Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing System Using Fragmentation and Replication
Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing System Using Fragmentation and Replication
Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing System Using Fragmentation and Replication
2. Literature Survey central database. Each rack hosts at least one server
capable of running local rack-level database (Rack DB),
which is used for replication of data from the datacenter
A. Replication for Improving Availability & database.[3]
Balancing Load in Cloud Data Centers[1]:
A large number of replication strategies for D. Encryption and fragmentation for data
management of replicas have been proposed in literature. confidentiality in the cloud[4]:
As a result of replication, data replicas are stored on
different data nodes for high reliability and availability. Fragmentation consists in splitting the attributes of a
Replication factor for each data block and replica relation R producing different vertical views (fragments)
placement sites need to be decided at first. A replication in such a way that these views stored at external
strategy for region based framework based on the providers do not violate confidentiality requirements
demand of files over a geographically distributed Grid (neither directly nor indirectly). Intuitively,
environment. Access frequency of each file is calculated fragmentation protects the sensitive association
and on that basis it is determined that in which region the represented by an association constraint c when the
replicas need to be placed and the number of replicas attributes in c do not appear all in the same (publicly
need to be placed. When a file is created, the access available) fragment, and fragments cannot be joined by
frequency is calculated for each region and replicas are non authorized users. Note that singleton constraints are
placed in the regions with the large order of the access correctly enforced only when the corresponding
frequency. Number of requests and the response time are attributes do not appear in any fragment that is stored at a
considered as main points for deciding in which site cloud provider.[4]
within the region the file has to be placed. Therefore,
their strategy increases the data availability and also
reduces the number of unnecessary replications[1]
E. Division and Replication of Data in Cloud
for Optimal Performance and Security[5]:
B. Quantitative comparisons of the state of
The node separation is ensured by the means of the T-
the art data center architectures,
coloring. To improve data retrieval time, the nodes are
Concurrency and Computation: Practice selected based on the centrality measures that ensure an
and Experience[2]: improved access time. To further improve the retrieval
time, we judicially replicate fragments over the nodes
The data outsourced to a public cloud must be that generate the highest read/write requests.[5]
secured. Unauthorized data access by other users and
processes (whether accidental or deliberate) must be
prevented . Any weak entity can put the whole cloud at 3. Proposed System
risk. In such a scenario, the security mechanism must
substantially increase an attackers effort to retrieve a The main thing about this system is, we use encrypted
reasonable amount of data even after a successful files while uploading the data file to cloud. There are
intrusion in the cloud. Moreover, the probable amount of main three level operations are carried out that are 1) user
loss (as a result of data leakage) must also be level 2) Admin or cloud level 3) Database level
A) At User Level:
C. Energy-efficient data replication in cloud Initially, at user level user select file that have to upload
computing datacenters[3]: on cloud, selected file get encrypted by system and
generate the privet and public key at same time , This
A central database (Central DB), located in the encrypted file or data file upload on cloud server with the
wide-area network, hosts all the data required by the identification of the user. Main task of cloud service
cloud applications. To speed up the access and reduce provider (CSP)is to maintain the all information related
latency, each data center hosts a local database, called to the user and database.
datacenter database (Datacenter DB). It is used to
replicate the most frequently used data items from the B) At cloud server Level:
At cloud level identification of user and data file is Finally, with the help of T-Coloring algorithm
carried out and at the admin level the temporary file is cloud service provider stores the file into the database. In
saved for the next operations. cloud server divide cloud database the every fragment of the file is placed on
uploaded file with the help of fragmentation. File is the same server, as like this each server contains one file
divided into n number of fragments. Then this in the form of fragment.
fragmented file is stored sequentially at cloud level. At By using the T-coloring method the each
this stage all the files generated are temporarily stored on fragment is placed at the different location of the same
Admin level server. If there is a successful attack on the server even if
they will not get any important information. The role of
this module to allocate the memory in database for the
fragments. Allocation is used for security and
In this system we provide the guarantee or
assurance to the user that data is stored on cloud server.
We provide the confidentiality to the user that your data
is secure. For this we use the following modules:
5: ExecuteUpdate ():
This is run by the CSP for this CSP provide the
file copies, tags set and behalf of that output is to updated
tags set
6: Prove ():
This is used by the CSP to ensure the cloud user
that there are exact replicas are generated as mentioned in
the service level agreement
9. References
[1] K. Bilal, S. U. Khan, L. Zhang, H. Li, K. Hayat, S. A.
Madani, N. Min-Allah, L. Wang, D. Chen, M. Iqbal, C.
Z. Xu, and A. Y. Zomaya, Quantitative comparisons of
the state of the art data center architectures,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,
Vol. 25, No. 12, 2013, pp. 1771-1783.