Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
ISSN: - 2306-708X
December 2012
2012-13 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The world wide increasing using nonlinear loads, mostly consisting of power electronics devices in many applications that bring
a great concern about power quality problems caused by these nonlinear loads, harmonics pollution is main concern of power
quality issues due to its harmful effect on power system network, several harmonic state estimation H.S.E methods have been
devolved to estimate the harmonic magnitude level and to identify the harmonic sources ,This paper presents a concept, method
and function of harmonic state estimation and implementation of the singular value decomposition S.V.D algorithm on power
system harmonic state estimation for partially observable systems with harmonic prediction method to compensate the loss of
the observation and maintain the redundancy of the measurements. The result shown that the proposed harmonic prediction
method can compensate the loss of the measurement and therefore; enhance the performance of S.V.D algorithm when the
loss of observation occurs.
Keywords: harmonic state estimation, observablity, singular value decomposition S.V.D algorithm, harmonic prediction
determine solvability of the measurement equation first.
The presence of voltage and current waveform distortion Reference [7] classified the bus bars to tow sets which
is generally expressed in terms of harmonic frequencies which Source of harmonic and non source of harmonic and used the
are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency [1].The information of non source to improve the observability. The
main sources of the harmonics are the nonlinear loads such as singular value decomposition algorithm was introduced in
arc furnace, fluorescent lighting and adjustable speed drives [8,9] instead of normal equations to solve the underdetermined
and other power electronic equipment that have been used in system and found this method more robust, however, it need
transmission and generation level such as Flexible AC higher computational cost and by inspection of the null space
Transmission System (F.A.C.T.S) devices and static switch. vectors gives the observability and particular solution can be
When a source of sinusoidal voltage is applied to a nonlinear determined. Harmonic state estimation via sparsity
device or load, the resulting current is not perfectly sinusoidal. maximization to transform the system from unobservable to
In the presence of system impedance this current causes a non- observable system under proper measurement arrangements
sinusoidal voltage drop and, therefore, produces voltage Proposed in [10]. Artificial neural networks to provide initial
distortion at the load terminals [2]. estimates of the harmonic sources (pseudo measurements)
based on the measured harmonics and fundamental load flows
The major adverse effects of the harmonics are the and then improve the estimates by State estimation introduced
heating of the induction motors, transformers , capacitors and in [11,12] .
the over loading of neutrals and so on , Many techniques have
been developed to mitigate the distortion (harmonic) and to Total least (TLS) square method to estimate the
avoid its harmful effect on power system network (such as harmonic measurement errors with parameters errors
active and passive filter). To do any action related to the presented in [13]. A new approach to harmonic state
mitigation of the harmonics the network has to be monitored estimation is proposed by firstly classifying the network nodes
and the harmonics level known in the network. Due to the into four types in [14].Utilization of Evolutionary Strategy
size, complexity and high cost of power quality meters the advantage such as its modeling facilities as well as its
system is not fully monitored, hence there is need for potential to solve fairly complex problems presented in [15].
estimation. The main goal of harmonic state estimation is, Although these efforts in harmonic state estimation, it is still
therefore, to economically generate the best estimation of the challenge to estimate reliably all the network state variables in
harmonic magnitude and the source location at unmonitored the system-wide or even in moderate size network when the
bus bars from limited measurements [3]. measurements fewer than the state variables. Usually the
harmonics measurements installed in the gird and via
This problem of harmonic state estimation first was communication channel the harmonic information sent to the
introduced by Heydt in 1989[4] he used least square control unit where all the calculation and estimation done
estimation to estimate the harmonic state and identifying the using computerize tools but sometimes this information been
harmonic source and the problem of harmonic state estimation lost in random fashion due to communication error and this
handled as an inverse of harmonic power flow. In [5, 6] loss effect the performance of harmonic state estimation due to
adopting the traditional normal equation that use for few numbers of measurements. Most of the works done in
fundamental frequency state estimation which require the harmonic state estimation focusing in harmonic state
system to be fully observable. To solve the problem of the estimation method or algorithm itself. In this paper the
observability the authors separate the observability analysis to problem of harmonics information loss addressed and
Alhaj. H. M. M, Nor. N. M, Asirvadam. V. S and Abdullah. M. F: Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
2012-13 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
jx = 1/2z Hx Wz Hx Where Ih representing the harmonic injection currents
in each bus, Vh harmonic voltage in each bus, Yh the
Alhaj. H. M. M, Nor. N. M, Asirvadam. V. S and Abdullah. M. F: Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
2012-13 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
5 = 6789:;8:
found in reference [19].
frequency h injected at node,N ,i.e IM = M < M , YMN,N is
measurement current at
2 7
The result of estimated harmonics voltage from S.V.D 3.3. The Finite Impulse Response F.I.R Adaptive Filters
as in table IV below
May be understood as a self-modifying filter that adjusts
Table IV S.V.D estimated harmonic voltage
its coefficients in order to minimize an error function. This
Bus Real Image Magnitude Angle error function, also referred to as the cost function, is a
No. (Deg.) distance measurement between the reference or desired signal
1 0.000006 0.000012 0.000013 114.48232 and the output of the adaptive filter [21]. The basic
2 0.000003 0.000019 0.000019 100.38569 configuration of an adaptive filter, operating in the discrete-
3 0.000009 -0.000031 0.000032 -73.78603 time domain k is shown in Fig. 3.
4 0.002283 0.000777 0.00242 18.558
_^ ] ^ ^
7 0.002780 0.000815 0.002897 16.34612
But when the loss of the observation due to any error
occur the result will diver from the actual result. For instance -
if the current measurement in bus No1 and 6 lost the SVD
result of harmonic voltage will change as shown in tables
below .(all the underlined value changed) Fig. 3 Adaptive filter
Initialization: wX =0
Parameters: M= filter order, = step size
4 0.002733 0.000970 0.002900 19.54524
7 0.000608 0.000146 0.000625 13.49526 Computation: for k =0, 1, 2
y ^ k = w xk 14
ek = dk y ^ k (15)
Alhaj. H. M. M, Nor. N. M, Asirvadam. V. S and Abdullah. M. F: Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
2012-13 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
y1 y1^
De1 = e e 18
done in parallel for each harmonic order which Eq. (26) dealt
y1 as tow equation and then the magnitude and phase angle for
Step 2: Checking whether the error displacement is smaller each predicted harmonic order can be calculated as
A M i sinM i
Step 3: If the error displacement is smaller than the threshold,
M = :;8 29
A M i cosM i
the weights are updated:
M i is the harmonics order phase angles
is random noise
Using the Trigonometry in Eq. 23 The historical data collected by fluke 43B analyzer from
cosA + B cosA cosB sinA sinB 23
tow power supplies one supply 15 personal computers desktop
(P.C) and the other supply 33 computers desktop working
Eq. 22 will be in the following form: independently as single loads harmonics source and the
yi = wi i + ni 24
fundamental frequency, sample frequency equal to 50Hz,
51200Hz respectively and the number of points is 1024 while
Where the noise added to data has standard deviation equal to 0.1 and
A cos i , A i sin i ANi cosN i , AN i sinN i
zero mean the dada number used to train the predictor was
i = z i { 24 1000, the step size of least mean square taken as 0.05 for 14
PC data and 0.1 for 33 P.C data . The results are shown in
wi = cosw t , sinw t , , coswNt , sinwN t (25) Tables and figures below:
To predict any harmonic order magnitude and phase angle Table VII Mean Square Error for harmonic prediction (14P.C)
3 0.0563 0.0488
5 0.0451 0.0310
7 0.0216 0.0216
Harmonic State Estimation is vital tool for monitoring
and determining the harmonics level and sources of the
system, due to the cost of harmonic measurements the system
is in underdetermined and the traditional algorithm such as
L.U decomposition, back-substitution, Cholesky
Fig.6 Fifth harmonic predicted (14 P.C)
decomposition for over determined system fail to give solution
but S.V.D able to give solution . Harmonic State Estimation
is real time implementation using communication channels
and computerizes tolls usually in the control center unit due to
complexity of acquiring harmonic information from the
network sometimes the information lost in random fashion and
therefore; affect the performance of the estimator. Prediction
of future harmonic may compensate the loss of harmonic
information and enhance the estimator when the loss happens.
The authors gratefully acknowledge University
Technology PETRONAS (UTP) for providing the facilities
Fig.7 Seven harmonic predicted (14 P.C) and (ERGS) for financial support.
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Alhaj. H. M. M, Nor. N. M, Asirvadam. V. S and Abdullah. M. F: Enhancement of Harmonic State Estimation Using Harmonic Prediction
2012-13 International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering