial derivative with respect to time of (27) is:



Now equation (27) can be written, with equation (35) substituted in it with and known:


The integral is only non-zero and equal to L/2 for , so when n = 1, the solution is:


with and

The moment t is larger than the forcing is zero and the equation of motion for free vibrations (7)

The general solution is gained by combining (13) and (26):


The initial conditions are found at the end of the first time domain, for t = .

Using these initial conditions, An and Bn can be derived:


Filling (49) and (50) in (46) gives:


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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 6


The final solution for t >


with and

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Assignment 7 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on March 13, 2015).

Consider a string of the length L as shown in the figure below. The left end of the string
is fixed, whereas its right end is attached to a mass-spring-dashpot element, as shown in
the figure. The string is subject to a harmonic force which is uniformly distributed over
the interval 0 x L 2 . At the later interval the string is supported by a uniform elastic
foundation as shown in the figure below.

p sin ( t )

, A, T
kd k c0

0 L 2 L

1. Formulate governing equations to the problem (an equation of motion for the string,
the boundary and interface conditions).
2. Derive the steady-state response of the string to the applied force (solution in the form
of a matrix equation would suffice).
3. Using the following numerical values for the system parameters

= 8000 kg=
m3 , A 5 = =
mm 2 , T 500 N, L 1m
= =
m 0.2 =
kg, k 100 N =
m, c0 600 kg s , kd 200 N m 2
p = 40 N m

plot the amplitude of the string displacement at the point x = L / 3 as a function of the
frequency of the external force. Use of MAPLE is advisable here.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_7_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.4 points Assignment 7

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 7

1. Equation of motion:

with , (1)

Boundary conditions at x=0 and x=L:


Left of L/2 will be called w1 and to the right of L/2 will be called w2 for clarity.
Interface conditions at x=L/2:


2. A steady-state solution is sought for in the form of: (6)

(6) substituted in the previous equations gives:





The general solutions for both place domains are:


with (14)

Solving the integral of gives:



Substituting the general solution in the boundary conditions and initial conditions gives:

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.4 points Assignment 7

Boundary condition 1:

Boundary condition 2:

To simplify we now write: and and (15) becomes:


Interface condition 1:

Interface condition 2:

and writing in matrix form gives:

I'm aware there are some mistakes here..

3. The amplitude of the string displacement is given by

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Assignment 8 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on March 19, 2015).

Consider a structure shown in the figure below. It consists of an axially tensioned beam
and a string. The beam occupies the interval 0 x L 2 , whereas the string occupies the
interval L 2 x L . At x = L 2 the beam and the string are fixed to each other. The left
end of the beam and the right end of the string are fixed.

M cos ( t ) P sin ( t )

m string

, Ab , E , I , T , As , T
beam c0

0 L 4 L 2 3L 4 L

The interface between the beam and the string ( x = L 2 ) is supported by a dashpot and a
point-mass is attached to the system at this point. The system is loaded by an external
moment applied at x = L 4 and an external force applied at the interface.


1. Formulate a system of equations that govern small vibration of the system. These
equations should include an equation of motion of the beam, that of the string,
boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = L , and interface conditions at x = L 4 and
x = L 2.
2. State a form in which the steady-state response of the system can be found and, by
substituting this form into the governing equations, rewrite those such that no
time is present in the formulation.
3. Write an expression that gives the amplitude of the steady-state displacement of
the beam at the point x = 3L / 4 .

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_8_2013_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 8

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 8

1. Equation of motion:


1 and 2: (2)

3: (3)

Boundary conditions:
x=0 (4)


x=L (6)

Interface conditions:
x = L/4 (7)




x = L/2 (11)



2. A steady-state solution is sought for in the form of: (14)

This can be justified by rewriting the sinus to cosinus with a phase shift of half pie.
The equations of motion become:
1 and 2: (15)

3: (16)

The boundary conditions become:

x=0 (17)

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 1 point Assignment 8


x=L (19)

The interface conditions become:

x = L/4 (20)




x = L/2 (24)




The general solutions to the equations of motion are:





These 3 equations have 10 unknowns, and there are also 10 equations (3 boundary conditions, 4
interface conditions and 3 interface conditions), creating a inhomogeneous (nonzero right hand side)
system of equations which can be solved.

3. The amplitude at x= 3/4*L is given by

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Assignment 9 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later than
at 23.55 on March 25, 2013).

Consider a semi-infinite string at the interval < x 0 . The end of the string is
attached to a dashpot with the damping coefficient cdp . Additionally, at x = 3L , the
( 2)
string is supported by another dashpot with the damping coefficient cdp .
Assume that an incident pulse propagates towards the end of the string. The string
deflection in this pulse is given as

0, x ct < 6 L

( x=
, t )t < L c w0 , 6 L < x ct < 4 L
0, 4 L < x ct

where c is the wave speed in the string. Thus, the situation at t = 0 is as shown in the
figure below

( )
2 ()
cdp cdp

7L 6L 5L 4L 3L 2L L 0


Derive an expression for and plot the string deflection w ( x, t ) at t = 12 L c assuming that
(1) ( 2)
=cdp T=
c , cdp 3T c where T is the tension in the string.

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_9_2013_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.7 points Assignment 9

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 9

Equation of motion:
with and (1)

The damping coefficients are: cdp,1 = T/c which corresponds to non-reflective and cdp,2 = 3T/c.

Initial conditions:



Boundary conditions:

x= infinitely far away, has no influence

Interface conditions:
x = -3L


The values of the dashpots absorption are: cdp,1 = T/c and cdp,2 = 3T/c. Their influence on the wave
must be investigated.

Assuming a solution in the form of the modified D' Alembert solution form:

In the first interface condition (5) the left and right part are, using :
(incident and reflected) (8)

(transmitted) (9)

To simplify assume: and

Filling in the second interface condition (6) gives:



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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.7 points Assignment 9


From the first interface conditions one can write the reflected wave in terms of the incident and
transmitted wave :


Assuming 1


Using cdp,2 = 3T/c and integrating with respect to time gives:


So 2/5 of the incident wave will be transmitted and 3/5 will be reflected.

Now looking at the boundary condition at x = 0, one sees this is standard viscous boundary.
Formulating and
This means the wave is not reflected at all, at the boundary at x = 0.

On the following 2 pages the string deflection is plotted.

valid for

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-3 L


L (1


67 L


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4- c





Hh 7

-1' t L -f


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Assignment 10 (bonus 0.1; to get the bonus, please deliver your solution not later
than at 23.55 on March 31st , 2015).

Consider an infinite beam that performs bending vibrations. A point mass m with mass
moment of inertia J and a rotational spring (this spring resists to the rotational beam
motion only and does not restrain the vertical displacement) are attached to the beam at
x = 0 as shown in the figure below.

Assume that a harmonic incident wave w (=

x, t ) w0 cos ( t x ) propagates in the beam
from minus infinity in the positive x direction. The amplitude w0 and the frequency
of the incident wave are known.

m, J

w0 cos ( t x )



1. Formulate governing equations to the problem (an equation of motion for the beam
and interface conditions at x = 0 ).
2. Derive the steady-state displacement of the beam caused by the incident wave.
3. Using the following numerical values for the system parameters

E = 2.1 1011 Nm-2, A =153.5 10-4 m2,

I = 6110 10-8 m4, = 7800 kg m-3,

= =
m 10 3
kg, kr 106 N m, J=104 N m 2
= =
w0 10 m, L 10 m.

plot the amplitude of the beam displacement at the point x = 3L 2 as a function of the
frequency of the incident wave. Use of MAPLE is advisable to answer this

Your solution should be submitted electronically in the pdf format and the file name
should be of the following form: Assignment_10_2015_YourName.pdf. For example:
The solution may be handwritten but then scanned (in a good quality), converted to the
pdf format and sent as ONE file.
Solutions which will be delivered differently wont be considered.

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Benjamin Komen - 4003268 0.5 points Assignment 10

Structural Dynamics - Assignment 10

1. Equation of motion:

Interface conditions:




2. The incident wave will cause a reflection and a transmission at the interface. The reflected and
transmitted wave should have the same frequency as the incident wave. The total displacement is
the superposition of the reflected and transmitted waves:

Substituting equation (6) into the previous equations gives using:




The equation has a non-trivial solution if


From equation (10) the wavenumber of the wave that is excited in the beam must be found.
with (11)
and or (12)
or and or (13)

So which had 4 possible roots.

Because the incident wave is of a cosine form the real part of the obtained result must be taken.

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