Math Curriculum Study For First Grade Geometry
Math Curriculum Study For First Grade Geometry
Math Curriculum Study For First Grade Geometry
MA 312
Dr. Pothast
between shapes in our world. Many math problems that students are going to experience in their
future career have to deal with geometry in some way. We are focusing on the first grade
geometry topic, and many of the things that students need to learn at this grade level are basic
information that will help them in their everyday life. To start out teachers need to get students to
understand the basic idea of shapes, because our entire world is made up of a variety of different
shapes. Allowing students to get a basic understanding of shapes allows them to see the world
around them in a different way. Before students are educated in the field of geometry it can be
difficult for some students to completely understand shapes. Students can understand what a
shape looks like, but they do not always understand the characteristics of it, such as how many
sides, corners, and what thickness or color. They can become confused easily, so it is very
important as teachers to properly and effectively teach students about geometry. Adult
perceptions on geometry were developed by a guide known as the Common Core, which lead to
individuals regardless of age (Cawley, Foley & Hayes, 2009). For adults that are educated, it is
easy to identify which object is what shape and be able to tell us specific characteristics about the
shape. For example, if you are at a table you can know that it is a square, because it has four
sides and all of the sides are equal length; as a student these concepts are not always there. The
table scenario doesnt work to a student that does not have a concept of what shapes are and what
their identifying features are. This concept is very abstract and hard for them to understand.
Throughout elementary school students are exposed to shapes, allowing them to recognize
characteristics and discover the difference from one shape to the next (Browning, Edson,
Kimani, & Aslan-Tutak, n.d.). Children have the opportunity to discover shapes and it is
important to make this topic interesting for students so that they stay engaged throughout their
schooling career (Browning, Edson, Kimani, & Aslan-Tutak, n.d.). Since shapes are in
everything we use and in our surroundings all the time, it is important to teach this concept to
students at an early age. Students can first explore shapes when they are young through the
human face, which is circular. Buildings, flowers, and toys all have different shapes that kids
can explore and see (Science for All Americans, 1989). Kids explore the world first and then
want to know how to describe it. Learning how to describe the world through shapes can be
Geometry is important to teach for a lot of reasons. Geometry helps with everyday life
and gives us a way to describe things without numbers. Secondly, geometry helps enhance
is a big factor in social mathematics, which deals with the interactions and behavior (Cawley,
Foley, & Hayes, 2009). The best way to understand geometry is through classroom education.
Recording by Griffiths and Clyne they talk about how to effectively communicate in the math
classroom. When teaching on the subject of geometry, it is important to use proper terminology
so that your students can learn proper terminology for their future (Griffiths, & Clyne, 1994).
Also when teaching math to students of such a young age it is also important that you are able to
communicate completely and fully. It is also crucial that when giving instructions you are clear
and there is no confusion, because if your instructions are unclear that can cause confusion with
what to do, which will result in the students being confused with the subject at hand (Griffiths &
Clyne, 1994).
It is important to focus on specific items involved with each math topic so that students can
move from grade to grade with as little confusion from the students as possible. It is an important
job of a teacher to try and teach to the students as effectively as possible by knowing how the
students mind is working (Browning, Edson, Kimani, & Aslan-Tutak, F.). It is important to make
sure that teachers teach students the proper information and that they keep up with the Common
Core and can advance at the proper rate. In the article it talks about how it is important to look at
and see that how you teach the topic of geometry differs from grade level to grade level, at the
first grade level it is important to give a basic understanding and to make learning about shapes
Characteristics and thinking about shapes and how much space they take up, are two very
abstract things that some students cannot conceptually understand. The amount of space that an
object takes up is confusing for students, because if they understand measurement and how long
the sides are they can add it up, but it is still confusing that the object takes up a different amount
of space then how long its sides are (Cruikshank, Fitzgerald, & Jenson, n.d.). In the article Young
Children Learning Mathematics it talks about how students can view shapes at different levels.
Some students view shapes at a deep level while some can only comprehend shapes at a very
simple level. Another thing that the article Young Children Learning Mathematics talks about is
building a strong foundation for geometry, so that when students look at more complicated topics
they will have a strong background in the topic and will be able to perform math with a deeper
Geometry is an important topic to teach in elementary school because not only does it build
into more advanced topics later in their career, but it also improves different skills such as special
relations, visualization, and orientation (Marchis, 2012). Marchis talks about how geometry can
allow students to grow with the ability to understand the relation between space and shapes. As
talked about earlier, this is a difficult topic for them to grasp so it is important to try and get
students to improve with their skills. In Marchis article he also talks about how it is important to
give students a visual and allow them to think about geometry in a visual way. Students who
think abstractly gain understand geometry in a more clear way (Marchis, 2012).
In the Iowa Core the main focus of first grade geometry is to reason with shapes and look at
their attributes. This cluster stems into more specific standards, such as distinguishing between
defining attributes, building or composing two dimensional or three dimensional shapes, and
separating shapes into two or four equal shares (Iowa core. n.d.). While looking at the Iowa Core
for our research we were able to build lessons that we would teach to a first grade classroom in
the topic of geometry. The Iowa Core gave us a good idea of where to start with students in a
first grade classroom in order not to overwhelm them, while still being able to keep their
attention and keep them engaged with the topic at hand (Iowa core. n.d.).
Mathematics in the K-8 Classroom and Library by McKinney and Hinton talks about the
different levels that students will learn about geometry. In this article the authors also touch on
activities that will help students learn in the best way that they can, whether that be visually
abstract or more concretely (McKinney & Hinton, 2010). This article talks about how using a
different variety of strategies in order to teach geometry can allow for students to learn to the
best of their ability regardless of what kind of learner they may be (McKinney & Hinton, 2010).
When teachers plan their lesson we look at how to help them for their future educational
endeavors. However, Navigating Through Algebra in Prekindergarten- Grade 2, talks about how
past teaching moments, regardless of their topic, can help what you teach and how the child
learns now (Greenes, 2001). Greenes talks about fair trading by talking about algebra and how
when showing equations both sides have to be equal to one another. He then connects the
concept of the equal sign in algebra to how you can talk to students about how different shapes
can be made to be equal to one another, so that they gain a better understanding of spatial
reasoning (Greenes, 2001). Greenes shows that in future classroom experiences when talking
about pattern blocks and how they relate to math you will need at least a basic understanding in
geometry. This article shows how important teaching strategies are in a school system, because a
variety of topics can be used in conjunction with one another in order to help students make
more clear connections (Greenes, 2001). By exploring techniques which develop this
In the book Connect to NCTM standards 2000: making the standards work at grade 1
it talks about how we need to connect our teachings and be able to have the students knowledge
match up with the standards for math. This book has a variety of objectives and practices that
you can use in your classroom that will be helpful in allowing your students to keep up with the
Iowa Core and the standards of education (Fennell, Bamberger, Rowan, Sammons, & Suarez,
2000). In this book they show you activities that you can use that will help students follow the
standard of reasoning with shapes and their attributes. The book elaborates on how you need to
be able to give the students information about different characteristics that each shape has so that
students can use that knowledge to identify a shape even if it is an extreme size or at a different
orientation than they are used to seeing the shape (Fennell, Bamberger, Rowan, Sammons, &
Suarez, 2000). In this book they connect previous standards involved with geometry such as the
kindergarten standard of being able to identify a shape like a square, rectangle, or circle. This
connects very closely to the first grade standard of being able to look at shapes and distinguish
between their attributes. This book elaborates on the connections teachers can make, but also
talks about how teachers elaborate on the standard from previous years and take it one step
further (Fennell, Bamberger, Rowan, Sammons, & Suarez, 2000). Taking it one step farther by
making tasks for students dealing with real life examples is an effective way to develop
geometric understanding (Godfry and Siddons, 2001). We focused on the Iowa Core domain
Geometry is a branch of math that addresses spatial sense and geometric reasoning (Howse &
Howse, 2015). Howse and Howse explore how the Van Hiele Theory links to instruction in
Teaching Children Mathematics (2015). The effective instruction that they explored consisted of
five different levels, which were completed in the order that students learn and explore the
concepts of geometry. The first phase the article talked about was information which was talked
about on day one. Information is the phase when the students learn the vocab and the concepts
needed for the activity. During this lesson described in the article the students were sorting
geometric blocks into different categories of their choice. They then shared how they organized
the blocks with each other. Children organized their shapes by shape, size, color, corners, sides,
etc. The important part of the information stage was the discussion that took place among the
students with each other and the teacher. The assessment of this stage was through the
discussion, which the teacher could determine how well a student was understanding sorting the
The second phase of learning through the Van Hiele theory was directed orientation,
which was taught on the second day. This was a teacher-directed task for the students to gain
understanding. The shapes were described with attributes by color, thickness, and shape (Howse
& Howse, 2015). Libby, Zach and I also saw something similar to this done in our field
experience, where the kids would have to name the attributes of the shape that they were given
although, in the article, the kids demonstrated what they learned by putting shapes in a Venn
Diagram rather than just naming them. The third phase was explanation, in which the students
had to using reasoning skills to why they put the shapes in the category they did on the Venn
Diagram. Explaining the attributes was especially difficult when the teacher gave them two
categories that had both of the traits. The key aspect of this stage is how the kids explain why the
The fourth phase of the Van Hiele phases of learning is free orientation. This is when the
students get to pick any way to sort their shapes. The last phase is integrations. The students had
to randomly draw the seven attribute blocks. Than the students had to take turns placing blocks
in the correct category. The goal of this game was to be the first to get rid of all the attribute
blocks (Howse & Howse, 2015). The unit that is based on our research follows the Van Hiele
phases as closely as possible. Van Hiele phases connect learning with teaching in the classroom.
Students are learning through exploring the concepts, but also from direct teaching from the
Not only are the Van Hiele phases an effective way of teaching, but they can also be
broken down into levels, which was discussed in an article by Marchis called Preservice
Primary School Teachers Elementary Geometry Knowledge. Level 1 is visualization which
focuses on naming and identifying shapes. Level 2 is analysis, this focuses on recognizing
shapes by properties. Level 3 is abstraction and focuses on concepts, such as squares are
rectangles, but all rectangles are not squares. Level 4 is deduction, which is proofs. Lastly, level
5 is rigor, which discusses the relations between geometrical concepts and looking at abstract
systems (Marchis, 2012). Digging deeper into this article there are three elements of spatial
ability which are effective instructions. The first is spatial relations, which discusses the
relationship between objects and space. The second is visualization, looking at two-dimensional
and three-dimensional spaces. The third element is orientation, which is understanding geometric
shapes from different positions (Marchis, 2012). In our unit we tied in two-dimensional shapes
and three-dimensional shapes, and looked at some of the similarities and the differences.
Visualization was a key thing in our lesson because we had hands on shapes and pictures to show
Orientation brings on some misconceptions, with kids, that makes learning difficult.
Students struggle to see shapes in different orientations. Students also dont understand
inclusion of shapes. Meaning that they can comprehend that a square is not a rhombus and a
rectangle is not a parallelogram. This article discusses that having concept definitions helps with
these misconceptions. A concept definition is a form of words used to specify the concepts
mathematics. In our unit we have a shape bulletin board, which has the clear definitions of the
shapes. When discussing symmetry we talk about what symmetry means. Having the students
understand the definitions of the shapes helps with not mixing up shape attributes.
The book Connect to NCTM standards 2000: making the standards work at grade 1
confirms this misconception, one of the most common mistakes made is that if you rotate a shape
or move a shape many students do not understand that it is still the same shape. To combat that
you need to focus on teaching the different attributes that a shape has so that no matter the
orientation or location of the shape they will always understand that it is still, in fact, the same
shape as before the translation or transformation (Fennell, Bamberger, Rowan, Sammons, &
Suarez, 2000).
Another way to help students understand the key concepts is relating shapes to the
environment. Cruikshank, Fitzgerald, and Janson give incite in their book about things to do to
help students with understanding space and shapes (1980). This book discusses the importance
of encouraging the student to build, providing them materials to construct, looking at body
movement, and playing. From ages 3-5 kids learn from their environment, which will later help
them get more in-depth with geometry concepts. From age 5-7 children are developing the
ability to reproduce shapes without changing the characteristics or attributes of those shapes
(Crukshank, Fitgerald & Janson, n.d.). This is what we talk about in our lessons when we talk
about the different attributes of shapes. Childrens growth is understanding geometric ideas is
nurtured as they enter the age period of seven to nine years (Crukshank, Fitgerald & Janson,
n.d.). Understanding how kids perceive and develop geometric ideas through the early years of
education is important.
Children perceive geometry in two different ways, Topology and the Euclidean.
Topology is the study of space concerned with portions or locations, where space and length
may be altered without affecting a figures basic properties of being open or closed (Crukshank,
Fitgerald & Janson, n.d.). While Euclidean geometry deals with the study of figures that are
closed in space and are rigid, kids go from a topology perspective to a Euclidean perspective
through the ages discussed earlier in the is article (Crukshank, Fitgerald & Janson, n.d.).
Euclidean is metric and focuses on shapes and the rules that pertain to shapes. The three levels
Options for Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities article were resemblance,
attributes and properties. Resemblance focused on using the informal language age to describe
characters. After the students get done with these steps, the teacher would go in and talk about
the different attributes and then the properties of geometry (Cawley, Foley, & Hayes, 2009) By
going through the Van Hiele stages you are changing kids perspective on space from Topology
to Euclidean geometry. The exploration of space is the classic example of early mental growth
The article continued to discuss how the meaningful and higher order understanding of
geometry and measurement are gained by a stress on the episodic learning activities in contrast
to semantic activities (Cawley, Foley, & Hayes, 2009). The meaning here is getting students to
think at a higher level by comprehending geometry at a higher level. Some basic levels would be
that students understand the name of the shapes and can be able to draw the shapes to illustrate
what they know. Higher level understanding would be able to sort the shapes by shape, color,
and size. Not only would they have to sort the shapes, but they would have to be able to explain
why the shape is in that category (Cawley, Foley, & Hayes, 2009). In our lessons we make it
clear that the students have to be able to understand the different attributes and be able to explain
The Van Hiele phases and levels helped shape our lesson plans by showing us effective
instruction techniques. Through the misconceptions we learned how to avoid confusion among
the first graders. The Iowa Core was our foundation on building lessons that were backed by
level of understanding of first graders. The importance of geometry in our society is to help
describe the world and it is used in every age. First grade geometry is the beginning of